EIGHT “rs. l’. A. Ruhhins Ion an Monday fur Tnnmio and MM? nah-m points Mayor \Vilstm I!" hit! on the noon train Monday for 3 Hum or four days. business visit In Tmm‘o. when «M The mflvrprising Shwkn‘ril how- :1 East" Lilies in 1 Hum wishing tn and u vim-m MY 3'!" lmvknmw ui' c'ignr- rho-s: llYJi. ('luli. «mo lmrrol "3' up. [Iii-s. Hm vignrs "mi 5" Imvknuvs n" I'imlfl‘iil‘a: and aim Ilw goiwrmw gift ul' #5" given by Mr. (‘Imrlos I’ivrm- u shun lilm- sign. Alan thv Knights "1' ('nlumlms zirv prom-Minx: Hu- buys with n gymnasium so! whirl: is wry Illlfl'il iimirwiiuml. Mn and Mrs. Gen. 8.- lawe retume M an Sniimluy last [mm Tut-unto. when: Mr. lame underwent an up"- Minn fur appendicitis. ‘ .\|. .Umnlmm. Mm was in Hm slu- timwry busim-em in Sunâ€: l'urmlpim- in â€w vul'l)‘ days "3' tlu' rump. mm 3! \‘isitur in 'l‘immins «m-r tlw \wrk vml. Sim'o Mr. Ahruluuu's dumtrmrv sunn- tlu‘m' years mm. lw lms bum: in mm- mm: m Yum-mum: lmt "wing tu tlw Wllr lu- was farm.“ in «list-untimu- Iikv nanny utlwrs in tlu- west. It is his inhonliun tn ulu-u :1 business in Tim- lllills in tho meur l'uturv. â€M'. J. H. “\‘kv. Field SI°I-'_\H°hu" IIIIIl |.I---IIIII‘II° lnr .“llw'kukd I†we [Ins- pitul. “ill giw IIII ilhIstIIItml lwturv with IIIIIIvrII \i!°\\$ iII tlu- Miners ' l'uiun llnll ull \\'mluc.~uluy vvuuing. April I", in H p.111. l‘lvm'ymm slmulil Izmir Ilw lN'llll’t‘. II is its own lwsl rm-umlm-mliilimi. It is brightly illus- traitml. immisvly inn-rusting. tlmruly instrm-liw. mninvntly pl'm-limil. .\ mlli-vliun will lw lulu-n up in lllll ul' Muskukn l’rcv llimpitnl l'm' i-uusmup- lM'iN. \ III'II lII'IIkI' um III the Ill'\’- “"1150 III IIII- .\uIl|I â€llIuIIIpsnII IIIiIIc IIlmIIt l II..III SIIIIII'IlIu IIInI'gIIIII ,\\|IIIIII dos- IIIIHIII HIII IIIIIII‘IIII IIL'IIII'I: It wan "III lllldvl‘ mm“! by the \ulIIIIIIIcr lire- lightms n1 IIIII IIIiIIII. HIIN‘} IIIIIl II Stll'illll nI \HIUII planing IIII IIIII build- IIII: III lI-ss IlIIIII Iiu- IIIiIIIIIIIs arm the Ullthl'mlli \IIIs dim-m crud. Homccn $20†and $30" “in I"'U\('l tlIII loss. Go to Suddman's for your 12qu 3rd: and Easter Novelties. UiIk .'\IIIII'I~\\s_. Mm has iIIiIIvIl tlII~ .\IIII-riI-..III lwgiIIII, lI-tt IImII U†the IIImII trIIiII b‘I'iIlnv 101' II \isit tn his IIIIIIII- in â€w Mivhigun Sun. \ lIIIgI: llllllllfl'l‘ III' fl'it‘lldh‘ \\'(‘|'(' at â€I“ Mallinll III 509 him off. and II llllllllu‘l' of Cl]!- plmII-s \\||(I “UlkL‘II IIIIIlII him :II the \.rIIII- HIIIII Mines. \\ III II: hr \\.I.~ slIIH buss. llitlltlt‘t' him (’lHllfllll“ \xlIII II II†IluIIIIt ('Hlltllillt'tl SOIHI' Iulu II III IIII-iI I's‘lI'I'lIl. .\hnnt 23.2â€â€ ull Saturday :Il'terncmn the Fire Brigade were mulled nut. to n «chimney lire \vhieh neeured in :1 Finland lmalrdim.r lmuse. alum! :I stnne Hmnv i'rmn the lire hall. .\ ehmniqul exlinuuisller was used inside the hunse and une stream: “1' \th‘l' was lhrnwn MI the rum. far :I emlplv 01' minutes. The ï¬re eunsishul elliet'ly ut' dense smuke. and very slight. dznn- zwe was dune tn Hue premises. Mrs. "has. (1. Williams rehmml on llnlx (mmmminn (-wrv ‘umlay at 8 :l. m.. alsn nn 1.! Smulm u! numth at. H mm. and «m last. Slolmlny annex (waning svrvim'. Sabbath Selma] Divine Svrvivc Duling Pastor Allan s ahsenm HM m-"niw. “ill hv cundmtul in Mr Longmurc. "H“ Rev. J. Douglas Paterson, Rector I." (I Y ST. 'MATTHBW'S CHURCH TIMMINS Morning l’mymz. H 3.111. Sunday Sc'lnml. 33 p.111. livvning l’rayvr. 7.330 p.111. inplisms anal uthvr survives by arrangmncnt. THE BYRNE’S PRBSBYTERIAN CHURCH HI I I‘Cl Church Notices 'unrN-mmu-f n‘lun "I; 8.)“ mm SUI-IRS \\'r:1.m.\n-z Timmins News in Brief (Empire Theatre) Pastor, J. Maxwell Allan Xirlmlmn n Hartman â€N .\nme by “w (‘lmir has fut ht In“ .‘lr :mmlinu. 90:19am" ï¬rm "1' 'aMI'I nml Hm nwmg clnrimz M m "HP {mm nflmuliu 3' r. 0'. ' IN « imhm Toronto ulim: the 0'. 0'. b‘IP. |\' 22.30 p.11). 4 p.111. um ylll "f dist St IDI‘! Hill. THE PORCUI’INE ADVANCE