Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 28 Jun 1916, 1, p. 8

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A TIMMIEL £9591“..- 3333 TIMMINS sonumcnnn worn PORCUPINB Di“ "and“ of Human. fins a visitor in camp last week and. Mr. James Grant. of the McIntyre staff. his mnhued a Ford {mm Hm Manhall- .«lostone (‘0. \Valtcr Hock-stone left an the noon train Mnnday fur Hmoebridge, h at- tend the wedding of his sister. The. 228th baseball team left on the mum train Monday fur their training quarters at Nurflu Hay. no» McLean. of (Mnmr's gents furnishings store. has. returned in Iuwn after I week’s via“ to Peter- lmm. Torontn. etc. Miss Katie MacDonald. who has been the guest uf Mm. MrAlliuu-r during the past week. lms returned to her lmmo in ("'uchrnnc. .\ substantial fnurcnpnmnont house is being erertod fur (‘hiol‘ i'mu'to. mmwlw. nos! «lcmr wmt ul’ the Ad- vance unit-c an 4th nvcmw. Thorn are still n nmnlmr nf names whirh we lmw not yet revvivml fur the Hunur Hull. and um many roa- dors should not fail tn send us any they might hum of. nmuml ”w 'l‘. X. 0. yards prepar- utury to Imgilming the m-w station. le freight sited has lu-on parted t'mm the stadium and mun-d to its new Im-utiun l'nrllwr snuth. ”Nu IIIrgI- mu! mmih r141 signs IIIIw hem plum-II In tho lIriIlgo NI Ilw rum! tn tlu- llulliIIgvr. \ll driwrs shuulcl IH‘Wl tlw “awning tn Illin- «hmls Wllu'l Iwnrinu the bridge as it is llu- \mul ruml turn in the «mm». 'l'lw 'l'im'mins Gurugv. which is mn- clllc'tml by I'll‘uit' Svlwllvtivr mu! Phil 'l‘lwrimllt. is dnim: n lnmilwss much in (mm-as ut' vxpm-tutiuus and "MW find it mammary tn dauhlo tlw sim- uf their present building, which has unly been m-vupiml fur the past vuuplv ul' mnutlls. 'l'hvy alsu vuutmupluto put- ting in n vulmniwr and Minor appur- atus'. a 'HIeIe \Iill he II IIm:44 IIIIetiII: tII- night In the t 'IIli.4eIIIII. III the interest (It the 2’5 5‘tlI liIIttleIIIII. Muiurt t‘IIl- \ille. \IlIII has seen .4er\iee iII Hutt- der4 “ill he the elIiet' speaker. A large II'IIIIII i4 IIIItieI liIIIteIl| ItIIIl tlIIIse “ll” attend IIre tlb‘b‘llu‘tl at am iIIteI- e.4't iIIg.: .IIlIlIess. 'llIII HIIlliIIgIII' IliIIII-IIIrs III-I'IiIIIIl in 'l IIIIIIIiIm H'HIIIISI‘IIV III IIIIiIIII. ”'llIIIIII II'IIs I'llih‘ II IIIIIIIIIIII III lIIIlIIIs IIillI tlIII party. ”IIIIII IIIll IIII III IIIIIIII IIII' II I‘IH||||(‘ III “III-ks IIIIIl IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIII' IliIIIIItIIr's lIIIlgII IlIIIiIII: IlIIIiI stay III the III}; IIIIIIII. ('nntrary tn vxpwlutimm Murris Nuglv will nut am-mupmny tlu- 'l‘im- mins rotimw tn Lislu-urd and lluilvy- bury ull July lst. Morris muvh prv- l'ors the scenery uruuml lruquuis Pulls. Apparently the inspvvtur ul' vhuif- l'vurs slipped smncthing nw-r on ('au'l lew and prom-111ml him with :1 mar- riugv livvusv instmul of :1 drivers «or- tilirutv. \\'. ll. Luwm'y is building a hm slurry llm-lling lumsv on Maple St. \vllivll will he uccupiml by his Inmm- m-r. Mr. J. A. House, wlwu mmplvlml. .l. \.“1111111,S'11pcri1it1-111l1111t111' Lighting 11i1h the .\'111'th1‘r11 ()111111'iu light 111111 1'1111111' (11.. 1111s in 1° 1111p lust 11'1-1-k 1111 his 11111111hl1'1iait. Mrs. James W. Hood and vhihlrcn wlm haw been spending the past sev- erul nmnths at ln-r hnlnc in Green- land, Mivln. rotnrnvd to camp un Fri- day. Mrs. Francis, whn zu-mnxpnniod ln-r clnnghtvr (Mrs. Howl) will remain in the Hun}: 101' some time. Mr. nnd Mrs. "any Webb Irfl this fit for Tommo and other muthm llnh (‘11111111111111111 every Snndav at 8 11.111... also 1111 151 Sundav 111' month :11. 11 {1.111. 111111 011 last Sunday 111'1‘te evaning servivo. Morning Prayer, 11 3.111. 811111111)'S1rl11)111.3 p.111. 1.1011111" Praver. 7. .30 p.111. I’aptisms 111111 utlm scnices by 111 rangement. Preliminary mork lms mmmu-m-od Rev. J. Douglas Paterson, Rector THE BYRNE’ S PRBSBYTBRIAN CHURCH (Empire ”Theatre) Pastor, J. Maxwell Allan Bible Study and Sabbath Srlmul 11 mm. Uixim- Svrvivv. T [v.m. Subjct-L: Hrmvs. Anthem by the (‘lmin Swluisl: Mrs. J. K. 31130112 Young Mun Specially Invited. ST. MATTHBW’S CHURCH TIMMINS Church Notices Timmins News in Brief 101' ul' vhuif- Miss R. [kl/mg returned hat Than-day an" metal months ub- s‘enn {mm the ramp. Ernl Nod. 01’ Xnflhom ("anada Sup tyl (‘0. staff. received word on \\ many last that his father was very low. "a left that owning on the Salinnal fur Manama. Married by "to Rev. .‘Inlmlm at Smith [’ormpine. Miss "an! \‘an‘ to Mr. Thomas Workman. hath 0!“ Tim. mins. Joe Gardiner. formerly of l-luiley. bury and mm ut‘ Xurth Hay. arc-“mp. unit-d the 2'28": baseball team on their recent. trip nurth. and officiated as umpire alum: with llumvr (tihson during the team's stay in ramp. l'ulluming is n list nf promotions made in l'urt‘upim' Srluml: Jr. 1‘. t0 Sr. l\.--.\lurley llnrt. Jn'm ('nmpsnll, "mum! "Mt. Sr. "I. In Jr. I\'.~â€"â€".\'om Davis. l‘mrl lhlmlvlo. Porcupine Public School Report Jr. ”I. tn Sr. III.-â€"â€"-l.izr.io Gallu- wny. Hilda Davis. \Villiv Briwm. ”live llnrl. Bert Watt. .lnlm l’icrvy, Rn-ml Mvmyvr. Julm Briswn. Sr. ll. tu Jr. lll.~-~.\|lwrt Hrismm. Pourl Girnrd. Jr. II. to Sr. ll.-lwm Davis, Milo clrml ('mm-run. Sr. l’rimvr (0 First Hunk. -.\Iaflwl Wilson. Jmm Hrissun. .lr. Primer tn Sr. l’rmu-râ€"~-l\'vnnoth ('mm-mu. Myrtle llm't. Hum Wit-um. humlld "IISM'". .\ ('lmm M Jr. l’rixm-r.--~ lh'jmm (jvrmis. Hw-lyu Yuung. Duns (ivraml. “01MB [[11 I5 6le TI] THE PHESBVIEBIAN’S I’nstm' Alhm unuuuncm] to his con- gn-gution on Sunday owning that Mr. I). Dunlap of the "llullingvr" haul \‘isitml him on 'l‘hm'sdny and went over the prowsvd site and sketches of lev Church. Ile haul gifted to them another lot. so they now possenmnl it plot 90 feet by 120. This would permit them to move the Manse and alter the. plans tu gix'e seating neeunnnmlntion for an- uther 100 persons. T he renr of plot could be utilized as 11. tennis court. Mr. R. \V. Robbins has kindly con- sidered to draw up the slwciticutions, thus saving the church the sum of $100. WANTED TO Itl°lN'I.‘.----6 [loomed House or Bungalow un llill. Give full particulars to Box 30, Advance. l'l \ [Him -( ()l l".â€"â€" H Um pm'sunage, Sdmumvlwr. h} “w . S. M. Bench; Karl \rless Emu and Many (.‘uth- 01in (‘.ulv lmth ul 'linnuins. \\'.'\.\"l‘l'll) .\'l‘ ().\'('I'I.â€"~'l'wn exper- ivnu-d [hill lhlmwls. Applv, The .\ulthem ( zuuulu l"u\u.-r (‘unumnv, Limited, 'limmins. WANTED.“ l’usitiun as limckcelwr. ’m.\' 26, Advance nflivv. \\'().\l.-\;\' ('()()K WANTED. â€"â€" Man and wife pret'm'rml. for 1.") men. Apply Hayden (iuhl Mines, Box um. 'l'immins. 0m. Nutiov is lwn-hy given that the I'llmotiun ”1' u l’ubliv Svlmul 'l'rustvo tn take llu- plaw “1' l". Stm-kwvll, will ln- hold \\'mhws«lu.\', .lum- 228111. 1916. 11. 1-1. Mn.\"l‘(:().\llil{Y. Clerk. \\111 1110 pantx 11h” tnuk H11- min- 111111 1111111 the buggy :11 “111111115 lli\01\ I1 1111 1111 111' ulmut Tl1111sdav, .111110 15111. kindh 11~t11111 5111110 tn the atho 111011159. :iiul 11111111 pxoscculiun as the party is k11u1111. \VAXTHUTn- .~\ ('uuk Hollow]; good \\'alf_'vs. Apply m ”1141' tn Mrs. H. J. Marshall, 13 llvmluvk St. \\ \.\' 'I.'I‘H)â€"-â€"â€"\\ umun “Em (am rook; also girl tu “ash and imn. \pply MN. A MR (Huho llullinj'er Mine. it)! .\(i LADY “ith vxpcrivnoe as buuk- keeper and with kumflodge uf htcllu'rlilpln wishes to secure posi- liun abuut the fit"! m Jul\" . 2:le rciercnces. Box 38 Advance oflicc. PUBLIC NOTICE MARRIED. NOTICE Trull. Tun-her. TIIB POICUPINB ADVANCI

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