Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 3 May 1916, 1, p. 6

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A rmnnrknhlv play om'm'rmi in :1 recent 2mm- ttt St. limits iwtwm'n ”lt‘ Cardinals and t'invimmti. it hummu- mi in this way: With nm- nnt. ltvrk had singlmi and mm nn lirst hnw. when Smith lit'tmi 0 TM": imImn-r tn right tlolci. immlvn xmcl tirit‘t‘ith run fur it. and thv t'nrtm-r vizllmi t'nt' it. He was in am liWkWflt‘ti lumitinn tn make tiw mtvh mu! tlw hull striking: his glnvmi lmml tmnm-ml nnt nnly tn he gmhhml by tiritlith iwt'nrv *it rennin-cl tlw grnnmi. tints c-nnmh-ting the mtc-h nmi rvtilim: tin- imttvr. iim'k, nu lit'st. sun-in: tiw lmll imuumo nut nt' Immh-n'x mutt. stnrtml t'nr wmmti. «mi (ix'it‘t' Iim-«l tlw hull tn C‘inrinnnli lmvn waited 3:! ymra fur the Hula tn «in n lmmnm in llw Nlliulml Imam». 'l‘lzvy haven‘t mm «m- in ('im-inmfli in 1:2 yvnru. and ”w l’hillim unly mm: m-mss nflvr In years' I'niluw. t'inoinnnti. hom'm'vl'. looks 113 Mm H is vomit“: mu uf its Rip Wm Winkle 400p. St. lami- has not mm a manual in 32 yum. the rlmp ulm pitrhed ”w lfi‘inninn 1-] Hr cm Sunday last. is said by VON In mvr [Ifllfltifl' of hemmimt an- other M0111"). and "no ul' Ilw hrs! pitchers in Hip Ann-rim" lwamw. Klppfwr. I'nmwrly of the. Allfletirs. now with Hm njn\-onntnl__lmlinns. Emiliu l’nlvrmu is lvilc-ll bu" fur Hu- (Hamls. nml HM rosomhlc-s Iimorgc- \\ nllse- om All ul' whirl: I'm-sully: Will wurhl'u svrim I'vm against lotiou in llw Hill; writ-s cm Hank and Mn”): stmul U W lcml-zml us Hm Iiu- Mg: mus rogistvr Ilw [Inn] 2: tn 0 his vurvvr nwr Ilu- lh-Hyalm ‘IDll!!! mu- fur BASEBALL gr! -II'.4 "II”. (iril'l' lined cluuhlv killi! BREVITIES lir \\ IHH' un Hm m- lu‘hnn I' s 2.:le llw AH!- Ho'l. Nil. U, and H vr \umlcl ivlury in 3.: man. wrmittml m. With slvmlil)‘ mum ”W h! «In R..." ave" '5'” Imus: "‘ ONN‘. "f" Hm : "" Roma ““9 a n.“ N fl I’Ielrhcr aim sir triple hhnmht II mime. II is just "Inn's “kt-nan | mu! maul )arm. hmh \I‘hI'II III- gut-s II'IIIII. 'l'hv hIII- Ivm I'ulhmIII: hiIII III mmr‘u- IIrI- w n IIIIxInIIs In hI-III hiIII IIIIIIII'. IIIIII Ihv gI-III'I‘III siIIIIIIiIIII Is um' III IIIII'I~:~I. II'iIh I‘wnhmh shIIIiIIu III II. Whih- [W ohms III-III ;.'I-I IhI- [MI-III r III II III-II- III' IIIIII-III IIIII HII' IIIIIIII.’ III III~ II-IIIII-IIIIIIM II)‘ IIIIyIlIIIIgz Iikv IhI- IIIIII'- Attractions at The Empire Theatre hivtm'inwl is mhplml kmmn play by I'Iolmml ll'llfi tlw Shnl'y u!‘ ”w wlm-l: (-ran NW [”0 «of In his mrly yvau‘a [In lwm'll his. luvv n!‘ u. gil ul' tlw vlmrc-h i< :meu “11- lw lwmmws llu- pin 'l'lu-Mrv lmu- lmukt fill [“1anth fur Saturday nighh. pivtlu'in-cl is mlnm kmmn play by I'lch IIIIIIIII'i'II-II is IIIIIIIII-II I'I‘IIIII IIIII II'IIII kIIIIIIII [IIIII' III‘ I':II\\'III'II I'i. IIIIsII. IIIIII IIIIIs IIIII sIIIII III' ”III IIIIII II' III'IIIII~. IIIIIII II III"IIIIII I? III IIIII III I IIIIIIII I\I'II\. III IIis IIIIIII \I'Ill's IIIII >II°III.:I.IIII IIII- I\\'I'I'II IIi- IIIIII III II giII IIIIII IIIII IIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIIIII i~' I‘IIII\\II. IIIIiIII IIIIII in liI'I- IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIs IIII- IIiI'III IIIIIIIII \\'IIII'II II IIUIIH'NIII' II IIIIIIIII IIII‘IIII'IIs. IIis IIIIIII. IIIIIII: IIIUIIII'I. IIIIHiIIsIII sm- IIIIIIIs Iiis IIiIII III IIIIiIIg IIIISI' III him and II'IIIIIIIII II'IIII. IIIIII is IisiIiIII; IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIII I IIIIIIIH‘I. is III IIIsI iII- hIlIIIIIt‘IIIIII iII IIIIIIIIIL" IIIIII III IIIIII IIgIIiII IIriIIgiIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIs< iIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIiI' IiIIIs. I IIIII'IIIs I 'IIIIII' IIIIIICI'N II IIIIIIIIIi- r\ n "M mm r" N' ”HUI mum Im-m m‘ m w (Hank "N such ”tings » “.Il‘w "I!“ 79' has puppet! rank “alert is I'Iddie ('ul'ina he suth-t fur HI "I!“ l'ulli 'I'I M' the I'Impirv mufllwr lum'ur. ev ”tr-331V {rum Hu- {akr‘r is Hit-them. ' r ('ullim is Trk'l' MI fur all“ NW M m l'ullins' n0! s In". murh pant! I-r's but"!!! q-nm'h l‘lcl:l_\' mm I Slfl‘ TM" "f BY-LAW N058 BEING A BY-LAW 1'0 AUTHORS 122 TB}: EXECUTION 01‘ AK ’ AOBBBIBBT BBTWBB?‘ rm: PORCUPINB TBLB P H 0 1‘ B ; LINES. LMTBD. m 1'82 TOW!‘ 01‘ TIflMINS. Unis .\.”.. “'Ui “Q'uoo-hf PORCUPIN E TELEPHONE LINES. 0 LIMITED. . Mn" ”mm "'Nog'theféfon the Municipal Cor- poration of“: Town of Timmins. fnl o-lmmc-Ivr um u!’ Hm I Kmhbn Willimm and W Imm purtmy Hu- 5mm: Settlers Will (let Loans This Summer svltlm's in Nurlm-ru Hutns'lu My :1 >.\~lrlll nx‘ llcn't‘l'lllllt'lll lnzms. This lmlivy \ms unllinml by llun. ll. lluw- aml l’c-rgns'un in Ivgislminn ln'uughl lwl'un- Hu' llnnw M ”iv st-ssiun nu ('(‘llll}‘ mourlmlml. 'l'llv plan \VEH nim- ml primarily In rvmlvr ““513qu 311'- tor tlw “HP in spilling llw an‘lll, amcl lmms up ln 3.3““ "W mnlmrim-«l. ll lms lwvll alm-lnlml. lumvu‘l'. lu lu-giu m «nu-v. llmugl: m lirsl ull n mum-- wlmt sumllm' smlv Hum will ultimate- ly lw mluptml. . pydrm HI lmlivy was an! I’vl'gn lu-l'un' ”Iv m-mly rum ml m'imuri :u-hnl! ”war In Ills“ Hu Memorandum of Agreement mm H‘ ”H lllers an Agmnwm Inr' uw mum . ulwmtiml and Inmnhnmgm.‘ plmm‘ Saki". «Mun flu- lmm mid C'urpphfl in!!- -- g g - A II N' I" .‘HHHIN'I' H'P" Mm TIIF. PORCL'PINF. ADVANCE . yummy rum-am“ ‘ g... rah-ml . In mmvuh' "" mu] m the t'unmmtiun ("l‘ m Iu'n'umlt-r so! '2. Tho I rrml M “w prv- am! snvr Um I‘. Hm l’urmpim- c-vrs mu! so: "NJ. and "IF lam. damn; ' "urn-raw Sml iaml dmungt rpm: l'l‘vlvplmnv P \th'lc-l' Huk‘ '.' mmplv in u Hr c-hnrm-Ivrs Frnm start In with clnmmhc- ‘tia- Irmllm-m II Whivh. mm- . DUC'I’ PM“ figfiwfi I W‘ In! |w lwn‘imflor called the “( may”. "f the First Part. and Mu surmfl‘ ul MINI ltlglln'fly. squn- "1' Min-r publiv plum shall in all «mm '00 Miami M its furmvr mmdflinll nml m the m'wnw nl’ Hm C‘umpnny. linll ur lwn'u‘ I" «M 9m"! J. The "mug-(my 24m" "0' rt-mmv. vul ur Hun. any Shmle Trmu within Hm limit.- M‘ ”w ’l'mm. witlmm Hu- mmwm u!‘ 'l'mm ('unm-il. and shall lu- rrsgnmsihlo- I'ur all olmnngt- Hmmgh sun-h rc-muml. muim: ur irimminu. I. Tim t'nnipany aim" maintain an all night 'l'rIi-[itiuniv wrxiw. in min- ni-otimi with it< Ext-hang. in ”in said 'l'mvn. and shall cqmrati- and maintain its sy~tvin in armrdani-i- with sac-Ii nt' ”in prm'isiutH ut' tlli' "Marin Tolu- pInini- Art and .\nn'minn°nt.-i ”It'rt'ln. 5. TIM nun-mum" ~|mll c-xh'nal furl a pvriml ul' Fiw yc-ars l'rmn llw First . «Iny ul' Jan. .-\.I'. ””6. nml during! Hu- amid m'riucl llw 'I‘uwn nm‘m-s that” it will nut uiw in any lwmm. Iirm uri ('mnpnny. nny NN'HM‘ ur prrnnmiun‘ In nsv nny luiglmny. mlnnn- ur publiv plm-v. \yiHuin llw limits “1' llw 'l'mvn. t'ur Hw pnrpnsv ul' plan-in: in nr npun. «m-r ur under. nny nl' anvh higlnmyu! sonnm- ur public- plnc-v. nny vulva}: tlm-ls ul' wil'vs I'nl‘ ”Iv purlmm' M. mnul Winn: un n Tt-Ivlvlmno hnsim-ss. l mml li, 'l'lmt the said l'umlmny slmll mul during: llw tvrm 0f the will l'ram- vFl-u. vlml‘gv Imm- llmn $251M lu-I' mnmm l'ur :1 rvsnlvm-v 'l'vloplmnv, mul IIHl mnra- llmn HSJM lu-r unnmn far at lmsim-ss 'l't-lvplmlw l'm' lll'sl ymlr and $10.00 fur n-umining l'nur )‘l-ars. 'l'lu- ('nuumny l'm'tlu-r “gm-m llmt all calls lwlwmm llu- 'l'immins mul Sc-lmâ€" Imu'lwr l'valmngo-s. slmll lw l'rvv. and that it slmll nut vlmrgv mun- llmn 'l'vu mulls per ml“ l'ul' llu- first 'l'lll'm' minutvs auul 'l'wu c-vnls l'ur vm-ln mlcli- limml lllllllllc lmtwm-n tlu- 'l'immins nml Suulln l’urvupino I'lxvluumva. 'l'lu-sfiv rules slmll lml apply lu Mines 'l'vlvplmnos uml llw Minus 'l'c-lvpllmws slmli lw t-xvmpt l'l'um all lulls urlgln- min; at Mimw lwlwm-u 'l‘immins uml Suulln l’m'vupinv. l’uyIm-m l'm' ronlnl nl' l'lmlclvnm- zllnl lmsimws 'l‘vlvplmnvs lu lw I'i|)°£ll)l(' lmll' .wuz'ly in mlvmwv. uml puynu'm “1' Tu“ vlmrzvs lu lu- [lillll upnn clvliwr'y ul' hill tlwrvl'm'. I T. thVilhslmuling; :myllxing mn- lalinml in Sm-liun 2” ul' (lt'u, \'., 1'. Ilil. |‘_\‘ ‘mmril that it Will tint. make any applieatiuti tn the (“Marin Railway and Mttaiei- Ital Huard tn iaerease its rates and rentals as het'eialwt'ure M‘i ulli during the lbt‘l'iuti nt' this Fraaehise. H. The ('umpaay shall during the periud at this Agreement maintain its Telephone System in at least as gund and etiieieat ennditiua as it is at the present time and shall make sueh additinns and impruvemeats theretn as the requirements of the 'l'nwa may demand. 9. \\'here\'er in this Agreement the Ward “('umpaiw" is used, the The ('ntatrati)’ t-M'eaatitei and agrees 9|. \\'lwl'v\'vr in this .\:_'rvmnmit tho \Vul'tl ”('utttptlllfi'n is usml, the same shall vxtmul lu aml lllt‘illllt‘ the party 01' ”10 first part. its suwi-ssm‘s aml assigns. and wlwrmw' in this Agl'vmumit thv \\'nl'tl “'l'mx‘ii” is nsml. the sanw shall mean tlu- party at tho sumnul part aml shall (‘Xlt'tlcl tn and iuohulv. its slit-vossm's aml assigns. In Witness Whercof tla' said par ties haw heroin and human“ animal their I'espwtix’v (‘urlmratv Svals and signed umlvr tlw hands at their r0- spm-Iivv prupm' ()tliwi's. Signed, Sealed and Delivered In the Presence of 0F 'lhis “v- Lam shall take ti‘t'mt nu and utter tlw film] passing tlwn-uf. 1 hotel») w Itily that uhuu- 1w- Law is a true mp}; ll. 15. MUX'I‘GUAHCRY. OOOWOONNOWOOOQO Repair Shop on Balsam St. ”N’- ('mm-x' \Vulclul‘f Huh-l «mononwuu Hm‘idl'fltinn uf the "17¢“.an win nmhinn‘ is hmhy mfllmritod rl [nominal tn unwise its powers «instructing. maintaining m- up"- m: ii! "mm M' lolrphum‘ mm". m2. «mm 01' under any highway. um- ur MIN-r .mNir Maw. within ‘ limih «r ”w TnWfl. ["1“ hit“. "w min: up nf snrh highway. spun "Hmr 'mHir plnw. fur Hm rrwtinn wins. ur fur carrying wim mulor- mml. shall ho undvr the (limtium II su'n'rvisiun nl’ H"- ann (‘mlm'ih sun-h "the" «r sun-M, as "w said nm-il may amminl. and HIM Ilw "HIM 0" MIN! highway. sqmm‘ nl‘ apply In it For 3uildings, Sash and Doors, Repairing wowhvork of all kinds Picture l-‘rzunings, (-tc. M‘P lmrmlnu. t Witnm: Hm t’w I'umpany MUNICH?“ CORPORATION THE TOWN 01' W8. aftvr ran". the ”Tutu". 0f the Scrum! Part GENERAL CONTRACTOR "IH'I‘M inn WM. BACNE I" 90 In slmll IIIIII'IIIIIII'V .Ilw ann. Its um. Irum nll mnmwr "I iurim. suiIs. Ilnims IIH'HIIIII ul‘ Hm amid I. I'IHII‘I‘ in Hm vrvr- Ilu'reur. Ml )X'l'Hl )M I'IHY. ('lvrk. W. I]. WILSUX. 'im's 'l'vlvphust; ull tulls Hl‘ijlill-é "n 'l‘immins :llhl. .‘IIH‘IH fur n-ntnli INN“ 'l't'lvphulwsi :::'l.\' in :uh'mlmu. l M'urg'v“ In In" M” Hie-"('l'nl‘. ,. _' :myium: mm- bl. H'w. \., 1°. :33. ml.» 32ml ugl'm-s § 9 . . . any upplu'nlmn any um! Muuivi- i «- it< mlvs mu! m wt ullI during: mn-hiw. ~|mll «luring Hu- wuwm maintain l in at Imus! :Is mlilinn :H it is and shall Hmkv imm'nvmm'nls , â€"-â€"â€". fl- .â€" Mnyur. 3 Fine Tailored Garments GOOOOOOOWOOOOOOOOON”OOMWOOOOOMWMOO 3 SOMETHING URGENT: YOU WANT A an; WITHOUT LOSS 3 or TIME? THEN mom; No. 12 >9... Next Dnor tn Empire Theatre 'J‘IMMINS, ONT anon-coonoonuuunooooocomma-om...“ i Below Empire Theatre TIMMINS doooouwoomoomoooWooooW» "”‘i‘HH‘ IZVI-‘I: III~:.\I.I:~II‘. \\‘HAT-\~'I‘MMJB£D‘ “m. III-LN‘III‘. sum'r mussw In“ 00"» 0“ Oh. I.“ Ibo-non hm Gum and “In... 00mm 000“ \mI It." . .I" ”II-"h anIIinIIm Ma and In “or «till Mm I huflflem UN} III ”I II II! [mm the usual nmh IIIIIII slum. I'I mum and NM Huh" Inn-Iv IIIIIlvr smulu umohtume. HOBBERLIN TAILORING Steam-Fitter. Sheet Iron Worker. Cornice and m-Bcht Mata. Smoke Stack: Made to Order. AGENT FOR HBOLAJIOT AIR BURNAOBS» ESTIMATES SUPPLIED ‘PflBB. II #311”: Wis-ship yuu loy "minim. Or in ynur mu umn- rrrur mukm l'rmn irriuuhm you'd lw {rm-v. H l kno-w 3cm taut yuu klww mu. Mr H lwll Hm-vlunmcm dun't mmw nu ‘olm'. Ami (‘uumnurs bend us nary a line. W (-‘al \\ 1131.. witmmt anxiety. If] know you and ynu know mv. F l L'Iww you and ynu knew Inn. "l‘h‘ wldnm \\ v wmllol «thaurev: Hut urn-r hm im: not «la-pm! hands Izmn ul'u-u I-‘ail tn mulursmml 'l‘hut "ut'll iutuuds In «In ulmt's- Hum. And lI'vul Hwh utm'l' ”hum-r bright" llmx little to mmunhuu tho-rah! hr. If I know you and yum knew mu. I’IIUXI‘Z 65 qunmilt! Spurlin MATT . Brazeau, Ti‘mmins Tlc and Lumbet Merchant All Kinds and Dimensions of Mine Timbers Supplied. Bra 266 u PLUMBER: The Ford Runabout Price $480 P.O. Box 262. Moore’s Livery Teaming and General Contracting MAKER OP LADIES' and GENTS' :qunud. “MADE IN C ANADA" BOIVIN Ur anr n 'rn-k" on this nr that. Wm: mks- n in good pnrt you I00. '1 1 km“ gun, unu you know mo. With cmumuu ~. n thousand strung. «Mu-mmnnHy Mum's 1:0 \\ rung"- Smm'UnIv-.- mu innit. smnvtinn-s nthvrnâ€" Furlwnrunvr n o-uid alwrmm- all elm-s. Mnd trio-mm Mm nk-uxanttningu vmum ho Ii 1 know 5 m; nlul ynu knew me. OK when m. goods ynn Hrv hark. HEX Iv! 1m .inuhlilm llmlluhtl Ihldo m min gun-i mm nu Mthcr side. c‘unhdn-Iwc- In wu'h “UH'I' ulvc: Livim: unr-Mx I". IN ullwru live: But um mm- m.“ .-nuw this wav ‘. hat gnu \\ ilk ‘ M’ “0 [Hum and way; “than fum- m :nn- “0 oavh filnnl‘t 509. And I'll mm“ mm and you'll know Inc. mu Mignon! \H Kim Phone 51. Dressed Lumber.

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