AMI SURVEY OF HOLES FURNISHED If REQUIRED IElEPflONi 62 "III†HUNG Dominion Diamond Drilling Company Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund - PELFC Hall-"LAND. Preu'Jmt E. HAY, General [Manager Darts. Money Orders and Letters of Credit issued. available throughout the a ‘0 WOIld. Dulce: in Government and hiumcipal SCCUUUCS. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic [{xrhange. Savin 3 Department at all Bum e3. ' 1 Interest Credited Halt.- lJ "‘1 v ' noun ‘ yeatly at Curtent Rates. General Banh'ng Business Truman“! K. I". DaLUNG blanaï¬er Timmina. Out. “ R0 dllCtiOR a ndTllEfl: The war is now turning on a contest of all forvcs and resourcesâ€"men. munitiuns. fund. money. The call to all is to produce more and more. It may be flm‘t‘fl‘x‘u‘)’ to unrk harder. The place of those who enlist must be taken by those at home, men and women. old and young. The more we produce the more we can saw. Prmlurc more on the farms and in the gardens. Save more and help to win the war. in this war-time all Inlmur should be directly pro- ductive or should be assisting in production. Make it as efï¬cient as pn»ihlc. If your labour is on something that can be pastponcd. put it off till after the war and make yourlabour toll nmv. Making war is the ï¬rst business of all Canadians. Efï¬ciency in labour is as inmrtant as cflxcicncy in ï¬ghting. CORE BORING SOUNDINGS CONTRACTORS LIMITED South Porcupine us PRODUCE AND SAVEâ€"- US NOT WASTE OUR LABOUR"-* THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPART~ TO win the war with the decisiveness which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire will require to put forth its full collective power in men and in money. From this viewpointit is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our productive exertions and by exercising rigid economy. which reduces to the minimum all expenditures upon luxuries and non-essentials. Only in this way shall we be able to make good the loss caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from indus- trial activities. repair the wastage of the war. and find the funds forits continuance. It cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest burdens of the conflict still lie before us. and that industry and thrift are, for those who remain at home. supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulï¬lment "U-v .‘-'-â€"'-- our success. (In-dnéons'equc'ntly oï¬r national safety; may ultimately depend."-â€" Silt THOMAS WHITE, Minister of [Gunman Jr. 8. 803W. Ml! mmoocomn 2.0mm. m><m zomm. 2.23 [60% mnfloï¬zï¬ m><m 35335 «no: <<>mam. mmeU ZOZm< <<_mm_.<. .NK 80X 506 Empire Theatre, First Episode, We vr'ay and Thutsday T. MOSLEY WILLIAMS, Hotel Connaught S. Porcupine The Great West Life Assurance Company “Prepardness Might Have Prevented The War†P | I 1 l" ‘ h M )r n N . I, H r H ( . x ‘) r \\° ! . 1’). ' “k in g ! lif‘ C“ n "I i" varumvzml Ill llu Begin at home. The larger portion of salaries and wages is spent on the homeâ€"food. fuel, light. clothing. Are any of these things being wasted .’ 8'. ’.000 a year sued from waste in any home in ( ‘zmadt will more than pay the interest 011 a war debt Aâ€"-\A AAA 1“-.. of 85m.()(X),(Xl). time? Tens of thousands of Canadigns are daily risking their lives {or us at home. Is it not our duty to be careful and economical? Canadian dollars are an important part of the war equipment. Make them tell. Have a War Savings Account. Buy a War Bond. LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALSâ€" CV) u spending your monm to the beat adxan- (age? $ hat do you think of cxtravpgancc in _u;r LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY-- Full p..rticulurs upon mun-:1. THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE l'() r (. upi ll ‘0 strict by THE PORCUI’INI: AIDVASCE tm murw it vmnld be easier LI stay 9 Ilt hem"! and shout. ;.\ml attend â€w Red t‘mss danm and ' rhI-I'r when the boys mafvh out. But that about that still small I'uico ‘ that “his†mrs in V0“? earâ€"- "The "1|er at‘l' claim: â€I?" C‘INV. ! nhnt ia it that kwps \nII hem 0!: m it's pretty I boys. when you‘re fnlimr a li" off. And 5mm rim-t is nearly hunting with a nasty wnrking much. And y-m'n- ml. «u "w like I! Pump. any drill and Hm wind hear unis 31m "ml; BM don't fnrgfl. ymt slat-ken, that we'n- doing this for you. nu; “'0 can't lump tlu- utlu-r lmls waiting thoy'n- unxiuus tu ,m-t Hi the fun; Sn t'nll in ttw milks whilv wv'ro rvst- int. :zvt in “in game whilv ymi t'tlll, Quit making: timsv t'uulish vxvusvs. wt in lim. plny yuur partâ€"In! ai ’â€" All right “Fall in." buys. “Ml malrlu'r†"‘“Higll' (“15%; off in tho I'wn'“- ‘ .\'u\\ run it :Ilmu. summon up ~â€"\\v mm! in lw muviug m .\Iul il' .MIHH'lIIIcly mys. "This is lh'I- IIIIII s “3133“" IIN‘ IIIIIslI U «ml II" “('1‘ U\\l|. â€NIN‘III'N'I' IIIIII I‘IIIIIIiII's \‘Mll' Moth- ('l'lfllhl. )‘IIll :‘IIII lot how light all IIluIII'. Slu- tomlml IIIul IIIII'wd yun iII iIIl'IIII- vy. slu- I'uIIgght I'ur yam wlII-II you \w-rv small- va yuII'rv big: IIIIIl strung. yuu slmIIlcl light I'ur lwr. il' IIII-I'I- :- SUI)‘ tight III )‘IIII III IIII. “'0 lln\1 ()11 Friday and Saturday 11t' tl1i< week â€The Juggernaut," 11 111111ler11 railwav drama. will he presented t'111 the 111liti1111ti1111 at Empire patrons. It tells the stury 111' Mm 51111111.: 1111111â€" 111111 the l11'illi1111t 51111 at 11111111 parents. the 11ther the 1li511|11t11 heir 111' 11 great railnax ki111.1.h11111111e t'1i11111ls at 1111‘ 1111.111. â€111.1 thinks he has 111111ide11t11ll\ killed 21 drunken 1'1'md) in sming the 11tl1e1"s liteâ€"«they tw11 1111ly know thi~ Seeret. Hath fall in l11\'11 with the 51111111 girl. whu 111111'1'i11s the rich I111) 1111l)’ 11t't111' hi» 11ln1111 has withdraw train the 1'211111 |1e11111tse at his purertv. \111‘11s later 111111 l)('(‘()lll(‘n president at his lather s 11l1l 1'1lil1'11111l: the 11th111' 111 righteuns. t'11'e11l115s distriet 11tt111'1111v. l£11th again nursing) the $111110 girlâ€"â€" d11111,:|1te1111' the old s11111etheirt 11f l111thâ€"-1111e nith 11 lather .s 11111.1 1,111 aftee- ti11n: the 11tl1erl1e11auae she is 1101 11111t|1e1"s 11111111te1'11111't. 'l'he distriet attorney bitterly at,» taeks the 1'11il1'11111l in 1111111t. His 1111' 111111' 1l111111 threatens t11 expose him as 11 111111'1le1'111'. And new i11111;:i11e the girl on 21 train 11111111111111|1i11g 11 hridge which 11111111111 pussihlv stand its weight. l’11tl1 111111 lunm this: ’11th are rush- i111r 111adl\ ln 1111t1111111l1il11 11nd 11111t111 hunt to intercept it. Both 1111111 and the train 11111111 erashing into the pic- ture at the 151111111 inntantâ€"toe late. “The Lords of High Decision†which will be here on Monday and Tuesda nights has the novelty of shmving the real thing in under- ground photography, as the producei insisted upon making a trip to the Pittsburg mining distriet and worked by are lumps with his camera several hundred feet below the surface just to add realism to the picture. Attractions at The Empire Theatre 1020. killed utlwr Stu-1'0! smut- nul)’ from The big' ('UiM'llCS cruinple like card board before your eyes and pile themselves up on the wreckâ€"their passengers floundering and struggl- ing in the debris. You should see this tremendous speemele. If ya" hm" the [Jam Inns]. "I" if Hum Sm: ynu at yuur H' Hw girl that ymn'w so! yomr lu'm'! 1m says “'l'lu-rv'.~ lmmlrwh ul' UHH'I‘.‘ h! gâ€. Aml lwsiclcs. sumnm- tlml yuu now-r mum- lmc-L': if yun :Isl. my mum-m I'll any. umâ€: lhm't l'nl‘cvl â€IN N. slu- \u-I'v 3| “I'l‘ gixm. mul Ilw mun slu- lm-nl mus ynu. Slw mmhl lmw lu-rn glue! In Iv! yuu tight. wlwn llu- Prussian lwusts wont Ilnru. licm't think Hm! ynur juln's :«I imo purmm Hun nu mw mu mkc- ycmr plan-1°. Fur Ila-W's unly mm jnh in the “writ! likv HmIâ€"v-mnl its staring yuu in tlw him-z Thu! 's â€w jnlv ul' nppvnsing ycmr c-umu-ic-m-c- mu! duim: ynur hi! likv ohm'l mm! In HnHvr hut if you mm‘! cl" mm.’ AN ODE TO THE PORGBTI‘UL ONES. llmku In gun fur perhaps a wife «r you M â€w lwml: _\'"Il lump. ymnr cl the pluc'v'wlwn- y \3' 0' l lllllll "H“ Illtlll my buys. wlmt 's ynur uns- n'v yuu guilt}: tn ,inm us ur .905 Fall in M' â€war Hum: mm m mm w iduwmi mu! (PM )Htili n,†buys, “nu yulll‘ hull! Ill't'Ss; mn'm' m prom! fmni I‘l yum' vanity. lull! ju't. wlm I _\' wlm need MN! "5' M lIm-olml the IN W I I ['1' 1'1 Hlvl'v I'rum “1‘" “1m Dear friend "8310".â€- Just a few Iimvs 'u M j that we arr at "w [mm in ch09. W9 lmw hm! a link- â€â€0â€... OOQOOOOOOO§QQO¢Q for a staflvr. Um! 1 mins has lm‘n hurt Timmins hays ‘1'“ Frank [’0st fun" 'neaslvs and Hm} whole lot. Dirk l'l ‘Y‘I’ YVY' Ytt‘v‘ g m mi; MAIL 3A6? nnr. lie “'eldnn. \VO'IIIIII. “0'1 Snm Ewing l'nsoy i'nmpl '0“. It is [i an- n gum! was Iv“ nls. h‘l‘ in MI ulo 6m: Ichdny mnl HIM Ilmkc-s II mnrv miserable. but all Ilw buys nro- mak. in; HM- ln-sl nl' it. Hi" Furtis is Hu- ('umpnny anrh-rmnstvr Sprul. mul hv 'lNDkS nfh'r us lim'. Say. lhlyhm. Ilw m-xt lilm- )ull .«vv Hmrliv Wil. limm ymt mm lvll lmn I‘rum luv. tlwrv mm any â€a-lmnuu- «lirvvhun. right." or “M tlw lmll. cm Hu- lvl'l I'nrm plu- hmn,H um lu'n'. lwlirn‘ mu. its :1 mm- of km-p hm nr °° Fritz.†will put «mo mvr ull )‘cm. miserable. but all Hm I in; HM- ln-sl nl' it. "ill ('umlmny anrh'rnmsh hv 'lNDkS nfh'r us lim'. Ilw m'xt lilm- 3qu .«vv flawâ€"“5555555555Eï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ REED BUILDING *3?- TIMMINS, ONTARIO I“ Phone Orders Promptly Delivered § Druggist - and - Stationer awe" Imam“ u but wv mm tun Preparedness I was mm' and \hilml Hm Ihmlvu IhlIh-ry tlu' nHu-r night. Hwy Imu- u sun-H Inymut mmlmrml will: Hurst. but “1‘ mm tumult H. “m vxpm-t Ilw fmlHH-r tn lwixlm'n up smm mu! M'- -rytlning will lw “.lukv." Say. uM â€Fritz." i-s «mm a running (nu-myâ€" if you: nmlu- n lmcl Imm- lw lms yam. Wo-ll. .m lung. ro-mvmlmr me In all D.Y.B. Regular 0. Wu". P hm Fu- Ic Flu! and Ehcwbetc 3 O WOâ€O§O“Oâ€OQOOM I. "$634". h V" . 13ml 12m. l‘iumw‘r‘. â€I“. F. .\rm\ l‘.»<3.»:?z..~. Lmolnn. “Muir 2!. 191“. 'l'lw ILYJL ('luh mm Mummy vwn- lls.- lm‘n hufl yet. Mm! of the hint lmya vwrv loft in England. Ik Folks l'nvm Snmln-nd gm! the 11's and Hum quarantined the 0 Int. Dirk l’lm} rv. .\oil 0 (' «I» Hd. Cnrmirluwl. "0': Ida". 'A‘s‘ Weldnn. Jack Mnninn. Russel hm. Huh vam. Stun Himlsun, lining. Tum Sh-wnmn and _\' i'nmpiwll. and a In! mnrv \wrv It is prov") hm'fll. 'wmusv Hwy 0 gum! lumvh. "PH l’rmmlry Ivf'l nlsu. l mu writing this Im- n on nlol lmrn. mul iwlivw mv it Much Inymut. it has been Mum'- lu-clny nml Hm! Ilmkvs H murv ram». In" all “m hays 1m- mak‘ Hu- luvs-l M iv. Hill Furtis is Hu- lo: and â€my 1' Int. Dirk l'lm Ed. C'armirluwl. Veldnn. Jack In". Huh Sh'vmr I'I‘ing. Tum Mum. Ymu‘ h'ic-ml llzullim'll. I! ï¬n)" Smnvulwl'v in PRINTING AND DEVELOPING our work is right Weekly Report mt mum: rv in lh-lgimu. Slim ilms With Us As How! Mundxl)‘ (Writing is tn Iu' lukvu up with vurinm I'Iustm' m-lv- hrutiuus. it was clm'iolvd tn lmstlmm' tlu- ('luh mvvting until tlw I'ulhmim: Mundm. Mm" In. qu-n it will lw lu-ld at Min. .I ..l’ .‘lc-lumghlin's. in: m Hm Huldlh-Ms llulvl. Tho lmsi. m-ss fur Hm evening was mmdm'lml by â€w I't'vsidvm. Miss lh‘uwm. 'l'lw mmnlu-rs lump in M "Me- in ship tlu- lmx. whirl: Hwy urc- mm prv- paring fur tlw Imys in tho trmwlws. ull 'l‘llm‘scln)‘ 0f Hlin wm'k. Wurk gin-n nut shirts. Wurk mlwn in shirts. Wurk gin-n nu H [‘1 V3 Mu ’3! I IN 30 H' 'llls \Hm