The Porcupine Advance "'l‘nrontu and thv punplv l Hntm'in generally mmld rvgr Iv :mv wot-tinnal vlmvnm- am men of .\'«-w Ontario. 'Nmrt Jeqiro in this ('it)' tn imam at â€10 vxpensc of (_'0b:llt. Ne heard. â€1' ('m-hrmw. nr any nnrthm‘n mmmunitv. Rnprmm of ["011 William and I'm! The report of last week's m- of the South Porcupine Bonn! Trade includes remarks from 1 bars which show a spirit, of l headcdnoss and hrnadmindu whiL'h ia worthy uf hoartv nppr ureatvr North U inri thv the opmmn lost ninth! of will M Inl'in 20.†ntmiti: st mm: and pr errant 5 {mm Iillim: up 'nl‘l Almmm m Wm UOIIHIIUH haw lung I“) W After an n\’(}l‘\\'ht‘hni~m.r (‘ï¬ul‘t 0f any kind hv man u!“ beast. he tthey in the wrv host uf physivul vnmli~ tiun and with lots of stamina 51“!" ed away fur future oxvl'tinns. :1 time of rest and uuirt must nmwwmrily lw :1â€th and. uftvr this has e-xpim-d. the frvshncss and <tn-n-xth [uranium] result in m'mmwlishrm-mx “1' (WW) fur to pnpulato lwr own In lems tn he snlwcl will ml effort. and wisdom South. Faction an would mc-zm wvaknvm (Iron! 0 r fun by ariu da must HM “D\1 and all L: {rum with have horn u'ut’hc thn idea is onti the sooner it i: for all concerns SO" trit Hf â€w shnuld but smm mm! at i \‘os upon them mum! rut Inn ed vt'fort (an? um] Alumna all m-t thuil 115811“ Une prominent fvaturv which has been notivt-d in connection with the work is that much more skilled lab- or has been employed lJt'CallSt} the de- mand for common labor has not been so brisk. a condition ulaï¬airs accounted for by the fart that such n ‘umn ‘nnnllnf nf Slll'le‘l‘t‘ and build- SUt'TH PORCI'PIXE, .IL'NEQI Snvs flu ing operations were V93 1' ppndillfl' lam?“ In Vi! tlmse w in reward 'nm HH‘ I'OVIHN :‘tid ruvi n“! Con-do. Untied Skate“ HM .\l :1 n V Suci lnr Mn n cam mr (hp “11me Advertising Rate: Furnished. Phone 25. Published every Friday by h a W pus! p H14 muttc (3f tilt \\' It SUBSCRIPTION RRTES th .\ llfll)\l) MINI) \V to (IPW'IOP unmet mt im "N H ONLY IH'IH'I'INU tl 0E0. lAKE. PROP. 10 'l‘m .\ll t \\' t H >nnmont nf olnpmom. ‘n in thv " ) think th n IS the Sllt'vt m make it. a and 'l'hwnd. ind thv punph have husine s I) in the suhwtimtim "II n ('UIIH ntirelv erroneous [N Nurtht mt Hi orontn l1 ll M' that mt thin . the stu- )l‘nnt ll ting um i ska m rm: I'DQ l] 5 UPC 1m “(t1 the: \\' prom»! ll H11 Ill! p p nplmuns h It H‘! Rnprowntntivcg : fur | Part Art‘hur ; im: I) It ll‘e nun-h aut'hr UN II llm‘ own rosn .nds. 'I‘.hv now] the tl t1 ample- lil 52.00: you 3 00 a year .lt H0!" LN)!“ fl Hms‘v frnn urn nzrmm-nt hut ('llll umh't mt ic .Vit mmm: flu n tl H p [‘1 If approvn H that results tlw ram migrant 1mm that unit l1 “'9 l‘!‘ puhlh nvvtimt tho thn \V 3 W W «I m H‘H (ht Mu W HIUIII mom Ilcl h nt '10! Itltlv th «11!! Ulllll Irons R "I pm unit â€n ul‘tl t‘hzu 'I )\\' tl lin p0 â€DIV Pl“ \\' UH UH m itv i W“ total is less now should be pointed list in the main but The actual workinz period has merely taken the place of the hoom era temporarily. Production pro- ride; the substantial growth and ~with another year or less of Careful weeding out the aetual producimr belt of the Porcupine belt will he accurately known. Considering: the fact that minim: had very therse (deilitzns in (‘rmlend with until lately it cannot he denied that the nruuress made is Very oommeinlahle construction work. whi for chcral months. ma and machinists are Ihic demmund miners have place to a lame extent my D their mvotm liqlml In vlnswl that when From this nrully pit'Ull‘ im: uf the cu tiviput in muttm 1nd UL‘WVPI ho m on W ll nut'vssau'y plsu'v flinllld kw s mudiutv uhjm'tion the unm-I'osszu'v c in mruvvnwnt from the simu‘ \iWL’t‘l “'4 ll W hutcwm‘ 111th via] rvsults for ï¬rst circus whh‘ (m Mondav last that some loss streotx‘ alone. Ill]! ll on Mondav last it cannot be denied that some loss was sustained by the streetx‘ alone. Probably had those who were responsible for the show making South Porcupine a place of call given further consideration tn difï¬mxities to be contended with he- cause of condition of thoroughfares not vet completed thcv would have thought twice before Venturing: into the centre of the Enid camp with l! mit Hf » uppnsitlnn It that ram- ‘31lh' tlu- s the tunes is as If I" H Wh at «Wm HIM ll uh] HIV ll n l]('( put nt ,u'ailuhlv for MK (TUl'NCII. .‘ll might slll‘pl‘lsv l0 mmstiun whit m an the Ad I'mlï¬slun ll numc thv (-umu'il Ira-Mina: in tin knm ()W n 1H use with t m} \(lilll I'att-payt‘l dinwt hnuld 1H! Imt Minn a â€â€0w (“1' Vull imu tho mwtinc ll! m twnw was IHl\ my ('I'it N Imlm pow: m (‘55 H“ (-untirnmtiun uf any report unuhl MH‘iNV rs. H S" thv lil's! H fund 'l'hq II .nflm mm'lim: through! H ’8“ up prulmhly fuming HI ll'\' in *h LH m um if HlllH UN llt sun? l}‘1'l'~ \\'( n ll h 'st rmmcut was much u ropurt, the mvct- Iefusal was nut tin HT M p (‘X‘ln-lhv has to h HI mtimuh I) llll tho- In than lust year. It out that. the waste D!" is not materially of lack of work the completion of . whidl went on x. manv carpenters 9 Ibid 08 and un- have taken their xtent so far as the ll HI! h m- mvmlmt ll H'I'H H “'00 k uuld M.- oxplainml r'gruml that :1 lame 'tful‘ml, but the im- !n this would lu- mt while quarters the business. With ma ii I“ the vi nll ll ltlvn rem cat‘lwrin H HI Ii I'IHHUI Ill mm I! IV \wn'lo would I. 1nd in fact sum grain :ullxli~'..~im1. In «lo-r wuuld nut mind thv hold Ill!» ll rl‘h 'nlll sit: I! ll ll why the wage I'IHIN born I beneï¬t , dovply inter th unum‘il a 1H vnt 'I'lNh‘ Illnwm hci In: HUM sumo UN (Ill! wi til tru nsu [Dul‘l .‘HH‘i'Q‘ m t em w: was a flit nt rpm-Wm a ll't In mum 1M [M H uf that al m f« n' nnli n {Ibsullltvly [. (H â€10 h u v ‘u'uiluhlt (hr tman- it of the P0 rc u pi n n he denied H lm it on pm 0m ul‘t l1 'l kind ll upm SUI"! 6‘“ :H with pul all)- (‘Oll n l'hi int \\' a ll Ill h fu m It )li .1 n y ll ll he \I It ll ll If it were not a nutter of serious ï¬nance to the pockets of those in- volved one or two instances which cropped up at the Revision Court on Tuesday would surely be classed as amusing. When the question of re. tluction of asseasment cropped up the Court. in order to rain informa- tion for their ituirlanee. asked what the applicant would sell for. the anxiety to belittle his property was too exuberant for manv of those in the audience to take seriously. "l just wish someone Would plank down :1 Nicola for that amount." one man was heard to sav «luring the pro- ttress'ol one application. “and you'd see how quick he Would hat'k water. Whv. he's one of the few who is takimit money just now." Names and place-2 can be omitted. hut probahlv the enmment was juqtitiahle. for if there is anv one man in town who i-s «lailv takimr in rentlv easth from the puhliv it was this particular ap- nlieant for a (‘otwirlm‘ahle rwluvtion vuuw u! nu» call mails. 'Nu-n- :m in "lust â€(her I nanurw-‘t'lu- "sun l’rnm tho pnsL \‘iCW, swim: than Thu Sunth l’uu'upino â€mm! of I‘rgulv (IN'MM at â€W†moetim: hut week to apprmu'h l’mtmztsttor Carr wit-h a flow tn having the culloction uf mails kupt upon till a lntc-r hour in tlw «Vt-.nimz. 'l‘ln- argument. in favor Hi this mu that a business man rm'vivinz mail one evening has nu time (:0 rvply the same day he. muw of thv carlv clusimz of thv mails. 'l‘hon- arr in this desireâ€"«as in must utlu-r l‘oqm-sts ut‘ similar nuturv~t1w usual prus um] cons. l°‘mm tho pusttmnstvr's point of hm-n hmu'd that Hu- \ mnrmll [ifllll] PflflBUFINE BlfllMS IN fliï¬â€˜iflï¬ï¬‚ Inmate Mining Eircles Confluent of ï¬aay Iimes This fall-- Iarnbull Attractive Said onv promi'nmn upt-rutor. and his opinion was sharml in by othvrs : "If property within the belt can he had «m workim: options and the sahmvings now are sufï¬cient tn war- rzmt Mpvnditurv, tlw rupitui can hv hm! fur the \mrk. It is merely a quvstiun of minim: ;1 property that is (iCVt‘ituhfd tn an extt-nt where there is sumt' ground on \\'hMi tn runtinuo u'urk. 'I‘hvrt- was little or no trouâ€" hlv in getting capital in on the Pearl ixukv Hui/i \Iim's dual iwcziltso tho 'NM! lhv l'ul'vllpihP quid tivld is" nut lu-n-ft ul' bun-rs witxh mpitul rmuly (“min-mn- un :1 grand basis; if :3li pl'npcl‘tivs van be had. was in- formation passed out in minim: quar- ters in Toronto this week. the onullL'h to warrant in outlying district t ) 5m If m Sum] 3V vllt m ,u'lv n ll 11d died oronto CITES 'I‘} 'l‘ h )kin W “"11 (“VS 'U UH I“ there i: '11†will so inasmuul m: around mnncy just r ran he nmitt H pm'h) .vi‘ntm M] It t} : till â€14' o' lil w mlv h )l‘f RE nt W :nifv IV It n9 districts. Turnhnll for in rapi-dlv attracting the pro mino uwnPI‘. m “'11 S fm'nu folln \\' \‘ It ll UN latter It the ¢ “I"! UH It)“ than txhv umcr si it shun“ ho rcmm rv fact Hf the nu; {$.30 dun-s Hut by I} that Llu- mailit Hlvil‘ (lutivs. T th th H [NI ciu‘ht (-nim: 0 showings an H'mnt (expenditm ti (Waning . O M» “II : v svmn'u which is lhv ezun I†ll W 3'an ft 'lll m W \\' ii \‘ v «rm. tin-ml \ {rum y n - 0 p l'! ll‘f mu Huh u' c 1 etmm: the gnh] his TH E PU RCL’PINE ADVANCE ll W 'nu’t i v c1 h [st war mu-nhim 'cd m a private 5 at the Bank 07 lzu' that .T, C, in South Porcu- am"). relievimng. duties as teller was on Vacation. neral Hospital in ptomaine poimn- Mr. Roatï¬v WIN ll rated 310m: taken up So 1-! in.f0r tlu' ll o‘l‘lltt IH‘IV Ill ulv .1 3'0! â€my â€11' ll IEO QM. l‘ umwmlu-ru‘: the pustnmc. t! tl‘ are an thvv m 'mwlv H HIV tim It feeling that vamp ('ome .s‘ are still P051!" mmht \ and shuuld ll 5H 1nd th 1 :1 nqibl u rm mu mmpul Hic the that llll PH" mm M it é Refrigerators and a: at the Ve .W 513:: 545“ lemma 15!! Wholesale and Retail BRUCE AVE : : : 50. P0 In the matter of â€mushy liumum Smith l’urvupinv. Insulvmt. Notice is hereby given that â€ran hv Hm'nzuul, rau'rying un business; Smith l’nn-upinv hits mzulo an it -imnn..n1 Irmh-I' â€.59.â€.15‘97. ('. 1“ IIIHIN'VUH‘S in!†II\ LIH'II' tinn and fur UH' wilt-rim. fairs gem-rally. (‘rmlit‘n quvstml to flip thvir «lain assimwv with thv pmnfs ulurs lhvrmf rmuirml l; Act. on or before the d meeting. .-\.‘nll nutiee is further given. that after the 230th dav of July, llll'l,t.he Assimtee will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtor amongst the parties entitled thereto. haVing.r re- ward nnlv to the claims of whirh nu- tiee snall then have been u’iwen and that he will not be liable for the asâ€" sets or any part thereof, 50 distri- buted. to any person 01' persons of \V'll'nse claim he shall not then haw had notice. Dated at South l’m'eupine t.hi~ 'Jll'tli das' of June. AJ). 1912. mm [luv 1 HUN) .\ â€I‘NI l'nrmm read 3' -m HILLS , ISUUI and Trunk wholesale The book )I‘ : Perfection Blue Flame Oil Stoves mnd cover 2 1911. Thp stovl counts will rate on t" gout} Dat lï¬th Notice. Hum: m! h 1‘ :n n o -m all hi 'l‘lu 'dit t} “If It‘s Hardware, We Have It.†outh Porcupine. Ont he mutter lnsulvcnt.~ Seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices Our stock is still well assorted and our Prices RIGHT \\' I Just the thing to save your wife during the Hot weather Remember we close at 6:30 Mondays.VVednesdays and Fridavs ('t nl's Northern Canada Supply (30., Ltd. nl I'm 1 Porcupine. ed at South flaw of Juno. HI HBHBE Ill BHEDIIURS nspmi'tod sale prwv. hook debts ammmt to $156 war a period since Angus-t Ill l1 In Ill ht ii flu \iH l Ln(-k-in-'tl'zulp and hook av- .vill be sold en bloc. at a the dollar. and a separate rill be rm‘uirud for eaflh. of the stmrk-in-trade and his can be secured upon ap- 1 to the Assitz'neo. and can metal on tho premisvs at m N‘IN (In éSSiGNEE’S 3M .ll' 1} tnht H It nent's :lllilll'S. tn uhmnm 1le fix their rmnum-m- thv ul‘uvl'im: Hf the (If lly. ('rcditéors are re- ilv tht-ir (-Iuims with flu h 2110 proofs and partic- Ronth Porcupine Juno. A.“ 1912. VIXRHVJN}, .Xasi SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS tutu. «'rvdils am! (-ncvh~ y, .lr.. uf South Porcu- m-nvrul lu-nclit n't' hi~‘ "H'L‘till" â€1' the (-rwlitâ€" :lvld at Hlv “Hit-(e of S. . in the 'l'mm 0f South un Suturduv, [hp 35’th th( itc ;-in-tl':ld luthing. and Sin and is In fact, we have every seasonable article you want 1n thi 1f \l.l"|{l*‘.|b .H).\'l‘ ll 10. AJ). 1912 HI ..\(‘l\' I‘IY. N fur 1m 'H hem H min ll)! i‘n-tl l( â€an 115' )H \asignoe Burmuul $51!!!“ uh hnur u! tutumvnt D ummint 1]) U) Hu- said uf such in l‘ I [Ill ’ n -._l] ll ï¬t HT U n (i thi; an 1 n H J I the Very Lowest Prices OOOOOCOOOCCOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO OOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO patronage \' because of ahnw all 1'0" the Majestit :utl‘ufftinn puniml by it 4 bored. (in ca draw will be the luvkv mm the theatrn a titvlul to $5 a in the picturr ('I‘\' of the 0‘ “Induction 0 tmn DI‘OVC of dav and Thursdav traordinarv efforts this ï¬lm are how the Majestic R 31‘ attenda’nr‘p is: adv 1i fl In () W mg AssessmentWork In Any Part of Northern Ontario’s Mineral Distriets, is Our Specialty Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, and Homer L Gibson The ti( \\' 0i to, whivh of the I round ‘ I‘Hl'} MAJES'I‘H he presentm undoubted i this district. resident: 2!. )f ï¬lm â€Th0 u vnupun Whidl] is num- cach Snturdav owning a be made and the holder of numlwr. if he or she be in P at the limo, will be enâ€" ;5 as a prize. 'l‘hc feature Lures this week was “The 3 Children." a splendid rc- of mnsi-domblc length. 3k an oxtra special attrac- be presented whinh should undoubted interest, to all :his district, both minim: resident: generally. In 3,- f ï¬lm â€'l‘hc Croat Mining is; to be Shown on \leno» humdav niL'hts; and the ex- v elTortsz utilized to serum ire bevond description. As ii? i: always crowded Oarlv . i; adviewl to witness the All our work is under control of thoroughly capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References ll Ice Cream Freezers 1 they are revel exvcllmu'e of t the, manam‘mcnt 0 making an n they ith Lim: an extra Visiting: the nod :u'n 3000m- lvmu thcil ll SO. PORCUPINE 'l‘hv 'l'imlzile Council at their meet- ing a wmek ago decided that Sani- iai'v inspection be in the hands; of the polil'n. The new orders were to mine into effect, last Monday. the lTLh. Sim-c starting out, on this branch of his duties Chief Brennan has made considerable prrmfcssn es- m-viull} m the central portions of the town and in still busily engaged notifvim: those on the borders now to have the necessary work carried out. He informed The Advance that. the instructions generally were be~ int: carried out very satisfactorily. Barristersâ€"Solicitorsâ€Notaries Temple Building. Toronto Golden Awe. South Porcupine 000k (12 Milo/76H Ont.