23% MILLER INDEPENDENCE MINE SHIPPING ORE. THE OCUIN E ADVANCE The Miller huh-pendulum )liuv all BnStun ('i‘oi-k has shippml twa lulls‘ all. lllgll grzulv ul't‘ In ('nlulll. As a large pi'uportiuu ul' thv gull! is run- tainml in tolluriilrs. rhv Nissvn stxuup mill ilistullml un the property remix- cred unl)‘ 11 pair! ii! the values. 'l'hv urv shippml mmv l‘mm Slll'fau‘l; untoruppiugs. Sumo him has been run thruugh the Nissmi stump mill and several lmllmis prmlurml. A stutiun is living rut at 2:3 l'vvt mul a (‘l'USSPlll will he run In (‘ulvll the win, which was flat un the sur- t'zu-o but. has apparently straightened up. ll is pi'upusml to instill an uil flotation phinl tu trvut about forty tons a day and ship the min-elitraitos. The lmilvr fur the will has animal and will be hauled to the pmpcrty. hml)’ has been remwrml In pine “wok. wherv ij was '(‘uusluhlv Roy, Hunting .ln'idg’o lmvzlruls tlu- lulw. 3.30 u't'lm'k yestm'du)‘ HUN has been missing for six c going: tn press it ('Hllltl nut luinml wlwtlwr an inquva held â€1' NH†In :mul! umwars tl [mun .\It¢-1 ï¬rst run. \\ hmly has he pim' Frock. 'l'llv lcwall Hum] â€Mauls .\.~‘sm-iutiun rvvvmly l'nl'mml slumld brim: this mutter urm-ntly lwt'urv Mr. \Vllitsuu. :mcl Hwy mm lw ussurml nt' united summrl from thc- 'aunp. c-ugnizzmt tlu- ramp â€1' suflivh U'ivl. Perkins Found in Porcupine Creek t'apt. Am-lmr. in t'utn'l't‘stlllnfl with tho Advanoo, was timst otaphatir in tho opinion that muro attoatiua almald ho immodiatoly giro" tu thoir hoods. llo arm-d that tho wiator Lrnad \rhioh was out almut tlro "maths ago by way of tho Vilmad and Sac-- ooas priiportios tu tho lluiao should ho grmlod and iiapriwocl as a [M‘t‘tlttttt- cat roadway. Alsu that tho ruads loading.r hotwooa tho dit't'oroat propor- tios in tho “0th sootinti ho lillkotl up as well as ouiisidorahly impmvod. The "auto l‘lxtonsiua havo a largo quantity ut' wasto t'm‘li an thoir (lump whioh is saitahlo t'ur gmnd sart'aoiag and \Vlllt'lt 'aa ho llnt‘tl gratis t'nr mad-Imildia". 'l'ho llmao Minos t'nllsll'ttt‘lt'tl tho ruad iatn thoir pinpoitv at tho ox- poaso ut tho oumpam and tho hr-atlc h rnad trma this tn tho llumo l‘xtoa- aiua. ioooatly put in. nooossitatod an outlay of a tow hundrod dollars hy tho Unau- l‘Ixtoasiua amiiagomoat, and although answering tho purpose at’ gixing aoooss to tho maipaav'? plant it i-. nttl\ .i ‘ftNHl tltttlit‘sllill aa- til tho pimimial gnu-iamoat got busy with an apprnpiiatiua tor KPH-t oral l'Ulltl itnpruvomouts thrnughnut; this sortiim. ; .\ great litany autuianhilos aro mm" in uso in tho l’uroapiao mum. and thoi iaoroaaod activity in all tho gold pro- portios has oalargod tho wagon and toaiaiag tratlio onusidorahl)’. an that tho ruad systoia has hooumo outiroly iaadoqaato all through tho oamp. 'l‘hoso dolioionoios shuttlil ho hum- ght lu tho attoatinn ul' liuad (‘uiumis- hintlt'l' \\'hit.~'ntl. whit is sut'ol)‘ ltHl cognizant ut' tho harm hoiug: duno ln tho vamp thruag'h had ruads' and laok ut' satlioiont hram-h mails in this dis- l TIIIII Ilu- Dmm- sm-Iiun III' Ilw camp has boon tom tom: ll!.‘)."(.‘l'h'd in the IIIIINI-r III ï¬llihlhlfl rnmh I-uIIIIm-IIIIg â€l0 IlilTorI-III prnlwrtivs Is HII- IIIIIIII- immm npiniun in that vml "I“ II"- camp. THE HUME SEBIIIJN WANT NEW flflflfl EXTENSIUNS BAlllY Will SVSIENAIIBAHV . rnusrm nun: n. ms um mu 3an Diamond drilling at the Dome Es. lamina is [tummy famrnlfly and is now down (340 feet. Hu- «lrill Inn in: maintained a 20m! angle 9" far. The mntnrt calls I’m- 1500 feet. 8mm! extreme'y Imnl nwk was I'll- countered mar the surfaw, but at [tn-sent tho reverse is the mw. Hm drill mm being in a crumbly furml. “an. 0n the 200 {not love! hm nmrhinm are mnnimx. and drifting is being: pnmutml ms! and mull: mu! a plan «f ayslrmalir prmportim: is gumg cm '0' rnmswuuing at every 100 I'm-t. Vol 2. No 33 :umtlwr mlumn ut' tht- .\«1\z H's tlw rmmrtml «lisuppmun u-t’ Jim l’vrkins at Knuth l’u .\t'tm' going tn press. with run. we are iut'urmml that lhv Adult)â€. tlisullpml l'nm': Knuth Pun-u- fmm fulllul lH‘lll‘ m. a! u)‘ H' IN ill ' the uhunt H )V H M ll .\n unuflh-ial repurt frum Mathesml states that a slab of almost salid guhl wurth in the nvighhurhcmd ut’ $100,- mm has been taken nut ut‘ the ('nwsus Mine in Munro annship. The (hr- ers u!‘ the runaway, invhuling Jul- ius (‘uhmh manager, are at the. pru- pcrty. having arrived last week from Xvw York. with tho 'l'nrnutu m‘ut'cssinmlls fur a slmrt time last sensun. 'l'lw tuwn will muster its strongest team and u guml oxliihitiun ut' hull slmuld result. Push-rs will he virmxlntml annulme- ing l'ull particulars ut' the gaunt-s. ul' whivli there will likely l)(‘ huhâ€"«mo on Saturday and «me till Sunday. SLAB OF GOLD PROM CROESUS. The hasehall team «if the 238â€! llattaliun will arrive in tuwn l'ui' this week-end and arrangements are nnw under way t‘ur games tn he played an Saturday and Sunday. The sul- diei's have a high elass hall team in- cluding pitehet‘ Fred ('uuk who was with the 'l'urnntu pt‘ul'essimlals fur a shurt time last seasnn. 'l'he tuwn will (tn Saturday l‘Irnie ltludgett met with a seriuus aeeident at the llul- linger- mill while engaged nu a dis- tril.ntur in the erusher rumn. All the lingers were severed maupletel)‘ t'ruui his right hand when he eiul(:~a\'ured tn «dose the ehute duwu whieh smue wet nun-k was mining. lle shuwed wundert'ul pluek by holding: the wrist «if his injured hand su tightly with that nt' his left hand until ntedieal attentiuu arriw-d that the luss ut' lrlnnd was miuparatively sniall. He was later sent In the huspital [hr at- leflllim. Week-End Baseball With The 228th All Fingers Severed From Right Hand stay lu'rt'. Ur. Mrlnnis Mitt-rm! tlw ttl't'nll as am oxpmwm ut' tlu- uhjuvtinn tu 0n- listmvut lwvuusv tlw alien was nut tum-«l. ('ul. Mulluy prmuisml tn take this nmttvt' up with tlu- guwmnu-nt. .H'tm' business luul lwvn (iisvllssmi Mrs. Mullu-run svrvml tlu- gvntimm-u with :1 dainty [um-h. NEW mum: mu ' H mm: [IKE IS I succtss; 'l'lw lwuguv mmuuitu tn linum-v tlw nuwvnwut the mm: c-mut'urtuhlu slat)‘ lu'l'v. ('ul. I'lm'vlnmm prmuisml tn 50ml :1 plutmm ur’ mvu mu] the hand tn (lu- (iuld ('mnp tn stimulnlv rm'ruiling. 'l'lw 225th ham-hall tmun will lw lnrnugllt in to minglv with tho vmlms- iusls “1' that ngw. AHA-r thv muss mowing lust Thurs- day ('\'('llillg, tlu- nu-mlu-rs "1' Nu.- R0- rruiting lmnguv "wt in mnt'vronm- with ('ul. l'Im'vlnmm. 1'0]. Mulluy, mu! tlw nflim'l's nl' HIP 223th. 'l'lwy dwidml tn immmu'utv tlw HIM >y~lvm win-Why all eligiblv nwn in tho mnmmnily \muhl lw gin-n tlw ummrluuity tn stun. why hr was In»! in klmrki. BflNEEflEIBE BETWEEN flEElEEflS Ml] EElE CITIZENS’ lEABUE Hn Wmlm-Mluy lust tlu- prupm'ty mu \‘isilml by l’rt-«ich-m (ion. 'l‘nylnr. ('npt. Shvrrill «ml Mr. MM'mnus. «lir- m'tnrs Hf llw minm lugleH-r with at party u!’ nlmut n clam-u utlu-r prmn- im-m minim: mvn. 'l’lwy c-xpn-smul â€mum-Ives ms “1-†mtisflml with mm- diliuns mu! \H'I'v "1' ï¬lm upiniun tlmt prulwrty and plum Iwwr lmnkml 'wt- tvr Hum M pun-mm. vlnssvs M "w lu-mg mumlwn mum" and mmrtz-lmrpluyry -â€" whirl: rmnirv «lit't'vrmlt treatment. le mm! imlmrtnnt strikc- lntrly was in the smpo «m tlw am that level almut 50" fret t'mm tlw main shaft. Wlwrv an "11' luul)‘ 7 tn l" t'm't wicll' has boon run imu m-vmging lwlwpon $47 tu $50 per tun. on “'lllt'lt «lvw-lnp- mom is still gain: MI. The sinking ut‘ tlu- mnin slmt't t‘ur nnutlwr 100 t'vot t'mm tlw 400 [an lvwl is mow umtor vmntc-nmluticgn. party is a success although. as is mmmonly the case, it is nut quite up In flu.- gunrantoc, and is M [mm-em chm! duun fur repairs. The mine shipped n small 1:"ch hrirk Inst thmlm and will ship a hint" «me by the oml u!’ â€no mumh. Ten stanum and a tube mill are mm in culmmliuu tn hnmllc- llw hm ï¬mlmry Io minor! wllirh have been rirrulnlin lately. the Admin"! learned fmm .Ir. Tlmmns. managpr nf â€um? Lake. that â€It! new rynnidv plant remhlly installed on the pr!» npmn', im'lmlingr Jul- xger, are at the pru- med last neck 1mm «I mesvlws sun! in mukv during: thmr TlMMINS. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2m. 1916. I The Huverninent. have at last nnule In atnrt en the trunk maul hetween l'l'innnins and Sunthenil. Alex Ster- [ling with a few men and n euuple ut' itemns has mnnneneed tn npuir and ï¬x up the haul spots near the uhl pris- nn ennui, and will Work tuwanls the Heat llill and then 3.50 hack to the starting' puint. and \mrk tuwanls Suntheml. The part of the maul at present in the Wurst eumlitiun is t'rmn the lien Hill In Sehunuu'her, and this we think should have. ï¬rst zlttentinn. At present they are hauling ruek t‘runi the l'ule-y-()’l£rien shaft for use «in the repairs. The foreman in eharge should see that the last 10ml 1.? levelled on the i'nu'cl het'ure «init- 1111;: \\'ul‘k at night. Work Started on the Trunk Road ml tlw tnp flat â€1' Sanders l’otclwr- sky building, whit-h will he rommlvl- In! with u llill'thHHl i'luur and M'my- Ihing â€00.0 mm tn umkv an HID-tu- «latv lmlgv mum. ll‘ tlwrv are any mmnlwrs ulm Mail In .iuin the mw lmlgo thm sllull'tl munuunivutv \xhh \\.( i. Smith. w as tn gut in un 1h: inst it ul ion. .\ meeting“r ut' the lueal ()ddl'elluws was held in the ('anadian lixplusires hnildin;_r un Munday evening.r last and at whieh sntne twenty ntetnhers ut' the ()rder were present and it was ï¬nally derided tn institute a lmlge in 'l'iin~ inins in the early part at July. The new lodge will have at least l'urt)‘ tn start in with as there are already that ntnnher wlm have signitied their intentinn ut' ,iuining and as suun as the Grand lmdge sets a delinite date the new ludge will he instituted. .\ hnilding“r euintnittee was amminted hy t‘hairtnan l’ritehard. euinpusml ut' Messrs. llatnhly, t'arsun and Lake. and an 'l'nesday this eunnnittee leas- ed the tap flat at Sanders t\? l’eteher- skv hnilding, wltieh will he reinudel- pl‘m't'mlml In 21‘! way willmul may "lurks. llv in! man h» the audit [V "Hirer mum 'l'hv 132th lnuul pluyml u svlm-tiun whilv Ilw industrious ynuug' Indies nt' tlu- H.Y.H. (‘luh \w-ut tln'uugll tlw umlivm-v fur the silver hulk-ls whirl: will lwlp tn win the war. Oddfellows Will Institute in July spmm‘ tn mnliuuml unpluusv. ('lmirmnu .‘lvlunis spuko "1' (ho ro- vruiling funds us being imulmluutv fur llw \mrk in hand. but an lwlmli' 02' Ilw ('ummim-c- llmnkml tlmsv wlm haul lwvn li'wrul in tlwir gifts. â€0 mlmvulml sumo lvgislulivo mmsnru whvn-hy a levy would lu- made an "lit-us wlm vujny t'rcvdmn and mommy gmsitinns whilv ('umulimls are at the Hunt. Mr. vavvs, n \‘isilul‘ I'mm 'l'urnntn, fawn-«l llw mulimwv will: u tim- ren- cliticm nl' tlu- fuvurih- Irish lmllml â€.‘lulllcl' Mllc'mhl'u' H In†«lid HM I'v- 51mm] tn 1110 [mm rm-vptinu whit-h lullnwml. I'IIIII. )lIIIIIiI-III was We III-x! IIIIII III RPNI’I’ IIIIII NIIII HIIII VIII. I‘ZIII'IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII: IIII IIIIuiIIIIIII' kIIIIII' IIIII IIIIIIIII)’ ut' IIIIIII III III° SI'I'III‘I‘I' in â€NI IIIIrllI IIIIII HIIII‘III'III'I- IIIIII N'h'I'N‘C' this dis- triIIt IIII IIIII III-III fur mixing: II but- IIIIIIIII. llI- IIIIIIIgizml IIIII IIIIIII II'IIII hm! IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIl :I†â€III hardships-I III' III-IIIIIIIriIIg HIII mining I'Ulllltrï¬'xlllld amid Hwy II'III‘II IIII' .Imrl I'IIIIIIirIIIl by â€w 228m. â€II rIIiIIIrIIlIIIl tlII- statu- IIIIIIII â€III! “III IIHIII British IIrIIII' IIIIIIIII lIlIIIIkIIIl IIIII path In I IIIIIis was all that had sIIIIIIl III-III'IIIIII ('IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII I'IItc II'lIiI-II IIIIIl III'III'IIIkIIII liIIlgiIIIII IIIIII HIIIIIIII. Mrs. J. K. Munro III IIIII' «III [“0115- in}; manner snug II SIIIIIIIII \Hll' .IIIIIII' IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIl IIiIlI IIII ('III'UH' iII III- full st‘rt-nmh. um! lmpml In swurv M h-ust hm hundred ul’ Hum-u- l'mm the l’nrvupiuv {'ump. Ho «mm-Mod in go Ilmll'l‘ mums M â€w smm- time as (Inn-m lmlmlium whirl: Inn-l lu-vn rc- vruilim: sim'v t'llristmns. ('npl. Munlivtll was llu- "0.“ MW Dr. .‘lc-hmis was chairman and lw prum-mlml In up! the prugmm under way \mlmul any lengthy awning ro- lmlrks. “v intrmlm‘ml l'ul. Hurdl- mun M â€w mulivnw. um! Hw mlqlier- ly Mum-r mmmnmling tlm 228th brig-fly «mm! chm Hm Hntmlinn was mm' HINDI“ 500 strung. nvqniring nu- utlu-r llnrm- lmmlrml tn brim: it. to full strt'lluth. and “mud .0 serum M gm't l'olmu Vi!" In Till mnniting. was in «wide mowing nf l ï¬rivnl smug Large Audience Greet Col. Mulloy on Second Visit HIS FAME TRAVELLBD PAST IN THE CAMP SINCE HIS PRE- VIOUS VISIT HERB. RESULTING IN A MUCH BIGGER ATTENDANCEâ€"COL. BABOHIIAN ALSO ON THE PLATFORM -~GOOD SINGING INTERSPEBSBD THE PROGRAM. .\mn'nxinmtvl_\'$l0,000,000 in min has arrive-d at the Philadelphia mint dur- ing: tlw last few days t'mm ('anada. 'l‘hv stun-ks of gold in the mint mm- tuin 113mm ham. van-h mw being \t'ut'th ulmut $7,000. TONS OF BRITISH GOLD MELTED IN PHILADELPHIA Turns â€1' British suveroigns have “01Ԡshimwd avmss tho Atlzuitiv (1111'- in}.' tlw past six nmnths, and mum of this minted gold has been melted at t‘u- I’hilzulvlphia and other mints intu bars and stat-km] m the sub-treasury. iit‘iWPOII vlvvcu and twelve u'vlm-l; last night a Russian drill runner at tho Hullinxvr mine met with a fatal art-idem \\'il(‘ll at large piovc (if 11ka 1'0†t'rnm ailmvc where he was wm'k- ill}: :uul vrushed him tu death. â€9 haul uiily lwvn .(binplu.\'ml at the mine for zilmnt hm months. Same hm ur three weeks agu a meeting was ealletl tn nrgranize a hasehall eltth t'nr this end at. the eamp. httt as there was nut a sum- eient nnmher present tn make it re- presentative. it was pustpnnetl. An- uther meetint.r has heen ealletl t'nr tu- murruw ('l‘lmrsdzrv) at W. H. Smith's next In Imperial Bank, and it is hap- ('tl that all persuns wltu want to see a hasehall team run as it slmnltl “0- t'nr [me at the gameâ€"will turn nut, and give whatever snplmrt they ean. t'has. .\ner "Mayur nt' Mattagami†and father â€1' hasehall in the eamp. has been mentiunetl as the unly like- ly man that ennhl handle the pusitiun as manager satist'aetnrily. and it is ltnlwtl that ex'eryhml)‘ will turn nut and put the hall team an a runningr hasis. The meeting is at H u'elm-k. Workmen Killed Last Night at Hollinger "That." said ('ul. Mulluy, "is 1110 511110 111' miml \vllivli gots a natinn i111†il'nllilit'. It's likv «an-king: â€10 21111 1l1a1- isn't lumlmi, u1' tliawing 11111 11112141 dynamite. " .\1|a111 Smi1|1 1511 years ago said civi'vllm' i~'. lilo iirs't IHISim'ss «11' 1110 stair. Likv 111v l’uh-s i11 1|w «laxs ni Frvclm'u 1‘ the (110111 111 P11155111. llw [mm]:- «11' 'l'immins are Iixing in a 11101.5 !ull':ltii3‘1'. VIII. .‘IIIIIIIy III'IIIIIIIIIII'II Ich â€III IIIIIiII IIIII'tiIIII IIt' his IIIIIIIIIIIII. II‘IIII II \Ith IIrIIIIIiIIIIIII thII sIIIIIII IIs giIII II IIII his hIIIt Iisit IIIII‘II. IIIIII IIIIIIIII “03 III- IIIIItIIII in tho .\IIIIIIIIIII at that tiIIIII. \ to“ points \Ihich he made IIII'III II'°IIIII that tho IIIIIIIIIII III IiInIIIiIIs IIiII ‘IIIII IIIIUW IItt't‘t' is II IIIII' IIII. “It might as II'IIII IIII in Mars.†SIIIII IIII. “IN'NIIIM' II'II stiII IIIIIII tIlII' III'IIIIIII'ty IIIIII IIIII'III' 3;†II'ithIIIIt II IIIIIIII IIII III-- IIIIIIIII IIt' it. The war is tlIrIIII IIIIIIIs- IIIIII IIIiIIIs away. but it Itllh‘ It’tH'l'IIt‘tI t'IIrtlIIII' than that. \\'II IIIII'II t'IIrgIIt- tI-II IIIIII IIII IIIIII' 1051‘ um IilII-rtI'. " IIIIIIII IIIIIII HI gIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt sIIII II â€II- IiIIIII HI (‘\IIII(‘IH II has I'IIsIIIII UII IIIIIir IIIIiIitI' III tight, IIIIII in time at IIIII' IIII I-IigiIIIII IIIIIII ttttlhI tight. HIIIII IIII- IIIItI-I-I' system is IIII-III'iIislI IIIIIl IIII- tIt'IIItH’I‘tIIIt‘. IlisIII'iIIIiIIIItiIIg iII t'III'III' III' the IIIIIIIIIIIiIIIiII IIIIII sIIItislI IIIIIII. “II mm III' II t‘UIth'I‘StIIItIIl IIII IttltI WIIII :III .\IIIIII'iIIIIII IIitizIIII \\'IIU SttIII that it' the [MINI StIItIIs IIIII'y IIIIIIIII not heat (II-rIIIIIIII" s the \IIIIIriIIIIIIs IIIIIIIII g0 nut in I'U\\I)UltIS IIIIII IIII it. "'IIIIII." said In]. .‘IIIIIIII. "is â€W Baseball Meeting Thursday Night â€Thi- slwalaor nf the owning. t'ul. .‘ltilliiy. was lht‘ll itltfluliti'ml and N'- n-ivml a hrnrty nwptinn. Ila lwgan hy jcwnlarly saying he wnnhl haw tn cleft-nil himself against the t1" mark (if "I". .‘lrlnnis. wlm lltlil snicl t'ul. .‘lnllny had mine inflnvnrv with "N‘ tluwmmont in tlw lttflllt‘t‘ nt' a levy nn alii'ns. He said hi- llfltl in» such int'lni'nva. lm'ansv it' llt' ill“. the (liiwrnnwnt wnnlil nut hv \\‘ltt'l’t' it is. â€Like lllt‘ ll’llt‘ lrishinnn that I am." amid the t'ulnm-l. with a hmml smile. â€l'ni agin the mwvrnnn-nt.†The speaker hold his flllt'lt'llt't' that contrary in the than: ut' llr. Molnnis --whn thunuht that. â€w nlii-ns “would he hnril lu dislodge train â€in pus-i. lions they "(many in famr ut' ri-tnrno ml mhlivrsâ€"liistnry lltltl pruvon thiil afti-r tlw t’ivil War in the. Stan-s the veterans «if that, mnt'livt. ran ilw country i‘ur tlt’iy yoars nt‘ti-r. l'runi president clnwn tn imnnilknoiwr. mnl thr Nttm' was trno in England nt'ii-r lltt' anuli-nnii' War. He llllllltltllllt'tl that tho khaki i-hul vote-rains Wnttlil run this cunntry lim. wlu-n thi-y t'v- turn. Mulluy, “is llw 'h gvts u tmtmn llkv «nu-lung: tlw NEW GOLD DISCOVERY IN SBSEKINIKA DISTRICT the rink. ('Hlmidel'zllfle time was lust thmugh nu I’amlt ut' the brigade. as the hme haul In he stretehecl fmm the hydrant at Balsam :mcl :ml avenue. :1 distam-e â€1' «wer quarter mile. ()m: (“n-stnrev house was tntully destroy- ed with rm insumnve thereun and at New twu-stur)’ huuse in euurse of erm-tiun «m'the udjuining Int was bad- ly sewn-bed alum! the rcmf :nul' bidt‘. .\ repurt. says erv has been an iuumrtunt ï¬nd an the \Vivkstvacl ('laim. Int 4. mu. 1, “mm“ Township. ('unsidvrahle free guld has been taken out. “1' a small win and pmspevtm's are in the ï¬eld. The new ï¬nd i‘? almut six miles Martin of Sesekinih: and twenty x'mzu Swastika. 'l'lw Iil‘v brigade \H'l'v 'l'uosclay morning: at ]l a tire nu Hiwh Street, tho rink. ('uusidcl'uhlv thmugh 1m fault «.t' H! tlw IHNP haul tn lw strvt hydrant at Balsam mu FIRE DAMAGES The United States war department will issue orders within ~18 hours for the first militia regiments to entrain for the border and reinforce General Funston’s army of 50,000. Want bread. also peace. Bavar- ians riot in the streets, assisted by the soldiers. Demands are clear ex- pression of objections to the war. They say that Russian advances nev- er endâ€"they always begin again. Brusiloff’s army goes forward in renewed advance on Kovel. Aust- rian Czernowitz army is being hotly pursued. Gen. Pflanzer's force has been cut. in two. Three villages oc- cupied on the Sereth river. Russians cover 13 miles a (lay. Berlin claims collapse of Russian assaults on Lin- singen's army. Furty men an» uuw vugagml at the pru'wrty. and lwu drills arv \mrkiug..r regularly. Hm- utlwr drill is nu tlw gruuud rvady fur setting up. NH. I.’ drill llulv is lmw lilliSllml. lun'iug rvac-lwd 1:31] fwd ln a paint uudvr lidwards Lalu- last Saturday. ,\'n. .‘l lmh- is dcm'u 131:? foot and slmu's vxwllvut values in llu- mrv, at 51.") 11-0! it slum'ul values ul' $45. .\'u. l was put duu'u tn 884 You! and NH .\'n. l wdu at .312: l'wt. whirl: as- stl .745 alrl'uss 1.") Yuri. A! prvsvnt uniy u prnspm-t shaft lms lu-vn sunk and work is living lmslml with u \‘it'\\' in hunting in slliillilit' plum- lu sink u nmin \mrk- ing slmt't. 'l‘ln- lu'vsvnt. shaft is Imw cicm'll 275 {wt un am im-lim- whirl: will rm'uin' sinking a «listmu't- “1'36" fool iwt'urv rcuvliiug u vvrtit-ul (if INN! Wm, M which paint :1 vertical Wuris'ilig‘ aim†“iii iiiui)‘ lw put dawn. WAR NEWS (Kiely, Smith Amos private wire) .\lthomgh it i4 Italy ahuIIt si\t}' Jays sitlm' thv Wm Hutm' was I'v- UlN‘lN'tl. I‘I-IIIIII‘kIIhh- pram-mu I~ mum! in IIIIHI I'Xplut‘tlltnlt IttlIl OlI'H'lnltlm’tlt \wrk tu tlillt'. Sac-Iv was -.tI|| Htt thv gruIIIIII \I'hI-II [II'I-IIIIIIIIIII'y a‘urk was I-uIIIIIIvIII-I-Il. which was a I-uIIsiIh-rahlo haIIIhI'ap at â€Il' start, but sIII'h rapid striIh-s have III-NI ltltltlt‘ latI-ly that a. large clump of gum! IIIill I'm'k has been tlt't‘ttlflllltlh'tl whivh IIwI'IIgm-I a- round $26 pm‘ tan. and uIIuIIgh is IIuw all hand with which II small mill wahl ho kt'p'. hIIsy. .\II°. 'l‘rI-thvwvy iIII‘urIIIml tho Aal- \‘tlllt't' that It was hat. the iIItI-IItiuII ut‘ tlw HDIIIPMIV tn run-t a mill IIIItil sIItlh'ivIIt «lowlIIpIIII-IIt had “01‘" June to \IIII'rIIIIt the building at am» at huge IIIIlIaI-ity. \IlIiI-h ho hnpml quIhl hv l‘t’tllilt'tl hvt'uI'c the SHOW t'lios again. Al llw juinl meeting M" the dim. turn «1‘ the .‘lrlnlyn‘ group of mining pmlwflirs. whirl: was lu-lcl M the heml «Him in lluynl llnnk building. Tuhmln. last Tlmmlny. tu «llamas Ilia pron-ml mnsnliqlatiun. it was U'C‘fid'l ml llml an imlepomlonl â€purl ul‘ an vagina-r ur engineers in he mutually ngn'ml mum. should “1' ulnlninml will! the ulujm-l of arriving at an «unilalnlo lmsis ul’ vnllmliun I‘ur tlw [vi-"posed morgvr ul’ the â€two pmgwrlirs. After llw onginwr's report has been rvvrivml llu‘ clil‘l‘t‘lul‘s nl' lll!‘ pmlwrlim vmwvrnml will mm-t again In 3in the numrr further l'flll‘lcli‘r‘ nlicm. Bflflfl RESUHS fflflM fllflMflNfl llflllllNG M WESI HUME EHE Mclmflf BREE]? Vllll flE VMUEEEU BE EXPERE ENGINEERS LMAGBS TWO HOUSES ON BIRCH ST. ('illlml nut «on :m in qucm-h suntlm'vst. ut' nmmg H Um ilding. In line droid: Ims ' Hm mmm ï¬iclt‘l“ Simms '11“, 1. sun, J. Lzulds. H. J. I. Lyuns, H. Martin. J. Mu ('mo, J. (I. ()Tmnmr. I H. Strmlwirk. A. Stkurt ('. Wisv. J. H. Watt». 1" H. Ii. “Waters. â€under 4 Payne. L. Harris. Perv; Kennedy. 1). J. Udell. l7. “lung. us both l'rt-sitlvut I'Iau'lv m..l Mim- Managvr Wattmn nt' thv Kim-:- siugr haw been lu-au'ily iutvl'mtmt .u tlw I’lmmurnm. 'l'lw l’lvmnn'mu m}- juins tln- Newx'ay. whirl: is ulmut, t-p lw rmpvnml, mul mntirms tlw gvm-mzl upinicm that tho hi}; wins rmssing’ tlw Hullingur mul lentyrv Hm Hut'tlu-ust alvl'uss Imth tlu- me‘t'ny auul tlw l’lvnzun'mu. BASEBAH [ifllllJNIJS NflW TURNHI lNIfl MINIMUM EflMP It is aimmmwml that thu .\'ipi<siiu4 Minus ( u. Ht ( ulnllt has cumiutimi .‘t. (it'ili with tlw l’lvmmrum Minvs Ltd, as at t'vsllit of which it Wt†taliw mu 3‘ tlw lzlttw mmlmn)‘ um! nlwmtv tiï¬ guilt mining prnlwrty. This will He tlw Niliissingk‘ tirst vvntui'v in hm g‘niti vamp. The NH! vuiimzlliius hum hot-n swim-what (-iusvh' allliml rig-int; ll i4 I'vlmrlml nu rmmmulnly gno'l mnlmrity Ilmt â€mum is n .lvul «m for mnulguumtimn nl' \'ipuml and Nurlh 'l'lumumun gold mim-s. 'l'lu- pmpmw liq-s am- living smnplml by lmtll llllt'l‘~ osts mul tlu-rc is lilllv (luuht tlmt tlm «lval will lw mnsumnmlml lu tlwir nmhml advantage. lt is ulsu ropurl- ml that the sampling ul' Vilmml ham illustrutml tlu- (-xistonvv nl' a lam-9 hmly nl' high-grade urn lu'twwn the: 40†and Illlll-fmbl lM'HS. Plenaurum Sold to Nipissing Mines C0. Vipond and North Thompson to Merge Tllt‘ tirxt llullittgt-t' iliviilt-ml will lw «m â€w $21,000.00" i-iipitnl ut' tliu i'utwiliiltitt-cl mmmny. and â€I0 [irr- st-iit ~~tntt-im-nt is interesting tlh‘ slimy- im: lmw lllt' lin'gvi' puyim-tits iii-cm- ‘ml'y mulvr tlu- t'utHUlltlilllUll will lm tm-t liy tlu- i-mulmiiy. Apart t'mm tlu- t'uroguiiig. the May stun-limit is t'vutnt‘vlvss: grime: pruâ€" tlts ut' $154,369. t'ullllml‘t'tl with $15.â€.- l-lti t'ui' tlw prt-t'iuiis pt't'iml. mul pru- viilml vtintigli to my lllt‘ umml «livid- otul cm the ulcl slm'k. li-ii\'itii:~$1l4,:lti9 t‘m' surplus tin-mint. The .4anan ul‘ llulhngrr thl Mums Mr H"- l'uur wwlu vmling .‘Iny ISNh. shouts that the hmnnge tn‘ntml "mum! at new high I‘N‘unl. Allhumzh the mill's running mm was only mm per run. the mm! was 46.56] Inns. M.‘ which M533 toms Wrn' "culling" ufl‘. and 13.003 Ions un' I‘mm "w Arum pmlwrty. The last menu! In hqv mmhe was 43,1379 tum. in I’vhnmry. A now hm' rerun! mus mmiv t‘nr Hm value «if the llullinger uro 'l‘l'flh'd. ‘N 'm‘ hm. as against thv pn‘vhms hnv uf $9.01 in I’vhnmry hlsl. .\ alm'rmme in “'urkmg rust-s as mnumrml “1th rwcnt mumhs was a fmlun' huwvwr. and at $3.336 n hm m-nrml tho hum-sf. {hum-s in thv c-nm'mny's hislnry. (3mm pm“! «1' $4.37 per tun-- WIUH um ulhm'ing fur Inns in c‘xtrm-tium. \vhic'h is mnmich'rml n ch'rlillim: l'llvh 1' nt prosommwnrks nut cm thc- hush-4 nl' mmhmml lummgv millml l'rnm hnth Hullingm‘ mu! Arum. n grows pram ut' nppruxinmlvly $217.43". at. which rate llw muss mum fur tlm your mmhl ï¬gure um. $2,ï¬2l3.707, m' mlunl In a rate not far frum 12 pm' mu. on the nvw c-npiml. un which 13 per «will. will he paid in «livich-mls. 'l'ho m'xt llullingvr «lividoml will lw nu tlu' $24,000,110" c'npilnl "I. â€In flfï¬ï¬‚flfl Pflflllllï¬llfll MAUI BY Hflllllï¬ffl lllefl llflf Vfllllfï¬ lmrmn, . l-‘rxsln', . (h'mum' Single Copks 5 Cents l'tos. ( 'm'hy .Il.' rhumv: Smut. urp. Dosuuluim‘ .\. Analvrmm, .1 , If. ('mlnrmtv . "lmmmt, (. \\' ll H H'l'lh’ .Mum'rnu, I". Munr.“ 11.)]!â€" . P. I‘ilsmutlx, :u'l, J. H. Smith I". \Vnmlwul'd, r V. Kirby/H. '11-}; \Valkt', 5;. lu- :mo sum 'qmmnu-nt s 3m! in fav- '3 Man-Human: Ln. 'l‘lmmus, Huwzor H. (h'nul: Hm». “Ima- El"