Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 5 Apr 1912, 1, p. 7

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'l‘. 8: N.0.Reduced Rates Single Fare Return “good going April 4th, 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th, 1912, and valid for return up to and including Wednesday, April 10th, 1912. Minimum fare tWentyâ€" five (25) cents. Passengers requiring Pullman ac- commodation will please make early request to our local agent so that we may know just what extra equip- ment is wanted. For further particulars apply tn any T. N. 0. Agent or the under- any '1‘. signed. A. J. FARR General Frt. and Pass. Agent Canadian Excursion tickets will be sold be- tween all Canadian Pacific Stations in Canada, Port Arthur, Ont., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Windsor, ()nt., and east. also to and from Detroit and Sault Ste. Marie, Micli., llullalo, Saspcnsion Bridge, Niagara Falls. .\'. Y., Newport, VL, at Lowest One-Way First- Class crate for the Round Trip (.\o fare to he llSS than 1.7m» Good until April lfllh. ””2 For tickets and full information, apply to .1). .l. Mckcmvn. Depot, Ticket Agent, North Bay, Ont..; W. G. Metzlcr, 'l‘own Ticket Agent, Fer- guson Block, North Bay. Engineering, Mine and Land Sur- veying, Draughting, Blue Printing by electric process and latest maps of all mining areas on hand. HEAD OFFICE : Ontario Land Surveyors Engineers and Maps: Devlin Block Code 8: Code Get your information Direct from "IO Camp regarding Hofidays MIN'NG STOCKS, M'NING CLAIMS, TOWNSITE LOTS, EH}. We ate ‘ RIGHT ON THE GROUND.” A35 us anything about PORCUPINE~~ 01an what we are here for. Gnu; Tell You thy Olga Best Stock to Buy I“ South Porcupine, Ont, Can. “RIGHT ON THE GROUND" Pacific Easter Excursions :(.\'o fare â€"~FR().\I~â€" April 4th to 8m. 1912. Inclusive PORCUPINE PORCUPINE. uller Co. Cobah ()nc locomotive type boiler, 60 horsepower. One 45:13“ Fairbanks' Duplex Pump. ()nc Rand 44 drill. ()no Rand 438 Drill. One Rand Compressor. first-class order. One 5x5 Jcnckes Hoist with 200 feet 2 cable, first class order. 500 feet tram r)rails. 12 lb. Air ReceiVer, 2fect 6 inches by 10 feet. 2 Sheaves, one - 3 inch, one two inch. new. 2 Dump Cars. nearly new, 14 cubic feet capacity. laohlno Shop FLEMING . MARVIN Apply Melnberu Standard Stock Exchange LUMSDEN BUILDING Porcupine and Cobalt Stocks Geo. Poppleton, For Sale TELEPHONE M 48 902 l-tf HAILEYBURY Boating Season Promises Record W99 WW0" 07 line fleans Irafiio---fliamooo mm flush to labor---25,flflll Hen locating Viens to 58 [WOW The weekly debate of the Porcu- ‘ ipine Literary and Debating Society 5has become an esent of importance {at the north end of the lake. On Tuesday eyening the \fethodist church It as crowded to hear the dis- cussion on Socialism to be precipit- ated by an address by F. H. Sang- ster. the recent Socialist candidate ifor parliament for this. district. Mr. :Sangster was assisted in the affirm- atne by President (ieorge..and the itwo were opposed by Messrs. Doyle :and ('allinan. 'l‘heIe were other :speakers to he heard. but owing to ithe immense interest. and the shew- Iers of questions poured upon each ispeaker in turn. the hour grew late. Zand though interest was unabatcd.at ieleven o clock the debate was brought :to a close by a View of those preâ€"i isent. It was largely the opinion ofi those present that the allirmatiycl had the best of the discussion. Each! speaker had to be called down by] the chairman of the eyening while in the middle of his oration. his timei limit haying expired. As a conse- quence despite the-‘ talent. oratory" and good-will of the speakers. the." real heart of the matter. for ori against. was not reached at all. and" the debate is to he continued on an-. other cmning in the near future. The diamond drill on the llunteri claimâ€"~~The l’orcupine Lake Gold Mines. l.td.â€"â€"-has been reset in an- other place out on the lake. and is busily at work night and day to make the best of the brief period be- i l fore the rotting of the ice shall Com- pel a removal ashore. Only a small piece of the claim is on land. As it w as the iirst gold. mine staked in the district. the stakers were allowed to take in as much of the lake as the claim would t‘nVcr. It is current news at the north end of the lake that at its last station just ofil shore. the drill cut the vein at lessi than 200 feet. and that the last core was thickly studded with yellow gold. Mr. llunter is himself in charge. having recently returned ! from England. He was accompanied ' here by friends. who were present when a good many shots were tired along the surface of the vein. Not a shot failed in bringing out visible gold in greater or lesser quantities. and the single thing left to determine was how far it penetrated the earth. It is current that Mr. Hunter pro- ’posed employing a substantial force of men all summer in opening up the property with shafts and crosscuts, .. the work to be laid out on a work- ing basis in anticipation of a mill being erected in the not distant fu- ture. I .I ‘ W -- .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"_â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€" va WEEK“ NEWS BUUBH BIIMIIM! Iflfllflffll Bllllll EWT. SEMI Wlll fflflM HflflIH [NI] 1000 HMS [If Will“g REMAIN IN AHIIC THE PURC L’l’lhE .5 LY} I (E The Canadian Northern Railway will this year build 1,053 miles of railway in different parts of Canada and in this work will employ 25,000 men. according to a statement made by Sir Donald Mann, vice-president of the railway. Included in this big program will be the completion of through lines from Montreal to Ottawa, and from Sydenham to Ottawa, the latter link- ing up Toronto with Ottawa. Following is the program of con-l struction in detail: Montreal to llawkesbury. 58 miles; Ottawa to Uttawa River, 32 miles; west. from: liuel. Unt., 100 miles; east from l’ortE Arthur. 108 miles; branch lines and; extensions in Alberta and Saakntche-{ wan. 400 miles; British Columbia. 75 miles; Sydcnham, Ont... to Ottawa. 80 miles; relaying track on main line west, 200 miles. Total mileage. 1.053. The number of men at present em ployed by the ('..\’.ll. in railway con- struction in the Dominion is 14,000. With the commencement, of summer operations the company expects to have 25,000 men employed. Next year the company expects to construct 978 miles of road to com- plete the Tramcontinental line. This mileage inrlmles 350 miles from the summit of the Rookies to Lytton. B. (7.. and 300 miles along the north shore of Lake Superior. Three Nations Promising Vein 'l‘he crosscut on the Three Nations at. the lOO-foot level has now cut the vein. which looks very promising at that depth. Dovclopmvnt work on this proper- ty is being carried on extensively un- der most economic conditions. The shaft has been sunk to 100 feet. and after cutting out a station will crosseut to catch their main vein. The main vein dipped out. of the shaft at 4'2 feet in depth and in sink- ing fmm 75 to 90 feet in depth sex- 01 ml small veins and stringers were cut showing free gold. Large Order for Rock Drills One of the largest orders ever placâ€" ed for rock drills was given by the Bradley (30. of New York, contract- ors on the huge New York subway, to the McKim'mm Terry Drill C0., of New York. The order was awarded after a three weeks' competitive test parti- mum-d in by several of the big firms manufacturing rock drills. The Canada Foundry Co. are,Can- udian representatives of the McKier- nan (‘n., who are in turn represmted in Porcupine by Mr. W. .l. Morrison. Telephone 25--- Is Our Number 'l‘he Porcupine Advance telephone number is 25, and the first call re- ceived over the new ’phone was from the Dome Extension mine, being an inquiry regarding job printing. This is not a local itemâ€"it is an advertisementâ€"and we have chosen the columns of this paper to inform the general public that we will be glad to respond promptly to all those ringing “25." Let us have all the local items of which you are aware, and do not hesitate to call us up when we can be of service eo you. We are here to accommodate a,1 the people. Millinery Display Very Attractive Some really artistic styles are shown in the latest fashions from abroad, and the prettily arranged collection in the windows and on the shelves are attracting the attention of Porcupine ladies. 'l'ho'most reliable indication of the approach of spring is found in the magnificent. display of spring millin- ery styles at the business houses of the local milliners. llill Spend lnotlter Winter to Membership Rapidly Increasing-- Continue and Complete liotline ot llhiects, Possibilities ills Wort and Qualifications A despatch from Wellington. N. 'l... says that. Capt. Scott did not. iret to the South Pole before Capt. Aniund- sen. the Norwegian. on January 3rd last. three. weeks after Amundsen stood at the Pole. Scott was still 150 miles away. Captain Scott's vessel. Terra No- va, which carried the British expedi- tion to the Antarctic. has arriVed at Akaroa. a harbor in Banks Peninsu- la. Sew Zealand, but has not brought back Captain Scott. or the members of his expeditioo. The commander of the Terra NoVa brought instead the following brief measure from Scott: “I am remaining in thc Antarctic for another winter in order to con- tinue and complete my work." Apart from the message the latest news sent hark hy Captain Scott to his hase at MeMurtln Sound showed that on January 3 he was still ad- vancing towards the Pole. It was clear that had the explorer delayed xending haek notification of bin pro- gress until he actually reached the pole. news from him could not hare been received by the Terra Nova hc‘ fore. uhe was Compelletl to 108W. ow- ing to the settling in of winter and the freezing of the Ross Sea. Nickel Shipment From Kelso Mine .-\ shipment of nickel ore was sent» out last week from Kelso to Sum? mit. l’enn. 'f‘he shipment averaged a: test of five and a half per vent. 'I'his‘, is the produce of the Kelso Nickoll mines where work has been going on! now for over a year with very en-l eoumging results. The ore comes' from a five foot vein which has now! been followed to a depth of 45 feet. and which will be continued for 100‘ feet where drifting will be commenced ! to test. the extent of the ore body.: With the first shipment from thel mine interest, is being reviVed in thei nickel possibilities of this region. The. l owners of the Kelso mine are nssur-i ed now that. they possess a body of nickel ore of good value and of con- siderable size and they intend prose- cuting active operations during the i coming summer. All on board the Terra Nova wore well. Chartered Adds New Machinery Two hundred feet of drifting has heen on the 100 foot leVel, and the plant, is being much increased. Crown Chartered, under the man- agement of C. W. Dike, are sinking tn the 200 foot level. There are now being installed new hoilors, new Rand 7-drill compressor, new hoist and all up-to-dute appli- uncos, together with the latost ma- chinoshop fittings. The Pearl Lake Co. have now sunk their shaft, to the 400 foot level, and after sinking twenty feet further are going to crosscut the two veins. Pearl Lake at 400 F OOt Le J61 McEnaney Going To 300- Ft. Level The same process is to be repeated at the six, eight, ten and twelve hundred foot levels. Between 3500 and 3600 feet of dia- mond drilling has been done on these orebodies. The shaft will in all probability cut the veins, one at a depth of 950 feet and the other vein at a depth of 1200 feet. Will Develop A. P. Proctor, of Montreal, has been in camp during the past few days in connection with the l’mcu- pine and Hadson Bay Gold Mines, Limited. The properties of this compmy are located in the township of Shaw,2.nd were at one time under option H‘ the Hudson Bay Mining Co. It is the intention of the saw com. pany to commence extensiic (-pua- tions as soon as possible, and .0 this end Mr. Proctor has been :--okzng over the property. Shaw Claims ' l‘utme meetings of the ('luh gis'c feet ‘ promise of just as rare treats and 100mm” efiurt will he put {0th by the ice d executive to bring to Porcupine the idy. greatest orators. thinkers and Work- the .em of Canada. and also of other A |countries when posuihle. The secretary and some ol the exe- cutive officers interviewed several men of prominence who were in the camp and seeuretl from them the pro- mise of not only their presence at. some future meeting but also their hearty en-operation in seeurintr men of talent to speak on subjects of great interest before the Club. While the membership is increasing rapidly there are still a large num- Eher of men in the eamp who have not yet become members. '. The membership is open to every young man oser 18 years ol age and an associate membernhip is open to {men not of British birth ul‘ adoption l as long as they are in sympathy with zthe objects of the Club. While the. committee of the Dome mine opening celebration were labor ing unccasingly to make their affair the unbounded success that it wu. there were others who took advant- BAAAIIIAI 8183 [If PflflCllPlAE BRAINS APABE sure of the presence of so many men of hut? in the camp to arrange for further meetings of the (‘anadiun Club of Porcupine. 1 Application blanks are being circu- ilatml and any young man who would 'like to associate himself with the '(‘anadian Club may do so by apply- ‘ing to Dr. Sutherland, the secretary, yMr. W. (i. Wliitcsidos at the Cana- idian Bank of Commerce, or any immnlier of the executiVo. . l’rcsident-‘A. E. 1). Bruce, I’on'uo i The olliccrs for 1912 are: i pine. The objet‘ts of the Club are tho study of the history. literature. art, musiv and natural rosuurcos of Can- ada. the rt-t'ugnitiun of native Wurth and talent. and the fostering of a patriotic (‘xmndinn sentiment. It is PTUIHH-md to give a series of dinners to which men of prominence will be invited as guests and naked to speak 0n those subjects \vhiCh will be of particular interest to the mem- bers. (i. Burmws wvrv all in their lino. masterpieces which no young man who has any interest in the future of the north could well have afforded to miss. .-\lroady the Club has taken its plan» among the organizations 0! the north; the speeches of Aruhdvacon Ronnison, .I. ll. Tyne" and Phil. A. (l. Barrows wvrv all in their line Vice-Presidentsâ€" R. A. Robbins, Hullingcr Mine; S. Alfred Jones,'So. Porcupine; (7. II. l’oiriul'. Vipond Mine. Secretaryâ€"Dr. C. (3. Sutherland, Sn. Porcupine. 'l‘l'vusurm'~~-\V. (i. Whitt-sides, Bank of ("’()111n1(,~l'(9¢|. Sn. Porcupine. 'l‘he MeEnaney are sinking their shaft to develop No. 2 vein {mm the 300 foot level. No. 2 vein has shown free gold in place wherever reached by the work- ings, and the results of diamond drill holes, 4 in number, cutting the ore body at 150 to 180 ft. in depth from the 100 foot level, have shown values ranging from $10.00 to $300.00, the average assay being $20.00. the rich- est cores not being assayed. Executive-1’ctcr McLarcn, Scot- tishâ€"Ontario Mine; Alex. Smith, M. I'L, So. I’m'vupinc; (i. W. Thomson, l’vurl Luke Mine; 11. C. Meek, Dome Mine; (3. (l. Weston, So. Porcupine; .1. ll. Ruttruy. Jupiter Mine; Ban Hughes, So. l’urvupino; (31in Moore, Sn. Porcupine. Another addition to the electric equipment of the McEnancy is the installation of an electric grinder and crusher for the assay plant. Manager McDonald is certainly do- ing good work. ' New Home of Canada Fdry. Co. The Canada Foundry (.'u., of which W. J. Morrisun is representative here, is erecting a fine large ware- house and salesroom on Main street, just north of the Bank of Toronto. - Material is now on the ground and the new structure, which will be of modern type, will soon be well unâ€" der way.

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