“if WWW IIIVIICE "I Pmonnlnmcms. nu. 0"“ng in In In! mmlr. Will hr insert! in The l’urrupinv Advmm- n! "w tr Idll' raw "3' 5 Wm.- per Imv fur nm Iype «It 7 «rats pvt lim' fur Mark fa U’I‘C. I'M’rpt “lwn' â€w jnh “nrk dune M llw Achnm‘r l’rnmm: "flit when untico “ill be macned :‘rvc Condensed Advcruumcnu. ~ and med. \“IMNI. Fur Sal: REM. ch... um' Ilwh ur Ir“. 2:) per Insertion. _ _ _ ‘ _.__‘. Adwrtiwmmlh written instruflin written orders f: «are shall have In Lodge Card: or Home: 3'08 I'. written ""le fur mmr "IM'Uuuuu- nncc «hull have been roveivml. Tn insun' insortiun. ropivs 0f ml. vortiunwms :4de 'w in tlw hands of the printer by Tuesday mum of each week. Furtlu-r ruins and pnrlivulnm may be land all applic-miun. 'Hw Inc-my Inlxmkc-t "1' Hum whirl: Isms lwlclo-n muHu-r mmh Hum unr Virw during llu- pm! wintm' nmntlm is rapidly \zmishing with tlw min-m hf spring sumaluinv. and this t'm-l sug- gests amutlu-r. Mun)“ pvrsmm during the ruugh \u-mlu-r lmvv IM'NI unable to gn lu-yuml u l'vw fm-l nt' tlu-ir Imvk chmr win-n clvlmsiting rubbish 01' var- mus kinds. "will: In tlu' dC'lIHI u! me cnnsich-rni hurwywl likvly M to Menu to Menu up. In- clues-t fur putting i ways mun- vnugvui ~-â€"||0 is :1 busy mu c-vivv lit nut unly nu \vllust M. debris hum uml Quad: Onlud Bum - 82.00 a nu 83.00 I I!" ._..:.....= 2.5.. .32: .t. .652. .31.. 3:27. 1.712;; .5: ._:-:=.._.. .....:_.:_r. E: E... ..Z:._:.:£ .5 2:27. 1.:E.:.E_:.. 1.2.3. 1?... .8... a: 2:2; :5 ....:. .1. 9:... .:__...1..::= 3: 325.3 2: 1:: :5...» .r._ ::.:.:.7 «:2. pm“ amthnrllws sun paint In jug: llw Im- mwnts in this niamvr Published "My Wednesday “3 w . In raw wuw slumlcl lw Hmuglltlvss mung-h tn nvglm't this :ulvivv lu-ynml .1 rmwmultlv lvngtln ul' timv. llu- pru- per alulhnritivs slumld make it :1 nuinl lu jug: Hu' lm'lllnl'ivr‘ 01' (“Jill- WEST NEWS Washington. April 19.-â€"In his ad- dress to Joint Session of Congress this afternoon. President Wilson said “After reviewing the entire course (Kiely. Smith . Amos private wire) of the submarine controversy with! Germany the law of nations in these‘ matters is not of recent origin or founded upon arbitrary principles set up by conventions. It is based upon the manifest and imperative princi- ples oi humanity and approved by the express assent of all civilized nations. Germany asserts that its in- structions to submarine commanders were such as would respect the rights of neutrals and safeguard the lives of non-combatants. The history writ- ten since then has shown that these assurances were not fulï¬lled.“ The President then demands “that Germany immediately and effective- ly abandon submarine warfare again- st passenger and freight carrying vessels or this Government will sever diplomatic relations." â€"Don°t forget the sale of potted plants. hume baking; and candies to he held in Sullivan 61' Newton's olllce on Saturday ut'terumm. which will be under the auspicés of the Ladies Aid Soviety NJ the l’reahyteriuu Church. Hut TIN-M WEDNESDAY. APRIL 19th Ms | THE SPRING CLEAN-UP '0». me. raw-ha Subscription Rates: POK'R that rtthhhsh Int-up slmulcl r0- r~t uttvnthm. It ts at uu-mu'v Ly tn tht' hvzllth ut' tlw pursuit nsv prupvrty thv :wvumuhltiun 'is is lumtml. hut tn his migh- ‘nl thv tmvmlwuph- in gcnvral. M'sts‘nlt is \‘umu: and tho grmmd ugvthvr tt’ov ut ivv. but within m 1..“ .Inm mmthtinns slmuhl Iwnps Imu- nuw aleIiuml :lv pmlmrliuns, and who" by llw lmnsvlmldvr IN- is think hx'iw lwl'urv starting up. He dues nut lm-k vx- putting i! M'f-«tlu-rt- is al- u- «mum-“in! \mrk tn Iw (lum- Juilw. uml H|is {not MI:- Muny lwrsuns during ullwr Imvv lwvu mmblo u {my t'mot nt' tlu-ir lmvk pushing: rubbish «1' var- min: In tlw depth "1' fl inn ul' HHHI Hlvir ic‘isvunlilm lamp slmulcl r0- It is u Im-mu-v [h “1' (ho pvrmm Iw :u'vumululiun ONTARIO MUN! wiflumt or until 35 Wins (‘flf .09 :1 substantial man in 1 (ho Iu-zu' l'uturv. 'l'lwrt- has lm-n runs muml fur Hume and it than! Ilw :mmml nu-otil g. bu lwhl HIP lust 'l'lu'sdal)’ nwvul .s‘mm- \‘vl'y iutvx'vst 1'1W1'ul ht'lllt' \'t‘l')‘ “11111-311"; 1mm. Jupiter is again rating: in the lino‘ ut' t'uvuritos and as 51ml) us awtivv Wul‘h i~‘ stzu't1-1l ruiisidm'zihii' au-tivit)‘ llttl\ iN' iimkt‘ti inl'. Silxm muhml 11 new high 01 (541' this~ mm]; and '11-miskaunin}: “01.0111- ingh .ulnimml tn (351-; Xipissing re- mains unwspunsiw at $7 hid, “hilst th1‘ nthm' (ulmit iSSlH’h .shmu‘d little muwmvnt with the 1*.\'1'1*}.itinu ut.’ ('hmnhm's-1"1‘rhm1l which sold up t1) ZtS-‘,1'\\-'1st1'i1hi\' 1m “Hunt" of their liming ttti an oxtonsiun at one at the Xipissing \ wins. Mrlx’inlvy-lhu'ragli is in fairly good llt‘lllillul and it is pi'au-timlly assured that Hwy “’1†cxvrviso tlu-ir option on tho " lirisl-Suutli 'l'liumpsou" 1m»- lwrlivs nvxl month. 'l'mule-rs will he received up lu and inrluulin; May litll fur tlw mnstruc- tiun M n l’lamk Sidewalk on tlu- West side uf Pine Street, from Suuth sidé of Set-“ml Avenue. South tn mmnevt “ill: Sidewalk on 31011011: 'l‘mvnsitc. Spwitimtiuns will lm furnished at Town (Hlivv. Xutiw is hereby given that the 9th day at May. 1910. is the day set by the ('unm-il tu submit to the Rate- ‘vers ut' the Town of Tinnnins the J{.V-Iu‘l\\.~ tu give franchises to the Northern Ont-WM Light and iner ('unilmny and the Porcupine Tele- phone Lines Limited. according to the agreements drawn up. The place uf Pulling will he the Town Hall. 'l'iininins. ll. Ii. .\I().\"I‘(}().\Il’.RY. April 15th. 1916. Clerk. 11. 1‘2. MOX'I'GOM ER Y. NOTICE NOTICE m-n mnsidumhlv «le- ' and it is. vxpm-tml tum-ting. whirl: is tn 'l'uvsduy in Many, will \' iutm'vsting «lam. 'uil'ly gum] Clerk. :III'II l “; jISchumacher- -Timmins ‘I Red Cross Society 'l'lu- l’urvulvim- Shu'kï¬ lmw lwvn somewhat nvglcqtml “1' Into. llu- only feature being: the suchlvn risv in llul- linger l'rnm $27.00 in $30.00 :1 share: u mmsidomhle \‘1111111111 «11' stnvl; mm- ing 1111 tlw murkvt at that prim- whivh (mused the stuck in dm'lim' rapidly In 3:38.11). 'l'lu- rolun'tml ï¬nd «11' :1110w 1110 mm at the 121111 111111 lvwl 111m haw haul s11111otl1i11g in (In “1th this l'lï¬t‘. ' 'l‘here has been a very large \ulnnie ut‘ trading in \'ipnnd during- the past week and the ;--:tnek shuws a tendeney tn strengthen. There are rinnnrs that the Imperial Mine will snnn renpen and npun the strength 01' this there has heen eun- siderahle buying and the start; is nnieh tiriner. We hmk t'ur an advanee in the price at Home l‘lxtensiun an 01' short- ly alter the special meeting whieh will he held on 'l‘hnrsday, the 20th, at which time stock holders will an- doubtedly ratify the prulmsed deal with the Bi;_.r Danie. When this deal ;is ï¬nally ratiï¬ed by the stm-kholders fut' lmth enmpanies. we hmk fur a rise ‘in hath Dunne and Dante lixtensinn. . We still enntinne our adviee tn he euntent w1th small prutits and to take advantage nt‘ every “ppm-trinity to ,take prutits in the speenlative issues. The 'egular meeting-of tho Schu- mm'hert'l‘immins Bram-h ot' the ('am- mliun Red ('rnss Society was lu-ld on Tuesday, April 11111. with 10 xuemlwrs present. The Secretary's report was read uml approved. The treasurer's ropurt wa lows: Expendit11res.â€"â€".\"m(~. Receipts Mrs. M. E. \Villiums. \mnl . Mrs. M. 1‘). ‘Williams. maga- zine subscription Mr. (‘urrigam sub. March and Mnil Nu nmtters pertaining: to business we-ro discussed so the meeting ad- .qui'ned until April 15th. sub. mm! fur April ....... m â€ROW ADVAFOE Reid, Sec. was as fol- 1.00 ls ' .10 SUBSCRIBE NOW II A IELY, SMITH AMOS Private Wire with Direct Connections with Best possible facility Branch Ofï¬ces:- Timmins, South Porcupine and Cobalt. anhvrs “1' Standard Sim-k I'Ixrhangv ’Phone 64. : Timmins ’Phone 33. South Porcupine STOCK BROKERS BARRISTBR. SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC 9-10 Royal Exchange Bldg., Cobalt. Phone 58. Ostrosser Bldg., Timmins The best and most- -up- -to- d: m: Liurv of its {1111] in South P01 cupiuc Automcbilee [or Hirc- Open Day and Nighlo Phone 31 Physician and Surgeon Phone 55 ’. A. McINN IS . W. Mahon TIMMIN S. ONT.