Being a lly-law to provide for rsis- ing the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($10,000) by way of losn' upon the security of Detentures oi the Township of Tisdale in the. “Dis- trict of Sudbury. and fur expending the said moneys in erecting and fur- nishing public. school buildings, in extending the present system '0! waterworks. and installing s more efï¬cient system of fire protection. in constructing sidewalks and cross- ings. in the repair and construction of hridgesnand in repaying to the flank of Toronto the moneys due them by the Township, borrowed to meet currect expenditures. WHEREAS the said Township of Tisdale was ï¬re-swept in the month of July. 1911. end the Town of South Porcupine end the Village of Ann Lske in said Township were both completely destroyed. not only the buildings thereof but also the sidewalks, street cressina. and build- ing material on hand at the time. AND WHEREAS in the opinion of the Municipal Council of the said Township it is necessary that school. buildings should be erected and iur-' nished; that a system of Waterwm'ks should le insuwratcd. and that the present system of ï¬re protection should be extended; that sidewalks and street crossings he constructed in the Town of South l'urcupiuc and the Village of Aura La'e; that the bridge cro-sim: Porcupine ('reck on Railroad Strut in the Town of South i'on'culino be rcin'rcd, and that a new hridgc he t-rcctud at what is known as the l’curl Lake Narrows in the said Township; and also that the moneys due to the Bank of To- ronto hy the said Township he re« paid. AND WE“ RE \S in the opinion oig the said Council. the said sum oi Forty 'l housaml Dollars ($10, 000) should be divided up and expindcd in the inlluwing manner. namely: â€"- For the erection and furnish- ing of public school build- For extending the present ws- terworks system, and in- stalling a more emcient sys- tem of fire protection ........ .. For constructing sidewalks and street crossings ............ AND WHEREAS for the purpose of erectin: and lurnishin: said S‘lIOUI huildin:s, extending the said water- works and fire protection system. constructingr said sidewalks and street crossings, repairing and build- ing said bridges, and repayment of the said moneys due the Bank of To- ronto, it is necessary to borrow the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000), which will he the net pro- ceeds of the Detentures intended. to he created by this By-law, and which proceeds are to he applied for the purposes aforesaid and no other. For the repair and construc- tion of bridges ................... For the repayment of ' the Town-hip Loan to the Bank of Toronto ........................ meat of the said ~um of Forty 'l‘hou- sand Dollars, ($40,000) it is pmposed to issue Debentures of the said Township of Tisdale, repayahle with interest at the rate of 4. per cent. :per annum in five annual instalments. such that the ï¬rst annual instalment shall he for interest only. and the remainine‘ four annual installncnts shall be for such amount as will re- pay the said sum of. Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) together with in- terest at four per cent. for four: years in four equal annual instal-' ments, and none of said debentures shall be for less than $100. ‘ AND WHEREAS the total amount required to be raised annually for principal and interest by special rate during said period of ï¬ve years for repayment of the said Debentures and interest. is set ,forth in Schedule A hereto annexed. and amounts to the sum of $1000.00 for the ï¬rst pay- ment, and $11,019.00 for each of the four succeeding payments. IIIWISIIIP [If Ilï¬ï¬‚fllf AND WHEREAS the Township of‘ Tisdale being newly organize-.41., the. amount of the whole rateable pro- perty of the said Municipality has not been ï¬nally revised and ascer- tained. but which will exceed the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,- 900) for the year 1912. buildings ...... A‘JD WHVRWAS for, the repay- By- ..................... $ 5.000 No. 2|. $10,000 28,000 4,500 J .500 i (2) That the Reeve of the said Township is hereby authorized to 'horruw on the credit of the said Cor- poration the sum of Forty Thousand ;Dollars ($40,000) being the amount ‘ncccssary for the purposes aforesaid. and the proceeds thereof shall hous- ed and expended in payment of the said works. and repayment of said loan and for said purposes only, and gto secure the repayment of said sum. debentures of the said Corporation 'may he issued in the amounts and payable on the days and times and in the manner herein provided. thTL-r'eoeht' indebtedneu ot the am luntoipality in 390,000. All of which (all: due on the int day of May next. BE IT ENACTED, end it is there- fore hereby enncted hi the Municipal Council at the said Toflmship of Tir dale. purgatnt to the provisions 0! the Statutes in that behalf as folâ€" lows:â€" (1) That Public SChOO‘ buildings be erected and lurnishod within the limits of‘ the said Municipality; that. the present system of waterworks and ï¬re protection be extended with- in the said Municipality; that side- walks and street crossings be con-Sf structcd where required within the’ said Municipality; that the bridges; hereinbeioro relerred to be repsiredg and constructed within the said; Municipality, and that the moneys; due to the Bank of Toronto by this' Municipality be repaid out of the moneys arising from the proceedn oi‘ the sale of the said Debentures. I (3) That the said Dohenturcs shall he signed by the Reeve and Treasur- or of the said Municipality and seal- ed with the Corporate ï¬nal and the said lkbenturos shall he payable at the Bank of Toronto in tho (Tity of 'l‘urunto un the ï¬rst day of May in each year lu-roaftvr. (-1) The Uehentme pnyui L- in the first year shall became due and pa)" :ihle on the Fitz-st day uf May. 1913, mud in subsequent yenra en the First day of May in each and every year after the said First day of May, 1913, and the Debenture due in each year shall be for the amount. set. forth in Schedule A of this By-lnw. (5) That for the purpose of pay- ing the said Debentures and interest. on the same during the currency Municipality, and that the monies thereof, the sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollar's ($1600) in the first year. and the sum of Eleven Thousand and Nineteen Dollars and Sixty Cents ($11,019.60) for each of the four sue- ceeding years shall he raised and levied annually in the same manner and at the same time as the taxes of the said Municipality are levied. by special rate over and shove the other rates upon the whole rateable proper- ty of the said Township of 'I‘isdale in each year for the said period of five years. The first. of such assess- ments to he made dmim: the year 1912. ((3) This By-law immediately after thereof. (7) That the Vutc of the Electors of thesaid Municipality shall he tak- en on this lly-law on Friday, the 10th day of April, 1912, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and live o'clock in the afternoon of the said (lay, at the otlice of the Township Clerk in the Town of South Porcupine, in the said Toyvn- ship of Tisdale. or at such other place or places within said Munici- pality as the said Township Clerk or the said Municipal Council shall here- after designate, and the Clerk of the said Municipality shall act as Re- turning: Ollieer for the taking of the said vote. (8) That on the 10th day of April, lfl’l‘2. at the hour of ten o'clock in the [orenoon at the otlice of the said (‘lt-rk in said Town of South Porcu- pine. shall he the time and place when and at which the persons will he appointed by the Reeve to attend at the said Polling: place and at the ï¬nal summing up of the the Clerk of the Municipality on behalf of the persons interested in promot- ing or opposing the passing of this By-law, and the Reeve thereupon shall attend at the said time and place and make such appointment. (9) That the Clerk of the said Municipality shall, on the 20th day of April, 1912, at the hour of tan o’clock in the forenoon. at his oï¬ice in the said Town of South Porcu- pine. or such other place as the poll may be held, sum up the number of votes given for and against this By- law. READ a First and Second time this Twenty-ï¬fth day of March, A. D. 1912. Reeve of Tisdale. Township Clank. shall take effect; the ï¬nal passing SCHEDULE "A" REFERRED TO IN THE ANNEXED BY-LAW NO. Debenture No. I“ THE above is a true copy of a proposed By-law. which has been tak- en into consideration by the Munici‘ pal Council of the Township 0! Tie- dalc in the District ol Sudbury. and which wiil be ï¬nally passed by the said Council in the event of the or sent of the Electors being obtained thereto. after one month from the ï¬rst publication of the said By-law. in the Porcupine Advancemn the 28th day of March. 1912, and that at the hour, date and place therein ï¬xed 10: taking the votes. the poll will be held. AND TAKE NOTICE that the names of Maseholdera neglecting to file the Declaration required by Sub- section One of Section 354 of the Cnnaolidated Municipal Act of 1903. will not be placed on the Votera' List iur such voting. NEW Jflfllflfll BISIBIET 20,080 SBURHE W5 riipissing and Buéhury wan ï¬at Miss {territory néiuiea they District The new judicial tlistrit't of 'l'emts- kaming. which will comprise that portion of the present districts of Sudbury and Nipissing lying north of the 'l’emagami Forest Reserve. be- tween the Albany River and the Que- bec boundary. will haVe an area of about 20,000 square miles. The aver- age dimensions of the territory \sill be about 200 miles long and lid miles wide. Extending south from James Bay along the district boun- dary between Nipissing and Sudbury a triangular piece of territory some? 329 miles in length and 70 miles in' width to the interprovincial bound-l ary is [upped off Xipissing. while a: similar portion. but 275'miles in, length. is taken all Sndhury. Some: little idea of the vastness ni thatl portion of New Ontario is gained when it is borne in mind that alli2 this loss of territory will haVc littlc' ei'fet't on the districts «if Sudhury. and Nipissinq. and both uf these dis-7, triets will have ample oppnrtunityé fur industrial e.\"pansiun and settle-i 21 FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE, IN THE DISTRICT OF SUDBURY. 'l‘o mgunl up this apportionment of {N'ritory n slivv of territory approxi- mntvly '37) by 36 miles is withdrawn from Nipissing and annexed to Sud- lmry. whill. furtlu-z. ruuljustmonts of territory are outlined in pending lvqislntion before the House. The prinvipal provisions of the act creating: the now territory and judi~ vial distrirt will he‘hrought into force from time to time by procla- mation of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. mm! For judicial purposes there will be ostablishod HiStriot‘.aml â€Surrogate Courts. :1 District Judge will be ap- pointml. and Ass-i203 will be held at dams to he (intermined by the Judges of the High Cmu‘t. l’rm'i<i0n will he made for the gradual transfer of all books, docu- ments and records pertaining: to land in the néw district from the ofï¬ces of tho prownt Registrars and Clerks in of Keora Mine Has Resumed Work The Keora mine, in eastern Whit- ney. has resumed operations. A small boiler and a steam hoist have been installed for future deep sinking. The main shaft is down to the 50-foot level, and with the aid of the prospecting macllnery it will be deepened to the 100-foot depth. The Keora is ideally located on the ridge that is said to be an extenua- tion of the Scottishâ€"Ontario belt, the quartz pnpinsr to the surface in a small-sized dume. Free gold was found all the way dlm'ln the shaft. The Keora is one of the Eastern Whitney prospect/3 that a‘ttraéted the attention of mining engineers last fall, as the formation appears to be of a Character conducive to good values. record re Principal '1"! Anal Due. Interest. Amount. 1913 $1600.00 5 1600.00 1914 11019.60 1915 11019.00 1916 11019.60 1917 ' 11019.60 NOTICE. W. M. WHYTE. Township Clerk. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE Will fli-flflï¬hflï¬i H5" MU EM SERVIBE Commissioner Haas “mat: Iany Reform: to Prevent 0e- pietiun-longar maze Seasnn After an investigation extending over three yearn into, the condition of ï¬sh and game in the Province of Ontario. Mr. A. Kelly Evans, the Commissioner appointed to make the inqpiry, in a report, covering over 3M) pages. calls for a complete rear- ganization oi the game and ï¬sheries branch, with an eXecutive omcer,t.wo chief inspectors and [our secret sob To complete the scheme of reor- ganization he suggests that the Pro- vini‘e be divided into six districts lor the purpose 0! tlsh and game protec- tion. with an inspector in chargemho shall receive a salary of $1.500 per year. with a staff of six assistants, each of whom shall reeeiveasalary nf not less than $900 per year. vice mun With regard to licensed lishing.Mr. Evans recommends that no licenses for commercial ï¬shing he issued {Or inland waters that have. not an open area of ten square miles w‘.‘ water that is capable of rigid inspection.‘ Save where a local demand make» it necessary commercial licenses he te- Hll‘lt'lctl to large lakes. and monthly returns he. required from lit‘enses. it is suggested that sporting lish ho protet-ted hy a prohibition of net- iishin': within live miles of a town. and that sperihml areas lll‘ set apart. a~ "sputum: iisli pi'e..~«~t‘\'e.-'." within which limit net-lishing will not he al- li'm'ed. The propagation of sporting tish is urged hv the establishment of ï¬sh hatcheiies, and that a scientilio research department he organized to istudy the conditions under which llsh hest thrive and diieet. deVelopment m ~ this way. With reference to brook is reeun‘miended that a special hatchery he. established in the Nepigon dis- trict. It is also urged that north of the Lake Superior district,where tim- hering is done. a fringe of trees be left along the bank of all streams sufï¬cient to afford the shade neces- sary for the ï¬sh's existence. A portion of the report is devoted to forest conservation. More atten- tion should be giVen to the use of spark arresters by railways, who might be induced to use a fuel less dangerous than coal when traversing forest regions. During the dry 80'- suns railways should he required. to maintain a patrol thrng'n Emmet belts. and that czmflessness in ra‘egud to the stunting of ï¬res be made a punishable offence. In regard to the huntim: of big game Mr. Evans would like to see the shooting; of does prohibited, and that a general hunting license be aduptvd to rover those species of game fnr which no license is requir- ed at present Mr. Evans would like to see a Pro- 1'i111'iz1l gzm'n farm established to de- mnnstratc tho practicability of rais- ing deer and other game animals. and at the same time to he the cenâ€" tre of a system of distribution of the indigenous 1:an birds or game birds whit'h may have hetnmo extinct in 1111-.I’rrmi11co . To this might also be midnd :1 mzu'sh im muskiut cultiva- tion. ’(hher recommendations are “"hat the dates fo1 the open sea- sons for pa1t1i1lgre (Luhed mouse) and Woodcock throughout the Provi Inade October 16 to Noxeniher 30, inclusixe; 101 quail. \OV'CII'llmI 1 to .31). inilusive; and fox ploVer,1ail and snipe, September 133 to December 1:). â€That Monday of each week during the open season for ducks he declared closed to duck- -shooting (in public. lands, marshes, or waters “That aLl possible ellorts he made: by the Administration in the dlI‘CU-l tion of encouraging the introduction of international regulations in regard to the killing or taking of 'uigrizm'y game and other birds. “That the principle be maintained of not alienating the shooting privi- leges over Crown lands, marshes, or waters in the wilder portions of the Province to private individuals, clubs, or corporations; that in the more populous and opened sections of the Province, should it be deemed desir- able to grant such privileges in the interests of propagation and conser- vation, the extent of public lands, :marsh. or water over which shooting- rights are thus alienated from the public be strictly limited; and that in no case an entire marsh or water area suitable for wild ducks be thus alienated." {L §9¢OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO‘;ԤOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOQOO€; Stock Brokers WHAT ‘DO YOU DO? BUY AT THE TOP AND SELL AT, THE BOTTOM, QR BUY AT THE BOTTOM AND SELL L '1‘ THE T0 1’? W think we have the right information on Crown Chartered. Dome Extension and Vipond. It a important to you. ' WRITE. WIRE or phone no for the infor- mation Members Standard Stock Exchange. Rayal Bank Bldg., Tom. Direct connection to all leading Exchanges. _ Phone M. 5620 pa Toronto, January 2nd, 1912. Melindaâ€"«Cor. Jordan St, Togonto Playfair, Martens Go. Members Toronto Stock Exchdnï¬e ’. C.'SUTHERLAND 8: C0. 14 King Street East, Toronto Partnership Notice A report on this property will be sent to your a d dress without charge. . E. OSLER cg. Correspoudrntr Wanted A. E. OSLER, GORDON TAYLOR. Financial Agents