South Porcupine Islvl'm cm Fr" mm! arm zaml tlu- ale-um «lx'illw hmulwuy nu tlw tww Mr. H. H. hgt'flt'ï¬f fur Ii mu! in clvllml Hm 53:1va 1'. Ilutvl. Min. hmiw “mm Mrï¬uiw. o-I‘ 'l'lmmi I"! M â€w Kim: (in. "May. Mr. A. II. n \isth in . Mavis! rn lo Howvll |micl PHI in lhi Mr lung: Imu- :~n_\'< lhuwnn Ml in HHN' :s'lnl Ill HIM HM Ho \V 1 :illtit um' with winâ€: "Cl Sullu' 'HH-i mall l'Hlll Kin Sï¬ï¬‚r‘W ‘l'l Hw l'L‘t‘l'i‘.†emu " ins: SI" many the :n “It sllm‘ liw H '(HN Tim rhui at“ s M r“. S} 'um nVQl Mr. H. NIH-mum. n .‘I l' :lll. )lra \‘isflnr mg I- Arv \' \‘ n} \g mean iudm‘ ï¬eglr men Illa! W merry. and 1‘0." Ulll' \mi? l‘lllllnll“ Ill}: M r. \\' 'ui'i M IUI ."l .\l .\| H ul UV ll‘ m am 1 ll fl ‘1! \V Ml .‘l \\' 1min! at \\' vary mm I'l'Hi :. II. I» fur HH' ill“ trut‘ HQ ('lll \lvxumlvl U Kin mcl mm.“- -'. Milk-1° : nf lht- Miran-Iv Mil mm» un Suturdn iii! in “('H'uit. " EET \VISE â€I .\| \\‘ ramp â€Ii! week Jsult IIV m. ll:l:~lll“i§ m‘erwt' :1§'-"ug up 0t .1 machine me dzn (rush us \\ tlum‘ ct us build tur (mrsehes m' triends and neighlml‘s. wine beforc it is too late. mutr)‘ 1H ll't Km H Wilsm .\1 Hm’Vt l thv U in that ll \ll ll mls Ml pun this «1 \V IIISHII m “'1: mp this WM r. uurtlx. suut'z. eusl :etting wisc' tn tin of unbufâ€"tmvn buy- coplv are mm rofus mm “1' tum “unses wait as ti! no mo 3 mummitx hcfun- \u 2t us spend our man In smut-thing “mt i‘ «it tug mit)‘ VI) him :uh .\|1~. .\l "ll H H INN U I)i IN TIM at lll M zlt olnllh' hr Will um "I HIV U h sun 'IH .\I \Iim t1 Hf cult in luwn D' ' I . lwum rotul'n- alt'lvl' ;' «In and Hm†ur mun “at i' n )10 all nM-n ll Items of Interest 2H ll \V IN 1 m‘ n d3} |'_\' It)†QSouth Porcupine ' Patriotic Society {MIL-m (Ball: “o \‘lsull lh Fl" “irks: Hill. .1 Nauru-1‘ W. H. Attractions at The Empire ' Eaeatre H fl.- Ih-ln c-hm \\'. brothvr "W J mm â€m ‘w-D‘ns that ywm‘ Grisnull has div! 3th In them. “"1" jog: n laughs and (10“95 tlwm Serm- wx bovomo‘s uhusix . â€at in? and "e tails. H.011 in ' ""“W (30‘ ms tn him 9 Hh an "fur take (no blame and give himself 11» b mu .‘l r- \\ mrkuwn HI \V 11 H‘INI r)‘ 1“ .1. 31.1.1111. a...“ 11.. S. .1.._ .1.1..1111.111..11..111 ? .1.. .1_..11..1. .1111: . 11111.1. ._111.r..1.1._1. ...1.. 1.1... .111111111.._1. .......1.. . .1_1.1..1 31.1.3. 11..... _1:.11111.. :. __111.1.1.1:11. 4_./...1.._:111_1_1.1111:11 .1.. .1.â€"1.1. 147:. ._.1.1..1.._. ._11:. 1111.. 1.1111.“ 11.. .1_.. /1.1._1:1. .13“ 1:. 1.1.. 11.. .1. 1.. 31.1111... 1.1111.“ .1.... . .11.. I. .1.. 1.11.1111; 1.1111.“ .1.... 1 .l O 1 1 s an aglmmx'. .ml 1°uuse= tw- tu strike u'rain ' 33% ln'ut‘f‘r 3" Regan. 'l‘hingx' bommu really ms nuw fur Regan. Scanlan. the kmen's dclo'mw. ."w- l» m 10m Indie I" hn'c Ml “I H N‘Tll ('NHH 8H )IM I†In Ho O D urmln (i “will! ya r 3H1 ll't lin! kh’ mm tin; Minutes n! J“ Hf agit; IrPr " .“nnlll 'l‘m H "m! \l l'r sitllilhun ‘ *5 alvsperatt I! 9031'“: t! I inlcl't h "Him: “outwith-t l' ru.’ (3 suits- llj i1 Insrn, .712 (E. IMrkst .\mlvr.~+nn. I ’.rm\'n. $1: H them fnl‘ 3H! vgan marry, hatred fur 1h ms ( \\' ll 'H’I‘! 1f rezmm fur this lon- as vvorvthing in his mu lho “ism-s tn try .11‘ 3: wile. (Wm! pm â€It'll. Hurnm \WDHK .(‘:l\'u_\‘ Ml $|llc Ill m1 \V ('Hnull q-lal)‘ the 'DI‘PVIHHS mm! comet. i 3†l'u'hm‘s: I ..... .96.") ll I}. 50¢“. Mr. 354': “llhom : I). Vutlnr- Mr. (hlgnuu. It llyjllillflflc 3 Webs cub 1': MI"! 0f mclnm- rub |\ tin :h an 3111le When qucs m lift that lll rn-tury Wil rv|mrI |\ â€MI". .. Hm- . Hum- meph ll W but he gun. in I '.".|" H: until u up pilo , Hu H ; ,.. _ ~LLL$++.X$+.XLLLLL:TTTTI:IL.+++ic?v.v+.msmz {VILLsHLsTILJ H' wwn instead of trying: to ï¬gure up ':e disadvantages. Speak of the “right side of your business in place of the imaginary dull side. There is nothing: goes without being.' propelled. mu injure yourself, your business ud your town by getting into {no Jumps. When your liver is out of order go to the woods or some other hiding' place until you are better. Tle .. id looks blue to the man with a bad digestion. Cure yourself ï¬rst h and then everything: else will appea: , .d looks blue bad digestion. ‘ - V and then every“: all right. l‘i In! her l) 1' 11111111» 11111 11111111111203 111' 1111 the 11111-11); 1111111 as 51111 “LIN 111111.111“ 1'l11111y'sh111111 1111111111 111111 11111- 11111 1'111'111111111511111111 111111 11111‘111'11 111' 1111'1111 11111. 111'151111 11'11 111111111 1111141111 \ 111111111 111 at 13111111 is his 1111111'1111'. 11.:1111 111111 his 11111: 11(11'1'11 11111111 11111 111111111 111 the faithful )111‘111 111111 11151 5111111 115 (11111111111111'111111 (31111- .1111111' to his son 111111 1111i1'. Talk 66 Next imperial Bank When in Need of a SUIT 0r Get our Pressing Prices by the Month ind Pressing, Cleaning and Dyeing Done nbuut Ladies and Gents‘ Customs Tailor NEXT DOOR TO CANADIAN CLUB CAFE HOBBERLIN TAELORING 4! n In "0091‘. Hut MM U the advantages ui' yuul' of tning tn ï¬gure 111) ages. Speak ut' the your business in place nrv dull sidv. There is THE PORCUPINB ADVANCE innâ€"Su'mlcrs, Clulhing :lml llnllscllhlll (lumls. lh'np us :l mml m' lHBlll‘l' still ('ll†:lml H-l-us :lllll wv will glzull)’ lnulw :n'rqulenls In cull l'm' :lllll (lclix'm' ymn'gnmls. Lzlllll's :lml Mt'lls' ('lullllllg‘ mmlu-ln-mczlsum Service-Try OVERCOAT (H. ('A( :III .4113." «)1 c mukv a flaming TRY v u spvviulty Iillj.’ :mtl luvs- .‘\'(‘l'.\‘ (lvsul‘ilvt- Cluthing‘ :uul TELEPHONE 62 ACID SURVEY OF HOLES fURNISHED IF REQUIRED ll ugh Boyle. Sec Dominion Diamond Drilling Company The lwst :nul mnst-up-tn- (lute Lin-11V 01' its kind in Automcbilcc for Hire- Open Day and Nightâ€" Phone 31 Livery and Transfer S. WHEElER South Porcupine South l’m't-upinv CORE BORIH G SOUN DINGS CONTRACTORS LlMiTED South Porcupine Timmins .1113. E. 130340. 3121’ BOX 506 SUBSCRIBE NOW TIMMINS Phone 64 P.0. Box 186 Hotel Connaught RATES : '. C. H. SIMMS, All lmulc-rn mmvvnimu'vs. Anwrimn I’lzm. Special Sunday Dinners Real Estate and Insurance E. G. DICKSON TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE Geo. H. Perry. Manager SOUTH PORCUPINE I HAVE THE SOLE AGENCY FOR Cd! and See Sample: and Styles South Porcupine. Ben Croskery A City St'l'Vim' whiv is. tln(‘ (111155 ‘()ll|' tq'll«lillgr :1 of Tummu in â€I0 HUM ('mnp l‘ur Hu-ir WM. fl. LEISHMAN Highest Class Tailoring Timmins Representative CO. LIMITED SOUTH PORCUPINE $2.50 to $3.00 Phonc30 P.0. Box 319 n 'l'rv-mu 'Phone 18