Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 7 Jun 1912, 1, p. 6

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- SflME SING?“ frank Baker World’s Champion Home Run Batsman Voices Hisflpininns O. .0 O .09. O. O .0 O O .0... O .0 o o o”. O .0 O. o ’0 O 0.. O. O. O O O... .0 O. O. O. C O O O .00....O... O O O. O O O .00.... H O C .‘ .3. The opener was :1 comedy of er- rors. resulting in frequent shifts in the line-ups 0! both teams. South Porcupine won out in mnkinz n plucky up-hill fight alter their op~ ponents hnd piled up a five run lead in the first‘inninq. The popularity of Sunday ball was clearly demonstrated by the record ‘ttendance of fans and fancttes at the double-header at Timmins field last Sunday. Practically the whole population of Timmins was on hand. while South Pom‘qne and Schumacher wero also out in form. The crowd was a re. pregefitatiVe one. including all class on of the dhtrict and is a fair indi- cation 0! the general leelimr towards Sunday sports and baseball in parti- oular. South Porcupinn trimnrd Schu- macher in the first encounter. H tr 10. but was beaten hv Timmins. 7 tr 1. when play was stopped in the seventh by Provinrial Officer Smith. (some :1 com! 110 must ha is net-cssury. l player is stn The Porunas wards the end the dismlst of “I dun't know whether Mr. Mark wanted m0 hvcauac hv thuug'ht l was a good infielder or fur my hitting. but managers always want hitters. 80 I guess that was what indurml him to give me a trial 1 lwlivvv hint-rs an made. but I also helim Bible for weak hitters t (-n him. . 'l‘lm big thing: is m-rx'v. tlmngh. 1' less a buy has plenty nt' m-rw I cannot hnpr- tn slH'H-H]. lt rmlnir nervv to stand up tn the plat(‘ m let the pitcher throw at your “NH! The good hitter will (luck out, harm's way and return to his pm tion and darn him tn (in It :l"illll. If a batter harks away lwranw l is afraid of the hall. hr is dune. There (“‘0 any nnmlwr uf intrlm Whose stock in trade consists' of “bean ball" and a prayvr. 'l‘lu throw the luall at tho hattor's he: until thry driw him t'rum llN‘ pla and than snrak a mnph- nt' irist on over the» middle. m a mun majors, l Illully m got 11;; l nun" who be afm .a [‘0 : throw 1.]: u n My receipt upon the s were hush Iv the idvu Um Frank..flal~m1% h were the greatost the last world's c the Athletics. also championship of 11 when he hit hottm‘ This drvw attvn the next season Reading. Pm. who 1 think this fooling: helped against Mathewson. I know he wonderful pitChcr. but I also he had such good control 2hr. would not hit me and I simply c {'1‘ [)‘l The fir id hv himwlf until an At Timmins Jtttu It 213'” :(‘md In I“ .wker's homo rum which greatest factor in winning world's championship for etics, also helped win the whip of Marvlam] “no year. hit hvttm‘ than .100. 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 .0 00 0 0 0".” 0 0 00 00 0 0 00 0 .0 .0 0. 0 0 00 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 . o '0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 .0 0 got it .1“ thine: thv hull. h( um' numht 2:0! TIPS EH SWING Wt ut almost lttvl [M's are hul‘n. D helim‘v it is 1 ittcrs to impron ’ a boy needs, to [trig is good vym ,l V ltlin must cvm'y 'l‘hv (‘Xel'¢‘i.~' mm! to Mr fnum H U1 Hm. Htl'vn m .1th H H“: hlm u ill m t was ngt h \V “or“ n thr v. a it 'ortu Inc v35 2! knrw Hwy hvud (HIPS “Hi luth hall w it 1' ll ml Ht ll of a stonewall infield with Bell and Ellis at short and second. respeetive‘ ly. This pair nailed eVervthing in sight and delivered a couple of time- ly hinzles. The whole Tinimins team accorded Racimt exeellent support. Guilloyle. MeCov and Smith Vieing with Bdis and Hell in this respect. South Porcupine eollected one in the first. when Clemens doubled to left center and eounted on Tidhall's sincle and a wild heave over Auer's head. For the visitnrs. Kmmodv and Tid- lmll shnno. the farmer's jumping harohnnd catch nf Foonoy's hia‘h throw. boimz easily the prettiest play of the game. The second game was clean and last. practically all the runs result- ing from timely wallops. Jackson and Racicot. were the opposing twirl- era. The return of Timmins' votpran re- POiVPr. Chxtrlov Anon means the shifting of Mm‘km’ to right firldfihus mmplvting thv Minvrs' lino-up. Summarv: .. 'l‘wn hnso hits. Bc-H. Edis. ('h-m- nna. Savriflon hits. Smith. Hatvh. Stolen bases. Smith (5). Bell (3). (Builfm'lo (22). Racicot (2). Blossor. Double play. hlilfnyh‘ tn Mvt‘ny tn Anor. Loft nn hasos. South Pnrvu- nim- G, 'l‘immim 6. Hit hv pit(‘hm'. Rings-1mm “3909 on hulls. ofi Jm-ksnn It, 0” Rm'ivnt It Struvkmnthy .IflPk~nn 4. l'mpirc-â€"-Mr. Brown. For the first time since the season opened Timmins was able to present a stonewall infield with Bell and hut «m the Imam. knuttvd a rape mum! his "wk and leaped to 0101'- nity. Death was dcclzu'vd tn hun- bccn instaann-uus, :1 bmkm m-ck In-im: the cause. Hr. Mvnthurnv. 11w ('m'mwr for this district. was sent for and after uxzuninatitm dm-idvd that an inquest was [mm-(tummy. .-\ nu-ssaqo was then sent to the .I. ('. McNubh Fur- nishing (Tn. and the body later tak- macher 5. South Porcupine 5 were Kno friends, I. stated 29, 'l‘hursxluy : White w: Imam quiu Circus Treat F or The Youngsters Ifi'npireâ€"Mr. Auer of Mattmmi Heights. David White Jumped from Beam '1 and Brake His Neck---Bause of Act a Mystery For seine unexplained l'L'ilSUll, as he had no troubles ui any note which were known tu his relations and friends, l)a\'id White. a machinst. aired 2”, connnittml suicide last 'l‘hnrsxlay at the llollinger mill. White was fuund hanging from a beam quite dead, his feet being thirâ€" ty feet {min the Lfl‘ullllll. Inspection indicated that he had climbed on to a beam in the building, placed his hat on the beam. knutted :1 mm round his neck and leaped to eter- nity. Death was declared to haVc been instantam-ens. a bruken neck on to their [)l‘culiscs at South vupinc. l)‘ fact {mm 1 indicated that a beam in tlu hat on the l» lleflMlNEfl SUIEIHE M HUlllNEER Mill 'l‘hv dvvvasvd man had a brother walking: at [he Hume Mine and hv is quitv at a loss to understand why the art. should haw been com- mitted. Whitv was a single man whose hump wa~' in lluhlane, Scot- land. 'l‘he- remains were interred in the South Porcupinv (rvmotm'y on Saturday afternunn last from the. .\Ic.\'ahh undertaking rnums. H tht. carom. ponies The The Mighty “1111;: Railroad Shows have the unh- nrchestI'aiIIia In Am- Il'it'u today. The m‘chestl'ainia was uriginulh hInIIght to this «:‘ountn In the German goveInment to vhwc in the German exhibit at the lames- town Exposition. and as the exposiâ€" tion did not prove, successful, the 01‘- vhestrainia was never used, and af- ter several attempts \II'. Hang was fmtnnate enough In secute it and then onlx to lease. it fat :his :03- SO" a great treat in am hear the orchestrai: Mig‘htv Ham! Shows .\h ll 1. and it returns mmny. after thn ( 1t. season with Th: II M ll pun [I Railroad Show South I’m‘vnpi N t l‘( 11V 03 after Attendant ltd [his \' ‘lftvrn ”1111! munm war a H r pm'fn: 1t tentli n HIUQH‘ )se of Might 3‘ the wh ivh \V NM 11 lm'nhmce at and Shows‘ \\' h .. WRockefeller Draws Inns 1;. " . $2.33 a Second I“? h M igh LV‘ nun ere. l'an eter- 11 £1"( 11001»; thev 0|" the Ull ’lE ._._.. _ -_ . “__...-â€"... .â€" -_.â€"â€". Having: now I'et‘eiVetl a eharter from Toronto direct, Mr. Branshy B. Burnand. who carries on the drug store in the King: (ieorge Hloek. has now ill('l)l‘pnl'ulu(l and the business is heim: eontlueted as the Porcupine lh'ug ('o., Limited. The directors of the eompany. with Mr. l’mrnand still at the head of the business, are well known loeal men. The mammement. of the store is now in eharge of Mr. (‘. .\. l’eng‘elley. who was formerlv with the Allen (‘oehrane people of “ttawa. and has had extensive ex- ‘pel‘iem'e in his partieular line. Mr. 'liurnanvl. who is so well known in *this north eountry. will still person- ,allx‘ superintentl the store and see that its exeellent stantlanl is main- BAll BlUB [IWE W cuuucu mtlfl IHANKS! THEMCKIERNAM TERRY Came to Assistance With Ground --league is Suggested for Various lucal Clubs At a mectinu of the South Porcu- pine Baseball Club held last Friday evening in the Townsite offices to make arrangements for last Mon- day's celebration there were a num- ber of other questions of interest which cropped up and which should he mentioned as illustrating the ex- cellent prospects of the Club. President A. ('. llrown occupied the chair. them twins: a lull oflicial attendance. with Secretary .1. M. The announcement of l". W. Watts that the 'l'isdale Council had given their assistance in clearing up the hall ground by arranging for 60 men and a number of teams to go to work last Saturdav was greeted with laudable comments by the meeting. W. Hatch al~m had a hand in pr0~ curing this support from the Town. ship hotly and although. a lormal vote of thanks was not recorded the various remarks made indicated that the ("lab appreciated very highly the action of the ('uuneil and expressed the wish that it he made generally knuwn. President the chair, attendance .‘Ivfiill ale". Now Known As Porcupine Drug Co That the furminu 0| tlw «listrivt \vaId he I as :m inwntiw tn tho was the opininn of W at, the szunv tinw sum (lulo of games. .-\ sumrcstinn vas' emulc lllal tlu- (‘uuncil lw uppmzu'lml wgaullng tlw laying of a silk-walk in ”ml-r (u make vasivr :uwvss tn the L’wmml. “I think we haul lmt'm' lcl the ('(mm'il alums.” (-nmnlvmvll llll' l'l't“ sldont. “'l‘llc)’ llzu'u ll'czltml Us H'V guml ulrmuly and it wmlicl nI-l lu- riu‘ht tn ask tun muvh all :11 «mn- " 'l‘his sl-ntimvnt was unlnlmum :ll‘ll the quvstinn was (lrnpp- l. helm: “rug: the v at th ally that taim It seems almmt inunnprehcnsihle tn the avm'am- lay mind that a man is worth so much in worldly possesâ€" sions today that' every second of his life the sum of a fraction over $2.33 is placed to his financial credit. Yet such is claimed to be the case with John Di Rockefeller. whose renowned offer of half his fortune to any medi- cal man who could so treat "him that he cou.d safely demolish a juicy beef- steak was made yrars ago. John D. is now worth more than SQOOJKXLOOO, aooordinu puhHshod hv 1h“ “Vn1d 'rhc (Hssnhninn of t the past year. The newspaper that his income i a vear. or more t \ I.l'§.\(il'l': 'I'H.\\l{.\' lll'l‘l (’UI'XCH. 01110:” .\l£ul"l‘ SllHCWAle'x‘ also present MONEY I\' K” paper statisticians figure come is about $60,000.000 more than $140 a minute. THE PORCUPIN P. ADVANCE l of thv Standard i‘ said has added 1.)!) 000 to the Value stock holdings in 1110 diff l' W. H of HAN!) pupulur an m U ‘I‘l mu clubs um, who more than (*Rtimatcs the m-s H .md H ill Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta Homeseekers Excursions FIRST CLASS ICXCI'RSIOX IIA'I‘ICS 'I‘O PACIFIC COAST POINTS I.\' EFFECT MAY 15, 10 AND 171‘”. GOO!) RETI'RXT U.\'- 'l‘II. .IITIX IS'I‘II, 101i}. Tickets, reservations and full infor- mation on application to W. S. Mctzlcr, 'I‘own 'l‘icket Agent, Fer- guson Block, North Bay. or D. J. Mclx'eown, Depot Ticket Agentflorth Bay. Canadian Sunday 2 , 30 p. m . cmnmencing‘ June lst. after June Nth daily. RHchestvr. 1mm Ifilamls, Rapids St. Lawrcnvc. Mun- trcal. Quehcv. Murray Ray, Ta‘lnusac. Saqucnay River. l nronm Tuesday Montrea ports. For rates, illustrated folders, etc., write H. Foster Chafice, A.G.P.A., Toronto. eaves Hamilton 11. :1.m. and orcmm 6.00 p.111. every ‘uesday for Bay of Quinte. Iontreal and Intermediate Get your information Direct from the Camp regarding MINING STOCKS, MINING CLAIMS. TOWNSITE LOTS, Etc. We are “RIGHT ON THE GROUND, Ask us anything about PORCUPINE that's what we are here for. South Porcupine. Ont. Can. “RIGHT ON THE GROUND Let us TeHYou the Om; Best Stockto Buy Steamer “BELLEVILLE” TiCKETS GOOD FOR 60 DAYS . S. Fuller C0. PORCUPINE 2.30 Pacific May 14, 28 June ll, 25 July 9, 25 August 6, 2!] September 5. II STEAMERS “TORONTO and KINGSTON” .00....x.90.00.00.o o .on.00....o... 0.00....oo.oo.oo.oo.‘00’0.0‘:.00.00.0 “fr‘ “t O'MWMWwww. cumuoocmwoomo‘ \Virc for Reqcrvalinns (mncctitm At a Bargain First-class property, conveniently sit- uated on Bruce Avenue. With suitâ€" able building’thereon for business or residential purposes. A snap if sold at once. FOR SALE H 0611 MULHERON. Mgr. The Porcupine Advance 14H) Hmnns, Modern Conveniences Apply and WW 8! at Hg

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