Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 3 May 1916, 1, p. 4

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THE Pllfllllll'llf Aflfllfif WINS charm- is In in The P0" liar nu: "i type nr a H mm WW done I! ”w :hpn ’iu‘im‘ (hater. of SN! I" Oondcnscd Advert and rnnml. \Vanlm “PM. Mm. nm‘ Im'h por_ inuruun. Advertiwm 'riHNI imh‘! written "Mm ance shall bu To insnrt vormcémsm: of the pm cub wed-k. Flll‘ulN‘ tutu am] he had on amulmtlinn TIMMINS-SOUTHBND ROADWAY \‘u! m lnwmw! twwn l mg lilm timl taken in surphxs in llw f“ furmm in! Canada Uniutl States Reading Faucet Ptofcssion Lodge Bards or Nome: ". ‘ In “0th mum and llmrnt'u l't nmJur pm‘nun m u the mumnhau'v nll inns ho-vn mmh'untm sky 01' turningr um umn'mu-hing: vvllivlv Hwy haw tn uw vitlu-r in ”In use ul' clit¢ ”If: 3: ..: :31. .32: 75...: i: 3 1: 5:; 2.5 $752.. 25...... .5: 1:17. fun! Ht' N! “I .‘tan 1:3 “ll lllL’ 1;!!!“qu it hm'utm's‘ duuhty qhu-vptiw. us the (titrhvs till 11;» tn the num- lvvvl the, rumtwuy. and mu drivvr must put his faith in tlw goddess of ('huncc mthvr than his nwu intuiticm. :ltv (I! Hl‘ctrh 01' TM mm of Si\‘ Hi' inmzn'wm UH \01‘svs M-mu qunv llllllt‘(‘(‘:5.i'.-H'}'. uuu lwt‘nn- starting “10 MM; 01' inmrm‘e- mew. sm'wynrs slumhl be detailed by tlw (Euwrmm-m to see if some of those turns and curves cannot he these turns an eliminated v. H: onuhlv v\'[u'u.-( l’h 9v , [hum necessn r)‘ t uutvrulvllm‘ he dispvns 0110 mm ““5 U pruml is that 01' rodnrmg 13y ('llHillg the cmwn off s rises and putting the our luwvr pnrtiuns, making: the vasil)‘ m lx1(»tt|r This The gnx'm-nmcm $55,000 tn he used i which will parallel l’nrquis .lum-tiun t River. This will be communities 1119115: ‘ by the widen t‘ means 0 t'crmu 1' iully an the low m UH \\' hm shit] 0- Subs FOUR lllu’il u who» lmn- “war-inn tn um- this nwwuul Hwy rmuprisv Hu- lml‘liull Hi' tlu- pupnlatinn Hf npw-huw nu mmwruus m-vuso ('II mnt'rnmml with Hm non-s- tunning mu u!’ the way fur I'hillf.’ \‘vhivlvs. and find that own in nun ('nlhith‘l’u'flt' Ski” inns zu'vidvnt H. II nilmwnh ucnl 11:1 llHlt \vuuM Lake. Publisher This will be gum! [lows w t nitics along thy line traversed Porcupine Bram-h. and will Hm ammo 01' automobiles as r. M translmrtntiuu between dif- puinIS along the'routeâ€"wspec- n Sundays and at times when “I train is not available. l\ ly sum m M‘ I!" ’ur Nu IIHI that 01' rcdm Ill [NH n! taun “ma train 15 not :1 ”It lll UH and alt! :1 303mm: Cards Suutl windin iuun'nwuwm W I will tl‘ nm' (‘I'IH If Walla-«lay "3 ull)‘ ill M-znn-vl)‘ Imwo 3 'ill it Imu‘v u dvflvit u im-muplcto trams- suial highway. ~trm'vllml mud and mlvsimhlv mmlitiun. ul' l'nzxr or num- I'vvl “Wm-v would elimin- vxlom lhv pussihility vnta‘. lml tn mention an this busy little pot UN isomenu ml lay unfurmmm- missml their guess span-v :n'uiluhlv un rmul. And when u w is un the gruund 4|ttltt UH Rates 82.00 : you $3.00 I I!“ H'l! llllc :lllvnill; HI‘I‘ )\' x by t “it in building a mop «ml 01 mnvh im' a muuht ONTARIO m1: "cv‘l8!! mu whit-h it ur tlw stm-r .135 I rum rnllin earth 111 lam may of these the «nurse sumv Ui \\' ll): in» dm MI aimay t'ru I] L‘ W already W Jlsn vntc ucral rmlin 3 01111 H U 1‘80 ill “"10 “"1 Ill. .u'l um 11 m H l’t rmh t m :uul 1w (D .1 rt 11 l'( 1'! ‘11! n1 LUIS llll 11.11 (U ‘Il HH‘ suull-l1burâ€"alummurru “nun... rvlmrt. uml Huyw l'Ixtt-nsiun fullmvs‘ any m-tiun in Hip big: Mtit‘k wry t‘IuSt‘l)’. leutyi'v mul Jupiter ails” slinwml ;!!'('llf_'l|l. tlw t‘nrmvr selling at $1.13: and tho luttm' as high as 2-!«3. Vi- lmml “is“ strengthened suutmx'lmt on .rmll sales to «lay. and a few buying: «lime in this -tm-l; \muld change it - msidm'nhly. lt aimwm's tn us Hunt the «.mmrtun- ity t'nr quirkost ln'uiit lios in the (‘u- lmlt stm'lca‘. \vhivh ut'v lwnofittiug wry umtvrially t'rum the rise in the pt'it't- 01' its lu‘miuvt. and We recumâ€" nwml tlu- purrhusv ut' all the pm- (illt't‘l‘h nu the pi'vsvnt rozwtiun. uy. 129.7 al \' Schmnacher-Timmins Red Cross Society \Y. Mahun \ | ' n'. Canada I. '-. l (‘n.. sul). vard Var. ('auada L. .l. hurtlmnan. SI .\. lirazvau. sul Sullivan Ne“ Unmm‘ L. (film ,x'osont. 'l‘lwro were nu count at. Hleir 3 wviuus' week. 'l‘hv [1015mm lhnnv is in fair dmmlml M iwtwvvn 5 and $213. un Ilu- vxpm-tmiun u!‘ u \‘ul'uhlv shuwing as In 011' l'l'M‘l'VUS llw Mum-tcs-IWâ€"zllllumm'm! :mluml pm”. and Huyw l'Ixtt-nsiun fulluws |\' m-tiun in tho big: shu‘k wry ."l I'- .‘l( I) ladies Wurv my visit {rum Maj Capt. Lindsay attached In t 'l‘utul . . ............. Inuit-3387.55 .\t the rinse of the meeting the ladies were agreeably surprised by 1 visit from Mnjm' luwe, Capt. Pierey. t'apt. Lindsay and Lieut. McL‘urry, uttzu'liecl tn the Xui'tliet'ii Fusiliers. The gentlemen. in a few sliurt and :11)- pmpriate \mnls, Voiced their appre- eintinn at the \mi'k being carried out by the luml lnram-li and suggested that the ladies extend the good work and help the boys stationed here. by L! I-L 0.... vacuumging them to then King and Con sub. curd . . embershlp [e \\' \\' llsun embers] m Uruwu mution 1m nmtinn. M matinn. .\. ,1 HI rvgulur \kaly meeting was ;\lll'll 25th. With 11 uwlulwrs .\I ,nh. card ('11.. sub. H an. sub. 'zml . . . . . l. sub. °zml . . . . .. \'ewton. sub. card Gibson 6; (‘.u .. sub. ll b. caml vaoipt 1 Sdm Mines { ‘vra .\li"e . \Iinm stuffit 5 high as 2-19. Vi- tlwnml suuwulmt on \. and u to“ Inning mli “Mild (-hungv It 19m to 3.51» and fight for d (uuntr'). '1110. 3150 0|!!! minutes road on m mu: nu meeting 1!] I). run” t and Po“ 311'. Malletto, rqml‘tvd .\I 12‘. W. 11. RUN sh 0 l' H 1120 166 (3' I!) UH OH (H! 00 0|) 10 higgch work. Hum In turn. |||le puims mu'h. Amongst tlw gold stuck; ".ml Jupiter m-rv in groan Mt-lntyrv snhl h» uvm' $ whih- .lupitvr roan-hm! “.3 think hnth thvso stm'ks man u t'uw [minis higher lll"“‘ CI II v- I ........ llnllinger suld nver the $30,001 mark and was in gnud demand. This” etuel; mnved shartly after the an- nmmeement ut' the t'unwlidatiun. hnme Mines deeiared their regular dividend tu-day. and the stark is very lirm around $25.50. We hmk t'nr :nueh higher priees in this stuck. Hume Extension has remained very steady during.' the past week arunnd 235 and litie. with eunsiderahle haying: aruund these figures. .«\t tip-day's eluse ut' imsiness the market eased nt't' eunsiderahly Witit'it 'lH d'mht is due in prutit taking. “'0 think the silver market remains en- itirely iipnn the priee 01' silver, and mmld advise eantiun in making any lpnrehases at present priees. hoped the ladies thltl think of the hoys amt send them an oeeasional token of their gratitude. in the form of ‘good things to eat' or probably by giving: an entertainment for their benefit. . l In consideration of the fact that at ot’ the surrounding mines the I . . ‘ [employees are contributing monthly through the otliee, it was derided only fair to request that others not em- ployed hy the mines should also he asked for monthly dmations. The result has been very disap- pointing. Some have contributed generously hut most have evaded the most THE lOBCUPINB ADVANOB :21. E: 3...... 5.5 .....n._:... 1.: .337... .Z. Tr .7... -:.=â€":.d_o .1..v~...v..~.lu. 9.. >2: :7 {4. :37. mmEmgfimmmmmmfimmmmgEmmfinmfifimmmmmmfimmmmmmmflmmflmgmmmmmmmmfi 22.25:... -_.... mm mzoza % 0000000 .0909 WRITE TO-DAY FOR LATEST SPECIAL 3 0.99999099099000000000009000OOQOOOOOOOOOOOO0699009060 SUBSCRIBE NOW II I\ IELY, SMITH AMOS“ Private Mining Shares bou O :dht “Special Service Bulletin” Best possible facility Branch Offices:- Timmins, South Porcupine ’Phone 64. ’Phone 33. Standard Bank Building STOGK BROKERS Memln-rs “1' Standard film-l; I'IM-lumm- ole facility to handle a strictly commission business. ’Phone Main 1878 TORONTO .upht and Sold for Cash or' on Margin . Timmins South Porcupine BARRISTBR. NOTARY PUBLIC 9-10 Royal Exchange Bldg., Cobalt. Phone 58. Ostrosser Bldg., Timmins The bvst and most-up-tnâ€" (Jute Livery of its kind in South Porcupine Automcbilec for '1':er Open Day and Night- Phone 31 Physician and Surgeon Phone 55 Mfi§§fi§fi§3§§fifigfigfi 'o A. McINNIS TIMMINS, ONT. SOLICITOR. . Mahon

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