The undersigned is open to receive apphcntmns for the posmon of (‘on- stable for the Town of Schumaqher. \li applications must be in the ap. plicants' mm hand writing. “.11. \\HS().\.T\\p. Clerk. Applicants must state age, height, weight, and chest measurement. and must give full details of previous police experience, and references as in character. _ _ TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE NOTICE How to Make Your Rooms More Attractiveâ€"More Home-like Send dimensions of rooms with loca- tion of doors and wxndows. In return you'll get lrhotos of actual nntcnors with BEAV'E BOARD walls andocilingsJOo gather with color schemes and on union: for panelnrrangcrncnt. An catirnatco the amount. of BEAVER BOARD )'ou_nccd.willbcincludc<_l. L |\ .1 u. u.‘- -, Iv"--‘-.- Has): to put 11 and decorateâ€"ogre: needs repair. Makes c house warmer in winter. cook-t In summer. KNIGHT BROS. 8: McKlNNON TIMMINS P.0. 80X 401 PHONE 89 South l’oréupino. DISTRIBUTORS Notice is hereby given that a By- Law will he passed to deed over to the 'l‘. N. 0. Railway a certain parcel of Land on which to construct 11 Railway Station. DR SALEâ€" National Cash Regis~ ter. Cost $150.00; will sell at reas- unablo prive for quick 5:110. Apply Box 77, Schumacher. PUBLIC NOTICE 11. 1-3. MONTGOMERY. Clerk. The regular meeting of the South Purvupine Patriotic Society .was held June 22nd. with sixteen members in attvndanoo. Mmutvs nf previous meeting were read and adopted. The treasurer-reported a balance in the hunk of $440.94. Supply Secretary's report: Work taken iu.â€"â€"-3 pairs socks: 24 shirts; 14 pillow slips; 1 suit pyja- inns. Abraham Abuml, yarn \\'. Nana. stamps . . . . .. Laub Stm'kwell . . . . . . J. 1’. )holmugblin. yarn . (,‘bas. l’iorvv. yarn . . . . . Belgium Relief. Montreal Abraham 6': Abuml, yarn Mrs. Mullu-rua, flowers South Porcupine Patriotic Society Wurk given out. â€"2 pieces pillow outton; 1‘! shirts; I skcin \dfll; 2 balls knitting cotton. (‘utting “'ilson, 4 shirts. The meeting adjourned until June 29th. anhvrship ["005 . . . . . . . . Mvmlwrs’ Hues . . . . . . . . . Jumr's l'vos. Mr. 'I. \\ ilsnn Ummtinn, Mr. '1'. Hluoknmn Dmmtiuu. Mrs. h’uy llivks. Duuutiun. Miss H. Hawkins ('akv millv. Mrs. 'l'ulumn . . (‘m'niml 'l‘ivkvts . . . . . . . .. Tea and Sale. given by Balance in bank, .quw 12%.. . .84135 W. .\'unn, Treasurer. Arrears t'rum dam-o ()xw pzur suvks sum Bulauu-v in bank. .\I Fullmvin: is â€w 'l'l't°zl.~sllx'(9l"s H0- lmrt 01' HH- I).\'.H. ('lnlp fur lhrm- mumhs. Marv}: 13th tn .lmw 123th. D.Y.B. Regular 1’. lelaughlin. yarn M rs. 0'. l’. (‘ommittee’s report: Mrs. shirts; Mrs. Hurtubisc 11 1'le wndit urvs l-‘. 1’. Black, Secretary. Weekly Report Rovvi I D! s. given by Manughlm , .\ tll II o o yarn . . . . mtreul . . , yarn . . . )wcrs . . . yarn . . . . ll'. THE PORCUPINE ADVAMA: $111) $1315. 09 $244; 0 5(3 rd .0 III (N) “U ?9.099090009000999909000009 The history of Jutland is of course the history of Denmark. It no douht supplied its quota to the hordes of Nortluuen whieh, from 800 AJ). on- wards. caused the name of the Dane to he a terror throughout northern Europe for nearly seven centuries. Jutland. or. a4 tho Itaavs ran it. J'sllaml. whit-h thv rum-at naval hat. ttv has hruazht iato .szavh prmaiavarv. is: wall ah-svrihmt 8H thv (-olltim'ntal portion nt’ tla- Iciauclma ot' lh-maark. r'tt'ty yvars ago. twt'ort- tla- t'amoas Saw-a Itays‘ War. whivh ultimately rosaltt-cl in tho loss of Svhloswig- Holstvizl to Harman); thv whoh' lwa- iasala la-luagmt to vaaark: hat siavv than tho southvra portion has hm-a (iormaa torritory. 'l‘ho ('imhric peninsula of tho am-ivat geographers, .latlaml extends aortlnvard from La- vak on «ma shore. and from the aumth of tho l'IIhv on the other. for a distant-v of solar 270 miles, ultimately tapering off to the promontory ot' the Shaw. \vhivh rum-has out toward Swo- «lva. hotwvca thv Skagcrrak and tho ('attvgat. Jlfllflflfl HA5 RN flNBIENT AND INTERESHNB HISHIRV 3¢¢¢¢oo¢¢¢¢¢oo¢o¢o¢+¢9§oi 1' "nmpmn'. lhd “ML. “amid think Vim: was mist-cl all â€1 ill}: dmm M m‘r. m I 3r IlIm mm I lw IIIIIo Iv 9pm"! IIII IiwiI mum-y. I gum“ \' III hmv I'I-ml n'ltm‘ Ilw isst "I mm: \\‘.P" III'limI' IIII‘ I'III Iln lmuzo IIrIisI. IIIII l'vo lIm-I glml III' "IV Ihrov SIMIIIINHI' wrs uI' I0“. and anI' I IlIink H is up In Ihmu hack in (IIIIIIIIII In Iry IIIIII sIup II erl. I guess I'll lmw In I-lmw nnw. YIIIII‘ IIM PM. .luo Ayn-:4 (404,213). Frol the Fm“ nd Elsewhere at hon.- I ""5“ QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN For Town of Tlmmins Temmmry Quarters rear of Cumming's Cigar Store Opp. Post Oflice B. M. Allworth â€mew XIII lw nlylo I!!! I“ "y o :9 nil \‘cms plnil." 'iml was lmm in Paris. Illing mo llwy have that lmw lwvn Work- ? slwcl lu sixty «lullnm I ll‘ â€ï¬‚lflrln gm‘! clry lllk‘ h siwml all tin-Er t 52m lmvn rvml nlmm am: well. lu-liow mv. :ng just as usual here. m 3'an «lun'l gel more :- l mu naturally lazy mums Wurlh writing do so many days up w and so many out. n we am on rut-king n'cry niglll. still. we hrnr mt Hum rnkc 39!. In" I've Inn-n swunm‘ul wry M'- lk it I! up In Hnmw 'ail. Div 'rvm' letter (1K. and as: as We" and H" (Incrrv ‘flfl‘fl mvon'l soon wv'vo hem tnlkim. and (Wu by fmlr Immgh. H0 . Kill". Pram-v. he: and ’1‘ ml 'tll‘iS. Imu‘ ii Frank M. Burke i 72 TRINITY PLACE -:- :4 NEW YORK OOOOOWWMONMOMOOWNOONMWONMWO 02692960300 000000066036000OOOQOAéOOOOQOOOzzoOOW .9 Leave You:1 Films With Us Copper Curb Mining Outlook 4O PAGES line}: number curries nu H.000 to 10,000 word article (in some big mining property umler the title of “HUIIHUK'OS' of (irezit Mines" The ('(H’I’ICR ('I'RB MINING ()l'TIiUOK contains infor- nmtiun so prepared its in Show its; effect on securities The Copper Curb 8.: Mining Outlook nmintuins cur.- l'l-sgumclvnls in all tlu- lmuling Miningr ('zunlh'. The News Service is fresh, ably prepared and complete {"01'N1N1f'. YEARS the leading authority on Mining and Mining Securitivs. Sample Capy on Request Druggist - and - Stationer REED ammma «1. mamas. onmmo ,"rom 150 to 250 H‘Clll‘itiOS and corporations am- «liscussml in ouch issue Best possible facility to handle a strictly commission business. KIELY, SMITH 8a AMOS Private Wire with Direct Connections with PRINTING AND DEVELOPING 0UP work is right Branch Ofï¬ces:- Timmins, South Porcupine and Cobalt. Head Ofï¬ce - Toronto. ’Phone 64. ’Phone 33. Phone Orders Premptly Delivered STOCK BROKERS \Iwh [\llll\un'\t Toronto and Cobalt ALL TH E CAMPS LL THE NEWS ISSUED Bl-WEEKLY ADDRESS: FUR One Dollar Annually Timmins South Porcupine FROM “VI