Eï¬Ef Sï¬gï¬gï¬ig The Porcupine Advance You can have same printed on your En- velopes you have now on hand at a very and help let the. world know where Timmins is situated low cost. an Pf} {-2 ‘ p: 1'" ‘a': y ~ ' ’ a“ I ' ‘ u r I? maï¬a-Jar? ._ mama - Jig;â€" Ckmflï¬ï¬ J L. '1. LACE This Map 0n the back of your Envelopes ---and we will do the rest SCI-1U PHONE OR WRITE Victrola 6 $33.50 Victrola 9--$66.50 Machines Sold on Terms Eï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬ T88 POROUPINB ADVANCE iE’Fn! 3i mm ’ m' YN‘HH‘!‘ III‘mlIII-tiun. HIM this iIIIIiI'MI's Hm! I! In: IIINM has pussml ‘pmind' of doprI-suiun :m-l . Im' n: grmtt prusqwlih. nt ll.~ alt ll flaritine Gold Production - An Increase For l9l6 I" cl ml Timmins, Ont. - - Complete line of Columbia Crzfonolas MARSHALL-ECCLESTONE Ltd. HII‘I‘I'VI) IIII'I'I'IHI’ HII' IIII'IIIIN'I' III I'IIr. -3‘Illll(‘l'>. 'l‘ht' III;IIIII~' HI. \\‘;III'I' lH'illLf Hlkl‘. IIV [N'Illh‘ |I\IIIf_~' IIIIhIIlP HH’ IIIIIIIII' lI:IIII_\ IIIiglII III- IISIIHHI‘II III â€w 1'†mm: IIIHHIII‘I'I IIIsIaIl :I sIII'VII'I' II‘ IlI'IIIII nII HIII-IIIIII .\\'I-. :IIII! â€('IIIIIM. SI. IIII' \‘.'|III'II :I Ii\('¢l [II'II'I' III‘I' IIIIIIIt will III' I-IIsII'2'I'Il. :IIIIl HIIN- illh'l'c‘xtfl‘ WIIlllIl I‘lll'l tâ€;{(‘tili'2' “HI! I!†IIII‘II' II\\"\ IIIIHIII'HH_. f i .. . , \ \\ I'll l't’It‘l'I III I' In NH“ '_:I'III III] H \\5 3.1.. “IR \'.':I>' IIIIII'IIIIL'IIIV ‘_"HH(' II\I' :nul ln-mg' mulmw-hzn'gml “1' Han tzll'lfl', but at v 11:; prupm'ly applied m HIP mmmcm Lure. “lxivh this you mpurmm lizurv. 'mmm. nml mmi rmlm'ml by 2.0“ 'l' Nlm'tinll Will slum- incrvnsv uvor that your. 'I'lw [IN‘N‘N' ('mufly. nl'lvr l was rt-uIM-nwl :1 m'v hm'n ll|"i\’1 lww mmipmvm s nuw mm I'm-t t «m â€w lmwl‘ :uisfm-tnry. TV m â€:0 "ï¬lm 1 “sson STANLEY a. 0mm .m macussns cow ammo; 1“ ‘ Imantoxs m NOVA sc mm AND nouns our ma; ' aomsn mm A mm 1: A or PROSPERITY Is nowf;\ “‘jfl‘jï¬, r HANDâ€"033A? mmno ELECTRIC rowan IS mpom II I . \NT coxsmnxmxos 18 THIS scones. BIsIII !" Q . pvrliunn “H. I! ill In- i1 mnimnny 1mm :21 HH- IIIin in n ! fit-h in 3.10“ HIM smvltm' in England. om‘ml an i M "I. I!“ 1.915 will uyaboro in the Lead. iclvrin; unly Hm uzu'it'vl'nus minvs. (Sunburn C'uumy lulu-s d in tho ummml ul' guld pru- clm'lim'd tn and N inrrvn During tlu- yvur szx prulu-r- - \mrkm! in this ('mmty. and [um zarv still in ulwrmiun. ms at (inlolmn'illt- mul Fun-st prulmhly mkv lira! and sov- ms rcsm-Mivav. in tho um- gHM pl‘mlllrml by â€10 quartz “nth stv prnpvrtic-s lulw' (In a lump :mmum 01' «low! got â€no mim-s pumlu-d nut Inuw l'nl' vmnmmivul Wurkinf: In “1 Hum: in mm H prmm um: )‘c'fll‘ 1m uluc't inn Columbia Graphophone Company Canadian Factory Headquarters-"3657 Soraurcn Avenue, Toronto, Ont. Sung: by a splendid Canadian artist, Mr. Herbert Stuart with wonderful ï¬re, feeling and swing“. Quartette and orchestra accompaniment. with drum and bugle effects. This Columbia Rewrrl provides two magniï¬cent 85 recruiting songs. Hear it and learn the words and air. No. R2300, price C Your nearest Columbia (lea/er is waiting to pin 1/ it for you. He has a full Columbia list of Records jin' you, too. ms llmruug‘hly le than. :1 NW W ---to the nearest ' Columbia dealer’s, to hear these two heart- , stirring battle song's --full of the thrill and swing of vi'ctomr. Sung on a. Columbia {ecordu-us they have never been ranercd before. Hu- Hull "1' Minmn)‘ ur M‘mwm mulun‘ war will give Minn. H is In Hm! tlw cum ‘ “Good Luck to the Boys of the Aliies “We’ll Never Lei: the 0H Flag Fall†"adoring mmrt 7. I I'Hl It l l'vw [wuplo “1-! was [ml [110 fan: c‘alsv H'. ils‘ Hut l): Wurkl H 19H “'1 '1‘!“ rm \h l‘_\' '0 :m mpml min. :3! Ha amm- é nu: .‘I'HI inn and and 'l'lu- um-nmun WU II I“ luuu urn Wurkm 'll â€I“ “burn Twelve Mines In Halll'nx C'mml "mn- mvrkml during siclvrulolv lu‘us'wvt Wurk clnm- un utlw minvs am- c-untinniu must iunmrlami di M In llw ('m'ihnn clistric-I twu mim-s are Wurking. 'l'lw hixcm tissnrv win is pl'mlllriug" sh'mhly. supplying: ul'v In a livv stanup mill. In Milli llw pru- clm-liun ul' tlu- ('au'ilmn distrivt .slmulcl lw materially inrn-usml by llw vulry .‘Inntnguv. mul Ulclfml Hu- Hamlmzm slut" u! load is Irvin: \mrkml nMflilH'Il. l’. Hurts :Ill' “ml Ilu- muons-inn n. m". llnis mll “us at! prmhwtix'v lull “am 1' by faulting. â€â€˜1‘ flll)‘ ’mlq' nrv. "mg allurl Um: nrt‘ TIN' Mlu'l' Prulwl‘iic's "'34 "I" “burn. SUI it is sun-h vlu-np gamer. I vmmmuiml mmmm'mcnt mmlo H nose-Wk lu wurk M urc 30'!“ In m" but Hmvs hlv 'ol‘cm'H‘C'HlI clnm' cm uHIN'ï¬ am- o-unlimning inumrlmn! dist :Irihuu. 'l'unun- tyln 'c - [1's AGENTS: [In I I. 'l'zmuwr. lmlu- r: “In! chlhzun. A! â€l! m slum nu thv Du'll lw mill is tlw vnlm ml "1' UN and IN Illl I'l' I‘l't' nI' tlw â€an n! um- timv t'lll MT and {UH .nl‘ mu' uul Ill gmul â€I'd" mmlv tn llxu'dmzm :imv wry "I hi2 lnmmx mmliu um ‘u-m": trim. llunn mu-k of the "ilrhy mine In Hm In! 0! pt“- duwrs. This mim- is an a new win dime-red in 1915. and during Hu- pnst war a shaft Ia.- sunk. some wk» volopmonl Int-k dum. and :1 “Nu sump mi" lmill. The mim‘ has how readied Hm pmdmim: stamp and upâ€" man In have a Imymisina “Hutu In this xm-u snutlwn-st ui' Halifax it is svvn llmt wry IiHIv \mrk lms lu-vn clnnv during tlu- pus! yvm'. Sltmllol Hu- wurk lmv.’ prujwlcd, lw 'arriml .m. â€to running: ymu' slmuld «:mu muw pruspt-rmm 'vumlitinn. 'l'lu-rc- urv. lwsidrs. many utlwr dist- I'it'ls whit-h might l'vluly ilm‘stigutiun. ("untiuucd in m-xt issuv) 2:. :31:â€" _..:._ .1 2 2:553. 2:3... :5... 7. :34 :35" 3:. ::_.< = 1:5: 7...... 2.2;... The Montague Distric: \‘N‘S‘ small 1‘ ' Iv mm pl‘mhlfl ii Halifax l‘ L'uldln m‘ Wurk illv. lwin '1' III â€I pumped 105! mi , mmo has sing? and «in: futun SEVEN ml nut and SH null run hm in the arm “rim: swim load has lwhm "I? and mining nrirlmwnts n: has horn n was mmlv â€mam whivlu . llll\‘l' lwvn 13 I 3! «ml- H'ill was “inns in ‘hc' “ml. ugmn «ling- ' timv Wnl‘k- a dis- 1'! I0