Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 14 Jun 1912, 1, p. 3

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Don C. Seitz, of the New York World. told the association some hie- t-orv of nmotintions between the Km .York newspaper proprietors and the International Typmrraphicnl Union He made the point. that the power Hi the International Typographic.” I’n- ion largely depended unon the con- tracts with the publishers. med F. ll. Mat-(wan! of Montreal has! put through a de'al of some magnioi tude in the purchase of a group of. claims about a mile and a half from Swastika. It is understood that these claims are some of the most valuable in the camp and have been held for a year, pending the conclu- sion of this éame purchase. There are five in the group and free gold has been found on three of them. 'l‘he work required for patent has been finished and the trenching and stripping done on the five claims have uncovered some rich values. A company is now being organized and active minim: will so soon be done ‘nn the property. Samples shown are very ridh. resembling some of the Lil?!“ ore that the Luckv Cross and iSwastika have exhibited. AMCHill the exact plea!“ hnttom pm scientist has discovered time when swimmimz oys- aro ready to sink to the MP the m 90:. Will some hadm‘ nn him '7 ONO Rum mamasun mun [mum uusm Tl] xnnw ms 1mm m. Is there. in ynur amnion, any prospects of my getting a position as teadlerf If so. what salarv could I cxpcct ? Is this SChOOI under the control DI mn'ernmcnt. or private? (If the forâ€" mer. I think it. would he nechsarv for me to pass an chminm‘um be- Huro teaching in Ontario.) I list of inquiries About Pne- cupine Which Mr. Charles Barr Has Received Im the execution of his daily duties 3 postmaster receives some mantitv of inquiries and as an instance of what Postmaster Carr at South Porcupine is expected to know the iollowing list of enquiries from a nnrried lady in New Brunswick would doubtless be diflicult to surâ€" 0398 About how manv pupils. and What nationality ? What is t'hv usual ware of minors? (I mean ant-adv. Industrimns, sober (l nu men.) Wages of men around mill positions pusitioni as "W muhl take 7 Wages kin-n a cook (if hv wmld act such work) 7 Mmut how mnnv women nrcflwrv in this ‘nmp? Married and smglv.’ ls t‘hcro- any church or mectim: h-uuse ? If so. what denomination ur house ? If am, what denomination nr denominations ? I would not mind very much even though my surrounding-s atmuid he. a little unenngeniai, as lung as my husband could he. at home. I under- stand that. miners are. rather rough in their manner-tine majority of themâ€"hut Very ntten have kind hearts under a rough exterior. Sn low: as they are. not lawless [would not mind; but. I think it quite likelv that law and order are maintained there. You see. I havc'not much of an idea (if those thinL'H. Tell me what vnu think neressary. Is this place near a lake? if sn, how far from it ? Well. when summm‘ will find Us hm‘o. sit! stove. Mr. .-\.â€"'I‘hvn vnu huwn't much faith in Dr. (’uttcm. Mr. H.-â€"l~‘aith! l Wouldn't trust that mam tn_rmnnw flu- appendix from my tlivtirmmyv. 1HE PMU‘I'PINE ADVANCE manv pupils. and what rm-r (luvs 0mm it sitting mum] 1hr :nill. in such mv h usbtmd nould ' ”ET Remains Yet 180 Niles West of Cochrane to Complete the line Questmned about the plans at thv loommissinn lor bringing wheat from the west down over the transecntin- ontal Major Lennard said that thcrr wt mmains a trap of IN“ miles west nl (‘nvhrnno that has tn he (\(mtplot- ml in order to carry out the plan. With «tool laid on this lNl miles thv railway wmlld lw mmploto lvotwm'n (‘m'hmm' aml Winnipcc and it wmnlrl be pmsihln to "an the Short route [or hrimrimz waster“ grain down the Trmm‘untinontnl to “alumna and theme south down the 'l‘. and .\'. n. tn Toronto and Montrml. 'l‘hv mntrm‘ta on this notion arr nrm'vmlinc satixhctnrilv. but tlw «'hairnmn would nnt prnplwsy as: tr who likelihnotl nf thom helm: Pum- Major Leonard. Transcontinental. the line last week He was accompanied by a party of engineers of the commissioner's still? and conned 150 miles of the railway past of Cochrano ml 200 miles west. This is the extent of the line on Whit‘h stonl is laid in thin and ion. ml ir Wit h m ilw ('m‘h i‘ht' likvlihomi nf thom hoim: rum- ulvtmi in the time inr this year's harvest. 'i‘hi- sm'tinn tn iw finished is no harder than any nthm' on tho ”“0 hut thorn are wvvml his: hritimw to ho httiit. Mainr Lennard and his party stnp- pod of? at Cobalt for Monday. swim: thrmurh tn Toronto at night. Unique Circus Animal Act l 'l‘hv Mighty llaai: Railruail S‘lum's‘ haw the must unimw trained animal ; :u‘l over prmlm-ml. cumpusml of; lwars. [)nlllt‘s and l)llll‘ lat-ml mnn‘l kvvs. l’tmlt-ssur Chas. llunvan. wlml ha< vrvatml this avt. says without: «luulit thorn is nut annthor art in? the world to t'qual it. Thu lllllt‘ lav-t mlmunkoys Wlllt'll am used in this at't an! a L'n-at Sllt't'llllt'n nl animal intelligently ltt‘llll: as m-at' l'llt! miss- im: link as van lw lnuml. Words will'i ttul express lllt' many rmnarlcalilv‘ qualities of human intollim-nvo that arr shown hv thaw hluo faced mun-l kt-vs. 'l‘lw Mighty llaaL' Railroad S‘lmws will M‘hihit at Snittlt l'OI'Pu' nino Mondav next. .4. -V........ Chairman of tho made a trip 0"" tn Sensation on North Bay Train When train No. 5 on the C. P. R. coming from Montreal. arrived at North Bay last. Monday. two of the first-class passengers. a lady and a gentleman. each attired in costly clothes and in the height of the fadlion, were in the secondâ€"class care and alleged to be creating a disturb- ance. The couple were Mr. and Mrs. W. (3. Smart. who reside in Mont- real. where Mr. Smart is awealbhv manufacturer. A message was sent ahead to North ’l'lay that a maple of first-class passengers had patronâ€" ized the hufiet car so liberally that they had become nnrulv. and heg- rim! that a constable meet the train hand take them in charge. When .Vn. '5 rolled into the station the entire train was in an uproar trmn the . tourist cars to the parlor car. ('. l‘. lll. (‘onstahle Kincston hoardcd the ilast car and tlnallv found the cmnple ‘in the tourist car m‘atimr to a crowd ml astounded immigrants. There Was luuthinc for it hut to take the well- ‘lqnnwu .‘lnntrealcrs t0 the tmlicr headquarters. Magistrate Weeual lhelll a special session in police cour1 'nhc following tnnrnimt and liner them each $3 and c'ostS. and alluwu them lu continue on their juumey. Crosscutting at Crown Chartered .-\cvunhnu tn the ungincurs' figures the shear at the BOO-foot lM‘ol at thv ('ruwn Chau'tm'ml shoukl lw on- vuuntcl'od in the Prussmlt with 2:3 h-N mow muting. The ('x'ussmn is nuw driven in 80 (wt. :1 muvh furâ€" ther «is-(mum than at the first. low-I Iu-fun- tho shear was vncmmtorml. Plans in cutting the shear at Um sm‘uml IPVQ'I are "hanged materiallv from Hum- in furn- whun the first lvwl was cut. Wiwn 1h:- lirst lens of mmrtz is struvk afu-r the {notwnll quartz is sll‘lu‘K :lllt't' Inc Inunuiiw ui thv shear is pierced. driltim: mil Llw lvns will lu- startml and tin- i-rnsst'ut nut driven through to the harming-“mil. as was done in tho tirst ‘uw. 'l‘liis inc-ants that the mam- :iut-mont will haw an opportunity to lmmv at. a much earlier date what thv lc-nsos :it this depth carry in Vail tit-s. “iv ‘35 “Wt shuttld lu- cut with in lis‘u days. Wnrk mt tho lirst luvol [Drum-«L as usual. with nuarlv 10W) fr-vt nl' drift im: done. This mmms that 1110 mam- ill haw an nppnrtunity to much earlier date what .u this depth varry in Val but to takv the well- xlors to tho pnlivv Magistratv Wvosmr “Wish!“ in pulivo 0mm nmrnimr and fined md masts-z. and nllmved Wiwn tlu- first lens ui vk nftvr the funnmll pierced. drifting «m 1w sturml :Iml thu- v-iwu thruuu'h to the as was dam: in 1:110 "1‘th ”10 he mmplv o a cmwd There was “H flu- Hm tho lfifllllfllfik PHflBABlE IEMISKAMING SHERIFF Such Appointment Would Popular-most likely out of Inree Applicants There is a lively demand for the new positions to he created in roa- noctiun with the new judicial (lis- trirt of Tomiskamimt and there is considerable rivalry between the. can- didatos for ”W Various appoint- malts. Among the. positions to he lllled is that of sherifl. for which there are three applicants. The most promin- ent of these. is Inspector Georg-e, (’aldhick. oi Cobalt. Inspector Caldhirk is a graduate of the Toronto force. coin? to Colutlt in 1905 from Toronto. At the time, of his arrival in the Silver Citv he was the only police ollirer north 0t North liar. and during the early «lav-- nl the. ('ohalt vamp kept order in 1905 from Toronto. At the time nl his arrival in the Silver Citv ho was thv unly pulivv ullivcr north 0t \nrm llav. and during the early (law «if the ('ulialt vamp kept onlvr in a mama-r Whlt'h won him the os- tvom nf ovi‘rs'mw in that scctinn. Ilia «lntivs as inspoctnr todav in- t'ltldt‘ all that tt‘t‘t‘itm‘y mirth 0' the llav cm tlw Ti-miskamimt and Nurtiliâ€" m'n Untarin Railway and cast and wvst on thv 'l‘ransvontincntal. Last war he had chum .ol the mtirv pm Untarin Railwav amt east am wvst un thv 'l‘ransvmitmental. Lam war he had vhargv ,of the mitirv nurt'hm'n part nt‘Untariu. If he rv- win-s thv appuintnu-nt it is rumor ed that vaincial ("liver John Mav- K'a)’. whu has sm‘wd soVeral wars trmit‘l' lttspot‘tnr ('aldhivk in (inhalt. will hv his suvvmunr as head over thv laun- ilistrivt which tho inspect- nl' now sllpm'intvmls. Mr. Mat‘Kuv is a capable officer and his appoint- nvnt in tho i-wnt of a vavancy. wmthl lw wn popular in New On. tario. f. ‘ Dynamite Plant for Cobalt lll'

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