Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 28 Jun 1912, 1, p. 1

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A. A. Cole, T. N.(). Mining Engine- er Issues Very Encou 'aging Re- port of Work To Date REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN PORCUPINE MINES Arthur A. Cole. minim: encinm-r ol the Tcmisknming 6:. Northern Unâ€" tnrio Railwnv (fnnuniSslon. whose conservatism and standimz have al- ways caused his opinions to receive a great deal of consideration. has is- sued to the commission a L'enernl re« port. on Porcupine under date of June ‘20. It is an autrhorimtWeaml. considering the sourcm a highly en« couraring account of the actual pro‘ gram made bv the gold camp to date. 0! the Dome it is understood IIMMINS DUMINIIN BAY BElEflflMlflN Splendid Programme at Baseball and Sports arranged-Many Valuable Prizes llffererl I! only moteorlogieal conditions are at all favorable on Monday next then the celebratiun proceedings which are being arranged to take place at Timmins are sure to at- tract large crowds because of the varied program planned out and the convenient train schedule specially fixed for the coin: and returning of visitors. The baseball tournament will be the leading feature of the day. Four teams who will take part in a com- petition for splendid medals are Coehrane, South Porcupine. Porcu- pine and 'I‘immins. A special train will leave Iroquois Falls about nine o'clock in the morninw after wait- ing for the train from (‘oehrane. In the evening around eleven o'eloek the last train will leaVe 'l‘im‘mins for Cochrane, this L’iVine full scope for a long enjoyable, (lav. 1.30 p.m.: third and final at. 4 0'- clockfl 'l‘hnt some really excellent play will he witnousml muv he as- surwl h’mum- q-x'c-z'v nm- of thv «mur- totto vmnpvting have hm-n L'Mtim: down to work romntlv with an earn- est intention of carrying: ofi those modals. While hull ontfhusiusts are so “'01! catered for tho ('nmmittoo of the Do- mi'ninn Dav oolvln'ntinn 900mm] to have fmmd unmothinu fur ovorybmlv else who may be present. The fol- lowing list, of open ovvnts shows inst what will be prosmted and some South Porcupine Adopt “Blanket” Policyâ€"-Steam Alternative Con- ' nection is Approved FIRE DEPARTMENT In response to notice of a meeting? of the South Porcupine li‘ire Depart- ment on Tuesday night a good atâ€" tendance of members resulted. Chief Fairbairn presided and there were present Messrs. (‘. Curr, J. Huston, P. Kennedy, Michell. S. Johnson, Cropsev, (i. llenry and Geo. Qua. Secretary. The report of the committee apâ€" pointed to wait on the Bound of Trade. since the last meeting, re- garding the installation of a fin: bell was reveivcd and adopted. the details of this having already been published in the Advance in reports of both Council and Board of Trade meetâ€" ings. ‘- -w Vol. I. No. 14 T0 INSURE MEN that Mr. Cole says hhat the 40-2 stamp mill is new treating about 2‘50. tuna daily. but that orders have been issued to run the milling up to 15.000 tons monthly. The incline is being extended to the “Kl-foot level, where most .0! the (leVelopment is now going on. l On the North: Dome. development work is proceeding: on the 50-foot level. and it is said some wood are is; being encountered. highly amusing as well as exciting (-ontosts may he looked for. Ladies’ races. potato. egg and spoon and married ladios' races; race for girls under fifteen; tug of war bvtwcon rt-prmommiw- Walms frcml minus of the distrit't; fut men's rzu-c. spar fig-ht; putting th shot ; throwing the hammer. cawhimg tho greasv pig. thrve-lemzod race. runnim: broad jump, boy's 100 yard race. One item. the spar light. may he a par/Jo to some intending visitors and therefore a little explanation would not be out of the way because this is likely to create more hm and laughter than probably any other in the program. A pole is arranged horizontally above the ground so many feet. 'l‘wo competitors are provided with pillows with which 00 light his opponent. The first to fall oil his perch is the loser. 'l‘he chanc- es are that in some cases while mak- ing a sweeping stroke at the other man one will miss altogether and with his weight he carried off. To really enjoy the fun. however, it should be witnessed. vâ€"uu‘a â€"â€"_- As for the prizeé for the different events it is praisewmthv on the part. of the committee to have secured suvh valuable awards which are mostly from Ryrie Bros. of Toronto and are of silver. including manicure sets, photo frame, fern pot, neoklet, pendant. and munv other silwr use- ful and ornamental articles. ~The Advance. “It was in order to clear the Fire Brigade with the Board of Trade as well as the public of the town, " said Mr. Henry. “We rdid not “am the people “ho sup- 1ported us in the concert for funds to lsecure a firm alarm. to think “e had 111.1111» anv misrepresentation oz mis- iappropriation ol the funds in any ‘iw';1\." 1H In conversation which followed it transpired that Mr. Whyte, the 'l'mvnship Clerk. had intimated that he had written to Toronto where the city was doing away with their re.- maininsz fire hells, to see if they were invlimnl to dispose of one of the bell: to South Porcupine. “I think now the matter is in Mr. Whvte's hands with definite instruc- ' (Continued on page 0.) (Continued on page 5) SOUTH PORCUPINE, ONTARIO. CANADA. FRIDAY. JUNE 28th. 191.2. m...“ Thr Dominion Express Company have come into line on the free dc- livm'y system followimr a visit M .~‘nm(' nf the (Dflk‘ifllfi Past Week and. Scottish-Ontario Being Examined Engineers sent from London, Eng” to inspect the Scottish-Ontario mines in Northern Whitney are on the mound. The. undnnrround work is being gone ox'er wry thoroughly. Altvr the formation of tho. Scot- tish-(intario Companv Pulls for un- dmwriting tho stuck worn mud». Thv t-miro amount. it is said. wn~ taken care nf. but in tho mmmhno huwr.~ for tho Droportv mnw to Iidn. Tho It is mid that thv old comp propnrod tn (to ahnml with the if thn prospective sale is nu! cummntod. $40,000 DEPOSIT TO CREDIT 0F TISDALE Notification That Money Is in Bank At Toronto and Expected Here Any Time-â€"Accounts Passed With Lh!‘ advent of some really fine weather during the past week it would seem that the sunny side of financial affairs of the Tisdale Town~ ship Council is also beginning to pre- sent itself. Word was reCclVOd Thursday morn- ing: in a business letter from Toron- to. but. at the same time a thor- oughly reliable. although not actual- lv ollivial source that the cheek for the $40,000 debentures had been de- posited at the Bank of Toronto in Toronto. 0n receiving this intimation Mr. Wh3'te. the Township Clerk, at once interviewed the local branch of the Bank, but the amount had not been received through the mail up to noon vesterday, the reason probably heinsr that not sutiit-ie'nt time had elapsed between the deposit being made and its reaching: South Porcupine. In order to hasten matters the Bank were requested to wire the To- run“) uliiw. askiuz: that the amount he sent hv wire. not mail. and this The following: notification. which has been issued through the medium of The Advance hy Recorder Arthuv E. 1). Bruce of this dim-m; is of tho utmost importance to prospectors and should be carefully noted: “The metal tags, with the record ed number of the claim stamped thereon which, under recent amend ments to The Mining Act of Ontario must be attached to the Number One Post of all mining claims recorded since April 10th. 1912, are now 01: tainable at the different Recording Offices. The staker has three months from the date of recording in whicl, to ailix the tag to the number one post after which time the claim may be cancelled by the Recorder or Com- missioner on the application of any one misled by the lack of such tag." .\ fire started in the Hunter Block in (‘obalt late Wedneaday and caused considerable excitement fora few minutes. An alarm was immediately sent in and the fire department reâ€" spomlcd in a record~breaking sprint, but before the hose could he stretch- ed to‘the roof a bucket brigade had the tire extinguished. Were it not for the immediate attention given this outbreak. there is little doubt that a «liszwtrnus fire would haw oeeur- red. a< the mitt is‘ vlr}; {is tinder and -. high wind was blowing at the a high wind was blowme: an me time. The fire department is to be congratulated on the extremely fast time that was made to the scene. Important To Prospectors .obalt Hunter Block on. Fire MVP! n (“'6 nr I" 0 nm (‘ompxmy IS 11‘ with the work m pr: Plenaurum Finds Another New Vein 1‘10 Plenaurum continues to obtain mod results in the work that is be- ins: done under tholakc. While drift- imt nn one of the new veins that was picked up a mnmh or 90 mm. nn- uthrr win has two" onvountm'cd which vn‘msve thv n‘nin win at right nmflos. The nmv vein is running «m vithor side 1 i-t essential for mine and whil: 3! area! dczfl complinhod in bodivs that h: smm as this ‘ driftimr will I mmpliuhod in upomm: up the mo imdivs that haw horn lncatud. .‘\~‘ sun“ as this (‘rrmwttt is i'nmnlntcd drifting will he «immatm‘d rn the several \‘oim‘ that the l’lonzmrum mumsscs and these will ho thormtc'h- Iv prospectodf was done by Mr. Frawley of the Bank of Toronto. The following is a. list of the names of those for whom accounts were passed by the Council last week and payment of these will be made just. as soon as the money is received at the local branch of the Bank of To- ronto: Pipe é; Presley (Aura Lake), John Mitchell, Dalton Bros., 1:). '1‘. Ben- nett, Milton Carr Hardware, Fire Dept. (for turnouts at two fires), Kennedy and Phillips, W. Thomas, (1911 account), l’omu-pine Supply (30., W. W. Mack, Lalorest and Illev (jillivray, Knight Bros. and McKinâ€" uon, II. N. Joy, Steele Brig-gallium- vipa, World, (loo. 1'}. Fairbaim, Dav- is Dunn, Sa.mon Lumber Co., L. S. Joy, '1‘. A. Strain, Northern (lan- aula Supplv. (lutta l’eruha Rubber (‘o., Northern ()nt. Light l’ower ('u., J. H. Crawlonl, W. 11.}10C0y, Richard Walsh and ”l’«_n'('upinu .‘\(l' \zmw.” ' Visitors To LaPalme Property lt was reported from the I’oreu- pine end of the lake this morning,r that a party of mining men had ar- rived thereto pay a visit to the La I’alme properties which lay a lit- tle east of the Three Nations. The report included the information that the party were from the Dome Mine but no ennf‘irmation could be secured or names of those concerned obtain- The iollowing are the prices on Porcupine stocks. furnished by A. S. Fullcr 6: Co., Gibson Block, South Porcupine, up to noon June 97th: Bid. Asked. American Goldfields ...... Apex ......................... Dobie ........................ Crown Chartered ........ Dome Extension ......... Eldorado ................. Foleyâ€"O’Brien ............ HUM Ri‘t'f .................. Hollingcr... . Moneta ..................... Pearl Lake ............ Porcupine Imperial. Porcupine Tisdale... Preston East Dome Rea Mines ............ Standard ......... Swastika .............. \Wpond”. ............ ITnitcd Porcupine... West Dome ............ Jupiter ............... Big Dome ............ pf tho lakc. This \‘urk thv ventilation of tin- it is twins: done nut Hf Work is swim: :w- uponimr up the mo V0 been locntud. As 'rnav-u'ut is vnmnlntcd 13 94.00 13 30 03 18 O3 «m 01 13 40 01 .14 “$65 L 10 4O 13 5' 31 2’3 02% 19 04 0‘2 14 41 m 20 PEARL LAKE SHOWING ACTIVE RROGRESS Over Sixty Men Busy Under Col. Stevenson-«Will Sink To 800 Feet in Main Shaft Slm‘e tho re-upening nl upel'aliuns at the Pearl Lake mines a few weeks aim the progress there has naturally lmvn uf much interest to those 00n- net-ted directly with the Porcupine camp and also tn many outside the gold field but who have considerable interests involved. There are now sixty men employed on the property under the direction nt' (‘nL R. W. L. Stevenson. Manag- ing Hirm'tor of the Hargrchs Engi- neering Company. and no time is be- im: lost in proceeding: actively with Police Building At So. Porcupine South Porcupine muv claim to be well provided with custodians of the law. having two 'l‘ownship policemen and one Provincial ollicer, resident- ;md periodical calls from others at the North and of the lake. Be it 'aid to the credit of the town and district, h<;we\',er that the duties of these ollicials ha‘ve so far not been omrtaxed through bad discipline. 'I‘hat. however. does not signify that a police court, building with the no- ccssm'y adjuncts may be overlooked because the future of a mining camp with its surprises and newcomers of all descriptions cannot. be predicted. In order to supervise the erection of what has been termed the South Porcupine “Jail" but which might be more aptly known as the police headquarters, Mr. A. C. I-Iawley oi Hickey amd Hawley. contractors. oi" l’eterhoro. 0‘nt.. is making his head-i quarters at the lx'intrston Hotel. The1 contract for the erection of the new lmildimr is in the hands of this firm and no time is being lost in prelim- inary work for the building to be earriml out. The dimensions are ‘3] feet by 36 feet for a two storey huilding’. This will eonsist of a Court roam. janiâ€" tnr'< quarters and cells for women and men. The loeation oi the buildâ€" in: is the enrner oi Straehan and :(W‘awinrtl streets. ”Excavation ha: “already heen enni'pletecl and the. lav- im: of .‘l ennerete inundation will he «turn-«l nn thi< week. Aeeomlinfl' to \lr. lluwlev it is expected that a 'eumpletinn will he mmle hy Semen» ‘ lwl‘. Miss Baxter loaves tomorrow for Cobalt. when». her vacation will be shout at her home in the Silvor City. Caught in Storm and Sank--Almost Another Fatality--F00lish Alarms For Help Within :1 quarter of a. mile of the South Poruupinc shore. in nut more than about, cirrht feet of water and huVing the reputation of being an ex- cellent and strong swimmer, the life of Pete Blue was lost by drowning in the Porcupine Lake on Tuesday afternoon. Following: upon the sudden wave of heat which has been experienced from the week-end the unfortunate man. who was well knuwn allover the PETE BLUE DROWNED IN PORCUPINE LAKE Porcupine and Cobalt mining camps. decided to 1:0 for a swim shortly af- ter dinner on Tuesday. He informed Dan Smith, of the Grand saloon, with whom he had been staying and assisting. of his intentian and do- ned his bathing suit undm' his: or- dinary clothes. Proceeding tn the dock at the foot A Hfllliflflffl Report Circulated In Iorunto Which It Correct Indicates Great faith In the Big Mine delupmcnt work. (‘rusm-utting toward the win at MK) foot level has already been oom- nuvm'ed and shaft. sinking commonccd in earnest last Saturday. It i~z the intention ol the manage- ment to sink the main shaft to the HM) foot level as originally planned and another station will he mt at that point. In about another month or less. it is calculated that the crusscutlrom the base of the shaft to the vein will be An interesting bit of gossip is go- ing the rounds among the mining brokers of Toronto just mow. It is in relation to llollinger. and is to the eflect that one of the directors some little time ago presented one of his relations with a wedding pre~ sent in the shape of a stock certifi- cate representing a round number oi llollinger shares. Attached to the scrip was a noteadvising the recipi- out not to dispose of the holding for some. time to come. The incident is ivouohed for by parties intimately :umneeted with ‘be donor of the gift, land is (ited as an evidence oi the ifaith the insiders have in Hollinger sand its future. North Dome Fine Showings Burr Cartwright, president of the 'I‘vniiskzinling Mining: Cu” returned hut week from :1 nurthern mine inâ€" spection trip to 'l'urn-ntn. The North Home. nnt' «if the uumpnny's huld~ ings, was inspected, and a. very fine sample nf L'Ultl nrc brought back. The “hahy” piece was taken from the main win at the 52-foot level, where (eight feet of quartz shown. The chunk of rock is handsomely sprinkled with free gold. Work is pro- gressing finely at the Nurth Dome. under the direction of Bert Wolfram. ol Golden Avenue Blue chatted a few minutes with friends there and then stripped. He dived in and struck out for the point at the other side of the lake, comments being made hv onlookers on the fine stroke W‘hirh he made. This was about half pas-rt one. Around two o’clock signs of 8 atom: became apparent. followed by a ter- rific downpour and a tremendous wiml sweeping: with all its mighty form: across the lake. Dan Smith meanwhile had remembered about. his friend lit-int: in the water and Ill, uni-0 hmtenml m the (lurk. Here he enrounterml liaitrh Mums and the two on looking to the lulzr notified Blue in the water attem‘pti‘ru: to male for thc- ~outheml shou- Slxuu‘. Guru-:8 5 Cents. mtiam WEIIIIING BIH on p32

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