Bfllfl SHUWINBS mun NIBHTHWKE fluddleson Ciaims Developing--- facts About the outlying Ills- tricts Show Great Promise In dealing with newa of the Porcu- pine dinner. The Mining Investor an: A A “'l’erritory to come the from. this week hawk bake dishict. work (an the Botlvv c 38 Township. east of earthcd quartz leads amid The district. 1: L0 any extent M) (M possible to say just the meant ï¬nds may The iormatiun is mu l’urcupinu With quart regular shears! Reports of gold ï¬nds in outlying territory illuminate the mining hori« Inn. The assessment work season is on in full blast. and daily almost discoveries are reported. staking a dcmc last and this v being put claims. “To the southwest 'uf Thom the west shore of Nighthawk lies Carmen. amd here novel's gold ï¬nds hach bci-n made. '1‘!" promising strike cumvs (m tin mmliymos pi'upcny. sold In: to a Montreal syndicatv. 'l‘hc mous “urns load in Shaw im: nicked up across the border 0 hmun‘liyrncs claims. A 51m: now living sunk in clvtvnninu and width at depth. “While reports of mild (“5N are emblazoned un \iL'illhath tins, cunsictem wide in the bull district bums» in light tins, cunswtcn bull district I) ImId dismn‘m‘h Huddlvsun L'l'U art- reported. Shields shnwm dinners ul't- [m lots that auljm Shields claims "It will In- I summer In plan ditiun whvru ¢ say if Ulvl‘v u ore: in the um Tho.- gratifying is 0110 of the "at hcightvncd m'lix mmdu and Elk. matter of fact, Luke Wuuhl haw out the added it cumlizcd t'hull fairly truth-d. 21 bl'ullg‘ht mueh also in lhv case the Non; St'uti; Lukv. the pnssil. tu pvrmit Hi I ed by lm‘; heavily in It was i atiun that ad Sumt' t pau't gloat-d. have horn ed and m link [lilillt". .Mltml â€I: rim! hull H‘ll‘ “(HY "It'll - indiu a uhiof run ductixm « pr~.-.\.m,.1.â€"- 5'0 I'\ C H m'ivt‘ ()f 511‘ The situu lain. It is that if puli come hm prnposvd C fully raised ins: factor brought to SLI‘UU uld ‘U present 5'39 svlf affm‘lh' those who now Dl‘t)>‘!W .yd mines i1 u Mus! .1 nd Thoma mund In hrit on n Pt uf tht n pcrfonm W pt h .ll .hn I "ll ll Svutial and Hit pussibilitioa au'c nf their being But the muvcm .‘h'WV had nut 5i Chim [WW IC vatttwa of thc L'ft'llt'l'llHV ' “‘1’ â€INF "H" mainly in ('ohath. (iuw- MIDNIV Hf nutix Elk Lake (listl'it't. As a . stalk" :qu thv ’atct, (imvguttdat and Elk Il‘h'ilnhlw‘ “Vt-t have t'nntu furwut‘tl with- "lilttt'l' Hf mini; Led inducement. It is rc- If they van t hat they hit“: nut been un- that runs 1 rd. and recent Work has the. pussihilitiv uch unvottt'uuvmcnt. So with lttt‘uv Imtl case of L'nhult millcmlikt‘ ut'mnus. ..__.____~.._ 1| I] ll m nit-l H to U will ,1 it up vnvmu .11 um 'l I' H may pch annular t4. Inl‘u show pl \\’h 0 I Q‘ .\al puyal l1 1p perh n p )l' 'h 03315 [IN ’ imi'Ua-‘ihlv um I’N'Hus in a con pl'cdit mother st i m 111 ad i a te 3n the silx H om 'mspecturs w aims in Thom the lake. un prominently U is the Sight LN" H nut [H ht fl 'ing lung nv- \‘cn‘rm \vuuld It In 1 m Hm â€1' UK \\' t ll'i Vlt‘ I‘ll HM’OVL'I'IU: atwk hullu the Turn 111 mu“ c!" “'01" mat was :1 wurkul. I“ PM In NH- H’! I'L'IH 5}“ 'l‘h ll) Mt U" 1f silVL'l‘ 1mvrullÂ¥ Id as are n liftv otchun in "IOI'Q' I m Lhi ï¬nd.- 9 â€It M ll SlK‘CBSS ntirm ll u ll' Lulu f we Ill .U'l up ll lM-vll andon [rm WWII l1 pcq h I ll] L1H H the: lies 1113 l‘ u Ull at m d pc lt Doctor’s Special? Cost Over $500 rat «1 of chum return nnc way or $3.3)" l0l‘ UH On this basis as North miles distant this round wank! be in excess of $5 The cost is prohibitive L'm'al railrn raHs for such and far helm luxury mun. Imp tn the WM and the hu- thzn thvn- :m- fairlv rum! mvdit'a abilitv and hospital fau'ultios in out .ich- tuwns. val|~a fnr c-nwrm-m'y s‘pu vizlh :u'v nut numm‘nue. 3f cmentuncy 3f the omen: Toronto to Porcupine Like the Transvaal |â€\‘ “HI Reduced Fares n t for Circus Visit Q5»; .ut iw [NW \lm thm \l In HIPS! HI cial trains fur do" '\' ,zllls mo intrum 05‘. But M‘on â€w n. lhu- tn the NH Ir \\' ( “I!" tl l\ .\\' IIUI'H'S ‘ mm but H. 'l'. K. Hon tlw virvumsta ml “'1'! {'15 al‘v lu-pt week distance I] tr .1 l' run “hi l0 :m of between ï¬ve and six dollars added to a doctor's account of travelling expens- small matter even in cases *qllunl H" ,tflit ‘(v count of travelling expens- mall matter even in 08303 new. Yet suvh is the cost cmncy special train from to North Bay and ‘return . The rate is hasï¬l on There is a minimum charge tile for 100 miles the tarifl $150 on» wav and $250 (-mlv ml 'l'hv (-mv ml HIP MM Wit :11 '10 nor mile. c lllllllll the H IVI‘T T! l‘ fl mess of $560. prohibitive except to and makes the "emer- " a rat-her unpopular 1‘11 \I m .tivn pnwar h’ gener- mul a spm'ial train on almut an hour's moment-y spm-ial of riu‘ht nf way over '10 if \l H" I'( H' Mu m (H m I thaw nrv lmmm- v 1'06! and the raw! Lirlv 1mm] mmliml IN HIIH W H "it lzlhm‘ v nu \vzltm' al tl m'u pi m H) rlh UIH n o-mvnn 1 «iiviultnd ml! 0 than [nun dullzu‘s l’m‘vupinc minu: ll ~1- in value u “w \‘zllm- nf mim-d :n W LII 100 miles the. of such exmss the rmmd trip. th “ray is ‘32? md trip champ \V I“ â€'1‘ SH \U'I'H‘f 11 but 1" mine-s ‘H( i111 HM “C t We â€mt N’C mm m slum (H in â€H frnm stat U "I!†Ol‘ .ll thc (‘IIH‘I‘L'Q'IH'V HI] 1' "I I‘ll! ll H tr 1h 0| ll“ in H11 l‘l'DHl'l fur lust flat ‘11 ll ll H- l\'( ll' Hf HM H m itior W l \\ [e w M It U ml an!) H 1! H "t flu n 1n \\' .l l' l‘ ll nontreal Man Blames His Mother.- in-law tar Act He Committed .luhn (‘ummimnu who has been trial for the murder of his wife (.‘hatcaumlay Street. Mantreal. NOV. Slst last. was found cuilty the jurv after thirtvï¬ve minutes' liberation and sentenced hv Ju (Bermis to be hunted on Aug. 9ti Maintaining his mmposure to last. the prisoner. on hearing sentence. bowed to the judirc wit Nov. ‘31 the jurv liberatit Hervais IRANKEU JUDGE H18 W HEATH SENIENBE i THEMCKIERNAM TERRY H the It was shortly after six n'vhwk «m \"m. 23M hm Hm! Cummimrs m» mum'hvd his wifv. wits]: whom hehad imt lwen livinu fur snmv time. as dw wan wall-:im: with a ymmc mam nll ('hzm-zuurmw SUN-t. and ï¬rm! twu shuts. killim: hu-r almost in- stantlv. H 'l'hv t-vitlonm- mhms and his suln' tillw ht'fu law tvllim: hvr wifv. Thu (with ('nmmi'mrs' had claw uf tho mm (“IV â€I in" IT "rt-\‘inuslv m Interesting Items About the Mines W prupurt }‘ h win-n the l. (hr hcst H'Sllllh urn ropm'tvd {rum 'I‘m'nhull. Sampling: has shown that vuluvs are fairly cunsistvnt and thv wins :m- large enough to warrant further inwstiuulinn. An examination uf the Run mine has been made by the new (ï¬rm-tors and their technical advisers. A11 ut- tumm will undmnhtodly he madv tn rv-ï¬nunvc the mmpzmy and rcsuuu ! his \Vifv's rmmt‘st. had ï¬rst mug-ht trnuhlo into their humc by ~llinr his wifv that ho alrmtdy had nuttwr wife in Scotland. "That wo- mn is nut tit tn hr the mothvr nf tildrvn.†said tho primncr. Th0 aftm'nmm wns occupied bv the :ldrt-sws of counsel. tho dofmwo w-kinu a manslauu‘htor wnlivt nn :0 wound that Pumminw had had me prnvmatiun. 'l'hm- failed to es- lhlish sutl'u'ivnt prnvomtimt. how- H n mi Hf all 1h I‘llc hf \V . Ju ll‘tt' hr ‘ m UH 1f 1V IT H M'idmm- shnwml that Pum- aml his wife had svpm‘ntcd imp lu'fnt‘t'. on hix mnthnr-in- Him: hvr that hv had annthvr Thu (-Vitlvnm- also sham-d that mus hml lu-vn drinkim: mt tlu- tho murder. and that ho had H â€l isstwsmunl WU! ll tlemc nt n-sulls urn ropm'tml {mm 1. Sampling has shown that m} fairly cunsistont and the 'v lzu'm- (-nuugh to warrant W (â€â€™1 ['1‘ D1 “115 um! i n ll] H ll vvn mum (“ nnlmm‘ [Hill IN m'c bmly at n which UM u â€â€œ1 M] w a V ll H )l‘t If Hr .\l “I“ pmmtsvs v. Wnrk is qwnim: up an and both the q Ill m 11 M ll ll probable t‘h ulo until \\'( a brief spec id tho 84100 'i rvumfl am't mthcr- -in- Jaw out flnm .‘ THE PORCL‘PINE ADVANCE th I'NH “I" )IHIN'IH that thc mpletwl 0T II [ht D that an uttvmpt merge the twu UH' umr operating: paring tn ()l)t"l';lt(‘ ll Jul L crusscm body who'll 1 :31! fwt ll 43.7.1 2...... 1...: :35; 3: .3 32.3.5. 1:2,. .: :31.~J>.X- i: a. m H 1th 1111’! ha in}: the watt *("ll :mvns and Jaw. whom 11 Sc'ntlaml had ï¬rst ir hump. hv llrmuly had "That W0- mothvr "f ins (‘31 strimwi ll untimr hut lL'llIl! mm qnwtm's are If 'I‘ln 111m upmm [nwnkthips ‘ B being: «lunv 1 Lu )1! 1t Uh†H im \l PI tin ‘0 [Hf ll 1 1H :21â€: 11;“ 3 Tickets, reservations and full infor- r supp“ émutiou on application to W. S. made u. : Metzler. Town Ticket Agent, Fer~ at burial iguson Block, North Bay, or D. J. iMeKe0wn, Depot Ticket Agent,North II ()pt'l‘utt 1hr mer with :' «l turn drum hl‘l W present uul I] In Hu 10 thi lrrvin with (i sam- all urust thc .\l mum» past dono. 1'" n has his‘ tho Hp HI \\' ll ah t1 HI FIRST CLASS EXCI'RSIUX H \'1‘ES TO I’ AUll‘IC COAS'I‘ l’Ol.\ TS l.\' 19 FF [3 CF 11 AV 15,1(3 .-\.\l) IT '1‘â€. 000]) “1‘ ll RN UN- .- - 'l'll. .ll'l.\' 15TH, 10113. 1( Id 11 1t. Canadian , Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta Homeseekers Sum]: 2. 30 pII m. cnmmcming .Imlc 151. :xftu June Nth daily. Ruchester. I‘M)“ Islands, Rapids St. Lawrence. Mon- treal. Quebec, Murray Bay, I‘ 7 \ “)' Iadousac. Suguenay I\1vcr. Ixaves Humil‘um 11.1mm. and Toronto (3.0†p.111. every Tuesday for Bay of Quinte. Montreal and Intermediate ports. For rates, illustrated folders, etc write II. Foster Chaï¬cc, A.G.P.A 'Foronto. District Offices; Montreal, Halifax, Ottawa, Cobalt, Winnipeg, Calgary, Nelson, Vancouver, Prince Rupert WWW cave Toronto daily except Get your information Dil‘BC‘ from â€18 Camp regarding Le! us TelIYou the One Best Stock to Buy South Porcupine. Ont. Can. “RIGHT ON THE UROL‘ND†Steamer TiCKETS GOOD FOR 60 DAYS MINING STOCKS. MINING CLAIMS. TOWNSITE LOTS. EIc. .« arP “RIGHT ON THE GROUND .v 2.30 PORCUPINE anything about that's what we a: 5. Fuller Co. .XCUI’SIOHS “BELLEVILLE†Pacific Junell, 25 July 9, 25 august 5, zn September 5, II May 14, 28 “TORONTOam KINGSTON" are here [0; STEAMERS PORCUPINE â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€" " 'C'o.u.u.u.u.u.u .a 0. 00.00.“ .00 O ".00. 00.00.00.- '.°0.0'.‘ 'Câ€.’°.".“ï¬'.".“.".°°.°'.â€.~.“.. '.'°.".â€.". . ‘1’ . .0.“ OOOOOOMOOOO‘O-OONOocOMWOWW'*w.°’.“.’WM°.°*Wâ€. \Vire for Reservzuinns (mum-mm At a Bargain First-class property, conveniently sitâ€" uated on Bruce Avenue. With suitâ€" able building thereon for business or residential purposes. A snap if sold at once. HUGH MULHERON. Mg'r. FOR SALE Amfly The Porcupine Advance 100 Rooms. Modern C(mvcnicnces cphmlc tn Mines and ('ity