Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 3 May 1916, 1, p. 2

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South Porcupine 8h" week. Mr. "Mt hum "w "I Ihc Kim: "I Mr. N. "9 in tum: Inst rlalmn. Hr I rent-Minx: hf that 1 '0'" his! his trip 3" ' In lwnr Mrs- nflcr lu-r 0| ho lmmllml '0'" um?!“ HM} "mm M ”In Mum J. I). Palm‘s“ Snudn}. Mn) “'1' "W ('Illlwrt 5* (off high Shflw. r "Iii 'U'c‘m ".2. I I “H'H' Is vunsiclm'nhlo- um muung .wwml “mm! In- am «on m-c-mmt ut' the [lull-ch vars: tlu- rumls 1111- mm shape and a gum! lmrn-st Illissed. It in :1 mm to hour tlw Ming-«hug «of (1:0 unsulino hum again. M-x'vml Imw ulrmdy hum uu llu- lulu- fur u try-um. 'l'lw I‘vm-nl hvmy winds lmw Munr- vd ”w in. MT tlu- lukv and alllmwd Hm flnml tn almh'. Sun-ml families have lu-vn uhlv tn umn- inlu tlu-ir lmmcs again. ch Anglitf'ml K'huréh m: 'nxlll'nl: May “HI m h‘ Inm. 'l'ln- Von. .\r« almu-un J. l'I. \Vumlull ul' l’nmuis .I will 1qu ”w vlmir. 'I-III: Illsl'lm‘ml by :rcshs II rim: I 'IIIIrle cmrl. \Iluicln prumm rum! MW in lm' llt"Il‘ Sow-ml bro-ukt-rs nl' llw law wow (-smrtml lu Nurth Buy lust wvvk by ('Mla‘talhlv .\|v(}rvgur. Madam Dos- ruchos um! lei ('uuumhwi fur sell- ing: hmm'. um! I). Sulm'ilch fur bout- ing his Wife. 'I'lu-rv \u-n- «who u munlwr 01' um- wrs u!‘ lev 228th Huttuliun in tuwn lust \u-vk. unmng them being Lima.- ('nl. Mth-v. Maljnr Luwv. ('awl. l’iv1‘- ry, ('upl. Lindsay, and Liam. Furry. Mr. H. N Thu Mr. H Mr. Hagan is to he vompnmonwu t'nr Ins prnlnpt and plucky rosvnc of tho yuan: sun at Mr. lhn-nvotsky, whn t'cll nt't’ tlw sidewalk intn tho dvop watvr last 'l'lnn‘sda)’. We understand there \x't-rv sumo uthvr nnlnnkcrs win» made nu apparent attmnpt tn save the rlnlcl and had it nnt I‘vvn t'm‘ Mr Hagnc tlw zn-rntvnl may haw prm’ml ”fatal. South Porcupine Patriotic Society W . :2, pr. blips. ( Ut ‘ ”u: C nttiug commit! Mrs. Hnrtuhiso. “05105515 in! ‘ held May 4th: Ml antler. Mrs. Dunn \';\ I'll. A WM 13' mot-t i2 Mrs. Hnrtnhiso. ti shirts. I llostesses for monthly tea to he! held May 4th: Mrs. “13%. Mrs. Alex- under. Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Morris. .‘foved by Mrs. Seohie. seeonded h\' Mrs. U'Rnttrke. that we invite the South l’nrvupiue Platoon of the 159" Battalion to our tea next Thursday :Lt'teruttonsâ€"Curried. It was derided that those who are knitting socks and wish them sent to special addresses in the trenches should bring them in pureelled and addressed. ready fur shipping. ‘3 ~mtinn of Mrs. Gilette and Mrs. Rhn-r- the meeting adjourned until Stan r. [I c me :‘In\ 4th- Subset ipliuns \Ir. Stevenson, $1; . H. Warren. $1; 11 Total $7.00. \\'nrk given nut "7.9" rqur I) H'Jl l' l'umummnn sucks. ('nflmk .‘l lmm ' u" ul' \ IHI Tons tnwolling :uul 'illuw SHIN, 12 ball lhlh ullsiclm'nhlo- rnllah'rlmtiun 'ul Wuuhl-ln- mun clrn‘vrs «3' UN! IIun-cloln'ory 0f Florence mum wmmit 1 im- .\l business will in Um ammun. Nu mu INK mon P! um will lu' wh-hmhwl Hmrvln by Ilw lh-v 'l'mmnns. m H nan m-ur fut un fl 1H sponges‘. was in town lust tn lw (-mnplimvlm'cl mvkul Dimu- .‘li . Ur. Mclmren. $1 $1; .1115. C. Boyd. 5'2 U. L. Uiha‘ull. $2] Tl" uumm.‘ Smut!” lake! D 'vhl! m M Illtau Black. Sec 3': shirh'. Nu H! m N repurt (1114. ‘2. skcin‘ and '3 pieces bulls kmttmg .\l ill ngul :5 lu-im: 'l'hurstluy mus NIP! InWt u!‘ HIP 30mm th “V n II'HN m Items of lntf H" llu piHOW I‘C Ill \igorous Campaign ' for 228th Battalion ur lun \vry sch-«Hum gm arable dis-mm Ionrm-ol Hm! 1 “th in h:- pl l‘l'l'l'isml ll Wit Hm! mulll. lm Hnm' Ivn-som lonrnml Hm! "HI. I‘JH'NI uhlv On 3".- prc-svm ms‘il rpm-ism! n wirv tn n-lxn tlml night. but Mnjur I» ”mam [In-sent Hm! Ilw Mam tlw rvgmwuml lmu NW mun;- u \‘N! in Hu- S‘c-rut. Mulluy. \‘c-h-rmn H'rimm \mr \\‘:|.'~ «Ian M pniutvcl «ml by Livnt. Q " “hulc- C'muulu mm In slmrv m C'Ulllpzllisufl w} n...l..llil._ 'IIIA' 'IIEI' I'll "' |mimml ml! by Liam. Furry that as 4 “Ilnlv Canada “as Iml claim: lwr sharv m c-cmuuui.-ua with ”w utlu-r «'nluauu. and that up in «late llu- lig- unm u! Ham- “Inn had valistml wan- '!Iml'n\lamtv|j.' 170M"! lfirifish lmra. 71‘.HIM('aaachaa lawn. and 123.8% fur- "iua hum. inrlacliag Aawrivam. Mr. \hllm'. ul' 'l'iaaaias. wlm sang “Wu'll \‘uu-s- LN lla- nld Flax: Fall" was urn-Mm} “ill: gnu-at applause as aim was Mama-11° wlu-a lw rvmlvrml “(haul Lurk m ”w Buys 01' Ha- .\I- lies." The Natiuaal Aatlwm vuavlacl- "d a wry .HlN't't'anlll and enjoyable 1UI'INI 1'lwm n L'Vl'lllll'.’ in! “m; w dvuls pflahl'll day '3' <vngvr regulu M0 «pom-I Mr lSsllI 'I‘i‘mmins Public School Report NSIIIIP.‘ cm rull. 7."); uvvmgv attend- :mm-. 59.7)}; svluml upvn 11 days. . llunur Hull. Hay Svhulur. Fred .‘liltun. lulu |)«:l'\\'an}'. Hallph I’uau'nvs. 'l‘um I'Illivs. Melville (‘u.\'. Ahy l'lllius, Lam'rum- Saul“. ('luru llultmzm, Vinlu 'l'hump.«m. l'mhhiv ('hamumn. an'i Hnsnlg, Mum: lh'yvr. l’vtm' Niclmlsun, Kutir AmIvrsun. (inatm' llultman. Huh-n Sal”. lh-lvn Williams, Stoplu-n Hunivll. Virtur Sulumuw. I3 Um. Mural \Vilmm. Dul'utlly ('ux. "days Springt'urcl. Luum Bullivar. "Ilm'iiu Stuclnr, (h-ru'gu MM'I'iuunun. (ivnxu- [Vustmu Edith Hunghlnml. 'm'wn Murln'urson. .\'vlsun llultmun. 'h-rt lenr. I'Iniu Wninik. First "lu.~.~.--â€"-ln;.:uri llakulal. Funny Muki. Funny l"_\'nv|lu. Lulm Kuzlu, Susie "‘lls. chm huff. lwiln Kendall. Ruby Kmmwiy. Anniv Kimmi. 'I‘um 1901(1- -:m. Anniv Valve. 'l‘uivu llillivn. 'l‘ 'nnw. llilga Kinnri. l'Irvi Kinm'i liwlyn ('m'mm. Frank Ellis. Box “'11- -'1. Snniv Kyllunvn. \\'llllc Ruhorts ? Illill) l V I \ nu... -â€" 'l‘lls. .lcun lmt'l'. Leila Kendall. lluhy Kmmmly. Anniv Kimmi. 'I‘um Fold- -:m. Anniv Yulw. 'l‘uivu llillivn. llm'mr Swuml.-«(lvurgv llills, 'l'mlqu ““zuu-tun. )linnio llills, 'l'uumly Law- Nunu-s on ml]. :2: average 1111 ”"0, Ii-‘IZS: M‘huul npcu 1â€"1 days. Humn' Hull: l’rimvr Hagan-«I Hl't‘ Daniels. Russ “'ilsun, \ Edward Fustm' Seq-mud l’muk.â€"â€"-()1ive Smut. mum: Musvs. Nulliv Studer. Pearl Kcnumly. "tor liyllum'n. Frederick .\uor ""«nx'mirc Kendall. l’oi'vy Shimmm ()unic “jailu. Philip Dnher. Sadiu i 111:, (ivurgv i‘illios. .\'urah Kennedy “mu-s Robbins. Edith Mairkvardsvn. 'siv Marshall. Duidai Newton. Maud lfiluc.".\\‘s‘cll. Annie Buychuck, Maggn ' ”I". "in! ('1:u<.-â€"-\'?u!n Bolivar, Ellen Ilukulu. Haze-l 'l'inkess. Anatnli' Mushtutuw. Harry Abuud, Hildrot' Amer. Irvm- Mullet, Durothy I‘Iarr‘n? a. Jvzmiv if ”rte. I'hrnthy Dodge "mi 82110. J‘" "PM“. Adnlu‘uw I)m-h.~nrm. Andrew Roberts, Harry 1 'u 11‘ "‘Mtll! Bunk." l‘liuin Staaf. Dar- win Stunt} .lzuniesun Wilson, Walter Shulcr. Willie )lackie. Olive Duelio . .u. Leslie Shippam. lidla Sims, Bermulvttc ('aiulcy, Mary Dulier. Dlu'hsal‘m. Dahvr. B 121 4: I; w e 8H l'l. 'l'aylur. 'l‘onclwr. Senior Department Namvs 1m mll. 48'. average attend- .H'. -'2‘F57: school upon 14 days. llunur Rnll. Sw-uml lluulc.â€"-(llive Stanl'. Salim ”5w. Nollie Stmlor. Pearl licnuwly. "for Kyllunvn. Frederick Auor l-n‘om'c Kendall. Percy Shimmm unic Ujalu. l’hilip Dalwr. Sadi- nl- llpnl'uv lillios. Norah Kennedy .‘lim I'm- "1' 1.3.") wuts pvr «lay far 1111;:- will lw rmluirml t'rum Hun-resi- ; “1' [hr l’l'nvim'v ll'zlvvllillg ull muvr finals in “Marin, fur van-ll 5 fishing Hwy "my (In while pus- rr.‘ nn suvh hunts. Xutim- u!’ this mum. is mmtuim-«l in Hm lutvst - m 'l'iuo (mturiu (hum-Hm "1‘ "WP”: \vlwn- a u-lu-ol in : w lmcml m-lws WP! wry Mir I! gnu-n. .\lr.~. K. J. Myers. 'l'c-alrlwr. Intermediate Department Bart Ir". H FEB FOR FISHING Primary Department file". of "ailey‘mry. was :1 mishml at the Folk .‘l r~ “‘0' m hm" last week (0 IIN'I‘UH}: M the Majestic «w u vignmns mmlmign al in "M ul' rm'rniling fur Hmmliun. vavml \‘vry '5 \H‘l‘c' clvliH-rml and mm r stirring pmriulic- rum! “‘0'". 'l'lu-n- was-t mimic!- mminhm-m wlwn it was l (M. I‘Iurc-lunnn was un- pn-svm ”wing In Imving win- In I‘t-Imrl in Turmflo hut Mujur lum'c- promised m Hun llu' ('ulmwl uml mmvntnl Imml \mulcl [my mm in ”w Iwur t'uturv. uy. wh-rmn "1' ”w Suntll l' was ulsm alt-«ml. It was In- Livm. Furry llml us m: aver. Ottawa. was m La. '83! week. Keely. 0" 9 Miami up "naught. Duwlcr, Teacher. terest m'v 'ugv "Hund- m‘omgv attend- Hm Dome rvnil't‘fli‘c H Subscribe Now THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE TIMMINS Phone 64 P.O. Box 186 TEMISKNMI [38! NflflTHEHN flNIAfllfl BMlWAV TRAIN SERVICEâ€"~EPFECTIVE NOV. 28th, 1915. New 'l'rain “National" operating between Toronto and Winnipeg. via ('oehrane, leaving: 'l'oronto eael; 'l'uesday. Thurs- day and Saturday. leaving Winnipeg; each Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Through trains daily (exeept Sundays) between Toronto and ('oehrane, making eonneetions at l‘orquois Jet. for l’oreu- pine Branch points, and operatingr through Sleepers, Toronto, Jinglehart and (Toehrane. (,‘at'e I’arlor Car seryiee between North Bay and linglehart, daily (except Sunday). ('onncetions at Plarltoii Jet. for l'Illi Lake branch points, daily. (except Sundays). Daily, (except Sunday) services between North Bay and ('oehrane, operating through sleeping ear between Coehrane and Montreal C. 1’. Local Service between Itinglehart and Cobalt, daily, (except Sunday). For full particulars, '1'. ~.\'. 0. Agent. A. J. I’ARR. G. 1".611’. A., North My, Ont. sec current time-table or refer to any I HAVE THE SOLE AGENCY FOR A City Svrviw \\ hivh is tlw Only 01w Ex- tvmling a Try South Porcupine. Ben Cmskery of Tnmntu in Hm (30M Camp I‘ul‘ tlll'il‘ WM. [1. LEISHMAN Highest Class Tailoring CO. LIMITED SOUTH PORCUPINE Phone 30 P.0. Box 319 Than 18 r." "I

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