L. H. Hark" «f l for a day this unit “mm mm Sunday .l. W. â€aim. [‘uldflp'd! .m F 1-2. 1'. Huntley ur llailryhury. rived a! Hm Holdfltflolg Tnvsdny.» M r. Julim Vain-n. Pun-urine ('nm‘n. Wu whiny. l'mm .‘IMIN-aml Mr. Haydn alvn Mimm. I' Wimp lhi‘ \w Nu rmmolmlvlc the rxmuphom r Minn. an: lung: :1: the prom-m limv Watch for the Special Vow Con. porn for the Pony Contest in each week’s issue of "The Advance." “'Imt "hum â€w bear“! 01 Just :13 9mm: nu lumsihlv wmh‘r mum-s. u m-m-rul rlv . ,,. shun“. 1w lu-M m lmmun: vumi'urt. xmcl I'unw-nu'm'v c (31'! I‘Icl nl' Ilw rubbish m yunl. II is rnjuynhh- WHI'L vrshmhk shunt: H. “Ia-i we plum mnmh lmm quire Hm! Ir mo 91‘ PM 5. “8H“. Hf 1‘ mm» in un 'l'lmrmlny tlw Svhunmvlwr Slim ro-gistvrml H! Um (in! 'l'lw limll'cl u" giu- sulm- Hum: m-vummndutum tlw mum. 'l‘lw guilt}: In IN- in.“ spring, ""1035 m mire HIM lvn mrrmumm'nh’. .\ St. Va: 'll'ld undm' MIIHIIP“ °~' ‘ «Hing HI. [“0 uuiv l‘mulllt pmurmu ul Inns and :m vn'uwuhlt In â€:0 l A“ â€I“: hr min: unusu- m vlmr fly) ! amyw A Fresh Shipmcnt cf Spalding's Famous Hockey Sticks Just Arriv' THE L. SI‘ADELMAN CO. Near the Station â€" - TIMMINS ('hivt' HI m 'l'umun The H' I ’l'(-s"|)'1¢ lw lwhl rul Watch for the pans tor the Po week's issue of H! l'_\' (:uhuit'ld.‘ l'uzujv 1‘31 usual. Il'lm‘mmn “'0. HH- Hm .vrll'shblu'. [All vrvhy vlmllo-n: . .‘lvlamzhlm 'llw 1th 355110 in! 1 ( umulu. (')'(‘1(|p('(‘ifl \H' â€H 1v] HI! W I Ill H10 mlv nunâ€":2 3.:â€" L 3.3.]. 3â€". 5.4 7.32.1. 4.3.3: cry v 'l'hv man “It†heaven ought tn fur Hm 10°31 nape poor mortal of : :nnl illumilmtin 5000 PAC H Ili Lulu" ll IUM i; ncm'll Dominion Warm. and -rt isomom . IS Timmins News in Brief "a flan .1 1'1 SH! ID.\ Immluvl'mlv mlznul Hull \\‘ < Hmrrh umm. « l"c-|n'u:n'y l-llh. in p10. 'l'immins. .\ ul' musiv will In- Add! 111 may In sending: Pub. (‘t mm a big in. mlrnivul fur ul' tlw I'Mrlniir anl.‘ mllcl lu- lu'nihllilo' "hum n m Imw. and it \mulcl rv- lvllmh ul' tilm' In cmmlvlvh Inn pl'u vlllism \\' l‘lmpluyvvs ul' Man‘shalL . [auxin-«LN'I'IW Hi3; Sturv) Illc'ngv Hu- vmpluyvvs‘mt' .|. [Min ('l'lu- lluusv ul' Quail- alllw nl' I'm\\'|s. tn lw play-«l and all any linw. The Big Stun. Hmvlvrs' 9 ll' for the Special Vote Cou- Lhc Pony Contest_in each u 0-,! "PM 0'! I! 19“ HH l "f 'l'lmlv might Hugh! tn Hm mnhlvl nu fur trmvlvrs \i-t I‘lw (uohHicIck Huh hum! tn tlw utmml 5 am addition) is huil mnluu tlw u lsllur m Svlmmm lllll(1izl alllzlc HI wan run: “'00 Hf fl! "I pnmidrfll Hf ‘ h lush 1| H as .mssihlv M'Ivr Hm m-m-rnl rlmn-up nlny . ,,. m lmmmm. â€0th In‘o-mcm-o- clvmxlml u. rnhhlsh in NW lmc'L H rilin'n mm nhjm't tn ‘ llw Rink I'rum lux- i! is c'nmlm'lm' 0'0")! HH'l ut‘ an vditm‘ lu_\‘ "urhil H's Trmlrrs will hr rrr-r-uwl up in and including Saturday. thruur} 19th. MM“. ["1“ 700 run}: "3' mm}. :lehwr- mins News Ill Dl'lel who u. -anm- \Vnwrvn! “3' â€PT". “"- "fl‘dh A\""""'""'"' "f â€warrjpd 3' Pump Mann" Hh-muh. Mana- L. ‘lnt‘ï¬- Mums. mom"! no“ .‘ 6'3“:th "nvr. i -- :dm.‘ n!‘ â€W 4mm n? his muflwr. ‘ ? THIHMH. um mgnmn) invnvls will flmpflhwr wtï¬s; “mu m in mil lw~rra\mm*m. Specmuuons .\H may†sin.†3n". «io'ii'ww‘ “3 “--\ \I‘ \'Q),‘II" ‘xrl“‘l‘.l‘ mspu't's HI I. (3mm. "II IN Imp .\l O'VQ‘ IHEH it lll HI ardy :mmm Ii H i‘c"it'l(‘ N w ('11: mm M "Wm 0 mn. hulh limvl.‘ llHV UHWI' chap- ll )lmhvtiullh In (\- uatumal litv. Hull' 9 \uknn. “lnlv sm- arv uf high vulm- fnmwrly an» of high value. ll {mm xwwsdvnlm‘s v. ln (hr ('umuliun 388 111mm Street. lmll will rlu-r nml 'ulumhm. t‘XpW'IS hr '10! In in his suhsuiptiun and 1101 tvmpt tlw H will mm-t all “Hahn-5d“); nf Mundzu‘ up-tn-dutv . ram :UTul'tl TIUT CANADA 3mm \JUUII " '1'} c Advance. '1 l!‘ spitt- rruhfl t cvll mm tlli mlu ll ll H Um Mus- \ ï¬rst-vial» m pron'iclml ans-slll'ml. ll thv Hymn-s )5. .\ill Mi†1 'l'hurmluy adivs Hf lhv 5| H nu Valluai Mos}, ('Hlll rurnmu. lvvturvr date and iu's‘ HUI It 1! “I‘ll hlvm "I M I'. ., â€III". \IsII \‘NH In N'll llh 'M the "II 5 “I â€MIPS [4) S\\'Qil 1' S .Umllt valuable , mmpiI- .111â€. I!†vmlur rum Mu ll m’m' l)l('ll_¢_li‘l flf H H ,ved m ry bllt‘i- IH ll ulll‘ Schumgchcr-Timmins Red Cross Society Ihmmuun lax ('uumlinn Rm qmu'h-rs Scum-wry (pa 'l'x'musnrrr . “Wu. Hug!"- NN‘. .\|r Near the Station .‘Ic m. wry ml "N i In the matter of the Ontario Assign- ments Act. XIIliI'I‘ i~ III-Ivln '_'I\I' .‘l. (IIIIIIIIIIII. III IIII- I IIIIHH. in â€I“ “ISII'M III llI'PI'IU‘Hl'U I°III"I}iII;: III HIIiIIlI-I' :IIIIl I‘IIIIII'III'III 'l‘uwn III' TIIIIIHIIH. IIII: H «If l’u'l'c'l‘vnm's .\ c-l'mlits mu! Mnlnxmm-r)‘ n 'l‘mx'n ('lvrk. I Hf his «'I‘Nliiul‘ lwhl HM :xt'tcrnnun. in rum-um nfl'nirs. In appuinl In their rcunuwmtiun. : doring nt’ tln- :lfl'uirs gt-uvrzlll); ('rmlitnrs' :n'v rmlm' 'Hls 1mm") and 1h .l Ilwvhm: lw ’I'Iu- milmhw : wvrv rt'ml ; 'I'lw 'l'l‘vnsnn H'HHIH .“H! inll A Large Assortment of French Novels Just Arrived at THE L. STADBLMAN CO. â€WI! H' 'mmrillur Melanin mum! whal he “s when he “an!!! it. He has.“ .- "f getting wlml he wants. mo. Ms are to he installed near the lite Minn-n burn and the Halli“. am] :1! â€Ir Inuit“ WIN!“ Munch: NERVOUS DEBILITY‘ l\' Watch for the Special Vote Cou- pons for the Pony Contest in each week's issue of "The Advance." ‘lHI '4 MR nnwm um H in.“ IIN‘I hr. .\I thv Imm' v mm'Hll mum Slln. In‘ I'It'l‘t't lmmhw â€mm NOTICE TO CREDITORS Shh IIIN'HI :1! HH l‘nWll >5: .5 :77. 3.7.357. _:I.::.v ..-_.â€".$ L: :~«.v 537.7. .1: .2. 1.2.43? :2. z: :2: 1.5.37. 2: hisvzlm 'l'hruut. u lilmlclvr DR. JOHN RBBVE Phone North 6132 18 Carlton St. Toronto. 7th "If"! tnl‘s' :n'v I‘mluva‘uul In lllt' llwu' \x'lth tlw Asstgm-v. \vllh tlu mu! Inu'tu-ulm'a lhm'vut' rm‘uir- SH all! I‘IXI'I'ZXIDI'I'HH'IS â€1' ‘:m_\' Hilly Jul†mrl inn. f “3- min Inm's In Imh day â€(‘63 will I†H H m Hi 1V ('(H )K Min-9m ll l.’ IZ‘ 'I'Il l'TS l'iuunius in!) hill‘ ull'H-t ('WN'L‘. in MY lllc 'l‘nwll nl -5... 133:5..1 :: .5: I: .t.â€" ._r.:::.....:: 1:: .3232 5:37. 1:: 42.4.]. 4:5:â€" .:.Z .7. .5... then will u nwclmg I" H' llllHt RV"! ’1. â€w ('l'm‘llnl‘s “’1†IN' 'IN- ul' 1|w Assigmw. in limmins. nu 'l'lmrmluy. 11 lv‘mmn. .\.|1. 1‘11“. .1 liu- U «lmk in tlw l“"H(i\(- :x >1ltl'lllt'111 M will! “Islam-turn and ï¬x Minn. 31ml 1'nr 1110 M'- :11'fuil's “1' 1110 vslnlv ('mmm rite. (‘unsullutiun sent in any :uhlrv: [USS I‘ I'I'I Fvlu'unry lad. ' Ilw prmimm moo II nppnwml. rmmrlml : Snuth l’urvnlvimu «mt Sulit‘iiul‘s} HM .\l( ).\"l'( H ).\I I'll†I'immins. (mturin. t‘ll is insistent art tlu 'H'I'SUH w Assng‘muvn ul' all his ('th. In “('1 I rmwl me “up wstiun uf wiring 'nr «lisruminn and flu! cl" wum' "mu . pnrlimm-M nfh-r lawn \vnrk. H‘ t'm h pl‘m'vml In lllhlllll' llv «lulnnr :unungst ll llwn-tu. having u vlnims ul' Whivh has lumlt ivvu that Hulu-H ' 'I‘HWII HI. Till!- ul' 'l‘vluiskuluiug. cm lmsizu-ss' as I-tm' at â€w said uljmmml until (H ll Fuhrllu 11V u! .\l l'l‘t ‘l 1 EH mum" at tlwl :11 ul' 'l'uumms. vllvl'ul 'H'lwï¬l .Hlllh‘ ll ul‘ {PM l'L .\l "NH“! “1!: muulml h)‘ van gin -.n ialhlv 1m the "put SH (“5- l“ l IMMINS [Hum]. Skill. Kidney and hisvzxM-s uf gin-n llml m-h. 19:10. In aliï¬â€˜l'ih‘ tlwn $515 N‘I'SHHS lilt- Ilwil :m us- ms and “3‘“:0. special! _\‘ .\ ssiu'nm H H ill in lwl! ‘Lbu -'â€""â€"‘" _ Near the Station ‘QH uu ; ‘IID ‘ 1H1“ 3U 3! VP lu I'Pt Ivn will or†purminn uf PM Tu.‘ Ilu- )‘I'nr I!" am! is "pr" h ruwn I'Irrk's (I 'l'vmlvrs will inc-Indium I’M: Assvssur t'ur ' fur Hw )‘vnr mm- salary hum. If any W .\ .\"|‘ l-Il) H )l l‘n lH-ZX'I‘ In H'H‘. Store space. 15 x 17 feet; Good Loca- tion for an Oï¬lce;_Rcasonablc rental. lvrk SM'I‘I' I“ ’l: S.\l4l _.:_..:_:::...L 1.2:; 1.1;... 1::7. 5.25:... :â€" a...“â€" >._;._/. ._.::_.l. .15....â€" _.k.-.:m_._.././.>/ 7.212%â€...â€" W .\ .\"l' 1': I) riml man in grin-m uml hunk- Pl)‘ In â€It It!!! Speciï¬cation .Il prim shall hr. dvliwrml un up Stamm Gmunds 'uplar. Balm of Gilead. ('ulnr. and flu wand wi" nut he art-ruled. In S'it‘k under six inrhcs dull be ill m SALE - 'l'l'ul q-lu-s 'l'c-rrivr “ l’u'mvniv". piun †Happy Auburn izrm-z I'vgislvrml 1'.|{.' .\ m-rt'vvl mmlmnim Imlh'v-hl‘ukc'll am! in ('lwnp l'nl' quirk sulv‘ ul‘ \H'itv. llm'ry Fm" Hull. Hulm' .‘Iilws. Huh (nlllllnllllnll (H! s' .I.m.. :tlm mu ls! \‘mul u H mm. uml un lust .‘ ‘\'(‘I|iH_‘_’ sorvu'v. Rimming Prayer. 1 Sunday Svlmnl. I} l-Lwning l’myor. I “flh'is‘llls and utlwr .~ :zl'mngmucm Sabbath Svlmol Un'mv Svn‘iw MIMI“: luWIl. lmsih‘ huh (’IH hill Ill‘l he IIII Mt Re‘ h-t Apply at THE L. STADBLMAN CO: Vl'lu PROPERTIES FOR SALE ST. MATTHBW'S CHURCH TIMMINS 13311888 WANTED n' THE BYRNE'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH mrr Hum Ihrw lwr mu! shall r three inches in diam-tor. I shall be. in "mi: fnur feet r c-iuht feel lung by stick nf fuur few! if «M Ivy saw. "H" l'mlr im‘lws if «M My 881'. ms ulmll adam- who" airliwry mmhv am! it" "Mu-r ul‘ prnp- J. Douglas Paterson, Rector TENDERS WANTED ,\ mlilurs rrpurt It Church Notices I'M-In'nm'y fur tln- 'ru‘ )‘vnr 101k. ury C‘Slwvlm «A S 3 PUBLIC NOTICE \l.l°‘..â€"- hm (hll'lwy ()xf‘urd «puking: slu\'(': 2 lM'dl‘HUlH N“ lu-r vlmir; 1 vhilcl'u or“); -n Inhh . .. ('Jl'Il tables; 1 _:_' .\|I|l|\ m.\1 dnm tn .l. Xv (iillivs"'10\\nsito. I“ liN‘ I't'sidmu-vs in 'l'mvn n! will sell cm tiIm-z 1' Apply Hulu'rt \Van'l't' ""1 clv mm H "I“ If“ maul ti" \m hon} by Hriulll t'nrni' Apply .hlmnm l’(|h"illll In \‘UIHIL' mor- «nu-ml \mu ~ vspvrimu'o M“: v sunk. slmmurnplw upping. Hvlmvmw. Ro- \V (Empire Theatre) .or. J. Maxwell Allan CONTRACTORS. \\'.\ X'l'lil’ '3 rum“ fur “I0 G’nr. {w Tqmn u!’ 'l'immius. '15. has ltm-n rumplo-tml fur ins'wvliun m tlw Hflh'v. mung. IH'H‘I' - I O .. ' :55. lnmmm TO RENT In! mailml In Tumnms. that I!" .‘lc v.\"l‘( in :31 HIV â€UK thjm-t 3|: ».\"I‘« u N t-zm‘ .\lt b.\°'l‘t um Iilh‘ I'm-rind up m and {v lath. mm. fur ~ in ann M' 'l‘ml- l «m limv; inning Hulwrt \Vau'l'vn. up- â€. Simian Agum. 'mvu M lat-u “(Ist'nll Hull , mu u: :4qu- m'n": Iilu'st pm!- .|{.". and .\. K. ('. Iinll'. I‘lmluughlv in m-rl'wt 3".mm "I0. (Ml. pllnlw I'umv. Hm l'mtiuu ’u-rm. cl .‘lnl‘u'l â€UH“! n:' 'I'imlnins l'rmh'rs must .md mmIIï¬c-n- w rut Il- 1\ \undu) at clv) u! muntll Slollltlil} utter H 7.2m p.211. survim‘s p.111 ('huir 'u|' Sinking: ’m- lmrtu-u- ‘J“log 81“.- ml mum uflk‘t'. H Irrk 'lt-I'k. 'qul l lurk. I 10:11“! I‘l'l’h' .\lim H) ll) 1!] {TS-SEE )5 _ ‘2 \ " 3% Friday and Saturday, Feb. 11th 12th ’ .qu .tN. r. V» g I) t‘). will be a SPECIAL in the Pony Contest. and will count for 500 VOTES for every Dollar. k.“ We have Just ï¬nished stocktaking and will make the Special Discount of 10 per Cent - 15 PEOPLE - 15 % A MUSICAL and NOVE LTY PERFORH ANCE Music, Songs, Dancing, Comedy. The very best Artists that can be procured on Tin and Graniteware, all Stoves and everything in the Furniture Line, Electric Fixtures. Electric Lamps. Customers desiring to avail themselves of this oppor- tunity must present a copy of this advertisement or refer to it. Good until February 20th only. “SOUTHLLXND†{cscrvud {its nu Suite :IL Sue's Drug Stun: Empire T heatre" -A ‘1 ® 5251-55155 TIMMINS. ONT.