Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 28 Jun 1912, 1, p. 6

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The Porcupine situation is gradual- ly clearing. and the depression which has characterized the market for so long now is fast riving way to con- flrlence. This is largely due.oi course. to the starting up of the Hollinger and Vipond stamp mills. and the mmsequent leelimt that, with produc- tion actuallv attained at those Dro- Derties. as well as at the llnme and during th' holders it out oft seem quit technical ed there purely s nverhamri are from “if!“ (if McIntyre. there is trrmmd fur optim‘ .ditinns w ism rather than pessimism. "(‘lnrt‘iutm'ks‘ ; limit a stream of mild will he pour- i hands. :tr int: from the camp. and with the realization of this l’ureupine tiny well he said to have vommeni‘ed tn enme into its mm. With the future thus assured it is nniy natural to look for betterment in market eon- (litions. aerip are t'\i~lt‘nt s lavnt'ttlile in due til 3 fair eh iatinn rel fluenve.it IMPROVEMENT IN PORCUPINE OUTLOOK Steaks Hard To Buy at Present Depression is Giving Way To Confidence While the prineipal properties in the minim: vamp haVe been making fast for produvtion there has been built up a material short interest in the market. and in this laet alone there is ground for the expectation that there are better times to come. The waning oi the puhlie inteiest. left the mild minim: list open to the operations at the bear eoterie. and this has pounded quotations without mercy in the. majority of instances. It has already been evidenced. how- ever. that stocks are hard to buy in anv material quantities at existent, low levels.. and were a covering movement commenced prices would in all prohahility score a sharp recov- ery. Meanwhile the gradual clearing up of the situation will likely inspire Citizens of Sarnia and Port Huron were rudely aroused on Sunday morning by a deafening explosion. 1t caused windows to rattle and houses to shake for miles from the plant of the lmperial Hil Refinery in Sarnia. A large 3,000-harrel steel tank there, tilled with gasoline. had taken lire and exploded. throwing: the top of the tank into the air and starting a blaze which lasted for hours. The steam tire whistle uf the plant howled and svrvm-hud. l‘n‘inging: tho townspwplu to the plant in thous- ands, where they saw that dreaded monster which no one but u (-ilizvn of an oil town knows, an oil fire not in control. n «onsifitont «inmand from the 51mm. and huvins: of this nature may he vaunted mum to maintain thv stoadv unclvrtnno now apparent. Sarnia Was Scene of Big Sun- day Bunflagratinn When flil Was Ablaze The plant. of £110 ln‘opcriul ()il (‘0. is surrounded by an eight-foot fcnve, which kept. the spectators at a dis- tance and allowed the men to work. The company has the best tire lighting apparatus that can be bought with money. and they had a chance to use it. Fifteen lines of hose played on the tanks and build- ings in the neighbonhood, and pre- vented a spread. All the tanks are equipped with live steam lineawhieh are turned on when there is a fire. ll‘7 Il‘Il'II'K ‘Illlll' IIII"» ‘I\\ II -------- --" ‘ast for production there has been ”1" “HIV adVerse factor lll sight at 'llll“ up a material short interest in ”l" ""mwm i“ ”l" fact that the mar- :he market. and in this tact alone ket is driltinc into the mid-summer fiht'm ls “DUI"! {Ur thl‘ expectation hulidav pet-ind. ‘vhcn ana‘hp'ip gppp- .hat there are. better timefi ‘0 come. ulation is the rule in the stock ex- l‘he waning of the public inteiest. . W ‘1 . l . cit the “old minim! list alien to the. changes. "0 pretetcnt remOH't as merations ol the bear coterie. and an indication 0‘ what might N '3' *his has pounded quotations wlthout pet-ted. the hrokerace fraternity mercy to the. majority. oi instances- would. umlouhtedlv. aaopt a mom It h“ already been W'dmco‘l' hou- optimistic. tone. and optimism would won that stocks are hard to buy to reign supreme. It is to I", said that anv material quantities at eststcnt while ”N, months "I June. 01"“. and low levels.. and WM". a “WWW Aurust are usuallv prolific of nothintr moVement commenced prices would in but “WM“. fluctuations in the mar- all probability score a sharp recov- kets. there haw been occasions “'llt‘n ery. Meanwhile the gradual t'ltelll‘lm: an active hull campaign has been up of the situation WI” likely inspire sum'essfullv carried rm af'that time. a consistent domantl from the shorts. and if the present cheerful let-lint: he ""1 huvms: 0‘ m” nature may he maintained. there is no reason a" counted uprm to maintain the steadv such is not to he anticipated this undertone now apparent. season. 'l‘here is no expectation that A SHARP RECUVERY. any big flights are in prospect. nev- ertheless the veneral belief is that a The activities of a short interest sustained recoverv will be under way. in the natural order of events works and that it will. in itself. remove, out in the elimination of a wood much of the apprehension which is manv weakly-held accounts, and this'now existent amour: a certain class is what has happened in the markettol holders of mining securities. BASlllINE [XPlflSlflN BRUSH] $150,000 [085 The city fire brigade was on hand, but its assistance was not needed. The company «loos not like the local firemen in oil tires, as there are only a few ways to keep control over oil. The fire was only 2300 feet from the oompuny's own pumping station, and the 1:3 lines of hose had a nozzle pressure of 80 pounds per sqmare inch. The big pump has severalmil- lion feet capacity. The loss will reach several thous- and dollars, as 2,000 gallons of gas- oline were destroyed, besides the tank. and the loss of time is to be reckuned 100. Reports arrived about nine o'clock from surrounding towns within twen- ty miles, inquiring about the evolu- sion. the report being: plainly heard that far. 'I‘he aggregate loss is estimaud at. $150,000. “To our silent heroes," little Wil- lie tead {mm the memulial bum 1:. “Pa. “hat aro silnnt hem-c. '? “Married men." said pa. HETTER TIMES AHEAD simism. “More I'd will he pour- '. and with the l‘nrvupino may 3 vommcnmd tn With the future unly natural to during the last montn. Apprehensive holders hm’e been pretty well scared out of their stocks. and it mull seem quite safe to assume that the technical situation has been improv- ed thereby. There are. of course. purely speculative holdings always nVerhanuinR the rnarket. and these are lrequentlv shaken out on anv «isms nf weakness. The present Pon- chfinmawnum “mm hiimfimuethat hlm‘kh‘ are held in fairly strum-r hands. and that. hilaet.rnvners (J aerirv are quite Nintent tn iimnre the e\i~lent situation. and tn await the lawn'al-le turn whieh is sure to come in «lue time. Were the market iriVen :l hfir chance and the hearrnanhne huinn nwnnved as an hnnuwhate hr fluenve.it is hichlv prohalfle that a sharp recm‘erv would follow immetli- ately. Excavations for the foundation of the new stamp mill at the Swastika mine was started last week. \VlL‘lllll the next few days a large foree. of men will be engaged at the property on the itamp mill ereetion. The mill will eover an area of Ml by 37') feet, with heavy eonerete foundations. Development work at. 400 feet. has proved satisfaetory durim.r the past two weeks. The main vein was out 13-“ feet west of the shaft at this the eompany°s lowest level and showed l)t'i\\'('(‘ll live and six feet of quartz. l"r.’e gold was found in the vein and altogether the ore body resembled greatly the vein at 30” feet where an ore shoot of llll feet was developed. The erosseut will he continues] to pick up other veins on this level and a machine started to work driving: north and south on the vein. At 300 feet upwards of 400 feet of drifting.r and erosseutting: has been done. in- eludim: the opening up of :1 EH) foot ore shoot. This shoot shows free gold in many places.. and while at!’ either end of the shoot there is good ore. the values are not quite as high although high enough to permit mill- ing at a profit. Considerable work has also been done on the 200-me leveL Have Been Started Witn---Supt. Bedingtun Has large Bang Wur- king at 200 font level EXEAVMIHNS fllfl The shaft is now the '(leepest in the Swastika section. and the only one that has gone very far below the 100 foot mark. Superintendent John Redimzton has a gang of 36 men employed, while three drills are working underground. New Train Some rather important. changes were made last week-end in the “wand Trunk timetable. (‘on‘cnene- im: last Fritlav a new train left Buf- falo at 10.25 and Toronto at 2.20 :i.m. for Muskoka and the Lake of Bays and Temagami. Commencing Saturdav new trains left Toronto at 10.15 and 12.3“ noon for Penetang, lluntsVille and north, and for Jack- son's Point. Saturdav onlv. at, 1.40 Saturdav new trains left. Toronto at 10.15 and 2.130 noon for Penetang, Huntsville and north. and for Jack- son's Point, Saturday only. at 1.40 mm. The Montreal train left fifteen minutes later. at 10.45 p.1n., while (nmmenCim: Sundav the Buffalo and \vav York train left fiVc minutes ear- lier. at 6.05 p.m.. in order that a stop may be made at Oakville. R FAN W PI .H’I’R R] I ENSH‘W F or the North SWASTIKA Mlll 3mm 5m II [N IEIISIIIIIB me “lava" Rmâ€"EI-ed 1!th“”- teor" and Was Complete loss "Brew Were Ill Saved W'hile endeavor-inn to assist the steamer Zara. which was trying to keep a burnimr scow of hay. which it had been towing. from being beach- ed. the steamer Meteor of the Term. iskaminc Navigation company's fleet rammed the smaller boat and sank it at 9 o'clock Saturday evening. Fortunately neither of the boats were in deep water and the crew nl the Zara manaired to escape before the heat sank. the engineer lieing fnrt'etl tn jump overboard. while the uther twn memhers nl the crew were taken nil lielnre it finally settled. .‘ U ‘ lhe Astra was tuwmv' a grow lmul- The Zara was towinw a seow luau- ed “till I" ltmsul hay from the White River to llaileybury, but shortly alter the tmat reached the. lake. a spark from the engine ignit- Ml the hay. When the tire was Hutu" ed. it was lie-yond euntiol and the seuw was immediately eut ntl from the ~mall boat. The lmrnim: senw drifted towards Dawson's point. and the members of the crew. tearing it might prove dangerous to residents of that section endeavored to reaeh the hoat and scuttle it in deep wa- ter. 'l‘he Zara was accomplishing the teat nicely. but had not into shallow water herself. when the Meteor. which had just arrived from down the lake. eame to her assistance. While the Meteor was endeavoring to play the hose on the buminghay. and in shallow water. the Zara was stuck on bottom and trying to get. out from the shore. ln turning their boat around the Meteor struck the Zara amidships. putting a large hole in the smaller boat and causing it to settle to the bottom. although the top of the. boat remains out of water. There was a large crowd on board the Meteor when the accident happened. several llaileybbrv people. who had been watching the burning scow from the shore. going out to see what the tire was. The scow was iinally towed out from shore and sunk. but it will prove. an entire loss. Sermon On 'l‘he Zara vas owned by Capt. Hen- drv of New Liskeard and in charge (if Capt. Hriekenden when the aeei- dent occurred. A large crowd of l‘iaileyhury people watched the burn- ing: sum as it drifted (rum Chief's island to Dawson's point. and for a long time it was feared that some boat was on fire. Several gasoline launches went out tn the seene of the tire. This is the first serious collision of boats on the lake that is known of.althoug'h two other accidents have occurred in past years. Six vears ago last. May the steamer Geisha vas overturned in front of the llaileyhurv wharf when coming.' into the dock. and the holler 0f the 'l‘emiskamim: exploded three years ago. resultine fatally to three mem- bers of the (-rew and one ipassenger. Many who were. led into temptaâ€" tion little knew that they were be- ing led, added Mr. Wakefield. Men who were down and out today, if they had know at the outset which way their actions were drifting would have been more eautious and avoided the first step in that direc- tion. If a worlzman while working alone: with others would keep his speech clean and his life pure then his influence would effect the others and enable them to resist and over- come temptation. ”I really think this camp would be worse than it is at the present. time." concluded Mr. Wakefield. “if it were at a verv prosperous stage because there would be more. men falling! to temptation which sur- rounds them when thev are prosper- ous. 0n the other ham] (here are men in the times of adversitv Who plum!" headlong' into sin and rich] verv ensilv to temptation." Midshipman Easy: “I wonder what people “ill 8.13 when they hear I am moim. m mavr3 01d “idow Bi 13mins? Lieut. Blunt: “Thm ll plobably say you're a mariner for money." “T e mptation” ”1 E PORCUP,NE ADVANCE If you wish to purchase my par. ticular lot or tots in any township. write us. We haw- : large list of owners. Now tlnt the government is spend- ing millions to develop Northern Onâ€" tario all lands are. sure to adxancc rapidly in value ‘ I v . MCKINNON BUlLDINO . O O . TORONTO . OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Ontario Land Surveyors: Engineers and Maps: Engineering. Mine and Land Sur- veying. Draughting. Blue Printing by electric process and latest maps n! all mining areas on hand. HEAD OFFICE : Ihe House of High-Class: Photo Plays Devlin Block MatInee Wed. and Sat. at 2.50pm. same M AJ ESTI THEATRE C PRICES v Bank of Toronto THIS BANK A Savings Account INTEREST Code Code MULBOLLAHD Co. BUY NOW You Will I“: Honey Veteran Lots We have I umber ct ohm "ll located lulu 100 Branches in Canada MIMEâ€"[luv Pictures are fllckerless Two Shows Every Evening Iues., Ihnrs., and Satur. Ev’gs. From 8 to 10 p m. U E. BASHAW, First Run at the Most Up-to-date MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music Wilson’s Hall DANCING LESSONS Party lessons [serymerrcufillfl CLASS LESSONS 75C. PUBLIC DANCING SOC. Capital - $4,600,000 Rest - $5,600,000 SERVICE TOâ€" SAVERS ‘ FOR SALE renders 9 valuable service to those who systematical- ly save money, by inviting depositors to their Savings Department. ing money, it attracts many sums that would otherwise be spent. and it keeps your money safe from thieves, from fire and other loss. is a great assistance in sav- is added to balances half- yearly. PORCUPINE. 100 and515c Dancing Master Cohan +++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ Eumsmmsa lflflfllffll ammo MIME Emominionmagefiuly 1 E Good going June 28th. 29th, 30th. and July lst Il- 1912. Valid for return up to and including Wednes- day, July 3rd, 1912. Minimum fare twentydive (‘25) cents. Passengers requiring pullman accommodation will please make early request to our local agent, so that we may know just what equipment is wanted. +++++++4~ q. q. 4* 4. I!- q. ’1' $0,. - .X. Z»? 4444,46,? X03992. age/©0939? ?/..»2/9,X§3 '1'- 1Rcbuccb fares-wit. 8 14. ®. 122 7g. ++++é++++++++++++++¢++++++ H >5..â€" f.:../. .x. .n_ Z ..._ .3 4.24.; ._. 2.. M “5.:DVANCE” Single Fare Return § For further particulars apply to any T. agent, or the undersigned. The Only Paper Printed and Published in The Porcupine Camp Subscribe For the Wednes- '1' 4i v.25» 'I' ve + “ion will i t, so that q. 81 X. 0. +++++$ mm “33'

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