TRADERS Has the followlng ofï¬ces in the Porcupine Gnld District; Aura Lake South End @QQï¬QEï¬EEQQ wuï¬ï¬mm . A Wk >IIILSJID I Iii-Jan“ Manager Haileybury Now is tne time to paint your buildings both inside and outside. We have C.P. Co’s Ready Mixed Paints lohnsons Wood Dye, Canoe Enamels, Boat Paint and full line of Oils and Var- nishes. Brushes all Styles and Sizes Grass improves appearances, and is also a safe- guard against ground fires. HOW ABOUT GRASS SEED? Now is the time to Sow It WATCH THIS SPACE The Milton Carr Hardware Co. South Porcu pine Transfers of money by mail or telegraph can be made through any Branch of this Bank. Travellers going into Porcupine are invited to avail themselves of the advice or services of the managers of the above-mentioned branches. 66 it will be of interest to you every issue . L. BAUGH 60., Capital and Surplus, - $6,800,000 Total Assets, - - 3 52,000,000 66 INCORPORATED, 1885. Brokers Montreal Branch also at Haileybury OF CANADA. Oil 8: Varnish Stains Small Block of THE Manager Porcupine Branches J. D. Tipton. Toronto Teck Swastika Working 25 Men After Diamonds In Ungava District Diamonds in lingava is now the word. and diamond rumors which haVe been floating about, northern mining camps for some months now begin to take tangible shnpc'. .l. J. Roberts. of Ottawa. and .l. .l. Cummings. of Montreal. and the on- !irc purtv will vmmist uf seven wh‘m' men and four Indians. 'arryinc four tons 01 supplies. and will go tn (luchrunu and proceed to lingzwn vial Frodoricklmusc and M0030. RiVnr tn Moose Fan-wry, where :1 Hudson Haw steamer has been chartered and will he awaiting: tlw party. which will lw c'unvovml to lliVN‘pul‘t lluuw and thence to East Main River. wllivh is in NW \‘ivinits' ol the (lismwury. It is expct'tod that New York is also on the ground and satisfied that diamond pnssihilitivs there are com! momrh to warrant. the cxpomlit'lrv uf a large sum of money in sending in mm and supplivs for (lovelmnnum. work. The samples “much! out are said to have hwn \m'v f;';um'1M\ ropnrt- N! on. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary. c. King St, Golden City Porcupine, PORCUPINE and COBALT Member Standard Stock and Mining Exchange The Phones Main 1044â€"5. S. Alfred Jones, K.C. STOCKS J. M. WALLACE THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE Ontario. Toron’to. W Di.w.ards Dane Mine; J . l’. Bickell W. Harknoss, Chicago; Dan Hoflman, Buflalo; Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wilson. Toronto; I, McLeod. \lon- .treal; .\. Morton. Toronto; Dr. J. Halbois. B. C. McKcown. Montreal; .1. R. Rogers. E. Davis. 000. Cald- bick. Cobalt; E. H. Duncan. J. ILigthorms. E. A. Andre. Toronto; EMr. and Mrs. G. L. Wilson. A. (i. Swift. J. Smillie. Toronto. A. W. Walsh \lnntrcnl; . Duds. W. C. Mcï¬hic. l). S Tms. (i. love“. R. I l’l‘()o {‘0 ll:")in‘.. } Lutimor. â€21‘0"; Humilv. Mnntrml As evidence of the fact that con- siderable interest is still being car- ried on in the Porcupine gold dis- trict by visitors from a distance. a scrutiny of the registers at the dif- T. Simpson. Toronto: II. S. Hen- ncssv. Haileyhury; F. 8. Hum. New York; Jas. (‘ornwnth. Montreal; J. P. Walkinshaw. Ilnilcybury; J. born lekmmll. llaï¬leybury. Adam Hichl. Toronto; A. (1. White, ('unmum'ht; Percy ()rrcll. 'l‘onmtu; .l. 8. Cotton. Hamilton; 1). Hill. llailoybury; E. J. Pickm'd. Toronto; Dr. H. B. l‘oarsun. va York; 1“. Uoupcl‘. 'l‘omntn: J. B. Hopkin. Nin- omra Falls; P. A. Diane. 'I‘omntu; (7. (Sashawello. Mammal; W. .l. Sov- mour. Hailm-burv. Active Work many prupcrtius thmughuut tlu- Swastika district this smmmcr. and already the chclnpnwnL accumplish- ml has shuwn up good imliva‘i mm on pmpm‘tivs whivh up tn this limo. worv tn lw classvd as Pruspc'fls 0n- ly. vavral new disvuverics haw bm-n m'ulv. and this in ‘tscH has 1y. vavrnl new (lismivcrics haw hm-n m'ulv. and this in ‘tscll’ has ulwn n (lm'ia'hrd impi-tiIs lu :lw wiiulv distrivt. 'l‘hu 'l‘ock Swastika Mining (um- pnny announce that they will lu'gin prnspm'lilll! in the immediate l'nturo. and will employ a large nnmiwr of men at stripping: and pruspa-ninu. 'l‘hvrv are sixtm-n «hints in this gi'nup. including: sumo wvll-knuwn properties. 'l‘ho KiIklziIIIl Lake distrivt is I'IIp- i1ll\ minim: I1» tho fmnt. and there 1111-, :lil‘l‘ad} mewml claims tin-Io on which pmmisinq (lim'm'oIies huvv lwvn made in the Pfll'ly dovdnpnwnt wnrk Active Work will lw curried un on Hotel Arrivals stripping: and pl'uspv'.um. re sixtvvn claims in this including: snnu- wvll-knmvn KINGSTHN [m HH'UIS In Swastika I'im'w. wift- and Tisdale Council Meeting-"Licenses For Dogs ---M0re Sidewalks to Be Laid--0ther Business Transacted HUNDRED MEN TO The Tisdale Township Council held . oonlancc with the council's decision their usual weekly meeting on Wed-‘ :0 m right ahead with the mrk. nesdav eVoning. when Rech Cook. Those who own canines round presided over a full attendance off town will have to dig down for nu numbers. [annual lop i_l_ thcv. yish ‘to rctnln The new list of licenses which has just been issued was slig‘hth' amend- ed and added to. In the case of an application to sell soft drinks it was decided that. this must also be ac- companied lw one for cigarettes and tobacco to make the license fur the vcar $l5. vear $15. It will he stratifying "(‘WS to those license holders who paid for last vcar to learn that on motion it was resolved to allow them the ï¬rst quarter of lhis year of! their amount. In regard to fees for “com-tea the ï¬rst pool table in pool rooms will only require $15 instead of $30 and for each extra table $5 instead of $10. An addition to places requirim' licenses was made in the form of shooting galleries which will have to pay out $10. J. It. Black Manager for New Syndicate Covering Cobalt and Porcupine Plants NEW flflNTflfll llf Thc Dome road \Vullld haVe been the scene of n busv mum: of between 60 and 100 men Thursday morning had there not been such a hcaVy downpour of min. This was in ac- 'l‘lie l’urvupinv l’nwvr ('nmpany. with a guru-rating statiun at Samlv "alls. has sold nut tn tllt‘ WaWaitam Falls Symli'alv. the l’rvsiilem ul whirl) is Lumi- lelihlmn. aml in which Mr. David Faskvn is lllli'l'vsl“ ed. The Porcupine l’nwi-r ('«mwanv is nuw tho unlv (‘OlH‘m'll supplying (-urront in tho l’urvupinv vamp. aml has asxits Cilstmno'rs nearly all tlw m‘m's in NW l’val'l Laki- SOPHUII. It ran supply at prm‘ont 2.9%00 hm'sv- puwcr. and it is loaded to capau'ity. ll was formerly ('nntrullml by l.ll(' 'l‘immins-Mi-Martin-lHuxlnp svmlit'atv. lllll tlw pi'mnntm‘s nl tlw llullinm-l‘ only \wnt imu tlu- pmvcr 'prnjm't as a siilv linv. 'l‘llv rates fur power haw just been raisi-(l. .l. ll. Blark, (lvnm‘al Manau'vr (if llu- \nl‘illt'ffl Unâ€" Larin Lin-ht l’nm-r (‘u., will haw financial ('(mtrul. 1 Just received at Christie's Busy iStore. opposite the Kim: George, a nice line of street and party dresses. home in and look them over. More â€mods (:Xpected cwry day. Mr. Fuskvn. of «nurse. rva-svnts t'hc (‘nlmlt and Huilvyhm'y lighting: interests, m that tho dvul mnhrm'cs thv whulv nurthc-rn muntry. St. Pauls Church South Porcupine At a meeting held the other even- ing over which the Rector, Rev, (E. W. Wakeï¬eld, presided, there were present Messrs. C. B. Morgan, J. [in-derhill, Frisbee. Seli, Thomas and Lawrence. The oliicers of the dhureh for the ensuing year were elected as follows: Rector's warden, Mr. Seli; people's warden, J. lf'nderhill; sides- men. Messrs. Frisbee. Ferguson, 'l‘hon‘i'is, Lawrence and Morgan. It was decided to organize a bee who would earry out the very neees- sary work of clearing' up the ('hureh lot and secure more chairs, an organ stool, eret‘t a platform. plat-e a sign outside the building with the name. of St. l’aul's inseribod and give the exterior a eoat of paint. At present only one seH‘lH} each Sunday morning is held and so far the attendances have been satisfac- tory. it is the intention to lluVe electricitv installed, howeVel‘. and as soun as this is am'tmmlished an ef- fort will be made to hold eVeninL: services also. Hcf‘oi'c very long. if present indicu- (ions are to bv taken us any criter- ion, St. Paul's Anglican Church at, South Porcupine should be in a good condition so far as congregation is concerned and also the building for worshipping in. One urgent need in order to soc an increase in attendances is the laying: of a sidewalk on the same side as the church and as reported in an- other column the Township gave in- structions at their meeting this week for this new to be carried out. LADIES ! PflWEfl PW" LAY DOME ROAD Those who own «nines round town will have to dig down for an annual lee il thev vial: to retaln lhcm in the 'I‘owndï¬p. For keeping a bitch the fee of 9.! annually will he payablv and for a dog the 9mm u! S] A plan of land ("Homing the Tim- mins 'l‘ownsito and owned by Capt. H. T. Munn and Capt. Blacklnck wan uuhmittcd to the Council for their approval. Alter examination this was approved and the Reno and (‘lork instructod to sign same. IfflfllBlE Mllflflflll BlASIINB MIMI†It was decided that the (“mm of Revision he held in Wilson's llall on .l'une 18th at one o'clock for the hearing of appeals in the Township. The concluding business of lhe muncil was in regard to layim: of sidewalks. following applications which had been received from resiâ€" dents. It was derided to lay 250 feet of plank on the south side ol llloor west from llmwn. and to lav vordurov north of Bruce on Main street. while a crossing will in all likelihood he laid to the Anglivan church. Eight Men Killed on c. N. R. ---5ix More Were Seriously Injured croilm i'usus, llllll'h‘ m â€)0 valley, maidm hllil‘ fun and heather which was. hruuu‘hl tn hm' frnm Si-ntiand. , Her youngest sister. Violet. ful~ :luwod as hm' bridesmaid. Shi- was illttil‘Pd in (embroidery (Nor yollnw silk and ('1’u'rimi :i hzis'kvt of tic-M Raisins. Chzu'li-s l’i'itto. hrnthm- of {hp hridn, attended thn bridegroom. As the bridal party entered Wil- liam Nziylor at the organ played “Coming With the Bridv.†When the ceremonv at the altar was begun the choir softly rendered “The Voice that Breathed (Var Eden," and when I‘liuht nun wvn- luillml and six lllt'll in thv (ii-nurnl hospital hmlly injur- Cd is the tvrrilih- tale of an nm'idi'nt which â€('(‘lll'N‘d in n cunstrnflinn vamp fur the ('nnaulinn Northem rail- way. six miles mm nf Stunt-'5 (‘ur- nvr. l’orth maul. 135 miles [ruin King- hlUll. zit ~l.-l:'i u'clm'k last Sntunlnv :lftvt‘mmn. The men WM‘te working in u mvk cut and mot “With as the re. still (if n pronmturv i-xplosiun of Mark pnwclvr ule to blast rm'k. â€l â€10 right killml all wvn- Ruunmninns with thi- vxvvptinn ul I’i‘csmitt. Northrup. :tu‘ml 3:3,. walking buss fur lllt' (WU mill-s nl' mud in Hip \‘it'in- ity. whuso hmnv i~' in Ni-w Bruns- wivk. Nurthrnp was onunmed in set- tim: (il'l tho hlust and his Imdy was blown to piuvvs. .~\ll that was found nl him was (â€10 hand with his work- int: L'luw on and parts «if his ('luth- ing. Elfl'llll't'll nit-n \\'(‘l‘(' working: in tho vnt. 'l‘ht-y wort- lmulini: n :m- {out hnlv whi-n tht- puwdm' vxplmlml lwfnrv thi- tinw wt for it. thmugh snlnv HIIIM' at present nnknnwn. Married at Cobalt Church “man and wife" had been pronounc- ed the Vocal musiv whanzed to â€How Welmme Was tho Call." With the recessional sounding in tho (-hurch departure was taken. At the bride's home a Wedding breakfast wag partakcn of and an the afternoon train Mr. and Mrs. Traver 10ft nn :1 wedding tour to Montreal. Sht-rhronke and other parts of thn 93M. T'pun their rpturn they will rmide in Smith Pnrt'upinr‘. At the Anglican Church in Cobalt last Tuesday tihe wedding took place of Miss Edith ()rpha Price of (lob-alt and Mr. Ilarrv berm Traver nl South Porcupine. RcV. John Leigh performed the ceremony and an the contracting couples are widely knuwn in Northern Ontario there was quite a large assembly at the ehurwh. Supported on the arm of her fa- ther, Miss l’riee entered the church. She was heautifullv dressed in a bridal guwn nf ('reani silk erepe me- teur with a lnni,r train. 'l‘he gown was tastefully emhruiderml with pearls. with the Veil caught up with u ('Ul'HlH'l ul' nl'anm' ltlussutns. in her arms the hride Parriml a gummnmly beautiful hmuguet of «'reani HHl‘m lillim‘ of the \allev, Int. ful- She was wallow of “PM