5'01! 1'. ' Condmed Adverthemenu.-â€" Load and Funnel. Wanted. For Sale. To Rent. aha. um- im'lx ur less. 33 can per inscruon. To immrv imvrtiun. copies of ad- veflisemrnls slumlul be in the hands 92 the gintcr by Tuesday noon of (‘Ici week. ? Advertisements insorlml without written instrurlinna will appear until written nrdors for llwir discontinu- ance shall have born revels-ml. Further mics and particulars may be had on application. CROPS SUITABLE FOR. LATE SOWING IN ONTARIO AND QUEBEC. 25 cents per insprtinn at $12 pot- your. type or 7 cents per linv fur black face type, oxmpt win-rt- Ilw job work is done at the Advance Printing Oman when native will luv inserted rm: of charge. In same» [mm "1' â€Maria tlw mm- tinuml \wt wvutlu-r that has vlmrmu term-cl this smlsull up In tllv prvsvllt has pron-Mm! the. mowing: uI' mine «if the usual vmps m llw usual timv mu! has had a u-mh-m-y tn clim-mnrugv tlw farnwr. Stu-h. lmwmw-r. sllcmlcl nut he the fut-ling aiurv Hu- pussihilflivs «f prmluviug ('rnlm «m lmul nut yet hmvn are pruvtimlly us gum! us M'vr provided tlu- wmnlu-r impruws It hit and tlu- right vrnps lw sum: in the 'right way and pruporly luukml after. Min. Nmmn-Rmdum nn'im of entertaimnonts. Ma. where a charge is to I» made. will be inserted in The l'urrupim- Advanm M the m. ulnr ï¬lo of 5 can†per lino for new: M I'IIBIIIIFIIE IIIVIIBE llnrlvy \rnnld likoly du wvll own yet an fairly wvll drainml land. Saw about 2 lnislwls pvr arrv. Pens and Unis snwn tlm-o lHlSllt‘lS t-l' wits and «mu lmslwl nl' [was lu-r avri- to la- rnl grvvn l'nr liay way In- uxlwrtvd tn givv prulitahli- rvtnrns if hnwn anywhere lwl'uro .linn- 2.5. L‘l.ilt‘l$ and Hungarian Grass linu- wnndorl'nl pussilnlilivs as l'urago pru- alum-rs and own l'nr sand l'nr punltry (or swine. if smvn la-l'nrv July 10. Bnrkwlwat may la- snwn up in July lmh, will: vortainly nt' pl’nllllllllt’ rv- lnrns nu almost any kind nl' land where watvr dm-s nut stand. ('urn l'ur Furage. liarly ur Flint varieties (lmngt'elluw, ('nmptnn's l‘larly, ete.) should he ehusen. Suw thinly up tn June 25th. Swedes thrive in sneh a season as we are having and may he expeeted tn give guud returns. it' suwn any- where het'nre the end at June. Flat 'l'arnips or White 'l‘nrnips \x'hile nut an satist'aetury as swedes t'ur must parpnses. dn well it' suwn even as late as the end of July and :are Innst exeellent rattle t'uud. heing partienlarly snitahle t'nr dairy euws. 'l‘hey du nut keep as well as SWt'tlt‘S. llape t'ur pastnrage is of great val- ue t'nr swine. sheep or heet" 'attle. \\'ith late seeding. must thurnngh preparatiun ut' the seed hed is ahSu- lntely neeessary it' sneeess is tn he hoped far. It land has tn he pluwed turn a shalluw t'urruw and in ease land is grassy it will he niueh hetter ta plow again. even it' already pluwed last fall or early this spring. At'ter plowing, rull. dise, two ur three times and harrow hefure seeding. At'ter seeding rull again it' surface is very dry. France was the ï¬rst .-umtry to adopt the system of compulzury mili- tary service. It was inn winced by Napoleon in 1798. The Commas folâ€" lowed suit in 1806. Amvmg mums surv nl' pruving sul- isl'm'tm'y vw-n at this lulu clutv. urv lmrlcy fur 2min. pens. and nuts fur :l‘nrugv, lnwluvlwul. millet. lumgm‘iun grass. 001'“ Mr t'umgv, nr onsilugv. awmlcs, wlxitv 01' flat turnips uml rupv. Kitchener was the sun of English and French parents and horn in Ire- land. It seems but fair that his sue- oessor should be a Scutchmau. In any vase got the seed in well and what is quite as important in the vase of hood rrops above mentioned. see to it that they are kept absolute- ly free from woods for the next two months. Xt-glovt in this important detail means failure when crops are sown lute. If a ('lluirc of ('I‘ups is possible. sow c-orn, lmvkwlwnt, turnips and Hun- garian grass on the lighter soils and other crops on other kinds of soil, that is. vlnys, clay loanis. polity or mucky soils. vim, but any one of these rmps will «lo quite well on almost any kind of land. Loin Cuds or Notion-$06.00 per Profmlonnl and Business Owls.-â€" Out“: . 82.00 a nu Uuud sum . 83.00 t you Publish"! every Wednesday by Geo. Lac. hm ma - « . ammo WEDNESDAY. JUNE 28th. Subscription Rates ’lem 26 itunw I'Ixtt-nsiun. .lnpiu-r. Mrlntyro and Wm! lhnm- mntinno tn lw tlu- lmulvrs in tho unlit stuvks. with 'l'i-In- iskaunin'.r nml i’otorsnn Lnku lit-aiding tln- list Ht Vulnnw nt' salt-s in tho sit- wrs. i‘illt‘il ut' thvsv lmvv. lmwvvvr, slnutmi in privo n t'vw 1mints t'rmn Inst wwk's range. At pl't'svlli privos. van-Ii ut' the n- lmw nwntiunml stm-ks uppoul tu us tls‘ nt’t'm'ing vxvvllvnt spwnlntivo up- purtunitivs far at rmisunuhly lung: pull us nu selling pressure is in (-viclcnvo and t'nrttwr substantial dot-lines nri- nnlitu-ly. We wnulcl struugly advise the pur- ('lltlï¬t' ut' ltmue at present priees as it has reuehecl the hasis ut' arstahle lltH'slttlt‘tll with wmulert'ul speeula- tire pussihilities. It is expeetetl that «luring July the will will reaeh its eapaeity ut' 45,000 tons umuthly aml wheu hnistiug thruugh the new real- ral shat’t is begun. the grade ut' are will atlnn. tm «luuht he euusitlerahly higher. all 01' which points to largely lllt't't‘flht‘tl earnings and pruhahle iu- erea>e iu the (llVltlt‘lHl rate within the next few umuths. .\lelx'iulqr-l)arragh and Nipissiug iu the t'uhult list alsu appeal as par- tieularly attraetire speeulatire iu- \'e.~'tuu~ut.~‘. with 'l‘retlu-wey as an ex- eelleut Slit't‘llltlllull. The latter emu- pauy's uperatiuus nu their uwu pru- perty are resulting satist'aeturily, aiul «meratiuus an the lluehester lease are alsu >huwiug exeelleut results. liar silver is smuewhat higher, elus- iug the week at (Sill/gr. aml the leu- (leury appears t-) he tnward higher [H'leei t'ur the metal that will eer- taiuly have a gmul et't'eet on the (‘u- halt market. THE OLDBST LIVING THING METHUSBLAH 0F FOREST. 'l'nwering a giant aiming: giants. the eldest living thing that eunneets the present with the dim past, majesie in its 111ien. its dignity and its wurld-uld experiem e the “General Sherman Tree" is the patriareh 0t theh eqnnia Natiunal l’ark ut ( ‘alitnrnia. says the Natiunal ('leugraphie Magazine. It was already 2000 years uld when t‘hrist was ham. 1:: the age when the knnwn world was rueking in the throes of the trujan wars and the time that histun tells as marked the exodus ut' the Hebrews troni Ev g\',pt this greatest at seqnuia gigantea was a t'luurishing.r sapling of some twenty or thirty feet in height, and truly under the especial eare ut‘ the (‘reatur wlm held it safe from the lightnings of his wrath as he did from the at- tacks of his earthly enemies. ers 1279.9 feet into the sky; its base vin-uxut'eretwe is 102.8 feet; its great- est diameter 36.5 feet. and it. has de- veloped a diameter of 17.7 feet at a point 100 feet above the ground. ‘! The â€General Sherman was dis- cm ered in 1879 b\ James Wylverton, -~. hunter. and named by him in honor of Gen. William T. Sherman. It tow. 'I'he haIam-e ut' the market issues are marking: time, althuugh we (In llnI Iieliere that they will sell mueh lmver but “ill matiaae In he IIltltII\'(', al- tlmagh the lmssihilit} at aa amal- gamatiun “III! the \ ipuml amI \'urth 'Ihumpsun \umld eause a market t"\'Imr. III the meat a deal “as made. The Melntxre masuIitIatina “III! the Jupiter and Melnhre Ixtensinn is at ("UlllS('. pruhahle in the near future aml this \mahl mean same O :u'tix'it)‘ Hit the part at thvsv thru- shwks. Big huuw SUlll (1mm tn $20.0“ and at that privu it. is pussihlo tn make u muplu ut‘ [mints (luring the next week as wv understand tlw prmluv- tiun t'ur June will slmw 1m invreuso whirl: tugvtlu-r with tlu- smni-unmml (-lvzm-up. should muse this stuck tn strvngtlwn. Silxor 51111115 1111111i111111 \1'1111k 11ml i1111111i\11 “wing 111 11111 11111111'111i111\ i11 1l111 prim 111 5111111', 111111 1|111\' shimhl 1111 1011 111111111, although Xipisaing is 111 all times 11 1.1111111 i111'115111111111 11111111111 $7. 1111 111111 L11ll11so 1111111i1111cs 111 l1111k 1'11111l 11) 11s 111‘1111111l 601'. 1111111" in the 11111 111111 111m 11111 1l11\1-l1111i11;: 111111 111 the 1111151 11111111isi111r 11111511131115 in 1h11 l’urrupine mum), and as a result may 5mm l»: the mvnors ul' :1 lug gulll name as well as a silver Iunw. In “The Battle ('ry of Peace," the greatest of all war tilms, which will he presented at the Empire Theatre on Friday and Saturday, .lune 30th and July lst. the United States is shown in the position of Belgiumâ€"at the mercy of an innnensely stronger power, Which has declared unprovok- ed war against her, which has defeat- ed the United States navy and landed an army which advances on New York. The capital‘is shelled. The army. outnumbered, makes, a ,vain stand against incomparahly superior artillery. Finally, the United States. beaten to her knees, is forced to sue for peace on any terms. Shells are seen falling in the crowded streets of New York. civilians butchered by ma- chine guns. American women compel- led to self-destruction to save them- selves from dishonor. This is what happened in Belgium. And the "lturitanians," the nation against whom the United States is supposed in the pliotoplay to be contending. appear to have adopted, with a modi- ï¬ed German helmet, the full German moral code. Mary Fuller, the famous screcn star, will make her appearance at t' e Attractions at The ' Empire Theatre m romm ADVAROB I'Impirv Theatre 011 Mumluy mul 'l'uos- «lay, July 23rd and 4th, in “'l'hruwn tn llw Linus.†Wullnw Irwin's must Impulur stnry, \\'l|l(‘ll was prmluvml at Furl L00. .\'.J. Miss Fullvr is sup- pm'tml by a must “1' sh-rliug players. “'l‘ln'nwu lu tlw Linus" is u (-nlmrt-t lit'v (lrnum wlnivh «lvpivls Bruaulwny at its Wurst. mul slums lmw a girl almw in the nu-trupulis is â€w prey ut' lustful liomls in human furm. Truth “(‘5 {li Hm Imttum “1' 1| “'0â€. That is why so numy people let well “lune. Lvunumizin" In: tho puipusv 0! ho- ixw imlvpomlox it is mm n! the smuul- vs! imlivitiuns ut mun!) (-luum-‘tm. Amid all tho Imnmn mntvrprisos “1’ this wumlort'ul ('(’lltlll'_\' there has been 110 sm'ivty yet I'nl'lnml fur the [mum'- tiun ut' ynung men frmn yuung \m- mvn. The mam Mm sum-owls wry yuung, and Who climbs up the ladder unusu- ujly fast. stamps on u gum! manly pmple's lingers. ll \uu «ain't (ln “lint will like with- uut l)L'lll}' luuml nutâ€"ho luuml out. A misc! is one at tlw things; that will keep in any vlimnto. TELEPHONE 62 Hugh Boyle. St'c Dominion Diamond Drilling Company DIAMOND DUST. CORE BORING SOUHDINGS CONTRACTORS LIMITED South Porcupine J as. 15.. Boylc. M 2 r BOX 506 Physician and Surgeon Phone 55 '. A. McINNIS TIMMINS, ONT. All kinds of Jewelry and Repair: on Watch“. P.O. Box 123. Next P0“ on“. Box 345. T oaclicr for Vocal and Piano Music still has a few hours to spare for Pupils. The best and nmstâ€"up-to- (Jute Livery of its kind in South I’urcupinc Automcbilcc for Hire- Livery and Transfer Prof Steinhart Concert Pianist 8. WHEELER South Porcupine A. BISCORNET Moderate Terms :c for Hire- Open Day and Nighb Phone 31 South Porcupine