Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 16 Feb 1916, 1, p. 1

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‘ THE PRPOCUINE ADVANCE ('$ Y . J‘ZVt'li'll H. (‘zll'h'ull Mlll'iq-I HiHu-r 'l'lmums Lawn-mm . ' llvrlu-rt ('m-Mmrn Uubhiv ('lmpmzm . .\in|umy Huhiu (”Mary Axum Malssull \(iuvtmw Ik'uu'rs . . Auclrvw Rulwrts . ll‘t'm- “\(‘l'zlrcl . . Aubrey ('urr , . Jmuvs l’t-rl')‘ . . “uni:- Slm'h . . t'tumgvs Hi Im- >lt|l|tllttg um um run- lostztiits t'ur tluo l’nny :m- ('titltltl'.’ tiltivk mul t'ust llll"t' clays. Frimuls ul' tlw “:Illtlllltllvs‘ :n'i- win-king: lt:ll'tl fill“ their i'vspm-tin l'unn'iti-s and it will lu- :til_\‘|iuil)"~' l’nit)‘ until tlu- last day (It. lllt' t'ultlt'st. l’t'lt'l' Xtt'nlsmt .imnpie t'rum lltil'tl limitinn tn tlu- lwanl «if tlu- list. with Summit \\'i~|ili :1 vluw sm'uml. l‘hivli tltl)‘. t'i'um Imw until tluf t'lnsv will sm- startling rlmugus (in ”to list and vwi‘ymu- iutvrustml almulcl gm lmsy. Sm'ul'c- Mtlh't'l’llt- ,tiuns l'ui',tlw .\tl\'ium~~-it is tlw sur- est plain t'ur liumtmg yum“ t'u'.'m'itv MIME [Alf Allllll PlEASES Sfllflfflfllflffls PflflSl’flIIS BHIBHI .\ mwiing "f clinic-turn «of ”w lhmio Idliw Mining I'umpaiiy mu “1"“ in New Liakmni «m Manila). M whirh tlwmmunl ri-purt was snhminml and dismissed. The niiilmik. nvmnling in this W'ID". is nf an nilspivimh "all!" and «'nlrulniml tn stir intu renewed lifo and \‘ignr ilw slumlu-ring m-rim ul' uptimism in Hw hrvusts «1' Nu- mmimny 'a shawhulclo-rs. Thu uhshfl‘it‘. ilvl‘utui‘urv, in prnflb able minim: has been Hu- nmmwrinh. ml fasiiicm uf nlwmting. 31mm iimnlliu sign it was dimmlt in furnh-ll fmm \i'lwm't- Hlv lit-x! immHIs supply ut‘ uro- fur tlu- mill mm in be.- drawn. Hut. lll‘t'flfliill'.’ in i'. L. Slwr- rill. Nw'prcsiclent. Duim- Lulu- is in. clay in u fair way In the nvvmunluliun Hf un mlmumlo nrv row-run 'l'lw I'vlmr' shuns ”IN in NW "lull”: ohwvlnlulu'll! lllls o'im'lnsvd 3 \‘NH nll llu- «m H. Io-W'l. "sum ‘17 m-rnss :lli ilwlu-s. in u mine I the 18" N. hva Xu. 5 \‘c-in mvr $8.5" m'rmss 7 “19!. um! HH' lu'w lmdy 03' NH. I \‘vill rum. lwtwix and :31" mm‘ H I'm-t. III-I'III'I'I'II III'VI‘IHIIIIII'III I-IIIIrgI'II II“ II- mLiIIsI IIIIIIIIIg. NI'III‘I)’ IIII III'I‘ I'I'I‘I‘III- I)“ II‘I‘IIII'II IIIIS III-I'll I'I'IIIII III'VI'IIIII- IIII'III. III-IonI-I'y \I-IIs IIIIIIII‘ IIIIIII‘I' h‘II III'I‘ ’II.‘III IIIII “IIII IIII° III II’ INVIIHIIII' IIIIIIII iII IIlN‘ I‘IIIIIIII. IIII‘ II'III\I‘|\ Is I\- IK'III‘II III INI' III II.) III' SIII |N°l' I'vIII. MIIIII IIIIIII‘IHIIIII’IIIS iII IIIIIIIIIg IIIIII IIIIHIII'.’ IIII- III III‘ l‘nt'I‘II‘II IIIIII IIII III- I'rI‘nSI' III [II'IIIIIII'IIIIn III [NIHSIIIIV I)" per I0!” is: I‘XlII'III'II IIIIs‘ .\I.‘III' 0va THREE WEEKS . [EH WW II] HElP Vflllfl HWIIHITE WIN and $10 .m-r u :‘m. During tlw pm»! your ”.72“ hms. nu-raging $9.12!. swn- N‘mltwl. mpml- ling n 20ch prmlm-Iinn M. I‘HUCMNI. Mun- Hmn $70JNN| was I'c-c-nn-rt-d by umulmmmtinn. and ”w muwntrmm lmmuln $1-l."”". 'l'lw I'm'mll pl'uvlivv Inns hm-n In lmlcl a-unc-o-ntrmv lwmling Hus illstullntiun ul' llw vyuniclc- plum. Hm \ulm- in lmml mm' umvruxinmling $37,000. 'l‘mlings zn'a-rugml $1.51!. Mining: rust-z \wrv nlmm $33.82.! lwr hm, invlmlin: all «lo-wlnmm'm uml .lot'm'rml clvx-c-lupuu-nl a-hnrgml up u- uuiusl mining. anrly nll nrv I'N'MH- I)“ tl‘vmml lms hm-II t'rum clvvvlup- Im'nt. [Kc-mum} was nuulv umlvl' 50 per I'Pll'. but, “ill: I'm IH°\\' vym‘mlc- liuns I'M‘le .\d\ 051 Mam t'ur lum in NW I'm-v. l“u|ln\\"il|;_:‘ IS I “Mums- this Wm l’vtvr XH‘U'MOII . Nurmzm Milan-c! I“ 'a M l I IQ m I. Slunlm‘ 'l‘hv hm momma was hvhl Febru- m‘y 81h. with 1:3 nu-mhvrs luvsvni‘. Mrs. J. S. Hrmxn ht'HHIH‘ a member ut‘ HIP Surit‘t)‘. The minutvs .n' the prmwnus llu‘vl- ing \vm'v rm"! and :qqn'mnl. 'l'hc treesuH-r l‘t‘lml'tt‘tl: Ht’t't‘i]'l.~‘;--Unudfi Mold. .7310", prvmhtm‘os;-~(‘has. l’h-rve. $48.79. .\ nmtiun nmdv by MIN. Lnngnmre ahd .wvumled by Mrs. l". ('. ll. Simms «as carried. tn ulhm l’rvsioh-m to m-t as shv thought m-m-sszn'} in :1 101'“! Hood vase. Vol 2. No 15 Schumacher-Timmins :. Red Cross Society |.\Izlr.\‘ Huh: .\ilm*n 'l'hc “ul'ulll-V H KIWI Sims Iflyu _I’nitl‘;l .\ buliun was mad man and sm-undod by mail subsvriptiuu mu llw tuwu Hut ruwlu it H‘lm .\ 3101i”)! fur rhrum'y 1511: MN ('uurle \Vlh‘ II. WM)!» Mrhullgal” “12M! ham rvnm l '«wldnn': lmpnmn liuiVin in ”w standing “I. Hu- mm INIIN‘ {H.111 hm H. le-wl. alswytllg who-s. “I 0 misc l'rum *I Xu. 5 \‘c-in mrmmm fret. mad Hu- mwv urv \‘vill rum: lwtwixt $7 ll llu ll slzu'lliug rlumgc: \‘vx'ynm- imvrcstm Sm'm'v subsvx'ilp- x!|r0~-il is llw sur- lin: \‘uul' t'uwn'itc It Amnlin Umu'mncm until ‘H )il'.‘. u: Mn. Studm, ~' In the men ln’ the min I“! m ns clinic-u" M ' Int-x! mmllhs all mu ho ho.- " V. L. Slwr- m Ilu- pup! own! 1'} :m),.\‘7:’» 18.3.8132! 16].!!!” 151.231“ Febru- 27.4”} 1-1.!qu IBMH 50,01” [MINES 3U ND mm HMS UH: .~~'H’ .135 ND.) BM; nu? :i-m 5M3 HUN HUN .00” m 3| Itw musmms : ll Bflflflflltfl BUIHIIS ' av mum SHEVIAI t'nur milvs t'rum \\'im-lwstrr. It will lgrlcl uhuut TtNNl mun but is; [mt t'ull. Last Sunday I wont. [0 sm- .luvk .‘lunru ant. Ne-ttlvy llmpitul Iu-m' Smutlmmptmt. llis right arm i< all»- sulutvly uwlvsfi tlu' lmllvt llalssml tln'uugll his slmulclc-r uml rut all tlu- uvrvc-s. 'l‘lwy uln-rutml mul trim! tn tix‘ it up but it. was nsvlvss. tlw rut t't-quirml viglnty slllt‘llt's lu new up. lt was \\'ululm't'ul In 500 lmw c-llm-rl'ul llu-y :Ill m-rv, mm witlmut arms mul Elt'gs. mul uztasml. vtr. ! l mu: lumu- at t'ln'istums t'ur lin- clms :llhl haul at lllt‘t‘ tluw, lmt \‘q-ry lquivt. .\lntlwr was away and is still Qiu Egypt will: my sistvt' :uul ln'utlwr- lin-luw wlm is vlmpluin with ”w t'ur- mos. .\l\' brutlwr was all. lumu- and In small \‘lllugv vzlllml I'wymm mm ! i 'in-hiw win» is vhaiphlin with ”w l'nr- 4005'. My hmlhvi' was all. hmm- and haul .iusl. gut his i‘HlllllliSaiHll, hut iiul his imil'ui'm. m I «lid nut. hm'v tn sail- HIP him. ”0 is mil)“ iiim'H-i-u. “'0 MIT gi-llinu ilnwu tn hainl \nn'k :nuw gutting physi'nl ch'ill. lllllr‘kt'll'y, NV. “'0 halw' Hm army infill‘lu'tui's iaiiul tin-y m-rluinly :n'v smart. I’Iiuflv Shawn", M. ”w "n! Huanh. '9“va momnrmw I‘ul’ quartvrs at 3!. Julius, Qm'. I 3mm lwn’ un Ivan! n!" Mm" nbnm a Work. visiting I‘rimul im-ido'nmlly pirkim: up a few mm fur his Haunlicm. 'l'lw 1 ing haw juinml and will Inn murmw fur St. Julius: \\'c- saw Livut. MM'uy t'rum thv Hullingvl' a wool; UP 50 Zlg‘n, lw is in training“ NW NW Flying ('nl'ps. l’lvalsv I'muvmlwr nw tn all I anv and with many thanks and gum! \\'i.~lw~'. | n-malin. yum's siuvvrvly. “3- mm living in hula whiuh lmld :wm-miumtc-ly thirty mm: van-h, uur rump is kmmu us- lln/va [hm-n mum» and is ulmul u milv um! at half I'rum :1 sum” \illugv vullml 'l'wyt'nrcl zmd u! (luvsu 0! l1 lmlm‘ I'M! mun-nine: 3 géé+¢¢+§+¢¢¢¢é§000¢+§§+¢¢3 rmwwc! yuur lmrm-l a days nun, it m-rlniuly c-mm- 4 plo-usnnt. surprisu- mu] was erl lotto-r «or minor! that l wivml l'rum t'umulu. 'l'lm wry mm-h imlvml. I van :Ism was very muvh ulmrvvimml mysvll' :Iml ulsu ulllvn‘s Numb. mm- nuns. if H sumo (-nlll'St-â€"~~u|x'vu lmms drill va-uh «lax. um- huur ul' it lwlmv hrvukl fast. and live hulll's ut' lwturus nu tlw t'ullmvinf: snhjuvts. tulmgmphj'. map dram'ing‘. military law. (quaint-wing. lztvlirs. (-tv. I am gutting: on «W \wlI: I am mm :3 SW- gum! and l lilu- the Hip [luv and mu im-lin: \M\ (ii. “van tulbugl'utthy. Illalll «Iram'mg. Inuuzu'y law. vnuim-vring. tzwtirs. (-tv. I am gvttin: on wry wle: I am mm :3 SW- gmmt and l “km the Iit'v mm and mu t'm-Iin: wry tit. ' 'I‘Iw mun}! I am in at pt'osvnt Is :I t'uumliun wimp. quitv :1 hi}; q-mml, tttltI all‘t'ultIztlu's :UHI «IIt‘IgIIIIvs guttlg ulmut. all th tiuw. I quI :1 Iuwly trip :u'rnss tlw Atlantiv. wasn't sick. The I’ium-ers :u'v (LR. and when inqutml by tlu- “qu ut' t'nmmught in ()ttzlwal mm mum» wry t'nx'nmble (-mmm-nts. they mmpzn'v very t'nvur- nhly with any ut' the rvg:inu-nts I have .sm-u uvcr here. Itmuemlwr me tn all the: buys and uit'Is. vtv. fiéfi 9 3.- From the Front and Elsewhere ¢¢¢¢¢é¢++¢¢4¢Oééfifi¢¢¢¢fiéfifi I). Linn. MSW Lang. .\l.l,..\.. far this lllstl‘lrt. is luicl up in Turn!!!” “US-- [bilalL l'ullcmlng all) alllzlvk ul' appen- dicitis. lt i< to he hoped that mu‘ gallant llll'lulk’l‘ will mun be un his t’u-t again. mul uhlc In 1'06me his military studios. M nmnth 3H IN THE MAIL BAG d l't'n'.‘ ll“ dull mm: m Huyhm. .\lr. mul .\lr.~. ”rid Timminsâ€" Jnlm Hush "Inru-nw- Spine “II-um" “PM Eduard “'umh‘uu‘ Wm. K. Hmuliu Alfrml Hihhin-s Schnmacherâ€" .\"wrl Funlch .lulm Sullinm South Porcupineâ€" W. I! ¢ \I‘Im‘ I I'mm-mlu-r mu in all many thanks and l't-mzllll. Mum's slllt't'l't' Wm. Mrlwuu Um icl Hrintuu yuur purm-l u wmplv ul wrluiulx c-mm- us at wry l’huyn 0|er In m Militm'} Sllnl'lu'lim 'us ll 'Jlul Hm. I'mnw - ”mt't‘. lnuduu mmur)‘ LII-st, I“ H " l. llumk )‘ull. um :issurv )1”! ll ply I). )\\ Us \Vinvlwatvl' l'clalll TIMMINS. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1916. v lire-nadivr h' for? lwml. m‘. "r hm absent-e fur I'rimul‘, and a few mun! le follow- " lvavv in. (IS l‘illclt‘! mm'blv uf MINI lb)‘ I'rum Hu' Ilem lmu l’lIHUI zlu‘lzlml IHHN'N ('mup ‘ '. lung “ivl 191:; Hm arcaumus acmmts g [If 159th ammuu ll mm annular gmmul, um] [minim-ls. fur ii ri-vruil- in: c-mnpiiign. In a 'll'll'l. talk with tlu- .\ilvimve lw sniil llml. llm lliillnl. in" unilo'r vulmmllul HI' l.l.-l'nl. Arm- slmlig. ul‘ l'ulmll. was mm 700 slrumt and that. liq-lawn l'uur niul llw lmn- ilrml mlililiumil mnulicliilvs fur i'nlial- lm'nt wvri- lii'i-ilmi lu bring llw "ill- lnlimi up lu lighting strength. The llauuliun is wmumwcl i-mirely nl‘ Nurllwni Untiiriu men. and the iii-eilo-ol ri-nmimler must lu- l‘uiiml in ”w smm- lerrilury. It. is iuli-mlml llml ri-i-ruils slmll ln' liilli-lml nml ilrillml in Timmins. unlil nlmnl llw miclclli- ul‘ April M May lal. when Niagara-nip!luulmki- will Inn-unu- llw limlilqum'li-rs. .\l lliis Iii-milil'ul suit. quark-r.» lll'l' lu'lll'J ro-srru-il l'ui' llii- iii~i~niiiilimlailinn ul' 30.0"” llll'll this mmnm-r. llvsiili-s l.l.-l'ul. Armstrumx. a num- lu~r nl' nllimors ul' this llmlulicm im- well-Mum" in wimp. l'um. James is «if llu- H'Ilrii-n .‘lim- :il l'ulmll. “'llill‘ l'uptziin l’ullim lmils t'rum llu- Ki'lsm an. uml ('mmiin Ymmg l'i‘uiu thi- lrmluuis l’ulls l‘iuu-r .‘lills. (lur liwul l'i'Pl‘i'M'lllllllVI' in tlw l.0".'l.~lllll\°fl As- svmlily- Maw Lungâ€"is u Limili-mml, wliilv loll'lllt‘lllllllfi Mi-lluugull. Myrna-s mnl lliii'lun. \i‘lu-n m. lmmv. :n'v olmni- vilml in South l’m‘vnpiiw. xiiul Lil'll- lvmml Nivlmlsnu ail. llw Vipmicl. Livul. Xivlmlsun lvl'l. lomluy l'ul‘ ”lllli'.\‘lllll‘.\' nll illlslllt'ss' mum-rival will: llu- lliillulinn. and will n-tm'n Friday. lll'l'lllllllllllil'il by ullIi-I' nllii-vrs nml im-n. ln “pi-u llu- recruiting mun- ]migii. It is iiiicli~i'.~lmul llml. un iii-XL Sumluy nl'lm'mmii. ii mum-rt. will In: givi'n in llu- “Illllll'l' 'l'lwulri'. ill wliic-li lii'vruiling' Surgmiiit Jaimie-sun (wlm lum lim-n u! ”:0 Hum), loil'llli Nivlmlsuu, Mr. A. li. (ilulu'. and u numlwi' ul' utlim's will slivuk. This will lw lllll lln- iilli‘lllllg: ul' :i \‘igznrmls program «if lll\lllllinll in juin llu' Pilll’rs. tfiééfiéfi. .u..n..u. .u..u..u.n..u..u..u..u..n:n..v.va..v#.v¢.va..v.v.u..v.n.a..v¢.v.v+ .v¢¢¢.u.+.v4...... .u: ...u.uu Limflmmn! Sic-hulum, Hannliun. lms lawn in the last l'vw days. luuk gmmul, and [mum-Ms. Mr. 'l'hunms l’ulw arrival in mum» during the \H'vk. and is willing: I'm' tvmlvrs l'ur llw vnnstl'm'linll ut' rump buildings. In lw M'm'tml «m lu‘nywrlivs in Shaw 'l‘mvmhilv. '64"?! 01°03”!-+¢~b¢h~§°fi4flb¢v¢¢+'l‘iflhiflfl-é-t#é‘bééédufl-é'fi-t‘éé'Z-d dub-WP}. e03"??? 'l'ln- “an?! Syndimh- :m- ulmm In 'llu- Mniclc-m-le)nxmlcl pl'ulwrtim mslul :1 .s mm plum aIIHl hum. cm huu- lwvl! lulwn mvr. uncle-r t‘xlt‘mlm! tlwn' Iu'upvrlit-s in lh'lum. cumin“. by tlw ImHuw Mining "u. inn-row! .~. Sinking ul muph (Slum this \u-vk. an} (It-sil'ml ulvpll llw l’wmivr Mininjr (' u. . m xx «mn- vrs n1 tho Mainland mummies, “ill munuum-v urtiw «lvwlu'nnom wry slmrtly. The umlergrnnnd u‘urkings arr nmv brill}: (lvwmcrml. 'l'hv mm- It is stzltml that the umv mun-rs ut the North 'l'lmmpsnn Mim- iutvml tn install an: vlm-triv mill. tlisplnvin: tlw. steam. as at. prvst-nt. 'l‘ln- «mummy INLW' gum} lmdivs Hf ul't' utl HIP 1””. 24m and mm H. lvvvls. lx’vlmrts :ll'l‘ In Innul that. \mrk nu Hw slmt't un tho-Jumivsun prulu-x'tivs. rwoutly uptiunml by Mr. Human ('hishnllll. has hem! hvgnn in earnest. and is lwing pmsuvutml in :1 \‘ig-uruus uml lmsim-ss-liko mzmm'r. 1111- 111M lwing' 11011111011111. 'l‘hv 111111- 1mm 5 111111111115 11111111 ”114111111 511111111 A .3-s1.111111 111»! 1111“ 11111 I11» 1M11'1l11: 11111-1112 11111 511111111142 ll). Hvuxgc- 'l'u-ihmwy. ul' tho \\'. lhmw (Ullsulldilltll is luspmting Ilw smlzuo plan”. \s the llle-‘lliuexv is in 1mm mmlitinn. tullmfln}: :m (x- tvmlml puiml “I iuucthin. tlw \vm'k ut clumnmiug tlw \unkings' will Iw (lvlayml until pul‘tinus nl tlw plant '32“? lwvll l't'llmxml. Mr. \V. ll. ”Hyde! thv llalyclvn Minus ( rump. “Her am :ulnsvm \\'('(‘k~'. Wm‘k a! HH- grvssing will: 21°9le tiu- malnug‘vmvm. Mr. Thus. H. Pnpo. Mm is hulking: at'tm' the intrrvsts ot' the Tummy Hurns (inld Mining ('n.. nrrivvd hut-k t'mm Xvw'Yurk Inst Saturday. Thosv vlnitns. whivh adjoin tho I‘lxovlsinr. an- guing to he dcvvlnped under the lnnnngmnent ut' l’upv Bros. ('hvppn ('u. Hf New Yut‘k. and ramps are be- in: built tn nvmmmmiate the men. We understand that. the Kent's! and the ('mwn ('hm'tered are starting: op- vmtiuns right away. which will lu-lp this end 01' the vamp considerably. (IX Notes. Comments and Opinions Of Interest T0 Mining World umh M' the shaft nu Ilu' 'l‘l'i- r-m-ss) prulwrly was lwgun and it is vxlwvtwl that. Hm pill will lw roan-hm! in :m '1' high driving: lH'l‘lel‘t‘. um, ut‘ the 159”! in Timmius 1'"? Making m-vr NW H Huydvu is pm sullst'au'uun l. l’l'vsitlvul nl' , m'rivml m (if allMIlH IWU I’llll'lI Ill IBEIBH FISH"! All“ Ill Ell HIS BAll I5 Blflfl l’mhur Allan mulmunwl tn lui< mn~ Rn'smtinn Sunday. lhut lu- mmhl mno timu- ho m-ur Hu- vlnth "2' his mllim: fur I'nur mnmhs, after whirl: lw mmhl dun tlw klmki and slumlolvr at gun. llc lmpc's tu have full flumwinl nrmngt‘llwuts mmlv fur ”no new l’rm- hytm‘inn i‘lmroh. lwl’urv leaving. ”is many frivmls. ul' all c'n'mln. will my “nmn' power In his c-Ilmw" mu] Mal: him Hardwood. “is mmumlwnwnt mum- «luring nu plmmmn and inspiring sc-rmuu nll “is utmmmwnn-nt mum- during am olnqm'nt and inspiring swrltmtt utl "Mutlu-r Law" in whirl: hu- drms- an apt utmlugy ut' tlm lure, dt'Wfliull mud sacriflvv duo from daughter tmtiutm to HID tltuthvl‘lttltd. in ”It' Imttt‘ Hf her need. The Ntll ut' duty mm ringing dearly in his vars, ht- mid. and tn refrain would lw lmth Imsw and mm- urdly. "I Want tn In: "th tn lumk myswlt‘ in tlw t'm'e \s‘itlmut. rvln'um-h, and In lutw- u c'lmm-e tu squuro- ur- ruunts with my t‘rvntur. “In-n the thud mll is mulled. Hm I du uthvr- '00 Wis“! tlmn an. Vllflflllf MICE fllfl AIGlIBAN All] M MASIINIC "All .\ wry mun-8 dmm- \ms' gin-n nu Mumlm night. in lumnr ut' St. Vul- mflim', fur tlw lwnvm "1° Hm lowall Anglimm ('hurrh. “('IWN'H 75 and 100 mulllvlvs gl'um'cl llw m-c'nsinn. zllHl tlw Inusziv. whirl: was suppliml by tlu- ('ulmll HI'c-lwslm. mmluvh-cl by Mr. I'lwzu't, mm M vxvoptiunully tim- qual- it)’. mu! mnvln alpln'm-iauml by all pur- “running: in the slum-v. 'l'lu- pru- gx‘ums. muhlmmltic ul' 5!. Vault-Minn. wvrv Ilmu‘bshmwd, mul wry artistic. and an vxvvllvm sumwr was svrvml :n tlw midnight lmm‘. Allugvllwr it mm mm M' tlw vlussivsl. vwms ul' llu- Sl‘llh'lbll. H, I~ l'u'ml‘hul 11 Mining mnl l’l'nslwo vumlmny ut' ”Forks (ll'il'l. nu ”10' Jun pl‘nlu‘l'l_\' :ll Hush)” The Vip un the 4m .siunving' H «'xpm't. Sum Nil ”10 5“” 'l'lu' I'Ixm-lsiur Mining ing llw 'l'unnny liurns nuulv llwir sm-uml [my their uplicm tn purvlmsv HH‘ ch funnvr “1' HM .2... 33.3.1 7.2 :F. 1.2.. 1.2... _ 7:2. 7:7: .55.: 'l'lu- liurmm ut' Mines. mulo-r tlw ciil'm'liun ul' l’i'ni'. \\'. H. Miller, i’l'u- \‘invinl livulugisl. hun- just issuml Part I; u!’ the 24th Hulmrt. whirl: is rulillml "'l‘hv l’ui'vupim- Huh] Arm" \viih HIH‘ ut' the host maps vvvr lull)- lislu-«I. 'l‘lic lmnk ails” contains an vxtvmlml vhuptm' nu tho Kamisvnliu Luiu- District. This rvpurt slmuld .mwv invaluable in minim: men. and hm muvh m'aisv mum”! lu- s-xlmulml I.» l’rut'. Millvr and his assistants fur tlwii' ('xlizulstiw and illuminating: “uric. Tho nym‘s Syndit'ulv :u‘v Ih'Vt‘lup- int.- tlwir lln'w vlnims. nwrth ”1' MW l’iiu' Lulw Mining- ('u. c-luims. A. S. Fullur, and his :Ismwiuius t'mm New Yurk. will sink :1 :30 fun! shaft. nu Hwir c-Ialims sum]: “1' the Hallltl lHVIlH‘IXINr payable Marvin I: l‘vrurd Feb. 171]) intvrim 4 pm‘ (-9 lll\.ll)l‘:.\'l)S.â€"~- llullw 5 [nor H‘lll payable Man-l1 151 In almrvlmlders of I'vmu'd Felt. thll. llulliligm' regular inn-rim 4 pm' «on! dividend payable Ft‘l). 25!“ m slun’elmldm's nl' l'evui‘ll Feb. lhtli. livrr Lakv regular quar- terly dividviid nt' 250 per share, [my- iililc .‘lal‘rli 15”! In stmrklmldors ul' rm-urd )Iarvli 15!. 'l'muiskaming have dwlurml their regular 3 per rent in- u‘i'im dividend. 4H0 H. ll'W‘l. nu ‘IH-t't. Win c-unsidm'nblv h'w gulcl. mul nnw impm'tum delupnwms U” H. lvwl \‘PI'V mun. ul' )Iinvs. mulvr Hw l'nf. \\'. (P. Miller, l’l'u- isl. haw just issuml 24th “0an. \vhivh is l’urvupim- Huh] .‘\10.1" to best maps evl‘v lull)- lmx'v 5mm H ml llw H. .\. dim." S.\ll(li(°:lh' I lmn- stall'tml Is c-lzmus :u'nwut. :H'Iml in «ll'il-l un lH-t't. win H" ”H‘il ulwrall. a. hum ll!“ Mr. l'lmrlm .\m'r. in vlmrm~ H! the mnnslrurlinn. mllml nl llw .\Il\‘n"t‘!‘ nmw just prior In guim: lu prt‘ss. nml nnnmmrfll that “w mar Dumv maul was all ml «ml. “llll llw Mcvplicm "I. n sllurl plm'l‘ nmuml ”w ler slimvs. "v is lluw breaking llw maul mat. mu! driving (mum: "\‘l‘l' it. and subjwl. tn \wnllwr mvmliliuns. il should be in Mlmliliun fur lullilic' use by Sultmlny. This mall will slmrh-n tlw clislmm- lu Smutlwml by half It milo'. mul lu llw Hume Minna Ivy thru- milvs. lwiiclcw bringing n numlwr ul' minvs in!» ruml lum'h. New Dome Road Almost Finished Porcupine Branch C. Patriotic Fund H is clm-lurml HIM llw l'urmlpim' Uish'ivt dmll Maw '11 lmnn-h ul' llw ('nmuliam l'uh’iutin I’m"! in lw sub- 1. Object. 'l'lw oohjvvi 0" ”1k Hmm'lu. likc- Hu- nl'igimll .\.~~m°ixltiom. shun M ”In prm‘iclc- l'ululs fur (In. :Issidnm-v. in I'nso' Hf lwml. ul' HIP win-s. c'lliloln'll uml clvpvmlvnt n-Izltinm ul‘ ullim-rs uml uwu, l‘t'sicli'lfls M' Human. Mm, «luring Hu- “rm-m war, may lu- om m-tiw svl'Vim’ with Ilu- naval and military fun-m ut' Ilu- Hritixl: Rumin- mul (irvm. Britain's Allin-3;” mul wlu-rvns' mum-y i4 uuw lu-ing misc-cl l'ul' tlu- suit! pur'um- mul who-rm»; it is Jcosiruhlv lu prux'idv 'l'ur lho- ml- miuiatrmiuu ut' thv amm'. II is rum-Hal as S'nllmxs: us sum-l iunm' hm- q-mu-tml Humcln. om .‘ 'I'lw l’rrsidvm slmll m'usiolv :It all mwliuus, and «Hum! Ilwir lnMIu-ss am-nrclin: tn purliunu-ntm'y rulvs. llv slmll Inu'v gvnvml smwrs'isiun ul' llw \mrk ut' llu- “mm-l: :Iml mam-st nl' val” mm'tillgs I'I'um limv tn tinw I'ur Hu' vnllsilh'l'uliml “I. any lnh‘illvss than "my hv hruuglll hrfurv lhmn. In his uhsvnvv tlu- \'i«-¢~l’rv~iclom dmll prrsiclo mul [M'I'I'urm any mul all Hu- dutivs pvrtaliniug' tn llu- ”flim- ”1' Pl'tNith‘lll. 'l'lw Sm-rvlzn'y shall nt' tlw minulus ”1' all by llw Hrmwh. mull ( rvspumlvnw. carry nu tiuns, mu! pert'urm u whivh may lw rvquinn 'l'lw Tl't‘zlhlll'l‘l' shall I'm'vin :IH muuivs [mid imu llu- “mm-h. and hunk than an 'l‘iuunim in tin- mmu- n!’ the ('uumliam I’ntriuliv Fund. Ho. slmll rush all rlwquvs I'm'vivml {mm the ('ammlizm I’ulriuliv Fund. and sew that (“011' pl'm't'mls :n't‘ dishlll'wa zl- mung tlw lwuciivim'iw in uvmnlmu-v with Hw report. “1' tlw Ht-lim' ('nm- milH-v. .UI “uh-rs t'ur ulhvr llmn relief drawn 111nm him In lw vertiliml as c-urrm-t, by mum mulilur summintml fur lhu pur'msv, 2. Oflicers. 'I'Iw H'mu'h shall luu'c- u l'l‘vsitlvli‘. Vim» ’z‘c'siclvm. a! Swra-tuuv 31ml 3 'l'rvusm'm', wlm almll lw ulwtml m u "100””: valllml t'ur thv purpusv. mul huh! “Him! t'ut' :I mum! Ira-rim]. 01' until tlu-ir suwmwrs haw lwvn t-Ivv- “‘1'. All subsvrilntinns In in god by rm'eipH issued by and all reveipis and M] brief, to he :wknmvlmlg'e statvlueut at ”w rinse uI i004 brief, to he :wknmvlmlgml by pt statvuwut at 11w r1050 m 0:1le mm Read at the publiu mowing in m-rtinu with the ('umulizm l’atr Fund in 'l'imluius nu 'l‘hm'mlu)’. Hzircl nt' February. and amn‘uvml. (0 In ”W ‘ Heliv!’ ('mumilh-v slm ”1' “HI less than .~('\'(‘ll all have puww' tn :ch e' as rirmuustunws n. 500 that. vases fur 1'0“! 'vstig'ulml. that! :1 rum! is rau'vfully film}, and mm is «'Xt‘l'risml in 4 ninulm ”1' all Inn-Mings valllml Hrauu-h. mull mmhu-l its rur- mm'. ('all'l')’ nut its insll'lll'- ml pvrt'urm any utlwr cluty CONSTITUTION 3. Committees 4. Statements. v ('urpnmtinn m ”mum. l mu! xunlmrizml by fluâ€" | by the l’urlimm-m n!‘ \uth "L’ml. “DI-L J“ “Mu-Hal's. 'l'lns :U'H'pt as its guide will frum the ('11::- l"1md :11, ”Hanna. lit-u vs rmguu'v. rvlic-I' :u'v l'ul- rwunl ,nl' mu-l: and that (1110 in vstiuultin}: H1. him H.‘ ‘ :u'knmvlmlâ€" tho l'pl‘illlc'h, wmlitm'u. in «I by publir mwh month. axing in mm- 1m l’ah'iniiv t ()Huwu. statement rulivt' pur- wrtiliml as [.10 lw v.\'â€" 1 and paid nu mm H "4.: rvt a r)’ I'm-4 ”’1' «'1! I 'l'tl the Ill lEVEl BBBSSIIB SAYS I. 8! “I. RV SEBIHUS flflJffiHfll mml lu Ilu' llullingvr and Rename- I'lN‘l' In llw Nuflll. lwm'ssilnlin; :1 lvwl run-sing M‘rr the 'l'. k X. 0.. in ”lawn 01' ”w I'leil winnlml brick". bns born l'nmnml npun. nml rrjowtml by ”w pmwnu llinl Inn The puiivy ut' the llnilwny ('mnniiuiun. no: .‘lr. l'Znuli-lmrt slab-d. is to vlnninnw lwwl rhmsiliu’ as far n. lmmiblr. as n mam- nn- ui‘ sal‘rty in Hw public. llv pm» [mum in Wplnm‘ lbw pron-will Slril'tflrl' with n aim-I bridge. ln bq- built at an nnulv \\‘l|l|'ll will permit. nn mic-ndml \‘iaiun «lung tbo mml I'mni bum sido-q lbns minimising tln' [Wt'SQ‘llt clam:- r~'. whivb zm‘ nll Inn nmnm-ni. 'l'lu' :Hâ€"‘ilullnns. vumlm'lml :'r« m timc- In Iimv luy tlu- 'l‘immim ('u :xwil maul lllt' lluul'dl ul' 'l'l‘mlv. Imn- horm- prumisml fruit at last. Hn M4 04!. in 1mm :1 l'mv clays mm. Ilu- grain! lu-ml nl' llH' T. \\" .\. U. mnm..nrml tn l'cnllm'illurs HIM)», lenmulnlin :unl Mrhmis that u m-w slnliun wan to 2m built. as «mic-lily us lumsilnlo- tlxi~z spring. 'l‘lu- plains mull fur a mmmuolâ€" inns lu'ic-k sh'm'turv. mum-“hm .u’m- tlw slylv ul' Ilw almiun m ('ulmlt. «mly lwllc'l', llw mus! lu'im: vsllllmh'd :xl. upprmimulvly $25,00H. 'l'lw mew 9!sz Unit will lu- vl'm-lml imlllmliutc y :u tlw Imrth ul' llw IDI'PM'III mm. Whlvll Will lN' ultvrml In Mlll llH' llt'mls ut‘ Um l'rviulu «lvpm'tlm-nl. .\|~'u additional Hawks are In lu- luicl. tn mmhlc' Um. mmwnivul unlmuling ul' svw-ml war-s u! ulw liluv. NEW 5mm M [RSI SAYS [Ililfllflfll HANS Pfllllllllilfl 'l'lwsv imm'nvmnvnls lmw lu-vu mm-h um-«lml, mul tlu- ummum-ormc'm. will. lhbrvl'm'v, lu- upprwmlml by mzr viii/mus. 'l‘inmlius is Implmblj; m" Innsivst staltinn nil tlw 'l'. x N. U. vj,~ tom. and is c-ntillml In this mmidun ulinn u! ”w lmmls u" Hw ('ummiuzm. EEEIESAE BUSINESS TAX PASSES BY HIIUSE A SWEEFINS MEASURE ‘laix lmswd liy llw UHIIIIIIIHII Hunw. inquiries in laix «if '35 }N'l' ‘1‘!” cut' the HM. pl'ulils sillm' llw lu'g’llllllllg' n‘.‘ him. war. in i-xvvss ul' 7 “(‘1‘ Mint. “1' tin» nm-inl. industrial. milling, h'nnsgwr- tailiun. pnlilii- ntililiv' nml ullu‘l' mr» lml: iliuns .nnl innniliun films; :35 [WP PM” u! lln- llt'l mums sinw Ilw in» ginning ul tlw “an in ('M'vss «sz' 1” lM'l' wnl, nl' imliviclnnls. [Dall'lllt‘l‘f‘lllifi nncl nsmwintiuns‘ Wllll inpilnl “1' 1mm: tlmn $50,,mm \'n munipliun .is' tu «zipilail is inmlv in tlw 'dSl' u! muni- 'i'lu- hill :Ihu illllb!!<('fi :m ilh'c'l'fl-U Hum ~11) in am routs lwr hz'mvl in {m manual tanifl nll apples: «lulx ux' lmH m-nt |wl grullnn nu [whulvum and 22wa ”if. um! unuplllsm'fl illH-shmllt. ’9); insm'aum- mmumnivs in (Eux'vrmuum sm'ul'ifivs. AMERICAN [llllfl IN TflflflNTfl WREBKEI] BV flflf Ml] iXPlflSlflN tiun mamu! was summatod, :ml. ’ayumstur lu-uiun was rligi FM). “3.“ 'l'hv Amori 'ull ('lub, 'I‘M‘ nnlu, was wrwkml by tire! and («Mn sin“. an killed. twn injurvd um $50.00“ «launagc done In building. 'l'lw mum- is unkumm but. tho-2'. I'lw I'illlrfl‘ ls llnkuuwn hut. tlwz'oe Was .H Iran-It ume (SXMHSQHH. In mm ”3' Ilw mums «luwnstuirs there \wrv tun shells l'uuml. but “lwthm' Hwy wwce lumlml “1' Nut 15' MM. L110“ 1). “10 (2‘.â€" plusiull whirl: m-mu'rml may haw: hull m mam! In 1H 'l'uxauiun applies ull prulitsfi k"u. August. 4th. 19H, mu! vnlllinmw; Y .\u2n.~'l 351, “HT. lhwvmw i'l'um the mun-vs :ll't‘ vstimutml :1! Hum Li") .‘W IlliHinll (IUHIH'S. 'l'lw Ladivs' Aid 01' NW I’rvshylrr- its." ('hurc-la Will give a Ten and (31.4: Sula in tho Manse on Saturday :nt'lrz'». mum want, at the hour 01' 1: «fie-lurk. ["0" (I DAV 'rlu‘ Single Copies 5 Cents ewhmm Kivls', Smith Kivly. Smith Hi ~ TIN- ln' llw by :1 51w“ in Hm build: Hurstun. Dallas, 'l‘mzm, d, and ('upt. A. H. Min» er ”1' “w 97th Amvrivm: lightly huruml. ll 1'“! Ilh N1 ”:0 ph’sjw th'ml intuit-4 lhnniniuu lluusu, 5 lwr ‘1‘!!! M' the . lwg‘imliug “1' him. ' lwr wul. ui' tin-- milling, h'nnsluozu- ire um! ullwr «mm liun firms; 135 yum ”tits sim'v llw bow \Iuns \ums win \\'i cum 5' till

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