Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 14 Jun 1912, 1, p. 2

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should be hearing roc “I Thus, the first connecting link be- tween the Scottish-Ontario and the Three Nations belt. is forged. l'n- certainty regardint: the Porcupine low-lands gradually disappears as more work is done. and there is ev- ery indication that in the depres- sions mine men will find the hig- g'efl. values. Depth of soil is no har- rier to growl value. unlv the develop- ment is more ditlicult till the shears are lurutetl. The were»: of the Seneca in locat- It is reported that gold is discov- ered on the Seneca Porcupine eom‘ pauy's lots, known formerly as the Lawton claims, directly to the east of the famous Hughes, in just about the precise spot where Manager Mowry Bates figured. The diamond drill struck rock at 139 feet depth, and five feet into the rock the smear was cut. Quartz showed in the shearing. Fine particles of mold, it is announced, appear in the quartz. Although the ovm'but‘den is heavy, the lots lying' in the lowlands along the river bottom. conditions were found just as the manag'tmient ex- pected would be the case. Gold Found Swastika is holding her own and with the assurance of the advent of *zwitul in the near future, of be- coming unc uf the loathing: camps of the north. 'l‘he Lucky Cross mine although a trifle short-handed at present, will resume the full force of men at an early date. while Swastika mine has never slacked for months and is dailv {owing ahead with the develonment work that will place them in the forefront of Ontario mines. 'l‘hev haw an enormous- amount of ore al- ready him-km! out for milling and it is expel-tell that a mill will he estahlishml lwlore a great while. 'l‘ht' lawln' ('rns‘s is continuing Lu make gold tintls on their prupertx’ :iml haw \‘t-rv riwo-ntly lllllllt‘ a rivl‘. strike in a raise on their llNLl'tmt Swastika is not that! nor own «ly- im: and the time is soon (minim: whim vapital will reach tho «listrivt and show it up for what it isâ€"~a vorv rivli minim: ('I'Nlt'l‘. With tlw Tough claims sliowim: so well. with the Iaickv ('russ and Swastika mines continuing to prndm'o mom] (told on- and a dozen newt-r cmnpanios al- ready in the field and rvaily to pro- mutc svrimis clM‘olopmi-nt Work in the [1031' futurv. it certainly shows that Swastika is still to lit: a camp and to ho a rivh one. 'l‘his hack- ward d0VtPl()p"N'nt is not lm'alizml to Swastika. It is cvervwhcrc. and with the luro of Porcupine north of them. Swastika has not progressed as last as the public expected. Late- ly. it is known that some of the biggest engineers in the country have cone into the Swastika district to look over claims and none of them have come awav disapnointed. the first it did n Hm snn thmmh formed little at tika and a m" i Some resume of the doings at. Swastika may be interesting at the present state of aflairs in the Porcu- pine gold camp. The notion has been created that Swastika is not just what has been claimed for it and minseqnently those who have prnpcr- ties in the neiehimrhoml haVe been emienvoring tn dispmo of their nwrr The Mary of Swastika and its de- Velopmeflt is as follows: A vear am this Ins-t spring. Swas- SWISTIKA Wlll No Iistake as to Values in the District-«Reports on finds Indicate Boss Prospects V0 u-Hvr m- year was FURNISH AHEAD NOT D PIA I) Y E'l' mm UR PflflVE IIS Vllllf l W on Seneca m ”I M M predicted and n thv sprimt when for milling an r. a mill will h a great whih is Cnntinuim: L on thoir pmpm‘t 'l spring. Swa o thorough] lilod thromtl ml int." H 11' uthlv Turnbu", Carscal'en, Kee.‘ er, Min- ing Claims 'l‘his is a verv line sample of red- tape. As a matter of faCt importers of rescue apparatus can now obtain a rebate of the duty by applying to Ottawa for it. which shows that the autnorities sympathize with the im- norters' point of View. Mine rescue apparatus is not specificallv men- tioned in the. tariff schedule. Hence to the mere outsider it would a1» pear the simplest thing.r in the worlrl to make a ruling that would settle. the question and satisfv everybodv. Since this is not so. importers must be content to wait until the “matâ€" ter has reeeived the consideration of the tariff rmmmission.” whirl] has vet to he appointed. M. W” TM; or miirv years ago the Min- inLr Institute hrmmht the same mat- ter tn the attention of the Homin- iun “M'PI‘HH‘MII. :tml t'i-(‘t-ile the as suranm- that min“ rvsvue apparatus would he placed on the free list. it wasn't. The authorities now assert that they (-annot act, on the SUQ‘WOS‘ tinn to classifv mine rescue appara- tus under “life-saving: apparatus" or “machinerv not manufacturml in Canada." which would he a simple way of getting round a difficulty. if there is one: but add. that “the re.â€" quest will be laid before the Tariff Commission when appointed, as a change in the tariff would be retuuirâ€" ed to meet the views of the Ivnstit- ute.” r051 (Ed i MW [,0 15 per cent” if of British Lure. 22') per cent” under mediate 'lalifi. and‘ 37.5 pc: (101' the (ivnm'al Taxi“. 8 of the rescue apparatus im uf (Hi'man manufswture it at the high ratv. Mining ' nf a class ur kind nut mm ada is admittod «lutv fn-v; lifvlmats and “lift-waving impm'tml hv sm'imit-s, tn min i “fob“ impm the s At the annual meeting of the Can- adian Mininc Institute a resolution was adopted bv which the secretarv was instructed to communicate with the authorities to urge again that rescue apparatus for use in mines he admitted into Canada free of dutv. At present such appliance is appar- entlv classified under “marhinerv composed. wholly or in part of iron and steel. not otherwise specified." and as sm’h is subject. to a duty of Canadian Mining Institute Adva- cate Its Aduptinn---freeliuty from the States Asked for RESCUE APPAHMUS crow all alone lhn line. The traCk will vrnss the Montreal River near the llilchcock mine. and will run alum: thv west shore of Elk Lake tn tlw sottlvmvnt nf Elk Lake itself. .mt a car. _\t the .‘lillrr Lake O'Brien in ad- dition tn the hiL'h-m‘mlv 0r». a large- tcmmuro. nf millimr rnvk is being do- s‘elopod at the 250-an level and this vrnnorh' is nnw tho host in the “amp. Capital in slowly crvopimz back. The riL'ht 0f wav on the Elk LakQ' rnilrnnd has now been out thrmurh to Earltm. and grading is in pro- The situation in the Gomndn tramp is improving rapidly. The Mann. which is now definiton amine With good prospects, has purchased the Boyd Gordon. for, it is report- ed. $10.31!} cash. The Boyd Gordon failed to discover any are an their property. though there was a re- markable surfarn showing, but. the Mann has now drifted within fortv foot of their line and still mines 20ml ‘V WBIIIII SITUITIIII IHPRHVIIG flM’llllV Bepurted Purchase at lann'lmusing Incidents at South Por- HY ll tht Th: lnl H H I" Property for liver Ien Innusand Unllars H W t h much ”warm I: nre m 1V” anml. The ('1 ransportation - shipmont n! Tho Millervt’t u] :1 n f anm't . «I nf human t°im iv: humu ver any are an their 2h there was a re- co showing, but the drifted within forty line and still mines the fave. They will in!” the "owl “onion H MI UPS IS NECESSARY British manufac- umlcr the Inter- ‘375 per cent. un- zu'itT. Since most ‘utus imported is Draw :11) life." Mim nut munufavtur lid 1r:- has almns is now sondin ID ll it is taxed r muuhinm'v \\' .l m \\‘ {NH : so are apparut us' UTIL'OU ramp in mi 111 {1‘ m trout xlmnst iii: ill) at Cobalt Friday afternoon. MoClus- key took awatch charm from Ar- thur Deyell’s room in the Bilsky block where A. H. Black's jewelrv had been stored after the fire. He was workimg in the room and pick- ed up the charm, made of a silver nugget. He sold it later to a .el- luw by the name of Fyles for 21 (lol- lur. Mr. Black gave the value of the article as $13.50. McC'luskev said he didn't intend to steal it but havins.r done so the truth of his statement was npen to a cerâ€" McCluskey Gets Sixty Days “Well. it's a mean thing to do, to steal from a man who has been burnt out, so it will be 60 days in North Bay jail for you, McCluskey,” said Magistrate Atkinson to Alex- ander McCluskey in provincial court Visit a cirrus [the array uf. cluwuis is invariably lunked i'nrward to and in this purtieulmxline the [Yang 8110sz have engaged Llie Very funniest, wit- tiest and at the same time’cleverest which can be procured. Whether wet or iine the extensiVe program of the aggregation will be given twice dur- ing the day. ('t Airship Flight at Haag Shows Probably on his next trip to the gold section a couple of weeks hence be will have to stand for quite a bit of jullying among those aware of his and the lady's identity. wanting. the ranm- HI Which the drummer and hi~ fair eompaniun were mated “.15 upsetiand lmth the .wvupanh pluiiewl llllH tha- water. .\41'uitlim..' in «We witnewes the I‘ll- suim: pivture “an hiirhlr amusim: for c-u-rylmdv exm-pt thus-a- Who were the thief partiripants. 'l‘he mud was pretty thirk and of that nature to pruH' "H'I'V‘ clinging" as the clothes of both parties evidenced later. It was just approaching twilight. very fortunatelv for the shipwrecked couple no doubt. but as there was no imminent danger t'hev soon suc- ('eedetl in getting away from the spot and the inquisitiVe onlookers. among whom there was not a single straight face. The young man. it appears. always stays at the Kim:- ston llotel during his sojourn in Porcupine. Enquiries, howeveravmtld point to the fact that he nttst have secured a chance of elutihimr else' where. for he did not appear in any eondition imliratim: a drenching. The young ladv hastened to her own quarters to efl'ect a change into dryer and cleaner apparel and it is asserted that the gallant escort in- stead of desertim,r her in the time of adversity accompanied her to the building where she resides. The question of surmisal among the friends of tthe 'lloronto young man is. how and where did he succeed in fixing himself up so that he was able to appear at the hotel without giv- ing any idea of his experience i um: md "Mt Wh 11in degree BAIMISIS, Pllllfif INTI] HIE [Alf From reliable information which can be rathered a certain grocery traveller representing a prominent. 'I‘oronto lionse decided tube the es- cort of a certain young lady. also well known round town. in a little canoe trip. liverfihing apparently went alum: pleasantly so far as the trip itself was ('()ll(‘(‘l'1lt‘ll. but the mnvlmlinq seems “me such as to An incident which took place in the lake at South Porcupine on Sun- day owning last is causing much amusement among residents with whom the victims of the aflair are well acquainted. l‘umvv :1 ssful flight. cupiue in Which local Couple Received llnweleome Bucking H bu t H .\l \\' of doubt ll It s with the “Me . unlv undisput 110d Wright Br: m hm tumuus aeroplane llizl’uuhlum has haul \ I'm-rt sinm,‘ his sucâ€" th the “Motor." lle Iv undisputed cq'ual I) I‘H E PORCUPINE ADVANCE .1 u "dime we! W .l I' I]! md adults who l_\' of. cluwuls is ,l _\' - such (he 0. .Illv than one. waves mus «'urctl un- 'clcbrutcd 'l’uuhlum ,u-l'uplunc \VI W Code A" Code "INK H '0 ll .lt Bank of Toronto INTEREST Matinee Wed. and Sat. at 2.50pm. same PRICESâ€"â€"100 and 150 Ihe House of High-Class Photo Plays A Savings Account Engineering. Mine. and Land Sur- veying. Draughting. Blue Printing by electric process and latest maps nf all mining areas on hand. H EM) OFFICE : Ontario Land Surveyors Engineers and Maps‘ THIS BANK Devlin Block If you wish ticular lot or write us. We owners. Now that the government is spend- ing millions to develop Northern On- tario all lands are sure to advance rapidly in value. ; mcnmuon auuomc : O O . TORONTO . OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO M AJ ESTIC THEATRE 100 Branches In Canada MULHOLLAND 8'. Co. [l E. BASHlW, CLASS LESSONS 75C PUBLIC DANCING SOC Party lessons [werynflunccmw Iues., Ihnrs., and Satur. Ev’gs. From 8 (010 n m. COMEâ€"[luv Pictures are flickerless Two Shows Every Evening Wilson’s Hall BUY NOW You Will like Money DANCING LESSONS Capital - $4,600,000 Rest - $5,600,000 Veteran lots First Run at the Most Up-to-date V. have I number of otolce "ll located lots MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music SERVICE TO SAVERS be spent, and it keeps your money safe from thieves, from fire and other loss. is added to balance yearly. is a great assistance in sav- ing money, it attracts many sums that would otherwise renders a valuable serVicc to those who systematical- ly save money, by inviting depositors to their Savings Department. FOR SALE PURCI'PINE. to purchase any par- lots in any townfifip. ham a large list of Bancing Master Cohan half- . o O o O O O O O o 0x$\<’o\”o‘xo~:o fl’NMfi .i, Passengers requiring pullman accommodation will 4- please make earlv request to our local agent, so that “F we may know iust what equipment is wanted. ++++$$+++++++++++++++++4++ H as” 5.57. .z. .m Z ..._ .3 .214.â€" ._. 2.. H ITEMISMMIIB 8! lflfllflffll lllflfllll fllllWlVi 4. * Emominionwaysfiuly 1 E f+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4} 1Rcbuccb fares“ Good going June 28th. 29th, 30th. and July Is! 1912. Valid for return up to and including Wednes- day, July 3rd, 1912 Minimum fare twenty-five (25) cents. For further particularsâ€"abply to any agent, or the undersigned. Single Fare Return :2 6069600000000060600.0000.90000000006600.0600. Mwrf++b>r++r++ffikkbkbkkkbkrbkkbbrb+++Â¥rÂ¥+++bT 0.000000090090000006000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Jbff*fb>+?frfiFFbPPFfOtFFFFkifkbhkfkkbfÂ¥bbbk7 Miss K. Vincent Next Door to Peoples’ Drug Store ublic Stenographer U. .51?va-

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