I! um. also m It 11 mm. am evening son'ir Sen "f In! ('cmfl ' '1“le ' 7.30 nm. Phone 152 Nutm- â€"-1‘ "OP" mm! lmilcli 2. of “In rut Suhhm h l'ivim- 3 v v v ..... i ()lpln,('uz!:e~i (flint-Hf “Uh! ; Q CMOO’)000¢â€OO¢O¢O¢OOOO09 QMOOOOQOOWDOOOOOOOOOOO: â€09600669000.096090000000er 5 ooooooooooooooooooooooooo: titlil 81’. “MEN'S MOE W8 30'. J. Doughâ€"s Iguassu. Rector ""h' "ulmmlm c '3‘}. S-H‘uh)‘ "anti DR. L. GAGNON Repair Shop on Balsam St. Hm Thu lwst :l thU Livvl'} Sunâ€! AutomcLih-c for Nah pln'cllusml l'rnm Us ('mlstunt llsvut Hw The buys my Mum and ('Ullhl m): lu- \\ than. Livery and Transfer 0111' ('X‘wl‘ig'm' \vutvh lim- will slmuldr Hill in“ i1- :1 pun Cocbr‘ane and Timmins, Ont THE BYRNB'S PRBSBYTBRIAN CHURCH GENERAL CONTRACTOR 'm' S. WHEELER Church Notices News :1] \m} Pastor. J. bhxweil Allan 1m South Porcupine Stain M 4:00 Military Wrist Watches M0 Veterinary Otfice HAILBYBURY. ONT nl H mil: . J. ROCHE H mm ndn? ll‘g' 1t \\' H n -nml mak- lmse. I‘mlsmmhlv .\'.n Open ll :‘v grunt witlmut in tlw ll ll't‘ Ill I \'()ll Inuk- l'ulll ay an u! month “mm...“ mpemm § 9 600‘ i553 ‘6‘ LEE! 55 :vOOO TEEE 5.09:; $55 600000. $55%$55$§$$5§m55555555§5m$55$§$$E$$5§§$§E§$55§5555§5§“' Royal Household and Glenora Flour W. \‘. Stall Mens’ Furnishing and D33 600515 Department l't'ulnuly's ()Vt'l'nlls amt] (Hun .s' HUI» Lung Iminn lmulu (31mm Arum“ Shirts mu] ('nllall's HUIL‘ l’l'tmf gmmmtwd Hosim'} Fifty 11021011 Nt-w Spring ('nps me’ ('l'uwnvtu' Ruin ('mlts 3m Huntley Palmers famous biscuits Scotland Woolen Mill Spring Suits \4 $1891 H \\'il1 .\[ \Vim Ynl'li Il'U H'lllllllll These well known High-class Bran :5 need no Recommendation 1]†all»! im llllll l! Smoked Meats l'tn'lt Ham ll t-su-l Ill h A l( ll llll 1f H l( H LV ll H‘UH Ill [(1)11 [(‘(Hl Ull llll Whiz ml .\l Ilh Fresh Meat Beggartment Ill lllt Catering to the Family Trade \\' iicftu‘f. “3.3, ,Z‘E.J'i. I':!::t;1!n.(il‘l1_\:!. .‘leitih \c-"f‘wiwh I. ( 21:1'». .oml (XI Fresh Fruit and Vegetables by Express twice a week l'lll-ZSl-Z mums are Headquarters for High-class Cheese l tn n l'Ull NOW STOCKED “Ifâ€! NE‘W SPRENG GOODS Chas. Pierce W®W>OOOOOOOC000.000.00.00.O0o M'klml 'l'mlll SONS, LTD. General Merchants ’PHONE 28 - - TIMMINS (‘hnim- Sh The House of Quality lwl 'l'mui. Huhlun Ham-ltv. llme. [9:11 t Fresh Oysters Always in Stock Christies Biscuits rflli PDRCL‘PINE ADVANCE H “X 'l‘nngllc H. J. Heinz Co. Pure Food Products 57 tlu- cuntinmt Geo. A. Siaters Invictus Shoes 'c n I( â€(1. \\' H ul ('Iu COOKED MEATS lltl mmv of (‘HS'I‘ MUHI H‘ Varieties \\'()lll( 1H U Illillll lll l.\'\'l("l‘l H SUM Ill :m H -0 M 1H ll ill \M. Wâ€)! 'Hl MHH «ll’ H )' ll( MN mzuul the l‘\\‘ Glassco’s Pure Jams and Jellies l':llxhl'()itlvl ('hildrvns Spri l’l'ussvs. Slum Kimu Hunts California Fruits “H Goodwillies Pure Fruits in Glass H. Before Buying Your Hay, Flour and Feed You should give us a call “1‘1 ht In HI l ( NH nf H |:u_\' Sum l\‘ pa l'tit'lllzwl It 20th Century Suits 11v and In I) mum :lllll 2 “us Sprin $25.00 to $40.00 Mum ll)('_\ â€H'X'i! ll Inwl l Pl: In] Ill llll l l .\I It ‘33 Si H; .31 3:53 """| Eï¬ï¬.’ 7.} [)0 You lntemi to Build? If So, Get our prices on Lumber \\ uf Hus mmp:m.\°. The fun-going: m bylaw is sigma! I) l’rvsidvnt. and Al: 1U'_\', «If â€w ““1110 (Minimum. Limitml. {IBM EXIEHSIUN MM mummy \l (Continuum w Livntenzmt ’ur the Slll'l'H â€Ml . it fm'Hu lid dist?“ Imtiun l\' I) \\' 1V!“ IN \V plit‘fl'i (Bun-H m page I! th U FlVS H '-'II â€It hilt \' In l|_\' mummy vul nl'lv‘ Iml «1 Ward.- Sm-I'vl l Milw .\| ll it II HM ll ULV HI ll