Following gives the respective lino up of each team: Svhunuu'lwrâ€"Fccnay c, Racitot p Clcmunts lb. Emery 23b, Blnssor H) Miller as, .Iuncs cf, Bromn 1f, Licb erman If. At about two urban, 'horelure. a pretty good assembly was to lint-1‘0!) at the new ball ground. \laay ex- pressions of opinion were heard on the excellent ground which had been acquired thanks to the '0'3l'l-Ec'.lt3 Ll‘ forts of most members of the Smith Porcupine organization and the very practical support teach-rid in the Tisdale council in placing men and teams to work on the grououl’. ermun If. Dome-Elliott v, (‘amvl‘un p. 500M 1n. Watson 2!), McNeal 3h, Kcllv ss. Rornill cf. Monahan rf, I’armms 1f. South Porcupineâ€"l{rown 0. Lake p, Dunbar lb, Rounds 23h, Kennedv 3b, Tidball ss, Hatch cf, Qua rf, Ross If. Timmins New Hotel Opened Heforo actual play was comment-col Rcch Cook of the Township uf Tis- dale pitched to Coum‘illnr 5. Hum nody by way of declaring Ihc L'tulmd open and then W. Hutch muk «huge of the first. and opening zamc lye- twcvn Svhumachor and the Home. With the opening of the splendid. hotel known as The Goldï¬elds at Timmins accommodation has been made for all classes of visitors to that section of the Porcupine coun- try. The dining and public rooms on the ground floor are large and com- modious and everv accommodation is provided for ladies. Baths are pro- vided on each floor whilc the lam-c. balconics m'orlookinp' Gillies Lake are a verv attractiVe featurn of tin- hotel which hills fair to become» a. popular snmmci‘ home for mam- pun- plc in the district whose business keeps them in the Pond Lake sec- tion of the camp. The ('lnrk of the weather. ‘2â€; changed in his temporamvnt and althnuflh the ï¬rst muh'h «1 day «'hmhl'ml for morning «lid come accordinc to this the an“ came strong and a strong wind ed to dry up the unrmd so telephonic arrangcmmzs wnrc carried into eflcct ..n-'! I'o :w Schumachcr and the Name 1 promised to journny to thaw cup'mc. Porcupineâ€"Roach 0. Lessan p, (‘ochrzme 1b. McKay 23b, Newull 3b, J. McKay cf, Aguey rf. Colmrn 1f. This new hotel which has been erected in a convenient situation close to the depot and ox’erlonking one of the prettiest seetions of the district. has been planned in a thor- oughly modern manner with every convenience. According to the number uf tugs disposed of as shown by tinnn °ial re- sults of the game receipts manly three hundred enthusiasts nntt'nmzasd the tournament. The arrangements {or the games' end of the day's pm- ceedings were in the hands of the fol- lowing committee: Messrs. 1“. Watt. W. Hatch, .A. C. Brown. A. (irier- son. P. Kennedy, (3. M. Roundsund T R. IAyonS. The hotel. which has been built by the townsite company. is under man- azement hv W. J. McLeam formerly of the Kingston at South Porcupine. Only two home runs were somu‘od in the two games. those bring: cred- ited to Emory of the Schumacher and (i. .\1. Rounds of South Pom-u- pim'. Follnmng up the preparations which had been made for the ham- ball tournament at South Porcupine on the leral holiday last Monday: there were naturally many expres- sions of xlisappointmmt when the early hours of morning hrmu' Mth teams, but owing to lack of time on account of the late start this was found impossible. The results show- ed that the Sehumavher were victors over the Dome bv 6-5, while the South Porcupine representatives won from Porcupine 11-6. So. Porcupine New Grounds Opened Two Games Played. Large Crowd at Dance. about Four teams participated in the ball games. Schumachcr and the Home ï¬rst met at two o'clock be- fore a crowd of nearly 300. It had been originally arramzed that out of two preliminary matvhes a play on was to follow between the winning BASEBALL TOURNAMENT VERY SUCCESSFUL There could not have been a more COl 'I‘HB RBBVB l'l'H'HBS Id in 1500 Sl’l‘3(,"l'.-\'I‘UR.\' THE BALI. GAMES. 103"}' a u fll‘ o wn pnu r â€I ll â€ll“, ~90!) u-mc. 10:â€!!! I’m-- IC Ilor the he Hollinger Reserve Good Assays TH'kt'ls were on ~ale earlv Monday mnrnim: aml practically Merv na-m- her ml the club was won hmilv en- mured in pushing the sale of the-w. It is mirthv of favorable comment that manv residents of the. town who would even he unalile to attend the dzmt‘c tendered hearty support and the result was a huge tinancial suc- cess as well as a creat time for those who were present. (i. Elliott of the Baltimore Lunch was responsible for the refreshments and he acquitted himself admirably in the provision of these. The Star orchestra were in attendance and dancing carried on till the early hours of Tuesdav morning. 'l‘ho commitlw were desirous also of tendering their thanks to a num- ber of local business houses.- from whom dishes. furniture. aux. were prm'urcd fur the evening. The results being attained at the f’flollinger Reserve are very satisfac- tory to date and of considerable promise. Since the installation of a compressor the work of sinking the shaft has been progressing rapidly. This has now reached a depth of nearly 90 feet and is being continued to 100 feet, when a crosscut will be made north and south to get under- neath the veins showing: on the sur- face. At least '35 feet of crosscut- tim: will have to be done before these veins are reached. Those present at the damn- includ- od Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. llonrutcn. Mr. and Mrs. A. ('. Hruwn, Mr. and Mrs. E. I’. (inu- liliPl‘. Mr. and Mrs. Herchcnncr. Mrs. Winks. Mr. and Mrs. (irimwm. Miss (.‘licrruii. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. l’rm'tur. Miss Dolligimn. Mr. and Mrs. Vau‘hun. Miss Wheeler. Miss Up. ('urc. Miss iiusuntil. Mrs. McCarthy. Miss L. ('nrnish. Miss U'Ht-arn. Miss Baker. Miss P. Lessard, Mrs. Ser- vas. Mrs. Jack Dalton. Miss Kenne- dy. Miss Moriarty and Miss Ghar- noch. Tho patrnnossos nf tlw (lance m-rc Mrs. H. L. Hihsml.. Mrs. A. C. Brown. Mrs. J. Todd. Mrs. (1)1‘.) Moore. Mrs. P. Robbins. Mrs. Mcâ€" Laughlin. Mrs. A. S. Fuller. Mrs. H. A. Proctor. Mrs. W. .I. Lyons, Mrs. Ennis, Mrs. W. H. Wilson. Mrs. (ilnbe. Mrs. Auer. 30m“ the Win grave aVerage 3533.“! B Classâ€"Toma Laine. Martha Of $19' ’Jaakkola, Eluna Lainc, Ellsworth ___...___.____._ fJudi, Cyril Fairbairn. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. of; A Classâ€"Loudey .10.“ Mildred Mc- Toronto. are visiting: their daughter, I Douaal. Willard Judi, Walter Miller, Mrs. Chas. Spa. for a few days. Mr. i Percy Bonnet. Wilson is advertising manager 0!; . The Toronto (Hobo. ' Ascella Baxter. The shaft was put down on one of the best showings on this property. The vein left the shaft at a depth of 40 feet but at (‘16 feet stringers ap- peared in the side of the shaft which widened out to a seven~foot Vein at the depth of 90 feet. Samples taken arms; the vein :rax'e average assavs of $19. Messrs. R. H. Harris. Joe Curr. Jack Brennan, Hun Crux-Rory. I". (3. (imsley. J. A. Labine. .l. Mulligan, H. Peters. Fred Kenning. l’. Kvnnc- dy. Bub Bdlcstone, R. W. Douglas. M. Conway, M. H. McKay. W. Mor- an. E. Dunn. A. Bower. G. I". Stranger. V. II. Emery. Neil Cur- rey. A. 1“. Buyer. H. Sullivan. I’. C. Roach, C. B. Huggcns, B. Sky, (ior- don Wilson. Ed. Flannagan. W. E. Moodey. N. Youmr. J. Standstrcct. H. B. Edwards. A. E. Bass, W. L. Watson. 'l‘. V. Wright. [.05. Brown, R. Jones, Joe Harvey. l’cte Clune. W. R. Cowan, Chas. Brcscnthal, J. Eastun. Burt Strain. E. 'I‘romhlay. .I. M. Mathosnn. th'. Huncy. L. Lutz. 'I‘. Shiolds, .1. K. (izunhlo. Rav Mm'ruw, Jm- .-\l(-x:m(lvr. l’. R. Jef- fe-ry. A. E. Hall, J. Tripp, H. H. successful wind-up to the enjoyable functions of the «lay than in the dance which was held at the Miners' Union Hall. The committee in charge of thi-s was composed of )Iesars. (ion. Lake. H. A. Proctor. (.300. Una and J. M. McGill. Af le {(rl‘y. Ix cl l _\' .uug 'I‘HE (V )MI’A NY VERHI'S SI'I’I'HR'I' E. Mmin :hlin ('. M. White Hum-y, ally Mary nwm- smm hmily our :3 sale of the-50. arable Comment. of the town Who 10. to attvnd tho Tripp. H [J'ssurd Jus mar Hus- W. S. Bdwanls of the Dome Mines was in town a few days this week .stayim: at the King George. and re- turncd South Tuesday. .u..n..u..».cu3u3u. $+4€¢¢é$$¢é¢$¢+§$++ ¢+++*%+++%%é+%é¥%%é%é+%%¢¢ HU.\'()I{ RHLI. FUR MAY. Sr. Firstâ€"Made McIf)ougal, Mar- garet Adams. Ada Bailey. Earl ll. llonbruuk. ledger-keeper in the 'ï¬â€˜ailors linnk. left town last Wednesday for Toronto. where he will takv up similar duties in con- m-(‘tiqn with the same Bank there. Miss Maude Dcvino went to Cobalt lgst Sunday to attend the wedding of Miss ()rpha Price on the 4th. and will stay in the silver camp for a week or twn visiting friends. 'l‘iiu- big sale of men's iurnishzngs and other clothing whioh is‘ to M mmmonced at 'I‘immins on Holiday next is detailed on pan: 5, and as it is upon instructions of the liquidator some extraordinary bargains aw in- vludcd in the offerings. Class IV. .Ir.-â€"E. McDonough, A Walsh, V. Olton, M. 01mm. Class II. Jr.â€"'L. Devine, L. Mc- Donoug'h. M. Olton. L. Crawford. .-\ lulm' sale of clothing will la‘w place at 'l‘immins on Monday, June 10th. and extend for tan-my «lays. Particulars of the bargains offered will be seen in an advt. on .bace 5. Lm‘ul angling o-nthtlsi-asts halve been pretty busy making some ex- cellent catches in Porcupine Lake. In one or two cases some ï¬ne trout were secured. while ether samples shown by north end residents were surh as to result in many more soon part iei pat Eng. Class ULâ€"H. Torrance. E. Pelle- tier. B. Pelletier. S. Miller. Class II. Sr.â€"M. Starr, L. Miller. R. Bardwell; A. Pierce. Jr. Firstâ€"Peter Wood, Alma Sol- lers. Ernest Devino, Gifford Earl. Sr. Primerâ€"Clifford Ear]. Hazel Starr. Lawlor .Iov. Fred Watt is out of town on a \‘i sit to Toronto. .-\ most painful accident which might. still have been more serious humwnml to “Scotty†of the Atl- vant'e Printing: staff. He was play- im: at tho hull grounds 'l‘ncsdav evening and while facing the sun 1'0- vvivcd the hull full in the mouth. 'i‘wn hmkcn tooth and a badly mark- Q . Class IV. Sr.â€"K. Deacon, F. Brin- ton, E. Strain, B. Brin'ton. Howard Dunbar left town this week on a trip south to Toronto and called of? at his home in Hailey- burv. crnundq H. B. Edwards of the J. (7. .V Xabh Cu. paid a visit to his hm at. (‘olmlt last week and and w hack in town .‘lnndav owning. 'I‘ho uld adage of the "streets be- ing paved with gold" may be ap- plied in a mild wav to Bruce Avenue as a business man on that street sc- oured some ï¬ne samples from the rock being- used to make the road fmm the Foley-O'Brien. ed fau- were Uhe result .-\ baseball mate}! is arranged to Iakn plm‘o between Porcupine and South Porcupine tmnnrrmv. Satur- dav. uhe ï¬th. at the north end Chief of Provincial Police. Geo. (“aldhick arrived in town Monday eveninrz. accompanying Provincial ln- speetor Rogers. Among contain “dealers" there was naturally some little enmmotion and speculation as to wliv a visit was being mzule. It, was gathered that. inspection of the moving: picture machines was the Oll- A visit was. paid during the week to the Dome Mine bv Mr. Norman R. Fisher of Cobalt. A. (3. Branch of the Gordon-DaVics 10. returned from a business trip to 7ochranc yesterday. I. G. Bcattie, Teacher Howard Dunbar left LOCAL NEWS rimerâ€"Muriel Devine. Arthur Sherman Oliver. Florence The Schools Senior Department. Junior Department THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE M c- home this SIS Patrons of the Majestic Theatre at South Porcupine will learn with sat- isfaction that this week saw a visit to that place of amusement by Pro- vincial Inspector Rogers with the re- sult that everything was found in the best of order so far as fire equip- ment and exits were concerned, as well as the necessary ('arefulness in regard to the picture machine. The lame attendances this week were a criterion of the decided popularity of the Majestie. One striking: picture shown Wednesdav and Thursday was â€We in the Tropics, †made up of 3000 feet of ï¬lm in three reels. Next week “The Fall of Trov. " in tum reels. will be a leading feature. 0 0000000000000000000 020 0.00.0â€.00.00.00.“.00.â€. 0 00:0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .- 0 0 0 0"0 “5“ 0 0 00 0': “30W 0 0 00.00 00 0 0 0‘: 0 0 0 0 0 â€3" â€0â€0°'0"0 . 00.00.â€:00 0 0 0 "0 0â€0 0 0 0 .0 0;0 r3": 0 0 o 0". 00 0 0 00 0 ’0 “:0 g..;.. 00 o '0 0 .0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 o o oâ€. 0 0 0 .0 0 .0 00 0 0 o ’0 0 .0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0.0 0 Q 0.0 o ’0 0 0.0 0 .0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 o ’0 0 .0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 09 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 o ’0 0 .0 o ‘0 Bruce Avenue Pleased customers are advertising us throughout the camp. Try us once and you will boost for us too. Our store should be considered a credit to any camp for highwlass Hardware, Furniture, Tools and Mine Supplies. Our stock is more complete than ever before. “Root for the home team" and help a good thing along. In other words, send your orders to us instead of sending them out of the district. Why Not Marry the Girl" Canoes 8c Some people say that it is scarcer than hen’t teeth in Porcupine. Even at that, why not make it go as far as you canP. We are daily adding to our list of customcrs, and we note with pleasure that our Shipping Department is very busy shipping goods to South Porcupine, Schumacher and Timmins. Marshall = Ecclestone Screen Doors 8! THE MAJESTIC. Refrigerators Paddles EVERYBUDV IS flfllNG II! WHAT? Getting the habit of dealing with Co’s complete stock of House Furnishings, most complete stock in the Nor- thern Country. and Furnish your home from J. C. McNabb Branches Also at Cobalt and Timmins. . McNABB . Go. Hardware and furniture, Mine Supplies, etc. PORCU PINE “The Store that is Different" Don’t Throw Away GOOD MONEY !! FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"SIX ROOM house near South Porcupine school. Sidewalk within short, distance. A bargain for quick sale or will rent for $30.00 per month to right par- ty. For particulare- apply Box 515, South Porcupine. 10-13 FOR SALEâ€"SECOND HAND PORT- able buildings, several sizes, can be put up in one day. For photos and information apply to EMPIRE LUMBER ()0, Ltd., Latchford, Ont. Classfied Ads. 10-14 South Porcupine HOUSE TO RENTâ€"ON ELOOR Avenue, six'rooma and kit"- I) and bath room. Also store on Bruce Avenue, 60x90. L. E. Morton, Box 14, South Porcupine. 6t! TO LETâ€"SIX ROOMED HOUSE. Campbell Biock, Pinaforte Lessons Also household furniture for sale. Apply Porcupine Book, Stationery and Ofï¬ce Supply 00., Box 325, South Porcupine, Ont. 10 MRS. LINDSAY MORTON Graduate Trinity College, London. Eng Harden Seeds Fishing Tackle and fencing Limited Bruce Ave.