visitor in Inwn um Tuesday During: HI \‘flllm- will ; l’uny ('ulm-s Muir's Mllhsl'i Moss“. .lnlm W Marshall «no-m llu "run-mu Mim'. u! gnu-us nl' Mmmgvr [hum-II LN! u Hm 'I'. \\ N. H. ~ \Vlln ham- juim'tl nml Ills" I‘ldcliv .‘lllu'ï¬ Hm-kvy 'I clnnnn alplu- in l «‘1'? ans! “and High! in: "turn in 'l'mwlny nml c-mwoi in mm .\ Vulvutim' I’nrt) mu gum: h)‘ \'15. Is. Hnlplmn‘ m hul‘ hulm' on Sat. unlm um mmm last. “he" alum! 20 2'1"†UN'IIIMWL and haul a mom enjoyable Mum. “'PP er The zImeIIzIIIu- nI' :I HP“ IUH “()wrlmul III Marshall |.I-Ilc-.~Iunv .~ sIIIIP \IIIIIlmx IIIIIIIIIls um- HIM IIII Iiguls III \IIIIIII' “ill smIII III' IIIIviII; cm In IIIIIkv Inum InI swing. week cm a mm Hum‘ll h-u wntrh «m behalf Lie-m. H. H. lmlulvll. l'urnwrly nl' Hw Vipnml Mind-s. is in WWII nu u I'm-rum“: minim: nll lu-hull' â€1' his Nvgilm-nl. Ilu- .\uwrivun lwginu. â€Til: ('nmulinn Emu-(litinnury Furw. Mrs. Haw lx'c-rr um! .I. Sl‘ “M"- in (mm; â€IR \n-c-k l'mm Hl't'mulivrs Pump. 5!. Julius, QIH‘ lt-l't yustvrclu)’ with sow-ml m- c'l'uits. .17.. ,4. 2. 7:11.. .17.. U 5.1.1.. v2.1.1. .. :3... 2.2.2:... 2:2,. 2...... 2: 2252...: .L. Limit. Xit'llnlsun tuliun. ('umuliun 1 H'nruu-rly ut' thv ‘ in 1mm this wm Hauloylml'y. ll will? m .\lr. Hnuwr I (iibsun. ill't' still llw lwtlsidv ul' “inn is \‘vl'y in that tlw [mlirnl :mcl tlwir runny ultiumlv vumplr m- ('lu'u .\lllUllf.’ llmsv rump MIN 1;. Livutvuunw in Xit'llnhun. Mr Harm". They lmw 5mm «awful In lwa'n lwhm- “'4’! H" the numlwr â€1' travel “ho Visit. 'l'iulmins is any n! tho extent ni' tlw 'I'uwn's it mav sun-Ix he said lh: n it hum 5})0'. “Ill“ llult‘l 1" (l't uallv. cuts lwing u-quisltiu Ilmu umv timing: 11w past Mr. W. R Illul‘l'uw High! :1! 5 u ('HH'h. an l\u|'_'. .~ linWlin." Alloys. bvtwm-n Marshallâ€" I'ic-i'lvstunv ('0. (Tim Hi}; Shift“). and .I. l’. Molaiughiin l'l'ln-Quulily Siurvi This will ho a keen mutvst. \xilh pair- iivlvs ui' rmvngi- nu .\l. l“..°s yum fur their roumit trimmingr a! hm-Lr)‘. \Vul’d has just lwl-n n-cviu-d m ramp ut' the M'riuus illm-ss “1' Mr. I'm! \\ “luningtnn, I'urnmrly mm» riutml with tlu- Imperial Nil 1‘“ at Suuth l’urr upinv. and “In. “as mlmit~ lml (u ‘lw \\ 03 Lull Sanitarium sumo- limo lust ialll..\1r.\\nrring1un is a mouth»: at l'urcupino Lodge I..U(1.}'.. and also :1 nu-mbvr of llailmbun Lodge A. l‘. 6'; A. 31.. and .1 \cr} pup- The management of the Empire Tneatre have been successful in se- curing the Cherniavsky Brothers. the famous Russian musicians. for March 3rd. This will prove to be the great- est cvent of the season. Seats will be on sale at See's Drug Store on Saturday. ,‘lfl Jnill I.4M"L‘. . r. a nlur man \xhih “no a l‘ mu! "w ’H' EIGHT .\ tun-pin mam-h will urrmv nigh! :u S u'rh Min-r Alloys. bvtm and It suhsvri 1 v1 inn Timmins News in Brief “'mllu-uhl)‘ vuluplt-lt tum-n1 ls sluwly n many l'l'it'mls hum :IVQ IIII‘N'I“ an! Inn! buys haw- khuki during the put am- will follow shaflly. Sullivan was a businm \\' .\l 'nllfl 'm'mlnr HI l'riclm ni ;_::2 11.71:: i: 1...; .5: :7. .7. 1.7.53 1.5.:; :5...“ _ 2.3: .2..:./. .7. 1.2.2:. 7:. :2: 9.3.5.: .2 .1 £7. .4 ._. [in 4.21:; mmmg wan-‘3 â€w n- 7.5"“ Van-s in 'm‘ WWII and MN‘: Jan“. "1' Nu- 152'â€: um I'lpmlitinunry llu- \‘ipund Minvs‘ 'N'k. and “'1'! lu-dal llv will return I“! Ikin llw wank-«ml m H .‘lutluwun. 3... wt“ Julius .‘l. I“. 'l‘nl'ulllu l)ull_‘_"1!“. Imu- um ml alga" guru“!!! I ’m'l 'o-mu I Flurvnm- Spivrs ul‘ UT. urv mmmg Hun-w lw c-ulm's this “an-k. )m-ko'r ul' tlw Ihmw (iilnsnn. and .\|r.~. aim-m fmm tmvn. at Mr. (iibsnn's futlwr. lullvst I't-pnrls' MT is sluwly impruviu}: tho- HIM in mm]! .“r m lm ('uuflrmam rpm W (‘1 . not as )‘v \' wvrv. "I" (-1141 “1' the If troy-Mm! with w 'l‘immitu "I lhvil' «'Hlll‘ arnllnn lrm'vlling‘ uwn any nuhmlmn mm 's husiuvsw‘. Hsntmnm Hut (H M :u'v: Mow-r III l'fll'" (-ruwdml. u H r0! urnw - playml hr- L. at King's 1 Marshall- Slurp). mu! \\' m- l- smln m Sumlny IH'W Sin-mm w INN 'slulw..~' p5) was «lay l'ul‘ l"rulu_\'. .\l( a. and hmml (-xl MW! )l't'a‘t'lll haw hm â€It â€I! H'N "f :lm llml't MV- {an llu r)‘ In ymmg lawn. in â€w ln-rsons ul \\ m. Hgih'iv. ('lms I'Mtvrsnn. Jerk Mela-I- Ian and Hugh .‘lrï¬nrhem answer the mll "Yum- Kim: and ('mmiry Xvi-d Yun" and have all Juinovl the "ram mlicrs a! SI. Julms. Que. “’0 (in nu! kmm wlwrv fnnr IveHrr mrnils runld be "blamed â€mu â€m above Immml. n" 'wimz "Id tilm- pmspt‘vturs Hf Hm .‘Ic-ssrs. I'. M. I'ivrr)‘ and .I. 'l'.f __ I’l‘im- nth-lulml Hm lustimlinn m-rv-g Imonic-s ul' tlu- Immgt‘ Hull at Smith ' I-‘Hl l’nrmmim- Ins-I wm'k wlwn the â€mud, 'l'1 .‘Iustvr. Ur. Williams. and liq-pm} pi Hrmul Mush-r. H. I'. chkvn. v»; i: mer Hf 'l'uruntu mul I'chihn‘ Hf llu'i .\ Porcupine News Items of Interest Ml Ming onrly uln)‘ â€w « IIIIIII! Hrmul Mush-l .‘lnyur Hf Turn â€run-go- 50min! Mr. Hudmm I’I'zmkur. Mm Im- lm-u \mtiw; m uld “Marin. urrivml lmmv .‘lnmlny ova-Hum. (his was in Hllzmn wlwn llu- I’nrlimm'nl build- inu‘ wvrv «Icslruyq-d L5 ï¬frv. LATEST BOOKS ON THE WAR "Between the Lines" by 305'“ Cable} “My Year of the Great War" , by Frederick Palmer. L, THE L. STADBLMAN CO. Near the Station TIMMINS In the matter < meats Act. .\l llPsolll)‘ llw Assignv lllt‘ llw asst tlw pau‘livs n-gaml Hill) lluliW,‘ slmH 1 \' tl'ihulml. In \vlum- vlaum lend IIHHl'i‘. lml that .\I “(UNI Mr NERVOUS DEBILITY .~\ml Hd'l' TIiXhl-IHS \\'.\.\"l'l'll).~â€"~I“ur Sinking: lm-lim- Shaft. Apply for pau'tivu- Izu's In 'l'riumph Milws l.t¢l.. Suv- rvss ('nmp. Svlnumu'hvr. uulgumvr) . Assignm .- llw ass:- ' 'Ml'lit‘s’ (an! UNIV 1. past took has seen four «I by HM r‘TImIIsIIIII I'mmvll 0‘ their IIIuIIIIuh IIm-IIII qurh'r‘ in "w Hr ~k hxrlmnm- Building." NOTICE TO CREDITORS Him-:Isos «If â€10 IDIU‘NL Skill, 'l'ilruul :IIIIl )IIIIIIII. KidIIm and lilmMm‘ :ItTm-tinns. Diseases ut ilu- \X'I‘ws and II†dleiliLIH‘d (-0!!- ditinus u! “w s} stmu. .I aquuaIlh. (all â€1' \Iriw. ( unsulunion F'm MleiriIIo unit In any addIL-ss. DR. JOHN RBEVB Phone North 6132 18 Carlton St. Toronto. mm Imon. in MN nilip Vunwrm vlslnr .‘llmm: Slll Nutim' is i'lll'thvl' w 1“â€! «lay Hf I .Igmw “I†IH'HI‘N" alï¬n‘ils‘ MI â€W I‘M lip. «milled lhu nnly tn Ilw (-lnil :lmH tlwn luxu- .t lw will But lw l ur any part tlwl‘ l. In any [wrsull 1 lt‘l‘k. ful "Inf"!!! It ('ulumlms. fur the M'I Mummy lllHl 011.0145. In wn ul' tho 'l'nwn ut‘ TO CONTRACTORS. ('(H )K ll said HIIIIHHS. tin-Mm; of the Ontario Assign- .\l().\"l'(iH.\H'Zl\'V l'immins. Unluriu. \u'rl N Ml'lW'HICLL. mth l’urvupinv. Hm Suhc'ilnl's. shat“ Hut ...._ .:......: :â€" .1... 522...... 1.1â€" :3 ..: 7:: 1.2..:::..r._..ri< .: -r: :3 .._:2: £3 .m 2.7. L... .: ._.._..:.. (I. I: 15:21:; 2: t ‘ur XHHII \\ Inn has fur Tuhvlltu UH «lvlnur amumgsl lhvrvlu. having" -luims ml" which ‘1 v lwvn gi\'0u.',d lw lialhlv fur the l [lwl'vul' su dis- 1' m 01‘ 'u‘l's‘nlls Hf.ii | 1m! tlu-n lmw.‘ m'swllt :vllI-l O Dru n gt l'n'sich'lll 0.. '1'“ nl'â€! "HS ll'llil l'_\‘ .\l mull. I’0 U re -1 win “ ll" "I tn Whit 1w}- iu their l\ “'1‘" III Ilnlulns.‘ lu'm'ï¬l m: that h. 191(3‘ «“5! 1'â€)- 'ul't‘ â€It lllllllghl Hr Mu Mus- -nm'..'. ul't't's I nur \\ m. H. 1911'» rill i Near the Station lrcmrm-mfl-â€"~â€"':'pmmr also anl and mull.- ('zll'l'it‘tl. ,urv unal \\'i|lium~'.--«~'l‘lmt‘ (In- 51 llm vlmirmam ut' :lw Waiter- zgnumillw t'ur tlu- your 1915 am! with upprwiutinn and . w inhlt' I'ul' I'Ullshll‘l'ifliull." llliums an tt'llmis‘ and I'm Her ul' lmuMm Y l’ulim .Hl' Ill:- w im "f the above mm rum"- Srlmnl than! will not nrkmmledï¬ at he mgmnsible fur Ilw pun-huge nf any munch ur sum-lira whats-tower. uthrr than such mum‘s ur supplies. as may he mmiml 0r mmisitiuned an tlwir nutlmrizml unler farm hearing "I? will "I. â€w said 3.4.qu "In"! Mid Hm siglmtuw «3' â€w Swn'tar)‘. Treas- un'r. ul‘ I‘hnirflmn then-0f. â€mun M Williams :tppuinh lvl'wwrks gmvms fl'im L â€Mm tariu. 191“. TO RENT Store space. 1:3 3: 17 feet: Good Loca- tion for an Otï¬cc; Reasonable rental. Apply at THE L. STADBLMAI! CO. le Anditul‘s 'mrmium "1' Hip fur Hw your 1!“: IIIII‘ i" upon fol .w Inhlt SM'N‘M "tins-'2 10W". pushc- ‘llw ('hih llltl ('UHM WANTED IA Nl'.~ (m Saturday tuwn uml llnllingvr flame-s in man. I" Apply .\c|\'uum- HH 'l'vmlm's are hm'vhy imilwl up in 12 u'rlm-k mum “1' Saturday. tho 11th (1115' “1' Murvll m‘xl (lllll .‘ltil't’ll. 19H“). fur Hlv lulmr Iwm'mzll')‘ in per- I'urming llw cluliw nt' Srluml Junitur. Imuuhhl‘ C'lwup I ul‘ \\ rm- llull. IN 'I'mull-l's must ruwr hw: pvl'imL. \‘iz:~ 1. The lwriml {rum llu Marvin In 1110 um and 3.11u-}wrï¬ultTnnnthv anA day 01 Junv tn the NM ul' Svgntvmlu'r . nvxt. . Any further im'm‘mmnm may he ulmxinml un alppliruliun In Ilu- under- Sig-um]. ziddrvs hvi'ul‘r «I at m} T133133 PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD _.-. â€". PUBLIC NOTICE. Tenders Wanted for the Work SCHOOL JANITOR. .\|x and l'vvku'ss Hf [lecivalrmus’ The II MW â€000558 My mm :rl‘C 'I'TI'II'I PROPERTIES FOR SALE and Mn ('hilqln TIMMINS PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD SAL": â€Tim! vlmw)‘ â€unto." Hull rio-r â€Hr-owniv". an" n" rlmm- n '° Hnm‘y Alumni": Ihn-sl pod- w: I‘vgiuh-I'rd ('.K.('. and .\.K.('.; pvrl'wl o-um'mniun: Hmrunghly «him-km: am] in pvrl'm't furm. mp I'nr quirk snlo'. ('nll. plmm' “rm. Hurry l-‘rmm'. Rm-ra-miun ll. “MIIN' .‘hlu's. H U“ '(‘m Daily utlt'lzdi «lusting mui Timmim- M â€w 'l \\' “8 ’55‘ ll Lmlilurs I‘m-"fl fur the ('ul‘. «of "in ann ul‘ 'l'immins. rear 1915. has law-u vumplrk'd upon fur ineqm'tiun M the HWS gluing and :ll â€1' “Mud .~'lu\ H and and {hm lll( mums PUBLIC NOTICE 1nd lnukill HWH .x-lam'. luwwt “1' any H’th'!‘ shall nu! 1'in ‘w arm-[Hm]. THUS. M. WILSUX. Swrmuryll'manurrr. 'l'iuunins Public Sclmul Huurd. an 'l'imminzx this 11313; «lay uf :‘unrx'. .\.U. 1910. ll] 5w [m 'hchO'UI'O's W M†.w" MI Apply Huh: ',‘\- ,\'.1 D. Sm "H II daft Hupm' tlu PUBLIC NOTICE (ml rmolllr‘. : '\' mu! suflic ich'Ut ll .‘llflll't‘; v'l'hzll HH- ummimgul Tynan! ll Wins. 3!. Wllï¬nx. .\l slmulal ho svnt in in Hu- undm‘smnmi - [war and «Into H "INN m H‘( l( M"! I lvlzdiu :uul :lllt'llclillf.†tlw mm Sm‘h'lfl I'uhlir 3 â€.08.â€! ~â€" 'l‘lmt '4 «liking: un clisx'c-gm'cl ' 4 M» clmwn tn lim'.â€"- ( 'all'l'iml n1'v.â€"--'l'lull 1'3. 'ianuh-nl nn‘ any prvviuus Pl'vhx' l't'wilul- ch Aid 5 SH Yl’u .\lc NH 3« m HIH‘ gm‘. a pair ul' qw- |°‘nnlvr l'kul‘oh‘tl. ' HHN'. in 'l'mm ul' Tim- M: lllm ’ 'WH'illg nlwrt Wurrvn. up- w. .\'.:l. I‘vsiclvm'v. ll“ HHIIIHS (Emu-ml. Hulliu: I'urms l'lmt. Hu- If lumm‘.r L: :lle' llu cm] H! a rs'3l'rrnsttrt I I( Ihhinj; llu “1:310!“ Hoard. 'l’immins. 0w 'q-hrmlry. A.†("mu- (H'i(‘l}' u the Ill ilu- lurv may he nun-s ‘nl. having rt 111w and won sWH m in writiu TIMMINS I1. 'mfl 1" l'mn ‘ 1"“ (H! 'H} ‘@ H! «"Iolll'tlft Hm! deg 'EIIIHI‘ ( u!c‘\ l,@ ‘ . Hulk-:2 .l *E The Big Haé'dware Store .. T'MM'NS E 11.7.“. W 55555555555555Eï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬hï¬hï¬ï¬‚ifliï¬ï¬‚iï¬ 51-55931-5555555 ll‘ : IIH‘ â€nul' 'urlngghtly hr! wm-n Max HHS.†uvlwt jul lw tilitl sun :Ilcfl 1' “Ni am in! ummét; that â€,9 91mins i .'u'l'v’;‘\' by pt 1mm) ill“ bvm: ml Hf â€I“ It 113.: prup ('lvrk 'fl‘l". h anly Mim'. hall nut ll «lay Hf \' next . â€PM III With HI] “1‘ m u HIH‘ lbUVt «ml. will)“ [you] of HS H @@@@U@@@@@@ï¬@@@§ 7A @ ________________________ 5 Friday and Satmday, Feb. 18th 6: 19th m s x M \ ' M / . ; -_ ‘QM Monday and Tuesday, February 2lst and 22nd ‘THE FRAME UP’ {€53 WORLD FILM CORPORATION FEATURE IN 5 ACTS E mp' 1re Theatr 55525555 TIMMINS, ONT.