THE PORCUINE ADVANCE “'ith iIIhI'IIIl l'I'I-IIIIlI IiIIIssv l‘t' III'IIiIlIIIl IIIIIkiIIg am IliIIIIIt IIppII-Il IIII° I'IIII'IIIits. IIIIIlmlIly wishing IIIIly III iIIIIII'IIss IIIIIIII his lIIIIII'IIrs IlIII tll’g‘t‘ltl tIt‘t‘Il l'ut‘ tIIIII'II \‘I'lIIIlII-SIIIIlI‘Il [Htl'tiri- IIIItiIIII Ull tllt’ part III' t'IIII' 'IIliIIII in tho :IrIIIIt “:H. and Hum loaning it. to thII iIIIli\iIhIIIl tUllSt'lt‘llt‘t' III IleIIiIlo W-llt’ 'I'lIIII' thm \IIIIII IIssIIIIIiIII: :III eIIIItuhlo "‘ 'slIIIIII in â€NI stIIiuglII.. llI- lIIiIl lIIIrI- :{tu his :IIIIliIIIIIII- in II IIIIIIIIIIII‘ us tII ‘ '. nau- Ilu mum! at III'III'y IIIIIII's Iluty. . IIIIplII iII thi- I-IIIIIItI'y lIIII'II, lIIIIIII denying lllt‘ltlï¬'t'thN III' IIIIIlIiIII; iII tlII- way IIt' luqu'iIIs.†lII- sIIiIl. 'l‘hI-y III'II living [II'III-ti IaIlly IIIIIlI~I° thII same I-IIII- IlitiIIIIs IIIIw as â€my IliIl lIIIl‘III‘O tlIII stIIrIII M’ \\':II' lIIII'st IIpIIII Europe. lI'IIthI-r HIIIII‘gIII-is spIIkII I'IIr llt’fll'lV tun ltttltlh‘ IIIIIl lII-lIl IlIII .ItIeIItiIIII III the lIIIgI- Iisseiuhlngv t‘\tl\ minute III the tiIIIII. â€II. is an IIIIIII'gI-IIII spoul-IIII' with II IIIIIIviIIIIiIII; III:IIIIII~I° and his lIIIIII‘I-I's \H‘l‘t' \‘isibly iIIIprIIsval with IIIII iIIIIIIIIIIsity 01' Hip III-IIiIlIIIu IIIIw I-IIIIt'I‘IIIItiIIg not IIIIly l'rIIIII-Ie but the -\lliI‘s IIIIIl ('unIIIiu us “'1‘â€. Hum lIIm‘iIII: tlIII t'lIurIIlI. l.iI~III. XII-liulsuu filt'OtiUUailV I'IIIIIIIrkI-Il that he â€haï¬lwen trIiIII.r t'III' some timII tII IIIIIII IIII-e tlIII IIIIIII ut the distriII that there is .1 mm U!) in Europe." 'l'lIIIsu “'llll were I'IIrtIIIIIIte IIIIIIIIglI tn hour tlIII t'uIIts as t‘t‘ltlit’ll Friday ev- IIIIiIIg will “0 IIIonI'iIII-I-Il III’ the truth 'IIt' this assertion. Whirl! IN' HIM-mlml h! alwuk. "0 "Is" mid Hm! Hm spa-ukvl‘ \VmIM mmfllw him-w†«rm-Hy In «In vmuhlimm in Franc-u. nlm-h stipulaflum M timm M’PNIWI in hr 1! lulmlic'up us «m «M- c-ml m-mmm it umwurm] ulmmt m-v. Maury In Immrh inlu "mum's mn- N'rllinu llw uHu-r alliml gamers. hm lu- iuvuriuhl)‘ rlwrkml Ins im-linulicm in this rc-s'm-t by n-mimhug his much imm- ul' tlu- injum-ticm plmwl mum him by Father 'l'ln-rixmlt. In mmlmmu-ing Ilia «lim'mmu- I’utlwr Ihmrgmis mid lu- lmcl hm-n m l’rmm' alum! six IIIHIIHH lu-t‘uru- tlu- vuln- mem-mm-m u!’ “an“ and haul visited that mnmtry Iwim- hiIH'G.‘ \mr lu-gun~-= in August and again in .\'m'm|lwr-- $5“! the stmmwr ulmu \s‘ln'u-ll lm trav- elled has .4le lu-m alums! clc-slruyml by “11- mum-«l lln'u llu- pluvim; "1' am iul't-rlml mm-hilw in tlw mull lumkvrs. whirl: was limml tn uplmh- .lh' huurs u ftor .ilolmrturv. a umn and with shnlllt] qum'n-l «luv- in: thv «lay and ruhhvrs “mm to in- vmlv tlwir huuu- at night wuuhl thvv amt light lugvlhvr 1m lhv mutual Inn- lovtiun M “Mr hump. In this rvspmt ('zlllmiizms shuuhl vmlsv lhvil' hickmu ings m hmm- and stand shuuhlvr In shnuhh-r fur (h'l'vum- anghinst their rullulmn mwlu)‘. 'l‘ln- >[D1'alkl‘l'cil'plul'l'cl the racial strife “'1th us being: vugvmlm'ml in ('unmlu lw [wily pohhmuus, and as all illustl'zltiunr lw puilltml nut that if. tlu- lt-ugll: ul' :1 mmplv ul' c-ity hlm-ks‘. l’lnim'lutlwsmwn and military ulllviuls stuppml him in: ul' l\\‘vl\v linws :1 clay amal rmmmlml him tn prmlum- tlw lu-rmil. “AHM' at {Mt lumn sujfllll‘ll in l"rxum- ym‘n rvulizv than l'umulu is um at war.†lw suicl. â€wv nrv nu murv at. “111' than llw l'uitml States. In Franc-v llw llu-utrvs uml |Dllllllu lmilcl- lugs au'o- ull turnml inm lumpitals ul’ rul'ugvs. Nullmly guvï¬ lu pivturv slums ur nulmlmbilv driving I'm' plan- sm‘v- «c-wrylmcly is at war. Even \m- uu-n wlm lwl'urv tlu- wur lmcl mull'url- able luvumvs are nuw vug‘ugml in “mashing: tln- vlntlws ut' Imnl-stulm-cl warriors in NW lrvnvlnos.†HI- III'sI-I'ilII-Il IIIIIIIIII-ly Hm IIIilitaII'} IlI-lm-liw sysh-III iII \‘IIglu‘ in P'I'xIIIvr. \I'lIiI-II is II In-I'I'm-t III-t IIII'II MIMI llu alien meIn I-IIII lmm- tn luau. Pam- ports .IIII- svrIItiIIim-Il III vwn [um mu! '8! “Sum (HIIIC'HC' norm“ is IIm-mmuy III III! â€HIPS. I-wII Im' going English lumping: mnsidorml n w: Rev. Fullwr frm duuhtmll)‘ Imus whirl: lu- intomh snicl Hm! Hw a] loimm-II' drivlly nigh! Hm! mans mum LARGE AUDIENCE HEAR REV. FATHER BOUROEOIS GIVE A DIBCOUBSE 0N WAR CONDI- 'I'IONS IN PRANCEâ€"-REGBETS RACIAL STRIPE IN CANADA. llama n Sllflflll‘u‘ liï¬IUflE Ill mm H WAR BV fMHEfl Bflllflliflllï¬ Vol 2. No 24 III intrmlurin wit! â€It nflmlic‘ mm Kurth If 'l'l and m Hus nppnuyrinh ,Irgwus Pr"! lll‘i "thing? at â€it hu- slum rlclsn‘ kmr mun It is believed that the cause of the President’s sudden determination to go before Congress was the discovery of such evidence among papers taken from Von Igel which leaves no doubt as to the connection of the German Embassy with the various plots and other events which have taken place in the United States since the out- break of war. Sir Sam Hughes is on his defence in Ottawa. His speech does not meet essential charges. He sticks to Alli- son. Bertram. Carnegie and the Shell Committee. Intense interest mani- fested by crowded house. Sir Robert Borden to act for Minister. Germans reinforce the Verdun front. Rushing troops from Russian and Macedonian fronts. Bad wea- ther prevails. Ambassador Von Bernstorff made appointment to see Secretary Lans- ing at 11.30 to-day. He did not state the object of his visit. Russians take Trebizond after a valiant struggle. Black Sea fleet gives aid. Triumph of Grand Duke’s forces follows sanguinary battle on Karadere river, twelve miles east of Trebizond, on Friday, in which ï¬erce resistance of Turks is shattered; war- ships permit execution of hazardous landing operations; enemy badly beaten, too, west of Brzerum. A break in diplomatic relations be- tween the United States and Germany is imminent. United States on eve of break with Berlin. Washinton is tense with excitement. President Wilson will tell Congress of his de- cision at noon to-day. Joint extra session of House and Senate hastily convened to hear momentous an- nouncement from chief executive re- garding the policy to be pursued fol- lowing sinking of the Sussex and other recent German submarine atro- cities. Big army measure passes the Senate amid great enthusiasm. Mrs. \\'. ll. Wilsmn. )lnyul'vss ul’ 'l‘immins, will m-vupy tlw c-lmir, :uul nllwr \vvll kumvn lmlivs ul' llw’ (lis- lrivt um «vavtml tn m-c-upy seals “1' lmuur nu tlw plzlll'urm. This prumim's In In: HIP must. varn- Mt. and livvlivsl rwruiling mvvting yet hvlcl in 'l‘immius um! M'oryuue wlm pussihly mm shuulcl mukv a point ut' attending. (Kiely, Smith Amos private wire) WAR NEWS c'rmlsc'cl :UM vurm'linn i'rum :H‘umul «'iulny pn-r mm! In an guurzmlc-ml vx- true-tin" ul' â€.3 poor «mm. is t'ullaidt'fl'di tlw pmspwts “1' â€In lhmu- Idlku mak- ing umro- mum-y from mm «m are wry bright. Recruiting Meeting For 228th Battalion \\°lu-n Hu- will i-: rv-n'wm-cl it in ulna-ml that â€w mmu-H)‘ \ull he- :m'rrnuml tvn Imus m ï¬fty n clay. Ih-fnrc' It mu vlnsml clnwn smm- wet-ks nun tlw almly mum-Hy was umuml furty tum. It is vVlwrh'd that Hum tiu- instal- lutiam ut' Iln- c-yunich- vquimm-M tlu- c-upm'ity will 'w ultimuh-ly zu‘omm! sownt‘v («ms at day. WIu-n llw in- \\ llilc- In m; i t'. L. Slwrri". lm'si lkomo- lake Mining um \isih-d Hm .Dl‘tfll‘r')’ wnh'h Ilw instalhfliun vynniqlo clmm nunvlm awmmpmnie'l as far as pruslm-ti â€llmriu I Mr. SI EXPECT THAT CAPACITY WILL BE ULTIMATELY NEARLY DOUBLED â€"â€" UNDERGROUND DEVELOPMENT PAVORABLE v-EXTRACTION INCREASED. llï¬ï¬‚flï¬ï¬‚l 10"le II Iflf 0M [le Mlll Iflflll EVAIIUE MIT mus hivh h-ul'u‘ "I‘Im'll. WIN! lms "Win manual «I' nunmgvr ul’ tlw H - mu! will smwrimvml vxlmu pm'lim: trips Illl‘llulfl .\'urll triu fur ruin"! SHIN-s illh-l‘I-s! r. Sin-rd" vxpn'sm-cl Mum-H [ole-mm! with the rum-m «Irw- s umlo-I'unmml M â€w Hullw I. ll “ill mm llulh-rinily In un- mnhidvrnhlo' hmkvn ilc- Hu- c-ynnidv nHm-lnm-m is ilmlunml. llmlorg‘rumul Wurk O u 'um- um m: mum! and llu-rc- Is match-m ,lllo l'll' Inns n'ulmwcl «I' â€w “mm (‘W Milli" W914i 8 he "I "0' “1|! TIMMINS. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th.. 1910. ll'l'I' I.- m Ilu ,‘IVQ 3| I‘l Six uliumuml «li'ills :ll't' imw \mrk- ing min a 5000 I'm)! mutmvl «m tlu- (‘liislmlm Veteran In! in 'l‘isdzile iwui' tlw l’ui-rupino lmpvriul. .lamws lluylv 11ml Daniel (‘liislmlm cavli lmw tlm'v clrills «nu-ruling. 'l'lN- ('liis'lmlln Vol. is vulltrullt'd ln' ('liisliulm's ('urpumâ€" tinu llilnited oi T'nluntu, “llilll «(nup- am is dewlnpin" the Jamiesun uml Bzivarre plulK‘I‘llPS in Kmuiskntia. and mmmls tlur Mauagzuni .l’ulp l'n. In the manning; 'l'immins l’lntmm. lwaulml by a hand. will mun-h 10 Sr. Mutlhvws Anglivzm (‘lnm-h at 85m. and after :1 sorvim- tlwrv, will proceed tn the Human ('ullmlic ('lmrvh an 10 11.111. when Father 'l‘lwrizmll will ilIllll’USS tllmn. (m Sunday. April 23rd. ilw :umi- \’01‘.~'au‘.\' ul' tlu- glul'lmls m-lllovvmmlts â€1' the ('amzulizm lumps all, St. .lulivn will lu- m-lvlralml llll'llflllt the “(nu- ininn. 21ml urmngmnents lmw boon mmlu in hnlcl u pmmlv :Iml r'-lnn«h sm'vic-vs in â€limmins. Diamond Drilling The Chisolm Vet THE ANNIVERSARY RE RE. JllllER Efl RE BEEERRREER HERE 'l'lw l’m'vupiuv [llllvpcmhlm't' sa-rur- ml nine vluims in tlu- mu‘ly days of l’mmnpimn 'l‘lw vluims am. at. the iunvtiuu ul' tlw Hurlll and suuth brmuhus of mu Kumiskutin rim-1°. Shurtly after the (mummy was in- mrlml'zltml thv president dim]. whirl: resulted in u pustpmwuwnt “1' plans fur llu- «IM'ulupuwut 01' its prulwrtivs. Sullirivm. Work was ([0110, huwowl'. to unmu-r sworn! \‘vins' in whirl: t'rvc gold shows in u num'wr ul' plan's. .\llhn tln~ «hall has. lM't'll rmnurml t'ur sunw tinw, .\. S. l°'nllm° ('u, haw just nnnunnvml that tln- inwnt- Invnt. hmlu-ragv hmn-ne nt' Alhm't Sut- vlit't'c t ('ninlniny has suvnrml-vuntml nt' tlm l’urc-npinv lmlvpelnlcnvo Minvs Limited prupcrtivs in .lainivsun 'l‘wp. in thu lx'ainiskutin gold swtinn ut' l’urc-upinv. The «lual is nt' great im- purtanvv tn tln- Kamiskntia «listi'ivt as it is understand that an artivv dcvvlupnwnt program will he prose- cutml this snnnnm'. It. is tlmnght that the mining: ut' Bustnn c-apital intu the Kmnislmlia ilislrivt. will ham â€)0 ct't'm't. ut' inch-using avtivity nll the part, “1' ntln-r prupurty uwnm‘s in llw \‘ivinity. Mining nn-n arv paying.r vlns't' :ltlt'llliult In tln- clu\'vlnltllu'llt. ut' thv district. o-slnwially sinvv ('his- huhn's (‘urpnraliun vnvunntvrml mn- sidcrnhlu high gl'iltlt'. in tln- shat't un thv .laniivsun prupcrt)‘. lea-rum. “llH'll lmu- IN'I'II steadily mmmlim: fur the past l‘u-w mumlis. llw Ilmlinu ml the Ilnviclsun win pm- llllS’I'N lu misc' llw :Iw'rilgv gnlcl mm- h-ul nl' I‘m'k lrmilml cm uppi'm-iulily. 'l'u liml liiulu-I' grmlc- ul‘I' lms lim'n llu' ulijm'l nl' llu- vxlt'llsiw' Ill!\'l‘lu|l- mvnt lu'ugmm llllll has lam-u mirriml Inn in â€w last six "mums. l‘lxvom ’l'ur u ~umll umumll ul' un- lxikc-n l'mm 'lln- clriH llu- lluviclsnn win cm llu- :‘um l'uui lvwl will am! he umilnlilv as u Mull'm' ul' milling I'm'k fur smnv BOSTON CAPITALISTS GETTING READY TO RESUME OPERA- TIONS ON KAMISKOTIA PRO- PERTY â€"â€" SEVERAL VEINS SHOWING FREE GOLD. Wlll SIM" WW I!" INIIEPENIIENBE I’flfll’fflW smnmv :Vipond Finds Davidson Vein s OH Five Hundred Foot Level 5"" I} u ti [1 as n MNH'H hlm'. lln'ic wich'. lilic° I 9“le HI\'O'I'_\' u" hm! In“ In a wilm- I‘mm Iln “Wu-n. rat "I mu lunch "avid..." fault THIRTEEN FEET OI‘ I‘II‘TEEN DOLLAR ORE ENCOUNTERED IN CROSSCUT PROM WINZEâ€"ORE RESERVES WILL BE MAT. ERIALLY INCREASEDâ€" SEVERAL STRINGERS CARRYING VISIBLE GOLD ALSO ENOOUNTEREDâ€"JI‘IIE NEW FINDS WILL RAISE THE AVERAGE GOLD CONTENT. 'coll. .\ purl l’n p'm Iclmm ll II‘HN My frum lm'h \'('|H llw most â€In \ ipum Inst Thur I "In SW" fun! INTI. I! "II "I" 5"" root II'H'l â€It! win is about thirtm-n t'm-t s highly imprvmmhwl “i"! ulplmlm uml it is umlc-r- MW umuml IN'WNI «lullnm \\' n S Ilw im'l‘vmwol urc- l‘l' 1' I“: m 4 why Illlcl PM important dis- l'ur mm!" “It": :lnv \V'N‘ll Hu- I‘Hlll lwn Nu HIP 500 ('unsiclmahlv «10v: lnpuwnt \x'urk has hu n clum- un Hlv upper lmvls u! 11w .\MHI Hmlnps‘nn and :1 gum! qllaultit}. of ore blm'kt'd nut an a series “1' wins running thrnugh the pruperty. IDM'vlupmvnt \vurk has I'vau'hml lhc stugv when vlm-trivity is the "lust vmuumiml puwer and it is under- stmul that Ilw mmmgvnwm has «mirr- cd vlm'trival muipuu-m. 'l‘lw Nurth 'l‘lmmpsun. whirl: ml- juins tlu- I’m'vupinv Vilmml. is lmw muting: n slantiun at 425 fwl. When: this is «lune the shaft will lu- mutin- uml tn 5"“ feet. 1'leth'l‘hompsnn has under vnntcmplatinn a nwdium .sizml Imll n‘nd pebble miâ€. Plans le'l' brim: pro- pan'ml lmt nuthini: deï¬nite hm.» hm: decided nu. SHAFT WILL BE CONTINUED TO FIVE HUNDRED FEETâ€"MED- IUM SIZED BALL AND PEBâ€" BLE MILL MAY BE ERECTED -â€"â€"NOVV CUTTING STATION. NflflIH IHflMPSflN CUTTING SWIM AT 425 HIM lfllfl WW 8010 MINES BETTINB HEM" Ill l HESHME fll’fï¬ATlflNS It is IIIIIIIIIsml In IIIIilIl II “1‘“ III-I-Inl uI-III' â€WI â€Iv IIuItlI slIIIH IIIIIl llIIllSI‘ III IIII- “HIST. IIIIIi lIuilIeI. 'llw IIIIII-lIiII- cry, wlIiI-II iIII-IIIIlI-s II IlII'vv IlI'iH I-nIII- pI'I-ssur. is in gum! shIIpI' IIs “1'0 â€34‘ Pump building's. In :ulclitiun tn mnlvrgrnuml \mrk c'ullsiclvl'ablv tl'vlu'lling‘ ml Hlv Slll’l'alm' will ho «hum mulvr tlur «lirwtiuu ut' Julm ('hurlvs'. ' £5.27. .23: :. 7:5... :5, 3.: dz: 42:1. 9.3.: 23:; 2?... 1:2: -::. 7:... 3 mm... .5: :3: 12:; > : .$._. Envmn‘ugml by the sum'vss ut' the de-lupnwut \mrk twin: vurriml nu by t'hislmlm's t'urpnmtiun Limitml, :1 Toronto vulupnny vulttrulling: the Muttng‘umi Pulp (‘u. LttL. tlw bully was pnu-timltly rmwgunizvd in Mum- l'mll, and mum: t'zlpitul suvurml tn fur- thvr ctvvvlnp its prulwl'tivs. Xvw clir- t't'tul's. im-lmlin: Alva-51's lmvinv :uul Itnmwlty. worn mldml tn the lmau'cl. Th0 vulttt'au't givvn tn ('lalrt'lu'v \'. Mrlhnwll mulls t'ur mmtinuiug tlw Hul'tll slmt't, t'l'uul ltitt t'm't tn 21“ t'vvt, vuttinf; at. stutiun at. 200 NM and t't'nss cutting album 50 t'm-t tn tlw main win; When the vein is «out, ulmut, 51) t'vvt ut' clrit'tiug will ln- «lune. Frum the Smith shun nll tlw l'mit. lt-vvl tht' \‘(bill will lw (ll'it'lml NW 5.)†WM. 'l'lw lmll)’ (30ch .‘limwi Limitml. Whirl! vlnsml «luwn ill JII')’. 1913'). I5 getting things in shulw In start up again ull its pmpwrtios in 'l‘urnlmll 'l.‘u\\’nshi|r in the Kmniskulin district. ('luh'nvo. V. lehm'ell. wlm has re- m'ivml u vmltl'm-t In tlu vullsidcl‘ulblc delupnwm. \mrk. is busy taking: in :mfliviem supplies m lust Lhruuut llvxl smmnwr. SUPPLIES BEING TAKEN IN â€"~ WILL CONTINUE S H A P T S A N D D O CONSIDERABLE WORK ON SURFACEâ€"MORE CAPITAL AVAILABLE. \i-i'l|l' guilt] WI'I'I' Nu- \\‘ilw.c°. Nu olM‘v horn olomv ull Hun-«- 'l'ln- “lividsun win lm-x lwvn drift- i'ii 1m in!“ "him! 13.") i'm'l. .\i â€w [mint nlu-ro- drifting wns 2410mm! tin- win ml“ and rntlwi' than fullnw llw h“! wvliuns nt pn-svllt tln' drift is bring runginuml tu Illilil:rlll'lliil Hm ‘Ilnl'l. 'l'ln- slmi't will In- stnlml «n! in NW 3W" i'mst iI'\'|'i. WIN-n «Inn-lup- Im-nt ri-nvln-s lln- :mnn- singi- nll III-- 500 I'm»! li'wl llw slml'i will ln' slupmi in â€I" “Nid'mii il'W'i. “n imih tlw 400 um] 500 I'm»! lv‘n'ls «nu-ml wrivs ul' stringi-rs. mrrying At pro-son! Ilw mmmgvuwm lmrim: hp mim- frum Hm 400 30" fun! Ic-H'I't. .\ misv fr. 400 {amt low-l is mm' \xitlliu I'm-I uf Mm 300 I'm»! low'l. In 1 mm- sluping will In- vulmm-Im it is: :mtivilmtml Hunt when rm» hotwm-n llw 4m and 53"†run! id Iuillml tho nwmgv mlm-s Imllc-cl “ill illvl'mlsw. \wrc- I'lIc-umlh'l'ml m-ur Nu olvwlumm-nt \mrk luau )‘rl. \' “NM" :1 l'vw WI". In :1 «hurt vumlumn'ml and when rm-k l'mm Igmm'm H gm" Ilw 400 m Hu misv t'mm Nu “'3 ul‘ urn UH Almut thrr-o ur t'nurhumtrwl [temp].- gnthvrml zit thv 10ml statiun In hid t'urmwll tn thv recruits ut' Hm Am- H'ii-un Lt-giuu. win» an- gain}: t'rum hero tn 'l‘nruntu mul \t'hu vxpcwt tn sail t'nr England UH Hr ulmut tlw .‘Mth «if this nmnth. Hvt'urv HIP train (10- lmrtml Svrgt'. Adler, nu ht-hnh' ut.’ the Legion. in at hrivt' spew-h \x'ishml tn mnwy his thanks tn the “NM. Hub, and HH‘ laulioe and gvntlmmeu whn wvrv su wry thuughtt'ul tn thvm dur- ing their stay here», and thrw runâ€"inf: vhevrs wvrc ziwn. 'l'lw immtwr tn lvzm- here with this ngiun was “'0†up in tlw tantivs. Tilt-1'0 has hm'n :1 hi}: 410‘â€th Ii'nr wmmt. building lots in 'l'immins dur- ing the past work. “moonlitâ€: tn infur- nmtiun glc-uned t'rum realty brnkors in tuwn. Numeruus buildings are tmw under way and prewut. mmdi- tinus point tn gl‘t‘at urtix'ity in this lim' during: thv rumim: summm‘. American Legion Left Camp Today 'l‘hv ('anaclian Mining l~‘inanm- ('unmany is making oxvcllvnt .ll‘ng‘l't'ï¬s un thu hvatl t'i'anw uvm' thu new «'1'!!- t'al shat't living: sunk nn tlw Avinv. 'l‘lw structural stwlwm'k is wartiv- ally (-uniplvtml and tho wurk ut' huas- lllf.’ it will lw startml shurtlv. It is. Mpmtml that tlw hi;.,r .itlml lull a clil\ winding engine will not ln- «liliu-roil tm' twu mnnths at h-ast. It. will hp "no at tlw largest. winding enginw on tlw mntinvnt. and tugvthvr with nlhor snrt'ave vqnipinont. un tln- m-nti'al shal't will rust in thv nuighlmrhmul Hf 'l'lw I’uhliv Selma] â€mm! “1' Timâ€" mills mot. nu 'l'lmrsduy muruing, the "min lmsilwss being mnsidvruticm ut’ svwml nwessary ultemtiuns in (he uriginul plans fur the new svhcml. 'l'lm changes were amtlmrizml auul tlw plans l'mwvamlml lu Ellis Ellis. 'l‘urunlu, t'ur rvvisiuu lwl'un- h-mlvrs ill't‘ mullml fur. which is vxpm-h-«l tn lw ulmut' Slay Isl. 'l‘lw au-mnmts wow lulssml and at nmtiun asking tlw 'l‘uwn ('uum-il In smu'liun :1 1mm 01' $23,000 by llw lmuk in ('10 svlmnl ll'llstvvs was allsu pussvd. Excellent Progress On New Head Frame Sflflflflll Bflflflfl SEMI HMS "I Illflfllflfl Hill HIM flfVlSlfll 'l'lu- mmmm-im-ut. imvmls drifting: l'l'nm llw .\Irlntyrv-Extvnsinn *imft tlil'u tn Hm vast, .‘lc-lntyrqunpih-r. (upping llw quartz purphyry Inimlt wutm-t. 'l'his mmhu-t. has prnvml wry rivli nu llw Mrlntyn- and Mc- lntyrv I‘ixh'llsiuu and it is hupml ml- uvs will lwrsist. is tnm' \uot‘lttn: Hmmtltl). 'l'lu' ~ttt't'alm' tt':tttt\\at'\‘ t't‘utu tlw olttltth-t' tn Hut .\lc'ltt15l‘c' l':\h'lt~inlt lms lu-vtt ~tm‘tml mul until tlu- twu Initws am- vutnu-o-tml up umlm‘grnuml ttll ul't° t'rum tlu- .‘lc'ltlht‘v-olttlvilt't' thl lu- lmulml uH'l' that mntu. .\t pruwnt nll Ht‘t' guitar; tu tln- Mo'- lntyrc- mill is t'rum tlw .‘lc-lntyrv. 'l'lw vrussvttl. nu tlw llNill t'tmt. lt'u'l t'rum tlu- .‘lvlntyt'o- I‘Ixtmniun tn tlu- Mc-ltttyrt- NH. 5 slutt't. l3 prugrvssing t'tn'umltly. \\'lwn this c-rusqc-ut is vmuplvtml all tlw )lvlntyt'u urv t'rum “workings nu tlu- nurth side ut' l’mu'l lutkv will It» lmulocl tn surt'um- up the- .‘lvlnts‘t'v I'Ixtvusiun slmt't. “H'l'flL'l‘ Hf JULâ€: {mm 0" Mn. trq-MNI pm' clay in Hm mill. H is run-Mm! Ilmt llu- um! mmrtm slmw nu illt'l'NI‘H' ill lovllllxlgt' M' 1 tic-ally "my lu'l' mu m 430 um, (In); 'l'lw mill mlalitiun M' 15" I'r\ u" ul‘v I «nu-NH" Hurin: Imulv n "M pm"! u "w mmrh-r )‘c'nr mu nm’urclin'; m â€in um. sm-cl h3- Hu- mmm â€mt m‘riml 27.248 I EU rm Hun ut NI...) utm- sllml "5' "mt pm'i Illlnl'cl. u! ALMOST HUNDRED TIIOUSANDF Nn'r â€"â€" cnosscm‘ mom BX»! TENSION To No. 5 31mm 13: UNDER WAY â€". BUILDING A! mum mom JUPI'IDN. t MBINIVRE PURE. MINES {BIB BflflWfl mum MM 8000 Pflflfflfll , Bfï¬ï¬‚lllï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ MEETING "if [A51 ovum, Ill SUIIMV MEI†.‘la-lnh n LEUJMND $2'HJ 1â€. 1‘! {WM ml wan ~z n; mu“ \w'n' s'rv l'urvupil um pm"! 0 M 'u'ut [N'l'lm km [mg Murrh .‘Ha1 in! «Momma is m-mvm. lmrin #0 .‘Iim It. will lw I; vnglmw «m r with minor HIP m-nh'all .\| lulllmrhmu Ill" I'N'In‘ nl'c' \\ N‘t‘ $21".5 "I nl' prur- ms 'M'!‘ 'm tum uh" IIII'I‘ \wn- M H WI†mw {HI Frank Luring, MJ'L, “th {pm-n ï¬sh» in: 11w Jumivsnu uuil Navarro: pmp.-. vrtivs in the Kumiakntin district, un whirl: he is mmsulling vnuinm-r for the (‘hislmlm ('urpm'utiuu Limitvd, of Tumultâ€. It. is understand that dm‘rlupnumts un Hm prupertios mntimw sutixt'm-ï¬ nry. 'I‘Iw shaft on the Jumicmn i-s «ltm'n ulmut {arty fwt and has pl'uVN’ the vein to marry quite :1. Int uf from gold. Surfumo \x'urk has from stunt?! cm thew ln'ulwrtim in :1; “Weft 2': luvutc: mun \L‘ilh. ' ‘ ' ('urpl. Guliuglwr zuul l’tv. G‘hurlio- .MIM'n “ill lmw MN!!!“ 1"â€: llailcs lnuy Mme they “ill nth ml Hm «Lu.» l'ur mmwnmIllisï¬iunml “Him'rs', and ii. is lmpml than tlwso hm popular 5mm: mun will lw suvm-ssl'ul in tho-iv vxmninutiuns. Liam. Nivlmlsmn and his mm: :m: anxiuus tn 5w tln- 159th up in full s'H'PIIg'HI us mun us pussihlu m that, clvlinito arrangements mm he mmh: fur lwvukiug ram)». Surface Work on Jamieson Claims 'l‘he 'l‘innnins (lttultl nt' reel-nits nuw ntnnher lit't\ inen. twenty 01' whom ate mm at llailuhnn and thiity in harrae ks here, llllti thi- namher is hie-- ing tNltit‘tl tu Jail). as the ullieer in eharge states that an average. of eight; men per week are uttering t'ur survive and at present. there are sixteen gum! pruspeets whom it is expeetecl will ('lll'ull within the next few «lays. t)n aemnnt of the emellent pins ie: il euinlitinn ul the men at this llat~ talinn them is same leasun tu helieue they will he sent. direct to England tn tinish training. At present they are heing lint thrungh a slaily eunrsn nt' rnntine «hill at the hasehall parli. whieh was reeently cleared and drain-- (‘tl hy the men ancl put in guml shape as a parade grmtml. The drill in-a eludes physieal exercises vac-h mumâ€" in}: and insti'netinn in sqnacl and [llitw tnull t'urinatinn. Musketi'y pi'uutim: is alsn in nrclcr (’llt‘ll «lay. 'l‘wvlvv wall kumvn ymuu: mun u. 'l‘immins have signiï¬ed tlwir willing-- 1105's in juin this mow unit am! it i~c 0X|N3i'ti'¢i tin-y will sign tip during; this wm-k. Fulu' gum! pivlurvs wow {hen thrown upon the screen and thc- nmo't~ mg terxnmuted. In mnversutiuu with Licul. Nich‘ Olson, the Advanw was intmmml that in all probability a Machine (hm Hen-- thm will he mhlwl In the 159111. Hut,- tuliun. l lli‘. J. .\. .\lvlnnh na‘ réaanman n: â€he memo: and made a ~lmrt intro .clnrtur) «pew-l! In “lllI'll he intui‘lnnl 2â€", umllt'ltm' llml lllr} \H‘H' Ht‘l. =uat7wrwl there ~olel)‘ lur inn-Ham. 'tm'ul. hut pi‘naanl) on the wriom: i|m-im~~ ut ti‘t‘l‘tttltu: for the imam-t lamb-y lle alm remarked that roller- ltiuns at prenmu meetings ut the: Immrw m-t'e auay lielou what mm lli‘c'v'unt‘} In i'tll'l‘) H" â€w “oil. llo‘l‘t‘. 'aml tlmnzht ll a clisuraee that your; linen “ho spend lanai-y lrm-l)‘ on lllt‘t?‘ 2H\\tt ['lt'tl‘stll‘tN. and “ho haw not :H l)vt enltnlml. should t'UllN' there tn lm it'tlh-I‘ltltttml and ahen a eullm'tlm' lam Ntllml tor \innlcl put a tire-rent. ipim-e up the plate. He then Intrmluw Evil Serul. linnell. “lln lia~ llt't'll tat. lllu- trout and I~ now in 'l'tmmtns' {M {an in~trnelor and reernittng utliew. ! Semi. li‘assell dwelt on all phase“; of war t'ntltllllulls in llritain and ‘l’ram'e and oh the present great need for more men. and showed that them are eomparatiu-Iy few young“ men who have any really plaaa‘ihle ext-am for Hot domain.r khaki. Lienl. Nlt°llcilsutt then spoke ln'ivtit along the anna- |ines and also read an Q'Nt‘t'llt'lll reerniting poem written 02y Sergt. White of llaileyhary. t'orporal “Paddy†Gallagher Wit-t then ealled upon and in his remark-i anide it cpiite elear that. the business: men of 'l‘namias are \Voet'ally laeking in the interest they take in military matters at. the present. time. Both last Sunday and at previous meeting»; of this nature the hasiness men harm failed to attend and to lead their moral sappmt to these gathering». He also regretted that. the people ot’ 'l‘immiaa should he so lacking in prize- tieal patriotism as to make it nee»..- sary for the soldiers to he; for the money neeessary for the ordinary comforts of the men while hilleted here, and [minted out that South l’orenpine with a smaller population was much more liberal in this respect. «Inc-hwy syn-win in whirh l HIP mulh'llm' Hmt Hwy muhvnwl llu'n' M'h'ly fut "mm. but primarily «m Imam“ uI’ I‘m-mum}: l’ur mum. llv nlm ronmrkml Iiuns nl proviuus mm-HI 'l'lw I‘m‘ruitillg llu'NilI: fur Hm I-Impirv 'l'hmtro- night drew an wsvrflnw « sidewalks in l'n-M ul‘ "w 1 nlmnst. inumsmhlv chitin lmur previcms In starting and wlwn Hm qlm-rs wm-u- 1 H Is" mm mm «on!!! an‘ mummy. Single Copies 5 Cent: J. .\. .\Ic-Iunis mu (min: and Imulv n 'y «prowl: in whirl! NIH-mu Hm! Hm I‘ hit ""011 r" Ins! Sunday w rhm'd. Tim lw Hwnlw we!“ win; Ilw lmh‘ m: "w Iuwlim: w Hmmn upon mlmiHmwv and mum. :0 “WV lmlllll‘