Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 12 Jul 1912, 1, p. 6

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Reporter’s Grist From W. Coleman, llk Lake, Gowganda and Shin- ing Tree J. J., Regen. an old slate minerir ol Weloh extraction. was last week i seen examining the ridge just beyond {r the northwest corner at Coleman' township. in the Reserve. where there' I is known to be quite a body of slate. 1 His obieCt was to determine, ii 903- ‘ i sihle, the commercial value of the a slate in that locality. It proved to ' be of l-{uronian stratification, there- . fore lacking cleavage or other re. ‘ quisitce of value. In West Coleman, near the Edison mining claim, the West Coleman Mines. Ltd. have again started in ti prosecute development work on their properties there under the supervi- eion of Messrs. Fulkerson and Ben. nett. company directors. For the purpose. they have leased the Edison power plant and other of its mavhin- ery. They have quite a strong vein of calcite in diabase. which extends- lrom Little Trout Lake directly. through [our of their claims, when it veers south and parallels the west shore of Animanipissing Lake. The. vein has a good showing of cobalt' bloom and seems to be well mineral-i ized with copper and iron pyritel and galena. They have cut out. al good wagon road to the claimsf; erected comfortable camp buildings and otherwise seem to have matters well in hand to do good work, One of the Hitchcock brothers re- eently staked a silver minim; claim or two in .-\uld. Althoughonumorous- ly dotted with veteran claims. there yet seems to be hopeful puwibilities for the keen silver-claim pi‘mpector in that township. At. Ella Lake work in being Vigor- ously pruseeutml on the extension to that point of the '1‘. ti; .\'. O. liy. This has Pt'l"'t‘plll)l}' enliwm-«l the in- terest in minim: lllt'lt'ulonzll‘ .incl at. (lnwganda. Perhaps the mth ruc- cessi’ullv prosecuted \V‘ll'lk in 'he \‘i- r'inlty in Elk Lake is that at the Donaldson and lineal mines. (it the Donaldsim, at the 1'30 font leVel.they Donaldson and Renal mines. At. the Donaldson, at. the 1'30 foot lc\'el.thcy are getting good silver \.'al°w.s iioth in.thc wall rock hand \cin mattrr. 'l‘hc Renal in mnliitiously rusi‘ing work on a shaft opening where the-re in nvnrv rpnsnn to look for :1 contin- work on a shaft opening where there is every reason to look for :1 cumin- uation of the lknmldson Vein. '2bere is also a considerable. amount of as- sessment work beim: done in and around the vamp. and mefi'hant~‘ and hotel men are therefore Joins: a lit- tle hopeful whistling to “Wife trade sessmont around the 110th men tJn hupoful revival. tlw head of l’ine street. This H the street whivh runs West past lllt‘ Pur- ter and llartmurt building's. lt will stand just outside of the town lim" its, where the railvay is lth‘llti‘d «:11 government ground. to avoid paying fancy prices for the right-ofwvay. This location of the depot buildingr seems to be generally satisfactory. F‘or efficient service, Elk Lake's new postmaster, Mr. Porter, is -~n all hands commanding the praise and respect of his ofliee clientele. It is a real pleasure to transact business real pleasure there now. In his legal tilt with I’ipe of Pipe Presley, A. Boyle recently secured the mineral rights in the mining claim just north of the baseball grounds on the east side of the rivâ€" er. With his retained ('q'mnsel,T'l10m- as McGarrv. he is now prosecuting his claim to the surface rights in the property. and early expects judmcnt in the case in his favor. as it ap- Mr. M. Christmas. who has lately returned from the llurrimna rush, reports that the whole thing , is a “fizzle," and that the district does not compare as a prospect with the outlying part of the Porcupine camp. Mr. Christmas states that the overâ€" burden is very heavy and extremely difiicult to prospect; that. formation is scarce, and that where found the quartz veins are very small. Mr. Christmas also states that the sur- face indications are very favorable ..'.'T1C 3113. 53L .3 “H “2 Ca located z l‘his is 11 st the Pa) gs. 1t. wi town lir located ( pears some very ugly representations were made to divest. him of his rights on former occasions. The Frontenac gold mine. near the Hitchcod: silvu‘ mine down the river from Elk Lake, is actively engaged in «lex‘elopment work with a new steam hoist and other machinery ac- vessories. The)“ have 3 Shall. opening clown about fifty feet and vlaim to be getting good values from a 4 to H mm wide quartz Vein in keewntin M‘hl'll. In an average assay from an arm nf “0 by 120 feet the value mns $‘l tn the tun. The surface stratifi. cation is mm-h shattered there. but ls solidifyinv: with drpth. and vnluea are improving. .\l ('rmvxrnmln tho Millerett. the H'Br Buy fair the .\t (mtmnmla the Millerett. the lilhien. the Mann and the South Bay eumpanies are at work with a fair complement of help. and with the attainment of very sati‘afm'tnry results in production. The South Bay Minim: Company are just now stl‘mutly speeulatlnc on the development of a water power at the falls on their property. It seems to be easy of demonstration that a power of 900 to 1.000 horse van comparatively inexpensively he worked out there. After makimr am- ple proVision for themselves. the eompany will have sufficient. power left to :u-eommmlate Res'eral of their neiirlilmn' properties with power. l‘reeidem Allsit and Captain Joe Henley appear to he a 2‘00“ team to get results at tliie property. wt rnsults' at this pmpcrty. lloro came nf tho denizon‘ haw temporarily drifted m'or lntn West Shinimr Tree and made some meat qnl'd minim: finds. Grassy (”rook sunms‘ to he the particularly favor- :llilP field of npm‘alions. and recently '1 $150,000 claim thorn waq optioned m :1 woll knnwn llufl‘nln mlnln': prn- mntor the inert world is no longer a matter oi spee- nlatiun, lint it is not so certain wlie-' iher it will be from l'llk Lake or l'ori-npine. Then again the Canadian \nl'tllel‘n is disposed to have sumo-I thing to say of the diversion of trade by way of their Sndhnry division; To the Grassy Creek gold lield this? road seems to he quite the popular" route as heiin,r the shortest and sai- est from dowireountry points, the trip from the end of the steel being but a comfortable one day's run by naphtha launch and with but one short portage to cover, launches be- ing at both sides of it. The forma- tion in which the gold finds abound is quartz veins flanked by dioritic schist. and the stratification compact and t-olerably regular. 'I‘he surface showings in gold here is good, but how the water-level sulphides will all’ect the product is as yet uncer- ltain, since no great depth of sinking fix-ark has yet been performed. East Middle-sex Member Dead l m P \VIN ll In H in: in Alexandra llowital, lng‘ersoll. lie underwent an operation for ap- pendit'itis last week, and it was sup- posed that he was recovering. He suffered a relapse, and passed away, leaving a wife. two sons and two daughters at his home in Dorohester to mourn his loss. The l‘i‘enest regret is felt in Lon- don. Few men enjoyed more person- al popularity. Deceased was a native of Middlesex,and his whole life ener- gies were wrapped up in the general advancement of the place of his na- tivity. He began life in the dairy business in a small way, and at the time of his death owned 19.00 acres of farm land. and leased and worked 400 additional acres. 1t th m )Ir. Robert Sutherland, M.P.P. for Mt Middlosox, died on Friday even- h mmmnt .ll connection lim U' “'11 V W quvganda i I] I! 11‘0"" \V N ll Iv FUN 1! I” I" ll“ 1v tho vamp VPI'V ll' wit! it} 1n mu i-v THUG” pa \vnrkmon I soon t6 have in the outside matter of spec- so certain whe- ssmont Hem-in (mint. hut tht‘ In Elk th 1‘0 \'1 \' nil H‘OI'EO H Lake faith claim xnrk 1tost rm Porcupine’s Big Celebration List om Pn- 0n Arrangements for the big July 12th icelebration are now fairly matured. mud a rousing good time is assured all who participate in it. Below is the order of exercises as presented by Secretary Wilson. Take the good wife and bsirns and have one flay of regular old-time enjoyment. ' The baseball tournament will mm. mence at 3 pm. and is restricted to teams in the Porcupine Mining Divi- sion. The prize is a challenge cup presented by Marshall-Ecclestone, Limited. to be held for one year by the winners and must be won two} years in sueeession to become the absolute property of a team. To be »gplayeti for on the 12th of July each 'iyear. Games to consist of 2') innings 'ieai‘h. Entries free. F~ Aquatic sports commence at 7 p.m. ’ sharp. starting irnm the (internment l‘wlmrf. Porcupine. Entries free. I T p.ni.â€"â€"S'inu'le eanne i‘l'ampinnsiiip. I‘llistanee 480 s'arcisz. let prize. $10 3 ' \mrth nf immls. 13ml prize. $5 worth 'inf {mode prewntml hr the Martin on a if u'nnde prn Walsh Store. 7.30 p.m.-Dnuhlo canoe champiow shipf Distance HO yards. lat prize. $10 worth nf goods. ‘Jnd prize. pro- svmod by thv McLaron Drug Store and Porcupinn Drug Store. 7.50 p.m.â€"(‘rasolino launch race. handicap. Distance to ‘m arramrcd. lst Drifl‘ $2.30.. 2m] priz» $10. l-t min 8220.. 2nd prim $10. 731’) p. m. -â€" Ladies" simrlo canoe rm‘v. Distam'o 2‘30 yards. 19$ prim presented by Liberty Storm. 2nd prize hottlo of perfume. 3.10 p.1n.--~.\Iixml dmtblo canoe race. Distant-o HO yards. Prizes $5 womb of woods mm to t-hv winnimt lady and zentlemaa. tmwv 5)” yams sm'y). 1st prize presented by tho: Cnmlmny. 23ml 1).: mm p. m. -- (H Prizes. hams. et‘ Thv :fllOVQ‘ tim toration Entries must he the sports scm'otzu‘\ hour of 7 o'clock 1;. July. W12. T110 .4 t‘l It thux ll. ' l.. H. l.. 23:33 will open at the Me- rhmlist rhurch, Porcuninv. at 10 a. m. on Friday. l‘llh July, 1012. The provcssion will lvuvo the wharf at l’orcupino at ‘2 o'clock in the after- noon and proveud to the Porcupine hall grounds by :1 route to be ar- rzmzzed. All ln'vtlu‘en are cordially invitpd to attend. W. H. Wilson. Sports Secretary, Box 347. Porcupine, Ont. N n c‘ m ri High Graders - At Work Again High graders have again been ply- ing their craft at Cobalt, this time making away with 240 pounds of rich silVer ore. The persons involv- ell are Heo. .-\. Prescott. Peter Cas- sels, John Mitchell. and 'Robert Pierce. The police iiniule capture of the band of freeboo‘ters about 12.30 on Sunday night, with the silver in their possession, valued at about $1.- 000. Prescott and (l'aSSels appear to be quite well known about. Cobalt, but, Pierce and Mitchell hail from [KlimtreaL being: recent arrivals. the former at one time being: a profes- sional pugilist. The ore was con! tained in two sacks, and was being carted away in a wagon by Prescott and Cassells, the other two follow- int,r on feet, when apprehended. Just how Chief Caldbick became possess- ed of the information leading to the arrest of the looters does not clear- ly appear. but so quickly and quiet- ly were the wagon occupants arrest- ed that the two footrnen were not aware of what was going on when they came forward a few paces in the rear for presentation with handcuffs. They were at, once escorted to the ealaboose and on Monday afternoon had a hearing, at which they were handed out justice in no uncertain quality or quantity. ml.- t M )l H" I] )Uuw )l p .1 ml dam [ht followir b. m. -- 5 30 yards th ntri fl .1 _\' ll“ I). Brm 1t God Save tlw King Ill-F sq pr! )fli( 45C. Ma ym‘ of sm the sp. ust he in the hands of m'otarv at 01 before tho lock p.111. on Thmsday. Thn sports committee right of [Mum] as re. Prizm will he on View ll sq Gordon-R0 Rm Swimmingr race. Dis- Is (in heats if neces- a- safety razor outfit he Wilson Hardware prim. povkot knife. fire-nay pole rontmt. n rm: PORCUPINE 40mm}; m have again been ply- at Cobalt, this time with 240 pounds of The persons involv- I’I'nsmiit‘t. Peter Cas- ntlcmcn have been as judges: Martin L) of Whitney, J. sq )mmitt .\I. “l of suhject to al- Immin pl 'l Ho'fdon H. W. H. Wil- II m on View nitod. All ’orcupmc, :sentml to Ecntlu'mcn cc reserve 111W. 5‘111109 :‘r- P.. T1105. 'H (all). I. St. rg'uin. will (‘ll ll you wish to purchase any par- ticular lot or lots in any township. write'us. We have a large list of owners. Now that the govemmnt is spend. in millions to develop Northern On- tario all lands are sure to advance rapidly in value. o «0.5240 n OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ontario Land Surveyors Engineers and Maps} Engineering. Mine and Land Sur. voying. Drnughting. Blue Printing by electric provess and latest mum of all mining areas on hand. 1-1 BAD OFFICE : Devlin Block Ihe House of High-Classe Photo Plays PRICESâ€"~10c and 15c MULHOLLAND 8: Co. Veteran Lots BUY NOW You Wlll Make Money We have a number ct ct olce won I located lots Bank of Toronto THIS BANK chEâ€"nur Pictures are Hickerless Two Shows Every Evening INTEREST First Run 0! the Most Up-to-dale MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music DANQIHG LESSONS Iues.,' Ihnrs., and Satur. Ev’gs. From 8 to 10 p m. Party lessons Everynftemounm . flfl CLASS LESSONS 75C. PUBLIC DANCING 50C. U. E. BASHAW, 100 Branches In Canada MCRINNON IUILDING SERVICE TO SAVERS Capital - $4,600,000 Rest - $5,600,000 Savings Account renders a valuable service to those who systematical- ly save money, by inviting depositors to their Savings Department. ing money, it attracts many sums that would otherwise be spent, and it keeps your money safe from thieves, from fire and other loss. is a. great assistance in sav- is added to balances half- yearly. PORCUPINE. Dancing Master Cohan inmsxmmu unmntnu UNIABIB BMW“: '11- ++++1~t ++++++ ++++++++++++f Through trains daily between Toronto and South Porcupine. operating through pullman sleepers to and from South Porcupine making connections at Iroquois Falls for Cochrane. Cale parlor car service between 1- T ‘l' 4’ 4' 4' z 3 : North Bay and Englehart. : + Daily service between North Bay and Cochrane 4, of operating through CPR. sclepet' from Montreal to .1. + South Porcupine. 4' 3: Local service on Charlton Branch connecting at z + Englehztrt with main line trains. + 'l- 4 + *1 “l“ ‘l' “l" I! =3- 4 Local service between Englchart and Temagami, also between Porcupine, South Porcupine and 'l‘immins For full particulars. see current timc tublc nt‘ refer to am' T. N. U. Agent. +$$+§+++§+++++++++++++++++ + .3: 5:2 2.. .m / ..._ .3 .53.... A .4. H “ADVANCE” ngt .../~2~..«.é6 @ga/é §7§?».‘?c19. TRAIN SERVICE The Only Paper Printed and Published in The Porcupine Camp Subscribe For the orcupine Stocks BOUGHT and SOLD ©©©®©® «4me o/Eé/wvav/z‘. TRADERS BANK BUILDING TORONTO North Bay o.6~o‘6-d\6*0 O»

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