Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 14 Jun 1912, 1, p. 1

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RICH SAMPLES FROM LALLY CLAIMS More Free Gold Showings from Turnbull Exhibited at Porcu- pine This Week Owing to some slight inudwrmncc in the wiving of the infommtiun pub- lished in The Advance last wwk un- der the caption. “Tumbull Has Now Come Into Limelight." it was indi- cated that the mold samples referred to Were frnm thv ”Bonmm” claims. This should haw. road the “Lul- lev" claims and the orrnr wmxkl up- penr to have hvcn uuusod hm-aulsv of the {art that the mporillttmdont nf the Wurk ruins: on at the Lallcy pm- pcrtics is Mr. Gordon H. Pn-nson. It was to make Clear this point\ that Mr. Benmn called at The Advance office. this week. Speaking of further dismwu the Turnbull and Godfrey To Mr. Benson intimated that I brought from the properties IflflTHEflN WHIINEV SHIIWS AEIWITY Underground Work Reveals lire Bodies Which Stimulate owners of Claims in that District Recent disclosures in the under- ground in locations in Northern Whitney have started a decided in- terest among men who own lots in that section. but to date have done practi‘ully nothing in the way of prospecting: work. ~ The cutting: 01 the Hlluhvs bonanza and the succvss with whirh thu Crown ('hurtorvd has met in lt’H‘Zli- ingz Ul'(' hmlivs :ll‘t' {Wu (if ”10 L'fl‘i'ut- ost hypndcrmit's x'vt :ulministmml 1n tzmly lot \VHI'kN‘s. (V Vol.1. ‘ No. 12. Hero. are :1 few Drinkwutm' \R-tvmn north of the ”HMO .is being: worked and Cannot Stop Local Trains as De- sired fiut Better Service Premised Following the letter which the South Porcupine Board of Trade in- structed their Secretary, Mr. H. A. Proctor, to send to the Temiskaming} and Northern Ontario Railway Com-5 mission. requesting that local trains: be stopped at the foot of Main? street, a reply has been received from Mr. J. L. Englehart, which Is as follows: “My thoughts, as well as my fears and regrets. are that. you are really asking too much. If your Board and vourself would consider what it means to stop a train within the distance from the s'tation. whew you ticsire a platform. will will learn it {fieans wear and tear-tinng~â€"â€"money. ‘~~"\\'e are arranging to clear rizrht wav thoroughlv between foot of in St. and station. We are ar- rine: to haVe t'ulVerts placed in hes-mm have these culverts eureâ€" mvered. We are arranLrim: for sting: right of wav from statinn I ain'St.. as well as station 0 «ls. with a manual clearin': tip, ( [d he use largely of l’e;ir’.< Soap, i W ' are hopeful that after above of further dist'ovc-rios in l and Godfrey Townships of the efiectsz; The infant sun 10mm] on thw'l‘mnpkins of So mines property. Z'l‘uvsday lust ufte quartz leads are two days. had with him this week one sample weigiiin 74') pounds. showing free gold throughout. while several smaller pieces also carried the yellow metal: to an equal extent. .\nv prospectors or others interest- ed in the particular section of the. eountrv under diseussion are inVited to call at. the City Hotel at l’oreu- pine and judge for themselves the hiL'h values which hare been brought out and created sm’th widespread sen- sation and fawiralde comment for nhe ‘Turnhull and Godfrey districts. In speaking of the. Work on the Miller elaims .‘lr. Benson also add- ed that t‘hev had traced a thousand feet of a Vein whieh ran between (he and six‘fect in width and the. dis- ‘eovery included one pay streak of ‘free'gol‘d from 1'2?) to 150 feet. Prout svndicate working on the Front lot to the southeast of the Hughes. and a three-foot. lead of quartz unvovered under eight feet of earth. Second lend struck running parallel with the three-foot one. but nut sufliciQnt work vot accomplished to know wnvtllim: as tn width. .lvrmy veteran lot to the north ml the La l’alme mines prnnm'tv under u-ning Slll‘fiu't' px'ospvvtin". Rim «9 vlnims to the cast of Three Nations twin: (lvvolmwl lw shaft sinking. ()tlwr .~m:|ll lut llhldt'l's‘ plan fur im- nn-«lintv Wurk. Of course, we recognize the conven- ience it would prove to be, but you, I am sure, will also recognize the difficultiesâ€"Le. the oost. We pur- pose. at an early day, to increase 'the number of trains between Tim- :mins and South Porcupine. while ltrai‘ns we are now running”: between I Porcupine and South Porcupine have l been weekly lurtre expenditure ahm'e ° and beyond receipts: | We have made efforts. and shall continue. to give Very best possible <ervice within ream-m. and within right. m-ting: as your tmstee. in ef- fort to make People's Railwnv it gueeess. We trust. we may han- vour eo-operation to large exrent. . and yet. in the meantime. as stated. ieverv consideration shall be triVen to vour petition. and in due course. fur- ‘tlier advice to Von." . .. ’cu-c- betterments and clearings have been completed. your good Board 'and vourself may not find necessity that appeals to vou at present under pre- vailing conditions that exist between Station and Main St. of Svhumzu'hcr died on t :Lftvr hm'ing: lived only one sample weigfiin showing free gold mile several smaller 'iell the. yellow metal SOUTH PORCUPINE, ONTARIO. CANADA. Mr. and Mrs H‘ 'l'lie Hume i~ nmv working in full tune all of the stamps and three of the tube mills are in operation. All of the ore for the mill is heing tak- en out lw six men and three mules working umlersrronnd. 'l‘welve raises haVe been put thromrh to the sur- fare and drills are brenlu'ne down the ore from the surface. so that ore passes from mine to mill without he- inn touched. The whole of the Dome will be quarried out down to the “Kl-foot level. Diamond drill opera- tions haVe demonstrated the contin- uity of the ore bndv tnwnnds the Dome Extension line. There is suffi- cient ore in sin-ht above the loo-foot Dome Stamps Hughes Busy Now Operating on S ‘ u‘ I'- lovel to provont anxiety as Lu mill supply for wars to come. and nu cf- fm't is heim: made to develop at. lower levels. HUlllKBlfl Mlll Without Notice first Intimation Will Be the Roar of Stamps When Commencing Work When operations are in full swim: at tho Hollimrer minc no less than mus-tamps will make a roar as an inaumuratitm of production at this noted property. The mill which was Hurned on May 19 of last year was planned for 30 stamps. which are now installed in the new mill. Provisions for ten more. were made in the new mill and these ten have been ordered, making a complement of 40 stamps in all. This is the full capacity of the mill, and no more could he added unless an addition to the huildim: is made. 'l‘he installing: of the ten extra stamps next month will not. inter- fere with the npenint: of the mill within :1 few days now. l°‘.\'er\' particle of n‘c'whinei‘y in the mill hzi< been tried out except the stumpx‘. and of course the dropping: of the weights needs no testing' in :ulx'nnee. The overhead trnmRuy i; about ennwleted. and the ore hing hate heen tilled. Only :1 small erush~ er and a grizzly will he used at the beginning: as a means of erushinLr the UFO. The only thins: nnw holding: up the. starting of the mill is the delay in the arrival Hf a ('arluzld 0f repairs. whieh-has been on the way two rnunths. 'Fhe car \vas lost near North Bay on a siding: for six weeks. and 'l‘hursduv Manager Robins re- (nfived \vord for the first thne that the much needed material had at last been transferred to the 'l‘. N. 0. tracks. N0 opening date is set, and the only announcement. to be made that the Hollin-g'er mill is in operation will be the roar of the stamps them- selves. Two weeks' delay has been caused by the non-arrival of mater- ial ordered months am). A disintegration of the working mill forces has set in, and already 1:30 helpers are laid off. The whole mill force will be discharged within a few days. With the closing of the mill work 7'5 extra miners will be set to work. 500'! Ill SIM" SUBSCRIBERS PLEASE NOTE An Announcement of Much Importance and Interest is made on the Fourth Page. Be Sure to read it. )lnchinm'y fur the “rushes Dresser plant arrival last work has been carted to the property During the cundtruction of tin- power plant and the installation ni the muvliinorv. tlw undorin‘uunil wurkim: forces will he reduced u. a minimum n: nnt until more power is supplied will it he possible to make progress in undorirround work. A number oi the miners have been giv- en tempornrv mentions. 'l‘wontv cnrpontcrs and machinists have been entrusted to take the place of the miners. nml [or the next four weeks the Hughes surface work will he pushed with creat vigor. In order to inspect their property a partv of fifteen of those interested urriwd in I’nri'upim- h‘om Montreal by spvvinl car \lenosday owning and int'lndod Prosidont “nation and \‘ico-l’rvsidt-nt Blant'hettu - 'I'hm- suwod over niuht at the north end and vvsu-rday lvtl varlv in tlu' morn- ing t‘nr tho Hughes claims. rvturninu GBVEBNME II SURVEVEHS Ill MAKE TRIP NflflTH last (-voninL' flfiicial Announcement Made by W. H. Hearst---A Permanent Been to Precede the Settler surveys department has been ap- pointed to take charge of the initial steps in connection with the opening up and further development of the north country. The official announcement was made last Monday by the ”on. W. H. llcarst. minister of lands, forests and mines. and work will be com- menced immmliatcly. Mr. Wliits'on has (tt'msidt‘l’illilt' practical knowledge of the country and while liis‘ ammint- mcnt is at present lt'.nlpnl‘lll'_\' under the act of last scssimi. it is umlci‘â€" stood to he thr- intcntion of lllt' (lov- ornment to entrust him with prepar- ing: the projoet plans. lt is prohalilv that as the- wml; :ulvanm-~' he will lw reinlorrwl ln' other :HlVlM‘l‘S aml it is antivipatml that ll. ('. Jam-s. form- er (lepntv Minister of Agrirultm'v for the province. mar lw rallml (m for counsel. 'l‘he (lovermm-nt's intention is to expend $350.00“ on road wmstruvâ€" tion at once :uljzu-ent to the 'l‘. .\'. 0. and the transm'mtint-ntal. The proposal is to have a pormaneat roadway precede the s‘vttler instead of following himf Mr. Hearst and other members of the cabinet expect to makem trip throth the north country and familiarize themselves with its needs at first, hand. Moneta Shaft House Destroyed The shaft house. at the Moneta mine was destroyed by fire last Monâ€" day evening. 'I‘he origin of the blaze, which commenced about five o'clock in the afternoon, was thought to he owing to an over- heated stove. Employees of the mine were very soon on the scene. but despite their efforts the shaft house was completely lost. J. F. W'hitsun of the Provincial FRIDAY. JUNE 14th. 191.2 Surface TTSDALE LICENSES :1 [WM]! UN :1! i wtth-r instmul ! Jun‘vs. formâ€" .m'ivultnrv for ('nllod «m for 00111 a m! Interesting Papers on Local Condi- tions---Next Gathering to be Important One MINING INSTITUTE MEET AT PEAR! lAKE The fourth meetintr 0f the Porcu- pine Braneh of the Canadian Mining Institute. which was held at the. Pearl Lake mine last Saturday. at the kind imitation of Col. R. W. L. Stevenson. was very largely attenu- ed. there being over tiftv memhers present. Among the Visitim: mlests to whom Col. Stevenson acted as host were Messrs. H. Kincsmill. of Peru. and ('. Williams. uf ('niialt. while it was pleasing: to nnte t‘hat seVeral ladies attended the social funvtinn «if the proceedings. 'l‘he vhairmnn nf the luvai hrzmuh. Mr. (3. II. Poirier. presided at the business meeting: of the gathering. at which papers were read by Messrs. Hatch and Skavlen. Prior to these it was decided to [Ham on record Dominion Day Celebration 'l‘hai those who are urg'zmizini: the celebration at South Porcupine on Dominion Dav are. desirous of "mm" ing the funvtion a success in every way is shown by the efforts being made in secure visiting baseball (mums and good entries for Ifilu aqua- (iv sports. M. McGill has written different, parties in Covhrunc and Mathcson. 910., with the hope of securing thvil reprosmuzuivos by special train. At the «12mm in the evening: the musiu will ho. supplied by the Mul‘sicano urchostm if thov run he scrurml and tho Hnmvn whit-h thov have cainml in thv north muntn is :1 mmruntm u! a sllt'vvssflll “ind up tn the dm" .4 pH‘H-c-mliyms. Council Discuss Question For Two Hours--- Serious Allegations Against Road Foreman of Township. For over two hours out, of five which they spent in dealing with Township business on Wednesday night the Tisdale Council took up the discussion of alteringr or amendâ€" ing the licenses for the present year. That this topic was one which had caused much dissension among many ratepayers appeared to be obvious by the remarks of difieront members and after many pros and cons had been argued. suumestions of all de- scriptions put, forth, urging: and coaxing, utilized, tho ('ount'il decided thatâ€"â€" “Ail the present licenses he cut in half for the present year, that they be collected within ten davs of issue of the notice and in the (‘asc of those who hilVf.‘ already paid the proper proportion be refunded." This was' on the motion of ('ounr (-illor See. seoonded by Cmmriiim‘ [kmm and voted for by Councillor Ustr‘oRsL-r. Councillor Kennedy voted against the, motion and as the Vote was carried that of the Reeve wag not necessary, although his expres- lsion of views- as‘ given later indicat- mum: (7th.. NONI imp 'l‘uvsdny on not necessary, although ms 1 sirm of views as given later i. ed that he was in favor of MI \h \i'mstmn: mi 1le .\. 3. North Bay. arrived in ISUIC visit the lugs whiuh the llrxmvh hzul sus- tained by the death ol’ W. M. Camp- bell. and the Secretary. Mr. Alex. W. Smith. was instruvtml to lor- waml :1 lvltvr cm‘lnsing copy of a l't'SOlllllUfl of the meeting to Mr. Jamvs R. Campbell. latlwr of the late member. at Egam'illv. 'l‘hi- rvmlutimt as atluptml l-y the: ln'am'h was as follows: "This Branch of the Canadian Mm- im: lttstitutv (lvvply rvgrcts tho hm by «loath of its number. Mr. Wilmer .\l. (Yamphcll. The Branch sincervlv feels that Mr. Campbell cave cvorv promisv of a bright and successhil van-or as a mining engineer and his «loath pravtically at the common- ment of his work. is all the more deplorable." Drummers Versus Mine Managers I'lolluwing up the close game be- tween local Mine Managers and Drummers at 'l‘immims a couple of weeks ago when the salesmen came out victors by one point, it has been suggested that a return match be played off at South Porcupine ground tomorrow, and if this can be arranged it is everv way likely there will be some interesting play wit- messed by a large crowd. The narrow margin at the last en- eounter was indicative of the well {might euntest then exhibited. The teams haw not definitely been deCid~ ed upun simuld a game he played to murruw. hut the fulluwing were :huse at. the previuus game: Drummers 431m lli.. Lake, IL. Wil- mm Ill... Smithee 8%., Henry r.l., Slim! «'lv. llrnugli 1311.. llunlraz 0. 5" 'EL' I M:1mama'sâ€"Thurm- 1)., “lossvl' ”L, I'I'nns ('.f., son 3“»... (‘unninu'ham v. (‘. Watson 2b.. Rzlttl‘ay motion All the members of the Cuu'nvil were present, a (ommenoement being made about eight 0 'clock, and it was after one 0010(‘k Thursdav morning befm‘e an adjournment was made. The accounts to pass for payment had not then been brought flurward but it was arranged for the Finance Committee to deal with them. DUMP} ROAD PROGRESS. Mr. Heath, the 'l‘ownship Engineer, was pro-sent t0 make his report as to work under his supervision. The Dmm- road. he reported, was graded morn than half wav. 'I‘ho Rm-vannw long will you he at thn prrwunt run in rmwhim: Hm at th Dunn \Ir. 0t} H r” ”I ((‘ontinucd on page ‘2.» \VP‘ HI fr nu». than folluWL-d. whm Kt-nnnd‘: and Dunn (Continued on page 5.) t} ['0an n m ~Wu hope in about an- Wn imcmd starting three 1-4 lavinu the rovk right [he Poltevâ€"O'l‘h'iten. Ill: t0 TIN-l securing a steam mar unauirnd when Irml. The question .Huwcd. when Connâ€" and Dunn pointed J. F. Wat Robbins ss l‘ ) l l ‘ .f

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