Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 19 Apr 1916, 1, p. 2

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The theatre was eruwdnl hn Friday night l:i.~t when a lmxing. wrestling.’ and athletie [trugrain was put on at'. ter t? e regular 'pietnre Sltuw. Some very guml talent was exhibited by the toeal buys in the huxing line and it wiiuld he almost unfair to select any hunt t‘nr special mention. Must ut' the boats were declared by the ref- eree to be a draw. except in the ease «fa wrestling match between H. Hur- fier and it. ('onrtois. eateh-as-eateh- mm style. when l‘lurtier got the de- cision with a rolling fall by the aid of a double Nelsun in eight minutes time. A very instructive exhibition “'0 IH-nl' with tlm-II I'c'gl'vt nl' Hlv clvnth M Mr. J. .l. .\l«-.\'¢-il. Iutv ut' lultoht'urcl mu! 'l'nrumn. Mr. McNeil was It \u-II knuwn mu! nun-h rospm-tml lmsiuvss mun ut' thv unrth muntr)‘ and was wry m-tin- alums! up in the lust. Ur. MrXoil. nt' tlw hunw Mine. In!“ tn attend “It' I'luu'ml “1' his 1'11- thm' lust 'l'uvscluy. A Smoker Given to Pete Roach Sunday evening aruuml lmvn r0- Ininclml mm «if what “‘9 all imagine Yvnirv ln lw like, hnusvs are lining vavatml and the water rising rapidly. Shnuhl nm- happen to fall or he push- ml ul'l' tho siclowalk it would ha a vase ul‘ sink nl‘ swim. 'l'hv situation is l)('- i112 wah-luul with intm'vst aml may pnm- ui' wrinns im-nnvvnivm-v «luring: llw lH‘\l how «lays. m A t'ulsv ulurm u'us snumlml in town lust \\'mluv.~'clu.\' night \\'ltl('ll resulted m suuu- tull hustling by the Fire Department. “'0 urv ut'ruicl it many mm out tn lw an expensive jukv for the culprit. 'I'Iwn- :u'v ulmut 4“ IIH'II vlnpluyc-cl M tlu- Wm lhum- ('unwliclmml mim- nuw. uml this Immlwr is tn he 1mg:- meutml in llw “our fulurv. 'I'III- HIM“ llgfliflb‘ ('IIIII. If. (inrclnn Rum-rs c-IIIIII- up III-l'urI- Magistrate a‘ndflmm cm 'l'lIIII'I-IIIIIy IIIsI. 'l'lw man was gin-II :I III'I-liIIIiIIIIrv III-Ming. IIII- “('(‘IHWI !'II”IIIUIL' IIuI gIIIlh IIIIII being sent III.“ II InI' IIIIII. llII- "lull"! ul IIIIII is 'N'illf.’ III'I'IIIIgml. 15ch Entertainment At South Porcupine le mm], are in suvh lmcl shulw nnw tlml llwrv is m-itlu-I' slvighin: nr wheeling: and if wv hun- mm-h min in tlw imuwcliutv fuhm- it luuks Iikv “puddlv yuur own mmw." 'I'lwrc- will hr x! M'rvic-v in Ha- glwnn Vlmra-II cm Huml Friday at m ”w c-u-mnc. South Porcupine A wry lnrm' pulpmmol monh‘m'l been wrurml by .‘h'flsfii "HHllihu Edwards. it mills fur {mum r {of “‘00“. Mr. Vlil'furcl in Hull “m. \mrk vlnims. 4‘ Illlflllu‘ bnko .‘llm' I_\‘ last “m Hr. ll. W. Hauling". was "gishml at "w I tel last Friday. :mt hm'n 81m! h hm‘r "uh day My”. t‘mm .‘h‘. "Ugh Amara-mu Ia Friday. Mr. lmsior Ir": .\l r. F hunim .‘I r. I‘ ' "I will! I fmm \\°. “N r u" “ire-Mum M' I [mid u \‘Nt In Ilu H am and Is tum hm hero. Hm "I M'rvivv 'm ”w All "“1 'vm ma Timmir H'IH'O “mm tr “ark. [ Items of Interest m 'l'uuy Aguinu. 25v: Mr. llmmant. .\'. Fun-hm. 1351-: Mr. Dugonuis. Mr. 1"1'mupkin. 25v: Mr. Lovisun. ll-rt vaur. :51; Mrs. Gray. $l\; (inlliu. $1: I) II. (ilensun, $2; Wilsun. $1: \\ am Smm. :25" . J .l\$1 $1; W. l). I’mw. >31; A. 1). 1’0. "1: li. .\. Smith. $2.50; PI. J. Hall 5(h': Nmmshuttmn Edwards. ‘iss Swulwoll. $1; Mr. Jm-ksch. .\. Mrl’uuuugh. 25v: A. 'l‘umpkil A letter was allsn road t'rum Mr. H. Brintun. stating.r that Mrs. Hricrv was in urrvurs with her rent. and asking: tssistum-v t'nr hor t'rum this Surivt)’. It was "mu-d by Mrs. (iilottv, sw- nnh-al by Mrs. Svrvnis. that thv small huhuu-u in ulll' vhurity :u-mmut lu- 'lsmt tn nssist Mrs. Hrim‘v.â€"-('ztrrimt. Mrs. lihu'k gave untiw nt' :1 nmtiun tn ttt‘ mmhr ut the onxt regular tum-t- ing: tn :tlllt'lttt nrtivlv 2 of the (‘unâ€" stitutiun. ‘lugczm, Mr; A. (‘. Bruin), $1: B. »‘~--»skm§\'. $1: Wm. .lm'klos. 500' “unsun Bras. 5'2: F. E. Hall. 25c: 11. ')muun. SW; Frisb)’ Bros. $2; 1101‘ Sing. in“ . Dr. Thomas. $1; Mr. (‘05- «Me. 5m . .‘lr. Acton. $1; Mr. Max 'l'lw Swrvtury rem] u lath-1' from Mrs. l’lumptrv. Summary “1' tlu- Nut- inmll Scrvivv (‘nlmnittom awknuw- lmlging I'm-rip! of $300.00 svnt by His Sm-ivty tn purchase sucks fur the mm in tlw tronvlws. nll. $1: II. Bnyle. $2: Miss Niglx “Ur: ('. ('urr, $1; Mr. Anderson. $1 ”:5 Ilevine. 3H: (l. lfivksun, :31; J l. Hill. 501‘: E. (l. l)lek~‘.nn, $4: D l.. Warren. 500: E. J. .lemmctt, 50v ‘1'. (,‘reightun. 50v: ll. ll. Ault. 500 l). .l. Quinn, $1; F. Lel"orest. 4=1: M fivir. 50m I). Mellnnnld. 500: " ‘-‘.. Leawvy. 500; A. Mmtpetit. 4“ \lEas Berry. 2502 Miss Skinner. 5W- ‘»\' Wilsun, $1: (‘. A. Malcolm. $1 'l‘urner. $1: ll. \". Palmer. $1 Ralph ('useu, 500: L. \V. Brown. $l Mr. Wilkins. «31; Mr. Vaughan. $1 Mr. Shepherd. $1; Mr. Blackwell 504- Mr. (lmliu. $1: Mrs. Carmichael. $1. l’ul’t‘lllilllt‘ Herald, $1. Total $84.30 sputum-s. 'J'Jh’ lmmllu-rvlllvls. [H slwms yum n-lm'nml. Work (liven Hutâ€""1 shirt. 24 pil- lnw slips. 1:! skmns yarn. lIl lmlls ul.’ ls’llllllllf.’ mllun, 1 sun mglmnus. anml by Mrs. Servnis. secuuded by Mrs. .\lexmnlvr, that m- [my Mrs. (l'llrivrv's lull l'ur ”mung. MAM- ('n rnul. FINN-n nu-mlu-rs \w-rv prvsvm m Hu- I'vgulur \kaly mwlmg hold an Apnl 13th. Minute-s ul' tlu- [H'Q'Viullh‘ Inwting Wow rum! and :Ipprmwl. .. . . .r.::....€...r...:.f. . .55..â€" 2.2.57. .1. 15.35...â€" ..:=_.: 1.. .r..:7.=..._._. NW} “N pmlim-um ”l0 lnHv .‘lr. Ur“ Wllic‘ll hv durilr: I Kim mo «him: a 4 South Porcupine Patriotic Society uf mum t strain tamm \\‘ Supply Ila-Mr"! '00 mar Hu- [Ik'nsllrv ul' l‘lmlo- mm-rmimm-m; mw M' Hm ’nn' in NH- rmlr "I“ Hm building :2 u art-M dvsirv In light with W hm nI' his m-nn-st lwighlmrs. n-rsnsh'm M‘l’nrts resulted in n “v" I'VN'IIN'II llImW-MII by ”It" mum un duty. and we imagine nth-r Innis! lmw pmrlirml mm of ”mun”: holds an HIP I'llll’l’“. 01' : lw lmcl 'N't'll talking tum-vial unh- 2 “w M'vning. Hm! Saw the Sk9\.$1; 11. X. , IW; A. (. I!” Ind up n \‘vry sum-093ml cw nlguynwm. SWIM u l'_\‘ \‘ahmls :2 Mr. M mic-h If! M 25v: .\. 'lmupkinsmx. U. N. .lm. $1: I’aul . ('. Brmxn. :51: B. Wm. .lm km. 500 ' ‘ l'. Hall. 25«: ll. "N 01‘ Jill Jilsu was New" wlm damn". I! 'Nl‘d! and locks r. R. Wilson. who 4! Nine HIP ImM or M onuugh In who m. $2; \V. B. 25c: J. Brawn A. l). l’vurvv E. J. Ramsey. l‘hlwau'cls. m5. .hu-ksch. 50v: rwruits um: nlul I. Mr. musing \\ unis 501' lid m-on TIN Starting \Vednescim' and Thursday nights of this week the new serial 66 ‘ ' " .' phutuplay (1mm “1“ be presented 21 the Empire 'l'i.eatre___each week. 'l‘his serial comm to 'l‘iinmins with he reputation of being the best eon- inued picture ym produced and has Ellt’ added novelty ol’ each week's t't'ering.r being a more or less com- plete story in itself. and furthermore aving a thread a»! mnneotion with me another whirl: keeps up interest -ruout the entity scrim. On Friday an.’ Saturday of this reek “The Juggernaut," a modern [way drama. Ell he presented for e edifieation uI’ Empire patrons. tells the story bt' tWo young menâ€" ne the brilliant in!) of poor parents, He other the dis-Jute heir of a great :iilway king, bewune friends at vol- ":0. One thinks. he has accidentally killed a drunken rowdy in saving the vther's lifeâ€"they two only know this secret. Both fall in love with the same girl, who marries the rich boy only after his chum has withdrawn from the race bPOIHIM.‘ of his poverty. Years later one 'Jt‘t‘umi‘s p'resideht gwsz-vfivséwgfimgv five-'Wa @fiév “‘URAT LU“!!! “3"“ .- .nco “on." " Canada Ftrst” Custard Me. I can “Canada Flt“ ” Evaporated (unsweetened) Milk. IO tl'ent mac. 4 Eggn. pinth 0! unit. sugar to taste. 1 ttlc grate-d nutmeg or ground cmnamon. Dulutc the mall mm t we tum-q as much water. add 03:! we” beaten. salt. nutmeg. an”; n. Lane tuusmall or nne large pie plate mth pamy (deep [no plates are preferablc). {1H and bake in hot oven for i hour. Ask ) our Grocer Todayâ€"Insist on " CANADA FIRST." ‘u'na can whip " Candi First" limponfied Hulk. ch." Mon «hyping. THE AYLMBR CONDENSED MILK CO., LTD. AYLMER. ONT. CANADA THE PORCUPINB ADVANCE “ CANADA. FIRST" Mm: ls BEST ._A m. - A IIOUSEl-IOLD HELP 41' his father's nhl railroad; the uthcr a rightmms. t'vm'loss distrivt attnrncy. Both again warship the same girl daughter ut' the old sweetheart ut’ huthâ€"â€"-nne with a father's deep ut.’t'cc~ tiun: the other because she is her mother's muntcrpnrt. “The Lords of High DevisionH which will he here on Monday and 'I‘uesda nights has the. novelty of showing the real thing: in under- ground photography, as the producer insisted upon making.' a trip to the Pittsburg mining district and worked by are lamps with his camera several hundred feet below the surface just to add realism to the picture. The distrivt ntturney bitterly ut- tavks tho rmlrnad m murt. His fur- mer (-lmm threatens to expuso him as a murderer. And nnw imagine the girl on a train zippi'uavhing a bridge which cannot possibly stand its weight. l-luth men know this. ’mth m'u rush- ing madly hy mitmunhile and mutnr bout to intervept it. Both men and thv train mme crashing intn the pic-- two at the same instant-â€"â€"ton late. The big coaches ('rumple like (-ard huard before your eyes and pile themselves up on the wreckâ€"their passengers floundering and struggl- ing: in the debris. You shuuld see this tremondnus spectaclv. ~L\ TIMMINS Phone 64 P.0. Box 186 F. C. H. SIMMS, Hotel Connaught TEMISKAMIHH NHHTHERI MIAMI] flAllWAV TRAIN SERVICEâ€"EFFECTIVE NOV. 28th, 1915. Local Service between Englohart and Cobalt, daily, (except Sunday). (Safe Parlor ('ar service bet ween North Bay and l'lnglehart, daily (except Sunday). Connections at linrltnn Jet. for Elk Lake branch points, daily, (except Sundays). Daily, (except Sunday) services between North Bay and (’oehrane, operating through sleeping ear between Coehranc and Montreal 1'. l’. 'J. \ .0. Agent. New 'I‘raiu“.\'atdum1.‘l"operating lwtwovn Tux-unto and “'innipeg. via ('m'hrnme, leaving 'I‘nruutu vavh Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday, leaving Winnipeg oau-h Sunday, Tuesday and Thumlay. Through trains daily (except Sundays) between 'I‘nrunto and ('uchrano. making «(mimetiuns at l’urquois Jct. fur I’urvu- pinv Bram-h paints, and operating through Sleepers, Toronto, Englvhart and (.‘uchranv. For full particulars, see current time-table or refer to any Real Estate and Insurance E. G. DICKSON TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE Mrs. Frank Home, Proorictorcss A. J. FARR, G. F.I’.A., North Bay, 0m. SOUTH PORCUPINE South Porcupine. Call and See Sample: and Styles Ben Croskery I HAVE THE SOLE AGENCY FOR .v\ City Svrvim- whirl: is ”w Only 0110 Ex- h'mling :I Try-(m 'l'lmmins Representative of Tamil!" in tho GUM Camp for tlwir Highest Class Tailoring WM. H. LEISH MAN SOUTH PORCUPINE CO. LIMITED Phone 30 P.0. Box 319 ’Phonc 18

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