Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 19 Apr 1916, 1, p. 7

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. 'The Kowkash Gold Area Well Worth Prospecting WdeMn [mu rather 50mm. “It!" by P... 5. “Wm in I" mm. "P hound ”30 mm T"! In mvur m hm hands. mlh northern and msmwrn mum farmer ”hauling tut ninr mu the 'MIM‘ Norw- milm in an m went Ilirw‘lmn. Tam Inrmnl "Md Inrm‘l) HT rod jnMN-I 'Mmlml. um! mamwlilv. mullsiclemhlo alums“: m‘ Minerals. hm (In-3 arr in!“ With nuwh «Into and sumv err} Nu Mlvvr \HI- y‘aw‘wlfl In Hm ;~|'\- oral samples wlmh wc-rr assay-cl. Thu ‘l't'l‘S nn- nunzl)‘ N‘mmd grcmlh :md mmsisl of Mam“ .Hprmw. puplur. balm nl' gilvu‘d. Mum bird: and c-c-clm'. along Hm rivers m-mhimmll)’ attain- ing 1: climnetw u: two I'm-t. ()n Ilw \vlmlv. those are mailalflv t’ur pulpâ€" wuod uml Int-Jilly fur (ion. posts uml small timber. 'Lurgc- areas have lwvn rvccntly lmrneil. The vast boundary 01' NW Xipigul 1'0er l‘cm‘rvo. whirl! is m»! survcyud, in mapmxinmk-ly uhown nu tlu- "up. The imn «not-uh mm ramp». whirh I’nrks rc-purts an assay \‘alm- "1' $1 lu'r tun m gulcl (rum 3 snmplq- frum Q'ross lukv. In 1mm K. V. Nwlnmh ultlnim‘cl 'NH'CN M‘ an” frmn M'Vl'l‘fl' mmplam mllm-tml alum: Uu- Kuwnsh. kugnmu rlwr ulum- Hmmrd :‘nlls. "adds. “ml in "'15 In! tn lerfl. panic-Mars ul' Mail-h arr gin-n lwluw. The pruspc-c-turs 1m. busily mango-cl m Hm rvgiom Iml u-nuugh prmln-Mim: has "M )M hum chm" In pruw NW proslwvls. A fvw ppm-ks ['3 2: men In quartz. \‘rnes gravel mt. Quartz wins marrying: 2"ch \‘nlmu in ports "I" the arm lmu- lwon knmvu fur samu- limo. [aruvularly 1mm Hu' Vmfinmmit Inkn art's. A. H. .\. lh'lbinmn. m 1mm, uMaim-ul an 033:!) return nt‘ 95'" mm“ per km l'mm u win nu the we.“ «hat? "1' Summit lake. Anutlwr aamplv nu the LII)- river. hm milm t'rum Summit. Ink». )‘ie'dt‘d $2.30 Hf cum "'1' hm. \V. A. I’M-ks ro-purts an assay mlm- nt‘ $1 pot tan in gnlcl Irnm a sump-Ic- fmm A 'thh'l‘ Hf pyrilr. ulmm ”Irm- l'(!et m-rcms, wua rope-rim! I'mm a paint “hunt NV“ miles unrllnvvsl “1' Palm stuhun. “'00“de from ins. issue, Manic Geology. “3‘ ntiw c'nmm!‘ \H'I'c' "NW NW 'l'uslmm 1hr chief mineral M. but "no" mu din: fur imn m mu ranges. m r nine miles In a in an past an r fnrmnnnn 1 rod jMpvr. 11ft:- mammal m in W"? and m furflm'inu Hm (mam milled 8mg]! "Iris of mun'ry an suitable fur agrirnlhmll purposes. \Vhite‘flth. pith-rel. pike. makers and Monk Inmt are plentiful in Hunt- wnlrn. The rapids nu the Kuwait. kmmn river and the numenms The main M'rilwll n! I llmlcls.â€"---Tla- urigiiial culil llml whirl. vmisml ihv rush In ihv area “‘03 iliiuli- nu lhv llmhln' c'lnlm. T.". 242”. alrml ilirmuqaarh-n out‘ a mile east 0f "H“flril l'alls. "ll llll' Kaanshkn- gama river. 'l‘lu- quartz win slrikvs lll «Ii-grow smith ul' (‘Ilsl aml clips 75 Ill'gfl'i's in lhv imrih. llius mal'urmim: in strike aml illp Willi llll' i-mmlry rm-k. Ha llw surl'aw. llu- \'('ll| Wllll'll in mm in the inc-hm whlv. awram-s llll‘H' im'hm iii \\'l¢llll. Thi- quartz is suimm'hai glansy in amwaraiic-u aml largvly i'rm- l'rum sulphides. All almmlam-v ui' I'rw gulol m-c-arrml for four nr llw- I'm-l alum: ilu- lmagim: wall part "3' (hr min. “ii the imrlh each «f the will is a riisly m-hisl haml six inc-hrs \viclv whirh is heavily imo prognaiml with inm pyrih-s. 'l’lu- wall rm-k is pilluw lava (nu-ia-lmsall) ht "his“: whirl: mum much- nu ”I nlmm ”If!“ NIH-rm] in plum-s tn svltiai. NIHIH'I’HH.“ quartz pul'phyl‘)’ clilu-s up 1H Hui”) t'm-t widu m-rur cm tlw rluim. 'l'lw c-lnim was upIinm-cl by 'II. 3. Vuldm-ll. ut' Lamar!” Hut. mul Mt'sal‘h Franc-r and “run. Hu Hc-tulu-r 23rd Hu- \‘vin luul lu-vn sll'imwd fur 1“" I'm-l. vxpusillg IWH spa-vies uf gulcl In- ward HH- m-ah-rn NHL and n H-fuut pi! Inml I’m-u sunk. In sinking. tlw ~lmwing ni' i‘rw guld clisuppvurml in :1 NW I'm-t. .\t tlu- lmttum of flu- slmt't tlw win is hm invlws widv with 1! fun! ul‘ pyriluus svlnist ull llu- font wall. but Im gnld was \‘isihlv. A «'lmmwl snmplv :u-russ hwlw- invlws ut' the pyritmm svhist from the but- Imu of llu- slml't gm'v am assay 01' $2 'in «gold. Work was suslwmlml curly pranks NI unn‘r Slur Description of Gold Claims. blendturltlnntv nam- "mulch h Hm river "Its. mnkitm a tmr. mnyomolikr gnaw futtflu'n rlmins W. J. Wilmn tmtm that tho .. is t‘num twenty In thirty fret . tmcl llw \flth'r Jo's-wads in 2mm: slides \‘nryimz t‘mm «no to the I river and the hummus . enteritis! the river are famed cir syn-Hod tmut. same of are hm feel ill length. mnkt Lfl. {III small mid" rut an "no ri fullqu The u an excl-"r all here I here lurin- I'K‘fl if 8W“! thkammm rn-m m water "Mar 3 mus-ml hy a rulm' Hitting" c-ln'm ifi’ih'cl nn' ch WM "ir‘ardmn-Vnudnnlhflrio -- "tif- in! the first week in October. mm. ("kl m (and on claim T. I! 2599 Mar "99 RM rapids on Hw- Runs!» hum. river Maw We junction «1‘ hfinm omit. The mum: win is murmw. awaiting «hunt hm inc-hes in Width «we? a lens"! of 2’00 fee! [rho vein strikes sun“: 55 duh-es ms? énml dips nhmII 70 dogma I" "w n Natm‘ n. H is reputed I rung-meals have been made In ’50?va s'mfl. ("Innlc-upyrilv. pyrilv mu! vlmlmwih' arr dismninntnl Hvrnuglmul Hu‘ mfly quartz. le mum!“ hul. is "man-2w. gm". nut-ml Kmmmin Ilill'mw. Dovmmoy.â€"Un nm-uunl n2 nhluiw ing \‘isihlv gum and high aways 2mm tlw Dmmmm rlnim. m-vr 'lmlwm.‘ 3‘. "IN!“ WNW "I. KIHV!‘ 22*!2 Shl‘lull. us mm-h flaking has cum- "I! "mum! Tnslmln mt nnmml tlw hmlc'lu urn- wrh. Tlu- Dmnnnm vlmm. ".l ".2650. IN Mum! um' and n qmlrh'r miII-s north 0! Tnslmtn smtiuu om Ilw mn'tln \ws! ulum‘ ul' Tnslmlu Imkv. 'I'lw win strikqos «mm till «lo-2m». um! and dil N Irum 5" ho 7" «hour I'm-s 2n Hu- mutllwut. le win is lvntic-ulm‘. .\lvl"au'|mw-Muniun. '.\l milmlgv 54.2% \u-st n!‘ (h'aml. ur I'uur milvs must "1' Hmlnmml nu tlw Iml'HI sidv uf Hu- truvk un vluim TM. 2722. is u quartz- vnlvitc- win. hm tn Hm t’m-t widv in u Km-wutin m't-vnstum- wlnivh is said tn I'I'III III I'IkIIs IIIIIIIII IIII III'uII'IN I'II~I IIIIIII IIIIN II’IIIII 5" III III III‘RII‘I" III IIII‘ IIIIIIIIIII'II-II. TIII‘ \(‘III Is II'IIIII'IIIIII‘. \III'\III'..' IruIII II I'I-II IIII'IIIN "'0 III IIIIII II‘I'I III IIIIIIII. IIIIII IIII\IIII.' IIII II‘I'I‘IIL’I'I \IIIIIII III II IIIIII III’ IIIIII‘I'. II I‘IIII III" II’III'I‘II IIIII-rIIIIIII‘IIII) I'IIr IIIIIIIII IIIIII I'I-I-I. ”IIII- IIIIIII‘IZ III milk). III IIIIII-Imi rush. and IIIIIIIIIIIII II “Mn ""0 gIIIII. II II-IIIIrIIII- III I'IIINI'II'IIIIIII' IIIIIIIIIIII. IIIsII IHI‘III' IIIIII III rrIIIIIIII-. .\ 'IIIIISII-I I'II ‘IIII‘IIIII' III III" ("1' IIIIIIII~I IIIIII IIII‘I‘I" IIrI- IIIIIIIIIIII\ IIII‘I‘I' II'IIIII'IIII‘II [III'M'III.I 'I‘IIrI-I- IIII'I'I's III' IIIII'IIIZ I-IIIIIIIIIIIIII: III sIIIIIII IIIIIHIIIII III ”IV II-IIIII'IIIIII min-I I'I‘III gIIII‘ $27.50 III gIIIII III IIII' IIIII. 'I'lIIo \I‘IIII I'IIIII; III II KI'I'WIIIIII grmm- IIIIIIII' I-IIIIsIsIIIIu III' I'IIIIII'III‘. I'IIII'III' N'ul gmv 53mm 111 gum In ”W um. 'l'lu- mull I‘m'k is u Kc-kutin grm'n- stum- c-unsislinu ul' t-Mnrih'. mlrilv and quartz. Quartz purplnyry dikes m-vur ull llw c-luim sum] in llu- \‘ivinity. 'l'lu- littlv lrvnvlning that has lwou dmw slums tlw prnspwt in hv an in- tvrvsling unv. n om Ilw Imrlll I j;! .. n Imkv. “who; ’grmu mm «ml 0 W" warm-s In ”W $6.‘ is Ivmic-ulm‘. INN II]! In I'nur mg nu m'vmgv .1 rv. It mm ln'l m PORCUPINB ADVANGD " IBIIIBI PIPER III]. uI ar- I “IV KIIIIEIIHII :ll‘t‘zl. I'IIIIIIII‘NIIu IIINI .ur IIIIIII- ~IIIIIIII- IIIIIII-s. Is IIIIIIIIIII gm- HugIIIIIII In HHII‘!‘ IIIIH'H‘III (IIIIIIrIII l\I-I-I\IIIIII IIII-II~. I'IIr ilflfillllm'. I’III'I-II- IIIIII'. III ”H‘M' M’llifitflfl' rm'ks quartz 'IVQ'IHH IIrI- IIIC'IIHHII. (iIIlIl. III this IIIIII‘ly sIIIgv. I~ l\"”\\" III lw widvl)’ IIIIsIrIIIIIII-Il. 'l'lw IIIIIIIls \‘I'III (‘HIIHIIII- 'I-II II small III-II 'MM‘kC" III “I". IIIIII IIII- IIIWIIIIIII-y \‘I-iII I'Ill'l'il‘s II II°I|IIrIIlv in IIIIIIIIIIIIII In gum. I‘IIIIIIIgII WIII‘k IIIH nut IN'I'II IIImIo III III'IIVI' IIIIII ”Iv gIIIII III-I-III‘II III IIIIyIII: IIIIIIIIIIIiI-s. 'l’rus- [M‘I'IIIIL' I4 suIIII-WIIIII IIIINI‘II“ in IIlIIvvs IIII III-I-IIIIIII.III' IIII~ III-Iwy HVI‘I‘hIH'IlI'II \I'IIilIo ”HIP? IIIII'III III'I- I'III-ky and ham- 0". Wm II'IIIIslIIII'IIIIiIIII ffll'ilnil'fi Ill‘(° MI-I-llI-III IIII III-I-IIIIIII III' IIII- railway and I-IpII-IIIIIII \I'IIIIII‘WIIys. TM arm Is \I‘III'IlIy III' IIIurIIIIglI III‘IIS'M‘PHIlgo Whit"! iI IIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIly will I'I'vI'II'I- during IIII- running: sIIIIIIIIor. III-shim an“. H“. [IrIISIII'vIIII‘ HIIIIIIM III' IIII ”Iv lImkIIIII I'IIr IrIIII IIIIII pyrite. vl' wm. gum lmm'. «MW 1'... H. m-Mrc- "1' win. 1 wt "mm: NH. 1!. 1';- pm't M' will. mmtniniu $6.0", silH-r nmw. nmulmll‘ mc-h wm M‘ ; vur Ilw I'cmt mull. C'hi vr assay taken: in three mnil mu! Immnwr MI I ”w IMHMII 0" Ilw [til ms: N". I. 1';- H. lmm: I’ win. 2'»ch nmw. silwr Hfllfl llllfll Blll ll HEW lllll Conclusions. they can enjoy 3 mm- nmamn. and have at- . first annual bill In N ivz‘zt "f .‘lnmlay. A vfil ‘mnpany's new Pulir lumen! an that magi"?! small 7" «It'urws I‘l‘t‘s (u ”w llurHI. 1 ul' gnlmm "vs-um ('himml smnplvs Irma sm'limu With ‘ m'mss llw win “Prim! pit g“ singing ‘ IIHIH‘; .\u. 1.5. 'nM $1.2". sil- ill. fun! WI!" .' smlvlm. 2"ch ”‘5! int“ Hm! it is \‘P ll! lnl‘ wall _ part a suit ave fl" {HI I" 3"“ ”ll ? I" The paper makers haw now go! In Monday night I nemmhlo one for wet-yum having the (and {onune to he present. Mr. V\. P. Mrlml rhino lenders. is I‘nmmmoe. and he 11 m his Pffufls In null mm. We have | Huh: nf NIP l-‘iromm just pn‘vmlu m inc starting. but is somewhat on ‘ mad» with the vnriuus huh-ls nn 'l'uwnsilo In armnmmlnlv ”w l Immlwr nl‘ Indira mu! mullvmvn «1" nrmo in. hm if Ilw umfllr purIiom ul' tho \‘isilnrs 'lflH‘ tn up with n liltln hit «1‘ rmmlim: name” 3‘ wnwum'. .\ mm. will Ivaw Irmmuis l’ulln m 7.30 «m tlw mmnim: M' "w 25211 fur «mum-lions 31m”! and u" ”w l’urt'u- piuv "rum-h. mu! m 12.45 pm. Mr Nurlh nml (hr l’urrnpim‘ "ram-II. .\ wry nnjnynhlv night is nnlirio pmml mul wv mnlvrflnnd mw ut' Hm flmmt nrvlwslrns uhhlilln'lh' Ims 'wvn vnmmml fur ”I" nw'nsiun. RHQH‘ Empire Theatre, First Episode, Wednesday and Thursday ill be. we trust. "My A mnm'monls many surh M Hwy ammmh pulp mm ,Uvitihi I’nwrt an swim: and turning \\' "donut «no 0' a di pulp and h rit"s! mun TNT!“ 3W! It Im miml tl MT!“ lm-n Imhnn the lm“ e M Isa"! m‘ullN ml twp" Man! 1 PM!" ('0- as! 31'!" Mk VIII”? um I‘ “3‘ "NI nous: sums ll ' umuw Inwusm mm mm was slnl t he "N "I! i was M) 'lva um lmc-kml i plc-tml. The large frame house. pmprfly of Mn. Sailors. was Onlully «It-sings“! Ivy Mr at noon on Saturday laal. Tl“- firo slam-d dawnslairs and it is be- liowd was due In shwwpiln‘ «Inning n'wmhuns which vote in pmgrvss at ”w linw. and Mr. R. Wot-rill win» was olning Hm wurk was in Hm upstairs mm" lm'n I will will: "I" RN Shir." must flmu! Ilwir m: in pretty quic '39 u" Mm 139”! 1 un lmm! In rvm III I“ m the lmnsc when I fled. "v and llnmiltun wlm lmd sou‘ml vl' lmsw «403(- 0! hand and was :1" a drum! of water «m H"- "91ml lu-m-y ulw. Mrs. Sullvnt In Ivnn‘ fur ”Iv sum”! and uf lu'r 'u-rsumll (‘H‘m'ls «I all nrramgmm-Ms rum- 3mm: ”P sustainml slight g his mmpo. Val!» urn-«Ming Hw flames In Mr. (‘rnwl‘unl‘s . ‘- lwmhy. Wm gwrn hy [3' quick linw. Alan 139”: "an“ch m-n- :u romlvr aid. Tlu' 'lo \wrt' cm the ammo smurlm‘ss. 'l‘lw Inns .‘ mw. Mrs. 50"?” SEVEN rulanam upstairs 4‘ '80

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