Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 17 May 1912, 1, p. 2

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ln the Porcupine distriet ghe Home and the Hollinger mines are among the_ best known. The former deposit is the best representative of the dome vein type. while the latter de- posit 'coneists of a mineralized zone containing. compound veins. The Great Home of the Home mines forms an irregular dome rising above the glacial deposit about seven and one-half meters. It is 180 meters long and 60 meters broad. This great body Consists of several masses of milk-white quartz, some of which atâ€" }ain a diameter of 40 meters. and whichs along with a net-work of wins and stringers. enclose large mineralized masses of sehistose green-2 stone and of lluronian svhist eon- «tune and of Huromzm svmst mn- glumorate. 0n the surface. in addiâ€" tiun to the numerous sulphides. ocâ€" casionally very hundénme thin platvs of native gold may he observed. Sint't‘ tho gold Veins of l’ort'upinv vary. not only in dip and strike. but alsol in an unusual degree with re- gard to the thickness of the veins. it is scarcely probable that a ma.“ of such enormous dimensions on the‘ surface as the Great home. will be [mind to preserve surh 'L't'oat magni- (ude with ‘depth. 1 was not able to obtain detinito Midvnw. linchcr. on this point. sim'v the shaft. whivli “'35 then 36 meters drop. had been burn- ed and on this account it was im« possible to examine the underground workings. According to data conâ€" (aine-d in Davis Handbook of the Porcupine District (New York. 1911). there is an ore supply of 600,000 tons (short, tons). This has theen In relerence to the peculiar signi- ficance of this acid porphyry it may be well to point out that also in the Keewatin in the l'roVincc of Quebec, similar quartz ankerite veins ,have been observed, without, however.car- rying any important amount of the noble nntal. M. ii). Wilson considers that this lack of economic propor- tions of gold should be attributed to the complete absence of intrusions of quartz porphyrics with which the oc- eurrences of gold in Northern Un- tario is apparently very closely ,con- nectcd. As a matter of fact in Northern Ontario such intrusions of porphyries have been observed to possess great extension, not only in Porcupine, but also at Swastika and harder Lake. ' 'l‘he favorable influence of the acid porphyry on the gold values cannot he of a genetic nature, since .it is considerably older than the veins which are late l-luronian. 0n the other hand, the chemical, and par- .ticularly'the physical properties of this rock, which is easily altered by pressurtf to the schistose varieties, may he of considerable importance. “The more tissiired and schistose the country rock the/higher are the ore values" appears to he an important fundamental in estimating the Value of these gold deposits. In the ordin- ary massive greenstone high values are not. common. for in this hard and little tissureil rock, the ore-hear- int: solutions were only able to as- cend freely where the way was open to them by the steep, smooth \walls of relatiVely wide iissures. Such fav- orahle conditions hare heen observed only rarely. as for example in the case oi" the chief vein of the Rea m l "0 as in rarer III-en in primary depos- its it sueh a small area. 'l‘hIm- \‘I'llls which are not parallel tn the III-hist- omity. lIIIt \IlIiIh iIIteIseIt it lw a uharp angle. .III- tn he lt'l! lauded as the rifle! carriers l.‘ Iieh IIIe. 'lhe in‘ Menu: of the country rock IIII the (old-bearing Values of the Veins is more marked at Pearl Lake than anywhere else in the Porcupine (lls’ Irict. On certain other properties. however. such as the Dome. the llume Extension. the MeAuley claims in Bristol. schistose porphyries play an important part. The Great Dome in part of a vein the vicinity of Miller Lake and ex- tends eastward on both sides of Pearl Lake to the properties of the Plenaurum and at the llewiek-Moreo in; syndicates, where, however. un- altered porphyry and greenatone may be observed in place. The metamor- phosed porbhyries are bounded to the north and to the south by old green- stones. It is a remarkable fact that the Veins in the acid porphyry carry considerably higher value ~in gold than do the veins in the basic green- stones. This may he must readily seen on the'nnrthern contact when- a vein exposed in the porphyry carried rich ore. but Where it interset‘ls the gl‘venstone formations it ln't‘nnlt's atl- mnst Valueless. lime in lhl' memo mnrphnsed quart] purphvruw around Pearl Lake the mild ”It's nt‘l'lll' in and! rk‘hness and in such quglnlll} THE GOLD FIELDS OF NEW ONTARIO The quartz porphyry crops cut through the glacial (armations in (Concluded lrom last week) 'l‘his exposure in‘the Mattwami RiVet‘ calmed many pl‘nspt‘('tul‘> to M‘Ck for the Continuation of this {one further to the west and to the south- w'st \x'herevvr the older rocks were expi'm‘ed. McAuley Bros. succeeded in June, l‘ili. in making a discovery in the southwestern part of Bristol Township. The zone of veins appears here in the form of a high ridge risâ€" ing ahove the surrounding' country and has been exposed partly hy strip- pim: and partly by blasting. In this way it has been uncovered for 144) meters in the direction of the strike. it i< noteworthy that in this expos- ure :1 diabase dyke 1'3 meters across intersects the quartz vein and strikes in a north-south direction. This dyke of younger oliVine diahase apparentâ€" ly occupies a fault fissure. To the west of this dyke the ore body. which A southwestern extension of the llollinger vein. zone was observed on the property of the Crown Reserve. r‘urther extension toward the south- .vest can only he followed with difli- sulty. as the outcrops of the veins are frequently covered by enormous thickness of glacial material. The vein zone appears to include the free gold exposures of the Grav claims and of several adjacent claims. It then continues farther to the Pigeon Rapids of the Mattagami RiVer. A zone of veins has been observed in the midst of these rapids. 'l‘his zone strikes in a northeasterly direction, has a width of 91) meters and on both sides of the river is hidden by a cov- ering of young sediments. Assays of specimens broken oil from under the water gave values in gold varying: ll‘nni two to 1‘30 marks per Hm. (“no innrkm-LH cents.) 'is about ‘30 meters across. includes ELDS quartz. a little ankerite and some strongly pressed country rock. To the east of this d yke, hovever. twoI NTA [0 mins of similar dimensions an .5- served about 40 metres apart. The: country rock between these veins con: tains numerous stringers of quartz. 5 determined by sinking shafts and but it does not appear to be strongv Zother explorations This 0TB 000‘ ly silicified. The body of the veinl ,tains 0“ an Hence from 42 to 50 exhibits throughout its whole length. ' 013ka 901' ton in 80” 0f 3 total 0‘ exposures of free gold. sulphides. and twenty-fl" to “lift! million marks larsenidcs of a promising character. l (1 markâ€" 24 cents) Here the conditions do not appear on * system which may be followed to “10 Lthe whole to be quite so fasorable as east and northeast past the Done 9 at. Pearl Lake. since the country rock 5 Extension mine. to the Foley-U Brien ‘ is not quite so schistose and is only and toward the “'9“ to beyond the t in part made up of metamorphosed. West Dome mine. lquartz porphyry. It will be news-! Prom the nature of this deposit 88 sary to wait the. results of assays of .a whole it is apparentlv best suited samples and underground Melop- for open cut work rather than for ment before one can judge as to undcrirruund minimz. whether this occurrence is really of The llollingcr mine. lies m the re- a superior quality. g Y Jupiter minus. Still further to the northeast, lmyund the svhistuse por- phyl'y the zone of veins appears to ('Uutinllc in the direction of the Scot- tish-Untariu mine. In this extension. human-r. the gold Villllos are not so high. character haw been undertaken only in the central and richest of the larger veins. The depth attained in this Work does not t,‘\|'t'(‘tl Hi meters. 'l'his chief vein is almost \‘et‘tu'al. .\t the fill-meter levi-I ll was followed .ilomz its sttilw for l'Jtt tttett‘ts. ”n this ler the thickness of the vein varies with a maximum of seven inc-ten and an average thirkness of the whole length. of two meters. The vein tilling consists of quartz and some country rock. ,l'p to the pre- -sent ankerite has been found in only one place. Samples caretully taken from the Vein throughout the whole length of 4:20 Meters at intervals of one aml one-hall meters. show. ac- cording to the data of Mr. Robbins» superintendent of the mine. an av- erage of 2212 marks per ton. Similar explorations of the 90-mo- ter level. where no great length has been opened up. have giVen results equally satisfactory. The gold oc- curs in the form of native gold. or in combination with sulphides. It is distributed throughout the whole body of the vein and does not show so rich in spots as in the case of many other mines. The Country rock also carries high values which are L'l'catest in the immediate vicinity of the quartz of the vein mass and stringers. As the whole country rock between the veins is a net-work of stringers and since this alwayscon- tains traces of gold wherever there is the least sign of quartz stringer. it. therefore. appears as if the coun- try rock between the various veins constituted a zone of'mineralization. This zone attains a breadth of 4‘30 meters on the properties of the llol- linger and of the closely related 'l‘im- mms syndicate. 17nder present con- ditions ore occurring in large bodies and carrying 20 marks in gold to the ton may be mined with 'a profit. (1 markâ€"324 cents.) lt seem“. there- fore. probable that a considerable part of this mineralized zone may be :egarded as profitable ore. Similar relationships are found to the northeast. at. the McIntyre and The illqllinger mine lies in the re- gion of the Pearl Lake porphyry. The course of the vein at the llullin- get strikes nearly east. 0n the out- crup these Veins have been usually examined hy test pits and in this way the gold values determined. l'n- dergrmmd explorations ul a serious «'haravtvr have been umlerlaka-n unly Head Office - - Toronto 'l‘his llollinizer helt extends in thel direction of the strike at least 50' kilometers. It represents a strongly foliated zone inside of which the gold-lu-aring solutions were ahle to tind a most eonVenient way in their ascent. In this helt are found the majority of the. promising depositsâ€"- the (treat llnme. while appearini: to lie outside of this zone. may possih- ly he regarded as an offset. inside this Zullt‘. howewr. the deposits ap- pear to he particularly rich where this tectonic Zone interseets quartz porpllyt‘les and their foliated deriva- tives. I do not wish to, he under-g stood to maintain that promising‘ discoveries haVe not been made in other parts of the district. or that! they will not he made in the future or that other zones of the same kind may not he established. The Hollin-’ ger zone is nevertheless of the great- .â€" -â€"â€"â€"â€"A..â€"_râ€"â€"v..._......â€"- -. .. .-..___-._._ .â€" ----._,.__.-.._._._. Has the quman offices in the Porcupine Cnld District; whieh can- promise of gold and \\°ltlt'll apparently inei'easml in amount with depth. The further extension of this gokl- hearing helt tn the southwest of the MeAuley claims is seen in the re- markable arranmnmnttâ€"as indicated on the map of the Cripple Creek dis- trict-~ol all the free gold discoveries hitherto made in the Townships of (‘arseallem Demon and Keefer. All these diseoveries are approximately in line with the west southwestward extension of the Hollinger belt. aADERS BANK (lold has recently been found in a vein which may belong to the same zone. immediately to the smith 0! the MeAuley claims. 'l‘n the northwest of these claims l, examined a quartz dom‘. about 35 lllt'll‘cs hroad.’ :30 metres lung. and lnur metres high. On the surface this shuwed nlmulutely no sign nl minm‘alizzitinn. ln :1 small pit liwat~ ml cm the vast side «if this dump, \\'lu't‘i' lllt‘ quartz i-untaiins numernus lll.lr‘"0‘~ ml the country rm-k. l nhserv- ml snmt' muri'asite nml nresnnpyrite whit'h trifli- prunliso ul' gold and vah apparently im-n-nsml in amount South Porcupine. Ont. Can. “RIGHT ON THE GROUND" Ask us anything about PORCUPINE that's what we are here for. Get your information Direct from the Camp regarding Let us Tell You the One Best Stocktc Buy MINING STOCKS. MINING CLAIMS. TOWNSITE LOTS EIc We are “RIGHT ON 1:1? GROUND Aura Lake South End . S. Fuller Co. Manager Haileybury PORCUPINE Transfers of money by mail or telegraph can be made through anv Branch of this Bank. Travellers going into Porcupine are invited to avail themselves of the advice or services of the managers of the above-mentioned branches. C. H. Day, W ‘ - - > "ma-1,94.» Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, THE PDRCUPINI: ADVANCE INCORPORATED, 1885. Branch also at Haileybury OF CANADA. THE Engineering, Mine and Land Sur- veying, Draughcing, Blue Printing by electric process and latest maps bf all mining areas on hand. Ontario Land Surveyors Engineers and Maps’? HEAD OFFICE : Devlin Block - ‘8. Genesis. Professur W. (3. Miller is 0‘ the opinion that tho cold-homing magâ€" ma is mnnm'tod with great granite intrusinns whirh fun-ml their way upwardahvr tlw lnwvr llumninn poriml. Nut far from l'urvupinv an the prvsom time [muses nf such granih- nun-mp. The nm'ul'l‘vm‘o of I’vldspzu'fi tnurmalino. and im-lusiuns feldspai‘.‘ tourmaline. and inclusions of gas ate in harmony with this View; tl‘nt‘eHVct'. in t'el‘latitl Veins spt't‘llllclls have lH'O‘ll found possessing the composition of granite and ex- hibiting free gold. 5. Economic Uutlook. 'l‘he great forest tire which swept this country last July has set hack the deVelopment of this gold district for at least several months hy the destruction of many structures con- nected with the minim: and winning of the ore values. As a result, of this no consideralile' gold production is to he expected before the begin- ning of next year. Keeping in mind all the conditions referred to. it is dillicult to believe that more than a small minority of these mining ventures have any pos- sihility whatever of success. In ad- dition to many gold regions whose chelopment is only in the initial stage there are already six to eight mines. which. judged by present ap- pearance justify in some cases even the very ltiuhest hopes. These new gold fields will. therefore, in the course of a few years. play a part in the gold market. and in time ap- proach in importance. the best Am. erican gold regions. Those in attendance at the next lntvrnntinnzil (Ecological Congress. ‘which will he held in Toronto in 1913, will certainly have an oppor- tunity tn visit this region. I observed at Swastika a tectonic zone almost identical in character and striking in the same direction. In this region several insignificant gold discoveries were made as early as 1907. but systematic prospecting did not occur. however, until 1911. In July and August. of this year; large veins and very rich occurrences of free gold were discovered along the above-mentioned zone. Rich de- posits were specially observable where the veins filled in a fissure be. tween the Keewatin rocks on the one side and an arm of Laurentian gran- ite on the «fther (Lucky Cross claims). l’rospectors surmise that this zone extends in a northeastern direction as far as Lnrder Lake. My own observations (in not permit me to express an opinion in this mat- ter. est significance for the development of this district. That part of the vein which is today hidden by the ex~ twnsive glacial sediments so as to render difficult the work of the min- er. will later play a very important part. 0 Manager Porcupine Branches Code Code $ 6,800,000 $ 52,000,000 J. D. Tipton, PORCUPINE. Cobafl WOOWOOOW”OWOOO” 0000”.” O0.” O”WO”OO”O”N”O mmooo OOW”O”O‘ W think we have the right information on Crown Chartered. Dome Extension and Vipond. It's important to you. WRITE. WIRE or phone us for the infor- mation. BUY AT THE TOP AND SELL AT THE BOTTOM, 0R BUY AT THE BOTTOM AND SELL AT THE TOP? WHAT DO YOU DO? Stork‘ "taken. First-class property, conveniently sit- uated on Bruce Avenue. With suit- able building thereon for business or residential purposes. A snap if sold at once. Members Stnndard Spock Exchange, Rayal Bank Bldg., Tome. Direct connection to all leading Exchanges. Phone M. 5620 At a Bargain Notice is hereby given that we have admitted tn partnership Mr. I). F. Magnire, who has been officially associated with the firm for a number of ymrs Apply The Porcupine Advance Toronto, January .an, 1912. F. C. SUTHERLAND 8: C0. Melindaâ€"Cor. Jordan St, Toronto Partnership Notice A. E. OSLER CO. .-\. 1'2. ()SLER, (‘.<)I<I)( )N '1‘A\'L(.)R. Financial Agents

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