property was transferred tn its pre- sent owners before it had been fat- ally affected. The. Messrs. l'h'um- mnmi. uf Muntt'eal. and their friends are the chief mvners. Mr. l’n'igstmrko is the consulting engineer. The policy fulluwetl has been intlneneed unly M the requirements «if the mine. .\'n attention has been paid tn the stuck market. The pt‘en‘ident, Mr. T. H. ll‘amiltun. stated this fluently. “So far as the present, market Value of Mr. l'31‘igst40cko's report shows that the necessary buildings have been erected and 3,000 fret of underground wnrk accomplished for an expendi- The Jupiter in its vzu'ly days was one of the much hcslnhberml l'm‘vu- pine prospects. Extraordinary rich surface shuwings throatonml it with galloping nonsummion. Hmvmmrihe propm‘ty was tl'unsfm‘l'cd tn its pro- scnt uwnm‘s ln-fm‘v it haul hwn fat- allv zlt'fm-tml. 'l‘lu- Messrs. lh'um- mmul. nf Munn'mll. and their friends our shares is (wnu-ol'm-d." hr said. “I may say that it is a matter than does not interest us in the slightest " degree. lure of less than $100,000. His re- fomnce m spectavular showings of visible gold is worth repeating: “It is a very interesting detail. that phenomenally rial} ure exists i0 the Jupiter mine. . . . While it is somewhat dangerous to lay too much stress on the results of such samples. thev must. when properly taken, be reckoned with. In arriVing Reverting: to thc- nnnunl rvpm't uf the Jupiter Mines, pnhlishvd in 'l‘hv AdVant'o last week yhv mmnu-nts of "Tim Canadian Mining Juurnnl.†in an editorial, will be interns-ling. Savs the Journal: “As an example of judicinus 1'0- servc. Mr. R. W. Brigstocko's report presented at the annual meeting of Jupiter Minvs. Limited. is worthy of (Kimment. information than the prejudiced knoeker who so often crops up in dis- cussions outside the camp entirely. There is no guittsaviimr the fart that what has been tarriud out and ae~ mimplished Sn far is of merit to the tatnp and augurs well for its future. opportunity to pl'UVH what it pus- masses: allow a flll'lllt'l' llll‘t't‘ or own four years to show what will lu- bmug'ht. forth and. after that when somethim: likv a reasonable length of time has been (‘ul‘lt’CdlKL those who have rmidod in tho gold- ficld. seen its ups and downs and Im- conw acquainted with its :u'tnal ru- snlts. will he better illllt' to proffer information than the prejudiced SCVONUH'Q‘ Everyone who is deeply interested, however. and have prone carefully in- to a study of the possibilities and probabilities of what will event’unllv be seen can allbrd to ignore psuedo primary supporters and look at the Dronpects in a broad light. It should not be forgotten in the very llrst place that the l’oreupine camp as yet is just beginning to find its footing. consimucntly people. who. because of some. permnnl crievunve through lnek of their own enterprise or tennrity soc lit in condemn the vamp do not really know whnt they are tnfkini.r about. They tin llul realizeâ€"~ur choose not to realize- that lu-t'ure n mining camp run he fully dewlnped and its standing serured on a perâ€" manent basis there are ï¬rst tit-res- sary the inVi-stment of time. skill. numu The Porcupine Advance That there would be those 00n- nwted with its doings Who could not. succeed malaimr all the madv money they anticipated. aml as quickly as they hoped. was a furor gone conclusion and it is such as they who. after leaving their centw oi activities have the worst mm! to say of a country from whidi thcv looked for all kinds of quick returns. A PAIR CHANCE Despite the relaxation which. for a time only. has followed on the V0" busy scenes which took place in tho early days of the Porcupine told ï¬elds there are old stamens still in business in the- camp who are indi- eating their cuniidcnoc in its future by word and action Merv day. (live the l’orvupim- vamp a fair )portunity to pl'uVu what, it pusâ€" :sscs; allow a lurtlu-r tln'w nl' mun .ur years in slmw what will he rought forth and. after that hen something like a rcusmuiblv 'I‘ ll Ii .II'I'I'I‘I'IIK H I'ZI'UH'I‘ Canada. United Stalea Advertising Rate: Furnidml Phone 25. Published every Friday by SUBSCRIPTION RATES: energy 0E0. LAKE, PROP. knnwlmlm annual ropm‘t nf published in 'l‘hv phv t'ummcnts of $2.00 a not. 3 00 a nu. hr said. i 1m pm' In reference to the, s eavenging Wurk which is carried on at. South Parenâ€" pine attention has been drawn to the fa('t that an mansions the men em- ploved in the duties have been seen in the hours of seVen and eight 0'- eluek in the morning an the main streets prm'eeding wIth their work just as if it was :1! night or Very early at dawn. Such :1 state of ai- fairs when the residents are moving.r round town and business people opening up their premises is of euurse nne whieh shmild ('erlainly he put a stop tu. From enquiries made “Hieiulh' therefure it is sutisfueturv A contemporary in reporting. the visit of Inspector Rogers to the north this week stated that the Gov- ernment ofï¬cial intimated he wished to ascertain how much rain we had north compared with the other parts of the province. In Porcupine at am rate the Inspector must hare found it pretty “dry" for there were no cases of misdemeanors. Of course it made and it is further nutcd that tlmse taking the \mrk in hand will bv required to carry it; out in the \‘N'\' ourlv hours and keep strictly to thv hack lanes and allevs. was ofï¬cially understood that the object of the visit was to inspect the ullicially therefore it is satisfactory to note that almost immediately some vhangos in this department ml the township's routine are to be I'vvviw anv lvttvrs vnntaininu‘ sug- gvstinns and publish samv tn [Hlsll fnrwanl tlw Ilanl'llH‘llt. Baseball on Sunday is not to lw allnwml aml. apart fmm tlu- riuln or wrong: nf what. tlwn- will lw vm'v littlo- appur- tunity fur the average business man tn play â€1' attvml a uamv unless snnwtlling as outlined alpm'v is lu‘uug-ht about. Whatvvm' is (lmw mum h1- (lune snnn if the lwrwlit nl' light M't-nimzs is tn lw «lvrivwl. Juno ills! will soon lw lu-rv 11ml alter the longest (luv in the Hair is UVM‘ twillfllll Sum] lmrins tn urwp alnnq varlivr NH‘ll (luv. “'l‘lw Advanvo" will lw glad ln In other Northern tnwns the mun- cil or governing bndy haVc taken the matter in their own hands and [3385- nd a hy-luw insisting upnn stnl'os closing at least tw†nights a \wok. Once the fact was made knnwn tn the gont'ral publiv and the prau'tivo mrriml into vflt-Ct nu im-nnwnimwo amwun-d tn he '0" but ratlwr mm “H- nthcr hand 'K‘llt'ï¬t act-rum! tn tlu- as- sistzmts. whuso duties invludo lung hum-s and tedious mutinv nf brim: cm thc-ir [vet mmt of thv day. '1‘“ sm- tlw suggestion 9:1rriml nut in South l’t'n'mlpinv, tlwrvfuru. it \wmld appear that tlu- host plan i~' tn will :1 publiv mo-Minu. say. m Hu- lluunl of Trade â€Hit-us. Buttm‘ still. thusv \\‘lln :m- inn-I'vstml in thv pm- just muld attmul tlu- m-xt mm'lim: ul' tlw Board of 'l‘rzulv-«un llu- sve- uml 'l‘hurmlm' in vault monthâ€"mull. havim: in vivw a (losirv to lu'l'nlllP memlu-rs. appmzu'h lho Board on thv muttvr and rm'viw 'l‘hat Wednesday afternoon would he the most popular if a hall holiday is deCided upon seems to he a settl- ed point. hut. as was pointed out in some instances. the action Would hare to be unanimous among the main stores of the town at. any rate. althourh it is realized that a eertain percentage of small places would not. on account of the small extent of their business. be persuaded to lose even one afternoon. There is quite a diversion of opin- ion as to the best steps to adopt al- thoth so far as “The AdVance†could ascertain after careful enquir- iea the idea is fairly popular to have some time each week during the summer months for the regular clos- ing of stores and take adVantaItc of the light eveninsrs for much desired recreation. at the “erase assay values, results of samples of extrmrdinsry richness have been excluded." There have been a diflerent number of suggestions made in South Porâ€" cupine as to the possibility of ar- ranging either for the closing of business establishments one after- noon in the week or to close. on one or more nights of the week at 6 o’clock in the evening. This attitude is refreshingly sane. The honest intention'of sticking to essentials is apparent. Porcupine is to be ielicitated upon the Jupiter tr Dort. It contains possibly too little. certainlv not too much." EDITORIAL NUTEH EARLY CLUSI N6 their support iglm-ialnd m impnsv :1 tm: «m owners inf (lugs which is (me which none can 'mukc- any uhjm'tiun tn when it is r0- nmmlwrml that the tinunvcs nf the J‘l'nwnship :ll't‘ in urgent need uf r0- |)l¢-nishinL'. 'l'hv ('zminos have nut 'l‘ho (‘ourt of HCVision for the 'l‘uwnship of 'l'isdale, to hear appeals against the assessment. will he held in Wilson's Hall Tuesday, June 18th, (It mg: a portion [or his own Use an a mutual arramrvmont. Singular m]()ll£2'h, it would appear that his re- marks an tlw ncml uf this must have hwn made when thv Cobalt ï¬re was racing: and In whivh the ('nhalt Town Hall was in such close prox- imitv. That hall was quoted as an instanvv uf the loss which might be Sllstillm'd if a large time (lestmyml the building which has only a safe for civic records. With a warning: such as this might be taken to re- solve itself into the manor a vault is erected the better. The report as to the big fire in ('uhult on Wml'nnsday night. has an indinwt hearing upuu the papers and rvmrds of South l’nrclxpineâ€"indeed upon any g-uvm'ning hmlv where such urn kept filed. It was stxgnrestetl on Wt-d'nosduy M'onim: by Roevv ("onk that a vault ho broctcd to ensure the sufvty nf such valuable papers and he himself Would ho prcpzu‘c-d to come tn terms in thc- (-I'N‘tinn nf (me. tak- ing: :1 pnrtiun for his own use rm '1 l rupim- its was the vats whom» stringent nthmls ml in dealing with trhcm. very few instum'vs that uhsulutv nm'vssitv in th huncv thv fairness nf [In rum» tn tnrs rc-mvmlwr that “W prosmt stu- mm is sn close in tnuvh with thv lehmgmll tuwnsitv win-ruin it is vlaimml Hu- (‘mnmissiun :m- so deep- ly intvl'vsu-d. 'l‘ht'l'efm‘v nm- (“almmt ('xlu-Pt Um much uf thv â€pm hum) It will lw nutod from a report in :umthvr vulumn that the Smith Pur- cupinn llnzu'il uf Trade ari- desirous ut' haVim: luml trains stnp at tho [nut «of Main strwt if â€in towns-pow ph- will MM :1 hridm- and small platlm'm as moans ul' moms to tho ut'lu't' side «if tlu- track. That the Whomi- if vau'riml ulll wuuld he :1 boon lu rc-sitlcvms in the t°vllll'v and muthvml~in fart lu mum utlwt'sâ€"â€"is umlvniuhlv. 'l‘hu lluzml haw instrum- ('(l tlwir Sut'rctm'y tn writc- tllu‘ 'I'. N. H. Rziilwzw ('mnmissinn on thv mutton" and Hip uutvumv will lu- wziilml with inta-nwt NIH-viallv wlwn pllhlit thum- vuunizzmt it! nr 1 o'clock at night and listen tuall tho amuinentsi†In answer to such the unly rospnnsc can be that it is not a mattrr of anxiety tn wurk nnnm'cssarily. hnt anxiety tn son that tho readers of The Advancv arr supplied with news of interest and surely discussions of the town- ship's aflairs by its mn‘ornimr bodv t'utlld nut b0 exi‘ollmi in interest to those who haVc to dig down when the HIN'Q'HSKU'V tinam'vs are required. Referring to the editorial comment in 'l‘he Advance last week anent re- porters not attending the Tisdale township council meetings. but being supplied with an ofï¬cial report. it is worthy of note that enquiries result in the assurance that no objection to the press representatives taking their own reports personallv will he made by other local bodies in difleret‘lt townships. In an ottlcial report the kernel of the meetimr is ahsentâ€"that is the interesting little points in dis- cussion where ratepayers like to know just what their representa- tivcs' VieWs lay. are not given. One council member in speaking to The Advance when permission was asked to attend the meetimr said. “Surely x-ou are not anxious to star here till l": or 1 o'clock at night and listen tuall the aritutnentsi†In answer to such the only response can he that picture shows. It reflects consider- able credit on all the Porcupine dis~ trict. however. that the authorities have had empty cells and blank lists jot some time now maybe because the last round of ï¬nes proved shard nut [or those convicted and it is be. coming realized that the illicit busi- ness does not pay. I‘ht upon l‘imlalo- 'l‘nwnshil) ('mmvH haw spirit In hv ('n‘ninvs have not nuiszmvv in South I’m" s the (“mm in (l'ohalt. NUTICE W. M. WH YT E, Clerk. nwt vsln-vially What! with luwnn‘in- mm- truck. That the nut \muld hp :1 in the vvntn- and to munv nthvrsâ€"is Hinds were adopt- lrhcm. but it is in that a dog is an in this distrivt of (M tux dm'idâ€" THE PURCUPINE ADVANCE l'X‘hihilt-d Several changes have taken place in Porcupine among' the personnel of the mine managers. At the Mcln- tvre l". lâ€. Schwindler has resigned his position as manager, which he has occupied onlv for a few months. W. Cooper. superintendent at the Meâ€" Intyre. has also resigned and it is understood that the property will be in charge of C‘. B. Flynn, who repre- sents the holders of the majority of the McIntyre stock. Changes are also occurring at the Success where Keith Gardner has resigned the man- agement. Mine Captain Brandt also leaves this propertv to do some Work on properties in Hastings county. The Success is now in charge of Mr. Emery. who has been on the WW pertv for some time. Restaurant and victualling houses have been raised from $10 to $20, while the same applies to oyster. fruit or soda and ice cream parlors. Passenger boats up to 10 passengers remains the same as formerly, $10, but a decrease has been made in the tase of It) to :20 passengers from $90 to $15 and oVer ‘30 passengers brought down from $25 to $130. Additional plaCes of business whieh did not before appear on the ollicial list include the following: â€and laundry. $10. st ’am launtlrv $131), liV- erv stable. lll horses iii“. and nVel' ten horses $20, employment arenev $7)â€. Attention is drawn to the fart that the period for whieh anv of the abme lieenses is required is for the rear ending llerember 541st. 19113. m Many Changes At The Mines :onwoooooooooooooooo090099990099099099000 An annual fee of 551:3“ previously ('(H'Q'I‘Ml a livenw lu sell temperance livers. wit drinks. cigars. riu'arettes and lHlHU'(‘U. but this has been en- tirely eliminated and the dillm'ent items split, up. Now a fee of $23.0 will allow the sale of temperance beers and soft drinks. 'l‘lie sum of 013:3 will he rennin-d tn dispose of tobacco, cigars and riLrarettes. An increase has been made for billiards and pool. the first table being: now $20 instead of $10. and for each ex- tra table $10 in place of :55. For first and second beds in bowling al- leys $25 will he nevessary in place of :55 previously and $123 for each extra bed. where $5 used to be paid. In rvfcrmu-v ln thv change uf liâ€" m-nsv fees for (.‘stuhlishmcms in South Porcupine mvntinnml in the . 'V' y - rcpmt nf the llsdule Louncxl meet- im: last work some of thv ultm‘ntiuns in the way 0f reducing or raising will ho intvrvstimr. Licenses Altered yBy Tis. Council Wy,otr rthat g Thirty Two wmliollar Steel Range {rt STARTING MONDAY, MAY 20th, 1912.; “If It’s Hardware, we Have It†Bruce Ave., South Porcupine Northern Canada Supply Co., Ltd. Everyone has an equal chance. Remember that with every 50c Cash purchase you get a ticket. Our prices are always as low as or lower than the lowest. A Shingle Nail Guessing C O N T E S T Subject to tales and conditions con- tained on dupltcate of this ticket KEEP THIS PORTION OF TICKET My estimate oI the number of Nailsis , ......... Nearest Estimate; ONE STEEL RANGE Northern CanadaSupply CO.. LIMITED Bruce Ave.. South Porcupine on exhibition in our window. Under the Following Conditions:- nonmenn CANADA ,surm co. no. Shingle Nail Contest nf $150 prvviuusly tn svll tcmpm‘anvv cigars. cigarctu-s this has been on- For What? Why, for that “309990000006 OOOOOOiziOOzzzOzOOQ W thsnh we have the right Information on Crown Chartered. Dome Extension and Vipond. It's Important to_y0u. WRITE. WIRE or phone us {or the in‘orc motion. BUY AT THE TOP AND SELL AT THE BOTTOM, OR BUY AT THE BOTTOM AND SELL AT THE TOP? WHAT DO YOU DO? Members Standard Stock Exchange, Rayal Bunk Bldg., Tog-om. Direct connection tn all leading Exchanges. pvme M 552' Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, Homer L Gibson AssessmentWork In Any Part of Northern Ontario’s Mineral Districts, is Our Specialty Thtee ptominent citizen. will inepect the tickets. which will be pleced in e eeeled tin box in our etore. The coupon bone. will be opened by the iudlee on TueedeyJuly 2nd. Content clones Setmdey. June 29th. at I0 The decision ol the judge. in linel and accepted euuch by all conteetente. A ticket with every 50c. cuh putchue. No employe ol the linn allowed to contest. Depout this put ol ticket in sealed box. To the peraon eatunatan. the correct or nearest to the correct number ot naula in the aealed tar we have in the window at our store. we will aell tor the aum ot Ten Cent: One New .30.! R0030. made by the Gurney Foundry Company 0! Toronto. and lully guaranteed in every way. The regular price of which re Thirty-two Dollara My estimate of tho Number of Hall: I: F. C. SUTHERLAND C0. SHINGLE NAIL CONTEST All our work is under control of thoroughly capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References "H it's Hardware. we have It" Ont. Phone M. 5620