Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 21 Jun 1912, 1, p. 7

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S. Fuller. Mt. :nd Mrs. W. 0.5 Whiteside. Geo. M. Rounds. Mr. and: Mrs. C. Auer, Mr. and Mrs. SY‘VeS-e tcr Kennedy. W. M. Whyte. Mr. and’ Mrs. Grit-ram. Messrs. Alex. Smith! Reamsbottnm. Dixon. A. T. Shor}.§ b. B. Mnnran Jun. \lcnonald. P. Waman. H B. mwards. W. A. Morrison. .1 A Mclmwhli‘n. McLean and others. give you full value and a mod deal more and I bhink the Railway has done more for this camp than was really called for, perhaps." (Continued tron pm 1.) W 8. Fuller. Mr. and Hrs. W. O. Whit-aside. Geo. H. Rounds, Mr. and lira. C. Auer, 31:. and Mrs. Sylvesn Mr. Clement. Chief amine” re- “! KwDEdyo W. M- Whyte. MT- and ferred to the splendid way in which “3- Grierson, Me””- ME!- Smiu‘vlthey were entertained when. a year Retmslmttum. Diflm. 3- T- Shortwago. the first train came to the C. B. Moran. .1110. ”0000810. P-leamp. He felt they were well repaid Warman. H 8- Eilwards. W. A- i for the work thev had undertaken Morrison. .1. A. Melaurhli'n.-Ml‘l.ean;then and he was delighted to parâ€"ti. and others. eipate in the lunetion that. evenimz . During the btliartaking of the lolo; in sud) a splendid buildimz. ow en 'a nu v n" ' W ’°’ ° '“° " m ° * mmmxnors INCREASE. ioynhle prozrnrn of music: was given; by Frankstuto We“ orchestra 0‘: A few interestimr firrurea were harp and “0"“ ”’d shor't‘ly m" quoted hy Mr. Griffin. General Su- geéoy?e:mn:’entya ardzvlfi“ “mi perintemlent. who pointed out that 00 “Tm-:23: ywhit‘h {'m' 8:“ 3:; probably he was not trivial: away with "”1 h. f h rapt; l. anv state seerets when he mentioned , 0" D 0"" 0 l 3‘ “0“.” “o the “mm. It hml heen his prim. in th“ Fltnrdav World ””9 week. we to he afimviated with the 'l'. and “1in Roast Yrmm: Turkev ('rzmhcrr Hailed Waiwaitin 'l‘hc first of a serum uf ta mined and responded to w the 'I‘. and X. H. Ruilwnv sion presented by Mr. S. Mr. .I. expressed at sooi m: remarked “We of the '1‘. and N. 0. Cummis- sion." proceodod Mr. Enclchart. “are trying to do our duty. We are sim- plv your trustees. We nro nmloavor- imr to b'uild and run this railway on commcvrcial limes. We are trying to “3‘“th PM atnos Apple Pie Strawberrv Short (Take (mick!!!) Salad Banana Pritto Nuts Pommr do Prime Ri} Hotel Connaught Debut (301700 Gwen T1 Sliced T Ive Cn-zun Green 'Tuit MEN! ut nhst ( ('rvnmcd (‘m‘n Wino Pri nu Hollanda a" Y"- Raisith {NICO ml ad Sam-e Mr. (ion. LN). (ivnoral Agent. was m'ootvd with musical honors and quite amused tho L'athvri'm: with his lsiltil‘t‘ regarding the 'l‘. and X. 0. 8”" viaimod to tw no hand at faring 'a public cathorinc. ospcvially when ladivs wore prosont. ”While I haw hoe-n connected with the T. and N. '0." proceed“! Mr. Lon quietly. "I have hoard some things about it of course whivh worn not altom'thcr pleasant. Now. if anv of mm nooplu haVo anythim: to do with the ’I‘. and N. n. in the shape of business I iwould not trust. them too far. if I were vml. (I.murhtor.i If vou want anvthim: ask for it. 'l‘his was mv oxporionooamd vou want to keep on asking for you won't L'Oi any more than you ask for and you won't got anv more than you pav for.” . few mt quoted by Mr porintendent. probably he any state 900! the figmres. 1 me to be asst porn «tntos, th pullman trama (Izuly. l nnlv wish that in the nmr future the (“shirt of Pormlpinc may so im'roasc and prospor that instead of runnimr twn we will run fmlr and possihlv six Pullmnns per day." (Applausm) 'l‘lm toast of tlw llntc-l (‘onnaurht (-nuplml with the namvs of Majorll. ('. llikaord. Mr. J. .l. McKinnuv and Donald Frood was submitted by Mr. Enzlohart. who felt that the mmarks ho micht make would fall short of what he dosirt’d to male on behalf of their 'host. Major Bickford. ”is was a perennial smile. He was a great polo player and in all round athletics he was always at. the head. in addition he had taken his part in fen interesting fixtures were: ted by Mr. Griffin General Su- intendent. who pointed out that habh he was not thing away; ' state secrets when he mentioned fixtures. It had been his privil- to be associated with the T and, 0. for seven years. during which‘ ind he had seen the cross revenue rnnw frnni (5200.000 n vmir in‘ t WI. (WI’H'LH. SATIRF If In on H. daily 'll‘ ‘U at rm defending the greatest and the only Empire which they represented. Ma- jor Bickiord was with the army in South Africa and India; where he served his countrv and now he was to come amour the people of Portal. pine with Mr. McKinney. “my were fortunate in haVimr men of that stamp to spend so large a sum of money and invest so much vapital in the cold district. There was no hotel in Northern Ontario to com- pare with the Connaurht. with its 75 rooms and all necessaries-4 and he felt there was no reason why it ehoul-d not be kept very bun. 'mako them (lishvartvnml. but thcv tkopt at. it and thn result was what ithov now had. ’ 'l‘hc tnast mi "The I’ross.’ sub- ?mittml In; tho Chairman. was re- intended to by Mr. Lam: nf the To- mnm Woth lion Hughvs of the To- nmw Globe and Chas. “inks of The Porcupine Advance. “Tho Ladies” was a toast left to 311'. W. (3. Whitosido. the response to which was given by Messrs. McKen- zie of the Dome Lake. Morrison and II. N. Joy. 0 ! “As to the Porcupine camp itself," enntinued the speaker. “it is in a class by itself. We have a lot of faith in l’ormpinc and rightly so." He had been through the Hollingcr that day and, while he was very conservatiVe. he was amazed at. the magnificent plant they had erected there. It. was almost human in it- self. Coupled with that. was 3130 the [blue and its neat. pus'h'lhlllllm‘. llv H. Min Elk Lake. Howranda and the arri- eultural districts. He quail-d the rut-eat shipment from the Casey Co- halt mine as an example of what they found after it had hi-en aban- doned and thmmht that it any land had ever had a blessing it was this Nurth Temiskaminz land. He enncluded by characterizing the Hotel (Ymuiaught as a monument to the gentlemen whu had built. it. and fur himself and these present wished the undertakimr every success which it deserved. In submitting the toast. to the Toumship of Tisdale. Major Bickfm‘d remarked that he did not think thev would haw undertaken to build that )lzijnr iiiekford reapundmi hrieilv and expressed his thanks tn those who had supported he and Mr. Mc- Kinney in the undertaking. During the winter months in the extreme cold there were many incidents tn make them disheartened. hut. t.-hev .ako. (Eowsrandn 31 districts. H shipment from (V‘l 1A 9 S BY ITS ELF 'l‘l SDA LI“, TOWN S] I I P THE PORCL’PINE ADVANCE Untm‘u .\| 1 0! nor h :l mu including now MN by such enterprising people as were to be seen in Porcupine. Reeve Cook in achiowledginz the remarks' thought that they had not only in this north country men of brain and muscle but ladies of mm and refinement fit to adorn any baa- quet of any city of Canada. It cer~ tainls' spoke well for the camp to have in it men and women of such a calibre as was the case. Speaking of the hotel the Reeve thought that even the Queens llbtel at. Toronto could not house her guests more comfortably or 3:!chch Iv than in the Command“. “The Porcupine Mining Camp” was submitted bv Mr. A. S. Puller. “1m dcsctilied it as U10 big a proposi- tion for any one man to attempt to handle alone. He was very glad to think that the T. and N. (I. through their far scrim: wisdom had been one of the first to recognize the pos- sibilities of the Porcupine district. It was a tremendous «lisztriot and no mzm hm‘n tonicht muld imn- gim- M org-an a I so Spoke .. thvir faith in the h tu no uncertain dot: thought there was pessimism afloat w]: thumrht there was a L'rent deal of pessimism :Iflnat whivh was not wa'r- ranted. He could saw without. the least reservatiun that if the neces- sarv money was advanced they wuuld deVelnp in Porcupine one of the greatest minim: camps in the Wurld and that, was following his t'Vpct‘ir-nt'e of similar camps covering a period of OVN‘ fifteen wars all over the world. Muvh amusmumt and :wclaimod approval was (Winn-d “Mun Mr. Nor- can quietly addml. as a remark mm‘v directly to Mr. Much-hart. “Of ('nm‘sv there are a few small things we mod to mako a =uro success. For instnm'o thm‘o is thv platform at the funt of Main street and that. tram- lino murino tn 'I'immins. .Iust a few small things you know. 11ml of murso we have no doubt wo will not them." The dance which foHowed in the dinim: mom was partivipatod in hv (WM 200 Guests and until aftm‘ hx'n o'clock 'hmsdav momim: a thor- muz‘hlv enjoyable proeram was given to the accompaniment of the same orchestra as at the dinnnr. .-\r- Moss" mm llllflf .-\ GENTLE THE DANCE \lt LU I! 1m HINT t} My and F. B. :mmnmcim: of thv ‘nmp M. er'un w! IV nun-manta for the comfort or all were perfect and attainments wow served in the form of ices. light lunches and various iced beverages. In order to make a windup in a tvpical hospitable manner the “tree- dom of the hotel" was extended to 3 every one and mam took advantage! of the priVilece of sleeping the first nitht at the (‘onnamtht on which it was opened. To Messrs. Fooml and Kenning. the manmrs of the Con- naua'ht. eVerv praise was due for the manner in which the arrangements were made from the first and the wav in which the prostram was exe- ented. The loyal assistance render- ed them by eVerv member of the newlv oreanized slafi is also Worth? .1! eonrnemlahle mention as helping in no small wav to make the me.- eees which the function proVeql tn be :iml sincln. with six hath t‘nnm! mmlvrn toilvt‘ thrmuflmut tho taitiliwhmcmt. (hip striking: fentu the building: is that the first. flu limlrmms is on a lovnl with main pntranco. a significant im impress those often met. with travelling who look for May precaution. :tt't- installed. From the uppnr flour am'ess is raw to the lame mvorod balvony over- lmkim: tho lake and from whit-h a splendid view is obtainable on a clear day. .-\ll the most modern con- vonimmos liaVo hm‘n adnptod in the (‘unnamrbt from kitchen to tho lmst titted mom available. The (lining: mom is lwlmv the right wing of the buildim: and opposite is the saloon bar. A point, worthy of note in re- ward to these particular miartors is that the heating apparatus is sus- pended from the moi instead of bv radiator at. the sides. Titans are ladios' and Kvntlmnon's writing mun-ca am] parlors withim i-asv atmoss nf tho rotunda and wt so arrancmi that uniotnosm and pri- vacv are prodominant. The writing mums aw tmndmrrwlv cquippml with «ti-ska and hoaVy oak chairs. The flnnrs nf the tmildim: throughout are of haniwood. The twdmnms on the first or top floor are similarly fitted out to those below and it. ix' inter- ostittc to note that in ovorv rnmn an t-lm‘triv boll and hmtsn tolnphnno Takimr the Univ! Connamrht from mam \HOI'T THE ”UTE! nun full ll all 7:3 rooms. mull-lo I six hath mmm and thrmmhout thv (w w strikimr feature of that the first. floor M n a level with the a significant [not to inn couhluhzu' timing of th m fire Pathetic Death of Circus Horse One of the most pathetic incidents in many which took place in connec- tion with the Mighty Hang Shows when at South Porcupine on Mon- day last was in reference to the loss of a valuable cream colored trick ring horse. “idle at the station with other animals this one was seo verelv licked by another horse and unstained a broken leg just above the knee. Realizintr that to take. it with them would Pause considerable trouble the show ofiered the horse to anmne who cared to remove it and do the best they could with it. A resident of the western end of South Porcupine took ndvantnsre oi the oi~ (er and had the stiflerimz animal plztt‘ul on a jumper. taken tn teen and the injured limb earehlllv at. 'l'hi~ prnved tun mtwh for the ‘wmihHw iwm-fat'tm‘ Hi the Pcmr Whimh creature and in the heart \\a\' Ehe enuid t‘hink M in order 10 ha‘ten {matters an axe was requisitioned and an attempt made tn put the animal out of PXih‘tt'flt‘t‘. Several blows on the head did not :u't‘om- plia-‘h this and in the, end the Sharp edge of the axe was utilized as a means of severing the windpipe and a merciful unmnseimtsness soon fol- lowed the pathetic struggles ni the injured former ermine. entertainer. "rhi- remarks of the ('ruwd who wit- 0 I -omâ€"u. â€"_-.. .â€".-â€"â€" . nessed the incident were <5‘nmathetie. with both the circus. the Pt'l'so‘VOI'iflg' benefactor and the hurse itself which. instead of tmiav drawinc the admiration of crowds at North Hay. remains under earth at. Smith l‘ur- .eupine. where he paid his first and | last visit. patronage â€" and our illoroumhlv deserving when the great. extent uf thc- undortakimz is cmvfullv (\ons'ul- ('Fl'd. MP to hottmm it. can justlv claim t-u stand second to none in Northern ”Mario and with the excellence of the enisine arranged [or together with the management. of Messrs. From] and Kenning there is no rea- son to doubt a lame and permanent Inuhwnvaflll ‘ undmlhhvdl 5nd pnhL r311 tl [V at. .mimnl m m Junt- INS? 1M \\‘

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