PLATINUM FOL 'flhe Porcupine branch of the Can- 'lian Mining Institute is to convene ' Porcupine some time in the lat- ter part of the month, due notice 09 which will be forthcoming in The Advance. It promises to be one of deep and lasting importance, and it is regrettable its President, Dr. A. E. Barlow, will not be present at the meeting's formal opening, which {get is made to definitely appear by his letter so setting: forth. The vari- ous papers to be presented at the meeting will principally have a hear. ing‘ on the practices of mine milling. As there are four distinct systems of milling in vogue in this camp at this: time, it .will have an educational force lacking in no prime essential. . Eï¬peeially will this appear when it is made known that Porcupine is "‘“ese properties of suflicicnt high- «grado to enable the management to extract it at once without machinery and several bags of high-grade um ready for transportation. I). B. Promises to be One of Deep and Lasting lmportance--Many Interesting Papers CANADIAN MINING INSTITUTE MEETING Mr. Graft stated that a large amal- gamation of interests in that town- ship were probably to take place at this meeting and that he held op- tions on several claims lying in the group spoken of. It has been noted in the papers that some great devel- opment work was soon to take place in this district and Mr. Grail affirm- ed that it would commence not later than September of this year and im- provements made in the district. Roads will have to be cut and trans- portation facilities arranged. It is understood that there is silver on Frank Grail of Swastika, a well known prospector oi the North coun- try, was a visitor in North Bay on Sunday, stopping over on his way to Philadelphia where a conference of mining men is being held relative to a large group of silver claims lying in Burt township soutlhwest from Swastika and on which it is report- ed some valuable silver ï¬nds have been made. llh Way to Philadelphia Where nonlerehce of Mining Men is Belng Held fflANK Gflflff INTER- VIEWEB M NflflTH BM The ï¬rst clean-up of bullion from the Hollinger zinc presses took place on Friday, and the results. while nothing official is yet given out, are said to have been extremely satlslno- tory,when it is known that all the are stamped out so far has come from the dump, as the giant crusher is not yet in perfect running order. The Bullion Will Run lnto Thousands of DollarsnAttracting Attention From Outsiders HOLLINGER WILL NOW BE REGULAR SHIPPER HOLLINGER’S FIRST CLEAN-UP SATISFACTORY Vol. No. 16. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE fortunate in having within its bor- ders at this time some of the very Mrs. 3 F8( brightest minds upon the subject of who milling this great north country con- tains, or anywhere within the con-i ï¬nes of the provinces, for that mat-‘ ter. Every one of these gentlemen ' are down for discussion of the sub-‘ ject. and not alone this in all its: bearings but many more subjects of almost equal impoxtance. It will therefore be made markedly appar-‘ eat it will he a convocation oi intel- lectual swordsmen the like of which occurs not many times in a minim: man’s mundane stage appearance, while the looahcommittee's welcome will embody such cordialtv as onlx a household of friends is tompetentf [u extend and exemplify. at ll “A 3a m: i weds : or ()1 (‘ om: decis: right “A . the A . dioee led n‘ ‘ imssi‘ lPSn i live! ‘ inp: t7 had i Dress" Mr. Graff will return about the last uf the month for the north again and will in all probability be in rrharge of the work on the properties. Show and his brother, John 13., of Philadelphia are heavily interested in the project, and it is said that nei- ther time nor money will be spared to move up this showing. While on the stand Prescott’s evi- dence showed that the robbery was oonnnitted on Saturday night, the ore being taken from the rock-house but that it was brought into Cobalt Sunday evening by the four men; all of whom were arrested in connection with the case, although Prescott was released when no information was lodged against him. .-\t 'l‘uesday's sitting of the Pro- vincial Court. at Cobalt. in this case. the important evidence brought out was when Prescott on the stand swore he was in the employ of the l’inkerton international detective agency, and was sent to Cobalt by its manager to ascertain why so great the illegal sale of high-grade silver in that camp. It was also made to appear that some of the are captured by the police was identiï¬ed by Ore-house Foreman Jeffry of the 'I‘emiskami'ng mine. while Manager Fisher also showed by the mine's re- cords that two bags of ore had been missing early on Sunday morning. High-graders’ \ Evidence Taken lmlllion, it. is said. will run into thomnnds of dollars, and it iS'to the llnllimter the Porcupine public is looking to redeem the standing of the cn'n'p an a gold producer. The Hol- linger is attracting decidedly close attention from outsiders. Bullion from now on will be shimied regu- larly. SOUTH PORCUPINE, ONTARIO, CANADA. FRIDAY. JI’LY 12th. I912. t “A few weeks after the passing of gthe Act of 1907 I wrote to my own ; diocese a lone leï¬erdn which I point- ed out that it my judgment. im- ; possible to regard a. man as becoming i inso faPto an open and notorious eV‘il- Jive-r on account solely of contract- iinp: that particular marriage after it ihad. as a eivil contract. been ex- lpressly sanctioned by English law." “As regards the question Whether :1 man who. under the existing law, weds his deceased wife’s sister,ought nI‘ ought not to be admitted to Holy ("on‘a‘munion. no universal or sweeping decision has been or, I think, Pan be, rightly laid down. Not One of Very Grave Evil The Archbishop of Canterbury does not regard favorably the decision of the courts upholding the refusal to grant Holy Communion to Mr. and Mrs. John Banister. In replying to a request 101‘ counsel as to those who are anxious and even dismayed ~1t the decision. Dr. Randal-l says: The very unusual manner which brought about the death of Gilbert Martin at the B'Iel'ntyre mine, July 5th. so aroused public sentiment that, an inquest was called for. Coroner Minthornof Schumacher aeeordingly on Saturday evening empanneled a jury. whivh reached the decision that death was due to carelessness on the part of the mining company. And this will in all probbhility end the matter so far as the company is in- volved. there being no blood relation, so far as we. can learn, to sue for possible damages or cause other le- g-al procedure. Coroner’s Inquest on Martin’s Death Mr. Edward Bell. who, in the great tire of July 11. 191']. saved the Meek family of ï¬ve. persons and two others, left here for Haileybury on Satur- day morning last to receive his re- ward for his great exhibition of brav- ery. being nothing less than the King’s medal. Accompanying him hither was the head of the Meek fam- ily. It. is Mr. Bell's intention to make Hailoyhgry his future home. May [mod counsels dominate him in all the walks of life and fortune smile benig-‘nly on his future transac- tions. moral and temporal. Bell Presented King’s Medal a site ready for tho compressor. which is expected to arrive any day mm. This mine continues to prove its rivhnoss. and no doubt as soon as the new mm‘hinory is in working nnlnr the form.- of mm will be great- ly added to and will make this com- pany one of the most profitable mines in the Township of Whitney. At a meeting of directors of the Three Nations Gold Mining Co held at Montreal on the 5th inst. it was decided to at once instal an air oom- pressor and Manager Angrinon anti- cipates haVing the installation com- pleted one month from that date.and he has decided. owing totfhedis- tame the steam has to he carried. to abandon that power for the pre- aent for the working of the shaft and will employ his men in getting Manager lngrinnn Anticipates to Have Installation Completed in line llnntll THREE NAIIIINS Ill INSIAll BflMPflESSflB MCARTHUR TOW The second game i the Porcupine League will be playc. tomorrow be- tween South Porcupine and Tim- mins. The game will start. at 3.30 sharp. American Goldï¬elds ...... Apex ........................ Dobie ....................... Crown Chartered... Dome Extension ......... Eldorado .................. Foley-O'Brien ............ Gold Reef .................. Hollinger ................. I Moneta .................... Pearl Lake ................ Poroupine Imperial ...... Porcupine Tisdale ...... Preston East Dome... Rea Mines .................. Standard ................. Swastika ................... \‘ipond ..................... V'nited Pormuï¬ne... West Dome ................ Jupiter .................... hranvh of the 'l‘emiskaminq North- ern Railway have just put on an ad- ditional gang of 100 men to push work on that road. The men will be set at work on the west side of Montreal River, at a point where the railway is to cross that stream, near Mountain Chutes. The work is being: rushed to completion and the road will be ready fortrafl'ie not later than NOVember 30. At various points along; the route other large gangs of men are engaged in g'rad- im: and performing other necessary work. The iollowing are the prices on Porcupine stocks. furnished by A. S. Fuller 6’: 00., Gibson Block, South Porcupine. up to noon July 11th: Bid. Asked. American Goldï¬elds ...... .40 Rapid Work On Elk Lake Railway 'I‘ho contractors having in charge r°unstmction work: on the Elk Lake The L'lmhts prosnm im-Iudnd Mr. and Mrs. Honmton and Mash-r Bah, Mr. and Mrs. Batoman. Mr. and Mrs. Meek. Mr. and Mrs. Darlinc. Mr. and Mrs. cht'horton. Mr. and? Mrs.0ut- tinn’hnm and Mrs. .Ioslm: Dr. Mc- Neil. Messrs. Skavorn. Smith. Poir- 0". Rattmy. Scott. Kelly and others whose names we could not learn. The camp hunn'almv was utilized for the reception and son‘od the pur- p080 admirably. the decorations prm'imz not the least of its attrac- Hons. Colonel Stevenson and wife. and the otlice force of the Pearl Luke mine. chiefly Americans. on July 4 did the honors incident. to observ- ance of Independence Day. and in craciouu manner delighted a large t'irt‘le of lady and mtlemen friends lw invitation to participate in its pleasures. Pertinently put and ex- quisitely expressed little speedies and hon-mots were a pretty feature of the exercises. and mod cheer and friendly trreetinr: dominated the en- joyment throughout. Among other wittily expressed thoughts was one from the (‘olnnel to the effect. that it Wnllltl hardly be in order to read the declaration of independmce in \‘lt‘W of the presence of no many ladies. Marsilona's orchestra height- ened the deliL'lIts 0i the oecasion with beautifully expressed musicand with a laVish serVice of delectable edihles. the little function was charming. to a degree. Independence day fittingly db- served by Col. Stevenson and friends ffllJflIH UP MY Stock Quotations ................. .19 mattered ....... .10- tension ......... .19 Imperial ...... .02 Tisdale ...... .02 M mm [M .03 .03 .19 .105 .19 .25 01‘L 10% 01 .10 13. 00 .10 .03ï¬ .35 .015 .11 .014, .20 .‘26 .40 L1] .194} .03 The Plenaurum is one of Porcu- pinc's mines which is just now in cvidche as a producer of ï¬ne sam- ples of ore. The high-grade is comipg from two veins at the ZOO-foot level under Pearl Lake. One of these veins, known as the O vein, runs about three feet wide, but will average for the total distance drifted on about two feet in width. It has been fol- lowed for 200 feet. The other vein that is: supplying the l’lenaurum with uvor $3 per ton. 'l‘he cluinu upon which this remarkable ï¬nd ccrurs are 4901 and 4902, me] an: nwm»! by Mr. Thomas R. Strain. u rmitmnt of gï¬nuth Porcupine. Mr. Strain 11118 iju~t recently been perfouuing- \wrk inn those claims. and not un'il the diulnsurw 0! the Andy iuJ be any- .â€"â€"..â€" -r -.... High-grade Coming From Two Veins at ZOO-foot Level Under Pearl Lake. North Bay men are sponsors for the organization of anotiher mining company for that town, The Deer Lake Gold and Silver Mines by name. The provisional directors are J. H. Dixon, B. Hogem and O. I-Ibgem, and the capitalization $500,000. The properties of this company are in the 'I‘emagami Lake region, where there is supposed to be large bodies of mineral of the paying sort. PLENAURUM MINE SHOWING UP FINELY One More ï¬ne of the latest Porcupine mines to start operations is one named Christ. It is near the McEnaney, and. with a gang of men, on Satur- day beg-an sinking a shaft. This shaft is being put down on a very large outcropping of quartz which gives ev- ery evidence of being a very import- ant one. Surface work has been go- ing on for some time. and the good finds there doubtless inspired the let- ting of a contract. for the sinking of fifty feet. T‘his,_ however, is in the nature of preliminary work, which will he extended as fast as the exig- eneies of the case seem to warrant. Necessary camp buildings and a resi- dence for the manager already have work well advanced on them. and the manager is on the ground super- vising: the work. As appears, there is no accounting for the taste of some people in names. Christ Mine Making Good At length a big and rich ï¬nd of platinum ix reported from the ‘l‘own- ship of MoArthur. The assay ï¬xes the value per tan a few "our: up- wards of $40. while from We mme leo and formation comes an assay of gold. running in who tummhing Remarkable Finds on Claims 490i and 4902---Assays Upwards of $40 Per Ton LARGE DEPOSITS 0F PLATINUM DISCOVERED Gold Field Operations at the l’lcnaurum will be greatly cxpeditml as soon as the cmssmt connecting the tvm shafts is completed. At present, cures an: be- some of the highest grade ore of the camp is .\'0. (i. This has been drift- ed on for a distance of about 66 feet from the crosscut and is averaging about four fm-t in width. mg rlgged m both Watts and mm work when completed will help mat- ters very materially. The 'l‘oronto-Ottawa line of the Canadian Northern Railway will be in operation almost a year before it was at. ï¬rst. expected. Reports re- ceived at the head ofï¬ce state that the actual roadway will be finished by the end of November, and that a passenger service will be inaugurat- ed in January, 1913, though freight will be accepted immediately on the completion of the road. Field Marshal, His Royal {Highness the Duke of Connaught, Governor- General of Canada, arrived at North Bay by special train on Monday morning, where he made a stop of :30 minutes. A large crowd assembl- ed to see the vice-regal party, and when the Governor-General appeared on the platform of the car he was greeted with continuous cheers from the waiting crowd, which he ack- nowledged with a gracious salute. The special arrived from Ottawa sharply on time in charge of Com (luctor Willoughby, with Engineer David Elliott at the throttle, engine- HUT supplying the motive power. Will Be Finished Ahead Of Time Mode Stop of fifty Minutes and Wes Warmly Welcomed by large Crowd BflVEflNflfl-EENEBM’S NflflIH BAY flfllfl'flfll 'I‘his assures another goodjoost for this camp of marvolous mineral rvsmircos. and will command for it a position of no uncertain standing among the big things miningwisc of this coumry. if not. the continent. thing like. deï¬nite knowledge uf his great good fortune. The unzufï¬ca- tion on these claims is of the same general character which wears in much of the territory 0! the ramp, and the mineral contents is not ap- parently stilted in quality or quan- tity. 81mm Cum-:3 5 Cents. in both shafts and this SHIP