THE OPRCUPINE ADVANCE Sports and Patriotism ~ A Big Night of Events 'I'lw “my "almost rlusml uII Mun- IIIIy. MIII'le (SIII, IIHN' Il'I'm- IIIHIIHH ul' Ml't'nllnlh' rivalry by tlu- lmys :IIul "ills. The (Ebb and â€NW Ill HIP SN"!!!- illf' «If Hw \IIIimIs mutt-stunts has lwvu II snlllu.‘ u! gImt iIItvIost In III! thus-II- \xlm IIIIII littlc- IIII'IIIlsi III Hu- I'IIN'. Vol 2. No 18 'I'IIII IIrIIIIII IIIIgIIII III II~_-II IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII 7.3â€, "ml III: II II (“'IN’II' IIIII rink IIIIII I-IIIIIIIII'IIIIIII IIIIIIII II :IIII-IIIIII IrIIiII IrIIIII SIIIIIII I'IIrI-IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII: INIIIIII III with II IIII‘L'I' IIIIIIIIIIIr III IIIIIIus-I "II‘ \III'IIIIIII I-II-IIIII. TIN. IIIIIIII III' 8 IIIIIIIIIII IIILII iII IIUI'IIIIIIIII'I'. IIIIIIII'IIIIII- in: IIIIIIIII III III» «III IIIIII; '24 IIIIiIIIIIIIIIII IIiIII IIIIII IIIIIeI-IinIIII III IIIIIrIiIII IIirs. III III'IIII’ IIIIIIrI'IIIII. A IIIIIIIIIIIr III‘ IIIIIIIIIIII-I III khaki, IIIIIIIIIIIIrs III' IIIII. IIIIgiIIIIIIII. IIIIIII-I' I-IIIIIIIIIIIIII III’ LII III \‘II IIIII'IIIII. II'III \BI’II'I" IIIIII I'HIHI' III IIIII I-IIII'III'. IIIIII IIIIIIgIIIIIIIr IIIII IIIrIIIIg “us I IIIIrg- «III IIIIII II I-IIrIIIIII III' IIIIIIIIIrIIII-I III- III-IIIIIIIIII . IIIIIIIII III I-rI IIIIIIII III II II'IIIII- III‘IIkII IIIII III II'IIIIIIIIIIIII" I'III‘I‘I’S "IIIII IIIriIIIIII spur“ III'I' I'HIIIIIII‘IIIQNI IIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIr rpnuv. I'\I' I'\ IIIIIII 1:0- IIIII IIII' III-II. 'I'I'IIIIII IIIIa IIIII II IIIIII IIIIIIIII-III IIII IIII‘IIIIgII IIII‘ III'I WWII". and but IIII' IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III-IIIIIIIIII In Mr. IIIIIIII-I' II. (Iibmn. IIIIII .\II'. IIIIIIIII SIIIIII‘IIII. II'IIII I-IIIIiIIIIII IIII IIII- II‘I'. IIIIII'II WWII IIIIIIIiIII' III IIIIIr IIII‘ .IIIIIII-III-Is III' IIIII mm", from IIIIIIIIIII-r IIIIgIII it may IIII \‘II‘\\'L'II. 'I'III- IiI'sI iIIIIII II'IIs II PHEH NIBfllSflN WINS THE IIIWHEII PflNV MIER Hfl'l' BUNTESI Saturday night last “as «at apart hark-)- mltnc beta-«on llollingw am“ I" in tlw l'urrapine ('lnm fur a trust 'l‘innnins . ut' apart. in aid at the Hunt at mtr could, Iltu'ntml liy .‘lt‘. l’. .\. Rulilmm Nurthvrn llagitnvnt. tln- lï¬tlth, hetti-r ktnmn aa tlw Algimquitt llanmfl. Thv (“cilia-am rink at Tinnnins was. tlw rhmvn [llama kindly cltmalml l‘ur tlw im‘asiun hy thi- t'nnmtian Mining and Fianna-v t'ntnpany. Tl"! affair was wally inst-inn! hy tlw 'l'inanins 'l'mm t‘unm-il. and tiw arrangements worn in â€It! hands nt’ Mr. P. A. Huh- hins. .‘lr. .\. It. Hhulw, Mr. ltalph lluhhinu. .‘layur \Vilsim. llt'. .‘ltMIl’l‘. .\lr. t'. tt. Willianu. anal utln-m. 'l'ln- I'I‘IHHI lie-gait tn nsm'tnhh- almat 7.:m. and by H It.t‘lttt’l( the rink Was o-nlnl'urlaltly llllml, a apt-vial train train Swath l'uri-apini- having: pallml in with a larm- nanitu-r tu \thlmss tlu' \‘tll'tutt! t'\'t'lll'§. 'l'lii- haml ut' B inm‘hanii-al ")1 a'tl ' ' a tannin. fur the m'mtntt. Tltt' tuwn l(‘t||ll won this awnt with tlying mlurs, hat, the aim-am! nt' “liw†mail-kwta-H minaâ€" hmv thtmi-tecl than the unlnukers' t‘lljttylllt'ltt ut' the ganw. .\t tln' PM". rlnsian at this game, tlw cap ut‘ the llta'kt‘y lamina: was pmavntml tn this soasult's winnamwthv llullinm'r *liy .\lr. I‘m-u! llic'kauti. in a llt'ii't' hut appmpriatv «pom-h. This “as thv tlrat prwvntatiun ut' the ltii-l‘mn t'nli as althnngh Smith l’nn-apinv \u-ri-l l lltt' “lllllt'N at the laugh" laxt ycar.‘ ‘ lltt.‘ trophy was nut. pmwnti-il. .\l't.i.-r lllt' removal nt' “in lttllt'ttl gunk. lllt‘ ganni ut’ hrmmi-hall was rallml. tttnl “as partii-ipntml in li)‘ a' l’t- ha .\i W l lll‘ llttlltltt‘l' ut' wall knaa'n i'itizvns. lt “3...“... mm in nth-mlniwv. c-uiitrilnit-.was an inviting: mntest. anal t'l’tPtllt'tl ()1! NW ï¬nal day tlw Adulm'v â€Hive “as simply «lulugml with vutos, um! Hwy did um wusv m urriw until 1! |'.ll).. and “NW a hard days. “1.14; in mmpiling numnlnins ul' “va5, l’clvr Simplmm was clm'lurml winnvr nl' tho l’uny. with Nurumn \\'vhl» wvll up Mr Hm somml prizv. a six-umnths family iivkt'l for the I‘lmpil'v Thmltl't‘. i’t‘lvl' Ximlsnn Vurmm \Vvhh \llllllt\ (Ilulw . . MIMIHI MI “Hugh†l‘raml; lmzzvtt l'hllfl *ims . . lx'vtizl 14mm . Roget ( "mutvmum IH‘ .\l.u\ Dahvr . lhuulh} llaniugtun .\ilvml lhmnpsuu Mary .\nuu Mnswn I'lvu l’uitrus . lively" R. (‘ursun Murivl (iilkm‘ . Ht-rlwrt. ('m-kbum 'l'lmmus 1.1m ream- Huhbiv (‘lmpmzm Anthony Huivin 4 hu-tmu- “mum-s Andrvw liulwrts I rvnv I‘h vmrd Annic- Hlmh . . TIM- :mls is H222 I’unv has Hut 324 arrived 12222222 I2222222222. although 22 letter 2222222222-21 .2t 1122' .'\2l\22u2u 22112222 «22225 222222 it is 222222 Win; [222-22222222! 2222 sl2i|2222m2t 22222! 222222 lu- 2-.\|22--2t222l 222 22222222 222 [2222- MEETING llf ll.V.B.’s Bfllflflï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ Hfllfl MflNflAV NIBHI H. Y. H. ('lul) was [mm m (Enldticlds un Muuduy “if; mvmbors being prvmnm. 'l in; “1:11; was turnml in by 43 any shirts: 7 painâ€! SIN Ink?!) lmnw. 4 >llil‘t~ and 11 .w m bl. The next mc‘etinu: “ill be held at NW “0101 HI! .“ulhluy. Mam-.1: 13th. “'th the election ux' utiircrs will take place. A" mombc-N arc I’equvstcll t0 .nucud this meeting. may Iu- cxlw nuns any day TIIIIINB RINK CROWDED- SOUTH POBCUPINE AND ALL POE-i ‘I’IONS OF THE CAMP WELL EEPREBENTED~ PROCEEDS WITHOUT DEDUCTION FOR EXPENSE. IN AID OI‘ BAND} OF THE 159th ALOONQUIN RANGERSâ€"OVER 1100 SPECTAo § T038 PRESERVE-REALM}: NEARLY 87oo..oo The H.- ('lul) w lizml stumlin (ls l'nlluwsz ular weekly meeting ut' the livlcl an Hi (115.5 Hw t the Hotel .411. ï¬t'lmn [he inlltm- \' 11w gills: .‘pks. Wurk ~§ skt‘ius ut' 1,155.48†, 955,357 . HT .5123 , 3130374 2:25.311 intimm 1m .9 HID l-Ismnh‘ ll-LEHST 112.614 »ntcst UHJ‘UH Numb -I‘.Z,‘.3-‘,ti “Linn INLSSU 26.23;“) 23.500 7.404 ('lIIInIIIII R. LIIWIIIIIIIIII, II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII uI' HII4IIIII. IIIII IIIIIIIII I4 IIIIIIIII that â€1' IIIII III'I .IIIIIgII I'IIIIII'II.4 I'IIIIIII IIIII I'IIHIIIIIII IIII'II4IIIII III \IIIIIIIII.4 IIIIIII4IIIIII4 IIIIIIIII: lIIIIIl.4 IIll HIIII‘I’S. Hi4 .4IIIIII- IIII III III IIIIIII I"IIllIm4: â€'I'IIII NIIIIIIIIIII HIIIIkIIII, III II IIIIIIIIIII I.4.4IIII, lllillst'h‘ IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .4IIIIII- IIIIIIII IIIIIL IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IlIviIIIIIIIIs IIIIIII [Iv IIIII gum and .4II\II III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIs III IIIII l IIIIIIII \IIIIII4 IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII' IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III\'IIlIIIII|4 [HIIII by all IIIII INHIIxIlIg' IIIsIIIIIIIIIIIs III' IIIII l'IIII- IIII SIIIIIIs. 'I‘IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (“VIII- IIIIIl.4 IIIIIII In IIIII I'UIIlHBI' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIs II â€III I IIIIIIIl SIIIIIIs III'II I_IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIls [NIIII by all IIIII. IIIIIIIIIIIIII4 III the l'IIIIIIIl SIIIIIIs. IIIIIl IIIIII :32 [M'l' IIIIIII. III' IIIII I'IIIIIg‘III lIIIIIIllIIIl In IIIII.4II .4IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIls Is IIIIIIIIII “I'I' III' .4IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII \IIIII IIIII mining and miâ€- III: “I. III'I'. .\l‘l.vr lln' rclnm'al al' “In pun-m gunk. lln' gamv nl' llrmnnolmll was rallml, mnl “as partivi'mlml in by a nmnlwr «if we'll knna'n i'ilizmu. ll was an uxviting malosl, alnl «roan-«l nnwli nn-rrillwnl. Xv“. Un' Ladle-s mm. lln' PM Man in a llm'lusy vulltvsl. lln- ~‘kirh‘ gising: lln' tmusn'rs a well nn-ritml trnmn-iau’. Mr. K. llclumg was ro'l'o-I'm' ul' lllo' sauna, and slmwml his usual partiality fur the gvnllm' .w\ in main â€1' his «li-visinns. 'l‘ln-n «man a relay raw. whirl: was' qnilv i-wiling, tn “incl up â€In prnzraln. Tln- l’atrinlin Qanrlvttv, lwl by Mr. (lallaglwr, game an inspiring svlmetian aml at'lvr lla- Natinnal .\ntlnaa. Ilw vmwd «lislwmed it-i varians ways well satisï¬ed with a duty lun‘l'm'mml in a tuna! plvasaat way. A BANKERS VIEWS flN MININE lNllllSIfllfï¬ EflMPAflEfl WITH flTHEflS TIMMINS EflUNBIl flHilJlAB BESSIUN MHNBAV AHEBNUIIN .\|IIIII[ $1,000 H li'l'lllrï¬'c! lII (‘qHIP â€I" hand. and it the mlII-r tmms in the IliatrII-l. Iln IIIIII as lel as the. PUl'I'llpilH' I IIIIIII, IIII- I'I'Ifllil'ml sum is IIlrI-Iuly assured. “'l‘n tl1i~< 51111101141211 :1511111111l111g 111111 11111 :4111111'11l|\ |111m11 1'1111, “1.111511'1-111 11111! [)1111~. 11111111111'1-111! 1121-1111115 supplv t|11~ M11111isil1g 111l1l1111l11 1111.11 I111! NS [1111' 111111 111 11]! 10911111111111 1111111111.; 111- 11-5111111115 tail. :15 against 1'13 111-101-111 111 111111111111111111 |i111-s. “Hux'm'nmmlt ligul'vs 5‘11â€â€œ â€10 ful- luwing n-turns ull vupitul inn-51ml: Huilrmul, 2% per (-0111; Xulimml Banks 13' , pvr vent: lusurmu'e. .11 per P0111; luunlwring. 14 per cum: Mamm'zu-tur- ing. 1-1 lwr «out; Mining. 182.! per mgr. rout 'l'lw 'l‘nwn ('umu-il nwt in regular bi-nmulhly St‘sslnll nll Mnmlay alt'tvr- 11mm at 4.130, Maynl' \Vilsun in the vlmir. and all lnmulwrs pl'vsrnt, ex- cepting (‘nulu-illur McLaughlin, wlm is alm'm t'rum llu- 1mm. 'l‘lu- minutes 01' last nwcling wm'o road and mulirmml. and accounts, mmmmmg In $1.55 )All, Wore passed for puvlncnt. .\ wmnumimliun was rmul t'rum â€u. mic-rolllt‘)’ “I ll“! Svlluul l’umrcl lskilw l'ux Spvtlllltllll'ul'llulllull1'0- gunlin: the new Srlmul, and the dis- luv-iltlull ul tlu- debentures tn he ls- suml in that. ((Illllelllflll. ('muwillur (llulw was xmlrm-tccl tn giw tlw Sclmul Huanl full and vumplctc in- I'urumtnuu on all matters. l-‘vw matters, mlwr than of (1 rom- iuv nature, value up for discussion. and the meeting mlJuuruesl at the call of tlw Mayor at U p.111. mun-i! nwt in regular TIMMINS. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8th, 1916. 9 m-rs 159th [IUSIIEITS ll "WIS Sllï¬f MARCH "If “RSI le fulluwing fcmru‘m mm "1' Timmins have been rm'mitod by M. Nicholson 0f the 159th Ihsltnliun sinus March lat. Mr. .lus. lluuslnn. I'urnwrly mum:- gm' ul' tlw Srhulmu-Iwr .\lim-, has us- snmml his new lmsitinu as (ienvrall Superintendent 0f the Huuu- Mines. Mr. Huustuu has am (*xvvllom. roputan- tiun as u minv manager. uml his umny t'rimuls wish him “'0“ in his new [msâ€" Hiun nl' vulm'gml sculw and rospun- sihilily. 3. "nine". I". melmn. L. “mar. menu. l.. 1'. Vamps. ll. Imnwlw, H. thlv, L. Wright. I“. Manama, H. liulmia. ID. llnrm'. .hnhruw llunw. W. l'lum-nt, K. .‘Injur. and H. Kml'v“. â€I!“ A. Bflllll PASSES MY SEMI! HIEXPESIEII Mr. ('lIilal was It (‘IIIISI-I'unim iII pnlitiIIs, and II MIL-«III. â€II was III WIIH IIIIIIIIh iIItIIrIIsthl in sports III all kinds, and war PNHIV, in IIIIV \HlV that Will") In his hand, In IIIIIII, IIIIIII- t'urt III' IIIlvisIe the many lN’Ul’lt', yIIIIIII: IIIIII IIM, \I'lIII IIIIIkcIl lllmll him as II stIIIIIIIIlI fl'iIIIId. .\t “no time â€1' Hm big: lirv lw was burned out, but n-lmih, his store and SilH'l‘ that. time has Inn-n wry sur- wssl'ul. a. - ¢+¢%¢¢¢¢9¢¢¢¢¢*¢+¢¢+¢¢¢+¢+++¢++¢é¢¢¢9¢¢+¢¢ï¬Â¢Â¢Â¢Â¢Â¢*¢¢+ 'lhc 4 aulmlizm Mining: lyslitutc «Ir- «Med In a mmmunu-«l nmjmju Hm! :L Hum! (“haulvr 1n!‘ the instilutv slmllltl Hut lw uppllml Iul'. .\l1 1'. A. S. 1"11ll1-1'. 111' \. ' l‘ullv" 1Q (H11 run-khmluns. is l1»z'1\i113_; Thurs- 1l.1v 1111 .\11\\ \111k, “11511111. 11111l UllH'l' li11z1111ia1l 1111111115 111 1111.». 1 11i11-1l States. 1111 will 11111l1.1l1l_\' I111 aim-111 .1lmut 1.1m \\'110k .4. IIIIIIIII‘I'II~' u!‘ I'I'iI'IIII'I IIIIII III'I'IIIIIII- IIIIII'I" III. I"I'IIIII\' ..\ IIIIII] “III I‘IPgI’III In II'III'II III his IIIIMIIm-II-II III'IIIII, “IIII'II Inul; IIIIII-Ie IIII Sunday after- IIchI. III' “"0 )‘I-III's III' IIII~I IInI IIIII'II III I‘IIIIIIn'I. IIIPIIIIII, IIIIII I'I-II MIIIIII'IIH III IIImIII II week ago. (In SIIIIIMIIV III‘HIII'IIIIII [IIII'IIIIIIIIIIII set in IIIIII III- IIIIII-IIIV I'IIiIoII IIIIIII (II'IIIII I'IIIIII'. Mr. I him was IIIII'I\- Iiw \cIIH nI' nun. IIIIII “III“! “‘0"! IIIc SIIIIIII \IIIeII va IIIIIIIriu was IIQIIII: IIIN'III‘II up. and entered the IIIII'IIWIII'L' business III .‘IIIIIIcsIIII. LIIII-I’ III! I'IIIN‘I'II IMIP‘IIIII'SH iII I'uclII'IIIIv, when! III‘ IIII~I sinm- I'v- SIIIINI. th..ï¬..u.%.u2n.¢.u..V¢.u..u.¢.n2n..u.¢.n:n..v.u:v.?v.u. .u..u..¥¢.v¢¢¢¢¢¢¢.9 ¢¢9¢h2n3v¢é®¢¢h hr r. ll11‘ l.;1ll\'(ml1l .\l1111s('' 'l111'11l111ll "luwnship. 1111- Mm†111 111†1111 11-11111-15 1"111 sinking: 1|111i1'.~'l1:111 1111111 11311 111 22111) l'1-1-1. 11ml alumni- 1111111'ly ."111 1001. 111' 11'11s'~;-1-11111113.: 1’1'11111 sl1211'1 111 \‘11111. Spevilicutiuns 1111' 1l10 \1'111'k will I112 :11l\1-'111.s1»1l 111 Mm .\1l- 111111.11 \111l1i11 a1 \1'1-1'k 111' 11-11 1111.114, 'l'lw Wul'k will 111- 111 11l1111'g1- 111' Mr. J. 1'. \\'11151111. 1111111111,: 0111,:111111-1'. S11111l1 in}: Institute against tho pt'npusml war tax. was \‘uivml at thv zmmml mm'ting: lu-hl in ()ttuwu on Mar. lst In 53rd, by Mr. 1’. A. Robbins. gt-uvml Imumgm' ut' the Hullingt'r, nu bubztlt' ut' tho Pun-twine Mum». and by Mr. ('ulu'r, President â€1' the Tomiskauno ing, un behalf of the ('nbalt vamp. The prvgmsml «h‘ustiv lDl'lDINDSHIS ut' the Guvvmmvnt, insut'ur as thvy af- fm-l mining; mnwanics, have been modiï¬ed. and lwt'ure the ï¬nal pus- sage intu law, it is believed that tho gem-ml mining ubjcvtions will bum hm-n materially :wmuwd. l’un-llpi‘m- .\ mls‘ Tho prutvst, ut' the ('zlnmliun Min- . A. I Notes, Comments and Opinions Of Interest To Mining World "'1 I â€ï¬rm“, I.. IJIIIIIrii. .\.. \VI'II. I. IIeaIIsoIivI, \\. ..\ Wright, IIIII, A. Hmmnnr, S. \\ I'.I':In'v II\ N". .III'sIIIIII -.r~ .lII \III- South Porcupine ‘ I "01' The “Ill“. "f "ih‘flnl‘d Hf Hw â€It'd "ullicm Milwa ('1... l.hl., lwl-l Hwir ï¬rst mmting in Haileylmry un .‘lcms day afternoon. The fu'luwing um- nrs wvrv nppninlvd: l'l‘l'slcll'n'. V. H. 1'ulr. C'hirmm; First Vinul’n'siclcm. H. II. Swmlwn. SqulI I'nrvupinc: vamd Vimhpnwialvm. ". L. P0310". ('himgu; Swn'mr)‘. H. H. Hmulrivll. C'hirmm: Thrust. ('lnrmm' L. Ilvmh. II. II. Swnnwn. SuIIIII l'nrvupino; Swami \ifl‘°Pfl“illI‘fl'. I'. 1.. I'MIIIII. ('lifflgfl; SwnvIIIrI. I2. I). IImulrirII. IIIirIIgn Trans. (‘lnrmwv 1.. III-«III. SuIIIII I INllllIflI'. UNIII â€ul'iull made their SCI'IIIIII rtnlm‘llt lIIsI IIm-k uII Ilw "Ibrlflnl‘v IilI Imrvlmau in Ilw l'urvIIpiIIc IIII. IrII'I. Bfllll Bllllllll MINES llfllll "RSI MEHIIB IPPIIIIT flfllï¬fï¬‚ï¬ Artiu' uprrutiuns “ill hcgin m Ilu.‘ pm'u-rty much-r Imummylm'm ut' VIM- NW0 '0. "Path. Vim ’Ol'nlu' cull M z'cmr in â€W llml‘u- ing nu 'l'lmrudu)‘ lust. c-mnplvwly dr- HII‘HMII}: â€Iv llnh'l M l’urqunis .lmw- tiun uwm-cl um] nmnugc-ol Ivy l’rzmk Nam“. II is lu-Iic-vml tlmt 3m uwr- lwmml siun- mm I'vslkmsiblv fur tho- Mxm-. mu! hvynml a few small piwcs of furniture. "minim: was sm-ml. 'l'lw building- wus wm'tll in tho llriglllmrllmnl M. VINO". «ml wmh'nlfl ulmm $4.00". the insummm vurriml tlu'nugln Hw ullim'. ul' Mam-:4. Sullivan N Xt-wtuu, living; $3,500, rmluving Xxuunlt’s lurks in $2.50". .‘lr. Nam". lms HM. yvt olm‘iclml Wlwtlwr "1‘ Nu! [m Wm I‘vhuilll. MR. NAP SBRVAIS WILL GIVE MILITARY DINNER .\ military chum-r will ln- given by Mr. Nap Svrvuis, ml the Kill: (ll-«Hm! llulvl. Smuh l’nrmpim-. at :m mlrly (lallv. ln llu' snlxllvrs â€1' NW lï¬lllll llntluliuu mm in wimp. Frivmls nl' lluv mldim'a will lm invilml. A :_ 11:7. 1.2:? _ i. :5 :1 _:_...,:. :53. 2.2.2:..â€" _: 3...... :: 32:75. :71}. 2:; 5.: _...:_.:: 5:: 7.2. 5:3... 'Hu- Umm- Minus millul .32.,(HU hms M urv. r°vasvming n lulu] gulcl pm- dmliun \nlm- M MEL-1h†m 5.4-.17‘) pvr tun, fur Fuhrmu')‘. 191“. fllflll Bflfllï¬ II I’llllflllfllï¬ Jllllflllll Ilfllflï¬llfl Nflfllllï¬ .\l llw Maidens-M(-lhmzllcl [vl'nlwr- (5' llw mn‘k nl' sinking a ~‘lml'l is “(’- ing diligently puslu-cl. mulvr the dir- w-liun ul' .\lr. llulvmzm. .\ mnlmvt l'm' «limnuml drilling: lms ulsu lm-n lvl In lw prm-vmlml un willmyt «lvlaly. \ 'lho- mm r'vntml six mummtIm-ut shaltt at tlw llulliwwr has “00]! um- cutml tn tho 4‘25 funt hml. and the rm'k has. been hl'ukt'tl nut, tn the 800 that hwvl. thnugh Hut tn :1 suflivivut vxtvut tn tum-t. the m-mls ut' tlw six t'Ualtll'llnt‘tltS. Mr. S. A. Wmdwy. t'ni'nwrh at tho llullhigm' staff, has :lhsttlllt'ti the lit!- tivs ut' manager ut' the Svhtumu'hvr (inld Miiws. Limited. flirt-ruling Mr. Jusvph â€uttstutt, wim has t‘t'sigm'd tn hwumv Assistant Manager «if the “me Mint-s. «Mr. \Vuukt')’ is nut a New mam in thv ticld. having: been idt-ttlilit'd with thv i’nl‘t-ltpillc District [or nearly t'uur yvurs; “if has served cm tho. stuff of the“ McIntyre Mine and nmn- rm-uutly utt tlw Hullingvr stair and its allied prupei'tivs in var- iuus vapm-itivs. Althuugh a younger mun. Mr. “balmy has shnwn marked ahility that rumtnvuds him as u Yaht- nhlu :Is-ut ('i this property, IS «liannnnd vulnpnny. llv trnwls by wnv “1' England. through tlw Slwz mnnl, In Luhitu Han'. thvnw by llw Hungnvln Rnilmn In lnlvhlw \l'lw' lvminfr tln- Inst nanncd puint lu- “ill haw :1 400 mile julllllt') ull hm! be t'urv lain: in urclvr In nun-l: tlu- mine. \\' lwiwr $3,500, rmluving tn. 1,500. Mr. .\':mll. has Mm! “In-Ilwr nr lIuI lw le l'urmwim' Hrmwll u" â€w l'an- «Jinn I’Mrintiv Puml mmmmm- that "w Final. Annual Dug 'l‘mm flaw. in ho hum“ as "w 1’mmcliam l’ntriutir Fuml Dug 'l‘vmn Raw. will mkv plum. on Sunday. .‘hlrvh “MI, 1916. mm. Huff lu-nuiuing, Tl"; rm quH“ in: pmximnu- Start at. Hm lmwrinl Hunk. 'l'im- mills, almvn tmull‘vls .‘lnm'hl h! Ilw mm! turning MY M â€W l'ovl‘c‘llpim' ('ruun. (u pnl‘rllpilu' I'mwu Mines, turning M Hw unrlh «iulv m' "mm M'- Ih-v Imumh tlw Hullinm-r. turning ufl' un Hu- nvw “.qu mud. In tlw "mun, Hmmgh Hu- humv hm-k mm! tn Smith Pun-"pin... turning; ummul \\'i|limu l’i0°rc't"~t drug show. must. tlw Kill}; â€vul‘gl' â€MM, UM â€Iv 'l'immins maul, thmuull Sc-lmnmvlwr "ml the .‘Ivlmyn' In Timmius, [ms-sing: mule-r tlw milruml bridu', pus! llu- Huld- HPMd "ulc'l hp ï¬nish at HIP Inuwriul Bunk. ()II 'I'IIIII'sqlzIy IIigJII, Marc-h “Jud, “1-H wlm'tml IIIIII WU†gl'mvmml rump- IIIIy ul' «war ‘30 «mmlvs Ilssvmlblml at tho Mnmnics 'l'vumlv. glli‘hIs' “1' tin- ILYJL ('III'I. This ('IIIII Is mummsml ul' :1 numlwr ul' yumâ€: lIIclivs 01' the 1mm, Ilvvuml In Imumtiv \x'url; III' :1 \wv puutimIl le. .llul Iln- -11' MM- ties IIIIu- IIm-II IIuIIIiIIv siIIu- HIIII' uI- cunimuliun .Ilmut. mu UHIHHH .Igu. I’lnxs “ill ln- push-cl alum: llw c-uursv m guidv Ilw cll'iwrs and u" lu-rscms driving: upcm tlu- rumh used urn rcquvsh-al in turn nut fur tlw (lug teams. giving: tlwm tlu- I'ull mm! to pass. 'l‘lu' humus: will lw stau'tml at indw- vuls clvlu-mlvnt upcm tlu- Inuulwr ut' tmlms o-utc-rml, am that Im trains will llllvl‘l'vl'l', and there slumlcl lw a team in sight. of â€w sum-taturs at all timvs. Bflllllllfl [JAMIE M MASHNII} "All BY MB. ClllB 'l'lw «lmum vmmm-nvml album. 2) pan. and mnlinuml until after â€no u'vlmok will: am intnrmissiun m I'uiclniu-ln. t'ur sumn-r, whwivh was «lalinlily m'rvml In tho mvmhvrs. The "main was 0x- wllvm. and u gvnvml lvvlin:~ uI' :mul tollmuhip gunmlul llu' “Muir, mM- in}; grvutly In its unjuyuhilil}. 'l'lu- mm- will he upvu In may luvul tmmw. tn uunsist. ut' not. mun- than I'Utll‘ «[0718, alriwu by Im'ul alriwrs. Nu Jugs whivll haw! mil. lwcu ill lllv This is pruhzlhly llw Inst. â€1' lhv univ-lomvn «lzuwvs. uulvss imlvml, it. slmuhl In: «lvviclml tn mry Ilw usual (-uslnlm uI' 1mm, â€will! tn HH' war (-nmlitiuus mm misting. Oddfellows Will Meet on Friday Dog Team Race For Benefit of Patriotic Fund liti 'l'uilnr Shnli nii Mntulaiy «writing htst. «if the hwati ()«ltlt't'llnws, t't-g‘att'd- in}: tlw starting nt' :1 lmlgn in Tim- mins. and ulthnugh it, was fairly well zittvtuhul it was thv nliininti nti thnsv present, that it \untlhl hr lwttvt’ in hnltl :mntlu-r im-vting nu Friday art-n- iug. tho 10th inst.. in iilt' t'zimulinn l'lxplnsivvs Httim', whvti it is (‘VIHWiOtl that mu'h uwmlwr. Ninth." with thnst- whn tiill tint. zittvtul this ntw. \rnuhl hriug in :1. “NW“ th'tuilmi return. It is thv illit'tllinlt tn gut stairtml zit nitm- illlti thu c-nmmittvv in rhairgo \vnuid him :1†NW (Melt'vllnws in vamp tn got in «'nmumnivutinn with W. H. Smith as tn whvthvr nr tint. tht-y \rnuhl jnin the new intlgv \thn it is stairtml. ()m- 01' tlw wry smm'tmt â€win! M'- puts 01' NW 502154â€: was g'ix‘ml last night. in tlw l'wum u! :1 Militanv lin- (-hw and .‘lllsiulli‘. at Hu- huldlivhls Hotel, by Mrs. Hugh Mulhvrun. The mums were niwly «lwnl':ttc_,~l and crmnlud in 'upau-ity by Ihv Plitl‘ u! Timmims, and wa \‘isiturs 1mm nut- siclo the I’urvupiyw rump The prizes “(are won by Mr. (ilnlw, MI. and .“lrl. ‘.’.-YI"|‘H'(", 3115.319- Luughlin. and .‘h‘r. TMM. .\ meeting was [1011' m 1 lin 'l‘uilul' Shup nu Mum! MlllIMW [UEHHE M Gfllllflfllï¬ HflTEl TUESDAY EVENING men MAY nncomn AN ANNUAL Arumâ€"WAR 1309mm an sncunnn A8 Pamâ€"nos mm. at: 301.0 m sneâ€" mrons AND Pnocnnns nuns!) 1'0 rm: cuumm anonc rumâ€"runs mm. an smnrnn AT 1mm“ was“ sum AND rmsn IN 'mmms. '1' Will tukv [Ilm‘v mm (In. mum'. at Ilislum‘v «1' up ly thirm-u milos: t. Hm Impvrinl Hunk. Tim was ln-M in â€w thlwr- hm'nships u" Tisclah‘. .‘lmllfljny. "g- den. Shaw. lh-lum. nr Whihwy for :I. [N'riml "I. M lvnsl I'mu‘ lmilluh pnm‘ (8 «law ul' mm‘ may wmnwh‘. Any h'nm whivh starts must ï¬nish imam with sum» clriwr, 5mm. doc-s. smnv harness. and «mm mmmm m. but lln nmtrivtiun is mmlv n94 tn car- tying: vxtm harm-as, alluwing duus t... run frm» mm. M' Ilw clislmwv. m- min «m mn\°a-_\‘nllm', hut. tlw ï¬nish Inuit. .‘u- mmlv with all dugs in lmrunu £JH| «lrivvr nu tlw mm\'v_\'nm°u. Furtlu-r rulm may lu' Ih'vlnrml by â€w vmmnmvv in vlmrm- any tum- prinr m Mun-h 15m, llw smm' tn up» [war in full in â€w l'nrmmim- Rel. \‘anv u!’ that dam A" o'llh'ivs "HI". 'N' Immlml to the Sownmr} prim‘ In .‘hurvll IIHI. l'mi. am-mummiml In an c-Mrmu-v I'm: M? $1.00. “hivh “ill lw ntuiuml it ham aim-s nut. I'wmunlo', hm I‘Hc'lmnwl lu tmmns minim-ting. Tags will 'w sum '0 eqututflr-t a- lum: lllv ruuw t'm‘ hwmy-liw “-sz vall, tlw prm'm'ds in gu tn Hlt' I'm- rintiv Fund. 'l‘lu- vuuuuinm- in rlmrgv nn- .1!- clam-"rim: lu .wvurc- :1 \mr tummy, :1"- “mt prize. I'unl l.uhm~r. n nutiw nt Swuuwâ€" hlml, album. It?! yvall's nt' :Igv, h'tt Sunth l’urvupiuc on u pruspvctinu' trip 5mm! tilm- lwt'urv Xmas, mu! mu (*xlm-tmt tn l't'tut'u hy va Yrars' “any. “(9 t'uilml In almwm' and at. swam-h party was smut nut, but rmâ€" thing was lvm'm-d at his \\'lu-rvu|mut~: allthnugh trum's ut' tmnpuml'y t'lllillts' haul lN't'lt tumult-(l. It was t'mn'mt them that. he haul pvrishml, and this: i'o-m' has lwvn mntirmml. â€is hme hm; horn t'uuml in :1 shawl; nu the Worst. sich- ut' .\lv.\rthm° Lukv, by Felix lh'nuiu, :1. tmmwr cm tlw ltmtsmuu â€tum it is lmlwcl llml mumgll Nullunins-m will lu- urmmml tn vlimrv ii gnml rare mul mnlw this. in limv. an annual ull'nir Wllll'll will I"! ut' i'mll spurt": intvrvst. It. is suggested that. whvrv gun! «tugs m'o uwnwt svpumtvly, 01' in pairs, that. tho uwm-rs mmhim- tn nmkv tmuus, aunt it. is Ilupmt that. at least. twenty teams will tw vutvrmt. lflSI l’flflï¬l’ffllflfl fflUNll HEAD IN £an BY fflEX llflllllll Lulnwr was :1 vripplv. and his pnsi~ liun when t'unml imlic-niml that. mâ€" tmm- suflm'ing haul prmomlcd hi»; :1:- t.imt'l.\' NHL BIB PMfllflIIE TEA M Vll’llNfl MINES BY MS. I'lllflliï¬ Mrs. l’uil'ivl', wit]- nl' tho gmwrul mmmgvr nl' Vilmml Minus, gm‘r :m :H'tvrnmm tva un .Umnlaly, fmm txw tn six u’vlm'k. in aid ut‘ Hw Inwul l'ulriuliu Fund. The I'HUIIH “um taste-fully clm'umlml and all ch'tuils ran'riml nut. \xitll Mrs. l’uil'io-I'°~' m“ knuwn ï¬nesse. the :Ltfvudmwv 01' lb' sulcliurs J4 1591]: Battalion, when mnrvlu- (mm â€m lmrz'zu-ks an 'l'immins, mnnnmml Hf Livll'. Xivlmlmm. .\ large lunnlwr uI' glut-15 :th I'm!“ all [parts â€1' llw 1mm, :1 was mnu-mlml tn lw mm Hf llu Sm'iul fluu'liuns â€1' (hr smtsml. HEAVIEST PART flf NEW EVANIHE PM!†"W M 0le [ME Single Copies 5 CU“! wlm murvhml )p.