PURK Mill BERKS WIN [80M N378 PM BMUS Name of Nominator This nomination blank, when properly date to Five Thousand Votes. Only one each Candidate. I hereby Nominate Nomination Blank SIX Well Here’s Your Chance Boys and Girls Contest Starts December 6, 1915 and Closes March 6, I916 You Hand your nomination blanks to your merchants or to The Advance. Ask for folder. Contest Starts December 6th. and Ends March 6th, 1916. You lmw nuzhing tu sell. And the pony won't cost you any money This is a Picture of Kltchener’s Father Would Like to Own a Shetland Pony Wouldn’t You? LAUB 8: STOCKWELL. Confectionery EMPIRE THEATRE, The Theatre that Shows Something Different J. K. MOORE, Baker THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE J. P. McLAUGHLIN MARSHALL-BCCLBSTONB LTD. Hardware and Furniture CHAS. A. SEE. Druggist Remember, Boys and Girls SCI-iUMACI-IER JAMES R TODD, Druggist S. PORCUPINE BEN CROSKBRY. Gents Furnish- ings. Boots and Shoes, Cleaning and Pressing. your popular Pony Contest. 5011. Simply saw 111v rc‘wipts znul yum ll'lt'lltlh‘ will lu-lp you. TIMMINS General Merchant properly ï¬lled out, entitles the Candi- Only one Nomination Blank allowed for Timmins, Ontario. Telephone No.. I 5,000 Votes whih- Mr “W pmls Hnrm: ml l'nrimh. .\! â€1'3! lhgvvr" «lvh-nws .mpvnrml ilnm'vrnmlnlv. [11le New rus'm-«l t'mwmrd his lu-my nrlillcl'y. :unl :H'u-r o-uu.~iolc-mb|u Iupnmm'ing, and u! timv duringr “hid: Ilw Nul- auulâ€"Hnlt Inigmlo \wu- \wnkvnml In MW â€1' Ilwil' lmhlv unnlaulv. lwing lumishml frum huttlv. .‘Iuv's Inlhm- 01's mmlv tln'm- lunrv «listinvt lu‘vm-lu'a‘ in tlwil' furtiliultiuns. tlwn-hy win- ning tlu- hum-ls at â€w mullivl . uml brim: «lmhuml \iclul's In hm gnnls vlvaI'I-Il away. IIIM‘I l' IIIIII HI'IIIIglI, HI Shll :II'IisIs III' â€10 mm IIiIIg :||D|I(’:'1H( arm in arm IIIIIIImIIII IiIIg: IIIIIIIII IIII â€H‘fltl'l‘ III' III-liIIII. All sin-Mutm's wvrv llmmughly Still't'lll'd hvl'uro “Pill“: zulluillml tn (lu- {'ulisvmn. lemughlin was. spun lulein: MT- side at great deal during tlw mmmntvr â€"-lhis hmks mtlwr haul in n In'nt'vs- simml. llulh sans Ilml mwh-m t'l\lll/.: m llt'l't‘SSltzltt'a HIP (‘lmllulllg ul \"\nlcls unv Hi UH: uh] pnmuxmlps: "I l'lclv 3. (‘HI iul'th tn Imttlv. gland and gay but wlu-n it is â€\1-1 Iw limlm .lwny l";iilu':' 'l'lwrizmlt was llwrv Inuluug fur sump may mmwy. hut lw I'urgut tn “Ulll'ls‘ll his vm'rmwy 11H :H'tvr the 'l'lw 15mm must haw lwon (-xvm'cl- ingl)‘ fan! and cxviting. as whvn it was uvcr Hu- l'ul'ort-r- hm] lust Inn-k 01' the «11110. I'lh. what: z: 5.2,: 2:23.12; .: 12:... .15 3.; 72.4 .5751 .32....1 1:13. Dump . llullinm: 'l'immins Header. when ynu :u'v prvpzu'inu to vulm' tn 1mm: 10 410 501110 trading just pivk up yuur lumw paper, glunrc at the mlwrtiaing vulumns and see who warns the trade. \‘s'c gnu 'zmtev they will saw yuu mum‘y. The man who :uh‘vl'tiH-s vertuiuly has inducements to «.m-r yuu 01' he \muldn’t ask )‘(m m m 1 and $00 him lu-f'u'c buying. .\l m- mer l ; v-mmmml llI' Hrnnzl ll" clt‘t'lul'ml â€Hulk h} l\\H L1H2||~ ' o~ â€" __~_. CBNSORBD BULLETINS \l'lvr llw smulu- ui' lmlllv Inn and :HHIV. lh'vVM' 31ml “I'ullu‘h. HI ll mm»; llus lwrxm furmus. .\I ï¬rst \\'lwxl Hu- MIMI many of the defend- banished llmlmfflfllf) from while their ommnonts per. battered "wit fortiï¬cations. oath stag-s «If the mufï¬n! rerun! farms. nmurul very alt-had. Vafl in mm nf his LEAGUE STANDING ll“ 'l'lwrizmll was llwrv lnukiug Second 111le modern vivilimtlinn Llllll’ “' lilivill inllï¬. “u“; (’PIHI'Q'. HID'IHMH I): rm: PORCL’PISE ADVANCE ll P8110 :It‘t'l 5 0‘ .\l H “011‘ mi-r .\l¢ 1.: [ugh- \\' H ul' \an'cln‘ in O. I’loi.l(. tr"- rlllt klm all]- In†M ill‘ 1 \' 1| "'1 MUN shall '5 LIRI 7\ himl Mm W3.“ 'F.I’ gflflllllfllfl MEWS ‘ TINMIIS "if Slï¬ï¬‚lll JHIS SEMI IIIIIIIIII-~ rid): Lulumiv III-II iI up hall :I IIIIIIIIII- IIIIM'. LIII'II‘IIII-I'I- |||li â€Inl- lmuII' III Ilw iI'IIIi again in “HF mm- "H‘. I"I\'I- IIIiIIIIIvs IIIII-I' l'illis shut I'I'um lllI‘ I'HI'III'I' :IIIII Iilt' purl; ï¬lIIIII‘I‘Ii in “IT 'l'iIIIIIIiIIs' inI-II. IIIIIIIIIII: IIII- M‘HH' IwII II†III â€I0 I‘IIHI' nI' Ilw iil'ri lH'l'iIIIi. I II'iIIL: WiliI‘ll LIIH‘I'HIII lun- IIIII'II. Law. l.nII-_'|II'iII IIIIIl 'l'iIIIIIIiIIs IIII IiI'I'Ul'IHI‘Ii IIII- III'IH'll. I: IIIIIIIHI‘S I‘III'II. I'III' VIIIlzliilIL' IiII- I'IIII's III' 0â€- IIIII'HI'. , LIIkI'. \I'IIII ~I: “IIII'II III II'IIIII'. SI'IIrI'Ii IiL'iIi I'I'IIIII Ilw “HT-II†III IIII~ lwgiII- "ng III IIII~ sm-uIIII IwIImI, IIIII sumo "HP in the nIliI'iIIls lmx mllml “I0 gIIIIIv I r mIIIII- lIllIlI‘I'IIlUIUIbiO I'IeIIsuII IIIIII I" "'IIIII was Ilisalllnwcd. hum-r in Hw lvm! again m "30. MW minutes lutvr t'l'um llu- c-urnm' mu! liw pm in u!“ 'l’immins' stick. IIIII scul'v 1w†all M â€W rlusv u le'iml. c Il'illu whil‘ll luln' mml. Law. l.cm:|n'i|: uml '- LIIVPH‘HH HIIII‘II'II III~ lhllail light inst 'H'iulv â€It“ L'illlll‘ (‘IHlI‘IL I-IIIIIIsIII; IIIIkI. “In: NH “II“ in" fur his \'i(‘- tiIII. .\'u|Iml\ \IIIs IIIIII. IIIm'vaI', and II I'Iw IIIiIIIItII§ “HI“! lmIlI \H [0 \(‘luvll Siilt' In siIII‘ in â€ID IllI‘SSill}: mm“ H‘- lllII\ill;_' tllt‘il sLIItI's. 2h llInuglI it IIIIII '30!“ II IliIIIIII' III'III)‘. 'l'lu- spm-tuturs m-n- by In» Inn-nus satisï¬ml with the way â€Hf :uluv was lmmllml. 'l'lw “Hiriuls slumld pruviclv u ,imlgv â€1' play in vases wlwrv it is impnssihlv in â€Main llw sorvirvs nf :l vnelll" mnmwtmlt. l'vt'cn-v. Mr. 'l‘llliut a judge â€1' play in vast-a“ wlwrv I! Is impnssihlo in â€Main llw svrviws uf :1 really mmpvtvnt. I'M'm‘w. Mr. 'I‘llliut wlm wunt qn as ,iudgu of play at llu- eleventh lmur. imprvssml the fans as mw il'alinml in a lmlolmusv instead Hf n hfwkvy rink. .less Wilhml and Frank Mnrnn zn'el in hntth- in Maniisnn Square Gardens.‘ New ank. the night nt' Mnreh 17th. The ninteh was rinsed in t‘hieugu. 'I‘ex â€it'kill'tl and his :issueizites unt- hici Jall'k ('lll'ley fur the henvynmight phnn. 'l‘he ehmnpiun is tn get 54-17.- .300 for his serviees, nlsu u :31 per eent. privilege in the niminu pietnres. and advertising rights. â€is manager. Tum James. reeeiveii $2.00†Hi. this niuney. l'mh Yernun, sis staikehuhier. is tn pocket $220,001) ut' \Vilinl'ciis ..mney by next “'t'lilu'sciily. and the remaining: $33,000 is tn he turned ur- ~r ti) Juncs nut later than 2-} hunrs het’ure the men 311' M'ilt‘tillit'ti tn enter the ring. Moran is given :1 flat gnar- antee at $30.00â€. This purse breaks three remrds. It is the largest ever ut't'erecl Mr at ten- runnd nu deeisiun hunt. the highest previuns :nnunnt hein;r $252.50“ hand- ed I’uekey Mel’arhincl and Mike (iii)- huns zit lh'ightnn Heneli. The $47.00†is the largest priee ever paid a ehznn- piun fur a sehetinletl ten rnnnds. and the $204M)" is the reeurd i'ur tnuney ï¬nned tn :1 ehallenger far :i similar etTurt in the lmxing line. Monster Purse mm For Short Bout \\‘ 1n Iiv. nl'il - lit N '0“! Hollinger :|\' u't'IH'N â€'1 01' 1 kvm p"! â€'0‘! .1 u W1 M. â€OOOBCB.OM.Oâ€Câ€CCOSDBIOCIOOOODOHOOOUCOOO M906600.8...:OOOICDIOO90.09.00000DOOIDOC:.:O..C:OM 0.999990099099990 999000069000¢90090090006006.6099...§ LAUB STOCKWELL Steamfitter. Shéet Iron WC Fine Tailored Garments Next Door to Empire Theatre IEMISKAMINBEI NflflTHEflN MIAMI] EMMY . Brazeau, Timmins Beg to announce to their patrons that they will open a Refreshment Room in the Shat- ing Rink as soon as the necessary altera- tions are completed, with a complete st‘ock of Tobaccos and Chocolates in box e 5. Hot Drinks of all Description. Xi-W 'l‘raiu “Natinnal†ain'i'aliug hoiwf'rn 'l‘ui'uuln and \\'inui|uu_'. via ('m'lu'anv. ll‘ilVle.’ 'l'ui'nutu earl: 'l'nc-hday, Thurs- day and Saturday. luay’inzr Winnipeg: vac-l1 Sunday, Tuesday and 'l'lnu'sday. 'l'lu'uugli trains daily («mm-pl Sundays) lu-lww'n 'l‘nruntu and (’«wlu'anv. making mnnm-tiuus at l’urquuin .lc'l’. tor I’nrvu- [iinv “l'fllu'll I" 'nts. and lilfl‘l'flllllj." timing-l: Slm-ln-i'~. 'l‘nrrinto, linglohart and ‘m'lirainu ('al'v l’arlnr t'ai' si-i'yim- lwi a'uvn Nurlli llay and Huglchart, daily (vxvvpt. Sunday). ('unui-vlinus at l'lai'ltun .lvt. l'ni' lClk Laku brain-h points, daily, (vxwpt Sundays). ‘ llaily. (om-opt Sunday) St‘l'Vll‘l‘n' helm-nu Xui'ili May and ('«wlii'aiiv. ulwratiug tlu-uugli sleeping: car brim-«u Corlirauu and Munirual V. 1’. . us...“ luwal Nérx‘lm‘ IM'H‘ Sunday). Fur I'ull purtivulm 'l'. k N. U. Agent. A. Brazeau PLUMBER ' AGENT FOR KBCLA HOT AIR PUP.) ESTIMATES SUPPLIED FREE TRAIN SERVICEwBPPECTIVE NOV. 28th, 1915. 0E. Dorway Sorx'iw lwhx'wn linglvhurt and Cuban“. Judi} MAKER 0P LADIES' and GENTS' Smoke PAR! («mm-pl Sundays) hc-lww-u anuutu mum-rt inns at l’urquui» Jo'f. tor Pnrvu~ HIM-mt â€17.: through Rlcu'ln-ra Torrvnm, 9r. Cornice a: acts Made to ( II‘I'HIL time-tan m 1‘. L\l’- \., \UI'HI Ph 'l‘IMMINS, ()NT. Order rl Skylight Maker. (PM In any