Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 8 Mar 1916, 1, p. 5

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9-10 Royal Exchange Bldg., Cobalt. Phone 58. Ostrosser Bldg. Timmins P.O. Box 123. All kinds of Jewelry and Repairs on Watches. .. J. W. Mahon BAiiRISTBR. :\(-(‘0llntnnts CARSON, UTTLEY C0. "‘ Dances, Receptions. Concerts. Etc. 2" M. EWART. Leader Hon” ’ustnl Deliver), 'I'IMMIXS Violin Lessons by Appointment. The Cobalt Orchestra Everything in the line We Always carry a of Prospectors’ Full stock of Hard- supplies Can Be ware and Builders’ Obtained Supplies Druggist - and - Stationer REED annulus or 'rmmns. onnmo PRESCRIPTIONS Timmins, Ontario Physician and Surgeon Phone 55 A. BISCORNET Best possibie facility to handle a strictly commission business. Private Wire with Direct Connections with KIELY, SMITH 8: AMOS '. A. MCINNIS TIMMINS. ONT. soucmon. NOTARY PUBLIC and have your prescriptions filled here. You save time and have them fliiledontime. Serviceisourmotto Head Office - Toronto. . Next Post Office. TIMMDIS. ’Phone 33. Phone Orders Prompfly Delivered STOCK BROKERS \l. -.iur ul‘ \'Lu;::;:|cl \fm» LMH; Anditur Branch Offices:- South Porcupine and Cobalt. Toronto and Cobalt Phone 1 «mm-vs Phone 1.r 2 ACID SURVEY OF HOLES fURNlSHED IF REQUIRED TELEPHONE 62 South Porcupine Hugh [30510. SW MM '1? "WW???“ PROF. EUGENE P. COLOMBO TEACHER or VIOLIN Dominion Diamond Drilling Company Mush luzaislu-cl to: all «mar iuas. lluaw Mush a bpmialty. Fur particulars (-all KING GEORGE Hotel l’lmao 9-1 DR. L. GAGNON Paid-up Capital $7,000,000.00 Reserve Fund - $7,000,000.00 FELEG HON 'LAND, Prcridcn! K- I". DaLUNG Bluuafier 'l'iuun inn. um. 7,37 Interest Credited Half. noun“ yearly a: Current Rates. Central Banhng Emma: Tramdcth E. HAY, Cmcral Alarms" Veterinary Oflice HAILBYBURY. ONT. CORE BORIN G SOUNDINGS CONTRACTORS LIMITED South Porcupine Dealers in Government and Municipal Securities. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. SavinfisnDepartment at all Bran: '. Drafts, Nioncy Orders and Letters of Credit issued. available throughout the W’orld. Jay. E. Boyle. Mar P.O. Box 458 WWW” 80X 506 'l‘lioy lmu- :ilsn opened :1 l)l‘illl('ll at Si-lmimu-lwr, and will carry a l'ul' lino ul' M‘vrylliiu}; in (-umicvtiun will a first «lass meant and gnu-cry lmsi- 110.55, and “is” I‘luur and l'vml. :Iml vugoluhli-s in 1:111:10 quantities fur the wholesale and retail iriulo. 'l‘hm :il.4u :mnmmu- that llll‘\ lmw dnm' aw. i\ “liil tlw shirth (.la‘ll M.»- tom and \\ill lllC‘tl. all roquiiomoiits nn tlu- tliiit} [lays (-imlit basis. Tho ulnm- firm have taken mm all tlw Mum's furlum'ly ('Ulltl'UHL‘d by thv (‘uordnwlhn'ivs ('u. in the Ilul'H' muntry. under Hu- lwml 01' Mr. Fur- rcst. and With Mr. Yates us their 100111 manager. (‘lass |\'.-â€"I'Idln Sims. Flu» l“.-~Sudiu Fuldnmn. l’rrr)‘ SHHW. ('lass lI.â€"-.\nniv Fuldmun, _.\nniv Buychurk. Murdock Davidsun, Lucy Snnw. Ulnss l.~-~I.illiam Slater. l’ruumtml t'rum l’rinmry (‘luss in tho First lh‘mlc: Lorry Mullny. ('utll- orim- ltmnzm. \‘s'ill'rwl limmligmm. NORTHLAND STORES LTD. SUCCESSORS TO THE GORDON-DAVIES CO Fulluwiug is Munvta Svhuul lh-[mrt t'ur Voln'm: r)‘ : Numlwr “1' pupils ourullml. 213'. mu crug'v alttt-mlmu-c. 1!). Honor Roll (‘lass l\'.~â€"l‘ldln Sims. ('lu» Hl.-~.\'adio Fuldmzm. I’m-«y Futile)". 5. Studur; 7. lhu-lmurm; Xnmhrr nf pupils onmllnl. 56: m. enm- attendance. «ma. Honor son I. hhl Doru'ay: 2. Ray Srhular: 3, 1. '0‘. Danny; 2. Roy Srlmlnr; 3, Tum fillies; 4. Melville ('03; 5. Viu'n Slaaf: 6. "ohm Saln: 7. Fun! .‘lil- hm; I". Hamld Adderbur}; Tearller. Mrs. Myvrs. 'l‘immins Februay School Report ‘nflmfing is "no Timmins I School Helm“ for February: l. \°iulu Hulimrz' -. l‘llvn llulmlu: I. llilclrvtln Ann-r: 4. Jvamiv Ruhutsz z'). Anxuuliu Mushlutuw; (i. Helm; Sula: 7. Hum-l 'l'mkvss: 5, Harry All- mud; 9. Hurry “er: lU. [rune Mu! 1M; 11. l’ul'tl'll)' Hurringhm: :3. Al ulphus lhu-hsnrm: 12:. Amlrmx Huh- vrts: H. Durulhy Hmlgcz 15. Jusvph Moneta February School Report Springfnnl: It. l’umllly ('nx; 4. Vial!" in; 5. \Vil'mr Ifgtvr; H. Edith llaughlaml: 7. limrm- MM'rimnum: 8. Hum Wilson; 9. [rum mun-«r: 10. H03: “"1150": ll. ”Murgv Fudvr; 1'2. ('hmlio Shuh'r. l’ctvrs: lti Dm-hsm'm. Number uf pupils enmllnl. 2N} van-gr attendance. 3|. Senior Department Numb” of pupil:- c-nrullml. W: m- 9mg:- nHt-mlamc-v. 10.7. Honor Roll Srniur Sm'uml ('Im-s. 1. Nt-lliv Studs-r: '1. ("hr Stunt} 3:. Fn-dvrirk Alter: 1. Hunic- Hjuln; 5. Salim: MUM-s; 43. Smliv Slum: 7. Phil. up Halli-r; .‘5'. (h-urgv Ellie-s; 9. Jmm-s Humans; 1". Pour] Kvnm-dy: 11. Numb l\'t-mnmly; 12. Form Shimmm; H, l’vtvr Killum-u; ll. Mngziv ('ulv'. 1:3. .lvssiv Marshall: 16 1).qu Now- tun; 17. Mmuliv Hlnokwull: lh‘. Alhvrt Fux; 1!! Edith Murkvnnlscu. 'l'hircl (‘lu'ssn First Book 01m 1. Lab" Knaln; ‘2. lmzori ”Mull" .hmm Tum-In: 4. Annic- \ulu- 5. Joan Du"; .Rnln lu'mu-oly; a Amm‘ Kinnri; 3. 'l'uivu Ht'lvin. All Hm mmus \vm'v upon Junior Second Class Prank hllis‘.‘ -. |':"\('_\ll ll‘l'rxi mm; 1. Thu-mus L: Simic- ('lum-y; (5. Edward \Villiv lhvlu-rls. . lidwunl Stxmt'; 22 Jaunivsun Wile; Intermediate Department Honor Roll Primer (‘lnss Flnn‘mw‘ Danivls; Primary Depmncnt lhnl'ulh)’ Nudge: It}. Salliiv (ah-ul‘gt': l Stuut'; 2. Darwin Stami‘; 1 Wilwn; 4, livrmulvtto Mary Unlu'l'; l3. \Valltvl‘ Losliv Shimmm; S (Hive 9. \Vin Malt'kiv. Vnm'tll ('lnss Tom-lu-r. M in l 6: SONS, LTD. General Merchants ’PflONE 28 - - TIMMINS Chas. Pierce Unwlt-r, I’rim'iln: Mulm'sml, 2. Evelyn Hut-nu: Tlmmns IJIWI’I‘NH': [5. Edward Fustvr: THE PORCL’PINE ADVANCE 23.] t1 lilmh‘ 1‘“an uriwr .osvph Edna uys. ilit \lltsull. is in Tumntu fur n «hurt visit. it is rumnrml that Porn-y will wtzrvhnso am extra ticket for his. nu tum jmmwy. and his friends arr making pn'lmmtiuns nomnlingly. 'l'lw n-l'm'n wum- between 'l‘immius and Sun”: I’ul'c-upilw tvams was lmw- [9(1'Hll tlw lm-nl alloys nu Mnudny owning lust. and resulted m a mu fur Suntlu-ml by (:2 pins. Timmins Bowlers Trim South End Sun”! "H night. and :1 Sid“ ”w uml'g'in ut I‘immins. \\'i.\'un . Mr I Hi)‘ In- .\l('14(‘illl flwnw ."itz. .luniur |\'.~~ Marley Hurt. llumml Hurt. .lnhn ('mupsull. Svuiur ”LN'XPWI Davis. .hmiur Hl.‘ - Hilda Davis. Willi:- h'issun. Hamul Mvtuyvr, Lizziv (inl- luway. “01'! Watt. Ulivv Hart. .lulm lh'issun. I'llsiv Humble, .lnhn l'ivrvy. ()slml'm' I):I\'i.~‘. II. ('luss. - .\l|wrl Brissun. l’mrl Giraml. Ivan “:H'ih. ('lmrliv Form. 1. ('lnss'. .7 Mildred ('auuurnn. Sr. 'l’rinwr.~- Waller Bzunwrmzm. lam Walt. ('nrl llnrl. A. (‘Ius.~'.~â€".h-:m Brissnn. Kvmu-tln ('unwmn. ('lnm Wilsun, .‘Iyl'tlv Hurt. l’ctvr Hunt. “t‘jHlll (h-rvuis. South Porcupine. M ('Lvml . ...... Hillvl' . . ...... 'iuynvr . . ..... “mm; mm Jmmm-It Mr. .V. J. .‘IH‘IIMIin. the "JUL”. for um um Masonir Dismfl. was a! A Mann nl' Im'ul lmwlvrs \‘isitml Smith l’urvnlninv lust \\'mlno-.~‘¢lzl.\' night. and after playing: three games :1 sidu tlw 'l'immins tvum mm by :l margin “1' 132 pins. ultlmugh Hwy wvz'v .slrvnu'thmu-«l by lentyl'v ut' hmth Pnrmpitw. The scores :m- as '0“qu: ctrnte Wm (Dm- mmlcl ”link by ”w nppvnrmwc- at' ”w strum-ts Hm! erv was nu emu-h thin): us n l'mmvil lu-ro. In scum- plum-s llw snmv is five fret high. “'1- llmuuht Hm! tlw hm nvw ('mmc-illurs mmlol surely llmk M‘u-r Unis. lml llw «(rm-ls am- wurw Hum lust winlvr. We think it is n gum! timc- fur um- 03' Ilw m'w ('mlm-il tn slmw 5mm- initimiw. Jr. l’rimvr Bert m rcl. Pormpim A. I". k A. M. on Tuesday. vanmi’y 29th. nn his n'flrial visih Ho wagyrmvm‘aniul by Pnliro MIQF "In“ umaial \Ilimn. is i visit. H is ' Mr. Hmrm' I’m-stun. nl' Timmim was a \‘mtnr in town Mummy vwlr ing. Fulluwin: is tlw Pvln'mngv Svhnul Hulmrl. giving: the standing ul' pupil-s in tlwir rvspm'livv gunk-s: Soninr l\'.â€"â€" Myrtle (.‘umlmnll. Jun: \Valtt. .Uviclv (ivrvuis. Junior |\'.-â€"v~.\lnrloy llurl. llmmnl Hurt. Jnlm ('zuupsull. Porcupine News Items of Interest “inc .‘lr. J" 5:: mum H: 3' I“. ”m Hmlm'hmgx clay. Mrs. W. Wilsnn. “1' South l'urc-u- pinv was Visiting: I'rivmls in how lam Wt‘l' "m1 “1 .\. Murrisum. nf Irmllmis Falls. mu 3: \Mlnr in tum-n lust mwk. Porcupine Public School Report Mr. J. A. Jmnimm. Managing Dir. rhvr uf ”w l’urfllf'im' Ext-rhini- lines. is un a business trip to Tur- ntu and Smr Yurk. art 3m." 2“!" fl M. ‘ul :v ("ulhm'k Slivrifl'. ul‘ mu m hm'n Inst Thurs- tlu Tm") ('lerk. Mr. I'. H \'l I! 3413 ”I. «f '0an) TM‘ .‘lnhvl \\'ilsun. Him Xufl‘l Ba 5' 'l'rull, l 0 n In I 'l‘utall l 1; 1“” 1133 143 14.") av 01 (‘ \\‘ luskmlrcl. l'mmrillur Ht: 3H Before Buying Your Hay, Flour and Feed You should give us a call H31) H43 118 INS 1213 1‘” 151) HS 1‘" 1mm llurne somlml n lvml ul‘ llim yards on .‘lrlluin‘ in Ilw first Ilurrv laps. whilv bull: lml llnlt. lIy sew-ml ynnls. ‘nlz Inst mmlly lny not being able in noun-linu- Ilw rurlwn. llrumum ‘nst “USP“ Smyliv um M Hm mul u!’ llu‘. m'xl lllm' laps. and nlllmngll $100 Dollars To Anyone Sold Direct by LYMAN'S LIMITED, Montreal, Quebec wlm eaum-t lN' eureil hy Iluetnr l‘elletier's Tablets far Kidney. Stnmaeh autl Rheumatism. made by lluetur l’elletier t'o.. Mantreal. The great weenie tnuie--â€".\'atun"s (Nu Remedy-«fur Bright's Disease. Rheumatism. Dyspepsia atul tlmu. ltr. l'elletier‘s Tablets regulate the hum-ls. pmmnte pert'eet iligestimi. makes pure liluml aml Natures tn health the stmuaeh and kidney system. llr. l’elletier's 'l'ahlets relieve aml ~tiiuulate the priueipal organs. [momutt's the M‘t‘l‘t‘ttnm ut‘ the lowly. elears the skin. and euemir- ages the t'uuetiuual aetit'ities til‘ the pares; pmmntm eit'ettlatiua: aels as a tutiie nu the heart and lungs; restart-s health. Put up in tablets. Sohl hy all ltruggists. Free emisultatiuu will be male and returned liy mail. Write ()ttawa, “til" ur Mutttreal l’uatutllee, or tn my tltllee. Auk fur Iluetur l’elletier's 'l'ahlets at yuur llruggist Ynur Doctor. your Metal and your health-m Relay Race Won By Timmins Team Doctor Pelletier’s Tablets Th relay not. “10 last event at a at Sports Night last Saturday w «all by Hm Timmitm "01‘ku Just. 21. {my (lullfll'n' in cash 110ml- mln-lmlzmme in small monthly payments. mum-197. S'untt' St A SAMPLE List of BARGAINS HI‘IIN'I‘ZMAX ;\' (’().. squan- gruml pulisIn-al «lurk rmvwoml vase, 'urvwl lc-u's. full metal frame. (war-strung svnlo. 7 (w- tun- koyhmml. This insh'uuwnt has born «ozn'vt'ully rv-huilt by our uwn expert; has gmmim- llcintzmnn tunv 21ml {mu-h. mu! is a snap at ....... . . . . . $145 This is in. 'I II l'IIw of ()III‘ lIIII'erIinsâ€"iust (II giI'II \‘IIII IIII iIlIIII Ul IlIII sIIIIlIs \\ II IIIII (Illcring ()1! ms) III'IIIIs. “'0 ll:l\‘ . II L'I‘L‘fli HNUH IIIIII' IIIIIIl all in liIst- IIlIIss ('(HHliliOH â€"gIIIIIIIIIthIIl. )lIIil tlIII (HHIPUH III-IlIIy lilliII:_I in the blank spIII-II III slIIm' illt' class 01' infill‘lllllclli .\’()ll likII. We will mail yuII II big list tII IIlIuIIsc l'I'IIIIIâ€"giving l'IIll IlIIsIIIIilItiIIII, prices and tIII'IIIs. YE OLDE FIRMS l)().\ll.\'l().\'. liw m-lzu'v nrgun: wulnul «use, "at twp. has. ('\'- lvnsiuu gables, ulvvly pumu'lml in lmrl walnut. tvn stops invlu- «ling muplm'. \'u.\' llmmmu. Vi- nlu. Mm: L'l'mnl urgun mul lmw swell. Well knnwn mukv nl' nrgzux will: am (‘ll'glllll tmw and u Sllzlli at $38 (HH'IA'I‘ I'NIHX. New Yurk. squan- pizmu: «lurk rusowuml (-1150, with lmmlsmnv carnal lvgs, svrlwntinv buss. has long: «WM-strung smlv. full mvtul f‘umv. T 1-5: m-tnvo k¢-.\"'mzrcl. This instrmm-nt has lwvn «'ux'v- fully nvvrlmulml in cmr mx'n fan-[my am] is ,ilm like new. A snuput..... ....... .....$85 (HHH‘IHH‘H. six cwtuvo urgzm: humlsuuw «lurk imihugnny ‘SISP, scmi high in]! with mirror, slid- ing t'zillhmircl. 11 ships includ- ing buss uml ti'ohlc (‘flll])i('l'>‘. ["0110 Molmlin. Mo. (mind ur- gun and knee swvll. practimlly a new ui'gzm and has very l'i('il tmw. Is a splvncliil bargain at HEINTZMAN 8: CO. LTD. VERY EASY TERMS. HEINTZMAN HALL SOLD ON VERY EASY TERMS ORGANS, PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS Toronto rd 9.» Do You lntend to Build? If 50, Get our prices on Lumber lait'n‘niere was dangemnsly close In simm- in his second lap in tho final. lmt to". allowing Sponn- to 90- run' a mid lead which he maintained to the tlnish. llntli Spenw and La- f‘n‘niem lml tm much «if a load nu Everard. Which pwwntul him living at all dangerous. le llama boys shunt-«l their mul sin-rtsnmnship by ontoring the rare. as they did not mmr prawn-«l; hon- vu‘r. that“ etitrml a team just in make it man interesting: some nt‘ their fastest slant"! wow nut pn- lsl'lll. utliorwiso there might haw horn in ilillorvut complexion 0n the result. Punk-y established I gmz! lad for Tinnitus in the tlmd mm M an! it looked rm much as if lam"- wen- going In run away from him. flow- In or. he 9'“qu up in the last hp and ('auloy made tum! use of his ndun hum lhnehanun just mums“! In build his mm. Rnky gained comma-ably on both. he failed to overcame the disum lost hy Ran. Mall This Coupon I’lmm- send 11w :1 cmnplt U- lint uf bargains in ............... I saw )(Hll' ml in l’m'rnpim- Adu'amw Name Luuis XV. design. Hustun full- hmml. lung musiv desk. full nwtul t'x‘muv. hushed tuning pins, nwr - strum: tri - ('lmrd walv, 7 1-3 m'lun' keyboard, It pedals. This is u nvw instru- ment with an ('lvgaml tum! and Would be :m nrmum-nt in unv purlur. Regular privv $450. ()fl'vrod as :m vxtm special lmr- gain at $285 PLAYOTUNIC. 88-11010 Player piano; maiml'ac-lurml liy llard- man, I’m-l; ('u., New York, pulisheil malmgaay case, plain (‘Ulunilll dvsign. has full metal l'ramv with bus-hm! liming pins, lulu." menstrung smile. l’laycr avtinn is (-quilipml with six point inutur. pan-m automatic musiv travlwr and is mnli'ullcd liy llllfifi aml ll'(‘llll‘ oxpl'vszs'inn lmttnns, lmul lunlal, tempo and rc-wiml lovers. A new player pianu wliiv'. has lwon used l'nr (lclimnstralinn pui'pusos unly. in 0111‘ Walrhmllls’. Has a Inwâ€" ly tuxw :md this instrument Wnllltl givw Iqe best «if saiislac- tinn. Regular prim: $700. Sper- ial bargain pi'ivo $525 Wu imolmlo $10 worth 01' player mu~iv and bench with this; inâ€" rti'iimcnt. NEW SUMMER. Huston, whi- nvt :ruml upright pimm: hund- smm- pulishml mulmgzmy ruse. Addnu in I’nl'cupim: Advamu March H. I'IV‘

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