Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 3 May 1916, 1, p. 3

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ml utt Metallie t‘ii-enit and all mater- ial tn he ttsml by the said party «If the first part in their Wurkfi un Streets, lanes. bridges. highways, squares aml pnhlie plaees in the said Town ut’ 'l‘innnins. may he illSth’ictl by and shall he snhjeet tn the ap- proval ut' the t'unneil of the saicl ’l‘uwn, ur some persun appuinted hy the. said t'unneil for that pni'puse. 4. The said party «if the first part “hall. at their uwn expense and ensts. furnish. aupply. ereet. maintain aml keep in repair. all the said lamps. posts and necessary applianees t'nr the “hale of the said periml of ten years and shall renew such of them as may heeume heluw standard as (it‘llllt'tl by this Agreement thmngh any °anse “hatsuet'er uther than the aetiun ut' the said 'l‘mm, and shall 6f the first part usual in Um said works“. \Htlml tlw 'l'nwn nf 'l‘iuuuius. n‘llll“ ho msululml and shall he \mrk- Misting lwtwvvu lllt‘ partivs hon-tn. :md sm'h t'm'thvr Strut Lumps shall lu- suppliml t't'um timv. ln tinw. hy tlw party nt' tlu- first part. 3H may “0 ut'clvrml by tlu- t'mmril. uml the said Lumps shall he lightml with l':lt’t‘ll°l- vit)‘ us hvrvin :tgt'm'cl In} thv suicl party ”1' the first part t'rum timv In time as thv sallltt‘ am- suppliml. am! the said party of tho first part shall furnish uml 'Dl'tn'ltlt‘ tlu- materials. tcml~', plant, lztlmr. wnkauuship mnl 'mm-r. tit-cvsszu'y for the prupcr l'ul- tillnwm of tho term at this t-untrart. in mmmvr :tt'un-saitl. .. 'l'lu- saiil party ul' tlu- first part shall. aml will. l'ni' thv tvi'm «it it‘ll )‘t‘flt'a‘ {ruin thv lll’hl clay «of Junv. .\.ll. lfllti, t'arnish amt supply, ('l't't'l. maintain aml lump in l't‘lttlll'. Stli'll 'mli's'. \x'ii'cs amt vlwtrival appliaaws. im'lmlin}; sti'm-t lamps In light thv strm-ts. sqilai'us. last and ullu'l' pal)- llt‘ plarvs t'm' tlw 'l'uwii ut' 'l'ilnmins. as shall ht- rm'airml fur the [atrium- ut' supplying light. hvat aml puwv' as hvrvia agrvml. and shall, and will, «luring the said lwriml. t'u ' and at. lllt‘ tiim- lwrvinat'tvr lavatiuuml. light and lump liglitml, tho said l‘llt'vtl'ii'al lamps with l'Zh-vtrivit)‘. 'l‘hv said Strvvt Lamps shall “0 plavml at tlu' outset at tlw lmiats in thv 'l‘uwn ut' 'l'iimnins. at \Vltlt'll Sti'ovt Lamps am- at. prvsvnt suppliml aml Illtllllltlillml by ”10 Silltl party ut' thv first part t'ur tlw purlmsv nt' supplying light In tho .saicl 'l‘uwa nt' 'l'immins unclvr thv lil'in'isiuns ut' tlu- t'tlllll'llt‘l lli'l'vlul'ul’vl Misting lwtwm-ii lllt' parties hvrotn. and suvh t'm'thvr Sti'wt Lamps shall .\.U. 1916, and in want... the said nuthm'ily lwn-hy Hm said 'l‘nwn ul' 'l'immim. party 01' tlw first purl mwn: misc-s "ml ngrm-s with tlw x ul‘ Hm Scrum! purl. :Is In l'urlh. lu-rvimnl'h-r mllml Hu- I’m! I’m-l " .\.H. lulu Between: this rum-r I'unumny. I supply ut’ Hie-mm mu! pawn-r. within said I'unmrallinll. slm" lw m Hu- mm? slmll mmtuin Hu- licmn mu! 33m" lu' “DHUWNI‘ ‘ I. Tim! tho 'Il said .‘lunirilmliu‘ "IN’NH ul' HIP M "w Munirilml 1'. nml ulmlim-«l. pm "will nu 'wlmll’ ‘ with Um Nun-Harri mm! s as Whmu Hm 4 "unril . ONO" "r ”IF Tu!" "r T it to. 'm in Ilw intern! lmrnh'um «ml «of tho "~31 and in he mlflsan In .‘mmrm fur "Il' sum! «in l'nr “3M. hm“ and the limits nf Ilw said fi Now therefore the Municipal Coro' porauon of the Town of Timmins., name A aruw To Ammo»: n, um m 233001101: or ANN,“ aonnnxnm 312mm: 1823mm nouns“ ozmuuo mam 4 AND rowan c o x P A N Y. 3:1: mmnn. AND rm: TOWN or nnnms:-- BY-LAW N0. 59 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TIMMINS. rvimlt'h-r c-nllml NORTHERN ONTARIO LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY. LIMITED. .. “Memorandum of Agreement mmlc All the wiros ”1' the said party Of the Second Part WithflBSCth: Hm! Hw pall'H' n1 no first purl mm-mmu, [mn- ngn-vs wnh tlu- «ml [burly It“! E‘ll'l‘l‘l‘tl In!" all Amw- l’ 03' HH‘ .‘llllliripalli'y rm ”Muriu mum and |_\'. Limilml. fur the pm'mr ”Mr”?! M’ ”w My shall "n Ilw nun-m Mnnirilml Elvrtum «If I'urpnmfiun. "not. llml unvrml into an Anna‘- :uul ‘IHS' nl‘ Of the First Part. Hm I whirl! Is and figures. and Wm” mul I'HIN'I- fur light. ' “INNS Ml lwrmn 'zll‘H' HI rt ,\' [N'l'lm H‘ "ll l 'nrpnr I ”W mcm DV u! Hills tn lu- tlc-llvm'ml cm or :tlmut llu' lst ut' t‘ilt'll month and vm‘t‘vnt to lw tt\tlll;llllt' tn mus-tuners twenty- t'ntu' huurs van-h clay in the y ‘tll‘. 'l‘lw ('uttttmlt)’ 333°va to supply 2300 Vail. 25 t‘yt-lu I: l’has' alternat- ing vm'rvnt t'nt' tlw Ullt‘l'iltlull ot' tlm 'l'mm Watt-r Pumping System. ('ur- rvnt shall lw :l\'atllttl)lt' twmnty-l'uttr hours varlt day “1' Ymtr and shall he tltfllYCl't‘ll l)_\' the ('utuptltt)‘ tn the 'l'mvn. at the rumor ul' Third Ave. and l'lltu Stt't-vt in the 'l‘iuuuius 'l'mvmitc. 'l'lw t-hargt- fur mrrcnt shall he at tht' rate of $60.00 per ll.l’. per :umtuu. :llltl shall he hasml on result ut' tt-st made by the Cumpuny in thv prva't‘tu-t‘ ut' 'l‘mvn Representa- tiw. at Pumping Station and tn be taken «m 2200 Vult ('irt-uit during the upt-mtiun nl' Pump when rarrying nurtual luml. Said land shall he «le- torminml by means ot‘ an integrating Watt Metvr plat-ml in thv rirvuit fur uno hum“. It is‘. further agreed that ! Fur «current t'nr minim-win] and ictnuwstiv lighting: nu tlw mutur sys- ztvm. a maximum mtv ut' 122v. pm' itllcolnsaltlcl Wm! lmurs us shuwn by [In- f't'mulmuy's lem's. .\ clisvnunt nt' #133 pm' rout. tn lu- allmth ut't' Unis 9121'. I‘ntv. lH'tH'ttlt‘tl hills an‘v Imict. un ‘nr lwt'uru llu- 10m day 01' the nmnth t'ullnwing I'vmtvring ut' zu-munt. Fur vurrvnt. t'ur t'cmking Range-s, lruns. 'l‘uzlstcrs and «lmuostiv limiters 'znut hunting applinnvvs. :1 maximum lrutv ut' tiv. pm' thuusuml \Valtt Imurs fur the first svwnt).'-ti\'¢- tlmnsmul !\\'ntt hum-s nt' nmnthly mnsuumliun: fir. per tlmumnnl Walt hum's far all it'ullstllllpliun during any numth nu-r svx'vnty-tivv tlmnsuml Watt. lmm's. A1 ‘clismunt ut' 2v. Iwr tlmusuml Watt} hnul's tn lw :IHHWNI. pruvidmt bills :u'ct paid. Hit 01‘ lwt'm'v tlw 10th day uf tlw luuuth t‘ullmving: llw rendering ut' tlw :lt‘t'ullttt. Tilt‘l't‘ “ill lw Mu vhzlrgv fur meter routs, hut thaw will lw a minimum mumhly vlmrgv fur vurrcul 01° sov- vnly-Iivc m-uls l'ur mu-h meter instal- Law. rhul'gv may 34H supplying I'llm'tric-ily tiun mu! fur llw liuw liunml. than as l'ulluw lmrl shall rant clur yvurs. wnlmnl llu suit! 'I'nwu, In “P ._.....:.:::.:.. £12....â€" ..: 4...... 2375.253; 2.17. 2.5.: 3...: .3... a: :9. 7...: .z: .1. 3.....â€" .5? E. 9... .52.... .zza... m: E :2. .5 :37 £32.. .33...â€" ._.::: _.:= 1.92.57. .1....:.._...... .5:=.:.._._x fizzazfl: .55.... {7.9.7. .5. .._:.....:_. 2:.- .’.:= .... .232... -9. >.:: .5 31.97:: 32...... .9... .r. .._:.....:_. _..._.r.:.:z.. >5: .3 52:3 3:1. 2: ..: :..:..:.:.r...:.. .5. :2: .2 I'lglxl tn ul'tlt‘l' HIP pz'l'ly 1 part In ”1qu during WWII . I’l'mu'llisv Iwrvhy g‘ix'c-n. Hum livv l'”l""° in whirl: pulvs slmll lw mnvwl n! th ”I. ”W l'ullm'il. all l|l("0.\’|N party ”1' llw lirsl lmrl. ml by ”w ('uum-il u!’ tlw snicl 'l‘uwn ul' 'l'immimns. “1' by snuw pc-rsun up- lmintml by ”w said ('umu-Il fur llmt plil'lmsc'. 'l'lw "Ullm'il ul' llu- said 'l'mm ul' 'l'immins shall lmw Ilw right In urclrr llu- party “1' Hw first part In IIIHH‘ during WWII ymz ' ul' Hu- Sim-rt“ :Iml HIIH'I' I'uMiv I said 'l'nwn. as shall lw um sl'llt'. straight uml pvrpmu lwi'm‘v any lmlvs :ll'v v [Nihiiiflll ul' ”:0 pairs aim“ MINI 'I'IIWII. Inn" and against IIII IIIIIIIIIgI-II. IImI. .4IIII.4. IIIIIIII IIIIII I-II.4I.4. III 'M‘I‘SUII IIr IIIIIIII-I'h. NHHWI In IIIo IlW'lI"! III I- IIII IIII- IIIII'I III ”III 'HN‘l‘ III ”In III4I |IIII'.I IIII°II' .4I-I\IIIII.4 III“ :IL'I'III'i III II-IIIIII-IIIIIII \IIIII IIII- HIN‘HI- IIIIII III ”III IIIlI-4. IIIII4 III' "IIII‘I' SIP- IIIIIIIIIIs III IIII- III'IIH III ”III III.4I IIIIII. III IIII- 4IIIII ”'IIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIs. ulmlrnvlml and light \mh-lnmm. «lmll lu- pm by Hm party "1' Hm flr Hu- mnstrm-Iiun and mid \wrks fur Hm I Mll'viy ul' Hu' I’llhlic‘ l 5'!an nucl nHH-l‘ Mnm' I'll 8. Tlm «aid pm'h' nl‘ ”In first part dim” 1m! in Hm c-nnstrurticm. c-rm-tinn nml mnintmmnm nf the said \mrks mnlnly or nnn'asonuhly inIvrfc-n- with Ilw right "3' "availing ur using the «tn-Ms. Imuw. squares. hridxt's. highways: and lnmlvvnnls. rurhs. aid». walks ur Mlu-r pulnliv plm‘m ur may \mh-r c-uursv nl' Hm sum». and tho u-nh‘mwc- n!' all uluurs. muvwnn and 3’. Thu party "I. ”It mlc-mmt'y and sun- md 'l'oown. from) m that the Mnynr of the ann. ur any number nf the Fire and Light Pun» mine? of the ('uunril. «r any wrmn ammwnl Ivy "u- said G'mmril. slmll haw "no privilegr In ":3an Hm plant. instmmmts nml npplianrm in mnneflinn wim (lu- snid sysmu fur the punmso nl‘ mflaining Hm! llw rlwlriml earn-m being snmvliml. is M‘ the Mfirivnr)’ and pul'vr nlmvv and will. 1» their own expense. during the said lime fur and ‘II the times heroin set forth. fight and Rap light- ed the said Stu-9t Lamps with Elec- tricfl)‘. 6. The Mal System and up- plianm 01'. and the amt as .mp- plied by the party of the flnut part shall he in all min-ts 0f Mata-lass quality and rfltviemy. and annual in quality and vfltrionry an an average In those inflallt'd and "pant“! in "eri burns in ”Marin. pnwida'. ll. L 'l'lw mid I" aim” IN- "My h'uvllun "1' HI “u all :Hc mid Slrwl Lamps. :1 mm. nlmll ho MT! light , I‘mm dusk In c nyliulu Itlu'l' I'llMic' ltlzlw'i i 5 shall '10 m'urly u.- l and pvrgmmhvulm durin 12...}...1 2:. .7. .z. .2... 1.3.: .7129; ..>.: .3 .....:.r....:7.._ 2: ._: ::m.r.1._:_._.:_ 2.: .7. :2... E: H; 7...: 3.: .3 y... km»! “‘00 and lush“. lmrrim ' pl‘tn'ldml and l H v IIH‘II mm- 53ml J ”W dil'm-liull (‘Xllt'll‘l' MI. ”W u! ”w "1's! '1! 'MDIPS' m ”Iv ml \vurks. un ll‘lll N'Pflll's n m»! PM in" first part slmll lmrmww. Hm I umunst nll H'fl nmv. mul Nu mummy“ um “‘00 «ml 1m t'l‘m'lml. H! H lw almmw lml m rl thmrl’ip- “4‘ mm- 'l «luring s’ Hi. "I" inn xmd Hm suit] l‘ Hu- :* first “I. IIH' mun- .- said 'IN‘! ul‘ in NH INOR- and flu- fl rs! I K0 Hm fl"! 15'. In ease any dispute ”1' «lit't'er- em-es shall arise lwIWH'H the parties heretn. relative tu any «if the matters pruvicled fair in this Agreement, then sueh dispute ut' different-e shall be submitted tn the Arhitrutim: and dc- tertnimitiun ut' three Arhitrziturs to be appointed as in the next. preeeding Paragraph set. out and the award in writing.r uf sueh Arbitratnrs, or any tvw at them, shall he final and bind- ing nu the partim hereto. \Vhorwver in this Agrovuwnt the wards. ’urty 01' the First Part, are used, the 531110 shall vxtond m and include the party u}' the [inst part. its .\1'|1it1°11tu1°. 211111 tlu- I\\'11 Arbitrnturs thus alumintml shall .wlm't :1 third Arbitrator hut 5111111111 (‘iHH‘I' party nut ummint suvh Arbitraturs 111' 1111- duly 1114:13' :mlmiuting stwh Arbitra- tors the Distrivt ('11111't Judgv ut’ the Uist1i1t 11f 'l'1u1i~:kz1111i11g 11111111 the applivutiun 111 tlw 1111191 panv shall have the pmwr ut' 1111111111111“; 511111 Arbitrators. lli. ltl Hts“ llttI supply (it. vitt‘t't'lll. tshall lu- intvt'rltl'lml ur tail. t'runi tln- .\¢°t ut' (incl. tlw King‘s l‘illl'lttlt‘~'. iw ur at-t-iclont in any way. “1' far news- sary rvpairs' tn inat-hinvry ur plant. ur t'nr any utlwr rvasuns \\lu'li!t'l' «if a similar nr dissimilar natnrv. llnl gattrilmtahlt- tn tlrv llt'f.‘ll‘t'l ut' thv said party ut' thc- tirst part. thc- party “1' the tirst part shall 1an lw llfllllt' t‘ur damages in rvspm-t ut' sin-h intvr- ruptiun ur t'ailurv tlul‘ lw mnsitlcrml in default. prnyiilml they usv rt-asun- ahlo «liligvnw tn rusturt- sin-h supply. hat a prupnrtiunatv ahatvnn-nt shall he made in thv anmnnt. payahlv under this rutltl'zli't llvt'vinlwt'uri' lmn‘itlml fur a tinn- (llll'lllg‘ \yhivh rnrrc-nt. is nut Sltppliml hy rt-amm ul' sm'h inter- ruptiun ur t'aihn'u nt' vurrvnt. l’rn-l \‘itlml. lltt\\'t‘\'(‘l', slmulil sm'h supply at vnrrcnt lN' intt-rrnptml at. any time fur "a periml ut' thirty vnllm'vtlllve «lays ur t'ur thirty «lays in all. within any six months, tln-n in t‘llllt‘l' ut‘ snvh vases tln- Franchisv in this Agrt-vnn-nt mntainml «hall at thv up- tiun ut' the party nt’ tlw St'l'tllltl part. he tvrmiuatml. 17. Thu party of thv tirst phrt agrovs that. at tho vxpiratiun ”1' live yvars. tn a ri-ajnstmvnt; ut' tlw light- ing and heating: ratvs as lu'rvin pru- Vltlt’tl. snc‘h ri-atljnstinmnt t'n lw ar- rived at by mutual Agroonwnt and in «it-t'anlt thvrmi'. hy Arbitratiun. pro~ \‘ltlell, Imwcyvr, that. an suvh readjustâ€" nu-nt tlw rah-s shall nut; hc- invreased almrv thv rates hurt-in pruyiilwl. In thv M'vnt nt' arhitratiun living nm'es- sary tn t-t't‘mvt sat-h rcmljnstnwnt. vat-h 01' the partirs shall appuint. an. l I t l l pqu-r 'l'mngalvu Lumps} ~T'"” mumm. ‘ Fur tlu- m-xt l" mu- lmnolrml “mwvr 'l'ungstru Lumps. $18. .\m| l'nx' mic-h mnl M'M'y um. lmmlrml ('zmcllv l’mwr 'l'ungstvn Lump. (WM and ulmve Hu- lirst' mm hundred Lumps. tlw’ sum nl' $17.00 pvr Lamp lwr ummm. Hills m be I'vlulm'ml ml ur album tlu- 15! day ut'vm-II munth I'ur svrx'im- rmnlvrvd «luring llu- pru- c-mling munlh. and payment. l'ur same In lw maulv an n!‘ lwt'urv film 15”: of Hm mnmh. i‘nllmsing {In-somatic”! of hills; puwvl‘ illllllllll. .\ml f”! ('zlmlh' pmu-r mmlun lmwm' lmWi'l' mmmn men! as mmlv tlu'n'l Hu- h'rms lu'n-ul'. I mntimw tn supp”. HIP 9min! THW" "1' 'i tlu-rofur. ur using prmnisos nrv mum. quc'l' :umum Hullm'. ~lm|l uu'minnml mnl mmms. ltl'fllllist' Hu- lmrt)‘ HI' | lighting "I. Sm ler l’uhlic' [II fullmvim: Sc-hm Fur Hu- first P‘mm the finding at said Meta? charm-s shall he made and payment made In Turn an the 15"! "I «ah month for sonic-r delirvml «luring punk-ms Month. 13. AT!!! said party «If. "N? first nr "SN tlw Tum or "aim: supply « snmllnvs but shall mm! is 1 ”w h-rm "II"! Hum Hm‘ 'llllfld p'V (- rumor IS! any t party of [‘11 sh!" nmIin current nmmlin this «mind fut 740 Watts shall mndifiuv 1 “J" "NI H "1‘1"!“ mnmnl "Hr llw m-xt 1” nm- humh'ml vl u-r 'l'ungslc-n Lumps. $lfi.67 "nr Ilu- m-xt I” 'ur tlw no.“ In mw lmmln 'vr 'l’uugslvu Launps, $1 'ul' tlw ms! 10 nm' humh‘t 'vr 'l'lmgstvu Lumps, $1 HI:- I" . In any nmtlic nos willnin Hu- ' and applying fnl ma [tn-mus" "I" TN! 1 nvl’din N rirfly. pnn‘iclm Illlflfl! Ptfirih‘ ‘.° "I‘M mus-m n‘ "‘ "HM"- um ' mid par” of "w "I'M Iml ln- [mrmmnl In dish naniml any applimm in "f Timmiun applying fur hr Hertriritv. vilhcr us In 'nric't‘ by W030" "r HIP "I" Elm'tririty npp'iml l‘nl‘ Hm nmvlirmlt nr rmmmwr, 1' 'muml. prm'iolml tlw pm“ “Iv tlwn'furv. nvmmiing to Iu-‘n-ul'. In supply and In . supply. any nmnlivmul in “mm nI' 'l‘immim applying my nmvllram cwnprmg hill Hu- men nf 13m. plying for the same and ms nn' situate nut mum t fmm any distributing said party ul' HIP flfl‘ mmhmw in em sumiiy y. pnn‘iclml Ilw mum is a: in HIP terms lwnml'. lm 1' ""0 III!" Lulu] m. um' hum Lumps. . zu-mn THE PORCL’PINE ADVANCE Hm suwwssurs and assigns, and whcrvever in this Agreement the ward, Tuwn, party ul.‘ the swond part and shall oxtvncl In and invludv, its sucvessors and assigns. In Witness Whereof tho said par- tiu hon -tu hm: bmmmtu aflixcd their rospvotix'v ('nrpuruto- Hmis and signed under tho hands ”1' the-ix' rrswn'nw.‘ proper ()flivvrr. ’ ’ Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of This “you“? Shall fal lit! effect nu and after the. final massing thereof. I Morphy «mtil'y that ”bond: Uy-Law is n In". mpv. H. II. MUX'I'HHXH‘IRY W. H. WILSON Rlas' THREE (‘h'rl

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