Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 21 Jun 1912, 1, p. 2

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BOARD OF TRADE WILL KEEP AT T. N. O. For Better Train Service-«New On- tario Day Supported--Secretary Proctor Resigns The South Porcupine Board oi Trade at their ordinary meeting hut Thursday had before them 1 nmnnur of matters bearing in an important way upon benefits {or the 'mm and 8.90 Northern ”Mario 3% :\ a’hnle. l'nder the chairmanship uf l'resi- dent ‘J. Morgan Fuller. Kmnml wit h H ial (”111i ('nhalt l’nrt'ur sll'IN i wurv was wm in rva on luv u.- sirm-tions of tho- l'n-«idont and a number of mvmht'l's to tho Pfiw‘t that this Board wvro fan-rahlt- tn the projet‘t. Following this. the chrotary had rum-i d anothm' vomnmnication from (.7 . t sayinz they had only South Porvupine's reply which van favor- ahlo and as other Boards had turned down the idea they did not think it Would be wise to tnko the matter up. lh'fuu- this mum-Hun vamw up for discussion by thv Bonn! a wire was deliVN‘cd tn the! l’rosidc-m an the meeting from the Secretary nf tho. Assorintul Brmrds of Trade saying that an executive mm-tim: wa~z to he hold on Friday aftvrnmm. tho- Nth. at, Haileylmrv and dnsirim: Knuth Porcupine to 50M :1 rvpn-stmtutiw. "From this.’ eonunented the Chairman, “the matter is apparent- ly going to be taken up. l‘Ilahorate arrangements were first made, ne- eordinL' to reports whidi l tirst read in the Toronto paperS. and it was suggested that the ol' the papers of that city he edited for the day by the Northern Untario editors. Port Arthur, Sudbuw and North Bay and others had their men selected and I think perhaps we would he taken care of even if \s i did 'not ‘ha\‘e an editor from l’ort‘ttpinc on that (wear sion. I think we should all eo-oper- ate in this matter. The first, state- ment, was that there would be 1500 people from Northern Ontario 20 to 'l‘oronto at that time am] the people would know before, they left that they were there." Mr. Henry intimated that When he read an article in the Cobalt paper it looked to him like an effort on the part. of the. Ron and Port Arthur people to get ahead of 'l‘em- N h “3' 'I'r:ule of \'o-\\' Ontario are composed of men lurue minded enough to rise almVe :inv little feelings as" tnwlmt point takm the initiative. .\'o mutv ter what towns mzn' supply the editâ€" ors to edit the Toronto papers it will be productive of good to New Ontario in general. 1 think we should pass a resolution here to~ nimht to participate in the demon- stration. it is possible the promot- ers have in View L'ettim: the. help of members of the Government on the question of expenditure and perhaps that is why thev started the mat- a H give our ( tirulur Du ("H-(H Mr. Cum! :1 muttm‘ 0 above um; tcr Others eoneurrim: with the views of the foregoing' speakers the follow- ing motion was moved by Mr. Cook, seeond‘ed by Mr. Morgan. and car- ried: “That the South Poreupine Board of Trade expresses its approv- al of the New Ontario Day project and that we partivipate in it." 'l‘. $2 N. 0. NOT FAIR. The letter re('eived from Mr. J. L. Englehart of the T. N. 0. Com- mission regarding the stopping .rf lo- cal trains at the foot of Main St” and published in last week's Poreu- pine Advance. was read bv the Sec- retarv. Rome little dismission having tak- en plaee Mr. llenrv moved. and Mr. Morgan seconded. that the eommnni- ration he reeeiVed and filed rntil Mr. Enclehart was again heard from. Mr. Brown submitted an :miend- ment that the letter he :U'kn ) vle'ler- ed with an intimatinn that the soonâ€" er the inr‘rease of trains to Timmins “-3: made the more the Board \“ould read an m'tu'u- In it looked to him «m the part of Arthur pouplv to isknmim: n littlv 1 Mr. ("nuk-IS [ht tn tlw numlwr nf son! .7 ll m‘mrm‘mtf \Ir. “0 ”Ii 33!] nnf 0 \VC 'l‘h (' I!" M .\'|"l‘ Eli R I". .4 H'I'IV EH Waymnn. _ White. M those Hrowr h id1~11t-â€"\'(1. 'l‘hvv 1111111 taxation as 0:111 he sent. ’I'IRA'I‘IOX VERDE“. 1â€"“ 9001118 to 1111' that f this kind 110 should ari littlo p11tt1 j1-21In11s1on. \ \111 0111:1111» 11111111‘1111111 rigfln pres we 1. F air mi: ()nt :u'h suppm’t was the spoon and nntlv <1": .1an the train; hit (101m: I‘L‘ p0 thv Bnal'd any proposal ls chm!“ asserted Whitfl and Hi fl Hung sumt‘ Pal )m fl l'lh‘f what mat‘ cd i t - any New “'3‘ [ht for 171V? ll' W. 1! \\' the U President before calling for a note. “To tell the truth I am not in la"- or of either of these motions. 1 do not think we are getting justice from the Railway Commission. We are entitled to the plntlurm we ask for and a better train service and we will nut get it until we rm strongly lnr it. I would be willing to take the lmsilinn of getting in WI'OflE H a war mm and M the «min [minted at that time in r: thv station. Thov pmmiml a short time (him-'9‘ Would ‘ ml and be mnro fnwwahlo. pvrfvvtlv ridivulnm that th itv nf thv Dmmln mint: thv 1 in“ of ”w pmmlv lHinl: thv tl‘ui cry day shnuld have to walk distnnvo they had tn rmu'h thI tiun or ”Mr hnmvs. "It is mmht m President while the "It is a matter which wrtainly nllu'ht tn he rovtiHo-d.” ('om'ludml the l'rosidvm. ”and it act-ms to me that whilc- thv Cnmmiminn has the habit of putting this impnrtant matter of! we ‘zmnnt lose anvthi'nc by going right after them." The motion and anu-ndmcnt were withdrawn and it was dcvidcd that the Exm'miw ("ouncil nf the Bonn] takv up the matter. 'l'l'llJ‘ItilL-H'll OFFICE. “Hus anything ibt‘t'n done about thc- («tnhlislm'mit of n town tole- L'rnph ntlico f" :iskt-d Mr. Whitosidc. 'l‘hv St‘t'l'lftar)"“l understand the matter is in the hands oi the com- llli-‘ih‘itm now and tin-y are just about to lvt a contract, for a building in tu lvt a tho tuwn Mr. Brownâ€"A few days ago they applied for the deed of the lot and ncvm' wot it. 'l‘he report of the special commit- tee. Messrs. Joy. Morgan and Cook. to wait on the Township Council re- mmling a fire alarm was received and adopted. This stated that the (louneil were going to erect a bell and wuuld expect the firemen to pay whateVer they could towards the enst and the (.‘ouneil would he re- sponsible for the hulum'e. Retard- im: the question of where the hell shnuld he plzu'ed the l’resident reâ€" ”1:”le that as timher was so plen- tiful prulluhly :1 Int enuld he secured in :1 ventral plut'e and four sticks t‘l't“'lt'll lH llfilcl llll' lwll. .‘ll'. “01’- [mm M. Lin- up by Mr. 1‘. Lion that (h (‘HIIHIH'IWU an hour later. llis cun- tvmiun was that this could he done and the train arrive at the points lwlow Iroquois Falls at the same time as now homusc of time whiCh was lost at present, and made up easily. Before any action is taken the ”0:1in will wait and see what dcx'el- upim-nts take place in this respect whc-n the mnrnim: train starts from Timmins whiuh. it was statedmiig’hx lie July lst, and the likelihood than was that a later start Would be made from South Porcupine. 'l‘he possibilitv of having: the mail collection closed at the. post ofllce later than was at. present the case was brought forward by the Presi- dent. lt seemed to him that. six o'- clock in the eveninw was the worst possible time to close the mail when it was: remembered that the incom- ing mail was often not obtainable till it was too late to answer eor- resmmdenee that same nitrht. A little discussion followed and on the motion of Mr. H. A. Proctor it was decided that a committee be ap- pnllltwl tn wait on the pmtmaster and endeavor to obtain mme ar- ranuement as to elmin" the mail later. the motion beint’! seeonded bv .\I ll 3T “"17 quvstion uf thv (- M. Lin- south wu: Mr. Brown with m (‘LOS E MA I I, LATER 113‘??? T .\' NW 1"] R K ip were wait .Toronto. '1 a board of z :ired to scan It THE HOSPITAI l..\'l‘ I'll: 'l'li..\ l .\' 1T suuth was (me _)\\'n with the 'I‘. t N. U. (. In :u'rzuurv fut k explained that (Tiff a query by the Presi matters stood in re secure two nrahlv. It wa that tho mnjnr A I .A RM )VC‘IT curly mnrning as (me. brought would furnish n1 min ad I) H llk flu thc- sta- tht N 8 V TIN 011111115 this t( surges m: (W It It“! mt l thre '0! The throwing open of a number of new townships for settlement in. Sorthern Ontario is an encouraging} indication of a prosperous future for n that interesting region. These town- ships are in what is commonly but misleadingly called the clay “belt"; git, is really an immense area of alo HuVial land. easilv arable. and made exceptionally and endurinle fertile ‘by the presence of lime in the clay. ‘There is no more fertile country in the world. the prairies oi the Mis- gsissippi and Red Ri\'er Vallcvs not te. 3 excepted. W] It is of little practical use to put (‘02 up the land in these townships for um ; sale unless roads are constructed to E""E‘malie them accessible. .-\ consider- {01‘ 7 able part of the five million grant of “'9 i last session should he devoted to the glv opening up «if the country by means “‘0 of colonization roads. It should he ""3 home in mind that the land is not Ill] SDi th e Settlement In Northern Ontario tiun nt netuul settlenu-nt. and the eumlitiun should he riniclly enforeed. lt is unfair ah well as inexpemcnt to allow any land to he held for mnre than a reasonable time witlmut be ing oeeupied. The presence of unoc- eupiml hush luts in a settlement. throws extra burdens on the settlers in the way of makim: roadways. huiltlim: sehonls and ehurehes. and promoting the munieipal mmnizao tiun of the eunununity. It is adding insult to injury to eons-train the piuneer settler to eontt‘ih‘utc hy his hardships to the unearned increase in th.’ value. of the. nun-resident own- er's land. '1‘” the Whitnev (iovemtuem has fallen the rare cham'e ui de\'eln‘pim: a new vuumrv of immense extent and unlimited putentialitv. No pre- vious Administration has had slH'll a nhanve in ('anaula. 'I‘WelVe years ago the existenve ui tiliis great area was unknown. It was discovered in WOO b\ means of e\plnrim: parties. it. “.u’ made aeeessible by the construe- titm Hf the 'lemiskaming Railwm and of the l'ranseominental Rail- way. the one by the Liberal Govern- ment of Ontario. the other by the Liberal Government ut‘ the Domin- ion. The Whi‘bnev Government, has the full benefit of the “ISM thrown these. days on the problems of town- plannimz and local taxation; if there is conspicuous failure to secure ade- quate results there will (-me a (lav of reekoninu.â€"'I‘oronto Globe. New Manager At Achilles were nxpectim: to hour from 'l'ox'on- [n M'vry (luv on the question. 'l‘hv l’ros'i-dvntml umh-rstund tho luvation has been settled. Mr. (‘uokâ€"Oh. yes, that has been settled. 'l‘ho Presidentâ€"No action by this Board. therefore, can affect the ques- tion. Mr. Morgan gave notice that at the next meeting: of the Board he would make a motion that if any of the members of the. Exmntive Com- mittee were absent for three consc- eutive meetings of the council and could not giVe a frond reason for their absence the Board would have power to deflate their seats vacant, (.‘h The new manager of the Achilles, with the control going to the Mont,- r‘al Star Mining: Cumpzmy, is I). 1". King. furmcrlv manure-r fur the Vane t} $323.28. .2 :34 2:3. :3 2:. 5.2.x 2.. 1.: SECRETARY RESIGNS. Tne meeting was just about to conclude when somewhat of a sur- prise was sprung: upon the majority of those prewnt when Mr. H. A. Prm-tnr. the honorarv secretary. an- nmrm‘od that he wished to tender his‘ resignation from office and asked the Board to Meet. some one in his {flaw that night. The Presidentâ€"We are very sorry to hear this. Mr. Proctor has heen a vnrv efficient Secretary. He in- formed me what he was going: to do but T thong-ht he had fortrottm t. E‘flncio; worn paid to Mr. “rm-tor rm the ownllont w'lv he had warrior] nut hie duties and ho was urged hv the montinr: tn rm'nmidor tnn mat- force at tho next meoti ntion to this effect w Jessrs. Cook and Fuller nine munnm-rs on that, body l1 Ill '1' h( ll lll‘ cut and drifting (lum :U‘hillos property is [C ’ill‘ed 7nnos in Nurt‘hm ave dofinitnlv decided.” 1 Ir. Provtm'. “and very mu it is neonssarv to resign. h net nmvhatir' and T wouId 1i f1 ill n 0 m W 1‘) 11W)!” pm m I‘H E PORCUPIN E ADVANCE :0 mo n t Thc sun Is ’nadflnzlkers. 8011] (m nondi- is located in rt‘hom Whit- n' done there to contimm from Town ll, 'l‘hc y 10h mt Ii \ou wish to purchase am Par- ticular lot or lots in any township. write us. We ham 3 large list of owners. Now that. the govemnrnt is spend- ing millions to develop Northern On- tario all lands arr sure to advance rapidly in value. A C v . MCKINNON BUILDING . O O . TORONTO . OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOO Ontario Land Surveyors Engineers and Maps} Inginccring. Mine and Land Sur‘ veying, Draughting. Blue Printing by electric process and latest mnpsi of all mining areas on hand. : Devlin Block Ina House of High-Class: Photo Plays Matinee Wed; and Sat. at 2.50pm. 5lle PRICESâ€"â€"-100 andgl5c Bank of Toronto Code Code MULHOLLAND 8: Co. THIS BANK A Savings Account INTEREST Veteran Lots BUY NOW You wm Make Money We have a number ct choice well located lots comâ€"Bur Pictures are flickerless Two Shows Every Evening 100§Branchcs in ('anafla First Run at the Most Up-to-dale Iues., Ihnrs., and Satur. Ev’gs. 0. E. BASHAW, Wilson’s Hall Party lessons [xeryfifterntcmw CLASS LESSONS 750. PUBLIC DANCING SOC. DANCING LESSONS MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music FOR SALE Capital - $4,600,000 Rest - $5,600,000 SERVICE TOâ€" SAVERS is a great assistance in sav- ing money, it attracts many sums that would otherwise be spent. and it keeps your money safe from thieves, from fire and other loss. renders a valuable service to those who systematical- ly save money, by inviting depositors to their Savings Department. is added to balances half- vcarly. HEAD ()FI’ICE From 8 to 10 p m PORCI‘PIXE Dancing Master Cobalt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ iIEMISKMINB 8! NUBIHEBI fllflfllfl HIIlWlV I ,y. Eominionmayz-fiuly 1 + .1. p. :- 1Rcbuccb farcsssfi. n. ®. 1R2? Good going June 28th. 29th, 30th. and July lst 1912. Valid for return up to and including Wednes- day, July 3rd. 1912. Minimum fare twentyative t‘lSl cents. Passengers requiring pullman accommodation will please make early request to our local agent. so that we may know iust what equipment is wanted. ++++++++- ++$¢u++++++++$+++é+++++4++ .3“: ~:..:./. ./. .nm /a .._ 2.. .u_Z/..._ ._ ../. H Single Fare Return 4. For further particulars apply to any agent. or the undersigned. 00.000009000COO.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000 AkabbkrbbhbbbbkkkhhttirhFkikbrkkkkkbrhkkbbw Miss ’ K. Vincent Next Door to Peoples’ Drug Store ublic Stenographer

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