Porcupine is still very much in the making, and yet today it has two mills in operation. two under con- struction. one being: enlarged, and two probably tO‘he built at once. This is anything but a had record for a new gold camp. but the. stock market record is not so savory. A glance at the. conditions which led the present unsatisfactory position of the market should be, instructive. First, Porcupine was launched with all the. proper pomp and cercmonial. It was given the. widest publicity. it had the requisite setting: of romance and remoteness. it had the yellow gold in chunks in the whate quartz, it early secured :1 railroad. capital “What will Porcupine do this sum- mer? There is not a broker who is not daily besieged with queries from stockholders; indignant. those who bought Porcupines at their high lev- els; discouraged, those who bought: at lower prices in anticipation of a boom for the camp. It is in the ef- fnl't to answer these questions that this summary of Porcupine condi- tions is written. There is sound merit in l’uretipitieâ€"~-nut in every .10- acre tract. throughout the boundless domain of the ('anatlian wilderness, but, still over a large area. in the [‘nnt't' thoroughly prt'mpt‘t'tt‘tl sections of the camp the wheat is becoming separatml from the chaff by the nev t‘l"iili|illL" test of tlt'Vt'lHPmt'lli; in the outlying: townships results from that test. are still to be known. and it will be years before the extent of the mineralization in the Porcupine district is even approximately deter- mined. For instance. in 'l‘isdale the ore bodies of the Iâ€"lollinger and Dome sections have assumed proportions surely satisfactory to the most cri- tical; in Deloro but little work has been accomplished; in Whitney the Keora and Three Nations have made important discoveries, but have still a. long way to go to become real mines; in Shaw,~ Carman, Langmuir, and other townships development is still in the test-pit, stage, yet the Tommy Burns group, Night Hawk Lake Company, Free Gold Mining Companu and others bid fair to be- come proï¬table. half its capactty. 't he hammock or quartz from which the mine take-i its name has practically disappear- ed, having been leveled down in the course of minim: operations. Work on the \'ipond and llullincer mills, both of which were expected to open about the. ï¬rst of June. has been de- layed he the breaking of the railwav bridge over the Boston ri\‘er,. delay- int: the delivery of materiat. The [Hans of the llolhnger haVe heen changed in consenuent‘c. and instead of waiting for the big crusners. the mill will he started with a small crueher now on hand. as soon as the tube-mills and cyanide plant are ready. The West Home has laid all part of its day shifts only. owim! in the shortage of its fuel supply. The mm- pany will be compelled to xhip in coal at great. expense in ordvr to carry on the work. The Dome Lake will construct a mill of 10 stamps HITUHE PHHSPECIS [If Pflflfllll’lflf STflBKS In a special market letter recently issued by Messrs. Baruch and Co. a well known ï¬rm of New York brok- ers, quite a lengthy and at the same time interesting resume of the Por- eupine stocks is given. They eXpress themselves as very sanguine of the future transactions and consider that the present is not time for discour- agement. Following is an extract from this letter: Prominent'New Brokers Discuss Situation---Nu lime In Be fliscouraged According to statistics recently compiled the estimated gold produco tion 0! Porcupine to May 13 is as (allows: Dome, 58.566; \‘ipond $6.- 000; liollinger, $16,082; McIntyre. $30,000; total. $140,050. The Dome Hill is still operating under dillicul- ties as regards the supply ol water. and has been working at less than half its capacity. The hummoek of quartz h‘om whivh the mine lake-z GOLD PRODUCTION OF PORCUPINE CAMP Over $l40,000 Estimated to May-- Difficulties With WaternRea To Resume HAS GOOD RECORD AT WEST DOM PI SOUND MERIT. cnlly disappear led down in the crations. Work ollimrm‘ mills. xpcvtcd to open no. has been de- The present situation, then, is that in nearly all cases Porcupine shares are selling on a basis fairly oom- mensurate. with the value represent- ed, proved or speculative, as the case may be. The present is no time for liquidationâ€"whether it is an auspi- cious period for purchases, each man must judge for himself by the degree of the speculative he desires in his commit.ents. There will be mines in Porcupine whose existence today is not even dreamed of; some of the properties now working, aside from the Dome and Iâ€"lollinger, offer specu- lative opportunities, in some cases even including: some investment val- ue. To establish a basis from which the trader may work,\\ve submit the following: Fully nine-tenths zprnlialv ly morel of the development of the Porcupine camp is within a part of 'l‘isdale township. This does not inâ€" dicate that other townships are not favmahle. but. merely that here the In this township are three known zones of enrichment: (1) That aver- .‘IUHIHLT its l'tillmlntimh‘ laid on a newm' and suumler husis: its (‘umll- tiuns are becoming better under- stuml; it is developing mines. l’or- eupine stocks are in a better posi- tien'today than they have ever been, as they have been through their per- iod of trial and seasoning and are at the stage where individual merit has an opportunity to make itself felt. ‘ biz deposits of the Dome and Hollinâ€" 201‘ were found‘ and activity natural- ly centered around them. 2m exvcss 0 val of loose panics all n getting“ its With all respect to our Canadian cousins. there is one thing they do not know how to do, and that is to engineer a boom in a mining camp. The why and wherefore concerns us notâ€"the plain fact stands. Corpara- tions, hastily slung together and im- properly tinanced, were unable to keep up the strain; work undertaken an improper engineering: advice re- sulted in waste; explorations of what, were. deemed promisim: prospects showed. in some, eases, sueh an irre- gularity of struuture that work was made slow by snow in winter and by swamps in summer. And the for- est tires came with their trail «)ftleâ€" struetinn. llut there ne\'er yet has heen a minim: camp whieh has not gull" through a similar periml of re- ;u'tiull :mcl cliseuui'mzement. l’oreu- ,u'tion am pine (0(an was invested by large and well- known syndicates. some of the world's greatest engineers visited the camp and their opinions were widely quoted. often. it must he said. with- out ever really having been express- ed by the engineer in question. A multitude of corporations were launched, vigonsus prospecting was commenced and finds of rich gold are followed (am. If there was ever an opportune setting for a mining boom, Porcupine had it. To make a long story short. the boom did not materialize. There was a brief per- iod of inflated prices, but it was merely temporary. cluwn lwluw the ‘JlNl-lt. lM'rl in L'UMl ore. and sloping operations . ha“) leI lu'k'lltt. The new nt‘vliml)‘ at the llm‘iilmn. operated by the ('t'uwn ('liartrrecl. is showing up well. It hila lwvn driven upon for :m it. . with must on- in both faces and t‘t'tissl'llt for ‘20 ft. in ore. The â€indies will shortly install a compressor. [Driv- ing is being done at the 50 and 100- ft. levels. and the shaft will he sunk to 200 It. Work at the Rea is to he resumed: a number of shareholders also recently visited the mine and are satisï¬ed that under proper man- a‘rement it will “make mod.†In case the necessary funds [or develop. ment cannot be raised by a loan or a re-issue of stock. the property will be leased.- to be operated with tube'mills which will give a capacity of 100 tons per dav. Une shaft is down below the lOO-lt. level. and another nearly to that depth. Driving has been done for seVeral hundred feet, the vein showing a width oi 4 it., and sutii‘ cient ore to supply the mill for a war has been blocked out. A t. been PAYING PENALTY NOW. REA TO RE the McIntyre a FI'TITRE ;\l [NICK 1 ulsvouragcnwnt. Form- is paying: the penalty fox of optimism and a Carniâ€" ;c financing such as accom- .u'l linanmng such w gold Camps foundations I: oundcr basis; . . (I’ll Ul SI')†mrt I1 as accom- s. It is now laid on a Ill l‘lKl west {PHI olh OI aging,r from northeast to east through the Hollinger, and including that property with the Porcupine Gold, McEnaney, Dixon, Miller-Middleton, McIntyre, Pearl Lake, Jupiter, Plen- aurum, and probably continuing ,to the Rea; (‘2) That through the Dome, North Dome, Dome Extension, Fol- ey-O'Brien, and possibly others; (3) An east and west series north of Porcupine Lake, through the Hughes, Dobie, Scottish Ontario and Crown Chartered. What there is in this township. in addition to these, is not yet determined, but many known veins indicate that further discover- ies are not improbable. In other townships, notably Whitney, Shaw, Deloro, (,‘arman and Langmuirflhere are no known mineralized belts or zones as in Tisdale, and individual merit must count for or aaainst each «'laim. It is interesting to note that the ï¬rst finding of gold mines bx the government geologists who point.- ed the way toward the discovery of Porcupine were in Carman township many miles from the Hollinger mine A strum: finanl'ial syndit'ate. of whom many are now interested in Northern Ontario lil'UjW'iS. are [inn- nins,r the erertion of a cont-entrndng plant in Elk Lake. [‘Inuineurs in the employ of the syndi'ate ":zll spend several months in Elk Lake. and, with the assistance of mine OWhCl'S. operators and the Board of Trade. will inspect and sample the Various properties to ascertain if they war- rant the erection of such a phmt as projected. The engineers mil 3.0 this work in a conï¬dential way, and are promised the co-operation of exery- one in the camp. mation of the country was vastly different to that of Porcupine. It consisted of schist and blow-outs of quartz. The general character of the eountry was quartzite and diorite. The field did not compare by any means with Porcupine. None of our part}; staked any claims. After not- ing the general contour of the Sur- face of the country We decided that there was nothing: there to interest u< from any standpoint." Surveyors and Prospectrrs on Coming out Report We; Staked Hr Claims exploits in l’orvupine camps. Javk Miller. who is mentioned above and who stake-d the Dome. was in com- mand of the party to its destination. (‘Dther members of the "noble ï¬f- teen," as they were called. were Lucky Svott. an associate of F. A. Heinze, the famous copper king of Montana: Alec. Gillies, Ben â€oilin- ger. who staked the Hollinger mine in Porcupine; Shirley “mix of Por- cupine fame; J. P. Hickell. a well- lmmm Toronto broker. and others. “We went in from Massey," he continued, “on the C. P. 11., about 3‘3 miles by wagon road. We in- spected the country in the vicinity of Miller's property, but found no gold. 0n the Miller claim there was one showing of free gold, but other than that there appeared to he ,no- thing: of commercial value. The for- Mflflf flfl’fllï¬‚ï¬ [HUM WHISKEV [ME [XII 81100. pl‘chntatchs of mining interests t.hat have hcvomc famous through their The party was the ï¬rst to enter the Whiskey Lake country. and, as might have been expected, owing to the fact that they were all well- known in mining circles. were fol- lowed by a large party of prospect- ors and mining men. In all. about 400 entered the district. A. W. (Lucky) Scott. when inter- vicwml. said that. Whiskey Lake Gold f'mhls did not justify development work. in his opinion. Whiskey Lake country, near Sud- hury. haw: returned. conVinccd that the district did not .hold out. mm- cicnt promise to warrant them in staking claims. They want as far as. the property held by Jack Miller, the Maker of the famous Dome Wine of cicnt promise to wan staking claims. They the property held by Maker of the famous Porcupine. but other who led mlucs oncentrator The party of rcupi m NO CLAIMS S'I‘AKEI) \H. \\'F.l.l.-K.\°OW.\' FIRST 0X ‘SI’UT. For Elk Lake BH)’ COlhmt' of Toronto miningï¬rn big gold rush into the 1t ludod all I‘HE PURCUPINE ADVANCE than this they "If (‘HCIIIR ll import the re Bank of Toronto Matinee Wed. and Sat. at 2.50m. Mlle Engineering. Mine and Land Sur- veying. Draughting. Blue Printing by ehctric process and latest maps of all mining areas on hand. Ihe House of High-Class Photo Plays Ontario Land Surveyors Engineers and Maps; PRICESâ€"â€"100 and. 150 Devlin Block Now that the gnvernn‘mm is spend inst millions to dei’elop Northern 0n tario all lands are sure to advanm rapidly in value. MCIUNNON BUILDING TORONTO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Code A} Code tlcular write u INTEREST M AJ ESTIC THEATRE THIS BANK A Savings Account 100 Branches In Canada MULHOLLAND 8: Co. I]. E. BASHAW, BUY NOW You wm Make Money CLASS LESSONS 75C PUBLIC DANCING 50C comâ€"our Pictures are flickerless Two Shows Every Evening Iues., Ihnrs., and Satur. Ev’gs. Party lessons [serymmtcmlfl Veteran lots Wilson’s Hall DANCING LESSONS W0 have a number 0! choice woll located lots First Run at the Most Up-to-dale Capital - $4,600,000 Rest - $5,600,000 MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music SERVICE TO SAVERS is a great assistance in sav- ing money, it attracts many sums that would otherwise be spent, and it keeps your money safe from thieves, from ï¬re and other loss. is added to balances half- yearly. renders a valuable service to those who systematical- ly save money, by inviting depositors to their Savings Department. I wish to lot or lot FOR SALE HEAD OFFICE: From 8 to 10 p m W1 PORCUI’INB. purchase any par . in any township 0 a large list 0 Dancing Master Cobah "0000000.00006000039000003600009000000.96.’ w 0999099009 9900999099999 90999999999090090999 -. r» o o r) (> ’> WNOXMKQKW '5‘ +++i~++++++++ ++++++++*++++ iTEMISKAMING 81 NUMBER" fllIABlfl BAIlWIVi .+++++++++++++++++++++++ .32.. 5.7.7. .4. .n~ Z ..._ :L .226: ._. /.. H cm.“ 3 Miss K. Vincent \rww" wh‘ M Five Claims located in Timmins’ Township, second years work completed. Re- . mankable Free gold showings ‘ Exceptional opportunity. Can be seen anytime. Small Pay- ment down. Box 532 SOUTH PORCUPINE A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY 0.60000009000069000000...00000000009000.0969. Wwibbkkkfkbffffkkrkfrikbrfrfbkfkrrï¬rkhrrrrfkf 0000000000000000069600000...0060000000000... JFPFPPFFFFFFF FLLIPLIP 5.1.3:??? FLIP; FFFFFFFPPFFFFP T Train Service Next Door to Peoples' Drug Store ublic Stenographer ADDRESS: