Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 28 Jun 1916, 1, p. 1

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THE PORCUINE ADVANCE The value «if gnid prnduetinn in Pun-unim- and British ('ulumhia durâ€" inc: 1915 was $14,534,000. mmpared with $11.2tt~i.tttttt in NH and $10,696.- tttttt in Will. The value ut' silver pru- duecd in ("uhuit “lime in 19].") was $11,000,000, against $12,795.0tttt in 1914, and $16.572Ltttm in 1912!. in nine nmnths ut' 1915 Sudhury mines prndueed $5.1:7tt.tttttt in uiekel, in the matte. 01‘ more than during the whale «if any previous year. The year's gunner nutput at Sudlmry and in ltri- ‘tish (‘ohnnhia was wurth approxi- mately $12,000Jttttt. '\\"hile dramatie eulur is hint these otherwise dry tigures. heeause itritaiu needs all the metals in urder that she may triumph. another aspeet ut' the industry has a livlier interest fur the man an the street. Are there ammu.r mining stueks attraetive investments! With mines like ilullinger paying 52 per eeut. per annum in dividends. Dome Mines 20 per eeut., i’nreupine ('ruwu 12 per eent.. Seneen-Superiitr 70, Xiliissing and Kerr Lake each 2", t'uniagas 15. MeKinley-lhirragh 12. Mining in t'onmia mmms mar» tu- day than It did hefurv. Its gulcl and \‘er serve in rstahlish uur «ninnmii' km in ”its timc- uf m6“. IN ckel, whirh mnstitntm uwr 75 pvr cent 03' the \mrlci's tutnl supply. covers Britain's warships. Ht' its hue metals millicms 0f slwlls «W In» in: mode. The industry in ('nnmin hm suits-o. 1y begun its rnroor. New and there over its extensive metnllifi-mus sur- faces the proamrtnr has acrntchml tn find rirhm that haunt the imagina- tion. The mpitaliut has fulhmecl. with the publir in hia train, the «n- gincer has been not tn wurk. and from the racks of Ontario. British t‘ulmu- his, the Klnndike nml Sum Svotin. hundreds of millions ut‘ hulliun nml ingots have hwn drum: in supply thi- consuming markets ut' tlw \mrhl. ('nniugus 15, .\I(°l\'inlvv- Unrmgh 2. lntvrnutimml Nivkvl 12.." _.. and ('un- mlidutml Mining and Snub-[ting 10 pvr «NIL, the answer is ubviuus. In minerals ('uumln is prulmhly llu- richest mmmr)‘ in llw wurlcl. ln llu- nmmm. l’nrmpinv. ('ulmll. Smllmry and Klumlikt- (In-re i4 nmgiv. [luring tllg [mast vlow-n ymnr-a ('ulmlt lms pru- w-d nearly 175,000,000 mmmm «.t' "r m u vuluv umwnximuting $05.- (lln .000. Unly llm-a- ymu's ngn New Yurk Woke up 000 "turning l0 llml tlmt l’urvupiuo uultl luul nrrivml nu Wall Strwt. Sinm- tlwn yvlluw 0le! worth $20,000,000 lms lu-ou prmlm'ml by the vamp. Mining As An investment Pays High Dividend Rate Vol 2. No 34 A OOKPREHENSIVE BESUHE ON DIFFERENT mum VENT: URE8â€"-TEEIB POSSIBILITIES FOR PROFIT OR OTHERWISE â€"-MANY "GOOD PROSPECTS" BUT FEW PAY DIVIDENDS â€"â€"MANY COBALT PROPERTIES "COME BACK.” A inilw has hwn dvflned as “it hnlv in tho gmiind. with n liar nn tnp," hut in t'nhtltt. and l’nt‘rttpino the linr was sitting on $ti0.000.000 wnrtti «of dividend That ninnnnt mwrs inc-My the poi-ind tn dnte. “'hih! t'nhalt. whirh hnn had it hing rnrm-r nt‘ pmdni-tinn. hm maintained its output. l'nn-npim! t'ninp is nnly t'onr yvnrs cold. and is rapidly cm the inrronsw. t'nhnlt paid MJXMJNHD in dividends in 1015 and has are re- sorvmi worth rnnghly tic-twvvn $20,- 000,000 nnd magnum. Th0 «ninth-r ntitpiit nt' 1915 was duo tn the poor prirvs nl' Htht'l‘ in 1915. \t‘hirh itldttr- ed mining mmpnnii-s tn c-nrtnil npor- ntinns. The nnrinnl prim nt' silver in tin vrnts pi-r mun-v. “111 during the past your it drnppml tn ~1ti'g m'ltts. 1t hns aim'v rccnvvrwl tn nrnnnd 65 rents. nnd prnspm'ts ttt't' thnt 11tt' prim. will ndvnm'v “1°11 nhnvv tho nnrnml during tlu- t'utllttl'; nmnths. IIIII'IIIaI IIIII'III;.r thII I-IIIIIIIII: IIIIIIIths. i’IIrI‘IIIIiIII- is ”w .IIIIIIIIII bright i('\\t’l in ”w IDIIIIIiIIIIIII a IrIIII II VIIIII‘ IIIars agu. IhIIiIII: tlIII “IIIIJI” II'III-II- lImtlsiIlps “"I‘IQ' slIlkI'Ii I’ll! III ”III Iiis- triI-t. .\.~' II I'IIsIIit ut' III-I‘I-IIIIIIIIIIIIt Wfll'k. II fit'lll't' IIt' IIIiIII-s I-IIIIII‘gIIIl as “gum! IIrIIslwI-ts” mu! Inf Him-Io uhmtt tII'IIII'I- have am far proved “H'lttSl‘iVI'S II'III'thy tlIII IIIIIIIII IIt' gold IIIiIIIII-I. The camp lWUtillI‘l‘ti 20h! II'IIrth $8303.01") in 1015. IIIIIIIparI-Il II'ith $5,530,000 in 1014. and paid IliI'iIlIIIIIls IIIaIIIIIItiug tn $230540“) during the Ivar, and $5,000,000 in its .shurt hiI-IIIII')‘. TIH' IIaIIIp III'IIIIIIIII-Il N data sIIIIII- $20,- 000,000 II'III'III ut' gold. and II IIIiIIiIIg export estimates that 010 in rIsIIr'Ic aggregates $00,000,000. Mach at thII 'ca'uap"?s~§tithvirg1n. ‘ I. ' eeive hark the enpitnl he put in. home and Hullinger have evidently so lam: a eat-oer ahead of them that 7 and 9 per eent returns, respeetively at present market mines. make them nHmMivo. ('uhnlt has been the surprise “1' the industry in that many at its pram-r- tics are still being maintained at it high rate ut' prmlnvtiun. Buth mnnps have pruvml t-xwptiunnlly rivh at depth. vavnteon l’urvupim- and (‘uliall minvs \wrv dividend payers in 1915. and lliimy haw been (ill the dividvnd list sim'v upm'aliuus hogan. Aiming 11:0 1913') list are ””00 l’un-upiuvs. in addiliua tn uac at Kirkland Lake in its \ivinih. 'l'm-k- Hughes. The Pur- vupinvs aw llulliuger, Dame Mines. and l’nnapinv (‘I'U\\ll. all at “lllt‘ll may he said to Ulllli as imcsluwnt prulmsiliuus. liullinger. whieh paid 30 per eent in .1014 nnd 52 per rent in 1915. is one «if the wurld's great, pmperti’es. It is like u skyscraper heading thru the. huwels ut’ the earth's ernst. ()ne min puss thm miles of shutting. drit’t- ing and (‘I'USS~t‘lltting, duwn tn a depth of nearly 1:200 feet. The un- nnnl statement «if the mine, issued early in 1915, shuwed that the pro- pcl‘ty hnd $13,350,000 Worth of are reserves, and sinee then, these. hnve been nhnust dunbled. l’ar value at Hullinger is $5 par share. lts present "1111th \aluv is about $2 N). This means that uith the cli\idcnd at 52 per cent. per annum ”ll' stock has a prvsmit Vivid u! 9 In r unit. A year agu ilullingei' stuck was \mrth ."21. Hume Mines is another stock that ranks as an investment. It pays 20 per eenl' per annum in dividends. The nre reserves are enormous, although they du nut assay as high as llullin- ger. ()re reserves approximate 35.- unmnim tuns. with an aggregate esti- mated value in guld nt' between $115,â€" mwmn and $1s,auu,mm. 'l‘he milling eapaeity ut‘ the emnpany is ahnut the same as that ”1' llullinger. l’ar value ut' Dunne Mines stnek is $10 per share. lts present market value is ahuut $28. This means that with the dividend rate «if 20 per eent per annum the present yield ut' the investment is ahunt I per vent. Melntyre Mines has been in the little-light sinee the middle ut' 1915, [t is an aetive prudueer. althu it is tint a dividend payer so far. It is otheially stated that pruspeets are guud fur a dividend U" the 6ka he- fore the eluse ut' the present year. Mneh ut' the development \vurk an the, property has been «if 50 reeent a date that nu definite ~stiniate ean yet he made of ore reserves. The mine is etheiently managed and the past few months has witneamed a series of strikes on the property ut‘ large body and exi-eptiunal values. This. among other t'avurahle faetms has given rise to speculative activity in the stock that has made it the feature «if the mining,' market. TIMMINS. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 28th. 1916. IIIIIIII Is \"I'I\' I'IIIIhIIII‘HIIIIl' III-IIIIIIII- IIII III (II IIIII IIIII'IIIIII'I III IIIII IIIIIIIIII ”I IIIII IIIIIIIIIgIII' (.UIISIIIIIIIIII'II. .\IIIIII- IIII. IIIIIIIII. IIIIII IIIIIII 'I’ IIIIIII-s III IISIIIIII' IIIIII IIII IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIrIIIIIIIIs III IIIII'IIIII rI III 'IIIIIIIIIII, IIIIIIIIII. \\IIII- IIIII :IIIII SIIIIII II'IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIII III-IIII sIIIIIIII III III- gel IIIIIIIIIIIII I‘UIIIN'('I- IIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIrIIIIII gIIIII IIIIIIIIsIIs. II IIIIIIIIIII M'CIIIS II) he IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII- IIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIIIII'II IIIIII slIIIIIrIIIg IIIIII IIIIIIIIII‘II IIIIIsI ON'III' IIIIIIIrII IIII I-IIII IIIIpII IUI‘ III}: are IMHIIOS. ln lh-lm‘u there is ulsu ulivluc clin- lmse. somentine '. and Jmnprophyre; 'l'llmlgll these I'm'ks may nnl lw lllo Sfllll't‘t’ ul' tlw [wot-inns uwlul they all spell t'ruuturo auul mum-uncut. l'm-ility far its «lvpusitiun mul awvuumlutiuu. llvssitv, a tvllul'itlv nl' gnlcl uml sllvvr has lwvn l'uuml on “w l’uwoll (-lnims in lh-lum. uml the clikvs nl' ulivino «liulmsv suggest the pnssihility 'ul' platinum. mum fflfllfllflls Bfllfilflfflffl BETH! "Ill "SIM TWP. The T'm‘nsllip "3' Helm-u lie! im- mediately smith ut' Tisdnle in the l’nreiipine guild area. In Tisdnle we have the fnnmns llullinger t'unsnlio dated. the ”Big Hume” and uther urn-at mtle. lint as yet there are nu steady pnuineers in Delnm. The t'nn- ingus ut‘ t‘uhnlt is nine inn-king the .\nkerite. the bailout has taken up the .‘lnidens‘Melhinnld. the Premier. furmerly the Standard. is in "perm timi. and there are twu nr three uther working «in n small senle. Dehim is regarded hy the ntttcinls ut‘ the bureau nt’ mines mu. «m the whole, more immising than Tisdnle. Fairly t’nvnm ile formations are m- eml thmnghmit the township when» as in Tisdale eseeptiunnlly mind xmnnd is tht'fimt‘s hurdered with hnrren massive nwks. Wlmt is known as llw lmmlt-d iron furmutiun runs. m-mss tlw «mum ut' Dvlm‘n in n nnrtln-mstvrly climrtiun and rumitmm strum: in tlu- annulment mrner ul' “'llihw)‘, wllit'll mljuills Timlnle N" ”w mud. Thaw quartz- mmmetitv I'm-ks nrv mmmun tn pre- (‘mnhrinn guld Hvlcls in all parts of the \mrlcl. TIN-n llwro are c-uusidor- "th intrusiuns m’ quartz gmrphyry in “Mum. 'l‘lmugh this rm'k is nut NIP smm'v "3' NW gum. it is outwith-Nd tn lmw im'luvm-ml its dvlmsitiun. pm. lmMy by c-rvmim: uro c-Imnm-ls ur Inn-"king up tlu- «original crust uI' tlu- mtrth 2m Hm! Ilu- gulcl lmlvn mluticms c-uuld mmw up fruit: the multvn muss lwluw. le mmml')‘ Work I" the l’urvupinv tic-ulntml with wry mu'rnw quartz wink-ts. 'l'lu-rl- lms born :1 small pru- cluvliuu lawn and sumo wry spew-tum- lul' samples lmvo lwon uhmim-d. 'lho 'l'cmiskmuing sorsiv nt' svcliâ€" uwutnn lot la lune ull lwmn \wntlwl- ml mm} in Dvlum. tlmugrh tlwv r-o "min in the eastern part ut' 'lisdxlle and extend nurtlwnsterly tln'uugh Whitney tn Hawk Lake. Dvlum, in u gvuoml way. rvsmuhles 'l‘iscinlv, hut it has muru ruvk types and ignvuus intrusions and the sci-mid half-(102ml loading: lllillt'S ut' l’uri-u- pine are likely tn Iw hwutml here. The tuwnship has nut yet hm-n pru- pcrly pruspiwtml. It is under tho shadow of thv grunt llullingvr and Dome but it has "writs ut' its mm: and when murv capital mules iutu tho vouutry the l’urcupim- mining area will be musiilvmhly widened and we will see grunt alvtivity in “chm; and pussihly tho tuwnship uf Shaw. ll [VIII Tl] lllllK HIBWABII Ill 228th MIBE All] HA Arrangements have been mmplotml fur holding a tea and damm- in tho l.(L(LI’. llulL fihjutln 1%»rculfilug .n) the alt'tel'mmn and evening ”1' 'l'lmrs- day. June. 29th. Navel arrangements are planned fur serving: rot'rvshnwnts IIHII vuxulu¢4iluz tin} ‘htnvc, tlult atrv sure tn prm'o of illu’l'f’st 10 “mm: Who attend. ' “tlxu A treat (0 the mum in tlw line at musiv is guaranteed as tho six-pim'v urvhcstm ut' the 228th Halttaliun is making an spcvial trip t0 the mum fur the purpose ut‘ furnishing musiv t'ur thv quusiun. Laval ladies are t'urn- ishing rvt'reshnwnts for the occasinn and the entire. gross pruromls are to he donned to the Battaliun funds. 'I‘a 'Ikv'IV\u - and it. is vermin that. a largo crowd will he on hand tu avail themselves of this uppm'tunity to have an enjoy- able time and in assist in a must Worthy muse. The 'l‘immins 3aseball Club organ- ized and put on a running basis last. Thursday night, when Homer Gibson and Chas. Auor, were elected joint. mangers and W. M. \Viddificld as the Secremry-Tmasurer. IS mumu lm'k m the l’urvupiuv qum‘lz- murplnn, which is w- 'wwnt or runcumt saw our Is III! E am m I"! swam Thr wutld's pnIdIII-tinn nf Inim'rals metallir and non-«melanin is uvfl' $6,!Nll.000,llli annualh. the IIII'tals nInIIIInting tn IIhIIIIt 40]!" PP!" 0f the «halo. The ltritish Empire IniIII-s l5 per rant nt' the guild at the “arid. The l'nitod Statm loads in inm. mpâ€" por and silwr. with «war $1.500JNNL. mm in aun~nwtallio pmdnctu. III t‘nvt thI‘ rrpnhlir amnmts t‘IIr half ut‘ the animal pnxlnrtiun ut' the m-rld. This Inn-s far in shmr that Nurth Amrrira has llll‘ gn'atrst nIinrral rosnnrras. Tho priIIIary III‘ the l'nitI-d States is Illlt‘ to pxlansiw- dM‘thme‘nt. hat with adequate I-apital thorn is nuth- ing in prownt t‘anada t'rmn hemm- ing the equal ut‘ unr noighlmm as II mining mantrs. ln tm-t. there is awry indiratiun that in metal mining we should iw InurI- sIII'I-th'nl than the great. fi")llllllt‘. T ha oldest and Ilvopost guld mine in tth world is uwned by an English I-IIIIIpaIIy. This mine is known as the Mum) Valli". it, has lM'I'fl wurkml with few interruptions siIII-I- 13‘"). it is sitIIatI-Il war the (‘qtlfllfll‘ in Brazil. 'l’ln- wurkingn haw Imw attained II \‘t'l‘llt‘lll depth of "var IIIII- lttllt‘. and it. is planned to mntinm- halt’ II who run III-r. Sturdy .lultu Hull hus u greut pou- elumt t'ur the yellnw tuetul. He up- erutes in nearly every euuutry where. either Imlt' nt‘ plat-or gold! is tn lu' uhtuiuml. Hut ut present there is uut tum-h British eupitul etupluyed in ('uumliuu Iuiues. l'util the dim-«wery ut' l’ureupiue we luul mulling very inviting tu ut't'er. uml just. ut. the time when l'ureupiue wus lu-iug estuhlislt- ml us an iuumrtnut. eulup the greut wur hruke nut. and the investment ut' eulutul in new enterprises: wus pru- ltihitml loy the guvermueut. But the turn Inus eume: u \‘ieturiuus peuee is uuw lmveriug uhm'e the lml'izuu. British enusuls. whit-h ure perpetuul 2';- per eeut. iuterest-Iwuriug uuuui- ties. luwe risen in value uver t'uur puiuts siuee the naval battle ut' Jut- laud. 'l'he c-redit nt' Britain and at the yariuns nnits emnpusing.r the Empire seems destined tn emerge unimpaired train the war. H the hunds and uther set-arities run he sold at ur reason-l aldy near par, thorwwill, after thel war. he ample eapital far all miningl enterprises. and eunsidering the her-1 uie part whieh ('anada has played in the war. war appeals for mining: rapi? tal will rereive sympathetie treat- ment train the British investor at'ter peaee names. In fuel, it seems pruh- able that. there will he an extraord- inary muvement of British eapital l0 l’urenpine in less than nine year. Many t'aeturs will euntrihute. tn this result. The must important. huwever, is that l’urenpine is nnw prayed tn he pruspm-tively the greatest guld ramp in the \an‘ltl. We have already hm or three big mines with several more. in the making. and it is eertain that large eapital ean he employed with safety and prutit. 'l'lwn- am- ulmut sixty paying mines in the Hand, and we have mum fur am "‘1 mil numlwr in tlw two town- ships 01' 'lisdule and “claw, in 8:1\ within: as tn the mlwr piuuiising clislrivts in nurtlwrn ()nlzuiu. Furthvrumrv. Al'rivu. India, Aus- h‘nliu. and ”w 17llitml States have passed tlwir zvniths. Results at Hue ('ruwn Minus, the greatest. 01' the pru- dum'rs in the Rand, were very disap- [miming during the past year, and several other vrstwhilu big mines tlwro mo in a similar mnditiun. Australia has been falling,' haek tor the last seven years. As to India, it is sutlieient to say that the mines there have had about 30 years of prosperous life, and single fissures are usually exhausted in that period. t‘onditions in the l'nited States ean he understood from the reeent opera- tions at Juneau, Alaska. Enormous stuns of money have lately been in- vested in exploiting ores that run from $1.25 to $1.75 per ton, with a profit of nhollt U5 vents. The many veins and vein systems at l’oreupine will give the eamp an unusually long life. and a very large produetion. There is volume and value in the ore bodies, and they are so olose together, and the roek is so sot't. that minim.r eosts are unusually low. The eouditions all t'avor the in- vestment of large eapital. and when it mines in after the war, may new wines will he developed, and the values of stoeks and properties will he greatly iuereased. It is indeed hard to estimate the et't'eet. ot' the intrmluetion of English capital on a large seale. It will extend far he- yong the value of the money employ- ed. for it will necessarily heget gen- eral eonfidenee in the future of nor- thern Untario as a gold tield. Can- adians and Amerieans who have here- tofore heen pursuing the policy of “wateht'nl waiting" will at onee spring to aetion. There will he no more hesitation or delay. Porcupine will be fully developed, and many imore mines will be paying dividends and adding to the wealth of Canada. The 228th hiisehull temn c-umhteted a funeral serviee n\'('t‘ the i'eimmms ut' the 'l‘immins hull team in the Tim- mins uthletie tiehl on Sunday ut'ter- mum. with full military hunurs. ('uuk eumilletmi the sel‘viee. assist- ed hy eight. etlieieut pull-hearers. while their suppurters t'iltltlimi :i must impressive requiem train the side.- lines. .limmie train the Inuvies appeared in the rule «if eliiet' mnaraer. lasing hveaty-live rents an the transactiun. 'l‘lie 'l'iiaiaias aggregation exempli- fieil the feline speeies in passing t'rum mortal existenee with the pruverliial nine. lives. -. 'l‘ha whole loam was in a estate 01' mma «luring: tlw first mglll spasms, lmt slmwocl symplmns ul' returning: mnsviuusncss m tlw llllllll. In ‘tlnis last aml supromv vl'l'url. they smrml tlmm tunes: but. alas! It, was all 0‘ 'Q 9 \‘ lwu lwu l; l'aglll. In charge of Ceremony. Victims. 1"ilmualu'ivo, 55. King. ll'. .‘lvl'nul, ('l'. lwssartl, SS. lawkhart, :ll’d. \\'. l’ivrvv. .lst. l’l'mlgcl's. Kort, 2nd Hoylmlds. .\l(°(‘uu|v.\' Brown, v. ('()()I(, p. In HH- In charge of Ceremony. Victims. 1"itznnun'iee, 55. King. It'. Met'mnl. et'. Lessnrd. ss. Lueklull't,1h'tl. \V. l’iel'ee. lst. l’rmlgers. lst. Smith. e. Kert, 2nd. Iluyqnist. p. Reynulds. rt'. Mel‘lllientt. rt'. Met‘nnley, et'. Brennnn, :ml. Brown, e. ('armiehnel. 2nd. ('«mk, p. H. l’ieree, «of. In the seventh Lessnrtl replneed Ilnyqnist. an the nmnnd, Hnyqnist nmving tn eentre field and II. l’ieree to slmrtstup. Brissun huttml t'm' II. l’ivrvv in the ninth innii g. l'nipircsmflihsun nnd (hmlinvr. 'l‘hv vormnnny begun at 3.30 nun, mmhn-tml us fulluws: 18b Spasm. 228th.â€"- l“it'/.nmuriw wulkml; Mv- (‘nul strm-k nut; Fitznmnrim stuln somnd; Luckhxu't was safe on llny- qnist°s uwr-thmw tn first; Fitznmnr- ire wvnt. tn third and Luckhnrt. tn svmnci: I’rmlgvrs walked; ert singl- ml, smring Fitinnuriw and Luvkhnrt, l’rmlgvrs rvavhing third; l’rmlgvrs swim] and Kort went tu scmnd nn \V. i’it'rvv's UVH'HII'UW in third; “(‘5'- nuhls pnppml tn Lvssnrd; Kurt stulv Ih‘di )Iiet'nnloy whit't'vd.-â€"--It runs. 1 hit, ‘3 i-rrui's. 'l'innnins.â€"- King t'unlml tn Lm-k- 2nd Spasm. 22Ht|I.â€"-Brn\m \wnt uni ('zn'mivh- :wl tn W. l’iorvv: ('uuk gut in the may of H10 Imll mu! umvml in first: Fitz- muurime walkml: MM‘uul singled and ('uuk sc-ui'mi When \V. l’im'i-(e threw \xiclv in get him an 11!], l‘itznmurii-v "wing: in thin] and MM 1:0] in SM'HHHI Lm'klmlt 110“ in H.110ru" l’rmlgvrs dime a izist «mu Ilnuugh .fircl, aiming Fitzmaurivo and MM’qu; l’rmlgvrs stnle HOPUIHII Kurt hit, to Lossm'clxâ€"II runs, 2 hits, 1 H'l'ul'. ‘ 'I'ilnniins.~â€"â€"Siuitli out, luwklmrt in l’rmlgors; Hayquist and )‘Ivl‘lllii-utt earl: gasped ”MW in turn.â€"-â€"() runs. 0 hits. 0 ermrs. 'l'innnins.â€"â€" King t'nulml tn Lurk- lmrt; Imssm'cl and \V. Pic-rm. 011M: hmk thrm: gasps and nutâ€"«U runs, 0 hits, 0 vrrurs. 3rd Spasm. ZZZHllLâ€"w llvynnlds pummel lu Huy- qnisl; McVaulvy strm-k nut; llrmxn hit over semmd ('nnk hit thruug‘ln 25rd; Fitzumuricc singled suturing: Brawn: MM‘uul walked, filling the lmsvs: luwklmrt cluullled sc-nrinu ('uuk, Fitzâ€" nmurive and Md'uul; l’rmlgvrs singl- ml; Lm'klnart was mmght at the plate. â€"â€"l runs, 5 hits, 0 vrrurs. 'l‘iunuinsâ€"~Brennan mllapsml. Fitz- maurivc to gl’rmlgm's; Carmichael Canacunn Clubs. and other Patriotic and Fraternal last «united effort. give the men. so urgently needed. Societies . and tho buslfiesa interoatu will. bx one, failed to rise to its full responsibility. Surely the women. the Churches. the Board: of Trade. the required to complete its Battalion: no: unthori: is 600 men. This District has never in lta history to the District of Xipionlnc. niplsaing'a quota of the immediate need for man. I make this appeal T0 735 cnzzms OP 16113153130 _ -mmxcz. 228th Win From Timmins A Call F or Servicr‘. mm Brig.- Gen. Logie Speaking with authoritative knowledge pumwd in shurzl H. I’Wu' “11323.04. --â€"0 1mm, 0 hits, 0 «r‘ruls. 4th Spasm. flflhtlinâ€"t'mtk nnd l"it7.innnriw p0.“- t'm'ntod the t'unnin‘Pr stunt: ltrvnnnn nnidv. it nice nnv-hnnd stnh ut' .\l.o- (‘uul's linen-4) runs. 0 hits, 0 vrmrs. 'l'innnins.â€"~ .‘lt‘l'illlt‘ull. puppvd to lmvkhnrt; lh'vnnnn singled but was nnt whvn t'nrinivhnvl lmmwd tn l'rnd- gers.â€"--tl runs. I hit. 0 vrrui's. 6th Spasm. 228th.-- lmrkhnrt snt'v wlwn t'nrâ€" llllt'lltlt‘l t'nnililml: l’rndgvi's l'ullml an: vnsy “no pnst. t'ni'inivhnvl; lAH‘lxlttH‘l. l't‘tlt'lllllg third. and soured wlwn Mr.â€" l‘lllimtt throw the hull nwny; Kilt. t'nnnod: ltvynuhls lNIpthl lu llri=n~ nun; )lvt'nnlvy wnllu-d; Brown mllt-d lu llnyqnist.---l run, 0 hits, It a-i'mrs. 'l'innnins.â€"-- ll. l’im'ieo swung tln'm tiinvs; King singled and was naught. ut't' tlw ling. when lwssnrd pumwd to .\l«-t‘uul.~â€"~tt runs. 1 hit, 0 vi'rm's. 7th Spasm. Lessau'd tossing thv pill t'm‘ 'l‘innnins. 228th.â€"â€"t°uuk t'nnncd; l*‘it.'/.innnri«-u lifted to (‘aii'mic-lnn-l and )lct‘uul to l’ivrvv. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. 'l‘innnins.- \\'. l’ivrt'e rnllml 1') Funk: Smith lifted in lmc-khnrt; Hay- qnist, unt. un strilws.â€"~tl runs, 0 hits, 0 vrmrs. 8th Spasm. 228!..hâ€"~l.mk|nut Ho.“ tu Hayquid, I’rmlgcrs nut Hrummn in first; th‘t hit tn ('unuitllm-l.â€"-U runs, U hits, 0 (I'FHl'S. 'l‘ilnlnins.~â€"â€" le'lllimtt wnvm] Harm: tinws; Brennan imitutcd; (‘nrmivhm-l was snl'v un Kvl'ts fumble, hut «lie-i sl¢~nling.â€"-~U runs, 0 hits, 1 I‘l'l'Ul'. 9th and Last Spasm. 228th.” Hvynuhls whifl'ml, in oifil .‘lvi’nnlth Ih'uwn :mnndml nut H. Hurry in W. l’iM'c-v.~--U runs, U him, 228th“- ”(’yttnitli whift'mi, SH .15! .‘lt-(‘uuh-y; Itrmvn :i'nmulml nut H. l’ivroo tu \\'. Mervinâ€"U runs, U him, H t-rrm's. 'l'immiiis i‘zllliml in thv vlmmit'i hum': Ht'issuu huttml t'ul' ll. l’ivrvo: ttlttl \w'ut nut Kurt tn I’i'mig‘m's; tho ti King gut szlt'v when Lcwkhm't iill't'w Witli' tn first; Lt's‘tlt'ti gut .‘l ht't- it: tlw samw imuinm': King: gniug t4 third: \V. l’ivri-v singlml svni'in: King; Smith hit t'or twn hugs. sc-ui'ing [.m- szu'd amt Pit-Hm; Hal-unist t'umimi t'ur' tlw t'uui'th time: le'lllit-ntt. «hr-f, lmvklmi't tn l’i'mlgt-i's: and an 0min! tho t-m'muuny. smn'v 11-15. (me (‘NIIit‘iti sput'tzltur genernnsfy submitted the t'ullnwiii;_r epitaph: Here rests the aspirations «m the Ia.;r ut' I‘itl'itl, ”1' nine youths tn t'urtune and in thine. unknown: Baseball seiem-e smiled lint. «m their humhle herths. And u'ielanehuty marked them for her own. Why further seek their merits to «II-$- rinse, Hr draw their t'ruilties t'rmn their dread almde; Here they alike in ubseurity might hide-â€" Tu eseape the humnr of the multitude; Singk Copia 5 Cents m-w wild in get the huh-r Smith I'nulml In l’rmlgt-I's: H tuuk tlm-o gusps.-0 rum. ‘3. N'l'urs. 'x‘mzy mm». 5th Spasm.

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