Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 9 Feb 1916, 1, p. 7

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EE§5$§5$$555E555§555555figgfififififififimmfigflmfifimmfifififififi55E$55$55$$$55$§ 555 mam:fififififimmmmmmfimfiflmmflmmfififiwmwmfififimmfififimflmWmfimmEfimmrmmmEmmfifiwmmmmmfififiwmfifimmmmmmfififimmfimmmmmmfififiwmmwmmmmmmmfimmmmfifififififi . ‘Vlly SIHHIM Britain‘s [Hu'lu'l‘lumk In. suvllg pivn‘ml fan-luv in tlu- unt- mmw ut' tlw wnr.’ Jim-musc- ho-r mm larger. t’uu- uml tlw duat'my ul' llw WI" ('ml'.‘ I't-w sh") In rm'knll Hu' must. '3)" HH' xih'nt huHh- grmmd «If tin- afice is lwing wmzml tlml uzmmg fight to find the fund» In I'm-«l tlu- guns and gunners. Nomlu-rr In this task Sn {taught with sm-h fad-Hung signiliv- nm'o ms in I'lm'ltxm'l. .\|lios am- hmmcl up in n mumps“ gum lwr mum- A flillulv bquv mmxmmm m nmihun as “as ¢‘\|N'IN W ("0 Hut-r \Hu'. Hm- )v.‘ flirt hm rm! lmmin mm the ymnx u! Nmmlmmn- ml the Atlzlutic- lwluml _\‘nll :m a Wurlcl in 1mm and “'1 fl'mtglmw} Nu nm- lumw will ('IN': “WV ship In I‘m'ku mfim Mum liw “mum-ml inst": thin war hm-mlm- “1' [law mumm upon “llivh i! i~ prujvvh-d u 'tmm'rlmnly n! n. olnruhun \flinlt' .m'mmmiv pvl‘~'|u'c°ll\‘l° i aided. \\°|u-n- l'oornu-rl) milh pounds lemme-d lung». mm mm "Lbilliuns «s umtlvr ut' I'm-t « tJIml III-km! 1 igi‘iiiflx I-IIr-w Immvy “an“ !I 1m Mkqmw-III-II H "Phil"; 0 “’6“,in IIIQ II Sum. HIIIIm "hired; slums II murmurs. IIIII «- mtmh 'M‘l'llmllt final nrbIh-I' uf (lflfi IIHN‘ IIIHI‘I' WIN-farm II n I QXlNIIIsIIHII “I” 1 mm: mm. Infill IIIII. can: “(Bud will Mama-II IIIII'mn" d!" 'ITVHH" v 07mm! Br lfllhl's‘i "Molt fl Mflmulv. the 9M" «3: the yplnyml 9g)!"- Irv"! "'ml!‘ England’s Pocketbook Will Win the War .\t Mr. Merchant apt-minus mo hm" {If ~' mrulvr ul' I‘m-t «lvlnils. va vullslmu's us mun-In as was run-lulu! in flw wan". Hm- )c'alr ut' mm- ! Britain murv Um" all Nmmlmnm- mun-st: I'm luohmd yun and .mu find urm~ :mol uhwsm-cl hy Nu um- knnws wlu-u it Porcupine Advance .. Timmius, Ont. If" millinns .s Britain he 15 Ms A telephone call will bring c1 representative with samples and price list. Telephone 26. We haVe now arranged with the largest firm in Canada, print- ing counter check books, to sell their productions in the Porcupine Camp and District. We can give you reliable work, prompt de- livery ond the lowest prices. Look over your stock of counter check hooks and cash sole pods. If you need (1 new supply, give us your order. It does not cost you anything, and it helps us. Ht ill “'4 S( Wfl“ lu Hf I! Mum-y is ulmmimn‘l uml c-hi'up: la- bur is smn'vv and high. Wages have :ulvmwml {mm 20 h» IND lwr rum-â€" in smu- lines own murv. Kw" tlw nHim- buy has hm-umv u momlu-r ul' tlw privilvgml c-luss. Hvt'm'v tlw \mr 11w c-Inplnym' vunld hung cm! at Sign ”h'c'spc-VHIHH- IAN! \Vmflml” mu! hlkv his pivk nt ton shillings at \vm-k. .\'uw hv vuls nut Hu- “rvspwtuhlv” and is" gland in gvt any that apply at eight- wn shillings. 'l‘lu- lmys m‘ Britain lmvv suclclvuly IIIIIIIII‘I‘IIH)‘ 7.3mm IIII us Hf "III. Thu III-mus IIrI- I'III-iIIg III NI-II'IIIIII'kI-l: I!"- ~III3Ir| “IIIIHIB’HH'S III‘I- lulrkI-Il 'wl'nl'v IIII- 9.:ny IIIItI-ls IIt HI'iulIIIIII: Hwy {lilllt‘c' IIII- "no-sun IIIIII ”l0 fox II'IIII III IIII° Savvy in lmmlun PVI'I')‘ night but Sunday. GI» In ”W (‘Ullll'l'y fur IIII- sIIvrI’Il wook I'IIII. IIIIII ”W sun ”133‘“! :4 Im tho lltllllu'ls «If HIP I'l'iIkI'l- ('l mu! IIII- IIIIIII- III (III-I II-IIIIis IIIIIIvI'. HII- IIIIIIIIM still has HII- l't'hill‘ In pl: I} and HI" play. M tlu- San lmt Sunday Hu' MH'N’I! “llslws MI t trust with I’rmn nmiun grim witl "ml with tlw In: «rim-n un its 1'" British Boys are Men To-day. Intu'nrdly “mum I-i M-n-m'. I mro‘nlh' 13mm nu us Hf HM. ' :m- I'm-mg limuusim-s my huh-ls Ilu- "no-sh: Sunny in 3 Imh rn um Wit It Il‘dvslm e finanrial h p strut-hire 0‘: H'I As "pnyma‘tor 0 may has: must Men M battle. Will Hw‘ MN rm win-rc- M! P am! app: NH"! IIIII ul' “'8! l‘ snrriflml "ll lair“ . 'l'lw H 'H ”Iv :P‘ lwt‘urv : : Hwy ., . lu “CUP! p M fl: The Cost of a Modern War Whvn yam start In vstiumh- the oust ut', the war it is likv ”splashing u tvnoh-uum- l'llllVfls with lnmlu-s ul' mmvl-lmir.” su Mulwmluus :m- tlw figures. c‘mnpm-ml with it. all utlu-r Wall's mm as tit-”Mics as gram-shut ln lU-im-h shvlls. Hung-lily ”walking. Ilw w first lwvlu- Inumhs mm! .L" has muhilizml lu-r IIH'H. hvr Innlwv and hvr I'c-smll'vvs. 'l'hv shm-kh-s 01' im-rtin lmw- fullvn mm): Sho has c-ut rml hum and gun! rml hlnml in!" ”w vnmhu-t ut' thv wur. l'Ix'u-rit-nvn um! nrgmnizuliun urv inking: llw pIm-o nt’ “pull" and prom-«lent. That is why shv stands up umu'ruid hvl'urv tho high liclv than will Imu'v in its «hh tlw vnmluislu-cl in the war of “1““ Hu- \my sun-n "10!le I". m “HM l‘nlluwill Britain has ,- Hm vxlvrlm‘ British h-tm vnmtiulml. i Hun until H M rnvtin ll the "adjustment after mulpilim you I" 10f H‘I firm is dark. Nu nth mistakc 8! N hr w 93km; mt km? l0 I'O'H cls :Il'q \\ 'msmkm uml um urn-um trmlitiams lwr striclv. S'm 9 «I‘m men HIE PORCUPINB ADVANCE \h Sm-um WI" "\W'I'H ll' SPF “I‘ll l' fur UN“ Smunmmm II' Ht I'll H" H'NW Hm fl I"! (‘H‘ 'l'hmw figurm roprvm-nt xwhml amt- lzny. 'l'iwy zm- nnly part M' ”w 101‘- riliv toll Hm! tlw war is talking: “I. I'Ingluml. Shipping is am impurhmt industry. ()rdium'ily it brings am unmml inmuw m' .clcm,cmn,¢mn. \\'ith nun-tint: “1‘ H10 British tonnage in ”w war. tlw sln'inkugv u!’ rvturus t'rum wmvr tmnspm't. mulmwvritinz. l'rviglnugv. mul ulliml ih-ms (must "1' Whit'h am- mmlmunly knuwu us tlw “invisihlv” nl' unrm'nrch-cl I'xlml'l) HHS a Na hulv in tlu- British inc-«mm. 'l'lwu. tun. Britain has lust tlw Izll'm-r pm! «If the must rm-t 'mmls. lumkfi in llu- l'nilml Sum-a tn-nmrruw. it \muM [my v-nmhinml ilepnsits nml INI plus. hulking u! this \‘xls turn frum unuHu-r :mglo. than every thirty clays sqwndinu vnuugln mum-y tu San Prmu'isvu: in a your l'uitml St lmnlw in ! tn-murruw Hi‘ In NH va Yuri If "'I Mrs lmll‘ I'vlm ( IH’. HYPI‘ If H nu Ililiiatl mm: 5mm." iv WMIM Wipa' um .Ihliv JP"! "1' J!" I!” ”Iv savings Sink-s rullnlm-cl I MIN a!” tlu'ir t w I” VP“ I' clnzvn mark: 0‘ h "HANNAH?" imam." ll\‘( :1 big huh- 'l'|u~n. tun. part «If the it uh h'ituin is n-Imild :I slw mmM l’mmmu r a sur- vxpmull- Inn-nus \\'II.\' is ’Il‘ihlill snIIIIol ('I'IIII'HIIil‘ZII- lyI’ III-I'v III'I- IIII- IIIIIIII H'HMINSE Shoo is ”W I'ileust ul' IIII- lII-lliuI-I'I-III IIII- Hum, IIIIII III!!! II M III-r WNIIHI. IIIII- IIIIII III-r IuII-igu IIII'I-‘IIIIIIIls. is I-uII- \I-I'tihlv iIIIII I-IIslI. She is, in tho IIIIIIII. .‘I'I-I- I'ruIII dis- tIII'bIIIII-I-s «If trIIdv. whilI- iIIolIIsII'iIIl (ivI'IIIIIIIy is him-cling In IlI'IIHI iIItI-r- llllll)‘. Mm'v than any nllwr mmnlr)‘ :11 war 5130 has lu-pl tlu- nun-him-ry ut' fun-i341: traulc- uun'iuz. Siu- rmnuins :I ”ruins: rum-mm.” Ilvr lmlds awry lh'itish annals \xlw'rn'c-r tlw ll'mh' winds hluw. (m llw utlwr Imml. (Eur- c'lllm-I'V M! ”w mus inomulmml pwul. Il‘ yuu m-wspmwr ul {rum [mgr m- \Vur Imam .’°° 'l'lw m~.\t .luy _\'ull \mulol ln- mvt by: ” Ilmw- yuu unayvr- ml the Hill l'ur pl'uvlimll [mlriutism 3" Nut unly \u'l'c- Hu' Lunch-n lmlu-I's mir- ryim; tlu-sv advertise-luv"!s. lmi Hwy found 1: mmlium in vu-ry 1mm and my in tlw kiumlmn. H: 1‘ \.. Britain's Souudncss. yum snlm pm vsit' Ion HIM - mum l‘d'lln‘unh‘: fill llu- lwllim-rvm um ut' lu-r wvnlth. um! iuvvsqu-nls. in mm )I'SIH 1k! ynu Ilu I‘Ilwd h M Uh Work of Two ”I! 300011000 qlltmliuu ”w .\'v\ mm nu! pms It \\ t!u- t'rum stairs Inn un cum-Hing Hu- lclmu' \wn- clriw-n lmvk by ”w inn-Im- t'rnnt xmurtuu-nts. Nu“ m- ruslu-cl (0 Nu- cltml‘ Ivm'ing In lllv hawk Shlil‘s. hut nu npvning it \w-rv uguiu clrivvn Inn-k by hunt and smnkv issuing I'rum Mr. Lamb's kin-lawn. liming trim! lmtll «lnurs lwiw unr «mly moans ul' ('Vil was tlu'nugh the wimlcm'. l’irv H‘hit-t' Xulml dwlm'vs ho is quilv sm- isliml Hm! “1'0 did In»! shirt in film part M' ”w building mwupiml by us. 'lu-ut mu! smnkv issuing l'rum tlu- Again I wish it t-lmu'ly :mcl llmt'nugll- Iy umlvl'slnml Hm! “1'0 (lid lull lmvv its urigin in uur runms. .\n.\'mu- «lv- airing:- t'nrlhvr int'urnmlinn may mm- muuimm- pvrsmmlly UI' nllu'l'Wisv with tlu- umlvrsiguml. :H ‘ I‘IIPIQ'Gl ‘ Winn mlllml 'l'immius. I'Wi. m fi r1- I‘ILSIII Hm fiSJum ‘While lit-mam is utilizing all Im- rsms. luhqlaml has Iinh liuimnl llIo inn M II" roman-vs in awn. Imm- \I M. was 3100le t ulnt't nml Letter To Editor "1 5. lumh uml Sun-knoll "rigi- tlw mmrlmvnlu m-vmnml by vn. “us I Wish tn «untru- lin- by rm "mum luul Ils nur awnrhm-nts. wring. lmum.r mum- nll' Hm t and HT ruur ul' llw ”mm-x Hu- nth-Minn nf my \vih'. I 1-» Im- Hm! Hm Imusv was lmlm'cliuh-ly \w ruslu-cl tn stairs lml MI n'wning Hu- clriwn lmvk by ”w intonat- smnkv issuing t'rmn tlu- 'tIm-nts. NM! wv rnsllml tn lmuling tn llu- Inn-k stairs. am (Hig’llml) M'mm fruit . ||3|N 7th. I!!!“ \\ men 'I‘I‘I" III ! 1mm ‘ "I"! I a SEVPI.’ at]! Erm- Hun Nu m” stun :I ll Imlm ll If} "1‘ mus '1‘}! am M" H vlcl H

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