Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 3 May 1912, 1, p. 8

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(ieorge Lindsay. a well-known pro-, spector, has returned from New York where he interviewed the owners of the Night Hawk Lake Langmuir Co., operating in the township of Lang- muir. Mr. Lindsay was given to un- derstand that. while the company' found it necessary to close opera- tions for a short time, work would‘ Snow be again under way with a more progressive policy than ever. Mrs. L. Christie will in a few days offer the ladies of South Porcupine and vicinity a complete and carefully selected stock of ladies’ wear in the Miller building. Golden avenue. Mrs. Christie has had much experience in this line. and her selections which will be «linplayed in the new premises will comprise the very latest styles in the leading centres of fashion. Fuller announcement 'will appear lat- er. In a reCent issue we published en- gravings of the banking institutions of South Porcupine. In this group the Imperial Bank did not appear. The reason was that at the time we did not have an engraving of the Imperial. but when such is at hand it will afford us much pleasure to publish it. Rev. Mr. McLellan n the Presby- terian church last Sunday evening began a series of addresses on New Testament teaching, and if the fol- lowing discourses prove as interest- ing and valuable from an educational standpoint as did that of Sunday eVening. we may look to see the lit- tle church around the corner crowd- ed every Sunday. Mr. Melellan's talks are certainly pleasant and in- structipe. Harold Cave, one of the popular and competent employt-s of the Cu- balt Nugget. spent a short time in camp the latter part of last week and paid The Porcupine Advance a friendly call. which we enjoyed. Miss A. Baxter, of Cobalt. has been ehosen as teacher for the South Por- cupine, school. her duties beginning last Wednesday. Miss Baxter comes to Porcupine with the best wishes of a large number of friends in the lield «he has just left. and we would ex- tend her a hearty welcome. Sky Bram. proprietors of the I’m- grcss Store, are. adVertising a huge clearing sale. and if one is to judge from the prices quoted on the post- ers some real bargain:- arr awaiting customers. The boxing game in Porcupine 5001118 to have lost all attractiveness for the public. The more room)! at~ tempts to draw patrons to local theatres have met with failure. and it. would appear that only the best- known exponents of the boxing art will here-after sm‘m'e paying houses. 'l‘hc Porcupine Concert Co. is a: new dramatic organization which: will seek public favor in the near iu-l ture. It is composed of some well- known ladies and gentlemen who’ have had considerable experience in} amateur theatricala, and we hr, speak for the new society a success-f iul career when once rightly under! way. I Harold A. Proctor, 0f the Moore townsite, started a gang 0! men to work Wednesday clearing up the townsitc and putting everything in firsbclass condition. J not Wilson. of the flutin proper- ty. is in Toronto on business con. nected with [More operations‘ at the mine. A gang of men are at work lan‘ng sidewalks on various streets through- out the town. Please hurry along this way. What is South Porcupine going to do about a baseball team the war in season 1 Clubs are being mean- lmd all around us. Why not South D. B. Rochester, of Haileybury,one of the best known mining men in the. North Country. is in town foria few days. Mr. Rochester has just re- turned from an extended trip through Mexico. and his report of mininb op- eratiqgs in that rich country is not encouraging. due principally to the unsettled state of afiairs which brought about revolutionary tactics on the part of a portion of the Re- public. For instance no dynamite or explosives of any character are per- mitted to enter Mexico during the present hostilities lest they might fall into the hands of the enemy of the state. Mr. Rochester will remain in camp for a few days. I’nrcupine 7 LOCAL ITEMS : Andy Grierson was transacting fbuaineas and renewing acquaintances [in ('ohalt and Hailoyhury last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller have re- turned to their home in Haileybury after an extended visit to Florida and Cuba. Later on they will take a trip to the Pacific coast. Mr. ‘Mil~ ler was one of the first to enter Por- cupine, and he is one of' the real prospectors whose good fortune will not he beqrudged by those who know him. g )lnor W. H. Wilson. of Timing. ‘went south last week for a few days on business. W. E. Waterman. of Buffalo. is on his first visit to the camp. Mr. Waterman is not unknown in the North, having been heavily interest- ed in Cobalt some years ago. where he has a large eirele of friends. He is simply looking over the situation here. and we would be pleased to learn of his entry into the (mmp, l'nder the leadership of Mrs. A. S. Fuller. at whose home the first meet- ing was held last Pridax evming, the :(osmopolitan Club has been formed in South Porcupine. the membership of which is confined to the ladies. 'Topics of national and international é importance form the theme of discus- sions which are indulged in at the weekly meetings held at the various residences of the members. and the club bids fair to become an import- ant factor in the social and intellect- ual life of the camp. At the Majestic theatre each night is to be seen an exceptionally pleas- ing.entertainment. Aside from the other attractions, the story pictures are of the very best and interesting and instructive character, and the show throughout is Well worthy the large patronage bestowed upon it each night. Go to the Majestic. Policeman Molnuos has tendered his rosi‘mntinn to the Council. to take c-flpct next. Wednesday. Mr. Mclnnes was a faithinl and mmprtont oflivial and his many friends here will wish him suvcm‘s in whatever field he.- may chmm- far future oflm't. John Crawford, the man who has built more roads in the Porcupine district than any other individual in camp. is engaged at present laying town sidewalks. Mr. Crawford is w hustler on this class of work and the Council made a wise choice when it entrusted the work to such an ex- pericnced contractor. R. H. Lamb. mnmlting engineer of the ('rnwn Chartered mine. has returned south after an inspection of the property which he found in excel- lvnt vnndition. \l'. J. Blair. ox-mnyor of New Lis- koard. and well-known in (‘obnlt and \‘ivinity. has been nominated as Con- servativo candidate for the legisla- ture for Sodcowick. Alta. Mr. Blair moved west several months ago. .\'o better choice could have boon made. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bretherton, who have occupied rooms in South Porcupine during the winter months, have taken up their residence in cozy quarters at the Dome mine, where Mr. Bretherton holds the important position of chief assayer. Those who have met Mrs. Bretherton during her stay in town will regret her remov- al, though but a short distance, and she is assured always of a hearty welcome when a guest in town. .‘lru. H. A. l’rm'tnr has returned to town from an extended visit with lriomls and relatives in the l'nitcd Stan‘s. Shh was heartily welcomed by a lawn (-irclo nf her lrimds here. To the (‘ouneil is due the hearty thanks~ of the citizens {or the build- ing of the foot. bridge over Porcupine creek on Railroad street. It is an improvement very much appreciated, and indicates that the town fathers are deeply interested in the work of municipal progress. .\l. W. Summerhayes. engineer of the Porcupine (Canada? Development (‘0.. is in camp in the interests of his rompany. a visit wit! llailoyhury. huslms with S. B Lloyd. of the Dome Exten- sion. is back in camp from I trip to Toront o. Manner McKenzie, of the Dome Lake mine. is in Montreal on a busio nests trip. Postmaster (‘nrr has returned from visit wiih friends in (‘nhalt and ailoyhnry. a Visit which mmhinod Islms with pleasure. Baseball Team For Dome Mine The South Porcupine Board of Trade was not the only local insti- tution to.receiVe letters patent this week. The South Porcupine Athletic Club Tuesday last received ,the char- ter to organize and operate this ath- letic organization. and the list of the charter members is a guarantee that the entertainment furnished will be of the highest order. In placing orders for job printing with The Porcupine Advance we would request that they reach this ofiice as early as possible so that we will have sufficient time to give them proper attention. We are very busy here. if you will pardon us for say- ing so. and it is our wish that work shall be delivered promptly. There- lore give us your order as soon as you can. .1119. Kingston and two little sons, of Latchloub are guests at the Ho- tel Kingston, of which Mr. KingstOn is one of the proprietors. Asked how they liked Porcupine as compared with Latchford. the little fellows re- plied: “Don't like it so well as Latchfordâ€"there's too much mud." Moralâ€"Get busy with the sidewalk question. At a large and enthusiastic meet- ing of the staff of the. Dome Mine held Monday night a baseball team was organized to represent the Dome during the Coming season, and the secretary would be pleased to hear from all other teams in the district with a View to arranging matches, and already reports a communica- tion along these lines from the Tim- mins team, which was organized some time ago. 'l‘homas Lyon. who has for some time represented the George 'l‘aylor Hardware (‘o., has accepted the pa. sition of manager of the Hotel King- ston and commenced his duties Wed- nesday. Mr. Lyon is well and popu- larly known to the travelling pub- lic, and underhis management there is little doubt that the Kingston will continue to be an inviting hostelry for visitors to the Porcupine camp. Clifi H. Moore is in Toronto on business. M. W. Hotchkin, of Haileyhur). is! in the camp for a few days. .lohn Brennan, formerly on the Cobalt police force. has been appoint- ed chief oi the‘ local police stall and has already commenced his duties. The new ottieial has proVed himself eflieient and qualified for the posi‘ tion. and his appointment meets with W. A. Johnston. head of the Nip- issing Stores, in in the camp looking (Wet the various enterprises for the company in and around Porcupine. Commissioner Fred Dane. Zieargc Lee. A. J. Pan and W. A. Grim!) of the T. a X. 0. railway were among those who attended the C. M. llays' memorial sorvive in Montreal Thurs‘ day. Miss Valentine Wheeler. of ”cab real, is the guest of her sis‘er. Mrs. Ben Hughes. The bfiicers of the Dome team are as follows: President, H. C. Meek. Vice-Presidents, Messrs. Hanson, Watson and Henrotin. Manager, J. Ralph Scott. Sec.-Treas., Roy M. Stacktoole. A competent executive committee is now engaged preparing by-laws and regulations and everything will be done to bring the Dome team up to the highest standard of excellence in this really great and exciting sport. A large number of extra men start- ed in the employ of the Dome last Monday, and among other work they will at once put into order a fine lot for practice games and matches. {IVOI .\'cw York 3, Philadelphia. 2. Washington 2, Boston 1. Chicago 5, Detroit ‘2. (All scheduled.) New York 11, Philadelphia 4. Brooklyn 11, Boston 8. Chicago 7, Pittsburg 2. Baltimore 6, Toronto 2. New arko ' ,Rochester 3. Buffalo 4, P10\'idcncc 2. .'lc15(y City 10, Montreal 3. (in iumes played May let: incinnati 3, St. Louis 0. BASEBALL ‘ INTERNATIONAL. AMERICAN. NATIONAL. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE McEnaney Makes Fine New Strike The McEnaney mine, just south of the big Hollinger, has made a new strike of considerable moment. The strike was made at the lower level, on a large quartz lead which had been drifted to some length. The quartz is so plentifully .sup- .plied with gold showings as to indi- cate high values and the ore bed is unusually extensive. It would not be surprising if the McEnaney would pick up some of the Hollinger leads, as the workings now in progress are not. far distant from the big mine. o o o o o o o o . 0:00 :«.«.oo.«:oo. .W a: u “a.” ’00:”:0 0:0 00 ’.« °.« a :“:'O .‘ Baseball SCH Goods ”9; O. O. O. .0 O. O. O. O. O. O. .0 O. O. Building and Mine Supplies Our Specialty. Call, write or phone for prices â€"They will interest you: PROMPT DELIVERY Refrigerators from $8.50 to $30.09 Window Screens from Its tattle Screen floors “ $1.25 to $2.50 complete Toronto Parks lawn lirass Seen 50c III. Timothy Seed, Clover Seed, Poultry Netting, Garden Fencing, Lawn Fencing, Speeding Forks, Garden Rakes, Lawn Hose, Winter Coolers, Florence Automatic Oil Stoves and Ovens, Etc. Bruce Avenue We have an excellent stock of Refrigerators, Screen Doors, Screen Wire and Windows Marshall = Ecclestone Jenkin’s Valves and Fdrnish your home from J. C. McNabb Co’s complete stock of House Furnishings, most complete stock in the Nor- thern Country. Branches Also at Cobalt and Timmins. . McNABB Go. of O O O 0.0 O 0.. O .0 O O H O O O. O O .0 .0 O O O. O .0 O .0 O 0 06 O O N O O O. 6 0 0-0 0 O 00 .0 O O O. 0 O .0 O O O. O .0 O .Q 0 .0 0:“ O. O O O. .9 Seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices O. O. O. .0 .0 O. O. 0 O .0 O .0 O 0.. o '0 O 0...... COO... O.”.OO.“.OO.”.~.OO.«.~.O0.00 3“; “6' O '0 O. .0. o o o o o o o u.«.u:oo:oo.oo.«.“ ' 344*: 1’ Sensation Over Big Breakwater Somewhat of a sensation has been caused by the report that the Gov- ernment will be compelled to rebuild part of the breakwater extension at Quebec city, which cost nearly a milâ€" lion dollars. The whole frontage is in such an unstable condition, it is said,,that a masonry wall will have to be built atia cost of $600,000. It is also stated that the harbor commissioners made representations to the late. Government to this ef- fect, pointing out that the construc- tion was faulty. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hardware and Furniture PORCUPINE South Porcupine Railway Chaim“ I: Is Critically Ill Hon. J. P. Mabee, chairman of the Dominion Railway Board, is ill in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto,with appendicitis. Mr. Mahee was taken iil after the sitting of the board Monday, and his physician, Dr. J. E. Elliott, was summoned. He was immediately re- moved to the hospital and his physiâ€" cian reports that he will be unable to sit on the board for some time. It is understood that his condition is not critical, and it is uncertain as to whether an operation will be ne- ceasary. Canoesél Paddles Bar Iron 8 Iron Pipe limited O.

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