TRADERS Has the followmg ofï¬ces in the Porcupine GUId District: Aura Lake South End Manager Haileybury The Milton (arré Hardware Co. E32 South Porcupine Q Transfers of money by mail or telegraph can be made through any Branch of this Bank. Travellers going into Porcupine are invited to avail themselves of the advice or services of the managers of the above-mentioned branches. E. L. BAUGH 00., . N. Day. Capital and Surplus, - $ 6,800,000 Total Assets, . - $ 52,000,000 INCORPORATED, 1335. Brokers Montreal Branch also at Haileybury OF CANADA. Small Block of THE Manager Porcupine Branches J. D. Tipton, flflEMN Bfllï¬lflffl INSURANCE flllfï¬lllll Concert Committee Had Satis- factory flepcrt---Better Attendance Urged. One of the menu items of interest to which attention was drawn at a meeting of the South Porcupine Fire Dept. in the Fire hall on Tuesday evening was the report of the Con- cert Committee which showed that the sum of $57.00 had been raised at There were present at the meeting eight members of the Department- Messrs. Chief Fairhairn, in the chair, (3. Henry, H. Gibson, J. Easton. C. Carr. P. C. Brennan, P. C. M. Salle and O. Qua. Secretary. It has been pointed out by the oflicials that de- spite the fact postcard notices had been sent out to 28 members of the Department in all, this was the total attendance and an urgent request is made that those concerned put in an appearance at future meetings. the concert held about a month ago. This was deemed highly satisfactory and the report was unanimously adopted. The question of insurance was also brought forward, but no action tak- en in the matter. Two companies had presented terms. In one case a "blanket" policy was offered. this meaning that ten men were to be in- sured by which step it would result in the whole Department being cov- ered because it was extremely un- likely that ten men would be incap- acitated at one time. In another case the terms quoted were $4.50 per man per $1,000 policy. South Porcupine, lnsolvents. STATE OF [DA MILLER, late of in the matter of D. Friedman Co., E IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- i i the township of Whitney, in the NotiCe is hereby given that Sophia ltebeeea Friedman. carrying on busi-‘ (“SUM 0‘ Sudbury, Spill-"“13 “0‘ nose at South Porcupine as D.'- ceased. jFriechnan 3‘ C0" has made a" 33‘ ' Notice is hereby given. pursuant to i .‘ y I -. ' irii‘krnmefntfllllndcir 01:.“th $23332†g gthe Statutes in that behalf, that all . y 0 t "3 ' 5 t ‘o f i Q I - ifects to A. ll. Vineberg of South ,ereditors and other persons havmg l’orcupine' (1cntlcn‘an' for the gener- ‘. ('liunls agalnSf. the estate 0‘ the {al benefit of her creditors. labove named Ida Miller, who died i A meeting of the creditors will be '1 in or about the month of September, lheld at the office‘of Cook hiitchell i 1911, are required to send by post, 3.â€) the town of South Porcupine, on ' prepaid, or deliVer to the undersign- 1baturday, the first day of June, l'1912, at the hour of 8.00 p.m., to ireveive a statement 01 the insolVent'S illlti Oï¬cCiS ()f the said deceased, Oll gaffairs, to appoint Inspectors and fix or before the 30th day of June, 1912,j their remuneration and for the or- 1 their names. addresses and full par- dering of the affairs of the estate _tieulars of their claims, duly verified renerallv. . . . :f’ ° |and the nature of the securities, If ' Cr-ditors are ret nest-d to file thei' . l L l L 1 any. held by them, and after the said l telaims with the Assignee with the . . {proofs and particulars thereof rcqnir- leth day Of June, 1912» the 531d Ad‘ led by the said Act, on or before the ministrators will proceed to distri- édaY 0f 3%}! meeting. lbute the assets of the said deceased l . . . . ‘ ', . ' E And notice is further [,lVen, that among the persons entitled thereto, after the 1st day of July, 1912, the l .- . ‘d l tl 1 . f :assignee will proceed to distribute , 1mm" 'e-L’m 0" y to "3 0 arms 0 lthe assets of the debtor amongst the .WhiCh they shall then have had “0‘ parties entitled thereto, having reâ€" Itice, and the said Administrators gard only to the claims of which iwill not be liable for the said as- notice shall then have been given and ,sets or anv part thereof to any per- that he will not be liable for the as- ; son or persons of wh 80 claims they sets or 11 art thereof, so distri-" 0 . .H . . .a y p A_ , __‘___ _,_..shall not then have had notice. ed, the administrators of the estate l It was reported that the unifonm and coats had been carefully checked Notice is hereby given that Sophia ltebecca Friedman, carrying on busi- ness at South Porcupine as D. Friechnan (30., has made an as- signment under R. S. O. 1897. C. 147, of all her estate, credits and of- {cats to A. H. Vineberg of South Porcupine, Gentleman, for the gener- nl beneï¬t of her creditors. Creditors are requested to ï¬le their (-laims with the Assignee with the proofs and particulars thereof requir- ed by the said Act, on or before the day of such meeting. And notice is further given, that after the lat, day of July, 191 the assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtor amongst the parties entitled thereto, having reâ€" gard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given and that he will not be liable for the asâ€" sets or any part thereof, so distri- buted, to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. Dated at South Porcupine this 20th day of May, A. D. 1912. A. H. VINEBERG, 9-: NflIICE Ill BBEDIIURS TH E PORCU PINE ADVANCE South Porcupine, Ont., Assignee. Lowery Resigns As Commissioner Those who followed the reports re~ standing the recommendation for cer- tain liquor licenses for Cobalt, by the Board of Commissioners of Tem- iskaming. will probably be interest- ed to note that Provincial Secretary lion. J. W. Hanna. has taken ex- ception to the qualiï¬cation of one of the Commissioners to act in that capacity. Mr. R. W. Lowery is the member referred to and following up Mr. Hanna's ruling on the question. he has resigned his seat as a Commie. sioner. The reason is that Mr. bow. ery being a tobacconist in trade he will he brought in close contact with the licensees and this is against the policy of the Government. While Mr. Hanna does not reflect in any way upon the personality of Mr. Lowery. the Provincial Secre- tary says in explanation of the re- ~«innation. “The policy of the Gov o-rnmcnt from the outset has been to avoid appointing to liquor license commissions men. who; from the na- ture of their business are necessarily limught into close relations with the licensees. In the appointment of the board tnr Temisknming. Mr. Lowrey was recommended for the commisn «inn without the knowledge on the part of those submitting his name of the adoption of this policy. Mr. Lowrey. while no doubt a good man personally. is in the tobacco trade. This fact in itself. makes it impos- sible. for him to continue on the board. He has. therefore. with- drawn." Met in order to ascertain if the corâ€" rect number were still accounted for and these were found to be all in or- der. DATED this 14th day of May, 1912. THE NATIONAL TRUST COM- PANY, LIMITED, Toronto. 8-3 NflTIBE Tl] CREDHBRS S. ALFRED JONES. South Porcupine, Their Solicitor herein. Tisdale Council Make Slight Change --New License Fees- -Schu- macher Fire Department The Council of the Township oi 1‘iadnle decided at their meeting Wednesday night to proceed at once with the construction of the Dome Road. according to the amended sug- gestions laid out by the Engineer. DOME ROAD TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT ONCE A hy-law was prepared lor.this last year and on going oVer the ground again the Council thought that by'den'iating a little from the original plan a better road could he made and at the same time at alit- tle less cost. The change in the plan would not ailect the ï¬rst end in View and in fact the alteration adopted would practically he more beneï¬cial. Those present at the meeting on Wednesdav night deciding upon this murse and dealing with other busi- ness of routine were Reeve Cook in the ehair. and Councillors 9. Ken- nedy. C. A. See. A. E. Dunn. and I). Get rosser. In dealing with the Fire Depart- mom of Seinmmcher it was deemed that the sum of $127.00 be expendâ€" od on a building for the apparatus of that organization. At the same time the agreement. offered by the lentyre Mines for furnishing power PBHIIBIS SUCCESS The $40,000 Dehcnturc by-lnw .\'u. H was read for the second and third time and carried. ' en off at. almost any place at all.‘ The assertion is made by Mini (lamhle that there must have been"; over 100 native gold diseoveriesfl among which the following proper-: ties are included.-â€"Jeï¬erson, Knoxï¬ ,Mcllonald and Caswell. f In regard to access to West Shins I ‘ O . ' mg '1 rec it should he mentioned that l I Q I a line of gasolines runs from Raoul‘ .on the (I. X. It. The Government l . ha\'e placed in dams wnth the rcsultl that only one portage is necessary; before Shining 'l‘ree is reached. ()ne 3 of the chief reasons in the opinion of Mr. (lamhle for the district not go- ing ahead quicker than is the present case is hecause most of those inter- ested seem to he waiting for pur- chaSers prior to going in for taking samples. This means that quite a lot of work will yet require to he ‘done before the particular section of the country attains the standard to which it would appear it is entitled. At the Hudson llay Mine in (low- ganda drifting has heen carried on from the 98 foot level and excellent ore met with. It is the intention of the management to cease further drifting, 'howeVer. and proceed at once with sinking another 100 feet. a staff of MN 30 men being engaged l in the work. Other companies referred to by Mr. Gamble were the South Bay Mining Co.. who have excellent ore, the Mann property. which am'ordim: to the returned prospector, is “cer- tainly a mine.†and the Boyd Gordon where a gene: are. wo/kim,r under Capt. Rogers. .-\t the Hewitt (inwmmtla M'er half a dozen men are working and the shaft is down about 10 feet. Some ï¬ne samples of silver have been pro- .lueetl and in fact were loratetl in large chunks at hoth sides of the A rerent deal concerning the Will- ings property on the Montreal River has just been reported as completed. Although the exact ï¬gures cannot be stated it is believed the amount of purchase was round $25,000 and the last payment having been made the purchasers intends to go ahead and develop the property. “huh. The Milk-r Lake the Millorett haw also ï¬nds. 00 his journey out Mr. Gamble heard at Elk Lake that it was like- ly the Otisse would soon be re-com- mencing operations. From observa- tion also he gathered that real es- tate in Elk Lake was beginning to show a turn for the advantage to holders of good lots on the west side. Mr. A. A. (‘ole of the T. N. t). was among visitors noticed at Elk Lake, although it was not as- certained definitely just what his purpose was in paving a Visit. H'umimwd from page fflfl GflWBflNflA sides of tho O'Brien and made good for the Sohumacher people in case of ï¬re was submitted 3nd accepted. Some time 130 two chemical on- gines Were ordered by the Council from the Seagrave people oi Walker- ville. immediate delivery being then required because. it was just at that time the nct‘essity was most urgent. It was pointed out to the council Wednesday night. however. that the. time for delivery had now over er pimd and indeed also the urgency oi the need for the engines. This was in connection with an in‘ timntion from the Walkerville ï¬rm that they now had one engine ready and would haVe another in a very «hort time. As it is some two or three months since they were requir- ed the Council decided not to now purchase them and the order was therefore cancelled incense delivery had not been giVen in the time pro- mised. Wrestling at Sumo time during the next week those requiring licenses for pool moms. cigar sales. etc.. will receive a copy olthe new list. of lees. which have been drawn up by the Council for this year and the gathering in of whose license fees will be mono alter as soon as possible. There was quite a good attendance at the Majestic Theatre in South Porcupine on the 24th. when the holiday was taken advantage of by (‘im lluddleson to present a number of wrestling and hnxing houts. The arrangements were in the hands of .lue (‘arr and the ehief attraction was exported tu he 1‘}. 'l‘remhlay of Muntrenl. ('humpion lightweight wrestler of the wurld. 'l‘remhlay came here to wrestle tu'o local lightweights, but consented to meet a heavyweight prOVided the lat- ter would come properly up to the mark and artually wrestle. W. ('hurt-h prored the opponent in this case for a thirty minutes encounter. 'l‘remhlay, howeVer. had no oppor- tunity to exhibit. his skill for the reason that Church would 'not make any proper attempt to wrestle and- aecordinglr the half hour elapsed without a throw. 'l‘remhlay then met, (ieorge CleVerly and succeeded in throwing him in Hi minutes, this hout proving the attraction of the .eveni'ng. In the boxing events W. Walsh won ‘out after an excellent exhibition :against Kid Lawrenee, who was con- siderably heavier. Mouahan and Pur- eell, hoth loeai iightweights, met in an encounter which soon concluded, â€"â€".--..â€" _. as in the second round Mona'llu'n was declared victor on a foul. Concerning coming events it is learned that 'l‘renihluy is prepared to come here again and wrestle John Dewar or any outside mum at his own weight in the world and the early future may see another visit from him. Martin Walsh Has Fine Store Martin Walsh has this week been the recipient of a large numoer of visitors and congratulations .n his success in being elected Reeve, . and complimented highly on his splendid store he has erected and opened on Wednesday. It is replete Vith a ship load of notions in dry goods, while the interior and exterior de- corations is everything that can be desired. Martin Walsh intends to run this store on up-trrdate lines and prices. His ahle lieutenant, A. R. I’hyi'e. is always on hand to look af- ter the welfare of the numerou's pat‘ runs of his chief. No deï¬nite date has been fixed by .l. Huddleson for his next, program. but it is hoped to make arrange- ments with W. Uriscoll of Milwaukee and Alf. Lfnch of Quebec to put Up an cxhibitiun. ()n the Z-tth some cunfusiun reigned in regard to ur- rangcments fa'r spectators but this will all be cleared (m the next occa- aim; and (-vm‘ything carried out, in â€ï¬lm; The Majestic