Bowling Games "man's Imwung mum aurrnu. up anind a big pmywniï¬nn cm Wednes- day night wlwn Hwy tank cm the "a" limp:- I'm! "quantum! in n tenqvin matrh. The mimrs put a good load in the ï¬rst mum- lmt anu's rattle right back in the second. cutting down the IN“! in 37 pins. 'mI HIP rust Departmrnt rvnlizml that it lakrs ht" nim-s ul‘ hrrml m make a wfl'oct piorm uf sandw it"! "" v ‘ ‘- sandwirh 90 Hwy «lamml an an extra thirk slice in the last mum and the "meat" bermm‘ almnsl invisihlo Whm Hwy pilm! up a 90 pin lrml mu! flnishml 12: MIN tn the gum]. lh-Mc-N 43mm C'mvk . l'lnm . “mm-ml BBBKERV PIBKEU HI WIN MABMHIIH M BflSIllN Ill-BAY 1 'm'mwlmc Dom-ml . Mm'llvr . Nugh' . Hurts WORLD R.BCORD-â€"~ FEW CAN- ADIANS IN RACE-JAMIBSON THE INDIAN WILL START. \Vinuing tlu- Hustnll Muruthun :Ilmmst ussmm-«I tlu- prupnrtiuns habit with t'umuliun rumww. year l‘hlmml Fuhrv. ut' Muntrvul at largo hand at tlu- lwst lung-«list port‘uruu-rs in .\llll'l't('tl cm-r tlu Iuilo mm‘sv. l’mt lw was nut tlw Muplt- lmut' \wurvr tn :wvuluplisl nhnm-st “BSHIIH'II the prnlmrtiuus n!’ it habit with ('zmmlimi rumwre. Lust yt'ar i‘iiinln'ci Failin'. Hi. Mullll't'ui. IN] :1 lnrgt- hand 01' tlu- lwst lmig-«listmu-v porfurim-rs in Amvrim cm-r â€iv :27)- Iuilo vmirsv. I’m! he was nut tlu- iil's’i anli- Iwin' mum-r tn :m'muplish ilw trivk. nut by u lung margin. 'l‘nm lunglmut ,imnpml intu fume win-u lw used his lung: dusky lwdiil vxlrvmitic-s t0 sm-li gum! :idvzintugv than luv u!- 91X Pan's hurling loam stcrkod up a big prmwniï¬nn cm Wednes- IM wiwn Hwy tank no the NHL Post lkmflmml in a â€mph: The mimn gm a pond load cm Department I 17! HI ll? 9" . ll? 1:!" Brazen mu lit†(â€Ii II II N H (“35‘â€" 1961 nu Ils 16:3 IL!" mm! «liflam'od his nmmitivm sumo ms «mm at m: I your! sign. Then Jim INIH‘)’. whu mud Hue deht lw owed his nmntry by giving up his ymmc life ï¬ghting "minpwhrn in Franm." "5“" “P 70""an In the funk-tops nf Hie "nan. Ky‘dm-s- d8â€. who is mm su'diefing wilh "1‘" ""L ('umain Tum Flanagan's Swift-men's ""4“" Battalinn. Slwning. Vane-r)“ and N3" '1‘!"cher unmhlo stalwarts of Ilw mad . . lunar-1.--..." 1...". animal Mum and lnumls n 3mm Hts Ha llz'. ' Indian mum is n Itwmlu‘ stntiunnl n‘ i‘urkfl'y M. I’munliu'v. and «m “mi :1 Mt" in "'0 n P l Hm “I“ “.0 I'd M ‘1 Ll“ ll (‘uriu-ry cxlwvts in ciiiplivzitv his Uhl ('miulz'y sm'm-ss in Hip Hush." I'm-v. llv is in 'N'Ht‘r nillllw than he illis hm-u at any time during his vnrrm'. and hurting: iIC't'idQ'Hih. shuuhl ("DIIH' huim- in Hunt. lm mum-r ilHW vial») lho' iivlti uppna‘mi in him. ('ur- kvi'y run third M liustun in 1910. hm hv has h-urnmi a grim! ch-ail sim-t- ihvu. (m that m-c-usiun ill' run wild in thv; vurly Manges uf â€It? raw and haul nu- Ihim: h-l'l in ï¬nish with. Wlwu tho .l‘nl‘umn hwy \s‘ull liw Spul'iillg Lift“ Murnthuu in I'luuhuul in 1912. mul mmlv u mwhlk rm-unl fur tho :2“ mih-s 2:85'yurils. lu- run at lwrt'wlly .illtigl'il raw. Fur wwks ha-furv ihv ('VPlii ('nptuin I'Ilwmul llughvs. whu rum'hwi him and who will hm'v him in vhargo zit Huston. {mined him in run mu-h mih- ul 3: hiX-lllilluit' vlip. 'l'hait (‘nrlu'ry heuoliltwi hy his in- slruvtiuus iH‘ iudimitml in the rave CANADA Wu m a nu st ruvt inns I!" nnmme Sllllvulns u. .m u-.. mo have gained fame and Inurels the big raw. Today "10 "0910" event will be u again. and «mung Ilw entrants v: Arthur Jnmirmn Hm well knuwu dinn rumwr fmm “'mulstm'k. I'lm n momlwr nl‘ NW 205th Huttaiinn Miunml M llnlmlhm. and "Jim" nrkvr)‘ nf tlw I30â€! (Mmflsmen's) :Hnliu‘v, 1‘va nro' a shifty pair mmmuu his! ho is nmv 90mm Tum Flanagan's 9| I. aning. 1'51 ‘tnMe stalwarts of \1- mined fann- n Indian for Spam f0 w r rN'unls Huh rmh His Best Race ms WHII lltflfl)‘ w ymrs. inch vun mu! awn-r â€0 was nnlvr “; mmwmlml l'ur mnw anwnsiun lms 1mm “1- Will an Imus! start if lu- flows NM “lid llu- hi! hm fur fur him will aim.- (‘urkvry u tussle- n was vnlvrm [mu your hut Mun (went will be «mung the run-ants "mm â€W we“ knuwu 'um “'mulslnck. wlm â€w 205â€! “Mlalinn is shmlld run «no. Iurnm‘o contest. . rogrt‘! n! puheu't‘i'lml 'l'lw lndiml 1 "I "in \H‘ull invlmhm: Ilw M'vml Hamil. "rt-II in â€w mt did lint As a mat not hoyuml 2r!" Hf Ilia m'rihml lu- lndinn Lml mom I" mum- BY-LAW NU.58' Where» the Council of the Cor- ponuon of the Town of Tannin: dwflls in he in Hm infnï¬'si of â€w 1'urlmmlitm and nf Hm rmidonh mefl' and In I» mlvisnhlo In vnlor -inlu an Acmmvnl fur Hw mmdrmn Hon. "parafï¬n" and main'onunro nf n Tcloplmno $3.9m. within Hm limits of â€w said Q'nrpprntifv‘n. BEING A BY-LAW 1‘0 AUTHORâ€" IZE TEE EXECUTION 0? AN AGREEEENT BETWEEN THE POROUPINE TELE P H 0 N E int-r. In. Hll' in 33", :3 ll dulv. A! IN: making up a â€w szmw smi his tinu- m 1.2mm. ll..- tlu- t‘mmh s isluing thv 2! Tim 233 mi whivh is at full linw t’ur vmwtst as t‘ullnws:â€"â€" I. That the prupvr utflvvrs nt' tlw said .‘lmnivi'mlity an. lwn'hy mnpmv. arm] and mttlmrizml. In Month utt lwhnlf ut' tlw mid t'unmmtinn an Agrl'emt'n! in â€w t'ut'm In-t‘vtttult‘r 9M furth whirl: has been mm! at the pn» smut Meeting botwm‘n tlw l’nrvupinv Telt'phutu' Linvs. Intuitml. am! the ann. and In «His tlu- t'nnmmtq- Sm! 01' the said Tum: tlu~n~tu:---- 'Ilk6;"tiaeféfo_fé the Municipal Cor. poruion ofuthe Town of Timmtns. this .-\.|).. IN“ Fliï¬b'ti'rimn TELEPHONE muss. LIMITED. “1"“1‘Pll \vlu 'liiu' 2.3." unit's Wilts ruu'rw‘ in 3.130.011 whic-h is :I \mi‘ld's n-mrd. whilv his full timv I'ur tlu- Glisiilllm' was 2.! huurs 2:6 minim-s mu] 4 m-vumls. ('m'kvry's sum-d and stamina mm |w mingml by tlw I'm-I Hm! lu- rxm lhv lzlai milv muli 3:35 yards in faster limv Hum Iu- «lid tliv initial 1.7150 yank. Hc- luul mi «in .w. as ('. \\'. (iilvlmm. tlu- 5mm»: uwv Jm wr. H: .U'ric-am. wllu mum in :s'vc'nlld. was awn-r fur mm)’ and was nul) lwnlon 20 rm'nm‘s‘. ('ul'hfl'y (“d lm‘ knuw tlmt lw was Irvin: so» .4â€me vlmswl. as ling-hrs. Mm l‘ulluwml him in am nutulnuhilv. mmld Hut nllmx him tn lunk ammncl. hm kvm him plugging away. ('ullu-I'y mu M'NIIIII in Jim Huffy “In." 110 made :1 \mrlcl's 11mm! in thv Hzlluihuzl llt-l'uld l':H't' in 19133. 'l'lu- fullmvinr: your luv mm the (-n-nt, lwnting Jumivsnn. mun": â€ï¬‚u-rs. Memorandum of Agreement mm 1'. :3 mm Im: M hm unlm r up at mun mm fur “w m- m the 15-":in “1' did mo! hm h shmc- ul' “ii m2: c INN â€H \‘(W tilt ny u m Im- "mum THE PORCl’PINE ADVANCE 'H' II!‘ b-Imh h 'UL mm- mm mum Ilv mum-rm! m-x! Hw milvs. n m "‘1' Shilliticm "I In um mu- 5! “w milw pus! lell)! :1 u vulul Ill julll'lu‘ ) . “II- 39.3". Ih 1- his THE MORAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 01‘ 11mm. and m"! Iinll ul‘ tlw limits n' run-4'"! ul‘ ' lw H'slmlui'o mac-In rmmwn all night 'l'vlc'plmlw M'I'\'H'I'. m-c-tiun will: its l-leumm- in .uwu. um! :4 mil "pa-I‘nh‘ and its sysh-m in nw-ul‘clmu-o- will! llw pruvisium ul‘ 'lw â€Mm plume AN and Aim-unhm-Ms as supply tn it. "S" 5. 'l'hi-i aurm'an'n: ~ha|| rxtmni l'urg a [Mind "1' MW )‘t'fll'S t'ru-In thi- First day m' Jana. .\.|’. WI“. and «hiring l .v said |wrnul Ha- 'l‘uwn agrm-s that it will nut give in any ln-rsun. iirm ur ('unuvany. any Iimvnsv nr pvrmissiun la new any highway. sqaarv ul‘ pn' lic- piam‘. within lhv “mils-t ui' tln- 'i'mvn. far the parlmsv ul' plan-in: in nr npan, nu-r ur under. any n!‘ Mlvil highway. squan- ul‘ pnhlio- Maw. any nah-s. «Innis nr win-s I'ur iln- pm‘gmsv ul' var- ryiag an a 'l'vlvphum- hasinvss. (3. Thu! nut during ~v. ("tall' (3. That the saitl ('untpany shall. nut daring tln- lt‘l'ltt ul' tlu- saicl l't'an- -(~. ("-nt'gt' tnnt't- than $25.0†pt-t' mnnnn fur a l'(‘.~‘l(l('ll(‘l' 'l'vh-phunv. and nut tnm‘v than $-l.‘3.tttt 1wr aatnnn fur a hn~inu~s 'l't-h'phnnv t'nr ï¬rst year and $10.00 t'ut' remaining t'unr yvars. 'l'lw (‘nntpany t'nrtlwr agrm-s that all, ralls lN'th't‘ll thv 'l'innnins aml Svhn-t xnavhvr l'lxt-lnumvs. shall lu- free. and that it shall nut vhargv amrv than 'l'vn vents pvr t'all l'ur llw llt'st 'l'ltt'ct'3 tninntvs and 'l'yvu vents l'ur t-avh atlcli- tiunal lnlltltlv l)('l\\',('(‘ll tlw 'l‘iannins anal Sunth l’urvnpinv lim-hangvs. "l'ht-sv rah-s Hllilll ttul apply lu Minvs 'l'vlvphunvs and tlw Minna; 'l‘vlvplmnvs shall lw vxvtnpt train all tulls urigin- ating at Minvs hctwm-n 'l‘innnins and Sunth l’urvnpinv. ’ayna-nl t'nr rental "1' t'ositlcncv and hnsinvss 'l‘vh-plmnvs lu be payable hall yearly in atlvanvo, and paynwnt ut' 'l‘ull chargvs lu he .paitl ttpnn tlcliyvt'y nl' hill then-fur. T. .\'nt\\'ithstamling_r anything: mn- .lainvtl in Stwlinn '30 ul' (lvn. \'., v. lel. 7. .\'ut\\'ithstaiulin;: anything: mm? tainml ill vatiun '30 ul' (ion. \'., v. 32!. The t'mnpany c-M'vnants and agl'vos that it will nut, llltlkt' any applivatinn In the â€Marin Railway aml )lnniri- pal llnai'tl tn invrvasv its rates and rentals as hort-inlwt'uru sot nut «luring lllv lwt'iml “I. this l"l'umthis(‘. S. 'l'hv t'mnpany shall «luring: tln- ‘il‘l'lml of this .\;.:rm-nwnt maintain its 'l't-lrphunv Systvin in at lt-ast as gliml :ltnl vllit'it‘ltt t'ululiliutl as it is a tln- pi'vst-nt tinw and shall matu- ‘snvh aclcliliuns aml iiiipi'ux't-iiwiits ltlwi'utn as illt- l'vqnirmnvnts nl' the! lawn may «lvniantl. H. WhurvH-i' in this Agrm-nn-at imfler “Ila! Ibo “l‘omvutx'â€. "f the First Pa“. ’nrp "I" MINI H 'r pnhlir plnm‘ Nahum! In N! «I Hm Mpmm The t'mnpnny shall imlvnmil‘y saw lmnnlcwt. the Town. its um. um! srn‘mlts. 31mm all mnnm'l' of dmungv. injnrivs. mils. vlnims damage-s. nu m-mum 0f tlw amid Mann Sync-m. vitlwr in Hm vrmn ur nmrmiuu Hu-rvï¬f. Her rifled "to "Town". m the 8mm! l’afl TI ('nmpzmy «lmll nut rmmwv. m. any Sluulo 'l'n-v. within "1‘ HM- ‘I'mm. witlmut tlw 'I'IHVII Mv I‘HI‘ ‘M. NH! mummy shall mninï¬nin tm dri'lmm- M'I'Vivi'. m mm- its l-leumm- in tlw mid mll "pt-raw and "Miami" : m-c-urclnm-c- will: mc-II ul' "-4 ul' flw â€Marin Told!- nnl Aim-udnu-Ms â€WWW. am ‘mm. \nllmul uw ‘uum-il. and 33m" ll «lmnmm' tlmnuzh m: ur triunning. Franchise. y slmll clm'ing Hw grvvnwnt maintain mm in an Imsl as vuzuiitiun as it is w uml almll Illilkt' uul imprun-mvms luv Um no.“ A" until «an. hm am «a 0mm 0.0000000. 00.“ You gvt all Hum» munimmoms and lu‘ltvr dull )0" :4 t a {diam ll!“ is Illlfonmt lmm tlw usual maul) 411ml» slum. l‘) jamas and 3m llnlm mmlo umlw similar umclil'umt. HOBBERLIN TAILORING { ’ OQOOOOOOOOOOOQO:OO900000900606000OOOOOQQO‘OOOOOOOOO Steam-Fitter. Sheet. Iron Worker. Cornice and Sky-light Maker. Smoke Stacks Made to Order. AGENT FOR. BBCLA HOT AIR. FURNACES. ESTIMATES SUPPLIED FREE. M" Y!“ Brazeau, T Immlns EVER REALISH WHAT A TMU‘RED‘ TU MEAN'RI’. ï¬lllRT MEANS :‘ P.O. Box 262. The Ford Runabout Price $480 In“ can» In“ In. “MADE IN CANADA†Ioujmrifl Phone .51. Timmins