THE PRPOCUINE ADVANCE Vol 2. No 22 Dome Extension Deal For Sharehoiders Approval To the Sharohoidcm "It! “u Tim! ()nv H mhl nu minim: lzuuls: l’ul‘m'l 41337 in Hu- histriv! ut' Sucllmry ï¬ihmlv in llu- 'l'uwus tho Uiflrivt ul' Suclln ut' ()lmll'iu. living l qmll‘h'l' “1' Nu- Sum“ lwl' 'l'hrm' in llw Sc-m Hlv hilitl 'l'nwnship u!‘ Unuw IAIN" lw It HM: 12:2... :_ 2:. :3: r. 1:. :21... 3. 7.: 1:... .1. 3.2.3:. :3: 3:21.... .L. 2:, 7...:1. :3. ._._:..... r. 2:. 7. 2.. 2:. 1:.â€" ._.:$.:1_:_ 23:3". :2 23:121.... 3:. ::.....-;:E...._.m = :52. .3. 7.1.1... mnrv HI nu! In an Mimw District ul' Sudlnu'}. \\v.~t hm sihmtv in the 'l'uwnship “1' Ti in the Hislric-t ut' Smllmry and iIu-v ul' Humrin. lwing Hu- Smith quul'h'l‘ of tho Sunlh “at†01' Int. lwr 'l'ln'm- in the Ht-vnml romu I‘i-‘n'h MIMI“ nl‘ mu "lelrit-l u!’ S siiuutv in â€v in “w UNHM hum of ‘ ’llhll'it qllall'tm' “1' HH- Iwr 'l'lu'm- in the said 'l‘nw wining by :ull aunl unv-lmh' : “PI 'IM u! l’m'm'l H“ in tin- lh‘uiflm‘ fur the District nl‘ Slunml')‘. \Vosl Sud-lull. siluulo in Hip Township ut' 'l‘isdulo in the Histrivt ul' Smlhur)‘ and l’mv- im-v 01' â€Mario. Iwing the Nurth I'lusl quan'tvr â€1' the Nut-HI [1311' M In! 1mm- Iwr 'l‘ln‘t'v in NW First cnm'cssiun ut‘ the said 'l'uwnship ut' 'l'imlalc, mm- tuining Ivy m!nwusurcnwnt thirty-nine and «me-half acres. be the same mun- I'ULL TEXT OF AGREEMENT WEIICII THE SHAREHOLDERS 0P DOME EXTENSION WILL BE ASKED TO CONSIDER AT MEETING ON APRIL 20th -CALLS FOR SINKING SHAFT 85!) FEET AND DRIPTING 109 FEET. ALSO SPENDING OP $5.000 PER “ONTH ON TEE WORK- BY BIG DOME. 01' | llu' lhv â€10 HOW um new-wary: AIS†l't'sm'yiu; |\l t... 'rt‘llllï¬killlllll: antl Xui'thet‘n (lntai'in Railway t'uiulninsiun the right tn emss saicl lantlx~ and lu lay «lmvn their night ul' Way ninety-nine feet in width on and â€yer said lands ('1' any part thet'eut as‘ may lu-reut'ter be t'uuntl neee>sury Ul‘ expedient: saicl reserva- tiun tn he ut' the surface rights Hilly in :u-eurtlunee “ith the terms of an tlrtler nt' the Lientenanbtluvernnr in (‘uuneil tlillt‘tl the 22ml day of Feli- ruary. lUHSI: Sultjeet nevertheless lit the reservatiuns and exeeptiuns eun- tained in the original patents t'mm the ('i'uyyn. namely. all pine trees atuntlin; or being on the said land. tug-“ether with the right tn enter npuu said land lu remove. said timber. as prmided by Section 1123 of â€The Mining Aet of Ontario" and the tree use. passage and enjnyment of. in. over and upon all navigable waters which shall or may hereafter be found an or under or shall or may flmv thmugli or upon any part of the baitl land, and also right of access to ll Ill t'll â€It llSth' H .H't mg by :1 «me-hall ‘ll'm ll't‘t ass: [{x-sm'ving liw- per vent nl avl'vagv granted fur roads and right In lay nut the saaw where ('ruwn "1' its uflicors may deem ssary: .\l.s'n rvserving tn the iskamia: and Xurtlwm ()ntariu way “nanninsiun the right tu _. mid lands and tn lay «lawn their said I . I II“ uhuvu 3U IN It'l‘t 1h: W" 1|") \H't‘llN'll r â€H' ulh llull IN ship HI I slll'mlwm L‘ rim-mud rum ship “1' 'l'isdul‘ sun-mum Hurt {Using cllml')‘ H1 [1311' M In! 1mm- b‘irst ('nm'ussiun Hf p M' 'l'imlzllc, mm- urouwm thirty-nine ;. be the same murc H I! H III¢I tl \Vt H In islvr for NH ".u‘l Sm'liull , “1' Timle '\' and l’l‘U\'- IN .\' url in mum-ssmr sdallt', ('HH- lhier-nim :- :hv smut â€My-mm .mw mun (‘t‘llt mtauu- :v-mm lllllll IHllll (‘ull frunl trevs [1111(1. uyxux Il I"! I! NW 01‘ prutils linw : lwllszll Inn 'l‘ho \'t-ntlui° may. until this uptiun is' vxvrvisml hy thv l’nrt-hnsvr. «In such txplut'nliun. mining and (ll-vvlnptnvnl \\'ul'l( npun the mid lands as it shall H' lit. [It'uVltlml lltzll nu Sttt'll HIH‘I'H- iuns' shall intm't'uro with any «if the wwmtiuns in he mirriml nn nlmn thv Silltl hintls hy thv l’nrc-hnsvr. hnt lln ares nr initwmls shall llt' rvnun'ml hy the Vontlui‘ l'runi tho snicl lands nntil nt'tt-r tho l’nrvhnsor has failed tn 0x- ‘l't'lFP this uptinn within tlw tinn- ' t ;»-li\' :llln\\‘ml. :at {In 'my be V0mln1’ 'l‘lw \ limos whilo this uptiun is in t'uroo 'o right tn import at“ tho \\'n1°l<ing_:s un tho satitl lumls and all tho survoys. plans. lltillh’. assay plans. 355sz t‘t‘t‘tl- tiozttos. and other «latu mm â€1' horo- ul'tm' in tho pussossinn of tho Youtlur t'olzttin}: to tho satitl huuls ul' tho uros ,. 'msrnls thoth “1' tltct'otuttlt'l'. I! “In 'nvrals tlwrun nr thct‘vundvt'. \\'hilv this uptiun is in l'ut'cc llw Purchaser shall have the right lu vn- mun lht’ Silltl ltuuls and (la stu'h mining. vxpluratiun and «lcx'vlnlnnent wurk thorvun as thv l’arvhasur shall mu tit. hut an (â€'08 or tninm'als tninml hy tln- l’nrt-hasm' t'rnnt lllt' saiql lamls .tnm' than by means of the llll(l('1'- ground \x’nrkings an the lands nt' tho \'vn«lnr shall until mmplvtiun ul' lla- ~alo lw t't'nmvml than the lamls â€l the mined thereon by the l’nrt-haser h)" means “1' the nnclergrnuntl \\'ul°l\'ltl;:s on the lands of the Purchaser than shall he reasonably necessary In en-i ahle the l’nrrhaser to earl-y on sneh exploration illltl development Work as the Purchaser shall desire lu «lo and the l’urehaser shall keep an am-nrate aeeonnt of all ores so remuvml and shall treat the same separately from all other ores as far as practicable. and shall pay to the Vendor therefor the value thereof at the month of the mine. less a treatment charge of $2M)“ per ton. and shall make and keep ae- eurate assays of the minerals vult- tained in all sat-h ores. ll is agreed that. this option :ttttl all the rights of the l’urehaser here- under shall «ease and terminate it' the I’urehaser shall tail to notify the Vendor in writing within the time aforesaid or within sneh farther time (Continued on Page 5). 4:110 no rm Yondur. Until 01 Purchaser lands of l llllt It I1 PX! usual :m: mwmt Inn Fl 7\‘ l’un-ham-r smut mu \vlulv this uplmn 1: -!n tn msm-vt all tlu w mmv sum * [mid In the ' mmupamy. \l-mlur "my. 45011 by MW 1 Hum. minim: ll llt H vumplvtiun ut' tho sale 21' shall Nut remuvv l'rmu :hv Vondur muro uf the H «livid! Hil'm .~'. hut llu salary ul' mun I†lw [mid In may “if Vumlur mmpzmy (‘erp w salary as hen-tul'um llu- uptiun lu-i mulur mmpzmy flurry nu its in I unlimu'y wag. s. but u†sallau'j .IUNNUM I It until II {WIS ulm It “'0 and Mir “1' paying: c [HIS “'0"! H mm tlu-rvut I“ ll! “Sorrel :u')‘ til lhv ll lil\'(‘ ‘ In". H». svr. Imt nu n-mqul by lands until 'zlilml In 03(- thv time v sale tlu' \‘0 Hum lllv r u!‘ the Hl't-S un-lmsvr h)’ H ll TIMMINS. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th., 1910. >Ill Pull- ahull lw moss in “1' min- at up! In“ mmlv- mrtivs :50 its IIMII III IIIIIIII .g.:q . MINING IIIINIJI mm y - ' ' Hfllllflflffl magma ContI act Gixen [or lml [H Hn HM all VlPflNfl MINES AINUM MINING Hill] M0 . flfleEflS [lEBIEI .u. on. on. cu. out on. on. on. On. 91% o? b .9 h \\ H IIH'G‘HH Suppl: fur all «lvx'vInpnu-nt t halving: :l gum! Illul‘g‘in the INN! fun! lvvcl the in width and llu- urv yussan's us high as $40 A wire just received from Toronto says a merger of the Canadian Min- ing and Finance Co. and The Bollin- gcr Gold Mines Limited is about to 'm consnmated on a basis of $30,000.- 000. Hollinger to receive {our and a half shares of the new stock for one of the old. will: llu-il‘ I'ulltmlds i “ivulLYo \V necessary mm 5 s‘l‘o‘a‘l sinking: n!‘ (In than paid t'ur' fur all (l(‘\'(‘ln lmu'iug :l gum! I'N‘t I M Di Ht .\t Hm “HHH' I'lxtvllsinn 1m :n'v Working un llw “.300 I'm.‘ drifting cm at pl'umising‘ win siun I'I'mn llw Hume prupul'l)’. 14 men mm U]! the payrull. ll (ltd‘sluml that the (-umpzm)‘ shit-ring tlu- lvtting “1' a mum :1 mnsidvrahlv ummmt «ll'lnlllg‘ 1n unlvr In tvst knnwn \‘vms at «lvplh. knmvn nuns pivluug up ‘ vvm systems 'l'lw lentyrv is gutting: iliinus in shape fur the ti'vatmvm ul' Mrlniyrv lixlvnsinn and Jupitvr-Mt-lntyi'v arc in tlu- lenlyi'v mill. Wliilv tlu- haulagv ul' Mrlntyrv I‘lxtvusiun nrv is a mauparalivvly easy pi'upusitiua. llw Mrlntyi'vnlupilvr has m-voral thlilt'- lvs tn vlu-ap haulage until 5mm- awrâ€" lwml system is iuauguratml. \\'lwa llu- «li'il't l'rum llu: Mrlniyn- l'Ixtvu- sinu ('(‘llll'ill shaft is vnlllplviml. a Hunter ul' sumo nmmlis. llw nlil .lupi- (or \\‘m'l\'iu;:s will lw («mum-(ml up with all .‘li-lmyl'c alul .‘li-lntyl‘u l'lx- tonsiuu \mrkiugs. Hi'c ran ilwn lu- liaulml umlcrgruuml aml lluistml up the same shall by wliivli all Mrlnlyrc l~‘.\'hsn<iun :IlHl .‘llelVI’t‘ Ul'i‘ l'l'Hlll l'le-usiun and Molinyrv un- I'mm veins llUl'lll â€1' Pearl Lukv will he linistml. \Vliilv llw Molmyrv Exten- ninn central shaft. is being vnmu-vtml up will! the lemyl'v mill and uvcr- lwml sysu-Iu l'rnm Ilw Molinyrc- .lupitvr lmilt it is llussllill‘ that sumo uro will he liuulml :wruss l’mu'l Luke. 'l'lu- umimgvxm-nt is ('ullsillu'lllg umtm' {rm-ks fur usv wlwn the mum is gunu. 'l‘lu' l-russcut tn Mrlmyru X0. 3 sllul't l'rum Mi-lmyrc-l‘lx. vvntral shaft has lwvn started and is well umlcr way. 1‘“ llll \l tlu I. in \ Notes, Comments and Opinions Of Interest T0 Mining World m...:_:-:.$_ >321. w... u..:...:: 25:2: .,.::.:...._: 1.3.: 5.: 7.9... .5. :2: 1.7:; .1522... .:..:: :._ 3:55.. 2 1. 5:3: 3;: i: 7.: â€'0“ and t'ul Whit mncu ntary Report to qu-tllil'ds “1' a llul rvlu'vsvntml mummy 's hy-luws vnlllplvlml in 31 1'01â€]! â€I. :30†u ll‘Vt'l mtuhlislml at that 1w «Ii-H'lulluu‘nt 01' this pru- -. ln-vn mnrv than unlinurily l. 'l'lw gulcl l'm'uvm't-«l in HM} and lemyn- un- 1mm 1h â€1' Pearl Lukv will he \Vllilv llw Molnlyl'v Exten- ‘zll shaft. is being «mum-Med he lentyrv mill and uvcr- .l¢-Iu t'rnm the McIntyre- uilt it is pussihlv that, 54mm )0 huulml :u-russ l’mu'l Luke. I'IN'SUH' “NIH Xit'lls‘iulls u! sus Slim-s. “our Manhu- Mr. I). M. Slvimllvr. nt' ; ilnlt-l'vslml. Hm slult'l â€0101! in :1 ('0le Hf :31!†:0 0:. 9:. 0:. 0:. 0:0 0" 0:. o:- 0:. .:- 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:. {a 0:. 0:0 0) 0" 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:. {a 0:0 0:. o:- o:o on. o:. 9:4 ha 1'! 13.: “1' u vnulmv! fur â€mull! ul' «liunmml In WM :1 munlwr nl' (h‘iilll. ill hnluk‘. Hf 'ur iutvrt't ““me ’:‘ 0:. u:- 0:. 9:0 0:0 0:. {a 0:. dc 9:0 0:0 0" 9:0 0:0 9:0 9:. 0:0 0:. 9:. {o co 0:. .:o 0:. 0:. 0:. o: .10 0:0 0:0 0:0 9:. 9:. 9:. 9:0 0:. 0:. llllllll ’l'llv ulcl lm m Imaml. t4 VP!†III P l'ul HRH ('h ll NI llu prom l1 31' h in 0x10“- .x'. .\han It is un- is mn- PM 1 llll't‘c Hm! H I "0 llllll an [SHIN It'Slt 1'1“!!!“ u m l" Dunn 3lst «III lllUl't h Hull t't-vl '1'}!- HM llu ll \'( .\t BIB HUME SHHWS Bllllfl INCREASE [[18 Hill"! I]! MARE" MAY Sill A Ifllflfl "NEW IN Hugh? I l‘_\‘ vâ€, H is any In .~|u tvl'vst .s' SKIN lt-Iult'l's ‘ mlwr m H IH‘EH‘ is mm' in lnu'rcn grrnuncl nhuut three humhul hot i'l'mn the shaft. 'I'hmw- 5~ nlll\ ulmul hut) MM "1' and; In ho mkm nut in linish thv ("lnnfl‘llt 1mm [he )lillvr-Mhhllvtmn thmugh Hullin- gvr \mrkingm tn Ihv runlml shaft. "fl Cm 2| l'( u'urkim: nu (-lnims thruug «lislric-i all winter. .\ small l4 hm-n' taken into the )lit-klv Int 112. mm. 23, Mumâ€. and si strum is being: mrriwl «m. '1'] hl'utlll'l's. «lim-mwrvrs Hf Hm huhiv. 311* mm \x'urking i1 mm. .3. and mm: Imus lwou m â€w Hamivls Yul. in In! 3'). v Munm. .\ omupuny has. lwv mllml the {urtun Minus. Li talw uwr tlw Burluu \'vt.. i 2.27 2: ma. E it... 4...; .1: .7. ::.r. 1...:â€" >.Z.z_:.:_ 7...; .75: 2.1:â€" u fur n\'(‘l' :1 ï¬lm! Hf UN is had. N is I vim: 'l‘lwn u-t â€My As the shaft has tulhm'ml the Win“ l'ur n\'(‘l' :i lmmlrml l'm'l an oxmllvnt‘ l1ll'3l ul' Ilu‘ l’â€53llllllilt‘$ ul' tlu' tli<tl°ivt is luul. Nut willy has the run. whirl! is loin: sunk upun. wiilmiml In 18 inrlivs. lml. \‘isililv gold and l(‘lllll'l(l(‘5 lmw- iuvrmisml. 'l‘lw Kerr Lake has a 31mm plant \vux'kim: nu the pru- [u-I'I)‘. 'l'lu' lvllul'iclvs ul' gold lizn'e lwun fuuml in the Kirkland Lake and Painkiller Laiko tllb‘ll'll'ls. 'l'lw uccur- rvnvv is ulnmst upglwlml. Scsckiuika is in tlw tulluritlu ;_"Ul(l ramp. with must “1' llw gulil in lolluritlcs. The Smitli-lmliiiw, Maluul’ and utlicr pmâ€" pm'livs in the district slinw free gold in lt‘lllll'ltlt’ wins. l"rmu «lavelop- uu-nts till the Smitli-luliim- it is like- ly that Xurllwrn Himn'iu’s first tel- llll'lt1(.‘ â€1' gulcl camp will be a sucvcss. u In l\ HIP ï¬rst big: «hull in llw 'l'uslmhl drivt ut' Kuwkush guld :n'ou Ime I‘ll put thruuuh by A. S. Fullvl‘ .. ui' 'l'immins. “In. hm“- sold tlu 'I'alllvy-MHl'l'isml mep m IRS. in- l'iw lung: r If! U†UN :u' the '\'i SM'N': ...1.. .2... .7252... 3.... $.32: _.:_..._:_ _/.m__..k-:.:_;1 .2133. :37. 7.221..†1:. .5752. :_. 74.: w l'lu tnlt 1.232;. 2.25:. .T. . ../ 23.2.: E: :73. 1:27. 5.2:; i: 1.3; .,._:..::;.. z. .. r; E .7; 1.1:: lm-n “\Hll'dt is â€w mum It‘ll r'mrw "mum 'ur smkm mmvl) ItIo'vIt ally Mines W0rk~ {-2 illl Ill lzluvv nl [\III \‘Iuhmlv rum : rmssvm {run ,lw Amm- tn Vilmlltl lim- i was ('xlwvlml. l‘HHH 3N 1 TI' N! 111i»??? tn he runsiclv'nhlv HH‘ Mlllll'u-Hvzlliy gm“ 10 mum is u†the gmmul. :5 ul' mm lmvv lu-vn l vluims thruughuut 111(- vintm'. .\ small lmilvr has into the Mivklv claim in 2%, 311mm. and sinking by 112' mrriwl nu. 'l'lw Walsh pn'nuim-nt .isitin: Ill 0 “1' n the ...:.< 3:... .533. 7.2.... .5..:..::. .: .1... 77.3.3. ..........:.. :.. 2:. 3...... 1...... .+.......... z: 5...... \J' slum-s an S] ILINNUM wlml. llw e-rnssmll muncl ulmut three IIH- shaft. 'I‘lwl'v 1'00! â€1' l’nrk in |)( 'm'vlll 15' Inâ€! ht'l' 0:. 0:0 0:0 0:. {0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:: 0:. 'Z- t: wnship. l't I. I" an the ventral 30.1; shaft in “all undm' l. ilw tl'ussvlll :xml HuH'uln «I mutml in 'y vluim m . has lmuzht “mlllï¬ illil'l'- r in In! 11. 1 \unkim; un ). 1011.1. 4»! lwvn ful'luml Limited. in 1.. in Int 11. m-e-m-l ’.‘.'.’.' 311.9 ‘ .l.3l.-“ml;| lulll)’ :Uml arm: has Hullingvr FHHM' “In 1':- 315'ka fur shaft and "fl \I Ht \l IVSHH IIN‘ Values High at Kirkland Lake But Veins Narrow mnlitw HI nh-s whirl: and II «HUM! “I. â€It mum \‘1‘lllï¬ â€œ1' â€It tuns c Halkt‘s lhut would he “1' inure use: aim! the ’ ramlr was presented tn lt. l’are. \xltu “as «lis'ruisetl as l’imrmt )lmtet' h’ex \\llSUll in his ( mth suit. mm lthe huy' 5 mile. and little Ulino 5'1;qu in her fairy matume was uwanlwl the ‘prize fur girls. l The eighh lltlx't’ts' sultl hv Bliss iluzma Blamhette mm W her tlu- silk hluuse which Mr. Mulherun hml pui- chased for the girl whu sulcl the greatest number. The net proï¬ts for the muting; were $60. 00, Wllll'll, in iew ut' the change in the \xeathm', and tho mn- stant demand upon the ptthllt im- puttunage in \uriuns patriutie (utm- prizes. far exceeded the expect tzltiuns ot the ’Club. THE TOUGH CARES MINE YIELDS $16.22.! IN GOLD PROM ONE HUNDRED AND ONE TONS OI‘ ORB- ORBBNSTONES AR?- 01‘ THE DISTRICT CAREFULLY DIAGNOSBD. sa-histusv I'nuglullll‘l'alil‘ is; mun- ln (-mmlin :1 \WII «lvtinwl llmugl mwvr win than tlu- lmrph Irrv WU Have alg'uill tlw tlisli lwtm-vn xuusaiw aunl svhistusv 'hv pnrphyr)’ is very hzml um! and “MN am: lmt'lilsvl)’ in | Ilwruiu l'ur any great. (“51:â€ch MS. Hill] VERY SBBEï¬SfUl CARNIVAL UN WEDNESDAY MST (’Hlll ‘vl'tll'll week. “Kim.r [*‘rusV’ represented hy Mrs. ('has. ('arr ut' Suutheud, we“ ï¬rst prize t'ur ladies’ t'aney dress, while Mrs. Wm. Fiss, nt' Suutheud, repre- senting a squaw and pallmust‘. was awarded the hat. It. is rumured that the judges were about to hand the ramr In the squaw, hut remembering that squaws in the uurth euuatry sel- dam use razors, they derided that the hat would he 01' mure use: and the was presented tn It. l’are. \\hu was disguised as l’iert'nt. Minter l43llli(‘ Nun Incl lims The members wish to thaul; all those who helped 211 any way 10 mulm :2 .sm'cess 01' tlmxr venture. um (iirl Lmlim Mon '5 l â€(-n ‘s l'rm Marshall. ’mV 5 Prize In thu- Kin H n l'l H w ri t 1 Spin Ill 7.05 and tin .pltv n!" MW 1150 III tvmlwr.‘ «l by tln- Wrathvr Mam HIP ('all'niull nll \VHlm's‘h rn’ 30 [VS n‘ l'( H IIIHH m‘u sllimvm II'IIH llu' l'lw mHN‘ “74‘ ‘ 'amvy ,uuulzl 'an‘ l 'Imsl u .‘L€I_\' .\l $211.0! ,V iliriuus '5 (p. 21): “TM 'rallv is mnn- likvly Ilvlinml illuugh nar- l tln- |I¢vl'|lll.\'l'.\'.†'uin llu- (“Stilll‘tiull LUMP, Mr. MHHH-rnn represented by Mrs l)rvssâ€"â€" Sum ply l)xw~ss’- ill I W ’umt S clumlturs ""1 Sll(‘(‘('h'h' Il‘n HM" M imv u] and HM h‘lll]N'l'iH uro '/.Ul I" Sum» h'u l HHWI. the 'l'lu' kvl)‘ “3H" H and u\' H llHll Report of Porcupine Branch C. P. Fund XUI'HI h'vmittml â€UP. I Hm nvt In] ammunted In this amount ‘ standing \xh “I’m-('(th‘ In ; Jam. ls! nmu lhnlnn'scuwm’s I'm mvrvusmg. and I! IS “'11 Hull. o:‘ perm†wlm days at lmlm- nuglr vnnlrilmlv surm- amnum ('flt'll m. lmmnls tlw up-lcm-p m' Ilw fun; â€1' tlw, .s'ultllc'rs nu :u-lle H'I'xivv. ' Distrivt is \wll able nut will}; In Mr its own nvmls. but :zlh’u In tlw .‘x'utimml l’atriuliv i°'uml l)“. :‘o tin: a substantial :unmml I» t (‘ill'll nmntlz. .\'n pcrsm: \mnlcl miss mu- pm' nx' his salary, yet if (-'-.‘er~\'hmly trilmlcd luau :uuuunt mwh 'nwnilx, l’nruupine Brawl: Wuu‘ld be :2.“- ul' :1 regular murvo of immune. It is then i'uru suggested tlmz, mnuth tlu: nmrvlumta :nuL mimo- tlu: clistril't, Slmulll dumm- mm wnt. of tho amount of “Mr mun pay-roll tn the Patriotir Fund. ‘ Suhsvripvicms will ln- :Iu-lgxz'lvl UIH {mwivml l'mlH'. l'( Single Copies 5 Cents ’ llw l: M'II In clilinu n litllt u-nl ultrrm vlu-mu-ully wry mv 'll ulw «my mnpluyv: wm'ds ul‘ SHIP, 2h HUW \\'c I'mm “u" mm 011 band m 'Ul l'H‘l‘ HIHHHS . . . whims rwm 'um 5:1!" 01' l 'l'l U'L c t mmpsml (:0ch I zly°s [my Mum ll In ('nnmliam l’ulri- mu], (Htmm . .. Expenditures l'mm ('zlmulizm I’m- l"uml, ()ttmm, frnm st until Mar. 3131.. IVL 111 Imwm Ill†loan 11ml 211'! :n by Mrs. and Mrs. IIIHH IVU thvrv is ulmut min “‘1†ln'm; :unnmxnuutdy Ho I’D!!! 4-l_\ “01'“ 3| l't‘ HH- Hum Receipts ll )') «m Hit it is ft Kit H'HM “l ll h}! “'1'†H'l' hall. :1 l’un-upnu ml In :ulcliticm in}: Hue IJy $154Jfl) 3 Branch . ~lt that. 03'." â€me "ugh-i Ht :41 um “0* ill'! Mim m" snmllo urllwm U: 3U! 1110 â€11' l l W H H‘u I)†lluw I! H‘II vgul vxh' nwmls IN MU \\' {m}. L I h NH olu [In m»: h \‘I \V n H