mm NEWSPAPER ".‘IIIE HIE! EMU!" AIIUVS SEW!" ,Hvlginm. “cm N Is rm-uhz "xllu- lmur M' whliuniun an) that all the Gen mu «'Ilio-u-m'} mum hm hm u m uhlc- tn ml I “'III' ‘H'I'IHUHS. 3.|\". 'IGH\C'\ :ubh- tu kvvp tho |mgur m and it was nub ': l'rw cluï¬z . n rupy «if it I'cm'l'c-cl XQ'W Y 4'1184' in NW [Kt-\u'rl'mlwr J. I "naps. l’n-sich-M m Ihv “rig; mu. It is m-arly w war MM been snmgglml ..m' “1' h-lgi .Uulhlul. wlu-rv it mus muilm 13w ' "h'lillmmms. . Only COPY in States. â€I'm“! H'rlnin Iluth’hig i~‘ «my ' l' l'“ "WW 11344!"le 11mm? Av'raonmss Ann; ' .munu: To mp sovncn; -- or JOURNAL mo A LARGE; . BBWARD IS manna-amp: cums (man vwrom. 2 «NM "elm"! “NIP | In “ell be?!) u mm a: pm n Km: "using. I furl tn mumm- man Sewn-t Sr C‘I')‘ [Hank and nu‘unry: flu! t 0! Ln .Uhrr l with flu: Helm on â€w m'vmgt Fvlmmr)’ lst. «mly mmI~ lh'lgium cm tin" mucus“! a‘ll'm. C“!!! «my of I.“ lum‘u Jit-z-uquv Futlwr Stillonmns'. “Hm! hm this «'cmntry. 'l'lu- (Be-rnmm n-vm‘)‘ lm'suu whu lmvm lh-lgil ii! is pnwtivully inuwséeblv I! “my M. â€10 pulwl' :u'rurs HH' tilt!» ,lzluuuml. \\'|u°n 1]“ w: and tlw lmrhuriams lmvel‘wvn ï¬Wï¬ï¬mï¬mmï¬ï¬ï¬lmï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬lï¬ï¬fflï¬Eï¬fï¬iï¬kï¬iï¬ï¬kï¬mï¬kï¬tï¬ï¬ï¬‚mWiï¬ï¬‚ifliï¬hï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Eï¬iï¬ï¬‚imhï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬gï¬ï¬kï¬ï¬‚ï¬lï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ IVI'HIIIIPIS .\I m viii paw man u! 9. mm a -mch Nhhfl‘i Imol Hm ixtc rm: fl WI We are so well known Mat we do amt awed m Advertim I H! Ill" They all believe in using the Weekly Local Paper and spend thousands of dollars in thus getting homes in each locality ' never escapes the eye. The reader takes it up in an hour of leisure, looks over it thoroughly and passes it on to the other members of the family who are always interested in a careful resume of the local events of the week The Porcupine Advance is the only paper the covers Timmins and vicinity thoroughly. it is to be found in almost every home \ un 10.le â€HP in 501w; mw. lumen-r. lu-m: lmpvr in Lwlgiuzn. l'vw clzlp'h "pm: that [ml V“: Y0?! . '! 'fmhm .I ..I1 4*liJIv- H tlw lhhrim. Bur- q: vour HM aul' Ian! Ill 0! lhlgtmu 14h: Ell“ I" r. 13'" £12533 ""‘r‘wtgeï¬ of \un â€Inning: an". Inn. uuwr mm mum-cl â€â€˜9â€. human. nmlnn'llg s tn elm-nwr {Ito ‘ ' plnm- u! pdnlmmun. and Hw Momm- . ut' mlitum and pnhlislwrs 01' H20 pn- 5‘ States. Hn-r. rvncls ns t'nllcm's: nunlxis is liu- mJ} ; â€'l‘hvy (flu- (ivrmnns) Innu- dnlw m u LIN-luicinv." miclztlw nmv lmnm- u!' again nm'npyin': “Hm! lms' l’l'flrhufl’HH'HISP'VPS o‘nh mn' much-st hulk-tin. - (Be-mun†wm'rh “'0 am- imlw'n “mu-rm! but wv are rm'w lh-lgimn, :ml'. l'nrml tn 11-1111,! llmt whirl: wu linu- Iywsésblv In 3:14 ni‘m‘vvinnsly gum in nnr own deft-"w. :u-nm Iin- lnmlm": II is vortnin that tlwy cannot truth- wn 111'“ mm undr"!-1nlly nvvnsv nmm' prnvnkiln: unr fvl- llau'eI‘n-vn drivenitlmv vitizvns ta. m-vnlt. fur wv have 8"“ lin has" "Hr .ch nul' hm! -I:.muu dun I'm! lu .l“:l- Hc-rmm is a Common argument a publisher often hears The biggest and best known corporations in the world believe in publicity. They believe in keeping in touch with the people all the time. Railroads, Mail Order Houses. Steamship Lines, Banks, etc are well known and still they advertise In fact successful houses all lay their success to the fact that 'UI'IIIII rl‘v! s llfl that min-I «luring Hu- (um. um] "I"!!! hm of rorvwnm' In Hm M' \‘on Imaging: nnstvr Max. Price: Zero or Inï¬nite inml Mun-inr's "10‘3“: :m' I't-oluvslml fur lwtlvr limos «Ii luriu' I'llsvmvnl I" um «If paragraph slatm . uro nu! desired '1' (vamn m-rmm- mun-hunts and i'vvvrlsh ate-livi- nml tlw ullwr in dim-aver H10 and tho Monlil)‘ tlwrs 01° the MI- gm , British Sailor irrl ils lint] thoi r lava! and b) the (it “any!" in!†â€H prmrh r This is 1 this :im: mmm'yf In :muthm’ oditm'ifll nulv the (NH- tm'." "2' Lu Lihn' â€I'lgiqm' adtil‘vï¬sing Ilwmsvlws In \"un Missing int'urm him than they are nut af'uid ut' the Gvrmxm wnsur and 11m! â€ovvrv ro- mud â€Hm“! In the German (inm- nur \ un Missing: (u disruwr Ilw pub- lishms and tylitm's n! Ibis paper mill )w in \ nin. WUTHIHL" l't mum mn h mlmm mlhtin mm zxgvuts Mm so am patriotism tn :1 mnmnissiun ut' (-xc-c-sst in mush-rs nt' (mt‘a't'h' 'almm-sgs tn thnsv uh lw greatest m-ï¬'ivr- w 9 “'0 mm render an: ls Second Jonah ml uh imutvly I'll"! Hm" \\ "I Hl'l 3| 1‘ h THE mucumn “VAR“: M9 ERSISTENT UBLIUTY RODUCES ROFITS L'iwn In our (immrnnwnt Le! "a defy ro m-rk lw :lipzttlt . whirl: our 4'] Mo 1'! V m1 dun! II“ Ial'l uul "\I Ilh‘ m Still Spending [‘I‘I’Sich‘ffl M' â€w anwq-zixm Slurâ€:- mz in :m-vplim: llu- nmwnl said Nur- un)‘ was gnu-Hy disnmminlml all tln I'uilm‘ro of tho "nitml Sum»- lu 3:11;: the lvml in bringing Mum! n mnl'vr- mm- uf m-mrnl Imtiuns in deal \vh!‘ :lu- war quest inn. Frnm nnnflivile mun-vs it is lcul'n- ml Hm! as 11 rpm]! ul' polscmn! rum- mlmlmtmus lwtwcon uwmlwrs pf My: Berlin Americans Get British Food In "H I! nl' lhc- .\m°wq-; mum: llu- “Mn rrwllv «lisumm Ford's Money l‘t I" IN In this; II mmilinting in u" HIP Nlflh'fl ‘t‘ rwm NI! trilmlnli :n's Hm! W II II "'0‘. lhv Water Economized In lecr Mi: \‘1 "II"!!! Mining in touch with the DELEGEOUS DISH. Dominion Rand Shipping Facilities aï¬umum no 0'! OR SUPPER " T†CURN BREAD-â€" {(4331 SIZVEV uhlaifl 0‘ the fluliv' H'u icn|| 1" h‘l" i1 lw I‘l" W M'|IX]‘ whirl m ‘ UN rmm