Sfllflfl Pflflï¬ï¬l’lï¬f BEPHlSE 223th Ill "HST WM 8.“. The 2233?! to dorm! in the I’nrmmi: â€my time an umlemtmly m Hm! Iimv had an pnlntiun as n twirlnr 'l'lmmna. N 3rd LI huma- mmhinmit KvIIy clorurnlr llclt mm. as Mam u rm and n I‘rimul nl‘ (’m! Smm- mmlly orrgn IHL'PHII'!‘ Wifll [1 row Suinc- madly errgna behind Kril)‘. tum-HH-r with n l'vw timely hits «mil ilw ""H‘Hi aux runs. While- during the --' ï¬rst lhrm- innings in which ('mk um. viniml. ln- was invim-ihlv. in the ninth hm lithium and i‘mn‘ errors IN in i'nnr "I m- Inllivs fur Smith l’urcnpino. liriswn m-mnml in have the gmno wry m-H in hand. niiuwing unly fuur runs in sow-n inningn. 'l‘lw ' .28â€: m-c-nrod um- rnn ni‘t’ (Bray in tln- eighth inning. George '0.)k8 \‘I!!‘)’ “‘1' runs 'm The '1 in NW Eï¬ï¬‚iï¬ï¬ï¬‚ifliï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬‚ï¬tï¬méï¬ï¬kï¬M§$Eï¬iï¬iï¬iï¬lï¬Â§ï¬ï¬bï¬iï¬bï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬tï¬ï¬g L" Iw um ml IMr 'mumn)‘ ll" liri II tnplnr am Marlo. ‘I I" II'Iillt H'l' SN um mm and was to; u inmngs. ml? ‘Dnll (cam “ r ï¬rst em- ‘l‘! in major N†amt INN" H 0‘ III‘ m‘ks rrum IN m 'fks fur and h)’ 93110"! Im in! I“... ' nirl)‘ 32‘" fl m Pittmmih a‘l ‘4 .Il)!o If. Timmins Win From South Porcupine: Ii H I Sonthcnd. \ "mus. lmlhmn. Ih'issun. Sullivan I- Q- Tl a. but nut [wing i Ngml pusitimla wit: l inning. with and Neal m Ilrtl Line-up. rant: v 'l'i: Linc mhlwr 1'an mllx Ivmlv camc- lml I :3 who! I were the Imdin Immim tram. Ilmvi "I ( d Immmrd. 53.. W. l’ivrvo. ' Shrvlmn. 1... Smith :day ha drips!“ 3h [Dal I»!!! team Timmins. Xvnl. 2nd. I‘m so In "I Malnut- \uugmn. s.- â€I'Mâ€. r Ln me. If. Ml hull mul rvmlu I\l'(' ’3 had â€mm; Xvnl Mule third; ml lmll nml rum-hm] wmml cm lew lyru’s lmd llmm‘; lwssxn‘d \mlkml: Noni stale !hinl; Hm lmsvs wvrv MINI v = .ulghnn cll'nmlml I’iorvv's pup 9‘“ ' n-‘wm I'umu'd: Xvnl sum-d all passed hull: Pierre and lwssnnl (‘m'll mlvauwing mu- lmsv'. l’ivrm- fun-ml lu-ssnnl u! the plutv: Smith «mumm- ml l'ur Harm hugs. M‘Hl’im: l’icrm-z lirmr‘nn walked: ('nrmivhm-l {mum-cl. .. lwu runs. um- hit. Hm'v q-rruz's. 4th Inning. Sunflme- 'l'lmmns mu. Slwolmn M"! hum lnmwu; "rum"! steal Immt': Mrllllyfl’ mm. mm hit. nu rrmrs |.-â€"-"nrmirluwl um. Hr m'd 3rd Inning \\' uml: Hm'rism u trying In W 0 hit. lm II‘I‘IH‘ WIN!!!" “ll TH E PORCUPISE ADVANCE "Flaw W1“ ï¬ll lhllh sir}, HIKIN 5N Ivnlkm mm \\' I" I 19' hill"! (‘3 ll I’ivm‘: .‘lvlhmnld I'nmu-cl: Stu-ohm: mndv n lung run bark and swarm! wlmt lcmkod tn lw 3! MW M! Mr L0- vim-.â€"-â€"-mo rum. llu hits. um vrmrs. Timmitmâ€"‘Smith‘uiuglml and wont tn wruml an n lmswd hall: Urolmmi «ml ('urmic-lmvl fmmml: Smith nut shading-~11" rum. mw hit. lm rrrurs. l’im'w: .“vhulmld was hit :mll nml atulv svmml: Lev Harrison t'mnml.-â€"-â€"uu rm nu orrnrs. 'l‘immins.».\'mith silxglml u\'('|‘ mm. and and stole saw-“ml: Hrvmmn I'm:- nml: (‘m'mivlnwl singled“. Smith was run «1mm trying: tn rmwh lmmo; ('ur- .m-luwl tuuk 50mm! and stulv third; H. l’im'vv walked: Mt'l‘mivufl dullhlm‘ m-uring (‘urmivlmvl and l’ivrw and living :lw .wurv'. King fumu-«l. Timmins mm“. H. 9th Inning. 'l‘lmmns singlml: Dulhml hi! mm at dunhlv play. Slit-vim" tn (‘urmivluwl tn l’ivrm". Sullivan gruumlml tn Los- Sill'tlr-HU runs. «me Int. nu vrrurs. ° 'l'ilnmins.â€"â€"~Lassa!nl sul'v \vlwu Dal- ann l'umhlml his gruumlm': \\'. :‘wrm' (luulnlml: lwssaml mu: m tlw plate: Slwvhnn singled; Smith singl- vd. scurmg l’ivrvv. Smn'vâ€"S-T in 'l'immins fan'ur. Tilulfliflx-«l ugh! nappin Irvine; Sh ll' yuu sllivm', smnumw is walking ()\'(‘1' yum; l'utlu'v grave. When yum' Husc itvlws smuotlling will lmmwu smm In vex yuu. When yum' rig-lit, (gu- lll'llL'S it is a sign ul' guml luvk: when ynur ll-l't (-yo, “1' luul lurk. \\'lwu ranks «lvsvrt u ruukvry it fnrchmlcs tho duwnt'ull ui' thv family on wlmsu pruperty n 15. ‘ruu the ruul' is a token that yuu Will 5mm have u leguey fruit: a friend. ('aimlles and other lights are sup- lNDSNl to burn blue auul «lim when in- visible beings are present, espeeiully if they he evil spirits. H mm have any white marks nu A spider cleseemling mum ymi l'rum mu lwnd 'iervo drum! him on the shmtlckr in "1mm NH' ' "rim doï¬bkd. arming I: Sullivan hit (u slum but nmmml the. What: Mclntyn- slmfl forcing Sullivan a! m ‘a-mhan sim'rk’d surï¬ng “nit lwml.-â€" Vaughan um. : .‘lvlhmnld I'nmu-cl: 11 lung run bark and mnkod tn lw a HIM hll -mo rum. llu hits. um v vm! ODD SUPERSTITIONS. Hr! Sullivan Kw I anmrnno A. FERRIS PINE ST. TIMMINS. This advertisement is a hand shake. If you don't know us, it is our introduction. We I‘ I“ v... â€"â€"--_ _ want you for a regular cuso tomcr. Call around anytime. 8mm} dwmml 6th Inning. 7th Inning. 8th Inning. ~~ Vaughn" Ilil .0398 T If" 11313 was an†Pd swung “n! Vaughan mom uglmn hil w W. ms hi! by pih'hml II; Lovinv l'mmml: nu runs. lm hits. :mml I)“: rd and stoic h .‘Irï¬llimvfl out stealing. WWW! I“? 9m?! yuu frum “'1†5mm run.- hall I h» inWmWWoWMO‘ HOBBERLIN TAILORIHG Steamfitter. Sheet Iron Worker. Cornice and Skylight Maker. Smoke Stacks Made to Order. AGENT FOR HBOLA HOT AIR FURNACES. ESTIMATES SUPPLIED PRES. "0mm um “31' MT." BEAMS}: WHAT A TAILUNRD 1'0 MHASI'RE SHIRT MHASS 2' but can: In! in. In! W Ian to...» Ian» A» m m [an m III “In W “S gr! all thaw n quin mvma mu! L's-Hit 42;" :01! gr: a mum “1 mm“ [mm tlw mun! wmly-nwlv shuns. I‘ygaums and N “aims made under snmlar ï¬nuhlmns. F l lam-w you and you know In". "l‘Is svldmn we mmlul (Nauru-z lintuewr tum-mu yet. rim-pea hands Hum "(Ion Fail tn understand That much {Mauls to go what'~ them. -.-._ ‘A-‘a-hï¬â€˜. I 'Iu‘ ‘ “kl. II'.‘ ..-.- And trout oat-n nun"; â€Soï¬a; bright" Hun- Mule to complain thuru'cl he. 1! I knew you and yuu knew me. ll ES'I-ZRE we shin ynu by misukc. Ur in yuur Mil muw vrrur umkc; l-‘rmn irritatiun )‘uu'd be â€cc. H l Inn-w yuu and mm Imus mo. Ur when the ('hequt's dun't mmw «m Hum. Am! ('UStiimCrh send us nary u â€no We‘d wait without anxiety. I! I know you Ind you knew me. PUUN E (35 Tic and Lumber Merchant All Kinds and Dimensions of Mine Timbers Supplied. ()mmsitc Spurting Ground. All Kinds lh'vssml Lulubv Brazeau, T Immins Bra 2163 u PLUMBER For the trip t0 townâ€"fur 1| neighborsâ€"fur :1 hurry-111 where business or plcasnn there’s no other our whicl well at :mywlmrc near the The Ford Touring Car in $53 Sedan 3890; the Town Car 571 Ford. Ontario. All can: can: electric handlights. Equupmenl ometer. Cars on ule at Marsh: MATT 7' PO. Box 262. The Ford Runabout Price $480 9 Hr nmkv a "kirk" un this at that. le tnkc- it in gomt part you see. If I knew ynn and you knew me. With vnstunlers. a ttmmnnd strung. tin-casinnully "qu8 an wrungâ€"- Somethm-s nnr fnnlt. mum-times nun-ru- Flirlnt‘|rttllt't' \wuld atm'renw all 0mm. Kind friends mm NHL-ant things Wunht Im H I knew mm and you knew me. OK when amnw gnmts yun tire hat-k. HE'S let no .Innhtlm: thnuunta nch. 0! ï¬rm good faith on o-ittwr ride. (’nntidvncc tn van-h utlwr give; â€Vim: nurselvem II-t uthc'ru live: But nny tinw yum mnnv this wnv. '. hat you \\ ill q-nll m- mum and pray: 'l'twn “HT tn [nu-v “to cart: shall we. And I'll kncm )‘ml and yuu'll know me. BOIVIN ".NI'T.':"“ T‘mminlx Phone 51. ' r Ian! m that h